World Game-ChangersWorld Game-Changers

Blessed Beyond Belief (3): Nurturing Children - Paul D. Lowe and Rebecca Wheele & Sally Hooper

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 On this episode of the World Game-Changers podcast, Paul is joined by Rebecca Wheele and Sally Hooper for the third episode on the subject of being blessed beyond belief. On this episode they focus on nurturing children


  • During covid I pivoted from helping schools set up early education programmes for autistic children to work more with the neurotypical population and helping parents get past some parenting challenges with their little ones to get back to loving life together at home.
  • All my experiences combined have brought me to a point where I want to instil, teach goodness and model how to do that for grown ups because a lot of grown ups don’t necessarily have the tools or knowledge of how to model or teach that for children: Teach patience, self-worth, introspection, forgiveness, gratitude, community and all these wonderful things that if we teach kids, the earlier the easier, what an advantage these kids will have as they age and become grown ups and hopefully contribute as world game-changers in the world as well.
  • I see kids as little sponges and they’re going to soak up whatever it is that you put in front of them. You could fill them with sour milk, the blandness of water – your absence as a parent, they’ll soak that up – or we can fill them with the sweet nectar of goodness and your time and attention, which is what most kids want. It’s an opportunity to pour goodness into them and if you do that then they’ll drip goodness.
  • You can hear about trauma or read about it or see it in a movie, but to really experience it first hand when families are communicating it to you is a whole different thing. It was a privilege to be in that position, I didn’t take it lightly but it was eye-opening.


‘Much of the issues I was dealing with [from children I was seeing as a therapist] had to do with what happened to them when they were younger, really little. So much of what we do comes from our early upbringing.’

‘If we can instill goodness in little ones from the get-go, what an advantage they will have in their life. We can give them a leg-up in this world.’

‘If I can teach a child that’s on the autistic spectrum to talk what else can we teach kids who are neuro-typical, who don’t have the challenges that child had?’

‘Nurture is a huge, huge component to the outcome of a child.’


  • Speaking From Our Hearts Books: Volumes 1-3 (Available on Amazon)


Rebecca is an artist and designer based in the South of England. She graduated from Kingston University in London 2013 with a degree in Illustration and Animation. After a shift in direction and new challenge working as a lifeguard and in management in the leisure industry, she went travelling around the world through South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand. She returned to the UK, to begin a journey working commercially in art and design.

Rebecca works together with people to create logos, help with branding, design or re-vamp websites and generally loves to get involved with creative projects. She works across all industries and loves listening to people and understanding what their business is about, why they do what they do and translating this into a form of visual communication. Rebecca is a seeker of the spiritual and inspired by the power and beauty in nature; from colour, form and pattern, to how we can look to nature as a guide and teacher in life.

As an educational & behavioral consultant, Sally has worked with dozens of school districts since the mid-90’s, helping them integrate principles of Applied Behavior Analysis into classrooms. Sally also works privately for families, equipping parents with effective, evidence-based strategies, and helping them optimize their parenting skills to get back to enjoying time together.

With 28 years of experience working in the field of autism and special education, her approach has remained simple – she believes in maintaining a positive mindset, creating partnerships with a purpose, and always striving for significant outcomes for children.

Currently, Sally contracts privately with both school districts and families across the country through her company – Dynamic Behavior Solutions. She’s especially enjoying helping families with “neurotypical” little ones who just need some extra help getting back on track behaviorally.


Paul has made a remarkable transformation from existing for many years in dark, desperate despair; to now living a really healthy, happy and fulfilling life.
From an early age, he was in the vice-like clutches of the demon drink and constantly embroiled within a dark cocktail of toxic beliefs, self-hate and destructive violence.
Along with his empathetic and dedicated team of world-class coaches and mentors, Paul’s purpose is deeply transformational.

Developing World Game-Changers…

He is extremely passionate about helping others to find their purpose, have a voice and ultimately, make a real difference.  

This has been built on a long and distinguished history of heart-centred coaching and mentoring.  He has also been responsible for raising significant amounts of funds for many charities and good causes around the world; positively impacting and inspiring thousands of children – mainly from challenging backgrounds – within the UK & worldwide.

Through his World Game-Changers podcast and books, he has been involved in – including being a best-selling co-author – Paul also helps others to get their own inspirational messages and stories out into the world; as well as offering support to many charitable organisations, in their development & fund-raising.


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