Melissa gets a letter from the last person she ever wants to talk to again – her dad.
Writer & Director - Kristen Torres
Kristen Torres
Anna Lamadrid
Fred Munoz
Creator & Showrunner - James Kim
Executive Producer - Taylor Chicoine
Editor & Producer - Cameron Kell
Head of Post & Sound Designer - Diego Perez
Sound Mixer - Daniel Martinez
Photographer - Julian Park
Score - Robert Garrova & Ryo Baum
Artwork - Tony D’Amato
Typography - Ben Tousley
Interviewer - Shaneisha Martin
Special thanks to Andrea Torres.
Thank you to our sponsors at Sennheiser.
You Feeling This is a production of iHeartRadio and Overtones Media. Find out more at
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You feeling. This is our production of iHeart Ladio and Overtones Media Fern.
Come on, it's time for our walk. I know I'm excited too, Mama. All right, hold on, I'm gonna get really shan ready, good, I know I'm excited. Okay, keys, phone, earbuds, water, Okay, let's go. Oh actually, you know what, I want to check the nail really quick. Hold on, swait one second, check and make sure that I have my check is not here yet?
How do you get my address?
It's Burn?
Hey body?
What kind of dog is she? Again?
Burn? She's like a doxy terrier mixed or something.
Right, right?
You told me that? So you know.
I was at a dinner party the other night with my friends and we were talking about getting a dog and.
What he is?
Hey? Yeah, no, we it's time for our walk. We're gonna head out now.
Good single, good, an.
Fern. We're gonna need to go for a longer walk today.
Hey, oh my god, I was just thinking about.
You, Soul.
Oh my god, I am so glad you've picked up kidding.
I'm away for my phone right now, and you better not.
Do it lyrically. Don't leave a message after the.
Beat be.
Hayful the nineties called they want their voicemail joke back. This is kind of random, But have you heard from Dad recently? I got this letter from him in the mail, and I don't even know what to.
Do with this.
Like, first of all, for starters, how does he even know where I live?
Just my freaking look Erne is taking a huge poop right now, and I'm straight up out of poop bags. Hold on, hold on, you know what. Actually, I have a brilliant idea. I'm just gonna use this freaking latter to pick up her poop. Also, in the slightest chance that you've listened to this voice message, could you please give me a call back as soon as possible. Okay, I love.
You, Bye, Fern. How do you suggest we pick up this poop? Come on, come drink some water?
Good Fern, I know it's not today, very good. Okay, let me put this away. Haseel, what up?
Did you listen to my message? Okay?
No, it should go more like, Hello, my favorite big sister in the whole entire world. How are you? How's your day? How does work? Oh, Melissa, You're the best little sister. I'm so glad that you ask. That's how you do it.
Okay, damn, I'm sorry, sis. How are you? How was your day? What'd you have for lunch today? Was it a soup a salad? I have protons with your salad? Oh my god? Did you listen to my voice message?
Shut up? I'm just messing with you. No, I obviously didn't listen to your message.
What's going on? Is everything okay?
Well? Not really? Actually, before I stepped out on my walk with Fern, I checked my mailbox and I got a letter from the last person I expected to hear from.
Oh cute, did you find me? Hear back from the Blue Man Group?
You were so annoying that. First of all, you know that was years ago. And secondly, you know I sent in a self tape audition for Stomp. Oh my god, you.
Were so annoying, banging everything in the house.
I thought I thought I was pretty good.
You know.
That's besides the point. I got a letter in the mail from Dad.
Wait, what, No.
Way, yes way. I almost just use the letter to pick up Fern's poop.
You were on a walk without a poop? Back again, girl, You gotta get your life together.
I know, I know, I know. At least it's like biodegradable or whatever. Soul, for ills I need to know, did you give Dad my address?
Why do you think I would do that?
Well, you're the only one in the family who still kind of keeps in touch with him.
Well as the oldest.
You know.
It is the burden eye bear that he tapped on everyone. Some lord, this might come as a surprise to you, but we're all still fucked up from that failed intervention. It's not just you, Okay.
Dad made a very clear choice that day. We gave him every chance to fix things, to make things better, to make a goddamn effort for once. But instead, what did he do?
He stormed out, like he always.
Does when things get hard.
I know.
So I actually have moved on so much so that I don't even think about the man anymore. Well, actually up until today when somehow, mysteriously I have a letter from him in my mailbox. Soul, what did I tell you that day.
That you didn't want anything to do with him anymore?
So I get to choose if and when he comes back into my life. I don't let him have the ability to just waltz in here like that.
Okay, well you should know Dad wrote me a letter too.
Wait, so you did give him my address?
I'm sorry, but look also like, I'm.
Not sorry, soul dude, you straight up went behind my back. Why would you do that?
Because I am worried about you. Anytime I try to bring up Dad, you immediately shut down.
It's not fair that.
I have to do all the work in this. It just really makes me wonder. Have you moved on like you say you have?
I don't know.
Oh, you can't be serious right now.
You deserve peace now. Besides, I knew he was only going to send you a letter, Like what did you really think he was gonna do a greyhound from New Mexico and show up to your door and be like, hey, I'm ready to celebrate Father's Day If you come on is Dad?
No? No, no, don't even joke around like that. I hate you so much right now?
Well, you were always by his side trying to fix him. Okay, ever since you were a little kid. I just don't want you to live your life holding on to all of this because it's not yours to care.
If not, wait, your signal is starting to break up. Hate If you can still hear.
Me or for anybody for our stuff.
Okay, so I'm so pissed at your dumbass what. We're gonna have a long talk about boundaries later. But I'll call you back when I get home. I love you. No bye, Come on, friend, let's go sit in the shady spot. Oh good girl.
Come on.
Okay, damn, look at this view made it all the way to the top.
I don't even know what to do with this. What do you think, Frin?
I think I think Soul is right about one thing. It's time for me to start moving on, to start healing.
The letter was written and directed by Kristin Torres, with editorial and directing support from Fred Munios. Melissa is performed by Kristin Torres. Soul is performed by Anna La Madrid. Neighbor was performed by Fred Munios and introducing Lucy as Fern. Special thanks to Fred Munios, James Kim and Andrea Torres. The editor and producer is Cameron Kel. On set sound mixer is Daniel Martinez. Sound design and head of podcast production is Diego Perez. Creator and showrunner is James Kim. On set photographer is Julian Park. Score by Robert Garova and Ryobaum you Feeling. This is a production of iHeartRadio and Overtones Media. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, check out the iheartra you app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.