Weighted Vests, Snail Serum & The Power of Unlearning (5th Thing)

Published Sep 3, 2024, 4:59 PM

Kat questions Amy's new desire to wear a weighted vest (but she has valid reasons backed by doctors) and they also discuss: beef tallow for the skin, what it takes to be a 'SuperAger' (hint: we all need to do crossword puzzles daily), things they've had to 'unlearn' and a listener named Gabrielle sent in an email asking for some updates on things like snail serum & other products Amy's discussed in the past.

Click here for the weighted vest Amy ordered. She got the 12 pound, but is thinking maybe should have started with the 8 pound one??

Links & discount codes addressed in the email from listener Gabrielle:

Biopelle Snail Stuff (code: HAPPY for discount) 

- Amy's entire Biopelle routine + products can be found HERE (discount code works for everything) 

Oak & Sage Beef Tallow (code: HAPPYSKIN for discount) 

- The warm vanilla scent is what Amy gets

Prose Hair Care (code: 4THINGS for discount)

- Prose.com/4things

4 Things Gratitude Journals (fyi: ALL proceeds go towards education in Haiti)  



“The real flex is when you realize that unlearning is just as necessary, crucial and powerful as learning.” – Jennifer Mann 


Call us: 877-207-2077

Email: 4ThingsWithAmyBrown@gmail.com


Amy Brown // RadioAmy.com // @RadioAmy

Kat Defatta // @KatVanburen // @YouNeedTherapyPodcast // YouNeedTherapyPodcast.com


Happy Tuesday. Welcome to the Fifth Thing. I'm Amy and I'm Kat And today's quote is from Jennifer Man. The real flex is when you realize that unlearning is just as necessary, crucial, and powerful as learning. Ooh, I remember I had an unlearned that oreos are bad. Oh yeah, because food's not bad. It doesn't have a moral value. But that's a big thing that I had to unlearn. And I had to unlearn that, like, you're not bad or I'm not bad if you get.

A divorce or something, if you make a mistake, if you're like, you don't have to be perfect to be good.

Yeah. I don't know that I ever had the perfect and good hand in hand, but I just had to let go of certain things that I thought would be totally unacceptable in my world. Yeah, and divorce is not an option.


And I didn't mean to go and want want, but I chose something light and fun and a little serious like oreos and divorce to go along with.

The oreo stuff. I had to unlearned that for like a workout to count, you had to run like six miles at a time. I would say it was in my past. I'd be like, oh, three miles, what's the point. And now I'm like, three miles is a lot great workout, Like six miles, that's not happening anymore.

I like thinking, like I had to unlearn that I don't all have mine to be food related. But that's gosh, so much of that started when we were so young, yeah, junior high, high school probably, and then it sticks with us all the way through and just unlearning all that stuff that, like, you know, slim vest is a mule.

I also am thinking about all the like one hundred calorie pack things like an oreo was bad, but a hundred calorie pack of Oreos was good.

I know, here's here's what I would do. One or two oreos is bad, but a whole box of snack Wells because they were quote.

Unquote fat free, it's good.

And I was like, oh, there's sugar in it.

Ah, you know, like the marketing just gets you. Yeah.

I had to unlearned codependency behaviors as well.

How's that going?

Oh good? Okay, Yeah, I work a program.

I'm getting good.

I don't know if any of you listening right now caught the easter egg that Houston threw into last week's episode. But if you haven't listened, then you should go listen for it.

And if you listened to the episode, you didn't hear it because you didn't listen to the whole episode.

Yeah, but we're not saying exactly where it is, oh anywhere? Unlearn what Kat just said. We also had a word of the week last week, sort of impromptu, nothing that we planned, but the word was portend and we thought, well, let's do a word of a week again. Maybe we started just like we started with the quotes. Every week, we start with a quote and a word, so you got your word of the week.


Ominous also was a word la week, and I don't know why that word is still weird for me to say. And then we gave a whole geography lesson.

Because is part of the definition of ominous omnimus.

