6. At Fault

Published Jun 27, 2023, 4:06 AM

Charlie is meeting Amy’s parents for the first time, but the road gets rocky as they question the mileage of their relationship.

Writer & Director - Julian Park

Jon “Dumbfoundead” Park

Steffie Baik

Anthony Tremé

Briana de la Torre

Shannon Fukunaga


Creator & Showrunner - James Kim

Executive Producer - Taylor Chicoine

Editor & Producer - Cameron Kell

Head of Post & Sound Designer - Diego Perez

Sound Mixer - Daniel Martinez

Photographer - Justin D. Lee

Score - Danz CM

Additional Music - Robert Garrova & Ryo Baum

Artwork - Tony D’Amato

Typography - Ben Tousley

Interviewer - Shaneisha Martin


Thank you to our sponsors at Sennheiser.

You Feeling This is a production of iHeartRadio and Overtones Media. Find out more at http://www.youfeelingthis.com/

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Hmm you feeling. This is our production of iHeart laudio and overturns media for Kelsey.

Yes, there you are everything in there. You give me your ten souls.

Didn't I say not to? Oh?

I did?

M hm.

Body begins to fall deeper into a relaxed state. I want you to focus your attention to the energy at the top your right shoulder. Feel the tension there and breathe in deeply. Home as you exhale, release the tension at the top of your right shoulder. Let go of all that unconsciousness.

Are all?

Can't pay shows something?


Text Amy?

Text Amy? What would you like the message to say?

I'm here?

Text message to Amy, I'm here? Would you like to send it? Or change it?

Send it?

Message? Send?


Wow, doesn't even open my door or carry my things?

One star?

Sorry, I'm just you know here.

Let me help you with us?

Oh, you bought snacks?

You should be bringing me food?

Well, where's my tip? Thank you?


Please fasten your seatbelt. Sorry I'm late.

It's okay. I just didn't want us to run into traffic.

I know.

I think we'll be okay.

What's in the bag?


And let's see, Oh, what's this echo beer shit.

No way, you're the best baby I know.

So where's my tip?

Thank you?

You're welcome. How exciting our first road trip together.

I mean it's not really a road trip. We're just going up to Lane Cast.

That's just for the pay.

I'm sure, okay, Charlie.

Sorry, I hadn't mean to kill the vibe. I think I'm just nervous, Charlie.

My parents are really laid back. They're not like you're a parent. I didn't mean it like that. They just don't trust me. They're gonna love you.

But your dad's a lawyer, so he's gonna think I'm some loser.

You wouldn't think that, would you tell him?

I do well.

He knows you're pursuing criminal justice and saving up to go back to.

School for it, so you didn't mention what my actual job is.

Doesn't matter.

It matters if you're ashamed of me.

Who are you? I think you're ashamed now you're trying to deflect on me.

Can we not turn this into another drive where we're arguing the whole time?

I'm sorry.

A job is a job.

Why are you letting it find who you are?

My dad respects a self starter, and that is what you are.

I don't know how to be around someone like your dad, all responsible and shit and nice.

According to you, all he wants to know about you is that you take care of me. So take care of me and stop being a little bitch.

Okay, okay, slug Bug Blue, Ow, what was that for?

Slugbug Blue? You don't know slug bug?

What the hell is slugbug?

It's a game.

If you see a Volksagen beetle, you shout out slug bug plus the color. Whoever does it.

First gets to punch the other person in the arm. How do you not know this?

Hey, I'm a lover, not a fighter. I don't need your violent games.

It's a universal game. You didn't have it grown up in Korea.

Slug Bug White, Oh, I didn't hate you the lord.

That's not a Volkswagon.

Okay, Flo, you wrong, color, it's maroon. I get two punches now.

You can't just make up your own rules. Don't tickle me.

Stop. Hey, watch the road, mister.

M m you're so good. Oatmeal raidin Yeah.

This is my grandma's recipe.

Out of all the things you've baked. Why it's the first time I've tasted these these are smacking.

Oh no, I guess I really only make him for family get togethers. No, you said that was your last one?

Okay, last last one?

Fine, no more after this though, books is only like half full. Now he's definitely gonna notice.

Look three fourths it's.

Oh wait, that's six flags.

Were you supposed to change freeways?

I thought we stay on A five the whole way? Whoops, dude, you.

Use your navigation?

