Luttsy's coming to us live from the Pearl of the Orient while we remain on Tropical Cyclone Alfred watch back home. Nikki's made an arse out of herself in front of a pregnant lady and Mitch gives his tips for the Oscars
The Ash Ltzi and Nikki Osborne podcast.
David Check one too, Good morning one too.
How are we good?
Mate? You're in Hong Kong. What time is it there?
So it's four am here? So that's uh, you know, this is the first time you've been.
It's up at Will was in charge?
Now? What's going on in Hong Kong? Where are you at?
I've had a couple of days.
I've went to the opening of a stadium and the Brand News Kai Tax Stadium, which is a fifty thousand seat indoor stadium here in Hong Kong on the side of the old Airports Game Change acual here.
It's it's pretty weird actually, Ash that.
When Nikki and everyone that they've never had a stadium here really that's catered for that.
Sort of number of people.
You would have thought that Hong Kong would have been sort of a stadium that had that sort of thing going on. But for the first time ever, really they're in the game and they've got Coldplay coming in a couple of weeks, and that's the first time they've really had a cool venue like this to host them.
So entertainment precinct more than a sporting arena.
Yeah, well, yeah it is. It's a whole precinct. I'll have a bit of a chat about it later. There's all sorts of things. There's another ten thousand seat arena and everything like that. But you know, they'll be able to play sport here, have concerts. It's got the best acoustics in the world. It's got all that sort of thing. So, yeah, it's really interesting, some interesting things. We can have a look at it in relation to what we're doing with Brisbane in twenty thirty two and that big announcement in March twenty five.
So, speaking of a.
Later, Allegiance Stadium in Vegas fou five thousand over the weekend as the footy kicked off, I got one from pretty good Mitch.
Yeah. I was going to back the Raiders too. I liked it.
They had that scuffle, yeah, in the lead up showed me they were switched.
On, galvanized them a little bit. Say you missed it, did you?
Oh well, you'd think I would have you, but no, No. Mid lunch on went the TV and then everyone just stopped talking, and all the men migrated to the lounge and all the women migrated to the whiskey room, where we proceeded to winge about the men in the lounge.
Yet ones this week that was round zero.
Right, gee, well, because what am I in for?
We'll see you in October Nikki see.
Ash Ltzi and Nikki Osborne podcast.
I see.
Over the weekend there were waves that were tracked off our coastline that was sixteen meters whole.
Is sing point nine off Fraser Yeah, off Fraser Island.
Yeah, and told me that she was angry that day. My friend he took and feet.
Like that's a title.
That's meters, that's sixteen meters.
The island, the tip of Bribery Island is under the beach, like is there is no beach. And up on the Sunshine Coast, we went for a drive along the coast to see what's going on amongst everyone else who is going to see what's going on because they've cordon off the beaches. You can't even go near the water, not even to like put your feet in.
It was that wild.
Yeah, good good weekend again new jet ski which we couldn't use.
Yeah, it was blowing on the Gold coast to Jodi said it was raining this morning as well, and that we're being told to prepare. It could be the first cyclone to cross our state southern coast in.
Half a century. Wow.
Wow, they're saying it could make landfall by Thursday. Is a cat too system packing gale force winds up to six hundred mili of rain. I think last night at ten pm it was five hundred and ninety kilometers east of Rockhampton, three hundred and ninety five k east of Bundenberg. But then they're saying it's going to move south as it is at the moment, but it's offshore, but then a new system is going to come in which will push it west and trailing at the moment that we're all busy.
Does that mean we'll have like a cyclone in Brisbane.
A category two so not not your worst cyclone, but a really wet, miserable one.
Yeah, cats, fifty years since we've had a quote unquote cyclone in Brisbane, or we had a cyclone in Brisbane prior to that or before that.
They're saying here, the last time we had an active cyclone across the coast this far south was Nancy back in nineteen ninety.
That's not fifty years ago, is it. That's less than that.
I remember Nancy, because I saw a seagull get struck by lightning in front of my house.
Really, it was crazy.
I was watching because all the seagulls were flying backwards right because I was pushed backwards. And then I saw the zapp of lightning and a puff of smoke and feathers, and it just went down into the water direct here, direct right in front of my eye. I was like nine, and I was devastated.
I was nine in nineteen ninety two, by the way we all were.
And then they're saying before that, you go back to nineteen seven any four where cyclone Zoe it came in just north of tweet Heads.
It's always women, isn't it.
I'll be glad when it's a man that kind of like finally comes back.
It's always women, isn't it.
No, this is Alfred, Alfred lady Lutzi.
No, well, I mean in this day and age, I'm not going to answer that.
I think they were going to call it.
It was on track to be called Anthony, but they changed it because it's not They're not able to have names that a reference with people who are in the public media.
An election, you imagine that Anthony spotted on the.
Beach elbow be coving it one way or the other.
Oh right, Yeah, Actually I think I'd rather see a cyclone than Anthony on the beach.
See Ash Lutzi and Nikki Osborne podcast.
Now, Trump and Zelenski didn't have a very good first meeting, did that?
What about that?
That kind of blew up. I'd imagine that's what most of their meetings are like behind the scenes. It's just it's the first time we as the world have got to spectate.
It was like he was copying a lecture. I actually found it.
I have sleven watched the thing in its entirety yet because it just feels so, I don't know, awkward.
Or it's very awkward.
It was to get through It was like he was he was copying a a lecture. Yes, then the other black Vance was there as well, wasn't he?
Yeah, Vance was there.
He jumped on too that they were both man explaining it was just it was a really uncomfortable meeting and we all got to watch, which got me to think about some of the uncomfortable first meetings I've had in the past. One of them, I remember I had met my husband's mate who used to be his former neighbor. And he said, oh, and you've met his wife a few times. I'm like, oh, have I anyway? We met and I just I was not I was just blank. I couldn't remember from anything, And so in an overreach of familiarity, I said, on congrats on the baby. She yeah, she wasn't pregnant.
She was I did it, of all things, to retail and yeah. Then I just went it was the pleats. You've got the pleats. And she's like, I had a bait. I have had a baby. I said, yeah, not long ago. She said eighteen months ago. I'm like, oh no, oh no, but you have.
Actually made that mistake.