It was, oh gosh, let's check on this week's word, superagre, which I don't know by definition, it's you know, in Webster's dictionary, but I know I was watching the news.

Wait, hold on the news, like on your TV channel five or like TikTok.

The local news. Really yeah, I was at my Mimigram appointment in the waiting room and they had the local news on.

Wow, somebody got it.

I watched it, Yes, and they were talking about superhure's and I thought, well, that's not a word I've ever heard before. So I start researching what is a superagure? And while it may be just a word that's made up or it's is it in Webster's Is it an urban dictionary? Is it? No? You should look at it see if it's an urban dictionary dot com because I always like to see their definition of things because I feel like that's where they.

Keep it real. It might be a little bit different than Websters.

So a superager, I have what makes a superager instead of like just one definition. But superagers are eighty years or older, and they exhibit cognitive function that is comparable to an average person who is middle aged. Superagers live an active lifestyle. They continue to challenge themselves. An example of that might be they read articles on subjects that they're unfamiliar with. They take classes that put them outside of their comfort zone, like I want to take a ballet.

Class, I want to take a pottery class.

Perfect. See, we're on our way to being a super agent in BLA. We're not eighty yet, but hopefully one day we will be. But I'm halfway there.

Well, you're a little over halfway.

I'm a little over halfway there. That is correct, and so I need to start doing some of this stuff. Yes, ballet. I talked about it on the Bobby Bone Show, and the the Nashville Ballet Company reached out and said I was welcome anytime.

Do they have adult classes for beginner people?


I know.

Okay, No, I want to do the pottery class.

Superagers are social butterflies. They have lots of friends and lots of activities. I don't really know that that's for me to do.

You have to have all of these.

No, but just think, Okay, probably the majority of this is what's going to help you be a superager. They indulge, think a little nightcap, probably oreo here and there.

So they don't restrict their lifestyles, correct themselves to enjoy the good parts that life has to offer.

Yes, and so I can't do that. This is my goal now. Super Asure is the word of the week, and it is also now how I'm living my life because when I'm eighty, I want to be enjoying new things and experiencing life and not laying around if I'm able. You know, my mom, she passed away at sixty four, sixty five. My dad made it to seventy nine. My dad would have been a superager if he didn't get cancer and then the throat surgery got all messed up, and then he had to get a feeding tube, and then my dad was so social. See, I know my dad would have been a super aser because he fit all this except for the active lifestyle part and the reading up on things, but he nailed the social life and staying busy with activities and hobbies like he could do, would work and whatnot.

I feel like as we look back on generations, I think about my grandparents and how they were, and I feel like we're just getting better at that already. Like my dad is the age my grandpa was when I knew my grandpa, and my dad does not remind me of a grandfather. He is still building things, if he could build anything. He's still really active. So I feel like, in general, our society is getting better at this, don't you think. Yeah?

I think some of it might be the mental piece to mental wellness, because that's something to talk about. Unlearning that there's shame around getting help for some of that because I think of like my mom's mom, my grandma, Mama Chris, and I think she was very shut down emotionally. She was social at times at the bowling alley and with her bridge group, so she played cards and bowling.

Do all grandparents play bridge?

I guess so.

But then other than that, she was always at home in her recliner, smoking a cigarette and just very shut down. Like not true connection in any way. So I do think there was a fine line of like, she was sometimes active socially, but I think how she suppressed things emotionally and things she went through that she never got help on and whatnot, I think weighed her down and that limited her growth.

Yeah, I can see that, and I think as generations are changing, they're getting more open. Also had a thought, do you do the New York Times minigames? No, me and Patrick do them every night.

Y'all are gonna be superagers.

But I think you should start doing them and then send us your score so we can keep each other accountable. The connections the mini crossword and wordle are the best games.

Okay, I will start to get on that. I've got crossword puzzles like a little book that I bought at the airport.

Wait, I got one of the airport too.

They're so hard, yeah, but they're fun. And the thing about having a whole book is when you get stumped, to just go to the next one. And so I don't really have any complete I just have like all the easy ones on every page done.

