This is Part 2 of this special bonus episode where Sophia flips the mic and she's put in the hot seat by two of her best friends, Jenny Smart and Vanessa Magos. Sophia answers both light-hearted and deep questions from her besties, tackles fan questions, PLUS they play a fun game!
Executive Producers: Sophia Bush & Rabbit Grin Productions
Associate Producers: Samantha Skelton & Mica Sangiacomo
Editor: Josh Windisch
Artwork by the Hoodzpah Sisters
This show is brought to you by Brilliant Anatomy
Hi, everyone, it's Sophia. Welcome back to this bonus episode of Work in Progress. I'm excited because this is actually part two in our flip the mic scenario where two of my best friends, Jenny and Vanessa put me in the hot seat last month. You've heard of sit down with some Margarita's to talk about who and how often I am star struck by? Oh my god, it's honestly mortifying. How I hope this podcast brings people together and so much more. I won't keep you any longer because these are fun ones. Without further ado, here is part two of chatting with my besties. I have a really good question for you. Oh god, I have a mouth all advice from this Margharita. It's very good. So it's from a very big fan, Sammy. Is actually an incredible question, Thank you, Sammy. It is if you could go back to one moment in your life, knowing what you know now, just to relive it. You can't change it. What moment do you go back to? Okay, knowing what I know now, there's like a moment I experienced in high school and it took me a long time. I mean a long time after high school to realize that there was a group of girls whose acceptance I wanted so much. I mean, I went to a very very small um all girls school, and there was definitely a mean girls vibe. There's three of us, well four of us. Um I was like three friends me, no, that means four. This is a strong margharita. There's four of us who are still really close from high school. And like those three girls or girls I really cherish, but in a in the sort of larger group of us in my very small girls school, there was like a definite mean girl vibe and I don't think I really understood what it was. And I I I've done some therapy about like how punished I was by that environment. By some I mean a lot, And I can think of moments when I was really like put out on the plank by the girls who were supposed to be my friends, and it was like really cruel and really shitty. And I think because of our friendships and our group of friends and like the family of friends we've built, I would really love from this point of sort of like environmental safety and also having done as much work on myself as an individual all as I have, i'd really like to be a fly on the wall and like go back and observe those dynamics because I think I could do it in a way. I mean, yeah, like I know that sixteen or seventeen year old me was like really hurting and feeling terrible, But I think I could do it in a way where I could probably also understand that the girls in the power position who were like really mean and ruthlessly relentless, I could probably see, like you know, the pain that they were in or what they were trying to cover for. And I think it I think it would be really hard, but I also think it would weirdly be really freeing. And yeah, when she says you can't change it, okay, that that's a moment I'd like to go observe as an adult you, I'd like to go look at all of those teenage groups, understand and observe them because of what I think it would do. Always, I think it would make me. I think it would give me information, more information for the groups of young women I speak to at high schools and colleges. I think it would give me more information in how to parent my eventual children. Now, so to like, I think deal with your own trauma without of realizing of like, oh, here's where, Not that it makes it okay, but like, oh, I can see a different perspective of how this was happening. Not that it makes me feel better then, but I can at least now heal. Yeah, And it's like anyone who harms someone else has been harmed typically, and so it's like that kind of air is going through something and it does not excuse it at all, but it helps you understand the situation that it's not necessarily about you. You know. I also will because I know that's kind of a heavy answer, and honestly I had no idea that that's what was going to come out of my mouth in that moment. So hi um. I will also pick a really happy answer and say that when we went to the tenth anniversary of Bondary and jay Z came out right after Stevie, wonder, good God, if I could go back and so he lived any concert moments and just dance it a second time, that would be it. Because let me tell you, guys that the cutest thing that ever happened is like jay Z came out in front of a hundred thousand people, everybody's going crazy. It's insane. And then the coolest guy in the rap game like breaks and starts to gig Cole. He giggled like and he's looking down and none of us know what he's looking at, and he's got the mic up around his face like this, and he goes, man, wait