It’s the second-to-last episode of Season Five and what’s not to love about it? It’s Chris Colfer’s Glee writing debut, featuring many cute dogs and the legendary June Squibb!
Jenna and Kevin are back breaking down everything they LOVE about this episode—not just on screen but behind the camera, like the storyline that was inspired by a hilarious Kristin Chenoweth story, the actor who kept ad-libbing and had the cast in stitches, and we hear from Chris himself! He shares what it was like working with living legends Squibb, Billy Dee Williams, and Tim Conway!
For fun clips and more inside scoop, don't forget to follow us on Instagram @andthatswhatyoureallymissedpod!
And That's what You Really Missed with Jenna.
And Kevin an iHeartRadio.
Podcast Welcome to You and That's what You Really miss podcast. Oh Okay, Season five, Episode nineteen. This is Old Dog New Tricks. Hello, Chris Colfer, writer Chris Colfer.
That sounded like we had him on. We don't.
No, Sorry, sorry, it didn't mean to do that to you all. Chris Colpher wrote this episode, and Chris has been writing for forever prely this was not new, but this is the first cast member ever to write an episode.
First and only.
Yeah, first and only. Let's go Chris.
Yeah, like he did it. And you know this, Chris, this episode.
Is very Chris, very Chris, very very Chris. Let's get through the stuff and we'll talk about it.
So this aired on May sixth, twenty fourteen. Right, real late birthday shows are normally like but we had a die? Right, That's right, that's right. Shocking. Number one song happy again.
Get your money far ell jeez, someone poor like Pharrell. It's nice you could make some money here. The number one movie is The Amazing Spider Man two. It's the Andrew Garfield m Stone spider Man.
Love a superhero film I saw this, Leah and Diana and Glee News. On May fifth, attended the met Gala when it was still Pretty Dresses at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and the theme was Charles James Beyond Fashion. How the Medcala has evolved from the time when our people, We're going to it very different, very very different.
On May sixth, Gale the music Old Dog You Tricks EP was released, featured five tracks from the episode and was released for digital download only.
And also on May sixth, the cast celebrated wrapping their fifth season at the season five Rap Party. Don't remember that.
I don't remember going to that rap party.
Maybe we didn't.
Maybe we didn't.
Maybe we didn't. I probably didn't because I wasn't even in the last episode.
Yeah you've I don't imagine you would have. You were probably.
No, no no. But if you told me where it was, maybe I would have said I won. Okay. So this was directed by Brad Beeker, the one with Bred Beaker and like We Said, written by Chris Kulfer, with many many special guest stars June Squib who Chris is still.
Friends with, Oscar nominee June Squib I mean, come on, she was just coming off that really great movie with Laura Dern I believe, and Billy d Williams and Tim Conway, who are legends. The greatest part of doing this episode was being at base Camp and talking with all these people, not just them, but also the background actors who were older these stories, because you know, Chris wrote it into the episode that you know, these people have been working in Hollywood forever, the retired Broadway stars whatever, but really all of these people, including all the extras and everything, had been working in Hollywood for decades. Like one girl was saying she worked with Shirley Temple because god, oh my god. And so sitting at base Camp was just ungrateful because these people were around at the dawn of you know, like the studios, right, all of that. So they had and they weren't necessarily like hugely famous minus June, Billy and Tim all the.
Other people golden age of Hollywood.
Right, and they were there and wow, wow, we're extras then, and so yes, such characters. It was such a gift and it's so Chris too. I feel like people say that the two most difficult things to do, like don't work with dogs.
Or old people, but it's also his two favorite things in the world.
Correct and having the older people there was a tremendous gift. I absolutely loved it.
And June, what what an American treasure?
I mean, so realamed so good and.
Yeah, I want to hear all about that. So the songs in this episode start with i' Me Out with You with Mercedes, Rachel and Sam at the Shelter.
Memory by Kurt and Maggie.
Where Wolls of London by Artie and Sam.
Lucky Star performed by Kurt and Maggie.
So Weird, and Take Me Home Tonight Rachel, Kurt, Sam Blaine merceding Santana, Artie and Maggie.
Like we said, this is the first and only episode to actually be written by a cast member, Chris Colfer.
Apparently, Chris was approached by Brad and was asked to write this episode, and he noted he was given a great deal of freedom in writing his script and his only restrictions were that he couldn't break up with Blaine and he couldn't kill anyone that's there, because you know, Chris might have done one of those just for shitzing giggles, you know, or both he did kill somebody, though no story about that too.