Well, that's probably not really challenging you. It's kind of defeating the point. The mini crossword on New York Times. They're challenging, but you couldn't get them like you can do them, so it's like motivating too, So they make you think connections is the hardest game. I don't think that just doing the easy quest quessions on all the crosswords in a book is helping your brain that much.

Well that's where I started, but I mean I'll work my way through.

Okay by the time you're eighty.

Yeah, because I'm a superachre. I do have a weighted vest now, okay, which I got for my aging because I keep hearing about weighted vests and how they're good for perimenopausele and menopausal women, and that's me. I'm perimenoposele and I'm losing muscle. That's why I got on my testosterone and I'm trying to build it back, and I'm trying to do pilates so that I am like flexible stretching superachres. They stretch, they build muscle. We take care of our bodies so that way, when we're eighty, if I fall in the bathtub, I can rebound.

You can get up, and you won't have to have a life alert, but you should have a life alert just in case.

I probably will. I mean, my dad wore a little necklace of the button should but I will recover. The point is, at a certain age, we fall in hurt ourselves in a way where we don't really bounce back. We might live, but it's gonna be a very limited situation.

I just got those lacrosse balls. They're first stretching, and my trainer told me to get them and keep one in my car and keep one in my office. If I'm like sitting in the same position for too long, you sit on it and it helps like relieve the tension in your muscles. So these are the kinds of things in my thirties that I'm getting into.

Yeah, and then at forty three, you can get away at Vest. So doctor Mary Claire, I follow her. She talks about way to Vest all the time. And then also doctor Vonda White is an orthopedic surgeon, so she knows a lot about the bones and what's happening and our muscles and things we needed to take care of ourselves. And I've been following a lot of her stuff. And then doctor Mary Claire is is she an agy Way Mary Claire, I have no idea. She's gynecologists. Maybe perhaps I know she's perhaps all the women's health type stuff. Perhaps I know she's got a lot of information on menopause and whatnot. But when I heard doctor Vonda White talking about eighty year old's falling and then not being able to rebound, and that like literally in her fifties or sixties or whatever age she is, she is trying to do everything she can to prepare herself for later in life. I mean, obviously it's helping her live a good life now, but I want to live a good life then too, because I want to be a superager. So I got to do these things. I got to do the games like you just suggested. I got to do ballet, maybe pottery, art. Then I got to keep doing my stretching, which I bought a tin.

Pack at Pilates. Is that a big deal for you?

Yes, I hadn't been to pilates. What's the word consecutively? Consistently consecutively? Okay, like both would work.

Okay, consecutively means like in a row, but like what's getting in it making it not in a row? I could go two times a year and it would be consecutive.

No consecutive would have to be back to back.

Oh, two days in a row, right, But you could say consecutively and that just means in a row.

So but if I'm only going two times a year, if I go once in March and once in November, that's not consecutive.

Unless you didn't do any more workouts in between. It's not consistent. Consecutive just means like one in front of the other.

Can you see what Urban Dictionary says.

Also, people are like, I'm I thought this was supposed to make me smarter with these words, and now I'm just feeling dumb or listening to this.

So that's how they felt last week too.

Wait, you probably haven't done consecutive consistent workouts hit gym or something since you were doing it.

Oh, okay, twenty twenty. Ok So I used to work out with Aaron oh Opria a few times a week and I was lifting heavy, and then COVID happened and we were all able to get together, and then I just started working out at home. So then I just kept doing for the last four years, and my thirty minute workouts at home, except for the last several months, I wasn't doing them because life.


So then my muscle was just like shriveling up and dying like the fastest I've ever seen. And I don't know if it's because of my perimenopausal symptoms or my low tee. Which then that's why I got on the testosterone and now I'm hoping that'll help me put on muscle. But hearing some of these doctors talk about the need for strength and flexibility at the same time, I'm like, oh, plates, two birds, one stuff.

I wish I had the drive to go to Plate's I do once a week.