till I tell my mom. Stevie Wonder stuck around from my set and we all were like, oh my, And he also just was like so happy the whole guy seeing. I mean a lot of artists are very happy. But we performed, but like, there was something so joyous about his whole performance. It was honestly one of the best. And then we went home and inhaled a bunch of carbon monoxi. Yeah we almost died that night, gas pump in our throat. Yeah yeah, but it was a great way night inhale. I'm like, we actually almost died, but it was great. It was prior to our carbon monoxide poisoning. It was a high. It was a joy. Really, it was a it was a top life moment, it really was. I would give anything to do that night on and even to like to see us. I would like to see how happy were it was so good. I mean, we're also happy sometimes now happy was the thing, Like it's been an intense couple of years, and that was like, that was pure joy. Also, you couldn't pay me to stand in a crowd of a hundred thousand people right now, But if we could go back standing in a crowd of a hundred people briefly having a time watching jay Z giggle about Stevie Wonder, I was like, this is so cute. I can't and honestly, full circle, look at that jay Z had a fan moment. Yeah, and it and it was fun and it was fun and great. Anyway, those are my two. That was a great question. That was a great question, Vanessa. How are you going to pick one? I know it's so hard to know, like what direction to go? You look nervous. No, I'm not nervous. Um, never nervous sometimes except for this side of the table. Mm hmmm. I like this question because so you obviously are never home typically because you're always working and you film other places, and so you've gotten to be home a lot, which is a silver lining of what we've all been going through the last couple of years. But if you had to move to another country tomorrow and live there for a year or something. Where would you want to go? God, that's so hard. I really spent a lot of time thinking about that this summer. Yeah, I feel like it's been a big conversation for everybody because you know, we've all been at home and we've just been and kind of daydreaming or thinking what would my life look like in another situation? You know, mm hmm. I will say first and foremost, I love being home, and I I love California. I love that we you know, we live in a place where you can be in the heart of one of the world's biggest cities and in two hours be in the desert with nothing, or in a forest, or like at the ocean. I mean, it's so magical. Also, like, you know, shout out to our essential workers and our firm workers and the people who make this all possible. But when I think about if I were going to go anywhere else, I could tomorrow pick up and moved to Italy, France or Spain like easily, just like up and go, I feel that I am. I really tremendously love each of those places. Is it's not lost on me that you know there are three of my favorite languages other than the one that I speak, And yeah, I just love it. Italy feels like home to me, you know, I think with all my family and sort of our history there. I love France. I just I find it to be so special and I think back actually it started. I think my sort of love affair with Spain started just after college. My college roommate and I Ali would go visit one of our other best friends from college, Monica. She was in grad school there, and every Thanksgiving we'd go to Spain to see her and we spend like eight days in Barcelona and we'd go from you know, Saturday to the following Sunday. It was the best and I was like, I freaking love it here and then getting out into you know, more parts of Spain, like being in Madrid, going and seeing my Orca for the first time. I love the culture. I love the the importance of family, and I think that what's really universal with like you know, me coming from an Italian and family, Like the emphasis on food and gathering and community is incredible. And also like, how is the rest of us not caught up to see us the culture? What are we doing? Quality of life in general. The amount of times, like even us going on that trip, you know, I was feeling so overwhelmed about, you know, leaving work and having to tell people, Okay, I'm going away for a week and after being home for two years, you know, and feeling such extreme guilt about it. And I was on the phone with someone that is from London and they were like, that is so American of you to say just that I felt guilty about leaving. You're just like Europeans just have a whole different way about going about life and work. That that whole balance. It's I thought about it too. I think there's so much that's incredible about our country, like the melting pot we live in, for all its faults, um, the sort of this idea, though flawed, of like this you know, more perfect union, this this democracy foundered on equality, Like I want us to live up to our highest ideals. But it's also not lost on me that in the in the landscape the timeline of the world, America is young. Like we're kind of a teenager and all the other