He was also allowed to select the three songs used for his character totally storyline. The other two songs are selected by the rest of the show's writers.
Okay, so, Chris said he was aiming for a classically feel wanted to do a story about underdogs, as his two favorite things in life are animals and old people, and he made sure to include both in the script storyline.
This is the fifth episode not to feature any solos, just group numbers and duets. The other four of Vitamin D the first Time, I Do and Trio Great Epis.
This is the ninth time two duets are sung by the same people in the same episode, so the others are throwdown home duets, rumors, the first time, Big Brother, Love, Love, Love, and Frenemies.
This is the fourth episode where all the main characters present in the episode sing, the first being Power Madonna, second being New New York, and the third being the backup Plan.
And This episode features the last appearance of Santana in season five.
This episode is also the only one to feature Santana with blonde hair, although we saw Santana with blond highlights and all or nothing, literally, like, I have a right up. I thought she'd been wearing a wig for the last several episodes because she had blonde hair.
You know what I think. I think you're right. Yeah, I think you're right. I didn't want to bring it up, but no, no, like that's what it is. That definitely jogs the memory. And then when she shed the blonde hair today in this episode, I was like, oh, there she is. I totally forgotten about that. Yeah, Okay, this is also last time Santana is present as a main character.
This is the last time Santana sings this season. So this episode, Jenna, written by series Starkerscope for Rachel, attempts to salvach your reputation among Broadway gossipers by hiring Santana as her publicist and creating a charity for rescue animals. Meanwhile, Kurt nabs a lead role in a retirement home production of Peter Pan.
Okay, so Rachel is there's a gossip site that posts an item about Rachel, and Santana is there, and Kurt's there, and Santana's like, I know you need to do you have to fix your image and you have to have a cause and pap Arrozzi.
I've always been my cause.
Oh my god, so Rachel, and so they started charity, and Santana like takes on the role as her being her publicist for this moment, but that will semi evolve. I think that's also like helps with tie together the rest of this season where she's trying to find where she kind of fits in in the New York scene, right.
Which is a very good idea for Santana and Naya.
Love it, yes, totally, Rachel. Rachel starts a Broadway Bitches in support of dog adoption because she like went up to the lady in the restaurant and like kind of shames her for putting the dog in the in the carrier, and you know, says that she's a surface animal blah blah blah, which happened a lot in La in that around that time, like every dog was like a very much support an animal and like, and Leah has also been like an advocate for horse drawn carriages, like ending and banning the horse drawn carriages and working for Peta throughout this this Glee time. Did you know that Broadway Bitches is actually and I'm sure Chris knew this and played on this there's Broadway Barks. So that's Bernette Peter's nonprofit and she does this every year where in Schubert Alley she hosts like big events and has all the stars come out and tries to get all these dogs adopted.
That's so great.
Yeah, and there's dogs and there's things and it's Bernadette so like of course, so I was like, oh wow, this is totally a play on Broadway Mark.
I love that Chris is writing this and knowing when like Nia is like you have snakes where there's like some friendly things in there, you know, totally.
I mean there has to be right. He's so in our world that like if he didn't, he would like be where miss you know what I mean? Like he had to. They end up at the dog shelter where we do this first song. And what was the dog shelter? Like where was it? Where did you shoot? What? What was working like with all what was it like working with all those dogs? Like tell me the whole thing. It was right outside our stages. It was on the back.
It was in Fake New York's right in front of the tin shed.
I for sure that was location.
No, on the back and you know, that very last street where the tin shed was our original dance studio. They built out this little dog run shelter.
Oh my god.
Yeah, those dogs were all so well behaved. I love that they like they got the scraggly looking ones, but they're all super trained, super nice.
It was interesting because you obviously have to Shooting with animals is difficult, and there were a lot of them, but I just remember it being like a really nice time with them, and that number was funny. I mean, I I mess up the lip sync and the show. I didn't really know what I was doing. Yeah, there's a lot going on and so like there was a lot of moving pieces the first time we worked with animals like this, and like a lot so sweet. It was so nice to have the animals.
Though. Were you worried about the sound of the music and the animals like getting nervous and all of that, because I would have been like so hyper sensitive about all of it.
I didn't because the people who bring these dogs at the dog wranglers or whatever, they do this every day. These dogs are trained and work regularly, and so I just assumed if they're you know, showing up to I would hope that they these dogs would be air to hear music. I also don't remember. It could have been a thing too where we played the music lower. I don't know.