I've got a friend who's made that mistake.
But yeah, you've been there.
I did it. Never say anything like Amber here.
Do you just die on the spot when that happens.
Yeah, And we've never spoken to them since.
But like Amber, who works here, Yeah, I had a very good suspicion she had a bun in the oven.
She does.
I said nothing nothing.
Even now, my anxiety levels around that are so bad that even with Amber, I just don't like when you go to say how's it going, I still I still don't feel safe, which is ridiculous.
When it happened, it happened to my mate Smithy Nikki, and we were or a bus and he asked the lady. He asked the lady in front who we didn't know. We were in India, actually in India, we're going out to see the tars Mahal, and he hid it's like a three hour trip to agra ye Dali and then and then we had came back as part of the tour, and he asked on the way there, and it was. It was exc It was as excruciating as watching Trump with Zelenski, actually it was.
It was brutal.
So not only did he call a fat, it was probably racist to at the same chime had the double Lammy extra points for that one.
Well done.
But there's no way Zelenski knew that he was coming in and that's the way the meeting was going to go.
I don't think, do you. I didn't expect that.
I think he felt rather blindsided and he couldn't get a word in anyway. But it makes me wonder how many people out there have had a horrible first encounter. It could be in laws, it could be work. When has a meeting gone wrong? Curteen twenty fourteen. I want to hear from him?
Can we take it quick call, like just to wet the appetite, because we went down that path of sort of you know, falsely announcing your pregnancy. And it says, Michael, you've done it. You've done it twice to the same lady.
Yeah, two years apart, double upper cut, double upper cuts in herself.
First time, Mike, you should have learned.
I knew her when when she was actually very slim lady. And when I saw her, I said, oh, so when are your due? And yeah, I had it a couple of months ago.
And what about the second time? To go, hey, Michael, come on, last time you made a fool of yourself.
Be double before we opened your big mouth?
Like what happened the second time?
I think I've wiped it from the memory bank, Sash, Yeah, oh how did it happened?
What have we learned? Everyone?
Never assume? Never assume, and you know a lot of women it's it's just it's your uterus, all right. You get a puffy yes, yes, David and os real puffy.
See Ash Latzi and Nikki Osborne podcast meetings can.
Go so well. Off the back of Trump and Zelenski having a nice little fiery meet in front of the cameras over the weekend.
Yeah, that was just wild to watch.
It's weird because Trump's brought social media into the political era very much so, so everything gets shown. He's got everything on display. It's just it feels like there are some things we shouldn't witness.
No one of them.
That was one of them. All Right, we've got a few calls. Who have we got, Amanda Forest Lake? What happened?
I was, we went to a wedding. My son was just nearly four months old, breastfeeding, loose dress. Someone came up and you were having a baby. You didn't know that we had in the October. The wedding was on in the February, and he came up and said, oh, you're looking good, you're ready to have the baby.
And I went over there and yeah, the buffet, I pointed him when I went to catch the bouquet.
Yeah, it was just hilarious, and this poor guy's face just looked crestbal And I just meant, sometimes you just don't say these things so.
Anyway, but you and I know, we know.
That post baby.
It takes a while, Like you know what, I've been wearing skinny dresses.
No, it takes months.
It was six months until I kind of got close to my pre baby.
So it's an easy mistake to make.
So yeah, everyone don't don't ask if anyone's pregnant.
Yeah, just keep it, keep your suspicions a all right, Scott out of being Lee.
What happened to you? Mate? You're an office party?
I was at an office Christmas party. Everyone's drinking and having fun. When there was this bird singing mucking around, and when I ran internal smarters and said, oh, don't give up your day job. She was actually in the band for the Christmas party.
Oh no, you like Colin from Love actually where he goes. Oh thank god you didn't cater this party?
I did.
No. The Ash Lutzi and Nikki Osborne podcast and.
We mentioned at the top of the show Lutsi, you've been in Hong Kong. You're talking a bit about this towards the end of last week, checking out a new stadium that they have over there.
But what exactly what have you been doing?
Yes, so they've opened it's the people from remember last week I was talking about Populus, who was the stadium architects designers that do. If you think of any of the big stadiums in the world, there's a good chance the populace of the guys behind it. And yeah, well they've got this one of the one of their officers or their main office in this side of the world is Brisbane. You've got this incredible sort office where these people are creating new projects right around the world. And Kai Tak Sports Park is the one here in Hong Kong they've just developed and opened. On Saturday night, I thought I was just going to one of those where they get a few dignitaries and a few media and we sit there in the stadium and they cut some ribbon. It turns out, you know, forty five thousand people turned up. It was a whole event where you know, we had the like the governor or whatever they called. They caught the chief executive of Hong Kong waving to the people, and it was like a whole thing on stage with rock stars and Olympians and all sorts of things.
But to ask you who was the older dude who I called hoff Koll, Who was that?
I still have no idea because the whole thing was in Chinese, so this old seventy seven year old just rocks on. I'm trying to think of an Australian equivalent. I mean, I guess when you think of John Farnam and people like that, but I wouldn't say the crowd was getting into him like it was John Farnham on stage. It was just some seventy seven year old dude strutting around the shiny jacket. So that all happened, but it's essentially it reminded me. It gave me vibes of sun Corps Stadium with this amazing roof that sort of take that. So the Rugby sevens is on here next month, the Hong Kong Rugby sevens, and they'll either open the roof for it, I can keep it shut. It's got the best acoustics, according to the populoust guys, of any stadium they've ever done.
So I mean theof on it.
Yeah, it's it's basically some Corps stadium with a retractable roof, which is pretty cool. And then around it you've got this precinct of retail and you know, all sort of eating restaurants and bars and things like that, it's really quite an incredible thing.
So that what the.