countries are grown ups. And I'm like, oh right, teenagers think they don't need to sleep and they go ham and grown ups are like, no, you need to sleep and maybe taken nap. And I go to Spain and I'm like, oh yeah, I sleep here for like eight hours a night and I take a twenty minute nap in the afternoon and I feel amazing. So I don't know, I I'm into it, so I I could go. I mean, we're obviously it seems that you feel the same about I mean South America. Both are just like I love so much and you lived in something because I lived in Proof, tell the listeners about it. And I lived in Proof a couple of years growing up, and uh yeah, I mean South America will always have just a piece of my heart. I love it. Also believe in a two hour lunch. Yeah it's great. But then yeah, same with the europe I also think that for anybody, like when you have the privilege of traveling and getting to see other places like it also makes you appreciate where you're from too, you know. And I think that's why people travel, you know, because the same thing I know Europeans that love coming to the United States, you know, and so it's it's just something different from your day to day. And I think that's the biggest thing of just like mixing it up, mixing it up, getting out of your routine. And that's been hard the last couple of years, you know, for everybody, we've all been, you know, having to adjust our our way of life. But yeah, I will say that, you know, to your point, But it's an interesting question to ask, Like, after I've finally been able to be home for the first time in my adult life, I mean, I moved away and stead of having my senior year in college, like, I've just been on the road. And yeah, this year has been hard, and holding space for all of it has been difficult, and I've really had to learn to sort of flex my um, intellectual and empathetic muscles to make the container that I feel like I can hold twice as big. But the silver lining for me, and we talked about this when we're getting started. You know that if you don't actually claim your joy, if you don't own the things that are good, it's kind of an insult to people who are suffering, because it's like we try to defend or show up for people's suffering so they might find joy again. So I've really been trying to lean into holding the bigger container. But also clearly claiming my my joy and my God. To be home for this long was like such a gift. It's been so healing, I think for you, and I've seen it like you've just kind of I feel like you've been able to exhale in a way that I haven't seen since I've known you a thousand. Yeah, so I'm very you know, it was like a really scary year. But inside of that, I feel really thankful that I got to just like wake up and fall asleep in my house, you know, and yeah, it's rad and and it interestingly made me feel really appreciative for this space that has been a home for so many of my favorite people. And this kind of like we used to joke, you know, people at home, Like everyone was like, oh, you're going to like stay at the hostel because like everyone had a key, everyone always knew they could come home. And and it's interesting to think about this moment where I'm like embarking on leaving again and I'm like, oh, yeah, friends will be living here, people like this space we've built will like continue to work in these cycles that I'm very grateful for. But man, I I really liked being home. There was definitely a point. There's a point a couple of months ago where I was just feeling a little weird. You know, things were getting crazy, like surges were happening. Public health is very stressful. And Grant looked at me and he was like, hey, um, just a thought observation. I could tell you really didn't want to be judgmental. He was like, you just haven't been I don't think you've been outside in five days. And he was like, and I don't mean you haven't gone anywhere in five days. I mean I don't think you've gone into the backyard. I don't think door. He was like, I think you need to go outside. And I was like, okay. I didn't realize how how much of a hermit I could become on the other end of the pendulum swing of like I've never ever been home to being like I'm home. I'm never leaving. He was like, hy bib, please go outside. Okay, I'm gonna go for a walk. Oh my goodness, hurt my life. I live it pretty hard. I lived it very hard in this house. Yeah, um, this is the best house. And always sys that everyone is grateful for you're so you're like the best host. I would definitely move to New Zealand in a heartbeat. But that's you're just ready to live that Harry Potter life. Honestly, Here's here's what I will say. I've never been highly recommend I'm dying to go. I mean, obviously we're not going there anytime soon because they're keeping stuff safe. But I talked about this with some Australians last night. I want to go to New Zealand so bad. And it's one of those places that I'm like, oh maybe, but maybe it might win. I would never come home. It's I don't know, Like there's like London and there's New Zealand, and those are two places