Gleek of the Week Jacob

Published Mar 21, 2025, 7:00 PM

This week's Gleek of the Week is all the way from New Zealand, and he came prepared!

Jacob Kyon went from "annoying theater kid" to Glee stan to now being a vocal coach! He impresses Jenna and Kevin with his hot takes, his fave performances he uses to try to convert his friends to Gleeks, and he calls out the duo for a mistake they made in an earlier podcast episode regarding a tribute episode...

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And that's what you really missed with Jenna.

And Kevin An iHeartRadio podcast.

Welcome to and That's what you're really miss podcast Fan Edition. We have our first, we think, our first New Zealander. Forgive me if this is not our first news Leander, but we have a new Zealander here. Jacob kaians here and boy, I mean all of our fans are really coming in hot with hot takes, thoughts with six They're coming in. Yeah, they're coming in hot.

And I love that he found you'll hear his story but found Glee at like such a formative age and how it has stuck with him and now he's a vocal coach like an artist.

Love bringing people in, bringing new people in to the Glee tribe, to all of.

You listening who want to come on here. People are showing up with notes and thoughts and like really detailed hot tanks. I'm loving it. Let's get into it. This is Jacob.


Hello are you? I'm so good.

Thanks for taking the time to chat with us.

And thank you sent voice notes and messages before it. Thank you for like listening and participating in this together with us.

Oh no, thank you so much for having me I am I the first New Zealand representation on the podcast.

I think you might be yeah, oh my god, I'm on it. I think, yeah, this is this is it.

I know there's been a couple of like Australians on the podcast that it's the closest.

It's all on your shoulders. Now, you can't let New Zealand down. I wants how are you?

Thank you for joining us?

Oh, I'm so good, thank you. I'm I'm so excited. I've got some hot tanks, I've got some questions and I've got some snippet little teasers that I think you guys will be like gagged at when it comes to seasons.

This is great. Okay, okay, we need to get through all of that. First off, how did you first find Glee? How did it come to you?

So I vividly remember I was thirteen and there was an ad on the TV and it was this was weird and I don't know if it was just in New Zealand, but it was advertised as high school musical for adults. Oh that the interesting on the promo it was bizarre, and so I was like, okay, what's this? And yeah, I was obsessed with it straight away, and I'd say my my obsession peaked around season four, which is a whole take in itself exactly.

Yeah, I mean I love season four, but I it's a tough one.

Yeah for sure. Yeah, yeah, I get it.

Yeah. And then the show finished when I was nineteen, So.

So your most formative years you were watching this show.

Yeah, truly, my most form of years.

I call what what drew you to the show? Initially that was like locked in.

Well, yeah, I'm I'm an artist myself, I'm a vocal coach now, and yeah, back at high school, it was just like every theater kid's dream, Like it was the perfect show, and I loved like how it would so seamlessly mix like musical theater songs with pop songs in the same episode, and they could be on like an EP together and just be so cohesive. It was just so cool.

Yeah, amazing. What kind of kid were you in school?

I'd say, like an annoying probably the we're here for it, Yeah no, But then I was like, yeah, I really enjoyed, Like I enjoyed heaps of different styles of music as well, and I think that's why I love the show was so much.

Yeah, do you have friends that you watched it with. Like we've talked to people who were like they were in college at the time or UNI that they would all they'd watch it in their like apartments or dorms together, Like what was your situation?

Like I was like that as well. I had a few friends that I would watch it with. And even now to this day, if I ever have friends coming around, if we're like going clubbing or something and we're pre drinking at mine, I'll put on like you have to watch this performance and whether the straight or gay or they are gagged like that.

I love creating. I love that. What are some of your glosser performances you put on to convert people?

Okay, well obviously Nasty Rhythm Nation like yeah great, and personally my favorite, like the basically song of all time to me is the worst things I can do.

What. I love that talking to fans about their like top listens, this is so good, it's so interesting my mind.