Guys were saying, and this is I guess the challenge once we find out on March twenty five, what's happens in Brisbane. These guys make stadiums. I mean the thought that these guys are putting in and everyone's got there saying where stadiums should be and which is great that everyone's invested in Brisbane, but the amount of the thought process, having spent two days with these guys from Populars, it makes me realize that there are so many talented people that have us covered, like we can't mess this thing the Olympics up. With the people that are based in Brisbane that are truly world leaders in doing this. They're talking about not only starting sort of like reverse engineering when we make these stadiums from just worrying about the athlete or the entertainer like that experience and making sure that we build the best stadiums for them. Then they talk about the experience that the patrons people are sitting at the stadium, get the relationship between them and what's happening on the field. But then from a larger perspective, they're also working out in like here in Hong Kong, with this, with this new precinct, what the city needs in this precinct? So what where's the best place to put it? What do we need in this stadium? What's the surrounding precinct around it? So basically they're saying that they want they want the stadium and the infrastructure to sweat or be a busy, a busy building, which means that it's not just for sport or entertainment. It means it's seven days a week, you utilize space. So there's there's retail, So it's it's a great experience when fifty thousand.
People rock up to watch sport and entertainment.
But on a Monday, it's a great experience when a family of five going to head down there and and and have have some lunch or or enjoy sporting facilities. Yeah, or as I did break a break a horse, do you want to.
Talk about that? Now, that's probably a different.
Break because I've got a whole experience where I made kids cry as well cry Yeah in Hong Kong, So I might, I might, I might do that separately, but yeah, it's it's been a pretty incredible experience and I think populous and also asm Global, who are also a great company that has a massive Brisbane base that and they manage the stadiums, They manage sun Corps Stadium, all the great stadiums we have in Brisbane and around the world as well. These these two companies that combine and these are the sort of people.
That are going to be creating.
When we were announced it on March twenty five, the infrastructure around the twenty thirty two Olympics, and again having spent a couple of days with these people, like the amount of the level of care they have for Brisbane around what we're going to build for the Olympics is beyond even. And you know what I'm like, it's beyond even what I anticipated this city can achieve over the next seven years. Let me have to Brisbane twenty thirty two. It's actually remarkable. The hands we're in might have.
Seen some plans on the sly it sounds like you've got a bit of an inside look.
Maybe yeah, I have.
And it's also the interesting you see about you know, Marvel Stadium in which is the old Dockland Stadium in Melbourne, and of course Sunkorp Stadium here the DNA of those.
Stadiums which we've built.
Is what they do is they take the best bits of every single bit of a bit of infrastructure they build and put them moving forward into what they what they're building. So here at the Kaitak Stadium in Hong Kong, you'll see elements of sun Course Stadium, the roof drawl, elements of Marvel with us. But then they said that didn't work, so let's do this. And when you look at this the other thing, Nikki and you mentioned it the other day about having pieces of legacy as far as wow, when you go to Brisbane, you want to see this the way they've built that, the esthetic of this stadium from the outside, and also even when the roof falls back, it falls back in a way where it doesn't impact the esthetic of the outside of the building, like it's truly a piece. Where as you fly in you'll see it and think, oh my god, I'm going to an incredible city here. So on every level, these guys are working in a way which can create some real magic for twenty thirty two.
For Brisbane, it's exciting.
I like the idea too, of using that infrastructure on you as often as possible. There's no reason those kitchens I know. I've got friends in New York actually that you know they work with those stadiums, and all that kitchen space, for example, is being left unus lies for most of the time, except for when there's a function on, and that could be incorporated into the deal as well.
Anyway, it's pretty the Giant water Park stadium perfect.
Maybe that's it.
Brint copy See ash Ltzie and Nikki Osborne podcast One Second.
Funders all Oscars theme songs that have won Oscars for Best Original Song at the Oscars, with the awards kicking off at eleven am today the official Awards, you can check it out on seven.
As Elton never won an Oscar, I feel like Elton would have won an Oscar.
The Lion King, surely, I reckon it would have been The Lion King.
Can you feel the love tonight?
One of those ones?
Yeah, yeah, definitely that. I mean, I can thank god that those another options in front of me, because otherwise that would have spoiled one of the five that we've got here. I'll give you the first second of the song, first one to jump in and look, I'm not I don't think I'm going to necessarily ask for the artists, because I don't know that you would have known all these artists. I'll take maybe the movie and the song title, because I think those are a bit more, are a bit clear. Okay, so song number one.
Now I had the time of my life?
Now you do, Bill Medley. Jennifer warns that one we were asking for the artist for you have had the time I life. Thanks Dirty Dancing in nineteen eighty the Watermelon Old Patrick absolutely. Song number two.
Oh, that sounds like John Legend.
I might have to go again.
Oh is that bright eyes in estella?
It is not.
It's not bright eyes.
No, I'll give you a little.
Bit more.
No. I like what you're doing with some han zim and I think he actually did the score for this movie, to be fair. But this sounds like, yeah, maybe he collapsed.
Is this Oppenheimer?
No, it's not.
I haven't seen it.
Okay, look, we're eight seconds away from getting the artist to leave be needle juice. Oh my god, Okay, here we go, Here we go.
Serious, Honey, I shrunk the kids.
Oh oh, Scott, Billy Eilish, you're.
So close, Bond James Bond Okay, Hell on the.
Inside, Billy Eilish, No Time to Die, name of the song from the Last Bond song for the Last Bond Movie. I said, it doesn't if we come to a half, so give it to you. Yes you want? She won two oscars, Billy Elish, he's got two oscars. Yep, yep Okay. Song number three.
Take my breath Away. Oh god, that's not fair.
This is Kelly, Yes, this is Kelly and Tom on the McGillis on the motorbike.
Second top guns in age.
Well you can't say that. No, she said that she is a beautiful woman. She said, I haven't aged. Well, this is I'm not the least she said.
She said it not.
That's what else I'm not saying it.
No, No, you can't say it.
Do not say it.
Song number four, moving straight on.
That's a tough Mitchell James.
That sounds like is it j Lo not j Well? That songs called jo or something.
I would win milliaire?
Is that right?
Joll? Well? I mean the pussy gat girls coming ruined an otherwise good song, but.
That's what they do.
That was an outstanding get very well good chops.
Have you heard her sing solo or just acapella.
I can't sing.
She's got chop.
Chops and pipes and everything and on a female anatomy chops.
That's your voice.
Oh your voice? Yeah.
I hope someone's keeping scoring and lost.
One oscars for can you Feel the Love Tonight and said that love me again?
Rocketman all right?
Final final song, oh mm.
Hmm, brother wear out, Brother wear out?
There played a game playing again.