where it's like I could very much be like all right, I'm moving here and to take us, take us also like a little a little inba and a like just into at in moment. Yeah, it's like with the power ladies, let's go. Okay, just Sinda if you're listening. If you're listening. So far, the callouts on this episode have been very Jenkins Beyonce just and do we do you think? We just like send it to people and be like we love you, We're not weird. We swear we're pretty weird, but we're also nice wed in a fun way. Like I'm weird, but I'm nice. Yeah, Like you're saying, I can't pretend I'm not weird because it's like it's pretty off the bat, like, oh, this girls like kind of weird, but everyone's weird but chill. Yeah, but there's weird in a good way and weird in a scary way. We're weird in a mean way, which is the worst kind of weird. And I think we're weird in a fun way. And if you're listening at home, you can categorize what kind of weird your friend group is and you can tell us, because honestly, at this point, I'm yes, I want to know what your what your definition of like what kind of weird you are is, and why there's going to be some insane description. I want to I want that to the people who are actually willing to give us a dissertation in the comments on this episode about what kind of weird they are just feel like a kind of I want the full breakdown. What else is your favorite? Ready for a game? We have a game game? I was like, what else does the internet sag? I mean, we're going to hit more Internet questions after the game. Yeah, we're gonna get this. I'm so basically this is I'm having deep stress at this moment. We're gonna play the game. No, no, no no, So it's a okay, it's we're I'm not allowed to start, but I guess what I mean. Kiss Mary Kill also known as f Mary Kill. But we're gonna switch it up. It's not with people, and it's not even that I don't really know why, but it's um with movies. And in stead of F Mary Kill, are you going to boot? Like no throwaway, reboot or sequel? So our first categories comedies. We have legally Blonde, we have ten things I Hate about you, and we have bring it On. Yeah see, I know these things. It feels impossible. It's like, okay, I hate No, this is very difficult to make a decision. But I will say I don't think you could ever ever do attend things they hate about you without Heath, So that has to be booted for respect. Respect. Realizing there are so many sequels of both, I know there really are. I would like to because I'm never going to get in Reese's way because she's perfect. So I I would like to be involved in the latest perhaps fourth or fifth. I have no idea sequel of Legally Blonde, because I really want to know where Elwood's is going and definitely be like a classmate, don't you think, or like a like a partner in a law firm. I think we would have so much fun to get in. Um. She's also just like the nicest person, Like truly, we're the nicest people in the world. Instagram is resource respect She's angel Um, we like chat sometimes and I'm like, what is happening to me anyway? So I would really like to be involved in that sequel, And so I would say because I think it is an evergreen storyline, which, interestingly, for whatever might feel um specific to the time of it, is also kind of still really timely. I think Bring it On deserves a reboot and like also gab Union love you to death? You know it? So I don't know if like You'reston Dunces is busy being a mom and you need like a co producer who wants to find like a cool group of teens to reboot that movie. I would also get in on that fair enough, you know. Um. Okay, second, I'm just realizing there's also just like sequels to a couple of these not but anyway, imagine there aren't all things that are like, but they're not five, they're not all my picks for horror. We have The Ring. We have Scream, which is being simultaneously rebooted and sequeled as we speak, but pretend it isn't. And this is up to you. Here's the thing. I want Scream sequels forever. But I think we're in I don't know what the version of like a sixth sequel. I don't know a sex sex sex sequel, what the fund is that called? I have no idea, but I want sequels of Scream forever. Get Out feels a little fresh to have a reboot. It's not that old. But what I feel about get Out and you're follow me on this journey, I feel that you could do reboots of get Out, almost like an American horror story, where every quote reboot is in a completely different place with a completely different cast, or or you could even do the same cast but in a completely different thing. So I would be really into the anthology reboot of a get Out And well, I'm sorry, we'll just happened. The Ring I have to poot the Ring. It gave me nightmares. I had a sequel, I know, but like I genuinely can't cope with the Ring, that imagery anymore because I didn't sleep from no. I mean it was heinous. I can't with the Ring. I will say. Naomi Watt's like that was one of the best thrillers. I like, that was I think one of the first like scary thriller movies that like I allowed myself to really