Lagree, Oh, you've been there. What's there to lagree? Well, it isn't a studio.

Well, there's different lagree studios. It's the hardest word ever.

Have you been to the one here.

Well, there's multiple Studio Novo.

Okay, I'm used a couple. I am learning this right now. You're teaching me because I thought that Lagree was the name of one place and it was kind of fancy.

Oh so Lagree it's a type of exercise that it's like pilates. It's on a mega former or I think there's many formers too. But the trainer that I go to once a week used to teach at l Lagree Studio.

Can you spell that for me?

L A g R e E.

It's agree it's a method, yeah Lagree.

Yeah. I now just go to this trainer's house and we do stuff at her house. But sometimes we'll do Lagree stuff on the little machine, and sometimes we'll just do different weights. And sometimes I go and my body's really tight, and so we just stretched for an hour. Oh, Studio Novo, Yeah, that's one of them here. And then I think there's a place called True Form.

Or something yep, True Form Fitness.

And then there used to be sculpt House but that closed during COVID that I loved because it was half Lagree and half running, and I really liked the running part, so I was motivated to go and then I would just have to do the other part because it's half the class.

Okay, I'm not running well.

No, most lagree classes don't have any of that. That was just the class that I went to.

Its a.

I only like to vacuum with my weighted vest on.

I'm not writing no cardio for me.

Okay, it's for the pilates that I is the fancy place.

Yeah, that's a very fancy place with the mirrors. Yeah, it looks like anthropology, but a plot studio.

I know I'm gonna have to go there one day. But I go to frame currently and I'm really loving it. My tin PACs almost step like I'm gonna have to get another ten pac or membership for a membership and be really proud of myself for leaving my house going to Plotate's taking that time for myself and for eighty year old me. Yeah, and I feel like that's what this is for. Yeah, because I'm going to be a super ager. Check back in with me.

It's like forty years what would morning Amy or whatever you say, is that what you call it? Like morning Amy be? It's like, what would eighty year old Amy be thankful for?

Well? It's nighttime me takes care of mourning me. So it's if you go around your house and do a bunch of things that help your morning person feel better so when you wake up, and so younger me is taking care of older me. So right now I'm night timey. So that when I wake up when I'm eighty, I'm like, thank you.

She's gonna wake up at eighty years old for doing all those puzzles and puzzles. We should start a business called puzzles and pilates and half of the classes doing a mental workout and half of the class okay, and we can have different levels, like some of them are just like the easy word searches or whatever. They're called cross cross puzzle. Yeah, yeah, this is a business idea.

Well, pilates for me is a brain exercise because sometimes I have to put my right arm in the strap on the right side, and then my left foot has then go ab.

This way and pulse twice. Can you imagine teaching a class like that?

I would assume, just like anything you get.

Okay, I think it's really hard. It well, you cat you.

Would teach spin and that seems hard to me.

But it was not as intricate. Half the time during spin, I was just like talking. I was just telling stories.

True, I wouldn't know because you guess if I was a teacher, You're right, I know I don't like spin, so I never went I do like you though. So I would be teaching a class and I would say, okay, everybody, put your right arm out, and then it was supposed to be the left, and they'd be like, oh, shoot, I mean the other way.

And they'd be like, oh, my gos, should I tell you guys the other day this thing that I found.

And then they would be like, I don't think we did the other side, and I'd be like, dang, did we not? Because oh, whenever I did yoga and this is some old learning. When I used to go to yoga sometimes twice a day back in the day, stupid because it was for the wrong reasons. I would get so irritated sometimes if a teacher would not do exactly what they did on the other side, like say, maybe they forgot one thing. Yeah, in my mind, I thought, well that's it. I'm ruined because it was such a funny bag. It was such a control thing. But I'm very very thankful now to be in a place like where if that were to happen, it doesn't impact me.

Were you all were you judging of the teachers, like I'm not going back to Stephanie's class again.

No, it was just in that moment I couldn't get over it. It was almost like a spinning.