Gaga Star is Born Deep.
I dance with the shaller, I must say, I keep saying it's like a wanker. I nearly got top marks on Dancing the Stars dancing to this?
Did you why I was dancing?
Thought you were so moved by your own performance?
I was? I was that good?
Ash Ltzie and nikkiy Osborne podcast.
David Chris of Fully Our Premiere is out this morning spooking awareness around the cyclone which is scheduled to hit later this week, asking literally that we get our houses in order, but exactly what is going on and what the forecast is.
We're going to speak to Jeff from Higgins storm.
Chasers because the last we heard is that it's scheduled to cross our coastline on Thursday at some stage, there's huge swells, gale force winds predicted. Morning, Jeff, thanks for having a chat to us made.
What is the latest?
Okay, Yeah, well he actually just increased to a category two again off the coast of Brisbane, so we've we've seen some strengthening overnight, which is not it's not a deal. It's not good news for southeast Queensland.
Where is it the moment, it's off rocky off Bunderberg around their scheduled detraction now and then put it.
He's well further down this morning. He's about four hundred and fifty kilometers east of Brisbane or northeast of Brisbane. We do expect a little bit further southeasterly movement today and tomorrow which sort of puts him in line due east of Brisbane, but a little bit further out. And then all the data at the moment is just locked on he's going to hook him to the west and cross the coast between about the Sunshine coast of Brisbane at this stage Thursday, Thursday to Friday. But you know, with these systems, as we get closer in times another day or two, all the data really refined much better and you can really hone in on exactly where and the time right.
So, Jeff, a question I have for you is because I live on the coast, up the Sunshine Coast, there's already quite the mess. All the beaches are closed, there's red tape everywhere, Bribey Island, the tips covered in water.
I have a boat ramp.
The tides already in undated a lot further than it has before. What would the prevailing wind be if Alfred were to hit.
Yeah, okay, yeah, it is a mess up there. We've seen some photos and videos yesterday of South Brivy the breakthrough, and it's just it's destroying that part which protects golden beats, as you know, and the passage. So that's going to become quite quite a problem. I believe this swell is already in place, and the high top and extra high tides above white tide already there, and they're expected to continue all week and progressively get worse as the system crosses Now typically, obviously the winds on the system rotates a clock white. So wherever the standard is, if you draw a line out to the center of the system, anything through the middle and on the southern side, all the southern side gets the onshore winds and swell, it really piles it up. We've got some predictions there are five to seven meter swell with waves in excess of ten thirty feet. Those huge waves would be just offshore, but it doesn't matter. It's still you can imagine what that's doing on the beach. So we're looking at huge erosion and damage. And then as the system gets nearer on Thursday, and actually some of the tart of this morning's just put a crossing, a fair bit of the crossing now on Friday morning doesn't matter either way, it's Thursday.
For this day.
As he crosses, there's a lot of inundation that could occur for low lying area. So you know those streets that go nearly under on King tide, all your parks and your foreshores. With all this water that piles up on the winds and having those big swells hitting the beaches, there's going to be some inundation around, but just a lot of damage.
So it's going to all come up through the storm drains in reverse and cover the low line roads.
Yeah, yep, And we've seen it before with East Coast lows. You know, this thing's named the cyclone and all of that sort of stuff which is there, but it doesn't don't focus on whether it's a cyclone or not, or exactly where it's going to cross.
It's more about this.
This thing's going to have a pretty wide severe impact anywhere from the Sunshine Coast down to Coffs Harbor in New South Wales as at this stage, so that's all of southeast coast of Queensland. That's our major population center's Gold Coast, Brisbane, ipswa Sunshine Coast and then some heavy rain and stuff extends well in Wands at timber Worry. I'm out at Worrick now out here as well.
And how long do you think this this cell could last for? Like people hearing this now will be going out to the shops and getting you know, supplies, water, some food, you get you through the weekend. How how long do you think we should be preparing to have power outages and kind of bunk down.
Yeah, I think most people's power will be okay, it's the people up in the in the hills, you know, into land or power lines. The true, true, the biggest thing will be trees coming down on power lines. And I think the same for your house. Most people's houses could we stand one hundred and fifty k with okay, garden shed Cape Cumberland. There's going to be a lot of trampoline flying around Brisbane, I.
Think, but that's always the first to go.
We actually flipped ours last night, so it's down face down.
All the loose items need to be tied down before, say Wednesday, because even from Wednesday things.
Go really blowing.
I think Thursday.
Just to circle back on what you said earlier, I'd like to help you know the we'll get a greater understanding.
I think you said a day out or whatever like.
So when what when do you think we should be is the most critical moment to go, When we exactly know that it's going to hit or where it's going to hit, like a day out you're saying Wednesday morning, we've got to start taking notice of our reports and the news and things like that. It's specifically locked in where this is going to hit and how and how how damaging the impact is going to be.
Yep, from now, I'll pitch it a ninety five percent chance of crossing the coast Thursday Friday. All the data is just locked in, so.
And just real quickly, Jeff, that cat too, Like you mentioned, it's a cat too. So what can we expect if I look at my weather app I just chucked in point look out for the weekend. It goes on colours green is calm, it goes up to blue.
It's actually predicting orange. I didn't even know when to orange.
I've seen that.
So what winds are we predicting?
So hundred and fifty k gus at this stage, which is a high category two on cross things. That means coastal parts don't try to coast Brisbane Gold Coast are really going to get hammered with wind. Now we have some pretty.
Big issues with rainfall as well.
Lots of places are like that. You get three hundred millimeters, but peak totals could be as high as eight hundred million two days. Well, okay, so flooding. Big issue. With flooding, people are going to have to be really careful as to not to drive into floodwaters. And look, I think we may even see school closes. To be honest with you, yeah, it's going to be really ugly.
Call off footy trainer, Jeff. They always do always we better leave it there. But we might stay in touch with you during the week so we can keep people as up to date and prepared as possible. But appreciate your time this morning. Jeff from Hika Storm Chases, We'll talk to you later in the week.
A loove the way it sounds like it's flowing.
Away, ash Letzi and Nikki Osborne podcast.
Now Bitches take us a couple of hours time. And look, I think we've been talking off air, but the fact that a lot of the movies that are up for Best Picture and a few of the gongs, we haven't really seen streaming yet.
