Fan Fun Q&A

Published Mar 20, 2025, 4:00 AM

You've got questions, and Kevin and Jenna have the answers!
As Season 5 draws to a close, Glee's dynamic duo are back to answer fan-submitted questions, including revealing the most challenging scenes they shot, their favorite duet partner, how they're feeling about going into season six, and even addressing the rumors about a toxic workplace. They've got the real scoop!
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And That's what You Really missed with Jenna.

And Kevin an iHeartRadio podcast.

Welcome to and That's what You Really miss podcast. Na booooooooooo, hello everybody, Thank you for writing in. We are so excited. We love these We're going through them right now. They're so many. I don't even know how we're going to do another one because the way we can get through all of these, Yeah, this is crazy, Okay. We asked about specifically, also about like the end of season five, in the beginning of season six, because we are here, we are here, we are here.

Someone said, why why why did Rachel suddenly want to go to LA That's a very common thing. I think it's like people are trying to climb that ladder. And how many people, Jenna, I'm sure that you worked with that were like trying to like as soon as you get your first leg in the door, you're like, what's next?

For sure?

Yeah, all you theater folk ended up on TV.

Totally exactly, and especially with these musical TV shows. What happened to Adam Lambert aka Star Child, Well, Kurt mentions them and old Dog right. He says that he went off on tour or something or what did he say want to og a treat? That's right?

So yeah, I don't know. Adam Lambert also, you know, frontman of Queen doing his own music.

He was He did have a good stint on the show though, more than Devin for sure. You know, how do you guys Amber feel about the sam Stadies breaking up? Yet? Again? What do they? Oh? No spoiler alert. I know we were just talking about sam Stades and in all doug New tricks and like how much we love them and they should have been endgame. Okay, did you keep any scripts? And if so, are there episodes that you would never get rid of? Okay? So I had to go through my Glee box recently because of the fires. I had started packing in case we had to evacuate, and I went through and I have a copy of Now we would get like the big copies of course to our doorstep, but we'd also get little ones. You know, on set you get daily copies of like what you're shooting that right, right, and like just like a few scenes a day. Right. So Brad Beaker had small copies made for every friended Boudy for the pilot, and then he had them leather bound like they they had came this little leather bound book thing, and so I have that one. I have the Pilot, I have Tina in the Sky, I have Wheels, I have two thousand and nine. I have Dreams Come True. I have and there's a few others, but those are the main ones that I kept, because like I kept them all for a really long time, and then I was like, Okay, now it's time to start to pare down a little bit. But those are the ones that I kept.

I think I have the Pilot, Wheels, and dream on in maybe two thousand and nine, Yes, that might be it.


Can Jenna talk more about her decision to walk away from season five?

Oh my god, Well, I didn't necessarily like walk away. I think as a mutual decision that they were like great less characters. And also like I was ready obviously because of like just the whole experience, Like we were just tired. I was tired. I was ready for something different. I was ready to go off and like have a break, see some friends, do a little traveling, maybe do a Broadway show. There was like a couple of offers that had come through God bless offers, and like you know, just like other opportunities like I went and off and I did the Hollywood Bowl that summer, and so they're just like things that were so much fun that I was able to do right off the heels of Glee. And I also like didn't feel like I actually left, because I came back for opening night and then like very shortly after the end of the show was near and I was there for a bunch, especially like the last few, so I don't feel like I actually really left, but it was it was actually a really good choice. I think I needed it for my mental health and for just like for my own self idea. Can you interview someone from High School Musical the musical the series? I feel like that would be a cool swap experience. I would love to interview people who were in other musical TV shows or movies.

I would like to have some of our friends from high school musical come.

On, especially because like zach Tor, high school musical.

Yeah, but they also like the reason we had the contract we had going into the show was because of high school Musical, so like they had already done it, and I'd like to talk to them as well.

Did you already know at this point that season six was the end. Yes, yeah, yes we knew. I think we found out its season four right like when we were going into season five that six was comedian.

I don't know. I feel like we found out halfway through season five maybe Okay, I don't know if we knew immediately.

Would you rather see a prequel or sequel for a reboot?

Sequel? Prequel reboot?

No for the reboot? Oh wait, so like either a seql or a prequel, and I think neither. I think we can just go completely Well, no, that's not true. It has to be one. I would say a sequel like farther down the line.

Like, yeah, I would like to see Current Day, can not pre Yeah exactly. Whom are your favorite duet partners? Obviously mine are Jenna and Amber Party.

Yeah, exactly exactly Kevin and Amber I did. I did also really like working with Cord Yes, weirdly with Tina data hot professor. Absolutely totally, that would be your thing.

Absolutely. Huh.

What was the most memorable or challenging Let's go with challenging. So what was the most challenging scene you ever felt on Glee and how did it impact you as an actor?

I think when I get when I try to walk and then I fall. I think that was the most challenging, maybe emotionally challenging.