Yeah yeah, okay.

There is heavy traffic on your route. You should reach your destination by seven.

Yeah, we don't need to know that.

Slug bug saw.

You just up?

Whoa wa whoa idiot? Where the hell does he think he's going?

I think that's a woman?

Yeah, well she sucks at driving.

She's older. Okay, Jill, have some patience.

Why are you always defending the other person? Can you just take my side?

It wasn't that big of a deal. You need to road rage over it?

So what if she's old? I'm tired of all these old people on the road. She's clearly blind as a rat and shouldn't be legally driving.

Blind as a fat What are you doing?

It was just blind as a bat?

Is the same?

Who cares. Don't rats have shitty vision too, scrambling around in the dark.

Dude, can you please not make this into a thing. We're almost there. I know.

I can see it clearly on the map. Thanks for the reminder. Do you want the air conditioner on? What do you want the air conditioner on?

Can you just drop me off and need to get out of this car? Why?

No, we're almost there.

You said, when you get your car fixed?

What are you doing?

Stop? I'm gonna get a lift the rest of the way.

I am your lift.

What the fuck is that supposed to me?


This shit about me not driving.

I don't mind driving.

Just stop, let me out. Pull over to that gas.

Station so I just meet you at your parents.

No, Charlie, you can go home now. I know you don't want to meet my family.

I do.

When are you gonna fix your ship the car?

You never wanted me to meet your family. You don't think I'm good enough?

Fuck you, Charlie, fuck fuck fuck?

He's up your phone or at least text me back. Would you like to send it or change it? What would you like the message to say?

Please pick up your phone or at least text me back.

Message to Jamie, please pick up your phone or at least text me. Would you like to send it or change it?

Change it?

What would you like the message to say?

Pick up your phone or text me back?


Message to Jamie, pick up your phone or text me back?


Would you like to send it or change it?

Stupid piece of shit? Cancel?

I'm sorry I didn't get that. Would you like to send it? Or change it?

Cancel? Cancel, Delete.

Message deleted?

Answer your fucking.


Come on stop, you can do this.

M Hello, Hi, are you okay?


Where are you?

I'm background back now station reade on meals.

I'm at the coffee shop.

Can I come pick you up?


We're not going to drink your coffee.

Oh no, I will.

I just.

I'm sorry.

That's okay.

Hm, No, it's not.

I shouldn't have. I thought about it, and it's just.

I was just.

I do want to meet your family. I really want to meet them.

I think I was just freaking out because.

I'm scared.

I know.

This sucks.

I really fucked the both supposed to be a good difference.

I'm scared.

I know.

This sucks.

I really fucked the both supposed to be a good difference sucks.

I really fucked.

Was supposed to be a good day.

Hello, Charling. Oh, mister Richardson, please please call me Steve.

Okay, I sent over that email.

Oh good, you're able to attach the video clip?

Yes, I have.

My associates take a look at it right now.

Based on what you described in the police report, you have nothing to worry about.

He gave them my number. How are you feeling, I'm fine.

I thank you for being so understanding, Charlie.

Nobody blames you. You're not at fault here.

How is she?

She's gonna be fine.

Might not be able to be discharged tonight, but most likely tomorrow. Despite the circumstances, it's been good to finally meet you.

She's only said good things about you.

It's been good to meet you too, sir.

Please call me Steve.

Do you think we'll be able to have our dinner next weekend?

Will you be able to get back up here? Or it wasn't your car totaled?

Well, I'm getting a new one.

Oh well, that's good to hear. Well, sure if Amy's up for it.

Okay, Oh Charlie, you calm if you have any other questions, all.

Right, I will thank you, Sir, Steve.

Alright by now Bye.

At Fault was written and directed by Julian Park, John Dumfounder. Park plays Charlie. Steffi Bank plays Amy, Anthony Tremay plays Mister Richardson, Brianna Delatoria plays Kelsey. Shanna Fukunaga plays the meditation Guide. The editor and producer is Cameron kel On set sound mixer is Daniel Martinez. Sound designer and head of post production is Jacob Perez. Creator and showrunner is James can On set photographer is Justin Deeley. Score by Dan cm with additional music by Robert Garova and Ryobaum Featured songs Something More written and performed by Dan Cim You Feeling. This is a production of iHeart Radio and Overtones Media. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, check out the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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