They're all cinema release, and when do we go to the cinema.
They're in that mid period between cinema release and streaming. I think you've got like the Substance, and you know that's almost about it. So I know there's a couple of movies coming out. We did trial this somewhat. It became a trial last year. You guys had me say, hey, look, how's the Dragon. Season two's coming out? What you're going to remind us what happened in season one? But you know that I like the gibber. You gave me sixty seconds to do it, and I compacted ten hours of storytelling Nikki into sixty seconds.
You did.
Actually we had to speed it up.
Yeah, we feed it up. So I'm hopefully we won't have to get the other the speed because I'm gonna do this live.
This is a synopsis of season one, so we're ready for season two.
That's what happened, That's what we tried it out. Now we're going to do movies in a minute. But I'm going to give you the Oscars in a minute, okay, and mainly where what's going to win the big awards? Okay, because I know I ask you, you're a little bit invested. So we're going to have a listen. Okay, So I've got six and see how much I can cram in to sixty seconds. All right, here we go. All right, we'll start with the one that's most important, as she's got his money in the Hunting Best Actress. I think your money is safe to me. More in the substance. The only threat Mikey Madison from Anorra, although she is in her early twenties and a lot of these Oscar voters like to think that these actors will come back in the future, so they're going to give it to someone who's deserted. Same might happen for Timothy Chalamay for a complete unknown. You've got the SAG last week, which is voted by his fellow actors, but I think they'll feel like he's going to be back many more times. Ralph Fienes is back, is there for Conclave. He might be a threat, But I think Adrian Brody for The Brutalist, he might rise above some of the controversy. He ran that movie to take out his second Oscar. I think the same wi Husk happened for Best Supporting Actress Zoe Saldania. She took out The Sag as well as a bunch of others, and this movie she's in, Amilia Perez heavily controversial. I think this would be a nice way to reflect it without a touching on someone a bit nicer Aarona Grande. Not going to win the Oscar there every year, there is an absolute given. I think it's coming down to the best Supporting Actor. With Kieran Colkin in a Real Pain. I think a lot of people think that he's going to be playing a version of himself from Succession. It's an easy He's not doing anything different. But I think if you watched that movie, he goes into some much darker places and with two seconds ago, I think the best picture is going to Anora.
Can forgot to take a breath.
See Ash Lutzi and Nikki Osborne podcast.
Them that the Brighton ends.
A deal is here with one lucky person winning one hundred thousand dollars of the price of their new home every month. Drop into your nearest Brighton display home today.
Okay, it's Monday morning.
We're playing for fifteen hundred dollars, and they say a cyclone is coming on Thursday or Friday for our neck of.
The woods, raining on the Gold Coast.
At the moment, they tell me, and Malanie is out at Samford. Morning, Melanie, what's it like out there at the moment?
Good morning.
It's pretty calm here at the moment, so nothing to worry about right now.
It's still here. We have a podcast from tenor Reef. It's pretty still here as well.
Anyway, it's all supposedly arriving Thursday or Friday. Jeff from Higgins Storm Chasers said a bit earlier on in the show, but we're playing for fifteen hundred dollars you've played before you had a loss, I did. This would be the time to turn it around. It's the most we've played for so far this year.
So good luck.
Thanks, no pressure.
Don't pass, Just don't pass if you don't know it, so they don't know it cost old mate last week.
Let's go. Good luck.
Thirty seconds on the clock. Your time starts now. What company produces the kindle app What is the last name of famous child actor siblings mcaulay and Kiran Clon In netball, a player with the letters GA on their bib is playing what position? Attack? What is the name of the cyclone currently off the coast?
Breathe, b I e ah, stop the clock quick?
It was fast.
It was swift, Mitch, what.
Was it for? What seconds remaining?
All right?
You chewed up? He chewed up a bit of time on question number one? I did, But other than that, I thought it was smooth sailing. Finished with a competitive score. I reckon, you're going to be hard to beat fifteen hundred bucks worth playing four.
You've got our kids with you at the moment, ready to do a gimp, do you?
I don't.
She's actually sick, so I don't think she'd be up for it.
That's all right, let's bring in the come on.
Is the guest just I want to bring if the questions a lot and our time on were sleep, I want to stay just for a while before the game, when's answers, I want to bring.
In the.
Madison. Well done, die with a smile, little turn there, fantastic.
I like that very much.
That sounded I caught the end of that.
It sounded a bit like Alicia when she does our throwback throwdowns or whatever they are, the top five.
She's not bad like.
It sounds nice. Not always in key, but it sounds nice anyway.
At least you looked like she was going to chime in there, but I think after that last comment you just leave it.
Her face started to glow and then all of a sudden, it was like she just got a little upper cut.
Yeah, and how's that pregnancy covering?
All right, you're ready, Nikki?
Who am I playing? Melanie Melan?
Okay, but let's let's keep you apart until we sort our business.
All right, here we go thirty seconds on the clock. Your time starts. Now, what company produces the kindle?
What is the last name of famous child actor siblings mcaulay and Kieren in netballer player with the letters g A on.
Their bib is all attack.
What is the name of the cyclone currently off the coast Queensland?
Spell? Breathe, b r E A t h E Stop the clock double two?
Who is Kindle?
Kindle? There're those audio book things, yeah, in the.
Movie Kindles where you can read the book on your the little things, the actual thing.
Who tells me it's like no idea a book you don't know either?
Well, do you want me to start with that?
Because Melanie said Apple Nikki, you said, I don't know.
It's Amazon.
Clos Melanie.
Any points for.
That though, to kneel All, the last name of famous child actor siblings mcaulay and Kieran is Colcin.
You both got that. And isn't Kieran Colkin up against Guy Pears today?
Mitch, Yes, he is. He's probably been Oscar winner in about three hours, the first award again.
He is having a good run.
He's in succession.
Yeah, he is. And that movie's dominant for a real pain just dropped on Disney Plus last week. I watched it over the weekend. He's very good in it. Yeah, so go check it out.
It's well, we haven't seen McCauley in quite some time.
A wife McCauley does. He deserves that.
Yeah, well done macaulay.
In Netle, a player with the letters g A on their bib is playing goal attack.