I don't know why, but funny Valentine comes to mind room and it's partially because because I hated shooting them, but partially because like it's so beyond the realm, Like it's so ridiculous and it's supposed to be comedy, and like I'm really supposed to be crying about Mike and so trying to find for Tina. It always felt like I was trying to find the truth and the groundedness in the ridiculous, And that was like the ultimate one. That was like I'm supposed to be like crying and how much I loved Mike and singing a song live, while also like everybody's supposed to be weirded out bite, so it had to be real, right, Like it couldn't be me making a mockery of myself.

Yeah, So those were like the hard that's one, very very hard balanced to find.

Thanks, it's really annoying. I don't love it, but are you prepared for the monstrosity that is Season six?

Said not a question? Season six is is one of the best in my opinion, How.

Are you feeling going into season six? How are you feeling? Okay, So, how are you feeling about going into season six? Kevin?

I'm of two minds.

M hm.

I am really looking forward to it because I have no idea what it's going to be a lot of people have said there's some great moments in it. Yeah, and I know it's just like a different show. So I'm excited to see that. I am sad to be leaving New York though.

How much are you in season six? Kevin?

I think I'm in like half of it?

Really, that's it? Yeah? Interesting, Okay, I am. I don't have any real feelings about it yet, if that makes sense, Like I have zero knowledge except for like I know, like a few people new cast members are in it. I also think I'm in more of it than I think.

Yeah, I'm in seven out of thirteen.

See that's what I mean.

Yeah, that's a lot.

That's the open.

Yeah, Jenna, you're in five.

I'm in five of thirteen episodes. Okay, all right?

Because I remember, so we had to when you get a new contract, you have to like negotiate these things, right, and so like the network will be like, oh we we want Kevin or Jenna to be in five of thirteen or seven of thirteen, and I remember, I think Jenna correct me if I'm wrong that they thought and you thought you'd be in less episodes than that, and then they ended up using you a couple episodes more correct, because like it's only a two episode different from you and me totally.

I am a special guest star in these episodes, but you're still a series.

Reg Yeah, but get it, you got paid the same.

It doesn't really matter. Yeah, we got paid the same, so it doesn't matter at that point. I just wasn't under contract. I didn't have to do all of those. Correct.

So we have one episode left of season five. But someone's asking, how did you like season five? Better than expected?


I think so definitely. That's not to say there hasn't been some moments, some moments.

Questionable moments. I think that I am more And maybe you've mentioned this before, Heaven, maybe we've talked about this, but like, I think I'm more forgiving of everything in this season, right, Like we've been really forgiving of what we were going through, and like it all jogged our memory going back and being like, oh that was that and this was after and this was the break and this was the time, and none of it makes sense here, you know, and you're like, but that makes sense, Like, of course, Yeah, but I definitely think it would exceeded what I was feeling right in a good way. Yeah. Would you have liked to continue the McKinley New York City split and still show the season four newbies? So if you had asked me that around the episode New New York, I would have said, I'm okay with like moving on. But now in retrospect, I think I would have still liked the split.

Yeah, I liked them.

I feel also just selfishly like I would have liked our newbies back. I agree.

When filming seasons five and six, do you guys agree with the public opinion that the show.

Was pasted its glory days?

Yeah, I think it wasn't so much that. I mean, you can feel that, like we felt that, you know, the and Ryan had warned us that, you know, with success, the tide changes. They build you up and then they're going to want to tear you down. Yeah, but we noticed the change in the tone of the show. Obviously, I think personal thing superseded any of that. Yeah, it just felt like, you know, the show was coming to an end. And I mean there was a point too where all of a sudden I had people coming up to me to tell me how bad the show was, which was wild, and I was not kind. It's like, why would you come up to me in person and tell me this.

And tell me that that.

Yeah, some girls came up to me once and was like, aren't you embarrassed to be on that show? It's like, no, are you kidding me? Absolutely not very proud of it.

There's a question somebody asked that said, is there anything you do remember from season six? So there was an episode in season six where I think it was Noah's first episode and I think Lenjy's is there. I can't remember exactly, but I was back and I remember we all hear him singing through like the events, and we're like, what's that up? And then we like go to another room and like hear it again, and we like go find him and like, I'll never forget it, but I don't know why, and I don't. I won't jog my memory until like I actually see it that I'm like, oh, that's why I remember it, right. But it's it's very I don't remember what episode it was, but that's one of my memories.

Season six, I don't remember that. But Noah has the best male singer of the show ever had hands down, Yes, like just a freak, but his voice like butta butda, Please post more behind the scenes of Naya, So I will say so we just did Old Dogs New Tricks because we didn't get to see each other that often because I was she wasn't on the show. Like if we were on the show, we were not doing scenes together, which was it sucks. So we never saw each other except for the one day on Old Dog New Tricks or two days, and so we just spent every moment together. I'd go hang in her trailer, She'd go hang in my trailer. We'd go to lunch together. We might have had a glass of rose at lunch. It was. It was so nice. It was like her and I just like like the two little muppets and the totally oh yeah, like sitting in the back of the sitting in the back of the golf carts, just like gossiping for each other, like her because we were in like on the same show, but it felt like two different shows. Totally, so just like catching each other up on what was going on, like what have you heard? Well, you know, and so that was I love those days. It was because usually if like we were together, there were a lot of people around. It was chaotic, but it was very fun. It was definitely like clickie, I just wouldn't leave her side.