get into and I was like, this was so good. I was deeply traumatized. I mean that tape I have a company. I think I threw away after that because I got seven days. Um okay, Final round, Okay. Best Picture Academy Award winners Boot, Reboot or sequel, Titanic, Million Dollar Baby, and Forrest Gump. Oh my god, I'm just also laughing at the idea of a reboot or sple Million Dollar Baby. No spoilers, so sorry, perfectly and it could go on forever. Here's the thing. You either have to do a reboot because of the way it ended, or you'd have to boot it. Like you either have to put it to bed because it was perfect and Hillary Swick want an Oscar. She's an icon icon We really do love you. Mooch. Wait, million dollar Baby, Titanic or what Forrest Gump? Oh my god, okay, Iconique, this is hideous. I don't like this game. I think a million dollar Baby either gets put to bed or it gets a reboot. Titanic feels the same. I don't think we're like getting Rose once she immigrates to America. Story nobody cares. Let's be honest, like we did it. Also, Kate Win's at Maraby's town all we care about. But I will say, because I think we're as a as a society rightfully so, because they're both incredible, We're still so obsessed with Tom Hanks and Robin Wright, Like I want to watch anything either of them is doing. So if you said to me, we're going to have a sequel to Forrest Gump, Like Jenny comes back to life, well where we're like perhaps through his experiences, like she's the person who he sees or hears from, Like how many shows? How many great shows have you seen? Where like you know, somebody's ghost is around, But it's like it's more an outlet for a person to process what they're feeling, Like recently the flight attendants like, I truly feel like I would love to see that. Yeah, just my write it, write the Forest's worst name. It might be. But Jenny and so from Vanessa say other Jenny's Ghosts needs a reboot, it needs a sequel. I hate whatever. A sequel. There it is, I leave it there. Okay, we have a few fan questions. Go ahead, Let's do a fire round. Is that what you call it? Yeah, like rapid rapid rapid fire a fire round, dear god, let's do a rapid fire good? I mean, because some of these are actually really good, quite deep. Okay, wait, someone asked about the Tramplaine workout. So, oh my god, Vanessa, it's our moment. This is our moment. It just says Trampline workout question mark from Amber. Guys, is it really you know, come jump with us. Yeah, we know you're like touring with Lord, but we miss you. We love Laura. The Trampline workout are We have a mutual friend who started doing it. We started seeing it and one day Sof and I were like, let's see what it's all about. We were like, we really need to be in the mix. And here's what's fun about it is it's the most insane workout, but it's basically a dance class and it's hilarious, and they're at least once every class. I'm like, I'm done, I can't do it, I can't keep up. My body has expired. We're finished. And then something happens where you get over the hump. I think this is what runners you run runners. I think this is what runners talk about, where like you're suffering and you're miserable, and then you get over some metaphorical hurdle and then you feel like you're on fire, like you could go forever. That's kind of what happens to me at trampoline class. And I don't run unless I'm being chased, let's be clear, So I will never have a runners high. But this, this is like I can't, I can't, I'm done. There's no way I could do anymore. Then really like exhilarating when everyone clicks in. For those of you who have no idea what we're talking about, just look up the nests. They're based out of New York and e SS like Vanessa, but the exactly and I was since my calling, but everyone looks absolutely insane, and I'm not a d answer and I'm not coordinated, so I feel insane. I tell you what Trayvon said. No, we have a friend, you guys, Trayvon for you, who's incredible, who just want an oscar this year? For two distance strangers. It's an incredible short film. Yes I'm using this to sham we'll see plugs movie. No, I'm not in it. And that's not the points. Our friend and he's brilliant, and he responded to one of our stories, Vanessa, and he goes, this looks like women training for combat. And I responded and I said, dance combat is the only kind of combat I ever want to be in. And then I realized, like maybe this is the future. It's like synchronized swimming meets dance, a distraction you don't realize you're working out, and then you're like, great, we're done. Okay. Next question, Jenny, what do we each miss most about living together? I miss I missed the moments of just like peels of laughter because there was always like a ridiculous thing around a corner always, and that was fun. Also, Caudle puddles on the couch of Vanessa, literally being sixty seconds of any show. I feel safe. I know it really. But then as she always is like the worst kind of like it's funny if you're a person who falls asleep, just fall asleep and just own it. Vanessa will never own it. And she'll be like, I