Really, I just because I don't think it's great harmon, Yeah it's not. Listen to it, Okay, it's not, yeah great.

I just think it's so genius. How there's the three storylines like unique, Unique, Cassandra July and Santana and that all singing and it all just works so well. It's like it's so like it's oh, I love it and vocally amazing the harmonies.

I agreed, No, absolutely, I'm I'm now you you drop that you have some heart takes. You gotta tell us, tell.

Me, okay. So starting with my favorite Glee cup club like I prefer as the season four Glee Club like with you guys and Marley Jake.

I just.

I obviously love yeah, I love the ogs, but I just think that Glee. I don't know why I was obsessible as newbies. I think I was yeah, yeah, and I don't know what it was, but I was. I just love them. And every time I would find out that like Jake singing or Marlin, I was just so obsious. So that that's a pretty hot take. And I think, and going off that season four is my favorite season. And I think both of your best solos on the song of the Show are on season four. So Kevin you singing for What's in My Life and then Gina you singing hung Up?

I think, yes, okay, okay, I mean for once in my life.

I have to agree with this, and I agree with hang up as phenomenal.

Okay, my knixt one is my in Games. I loved Tina and Ardie's friendship more than the relationship. Like I thought that was so cool because it reminded me of me and my best friend at high school. So myke in Games for you guys would have been Kitty in Adi and Tina and Mike.

We're hearing a lot of that now the Heart Tache episodes, for sure.

Okay, that's fair interesting.

Maybe it's not a hot.

Take, but I but I I we're finding in more and more.

I think what we're finding out is that Jenna and I were not good enough for actors. People think we were romantically into each other because we were just best friends.

Yeah, and like really like you could. The chemistry was so good and I loved the friendship, you know.

Yeah, yeah, I get.

But I know this is an unpopular one. One of my favorite episodes of the whole show is the end of Twerk.

Oh yeah, that's the hottest take.

I know. I loved the storyline of like Kurt and Rachel getting the tattoos together. I love the story, but I thought it was really the music's really good, like if I were a boy by unique Yeah, yeah enough, freaking boat. Yeah. So obviously there's some like bushonable things like blurred lines. But and that's I love that episode interesting.

That's a scalding hot take.

I love that. I love that for you now.

When the show moved to New York, I hated it watching it live, like, I was like, I do not like this, Like I bring back like Marley Jake Heatyn like I was so and like I loved your dynamic with that Glee Club. But on rewatch now with you guys, I'm loving it.

Interesting. That's like an age thing too. Yes, I would, I would understand, like when I try to put myself in the shoes of like a team. Watching the show for the first time, I think I wouldn't like it either, because I've watched you know, there were shows growing up that I watched and when they would sort of jump like that, I'm like, well, the magic is gone. This is not what we originally signed up for. What is this right?

And I think like the heart of the show was the Glee Club and everything, and it felt like a different show, felt like kind of friends mixed with like a teen drama and I loved it, but it wasn't what I was used to. But now watching and I love it.

Yeah, I think that makes a lot of sense. I agree, because the show wasn't about necessarily us. It was about a glee club. It was about like you could have new kids come in and fill out and be the underdogs. It's about whoever was the underdog at the time, and so them going to New York. It's like, well, I mean Rachel's and Funny Girls, She's not an underdog anymore. No, she did it exactly.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. And my next one is Gungham style is not the worst song on Glee.

Okay, what is that?




Let me Okay. One that I feel really bad for saying, but I just really do not like the arrangement. I think they did Chris really dirty with it. Is I have nothing, Okay, I just I think the key was in a really it was a strange case, strange arrangement, and I really didn't like.

It's a hard one to cover. It's just a hard time to cover in general. Anybody to cover it. But okay, fair enough, that is a that is a hot take because everybody hates cognom style including me, like everybody hates it.

I think you sound so good on it, like that.