Yeah, you guys were always together. It's very cute.

Would you guys go on the Traders.

A thousand percent? I'm watching season two right now, just finished one and three.

I haven't watched three yet.

We're oh threes go.

You got to watch the UK one.

I know we're about to do that after we finished season two. We are hooked. We love the show. I used to explain. So behind the scenes, we used to play Mafia all the time all the time. Our cast loved.

We still play Mafia and friend groups, like that's what we do. Mafia is the same as Traders, by the way, it's the exact same rule.

I remember though, I was telling David about this that like Harry used to host great Mafia games with like a bunch of friends and like so many people would show up that Like I remember there was one game where we had to stand up in his living room because there was like thirty of us and they were screaming it is Oh, it's so good. We got to do that again really soon because I am loving traders right now.

I just played it. I just played Mafia for the first time in a long time a couple weeks ago with like twenty two people, and it was so good.

I was also thinking about Tree last night in the middle of the night because I was like, wow, like, imagine how intense that game must be, because it looks like they they shoot over like a week and a half or two weeks, right, like just NonStop, and everybody's like pretty much in the same location for most of their day, right and so like you were just non stop, living, breathing traders for weeks. If you're at the end, like that is crazy, and it also like is very anxiety really, Like, I I don't know how I would do if I was a trader. I don't think I would want to be one, but I think that maybe I would have been a good one. I don't know.

I think you'd be a good trader. I'd be a terrible trader. I'm a good you know, quote unquote towns person, but yeah, I don't know how it would be in that situation where you're living in it.

Exactly, Like it's really hardest, Like I don't know. I always get to fly under the radar as a trader, but like not you have to like fly under the radar, but contribute enough that like you make them believe you're part of their group. But then you don't want to stick out because the people who do stick out generally get voted out pretty quickly, either vanished or killed at night. So like I don't I don't know, I don't know anyway.

Sorry, traders, I get voted out so quickly because I have a lot of opinions and I voice them like vocal about it. Yeah, I'm an active, active player.

Yeah you are. You are. If you made yourself like really clear that you're the faithful of all faithfuls, you'd probably you'd probably do well. But you just need those shields because otherwise you'd get killed.

Yeah, but I don't know if people would trust that, because it's easy to gang up on somebody who's got a lot of opinions.

No, for sure, unless you like create like a little like alliance group. True, no question, Just to comment if you don't remember what happens with Rachel's TV pilot. Buckle up. I'm kind of scared about season six because I don't want to hate it because it's been We've been so pleasantly surprised this whole way, that like to end season six disappointed in some way or like not loving it as much as we have up to this point would be sad to me.

You know, does she have a pilot season six or is it what we've already seen?

Maybe it's the next episode. If that's it, like the final of season five, I don't know.

Would you have wanted a Disney song's tribute? Yes? Yeah, Also now that Fox is owned by Disney, you could do it.

Right, That's right, we could have.

That would have been the week then, but you could now.

Why so many reports of toxic workplace when everyone who comes on only says good things? Yeah, because it's the news and because it's not and because this is why we do this podcast, is what you guys can see that we did actually have a really great time and that we were a family and that's what made it work. Booh yeah. Yeah.

The amount of days that were a little if you could on two hands if that for six full seasons, one hundred and twenty episodes.

That's why they're so memorable too, like the Bad Ones, because like they weren't all the time right or.

That, and we all talked about them. We all figured it was never like an ongoing issue. We were a family. If something went awry, we would nip that in the butt.

By the end of season five, did you miss doing group numbers, singing, dancing? I mean I missed everybody for sure.

I mean I guess I was still doing them, so I did. Do you wish Glee kept going I mean selfishly to like see all my friends?


Yeah, but it was time.

What was your favorite storyline or character in season five? Sam Sadies?

Absolutely? Sam Sadies, Speaking of which, someone said, would you consider having Amber co host season six? Epps, neither of you are in.

Well we got to ask her.

Not a bad idea, for sure, go tell her, Go go over dms or comments on our Instagram. There were rumors that and I had a song the last episode of season five that was cut thoughts don't I don't know. To be honest, I do not remember.

No idea. Yeah, let's end with this one. Not a question, but Season six is one of the best in my opinion. It is so all over the place that I cannot wait. I cannot wait. I'm so curious.

Here we go, Jenna, buckle up, we're about to be there.

Do it. Let's do it, all right, guys, So thank you so much for writing in your cues for this end of season five Q and A. We love them. You guys are the best. Stay tuned. This is not the last one.

Nope, that's what you really miss Thanks for listening and follow us on Instagram at and that's what you really miss pod. Make sure to write us a review and leave us five stars. See you next time.

And That's What You REALLY Missed

 Calling all Gleeks! We’re baaaaack…again. Kevin McHale (Artie Abrams) and Jenna Ushkowitz (Tina  
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