You both got that.
That was me. That was me.
It's will you the.
Goal attack where goal attacks the position to be. Because he gets a shoot goal, you get to.
Go go everywhere, yea to all.
The name of the cyclone currently off the coast of Queensland is Alfred.
You both got that.
It's hard not to notice him at.
The most real.
And spell breathe b r e A t h E. You both got that.
It's a full all draw.
Melanie had four seconds onto the clock. We go over.
I told James.
Nick he had six.
I'm dying to feel really bad.
Oh well, they're still good prizes though, there's good prices.
It means sixteen one hundred dollars we're going to play for tomorrow.
Now, have we got a Have we got a Kowloon kickback cave?
Latsi over in.
Honkongs something somewhere, buddy, All right, let's go.
Let's go into the Kowloon kickback cave.
Wha can you hear me?
Yeah, that's pretty good coming through clear.
Oh so does it sound like I'm because I've gone down into a cavey area.
That's exactly what it sounds like.
It's perfect, it does, it does actually movement.
Hey go, it's good, awesome, Okay, I've got two hundred and fifty dollars Broncos Leagues Club voucher for you.
You can get down to just hold your excitement till the end.
Maybe get down to the Broncos Leagues Club in Fulta Road, Red Hill, and you can tuck in a delicious meal while the boys put in the hard work out on the on the the training paddic Broncos A second, just going to zoom in here in the old caveout Broncos Club dot com dot au. That's Broncos Club dot com do au for all that Broncos Club news.
And I'll tell you what.
I'll throw in a one hundred dollar Little Red Dumplings voucher for you as well our good friends at Little Red Dumplings.
So what on? There it goes again.
And Nikki Osborne podcast, Oh lass nice seizing this funny story all morning.
I wanted in Brian, you.
See something funny, and I said, I've got something interesting. I'm sure I said, interesting, not funny. Well, I'm in Hong Kong at the moment. I'm in Hong Kong at long it's getting a bit light here. What a time is it here? It's bloody six twenty one in the morning, So I'm up at Sparrows to do this bloody show. While I'm over here, I was opening for the opening of opening of Kai Tak Stadium, which has given me some really incredible insights into Brisbane twenty thirty two. I spoke about it earlier and certainly I'm doing our next podcast with Chris Jones Tour the Games, will be an absolute cracker about some of the things I've learned here and that we.
Can take forward to Brisbane twenty thirty two.
But essentially I've been doing spent the last two days touring this sports precinct. It's got the sports park, so there's an athletics track, there's a fifty thousand seat indoors stadium, which is phenomenal. Then you've got retail shopping, and then you've got the whole range of like entertainment arcade style areas, which is like a kids playground. It's also suitable for adults as well, very high tech interactive arcade style multi level you know, amusement centers like the ones we have, you know in shopping centers as.
Not yet, not yet, Oh I get them.
Get there sooner. Not yet, God tells your story.
Yes, it's incredibly me Nikki. So as part of it, we go to the amusement center and they have those those mechanical horses that they've been around for years. I used to have them an adrenaline sports bar in Prisbone back in the day, where you hop on these little mechanical horses and you watch the screen in front. You sort of get on it and you wiggle your ass and you push the horse's head and you're trying to win the race.
Remember you spend a week, a whole afternoon at out of Springs on beding.
We did, as we did, we did indeed, So I have a riding on one of them.
So I get on that and everyone's filming it because there's a whole media contingent. Most of them are Chinese media, and then some of you know a couple of that, the guy from there, my mate Gary from the Australian. Everyone's filming me, and they've got rains and everything you're supposed to grab and sort of you know, and you've got three you've got virtual reality glasses on. It's a whole thing where I'm consumed in this race. I'm going down the straight at in and I've got to you know, my.
Mate from China's on one side of me.
Another bloke on the other side of me on fake horses as well, and the reins didn't really work that well, so you kind of have to grab the horse's neck and sort of shake it. As you're going down the straight. You're literally, like metaphorically strangling a horse.
He gets a speeder.
It's a fake horse. This is yes, it's a fake horse I'm talking about here.
But as I'm strangling its neck, I ripped the I ripped the head of the horse off. I don't know whether I was too vigorously jerking this horse's head. I ripped the horse's head off. This video of it, I have to put it up there, say nick and see it. So this horse's heads just slumped to the ground. There's kids watching kids, kids start crying, and it's a whole scene.
The horse mate, Yeah, and it's it was a scene.
It's halfway between a bunch of people laugh, adults laughing their heads off and these kids, parents hiding kids, children's head eyes away and averting them away from what is now a disaster zone.
And just went too far and ripped walls.
His head off, and they're kind of ushering us out because we're moving on. And then I go downstairs and I remember as we were going in there, it was called Sonic Stadium, this certain part of it, and it's Sonic the Hedgehog, and there's a Sonic the Hedgehog mascot like out the front, like fully like Nova boy, you know, like doing doing his singing, and and and again we sweep through with our media onto ourgs like we're important media badges on and stuff like that. And I say, well, if the back of that, I'd like to, you know, get a photo with Sonic, you know. So yeah, yeah, so, And I just woke up the Sonic not knowing that there's a lineup of children waiting for waiting for son waiting for Sonic's picture, and I just push in past these kids, and then it's me doing Love Hearts with Sonic and another kid starts crying in two different in two different areas. Now I'm making these kids cry l.
You have to wait children.
See ash Letzie and Nikki Osborne podcast.
It's Oscar's Day today. It is as well.
Yes, it's on this morning and you can watch it. Actually Channel seven coverage starts at nine to eight and Miley Hogan will be covering all the action first seven and we've got her, I think on the Red carpet as we speak this morning. Good morning Miley, as the Red Carpet kicked off yet or what exactly is going on?
Good morning guys. I am on the Red carpet, but actually I like to say I'm in the media pen at the moment. I've been pushed back into this pen, which is where they keep us, and there's some spots just to make sure we don't get out on the Red carpet and start yelling out the celebrities too much.
Have we seen anything? Ye, there's a screen.
Well at the moment, they've got a drone that's coming on through this stage, so they're cheering everyone on as they're doing their opening shot.
I so we've got some mossies for the big Nods tonight, don't we We've got who do we have? Guy pierces up and.