You couldn't start. You probably couldn't focus on the next thing because you were like, but I have to go back and do the other thing right.

And be like are they going to go back? Are they going to go back? And then sometimes I would be like, I don't think we did the other side, and then they'd be like, well, we're not there yet, and I'd be like, okay, no, yeah, I know. I'm not proud of it. It's growth to see I unlearned some of my behaviors that I thought like you needed to be exactly even, and it's like, okay, at the end of the day, yeah, I'm moving so just quickly to go over weighted best benefits stronger bones, increased muscle mass and durance, and improved overall strength.

But let's be clear, you're not wearing the weighted vest to plots. You're wearing it when you're.

Vacuu gosh, No, I'm not even wearing it when I vauum my house. I just have been because it's been so dang hot outside. Yeah that I thought, well, why not throw on the weighted vest for my strength and my structure. I don't know that that's going to do anything for me, Like, it's not like I'm lifting rights, but I have it on to help me with my posture. Doctor Mary Clair, when I saw her doing it, like she does her own workout in her gym, no weighted vest, Like she'll do whatever her routine is for the day, but then she'll get on her treadmill or her walking pad, which shout out, you have a walking pad.

I do have a walking pad. I've only used it one time. I've only had it for like two weeks though.

And then she sets her computer up and she'll answer emails or go over work, walking really really slow with the weighted best on, just to add that extra stuff for her osteoporosis, I think, to prevent it.

Yeah, I actually love the idea of it using it to help with posture, because I could really use that in general. I like that she's not using it to make an already difficult workout more difficult because plates, I mean, I can barely get through what I know?

What's that called? Isn't it called like hucking or hucking, hawking, hocking? Well, we need to look it up. When I have my weighted vest and I'm out walking, I guess that's technically what I'm going to be doing. But I'm not like training for.

You're not training for anything to be a superatre. But I mean the people that are like wearing a weighted vest to go to a class, like the class is already difficult, and sometimes it can be a little bit.

Oh no, I don't, I don't do difficult. It's rocking. Rocking are U c K I n G. Weight investor or a popular alternative to loading up a backpack with bricks.


For military personnel and first responders, tactical vests are often an essentral part of their gear. For civilians looking to get fit by rucking, that is, by walking around with a heavy load. So some people are training to be a first or spider.

So I've seen people do that the Capitol steps, but they're firefighters, so they train need to do they hike the steps back and forth. The vest but I just looked up rocking on Urban Dictionary me to read that definition?

Sure? Did children need to turn down?

No? No, no, best possible way to bond with the homies. It involves hiking with weights, but it's for men only. Use it in a sentence, want to go rucking this weekend?

Well we need to unlearn that because women are allowed.

Are we not getting it? Is it supposed to be like dirty and we just don't get it?

For probably.

I just made a dirty joke and I don't know.

Yeah, I don't know.

That's interesting.

Did you ever look up what was the other word we wanted to look up on Urban Dictionary?

Oh it didn't super aguer, it doesn't exist. Maybe we can petition for it to be on here.

There you have it. If you ever thought about when you're eighty and you fall in and you can't get up, and how quickly do you want to recover? That's the goal. My goal is to now recover quickly when I fall when I'm older, So that is what I'm preparing for.

Boom love bit.

Thank you for coming to our ted talk. And the longer our listeners live, the longer they can listen to us.

Are we going to be doing this at eighty. Do you think podcasts will be a thing in forty years?

I have no idea. What do you think.

I think what will happen is it'll be like a telegraph where it they follow them. Yep. A telegraph is like a letter, Okay, and they'll press a button and show up in their living room and we'll have it in person conversation with them. That will be the technology. Yeah, we'll do crossword puzzles and ploties with them in their homes.

We'll make them a Lion's Main margarita.

Except that tasted like a vanilla soda.

Yeah. I don't know. I fell for some Instagram ad.

That's where you got it.

Yeah, it's called Little Saints and it popped up in my feed and it's like a tequila substitute that is non alcoholic, and it says when you sip on it, it'll lead to deep conversations and musings and whatnot because it has the Lion's Maine in it.