Sure, sure, sure, sure. Oh. I'm really sad that I didn't get to work with dogs.
It was cute, especially the ones that we got to see for several days, especially one Chord. You know, you get attached to them and they're sure.
Sure if you didn't know, this, Chord is a dog whisperer and a baby whisperer.
It's true, like he.
Would take Bear and literally hold him, and Bear was like kind of frenetic in a lot of ways. And he would take Bear and Bear would like lay in his arms, and it was just the craziest thing I would ever see. So this totally makes sense to me that of course Chord, or of course Sam takes home a dog. I loved by the way. I loved this Mercedes Damn storyline.
I was just want to say this. I thought Chris wrote the shit out of the story. I thought it was really ground nice. They both had something juicier to lean into that wasn't agreed, agreed the album agreed. It was nice that it was real they're having real conversations, the comedy of her walking in and finding so that that he Sam pitches the Mercedes like, you know, at the shelter, like I want to Chase talk home, and Mercedes like, do not do it. I'm taking care of you already, that's enough. She he does it anyway, and Mercedes walks in to find Sam and already playing video games. The dog has destroyed everything, and that whole scene is so funny. I remember like sitting there, also sitting there just being like an observer to those two and having Amber come in and just do comedy was so satisfying.
I so enjoyed just being present because also, like I feel like Amber didn't get a lot of opportunity to do what she was doing, walking in and out saying these really funny lines. Yeah, and I the whole bits of like so.
Funny, the fuaha and the shoe and the things you're coming at. Oh yeah o who no, he's not eating my hair. It was really funny, really well done. Like, and I think christ and Amber also are so tight that like he knows that she can do this and like writes for how funny she is in real life, right, Like Mercedes so different, and like she doesn't always get the comedy storylines, so for her to like be able to actually do this and like the physical comedy too and all about it, it was just really really great, and like you said, it was really grounded. Like I really appreciated them watching, like watching their relationship evolve and grow and learn and be stretched, and like it was like a real conversation for them and insecurities for Sam, and like Sam really like stepping up and I just was like, like, go court, Like he really stepped into his own in these final episodes, in these final seasons. But like I just was like, god damn, Like he really is such a strong player in this, in these in these and like sometimes under a little underappreciated. I think I.
Think so too. That monologue he had, I think Chris writing that whole thing about you know, bringing up his past from season two or three where he took care of his family and you know, like you know, Sam is like the goofy one doing impressions and all of a sudden, he's.
Like how to be seen as a man? Yeah, exactly, Like I want to take care of us and our family, and I need you to see that. I can do this and like, I'm not just this like kid who you know, for he sometimes I forget appointments and things like that, and like that kind of was Court a little bit like where he sometimes he would like be late or lose his wallet or lose something, and like but he was so he's so brilliant in other ways. Is that You're like, you can't see me in just one light, right, No, he is dependable, like Chord, like Sam is dependable, and he's like we're the good with dogs and kids and like it's just it's crazy and we was like, I don't know, but he did have a like Cord also has a big family and he's like a lot of women in his family and so like it makes sense, right, like he's he knows this life. Yeah, and I appreciate it. There's a maturity that he just doesn't show all the time, like he doesn't show all of his cards, you know.
I also like the storyline. I think this is important that Chris put this in here too, where people adopt a dog on a whim because it's cute and you think in the moment it's going to be great. And even though Coord you know, stepped up or Sam's already stepped up to train the dog and take responsibility for the dog. I like that that they didn't, just like Mercedes didn't just concede yes, she was like, I understand that, and it's complicated, it's messy. I think it's but it's more important to show and ultimately it's like, you don't have to bring it back to the shelter, but it is now your responsibility to find it safe home for it.
And that was like the actually the adult thing to do, Like they made the adult decision that together. It showed that he could be a man and step up and make that decision and give up the dog and realize that like their schedules just don't allow for it. So it was really no, really mature storyline, really really great, my favorite one by far, and it just.
Kept getting better each time there was another Mercedes Sam scene in this episode, it just got loved, deeper and more complex.
But also, can we talk about wear Wolves of London When Sam's like, I'm going to train McConaughey and you're the psychic training McConaughey, and you guys sing the shit out of that song. You were running like a dog all over this song.
That song is insane. I had never heard that song before. What, Yeah, I didn't know that song.