We're oh, is it? What's his name? Greek Greg something from Melbourne.
He did June either cinematographer.
I've worked with.
Him before on something. It was an ad or something like No, no, look, they're behind the cab. You never get to see them and you'll shoved into another pinch.
Give me a coffee, gro you want to lunch? Miley?
What do you make of Guy Pierce's chances?
He is in a pretty good field up against Kieran Colkan and Ed Norton as well.
I think we lost it lost Miley.
Like zoom zoomeds gave up.
It's weird.
What's the brutalless mist? That one that Guy pierces.
Up sounds like a bit of a rough one. Adrian Brodie he played it. He's like it's post World War two and he's sort of in someone who survived the camps and he's making his move to America and trying to start his life again. And it's this sort of decades long story. And I mean the movie goes if you go to watch it. It's a four were our commitment because they actually have an intermission in the middle of watching the movie. The movie itself goes about three three and a half three forty, and they actually do have a designated break in the middle of the movie too, to go and to hop out.
Yeah, if you were to do in a cinema.
Yeah, I went to watch it last week. I went to a ten am session. I didn't have enough time to see it before I had to go into the school pick up at the end of the day.
The Thacon, the longest one I ever saw was The Irishman Scorsese feels like that I reckon That was about a three hour I think it was like a three fifty. Yeah, a Netflix one.
Of've backed Demi Moore for Best Actress.
You've been back here since before she was even nominated for anything.
Well, on the first show of this year, somebody said Demi Moore will win.
Who was that.
Said, I'll claim it. Yes, yep.
I took Mitch's advice and we got Miley back. Now, just talking about Best Actress? Is Demi Moore the red hot favorite to take that out?
Hello, guys, sorry about that book. Everyone is saying that Demi Moore will win this award for Bettatra. She's been around for a really long time. She had an incredible performance in a substance and people think that really she deserves to win that award. But a lot of critics are also saying that Mikey Madison should win.
She was in The Anora, which is a fabulous film as well, which is also up the Best Picture.
You can't say that she's a big fan of Jemmy.
Oh well, it'll be interesting to see who takes it out. I'm not sure if you guys have seen Anura. I've been describing it as kind of a daft twist on Pretty Woman. There's a lot of buzz about that film as well, So it's really between those two to see who will get it.
Who's hosting O'Brien Conan O'Brien, Yeah, is that his first time to him?
Yeah, which is gonna be really fun.
It is.
It's his first time, and he's been doing a lot of interviews saying that he's a bit nervous but also really excited. He's been watching old shows. But the one thing that I love about it is he's actually been slipping into clubs around Hollywood have practicing his material of the crowd surprise appearances, so it'll be interesting to see that if that material makes it to the stage.
Speaking of jokes that don't go down well, remember Chris Rock and Will Smith?
Is Will Smith?
Is he still banned from the oscars? Is he serving a suspension or is he welcome back in the building?
You know what.
I don't know if he's officially bad, but I will say lately he's been kind of reappearing at a couple of these public appearances. In these events, I've seen him around a bit more in the last few months and years really, so he's making his reappearance again after that moment that will absolutely go down in Oscar's history. Everyone knows that moment, thinks about it. When you think of the Oscar.
Now every comedian is terrified to host because you're wondering who's going to smack you across the shop.
I think he's got a suspend. I think he seriously got a suspension. Hewison high and he got five.
Years is.
I'm not sure if it's still valid, but it'd be interesting to know if he'd ever even really want to come back after that.
Oh man, can you imagine being the comedian that night with Will Smith back.
Are you.
Have to go there?
And Ricky Gervase is hosting.
The best.
We'll watch it all. We'll watch it all today.
As I said, the coverage kicks off two and a half hours from now nine am. You can watch it on Channel seven. And Miley Hogan thank you once ago, I appreciate it.
Have fun, Miley, Thanks guys, bakes see ash Letzie and Nikki Osborne podcast.
I was just having a scroll then of all the Oscars stuff that's coming across my feed, mostly through entertainment tonight, and then I saw a post that maybe nearly fall off my chair. You know, you've got friends who are a bit understated, you know, they keep everything on the down low. They don't post about their achievements or anything, you know, opposite of me on social media.
There he is kitted up with his wife going Oscar's ready, ah, My mate Rob Galuzzo and Aussie in Sydney who's produced a film that is up for Best Documentary, Porcelain.
War, which is there.
He's there, He's going to the bloody Oscars. He didn't even say he was nominated. He hasn't bos did anything about it. They won Sundance, so that's kind of that.
You know, I should have not.
Took out Sunday.
He took out Sundance.
What's on it?
Mitch his second favorite playing two twenty five?
Text him now, I'm like, bloody hell. You go to the he could walk away with an oscar today And it's about Ukrainian artists, these three Ukrainian artists who end up putting their paint brushes down and pick up the guns to defend Ukraine. So it's very much top topic. If they were voting this week, I'd say he's a shoe in. But he's up against another documentary about Israel, so.
Oh, that's also very topical.
I wonder how he found though that's those subjects.
He's now this guy my friend. I won't go on about his name because he obviously likes Kippelo profile, but he's heavily involved in things that are important. He started up an initiative called the Lion's Share, which is where in advertising they always use animals in advertising, and he works very closely with David Attenborough and he said, we need to come up with a thing where every time an animals use they get paid a feed like as though they are an actor, and that money goes to save you know, forests and engaged species and all of that. So he's ended up working with David Attenborough with in American politics, trying to save the world. That's just one of the things he does and doesn't post about on Instagram.
Yeah, he's off to the biggest show in town.
Yes, he's one of those creative artists whin I know he really deserves I hope.
I hope they give these animals a banana or something as well. Though.
Can I just say that, like the payment system seems a little flawed for me, that the animal does the work on the ad.
Yeah, they get there, get paid.
They save a forest. I mean that's kind of like you know MCing. You know, they go, oh, you'll be good for your profile, you know what I mean.
Yeah, Yeah, I can't. I can't pay you for the animal so rich for you and you'll be so much better for them.
What else?
What else was the animal going to do that day? Really? The laundry come on.
Days, That's what they say to us. That's what they say to us, your work mornings.