Well, it's led to this deep conversation, although I only drink half of mine. I think the reason it didn't taste like a margarita is because we made it with sprite that's a Margarita.

Fright because you didn't have any lines or anything else. So okay, we mixed it with sprite. You're right, so it was just we'll try again. I don't know a little off, but shout out little saints to that which I did get an email from someone to the Four Things podcast and all I'll just close with this. I did get an email from someone to the Four Things podcast, and I'll just close with this, but it's from Gabrielle and she titled it constructive feedback in question, and she said, Hey, Amy, I have a long time listener for The Bobby Bone Show. I'm listening to your podcast since day one. So thankful for you Kat the Bobby Bone Show.


Thank you for your vulnerability, laughter and wisdom. It's helped me through a lot. I hesitated writing this email given the subject line says constructive feedback, but please know it is in no way being said to you negatively, and I don't want to come across as rude. Since I've been listening so long, I often hear about products and other things you like, dislike, and recommend. It seems that you will often fixate on a recommendation and talk about it almost every show for a while, and then it just stops. I've found it confusing to know if you still like a product or not. I value your opinion and I purchase things that you've mentioned, but then I I wonder if you still use them or not. Some examples would be snail serum, different beauty or food products for things Gratitude journal. I don't hear much about any of that stuff anymore. I guess my thought is maybe you could circle back to things you recommend every so often, and then if you don't recommend something anymore, that would be greatly appreciated. I also have a question. Can you share what shampoo or conditionery use and if you have a go to body lotion for dry skin with the upcoming cooler weather. Thanks so much, I appreciate you. Your friend Gabriel and Upstate New York shout out Adirondacks. What it's another geography lesson because that's the Adirondacks are in upstate New York.

I don't know what that is.

The Adirondack Mountains go to.

Blue zone in.

Hey, if you live in a blue zone, you're a superager.


I only really know about that because when beIN. My ex husband got into a situation with a single engine aircraft where the propeller departed the aircraft and he was flying, and so then the plane immediately turned into a glider. He had nowhere to land, and he was in upstate New York, like in the adder on decks and nowhere near the airport. So he's gonna have to land on a road, which wasn't going to be an option a lake or on top of the trees. And so he found a lake to land in, and I don't think a human had ever been to this little body of water, and he landed perfectly.

Oh my god.

His only injuries were when he swam to shore and like had to climb up and then a helicopter had to come pick him up. They threw a rope down.

To find him.

He used his phone off of like the sun, he created a reflector, and he had been talking to air traffic control because he had called it a may day and they were trying to tell him the nearest himself. He had someone with him, like something was going wrong, and then he said go grab the manual, and the guy grabbed it and they were going through it and the propeller just flew off the aircraft and then they just threw the manual in the back and they're like, nothing in the manual for that. He had never landed a plane on water before, but he just did what he thought he should do and it worked out. He said, it was like butter. He just like and like water came over the windshield and then the plane just started to sink.

So they got it out break the window.

But I don't know what the protocol is for that, but they were able to get out and then swam to shore, and then divers went and got the plane and everything later. And we got his wallet later, and dollar bills that were in his wallet were dyed blue. Because fuel has a color. They dye it so that way you can see where the fuel is, and so when the fuel was leaking everywhere, it turned.

That's interesting the money blue. Actually, that made me think of I was watching a video and it was a windshield breaker, and I think that's something we all should have because if your car ever gets submerged into water, it's how you can get out of your car. You just press it and it just breaks your window and you can get out. It's something I think we should carry around like a hole in my car. Our car goes into Nobody expects their car to get submerged into water, so we should all have one. We have to circle back to the email because that was a really good way to give contructive feedback and also a great idea, like if you ever are like, oh, I don't like this product anymore, will you tell us?