I love that song. You sound great by the way you're running everywhere. I'm sure that you were literally so annoyed in cursing Luke, but like it was great. It was really great. I love that song.
Now at this point, I really enjoyed just trying to figure out how to make these songs happen. I wanted to match Luke's guide vocal as much.
As a challenge it was.
And I think, you know, I think I said it last season. I think he got my voice to like the peak that it's ever been got, and I think at this point it was like the most athletic it had ever been, and so totally it was really fun. I mean, I think it was really to be singing like that hard and then just casually like going through this dog park and like filming him and it's really funny. But I did enjoy recording.
I think the song choices for this episode are are little like I wouldn't peg Chris to put these in, but now it made sense knowing that the writers had input on it, and then Chris was able to pick the ones that he sang, So it makes sense because I would not have had him choose these, but they worked and I liked them, and I thought it gave it a nice contrast to like everything else that was going on. So this whole dog thing is happening. But then Kurt also is feeling like he has he's trying to find his identity, which is funny because just a few episodes Kurt felt like he was fitting in YadA and Blaine was having an identity crisis. So it's funny to see him now like he's other people are running faster in the race, and everybody's kind of got their own thing going on, and he's He meets Maggie at the restaurant, the famous June scrib and she's like a legendary Broadway like a Broadway star with a big flop musical. She's famous. And she's at the Lexington Home for Retired Performers, which was brilliant on Chris's part. Do you make this an old home for retired performers? It's so sweet right up Chris's alley. None of this surprises me. It actually just is very on brand, and it's the cues thing ever so he goes and he makes friends with the baggie and she invites him to go see a rehearsal with Peter Pan. Okay, so note, do you remember where this story of Peter Pan came from?
Did she do Peter Pan when he was young?
He did? But when in our version of this, in Chris's episode when the who dies in the in the harness, what's her name? One of one of the the residence of the home is Peter Pan and comes through the window. But the que happens and nobody comes through and this resident has croaked. So Debbie is now non and they don't have pere Pan anymore. Now I'm going back to this because when Kristin Chanawi was with us on the show, very early on, Chris and I were ecstatic, I mean beyond ecstatic. Ecstatic is an understatement, it's true. We were so excited and Kristin would like we would sit down and we like, tell us stories, share with us. She was like, obviously the niceness we know this now she shared with us. One of the first things that she told this was this Peter Pan story. When she was Peter Pan and she was doing a matinee. There's a lot of kids in the audience, and she you know, it's I'm flying and the windows are supposed to open, and she comes through on a harness and she flies through the audience. The windows didn't open, and Kristin bangs flat into the windows, goes limp passes out in the harness, and in the audience you hear, Mommy, Peter Pan's dead. So this happened to Kristin. I just forgot about this. Chris and I on the floor laughing. This is the funniest story we've ever heard. It will to this day still make me feel my pants the way she tells it. But Chris put it in the episode and I was watching and I was like, oh my god, I totally forgot because I had never really seen this episode all the way through. But I was like, I was just a slow clapping for Chris at this point because that is unvulnerable and it makes sense. It's like that story deserves to be told over and over again, in every in every way. So Debbie our version, yes, yes, so Debbie and our vision it's doesn't make it. And so they need Peter Pan and they have He says he'll do it if there's no rules in there. They they have him audition because they have standards, of course, and he sings memory, of course, brings Chris sings Memory, and then of course June sings with him, because why wouldn't she. This is the sweetest thing.
I have such a soft spot for the storyline. I really enjoyed the storyline, and also it's nice to see, like, I don't want to be projecting here, but I think a lot of christ storyline, for better or for worse, since Blaine has been around, has been about Blaine. Yeah, and I think, you know, maybe part of his point. He did not tell me this part of his point, but this storyline is like he has more to offer, he has more to give, and he's given so much to the show. Yes, and seeing this be the storyline he picks out for himself and highlighting these older actors who are icons was really beautiful and you could see like his eyes light up and how healthy he is to be singing a duet with June and you have legends like Billy Dee and.
Tim Conray and a television icon I can't even and his.
Granddaughter and a daughter came to set, and it was so nice to have them there but their TV royalty.