You do sound really good on it, Like you sound great on it, so good it's all wrong.

And the performance I love, like the kempness of Maley, you know, passing out of the engine. The choreography was like wild for that. It was like really good wild.

Okay, okay, okay, I see what you're saying.

I did not think in the year twenty twenty five we were going to be pitched that Gungham style on Glee was not as bad as we thought it was.

And I can't believe I'm convincing you guys. I don't think I'm amazing. I don't know if this is a hot take or like a lot of people agree with that. But the most diverse thing is on the show, meaning could sing any genre, Ford, Amber, Kevin, and Jenna, because you can all just like Kevan you sing Bob Marley, then you sing Stevie Wonder and then Gina you sing Madonna, and you sing like Jesus Christ Superstar, and like the four of you, I just think could sound great on every genre.

Wow, that's so nice. That is I like that.

Thank you, And I wonder because Quarter's so great and impersonations. I wonder if that plays into him like we need.

Probably probably, he's very reversatile and all of yes and all of it.

He's so he.

Sings like a grease song. He sounds like, you know, Danny zuk Or when he sings a song.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a good point.

That's actually a really good, very observation. Just very talented, yeah, very way around a song.

Okay, what is what are we looking at for season six? Then?

Okay, so this it's like a complete change of vibe to the show. There's they bringing new people who are so insanely talented. They only yeah yeah, like Roderick and Jane. You have to look up for them. It's meant to wear. It's just her vocals are crazy and I've just written also down I know where I've been explaining them up because Alex Newell comes back for one episode and sings, I Know where I've been, and then it's like the best thing you'll ever hear.

Yeah, it's insane, I know that one.

Yeah. Oh, and a couple of episodes ago, you guys both said that you wish they did a Carol cantributed.

Besod and I there is there is one.

Not only is there one, but Ginna you sing in it.

I didn't cadge that. Yeah, it's like a mash episode. It's like tapestry and something else. Yes, and so I didn't bring it up what we talked about. I was like, that goes against what we said.

Yeah, and Gina sings like in your defense, the song is typical Tina. You're killing it, absolutely sounding amazing, and then it gets cut off what it's with Quinn and it's so far away. It's like you and Quinn doing a jewey.

Oh my god.

Okay, okay, okay, Wow, what am mine? Now? Okay?

I got it? Got it? Got it?

Got it great?

I love it. That's right, Yes, now I do. Okay, the memory of that see it and then I remember it.


Becky was there too, Yes, you will singing it to big totally Okay, I got it.

Oh my god, my face heard them laughing so much. Great, This is so good.

I've also written that the comedy of this season is just it's very aware, but I think it's the strongest that the shows. I think Mike's Mike touched on this as well. Season six is like just so funny, but it gets like so unhinged and so ridiculous and unbelievable sometimes, but I think you're gonna enjoy watching that side of it. And then my next thing is, have you guys ever heard of gleek up Brazil?



So gleekaup Brazil was this website.

And the one that had all the spoilers. Yes, yes, yes, yes.

And it's like there was a rumor that it was someone in the cast or crew, but they would post spoilers for the glicks every week and they would have it would be like cryptic puzzles that you had to work out or they do like two truths in a lie. So these there'll be three songs and Santana and Danny are going to sing one of these songs and like things like that, and I do little puzzles. So I've done my own little version of gleecap Brazil for season six for you guys how to expect.

Oh my god, you're the best. Okay, great, So.

I'm just going to tell you some of the main storylines to death and they're just going to get more unhinged as they go. And then I'm going to end with the two truth and a lie. Okay, so it's all actually what happened in Cason Sex. Okay, So two main characters are both in new relationships, and one of these relationships is the most controversial on the show ever.

Okay, okay, okay.

The next one, a significant landmark building on the show burns.

Down is a bread sex. It has to be.

I love just absolute shock and silence.

Zero like season six is just a black hole in my mind.