Yeah? And I replied to Gabrielle, I said, hey, thank you for sharing this. I still use the snail stuff every day. I guess I just don't want to overkill at times. Not to clarify, I use the brand of snail stuff now as my facewash and everything Biopel, but I just do the snail serum every few months. Please always share feedback. I'm open to it. I am using Prose hair Care now. There's a code for that too. It's four things. You may even hear commercials if you're hearing it, which I started doing Pros because they wanted to advertise, but I needed to use it first, so they sent it to me like a month before we were going to sign on to do commercials so that I could try it. And I loved it. And it's customized, so you fill out this whole survey. You have to answer all these questions and then you get it. So that is what I've been using the past few months. So four things is a code for that. My email was kind of all over the place, but I said a few months ago, I bought some beef tallow stuff from a mom that started a small business and I'm loving it. My skin is so soft. I just got more. I'm not affiliated with her in any way, shape or form, but she does have a code for ten percent off, which is happy Skin, and I'll link that in the show notes. But her company is called Oak Sage Skincare, and I just saw someone else post about it on Instagram and so then I got it and I love it. Have you ever used beef tallow?

I thought you were talking about some kind of like jerky when you.

Said that, and it was like talking about I'll link her website. I'm not an expert in this. I just had heard that beef towel is really good and I was having some like rough skin spots and it really helped. And if I remember the origin of her story correctly, because when I ordered the stuff, you get a little pamphlet that comes with it. But I think maybe her child had eggzma or something, and then she just started making her own products at home, so it's all ingredients where she makes it in packages. And I just like the idea of supporting a women owned small business, so happy Skin is a code for that. Again, I'm not gaining anything from that. It's just a code she told me that people can use. I said to Gabrielle when I was replying, I should note that I do get pros as part of the podcast deal, but I only tried it because they wanted to work with the podcast. But I made sure to try it before the commercials started to make sure that I like it and I love it, and I'll be a paying customer should they decide to move on and not sponsor the show anymore. I also pay for biopl stuff too. They do gift me things because so many people buy, but aside from that, I would continue to pay.

I love it.

I was a huge Zo fan, like huge, but I made the switch to Biopel from my full routine back in March, and then the Biopel code is happy, which I think saves like twenty percent. If y'all want to try any of the snail stuff. And then I concluded with I will try to circle back on all of it. It's just a fine line with socials and podcasts excess. I guess I get excited and talk talk talk about something and then I feel like maybe I'm going overboard and I need to back off because I'm not trying to just sell things. I need to find a balance. And I appreciate the feedback for sure. As for Four Things Journals, I should remind people about those as well. I'm not sure how many are left and we're not gonna be making more, but I appreciate the reminder. And it's been a minute since I mentioned the journals. I still love them, and they one hundred percent support Haiti like all proceeds, so it's just been something that I need to mention. So Four Things Gratitude Journals, you can go to four Things dot com and you'll see those there and one hundred percent of the proceeds go to education in Haiti. And I said thanks for the note and for being a loyal listener the end. I thought that was helpful, and then maybe it'd explains sometimes like where we are and talk talk talk about a weighted vest, Talk Talk Dok Talk, and then three months from now it's gonna be like, does Amy still wear a weighted vest? Probably because I'm taking care of eighty year old me and his cat still sitting on her balls. Maybe we don't know.

You'll have to wait and find out.

But thank you for the email, And y'all can always ask us any questions. You can send any kind of constructive feedback at all, whatsoever. Maybe you like word of the week, maybe you hate word of the week. Maybe you love the quotes. Maybe you hate the quotes. Maybe you like it when we record an episode after we drink a Lion's made non alcoholic sprite margarita.

Or share our recipe with you guys.

Yeah, all right, Well, I hope y'all are having the day that you need to have.


Where can people find you.

On Instagram at Kat van Buren and at You Need Therapy Podcast.

And I am at Radio Amy, And then we'll link everything in the show notes, so don't forget to head on over there, and then in the meantime we'll Kat and I will be back to Talk Talk Talk Nigs Talk Talk next Tuesday for the fifth thing. But I'll see you all on Thursday for four things. Bye bye,