No, for sure. I love that. I wonder if Chris had anything to do with the casting or if he had met June like at this point point like for the show. I think it's really honestly, like I just respect him for bringing in the people who we owe all of this too, you know what I mean. We owe our careers and the way that team, the TV and Hollywood were formed. They were like a formative part of it and so and there are legends and icons and so I just kudos to Chris. And also like Chris, I remember being like when he was in high school, he was like friends with the lunch ladies, Like he wasn't friends with kids in school. So like this makes total sense to me. And I also have a soft spot for it because we know Chris. Like I'm trying to watch this episode as a fan and a viewer who doesn't know Chris the way we know him, and I'm trying to also watch it and go, oh, I know that's Chris. That makes sense to me this because I think for this episode, but there were parts of it that were very Chris centric that I was like, I don't know that I would have watched this and Glee and had and it would have made sense to me. But because I know Chris so well, this was this made sense to me. But I will say the second like third fourth act of the show itself and the writing of it, it all came together. It did.
I liked all the different storylines. I liked fit what everybody was going through at the time.
It was satisating. The end felt like oldly where you get that payoff, Like everybody learned their lesson and things got resolved and like, you know, all you needed was that slow ballad music we have, Like you know what I mean, Like that's it was satisfying. Anyways, really looking to.
Do the right thing, go find go to find Maggie's daughter and figure out why they don't have a relationship.
Very very great big.
So I messaged Chris as I was watching the episode because I was really enjoying it. I really enjoyed this episode, and I just asked for him to share his thoughts. Oh my gosh, so here he is.
So that was a really really special episode for me because I obviously I got to write it, but I also got to work with Tim Conway and Billy d Williams and I met June's Squib on that episode, and she and I have been close friends ever since.
But my absolute favorite memory was.
From the day that we shot the Lucky Star number, because I got to be Peter Pan and I got to do flips through the air and fly all over the place and that was a blast. But while we were shooting it, Brooke and the stuntman got really really worried that I might collide with June Squib who was dancing below me, who was in I think who was in her mid or late eighties at the time, and so everyone was really really worried about it, except for June, who had no worries whatsoever. And I'll never forget her looking at them dead in the eye and saying, this isn't the first time I've dodged a boy in a harness. And I fell in love with her in that moment and been in love with her ever since.
It was those types of comments all day from that God brilliant. Also, as a friend of Chris and fan of Chris, sitting there watching him fly through the air, we were not acting when our faces were smiling that hard because you know how for him.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yes, and he was so good at it, so good of course you write that in you know what I mean, like that.
It was so impressive, and it was just, you know, at the end of a emotionally at the end of a really hard year, hard season.
To have.
Like see one of your friends just finally enjoy work again, you know, yeah, and yeah, get to do something he's really good at and he brought all these great actors around. It was it was really beautiful to watch. I thought it was really really beautiful.
I also thought the storyline, the intertwining of the benefit for Rachel and the benefit for and Kurt's performance when he asks them to support him and show up and Rachel's like obviously in my events that night, like I don't you see what I'm doing, and He's like, I'm always there for you, and then him actually lending the olive branch and reaching out and apologizing to her and saying like I I see what you're doing and I know that and I love you anyway, and of course like I hope your event goes really well, and then her like sitting in the audience like, oh god, it was so good.
It was needed though.
I really did I didn't see it going that way and I really didn't think so. And when you were all there, I was like, that's really sweet, like so sweet.
We need it because Rachel's been sort of insane nightly yes, yeah, unbearable, like mean, like she's been doing really questionable things.
And Kurt is the one who helped her, and Santana stepping in is the understudy, which was crazy, but still like he was like, I'll help you save your.
Job, your career, and so I really like that.
And then you guys doing take Me Home Tonight and you're dancing with June Squid, Like what the hell, Kevin, I don't that day it's the cutest thing. Ever, that day.
It was complicated.
How was shooting like a musical number with all those legends that like did they just.
Catch it or was it hard? Are you kidding me? They were just and great. Yes, they were like doing their own thing. I think Brooke choreographed obviously, so it was good for everyone in regardless of age.
It's also like you have to let them do their thing because it's so endearing and cute that like it doesn't matter what the moves are, Like I would watch them literally stare at a paper like at a paper bag like correct doesn't matter.
There's one part of the dance where I got to dance with June. There's like one shot of.
It and I was so heavy. That's the cutest thing.
And you know they it's you know, they're not like us. We could be spoiled sometimes and not act professionals sometimes. Never that will never happen with them. And Tim Conway is such a brilliant comedic actor. He was improving and every time he did it, he did it. It was so funny.
It was so they didn't so great.
God, oh we were dying.