just close my eyes for two seconds. What happened? And it's been three hours and a whole movie is done, so like, don't be mad at me. She's like, wait, don't be mad at me. But I just like blinked and I just did he die? And I'm like, all right, I gotta go. You never speak again. I think what I am is the most is I like being in my bed and then you guys coming in and like one of you standing on the door, one of you sitting on the edge of the bed and just like talking, and then everyone talking about their day or whatever, and then like postmating breakfast, yeah, and then we're like what are we doing? And then we're like okay, And but just like the hangs that would happen like that. I love that. Yeah, I'm trying to think of like, yeah, always just like having built in friends, you know, like at any you know, you could either be alone and then two seconds later it's like, oh, like so if just got home or Vanessa just got home, and like, oh, this new show's out, let's watch it, let's gap, let's figure it out. Just always someone around to like to laugh and order too much food with and at all. Yeah, yeah, um, should we do one more? How do you inspire each other? That's not a casual question. Okay, you want to do a favorite thing to do together? I mean I guess we could do both. Okay, maybe let's answer the second one. First piece of advice, I feel like the advice you've ever given each other. So it's like I got to think about that. These are such intense questions. I mean, I feel like we kind of covered. Like favorite thing to do together is usually like a cuddle puddle anywhere. Take out exists, no like time schedule, just sitting and existing and hanging. I will say, Also, one of my very favorite things is the rare occasions where we've gotten Vanessa to drink coffee. Hates it, which is funny, but I really you get so amped. It's great. Coffee doesn't affect me at all, and so when when you have a coffee, I'm like, wow, this is fun to just walk. Um, what were the other two I forgot already? Maybe the best piece of advice you've given each other, or how you inspire each other. I mean, you ladies are always inspiring me, just with like we weirdly are interconnected in some ways. I think in our work, like there's something we can relate to each other in the you know, each of our businesses, but we all do different things. And it's really nice to have a support system within your friend group of people who understand, you know, at least a part of what's happening, and kind of you know, cheer you on to be better and to go for what you want in life and in your career. I'd agree with that, just that there's I don't ever feel like competition. It's like full support. Everyone's a fan of each other, and I think that that's rare, and I think that's such a gift in our friend group and and with the three of us have just like constantly being each other's like biggest fans. Yeah for the people that you know, we call to cry with and to be like this is really hard. Yeah, totally, Yeah, that's what I was saying. And it's interesting too, Like you guys, I will say, have been so good for me. It's really really easy for me to show up for you. It's like literally all I ever want to do, Like what's happening anywhere else? Who cares? Like what are you doing? I'll be there. And you guys have really like five forcing me. You've been very unwilling to not show up for me in the ways I show up for you where I'm like, no, I don't need it, and you're like, that's not the point. You didn't It's none of us need it. And you've really like helped me to kind of put my guard down. And I I even think about, like the example that comes to mind the number of times you guys have been like what do you mean you just had a movie come out? What do you mean you just partorted a company? Like And you'll yell at me and be like tell us stuff not just like life stuff for like let's come over for dinner, but like what are you doing? Like why what is this tendency you know that I have? And you'll say to me that you have to like not talk about this, and and it really made me confront the fact that I love to celebrate other people, but I feel weird celebrating myself, and I realized how much that had changed, you know, in our friend group, but certainly like in this house and thanks to you guys, and in this house that will always be our house to be clear. Um, when I got the link to Good Sam and we like had all our friends come over and we watched the pilot, and I was like, yeah, but it was like so fun and that's just not a thing I have ever really done before. And you guys were like, no, we're watching it. We're throwing a party, we're ordering food, we're having we're inviting everyone, and it was such a special hang. And I just cherished that I have friends in my life who care as much about me owning my stuff as I care about them owning their's. I think that there's a tendency to be like, no, I'm good, and you guys are like, no, that's stupid. I'm like, okay, that's definitely inspiring. I think when when you have, you know, for anybody at home, like when you have