Really. A main character that has been a part of the show since season two comes out as trans.

Yes, yes, okay, we got that.

Ye yeah. A thirteen year old joins the new directions.

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

One main character is revealed to be a closeted cleans shipper.

Yes, yeah, I know that one.

I don't know that one. You do.

Somebody locks him in an elevator, right yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, nope.

A character that has been on the show since season one is revealed to have a secret scrapbook of woman's feet.

I vaguely remember this.

I vaguely remember this. Okay, I don't, and I'm worried it's me. No, I don't think it's not. You don't worry.

Okay, okay, And here's my two truths and a liar okay. First one, Will shaves off all sus here as revenge.


Second one, Sue cuts Joe Hurt's dread locks off.

Yes or three?

A self confessed racist poodle dog named Tricksy is one of the judges at sectionals.

I think the lie is the first one.

Yes, I think so okay, they were all actually true. They all.

What I know.

It's just it's so unhand, it's wild.

Oh my god, I see Okay, all right, I honestly that's amazing that Jenna and I have been dreading. Like like a year ago, we were like, oh god, season five and six, we just how are we going to do it? And now loving season five, I'm excited. You have made me so excited for season six because I'm ready for it. I'm so ready for any of this.

It will be like watching like a brand new show for you guys, because yeah, a lot of the things you wouldn't have seen.

Right, Yeah, sure fully. Okay, we have a question for you. What is the feeling that Glee leaves you with?

I would say the biggest thing is just nostalgia, Like reminds me of like good times in my life and the music that's the feeling that leaves me like positive, positive vibes.


Thank you so so much for supporting the show, listening to the podcast.

Wearing the journey, spending time with us.

We're so grateful for doing those awesome hot takes and also your truth lie looking forward to season six. We really appreciate you taking the time and.

I can't We're coming.

Back to it and I have one question before you go, if that's okay, And I'd be absolutely crucified if I didn't ask, so love the way you like Hart two. I've done a little bit of research and it is not illegal if you were just to release it on YouTube or SoundCloud for free as a cover. So maybe you could think about when the podcast ends as a we like reward to the gleeks right much to think about much definitely fet chips the legal side of it. But I did a lot of research and there's there's some new like laws about being able to release covers and so for all they know, you could have recorded it yourself.

Right, interesting should die to hear this song?

I Oh, I just have in my hear what it sounds like the arrangement that harmony and it's so good.

It need thanks for doing that would tell him too, there needs to be of the unreleased clean music.

And then you your neo mesh up as well.

That. Yeah, I just want to hear it.

I mean, oh my god, we are so grateful for you, and truly it was really just a joy to speak with you.

Thank you, Thank you so much. Yeah, seriously, thank you so much. Thank you for listening to the podcast and being so involved and such a great listener, Like you have no idea how much we appreciate it.

Thank you so much, guys, it's been great.

Thank you, bye bye. Thank you Jacob so much.

He's so sweet and wow, some really good insight into season six, and I really love that he loved season four the most, like everything that's revolved on, Like it was hard for him to transfer to New York and season in the back of five because he had attached so deeply to our newbies and season four, which we loved and totally get.

I think we had a similar experience, so you know, I think that's like our feelings towards the pack half of season five and season six. It's probably for the same reason, and so it's interesting to hear that from a fan perspective and I totally get it, get it. I'm glad we all love now.

You know, back half of season five though, yeah, we come into it again.

You did the key. We's proud, Jacob, I know, Jacob.

Thanks so much for taking the time, and thanks these guys for listening, and we hope to speak with you soon.

And that's what you really miss Thanks for listening and follow us on Instagram at and that's what you really miss pod. Make sure to write us a review and leave us five stars. See you next time.

And That's What You REALLY Missed

 Calling all Gleeks! We’re baaaaack…again. Kevin McHale (Artie Abrams) and Jenna Ushkowitz (Tina  
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