That's the spinoff. It's the hot is the home? I know it's the Lexington Home there it is. Uh. I also want to talk about this scene where Rachel Santana sets up the photo op where the populace is going to happen to be there. So were you there for the dogs and all that? Were you there for that scene, because, oh my god.
I don't believe so. I think because the dogs stuff, we were only brought in for like reactions.
Just on the other side of the street.
The dogs are complicated. It's a lot of logistics. There's a stunt person. I loved that.
Scene, Santana's reaction to all of it, everybody's reactions, honestly, like just the cuts of your faces were so so funny. It's one of my favorite things in the whole episode was just the reactions of all of you guys, and and I with her hands for her mouth.
So I also enjoyed when Rachel is like, quote unquote being famous. Yeah, anytime she thinks she's famous. Lead is such a good job. Yes, Yet the comedy, the physical comedy is so good. It's really good. No, no, it's really good.
Kudos to Chris. I really love this. Like there was there was the comedy, the physical comedy. There were the dogs, there were the amazing icons, there were great songs. There was the whole like just the home and like all of those actors. There was also just like the payoff of Clara and the daughter with you know, June's daughter, her Maggie's daughter, and like, yes, I I it had everything. It have everything I was hoping for and more, and I'm really I was obviously, like we know, Chris is multifaceted and so talented and like a twenty time New York Times bestseller, but like just to see him also tap into like the Glee writing was like, it's just so impressive. It's truly so impressive, and I'm I hats off to him, I will say.
So we were still doing six day weeks here and it was not ideal and it was probably my fault still from doing that movie. And it was during Coachella.
Oh god.
You know there were some people who were like you wanted to go. We're like, you know, I would rather be a Coachella right now, and they were missing it because they had to do it. There's like funny things like that that happened along the way.
We're like, no, this is the job, Like yeah, well we all were like that because like it was so many years of missing out on things that like of course were like the idiots that are like in the best job in the whole world, in the biggest show on TV, that are like I missing Coachella, Like that's of course who we were.
That's what happened one day where someone went to go tell a Friday night and then they added a Saturday and I won't name me, but they had to drive back Saturday morning, like early early, and then we shot all day it was. And we we shot like you know, like the worlds of London, downtown LA where they built this you know, like fake dog park thing in a parking lot. Oh my god, so we were. We were all over the place. It was a funny, interesting time.
Well, let's greet some performances, because that's pretty much the episode. And there's only one laughed. I heard this.
I would like to point out that I don't think I understood how great this episode was and we were shooting it.
Mm hmmm. I don't think I had also heard like about I'd been hearing through the gravevine obviously through all of you guys, how chaotic, how crazy the last few episodes were you especially because you were going back and forth from East Coast to West coast working saturdays doing do you know, two big things? Filming two big things? And I remember hearing like it is chaos on set, like chaotic, there's a lot happening.
It was like the wheels had fully come off. It was so chaotic. Every day was like how are we going to get through this?
And I felt bad because, like for Chris, like you don't want it to be that way. You wanted to be a wonderful experience, which it sounds like it was from his side of things, like whatever. You know, he was having a blasting. He wasn't in some of those other things, which is right exactly. He was at the home with all the really wonderful old people, and I didn't appreciate it. I didn't appreciate it. I also hadn't like fully seen the whole thing till now obviously we know this, but like he I really like, this was great. This was a great episode. At first, I was like, I don't fully understand like where this is all going. At first, I was like, is this just like Chris writing what he wants to write about, which like he should in some ways, but like the second half was like a huge payoff for all of it for me.
I have an embarrassing confession. Okay, I think because I was like going back and forth doing movie and these episodes, I think I stopped reading the full scripts. I stopped reading these full scripts seasons ago. Kevin, I didn't, I did. I didn't, But I remember distinctly from this episode watching him fly around, I'm like, what's going on this episode? Like I didn't know. I didn't know that storyline at all. I only knew from like what was scheduled and I could put the pieces together and too funny, But I think I was just it's senioritis. Is really charge you guys for sure? Sorry, Okay, great some performances. I'm out with you A minus A minus, memory A minus A minus.
Where was in London? Ay?
I give it an are.
Given an Lucky Star A plus plus? Take me home Tonight A plus A. I give you any plus because of like the circumstances surrounding like all of it.