What else you're going to do on a Tuesday Night, The Need to.
Do the Auction to.
The Ash Latzi and Nikki Osborne podcast.
The Eating Drink Festival Four days of Flavor, Fun and Pure and Nus and Magic to June one book at Noose, Eat.
Drink dot Com, Toda.
You, Ash Blasi and Nikki Osbourne's Tastings and Hastings.
We're going to play this every day this week and then on Friday we're going to have the big prize draw. So what we're doing at the moment, we're looking for people to put into the drawer for Friday. Yes, but the grand prize here huge is it's valued at over five thousand dollars. Let's say a load of Karen out of Willow Vale. Hello, Karen, Hello, you haven't listened to this major prize. Now, if you're successful in just a moment, you could win a four nights stay at the new r A c V. This is a three bedroom apartment. It comes with daily breakfast. I've stayed there. It's a really great place to stay.
It is, isn't it?
I was there I think last year at some stage last year ye took the whole family up and it is.
It is a great. It's great. Location and it's a great resort. It is. It's fantastic.
Not the one that's just tucked away in the forest.
There is over five minutes away from the mainland part of people.
Usually to get apart.
You're right in the guts and yet it's it feels like you're in the bush.
It's magnificent. So you get that that's value to three thousy four hundred. You get two tickets to the official opening party on the Friday night.
They're worth about four hundred bucks each.
You get two tickets to the festival village and the Shamdon Lounge.
Each day the Saturday and a Sunday.
They're valued at five hundred and fifty eight bucks. We'll give you two tickets to the head of Noos to dinner on the Thursday night, which is worth four hundred and forty dollars. Come on on top of that, we're giving you a two hundred dollars petrol voucher for the whole weekend. It's over five thousand dollars in value.
This major problem.
That's crazy and yeah, and it's the Noos to Eat and Drink Festival, which is absolutely fantastic. One lucky winner is going to win that this Friday. But what we're going to be doing this week is we're going to be sampling some of the food, dude, that will be on offer during the festival.
Yes, and what does Karen have to do? She has to identify?
Yeah, well, Ash, is the real food to you the group? Aren't you got a real you know, sort of delicate sort of palette there, So you're just going to be tasting along and yes, and identifying the flavors and and what you'll have to do, Karen is pick out the flavor, the ingredient that's that wouldn't belong in the dish that you're describing. And if you if you correctly identify that ingredient, then you're.
Going to draw and the draw in the drawer, right, Okay, Okay, And how do I pronounce this dish that I'm trying?
The story?
You'll work it out, buddy, Tarlia Lly, I'm trying, Tarlia Telly, do you know what that?
Do you know what that is? It's like it's like a part.
Look, we're not going to make it too hard on you, Karen.
All right, Okay, come on, Ash, tell me what is in your tally tally.
All right, So in my Tarlia Dely, I can taste some free range egg. Tarlia Deally, Okay, I can taste some Fraser Island Spanner crab, which is absolutely delicious, delicious. I've got basil, I've got honey comb, honeycomb.
Chili butter and lemon. So what do you reckon?
What's the ingredient that doesn't fit there?
Honeycomb that.
I want to lock that in.
You've got it, You've got it.
Honeycomb's not in the pasta everyone knows that.
No, unless a five year old is making it or maybe latsie at three am.
But you well, you were in the major draw up prize or major prize draw Should I say, Karen, we just had detail all that fantastic prize.
I mean, no, wonder you need four nights up there at the Wonderful News a ra a c V with everything that you've got, tickets for something happening every day. The noos to Eat and Drink Festival four days of Flavor Find and Pure Noose Magic, May twenty nine to June one book at Noose to Eat Drink dot Com dot.
The ash Ltzi and Nikki Osborne Podcast.
That's what are you doing to see?
He's going off to see a.
Pan, one pan. I'm seeing twin pans really rare.
And that is not a euphemism. He's actually going to see pans.
No, for real, are they identical twins?
It's ocean It's It's Ocean Park, which apparently is Hong Kong's biggest theme park.
Yingying who I just showed you a picture of. That's Yingying. That's Yingying.
There is that Ying Yingying gave birth to a male and a female, so same as you.
You and Luke.
I guess you're a twin, so I should ask you about it.
We're both males though.
Yeah, but they didn't know when you came out, remember us.
By the way, depanders normally just have one offspring, because you know, if you think about it, like you get a litter of dogs like I guess they're all sort of you.
Know, No, I think it's a one off wheelie usually, but Yinging had too, and Yinging's really all. It was almost a miracle, and Beijing gave it to the Hong Kong Ocean Park. And now there's these these pandas, These twin pandas are about seven months old now and they've just released it to the They've just opened it to the public like a couple of weeks ago. So I'll be one of the first people to see these these twin pandas.
Is this their first public showing? Do you get up personal with them?
Like, is it going to be I.
Don't know where they can pat them or whatever.
It's because they're no one has been like ridiculously friendly.
Yeah and super can you see all the videos going viral? I would like if I'm not doing this, Actually, no, my dream job would be to be a panda panda hand.
That's what you about.
Yeah, they cuddle, They put them to bed when they hurt themselves, they cuddle them and they snuggle.
You give them a bamboos, and they always just seem happy.
Thinking whatever their enclosure is, they need a swing set because nearly every time you put a swing set in a panda enclosure and the fun and frivolity will ensue. You know, they're going to get this big fat ass in that thing, so you're upside down and around that, you.
Know, and then fall off.
They fall off, and then they look confused and then they give it another go.
I love the way, they usually got the really good bears, whereas you know, American North America they got all the ones that bite your head off, and they got the super That's a good point.
Yeah, Pandas just fun and games, aren't. It's not like it's you know, when when.
They were born though, one of them was one hundred and twenty two grams, Like, think of how small that is.
I like, as big as that, you know, I was like that big, you know.
Yeah, So I mean, but I don't know how big they are now, whether I can cuddle them today or whatever, because I mean, presumably at some point they get too big for that sort of activity. But they're seven months old now, these twin pandas. Google it the whole thing, to the to the report of the panda, I'll send check out my instrument. I'll send it a nick. Today there will be some panda activity photos of the handles.
What about factor?
The Ash Lazzi and Nikki Osborne Podcast