a community that not only that you love, but that loves you, and that encourages you to to let that be like a three sixty experience, that's pretty special. I don't agree. I also just like very quickly want input. I'm just having just a throwback to all of us dating just like the cheers, like not just sharing like this like when did I But like, i mean, let's be very clear, but that's not I've never dated in our lives, but like the people that we are now deeply in we went on some days, yeah, like I have stories. Yeah, I'm sure we don't need to go there, but like I'm talking about like over the PEP talks, but also like deep therapeutic sessions of like you can do this because I mean, I'm I'm guessing now this is like a through line through most people in the world, but like we're all pretty dysfunctional in that space and hold a lot of weird history and so definitely for all I just like have moments of like seeing each of us in different positions of like the PEP talks, that you can do this and like you know you've got this. Also just being so excited for each other no matter what it is, you know. I think that's the biggest thing too. I think that like being able to support each other through opening up and being vulnerable, you know, not only as friends, but in that most risky sort of vertical of of a romantic relationship, but also you know, being really clear about what people deserve. Like what an amazing thing when your friends say no, you deserve better, or your friends look at you and say, I'm so happy you're with a person who treats you this way. You know, those can be some of the most powerful mirroring experiences. And it's so fun. You know, obviously I'm speaking on my own behalf, but it's fun for me, and it's fun for me and Grant to be like, oh my god, how fun is it going to be to be eighty with like Ricard and Vanessa and Jenny and Jess, Like, oh, how fun? Like we think about like the little trips the six of us go on, and we're just like this is cool, Like we know we know what our life is going to be our favorite humans, and that how like how lucky we are to win the lottery of having our favorite friends and then to do it as units is insane Fine country country. It's beyond special. Yeah, for sure, I'm so thankful for like what this little family of the three of us has been. You know, it's been such a foundation and a rock I think for all of us, you know, through so many different things in life, and to get to see where we've all come from, where we started, and I'm like, I'm really proud of all of the guys. We really made it through. Yeah, there's been some u dark time, so questionable moments, but here we are. It's also nice, I think when you realize everybody has those, Yeah, but we we got to like go through it to other. Being a rock climbing team. You're like, I got you. Don't step on that, don't all right, It's okay. Now I'm just gonna I'm gonna pull you up. I got you, Yeah, I got you vice versa and vice versa and vice versa. Yes, I love you, We love you. Yeah, I'm glad we got some Thanks for having us back on just like this, for trusting us to take over your show from here on out. I'm so sorry to see your last one, you know what. It's been great to leave it in your hands. And I can't wait to see what happens when you guys. I can't wait. Beyonce, you heard it here, you heard it here. We'll see you soon. I love how nervous I was you were really nervous. All it takes a little tequila and you're ready to go. Jenny was not nervous at all, and I was like, do we have do we know what we're doing? Like, but also you were nervous, and then the minute we hit record and pick up your mike and you're like, hello, let's talk, welcome science, swear what's going on? But we have for you tonight is especially you're so good and natural and it's amazing to watch. Honestly that is like, obviously why you do what you do. I was gonna say, you should, you should do this, Maybe maybe we'll have you back on the show. So if you're pretty good at this, but like watching you like talk to people, you're like, it's it's insane. That is not there is any person in my life that I'd like trust to be like okay, and you're going to go speak to this person, it would be I shut down completely and seen you gotta go. Um, Yeah, we've come to an end. We did it. Thank you to the audience for your great questions. Sammy shout out forever. Yeah, and you know, any of the people who we fan girled on this episode, you're welcome anytime, Yes, anytime when Vanessa and I take over. Thank you. Oh wow, I've if you had as much fun listening as we did making this episode For you guys, it's a joy to be able to laugh with my gals. Before we go, I want to thank you all for listening to and supporting work in progress, something that brings me so much joy and fulfillment and I'm just thrilled that I get to do this podcast. And if you're a Wondering Plus subscriber, thank you for being among some of my favorite whip smarties. Feel free to check out our whole catalog of Buddhist content and check back next month for exclusive episodes. Until next time,