I also I loved the I thought it was sort of like a not in a wink to you know. John Mayer always said you always had your guitar with you eighty percent of the time. Like the transitions into music was really funny. Yes, totally like ultra convenient, which I thought it was totally old tongue in cheek. And I loved Lucky Star in the middle of your pan.
At first, I was like no, I was like, what is happening? Why would they do this? And then I was like they all put their sunglasses on and Chris was living his best life, and I was like, you know what I live. We've done We've done crazier things on the show, right, you know, down for this. It was so good, It was so good. Yeah, I was here for it. Okay, let's do some tardy days scringe moments. I didn't have a lot, to be honest story, No, no, there there weren't a lot, go Chris, I had.
I had a question when Sam says something about Mercedes weird Indian hair, and I was like, I wonder mean well because they would buy Indian hair, oh like wigs and things like, oh, I'm it's not something, but I have a feeling Chris and Amber would never let that fly unless he, like God checked with Amber.
Totally totally, So that's my okay, got it?
I did chuckle. That was like, I don't know if I should beat chucklate.
Best dance move Chris on the Harness. Nothing comes close. It's like so many flips.
Best song Chris and the Harness, Lucky Star, Lucky Star.
Yeah, best problem is my prop the Harness. I mean there were a lot like the dog and Kanae eating all the stuff in Mercedes house and then uh the headshots, the like panned back from the person to the headshots, like this is the cutest thing I've ever seen.
Wait, you know what we didn't talk about is when they're doing Lucky Star and there's little kid versions of them.
Oh god, it was so good. I also gave like lend to like the the number and like I and also like they're stars. They're all stars.
I have goosebumps. It was so cool, sweet to see like the youthful joy in them and you cut to like them as a little kid and like here they are, you know, seventy years later, eighty years later?
Oh god.
Also the set, the Peter Pan set.
Great. Where was that they just built that? Yeah?
I think it was on one of the extra stages.
Always impressed, but I think it's somewhere else.
Okay, it might have been where the Nada Dance studio was.
That would make sense.
That might have been torn down. I don't know if it's in the next episode, but that might be. Or do we use that again with Shirley McLain. I don't know.
They find out the best line. Oh, there's a lot, there's a lot actually, Oh god. You know we didn't talk about was that scene with Rachel the three like a dog oh bye, and then Santana comes up and defends her with those people are trying to adopt the dog.
You got to get out of here.
Not so redeeming, Not so redeeming. Marty's First of all, we only have two rules. One remember your teeth and two don't mix up your an eyepills to your day pills. It's simple. It's really good.
I know this is awful, But when Satanic goes, don't listen to her, look at her shoes.
It was like the one thing after that scene that I was like, okay, performance, MVP, Come on Christ.
June Chris and June Chris wrote and starred in this episode. That buys you MVP for a long time. It's weird that we have one episode left in this season, Like, how did that happen?
How is this the second to.
This episode wild Ship we found on TikTok. This may be the greatest one yet. WHOA there was a Glee themed drag show. Josh Dom posted this and said I saw a Glee themed drag show and it helped my queer fifteen year old self produced by the incredible at her h e er r, Oh my god, it's unbelievable. They do all of us. The scene with mister Shoe and Sue and the job they put on for mister shoe is it's unbelievable, Like they do this costume production. Yes, wow, wow wow, Like I can't believe it. They do the loser like me with the confetti in the Slurpee cups. Oh, they're all.
Wait like blue hair for wow, this is crazy.
I want to see this.
I do you take? Can me take me there?
This is absolutely insane. Honestly, this looks like our first tour dream life, Like how good is that? I? Like, I don't have enough compliments. I need to find these people and you to go see this show, like where is this show? Where is this show? Her puts a lot of Glee, pretty ser and hosts of the iconic silly drag shows Glee on sale. Now, well let's go. I'm going to find her.
Okay, we'll go look and watch this TikTok because you guys, you gotta see it.
It's brilliant. Comment and tell them how much you love them. It's in London.
I have to go, Oh my god, you're going on May first. You're going, Oh god, I have to go.
Oh they're doing ret Row. She better do too. Oh god, Okay, I know exactly where this is. Sorry, I've got a soundtracked all right, you guys. That is Old On New Tricks and that is Chris Call for his episode. Rounds of applause for Chris Call for everybody, Thanks for joining us. Next week is the finale, so finale of season five, so come on back and that's what you really missed. Thanks for listening, and follow us on Instagram at and that's what you really miss pod. Make sure to write us a review and leave us five stars. See you next time.