For this bonus episode, Sophia flips the mic and she's put in the hot seat by two of her best friends, Jenny Smart and Vanessa Magos. Sophia answers both fun and deep questions from her besties, tackles fan questions, andmore! Don't forget to tune in next month for Part 2!
Executive Producers: Sophia Bush & Rabbit Grin Productions
Associate Producers: Samantha Skelton & Mica Sangiacomo
Editor: Josh Windisch
Artwork by the Hoodzpah Sisters
This show is brought to you by Brilliant Anatomy
Hi everyone, it's Sophia. Welcome to this bonus episode of Work in Progress. For this episode, I thought it would be fun. Well, we thought it would be fun to flip the script, and honestly, once the idea was floated at it was just taken and I was put in the hot seat. And I am now a guest on my own show. So this is interesting if you're asking as a longtime listener who knows me, Yes, my palms are sweaty and it's fine. Today I'm work in progress. We are going to answer some questions and see what this whole show looks like from the outside in. Because my two best friends, my sistras, my roommates, my pals Jenny Smarta Vanessa Magos are here. They've hijacked the mics and wish me luck. I had so much fun with them on our first episode, and so many of you asked for them to come back. So we've heard you. They're here, and we had such a good conversation that we've actually decided to break this up into two episodes. I mean, there's just a lot of t being spilled. What do you want for me? Look for part two of this next month on one dree plus and buckle up because Part one starts now. Guys, welcome back to work in progress. Okay, thanks for having us. It's pretty exciting. We're having a margarita. I think this is going to get spicy. It's a beautiful margarita too. You see why I'm going to marry him? Yeah, yes, huge, big huge news. Use news the world, use news, you right, I like them. Just can't stop staring at that ring. I mean, it's also like kind of funny. I was having a conversation with some friends today about how I've relentlessly kept my private life private for almost twenty years and how like interesting and fun it is to actually share a thing, you know, And I'm like, oh, wow, this is fun because my friends don't have to keep secrets and everybody just gets to party. I actually was like when I saw the like, you know, time period between when like we found out and the world, I was actually just like, oh, this is like a cool, fun, like public thing. Like by the way, my parents send all their love, they're very excited. Yeah, but I was shocked and also super happy that you felt comfortable and happy to share it and to own it. That's the other thing like I was like, also gets to own this moment instead of it being like is that a rock on Sofia Bush's finger? Like engaged the questions and stuff, but no, we talked about it last week. I feel like being able to share it in a way that where you're finally like, oh, I get to share my joy with other people, and like you're allowed to do that. And I think that like, especially in the role you're in, you constantly have to like think about those things where other people don't necessarily have to. And it's I think, as your friend, it was so exciting to get to be excited with you in that way. You know, yeah, that felt so fun. I think what's interesting too is really being able to understand that. The reason I think for me and for so many of our friends who do you know what I do, that it can be really difficult is that if you're a guy and you're like dating, you're experiencing your life, you're figuring it out. People go like, good for him. And as a woman, if you date and you see what you're looking for and you and you have really or you work on having I suppose really high standards, people go like, what's she doing? And they're so judgmental, and so I just learned a long long time ago did not tell anybody about what I was doing. And and it was really fun to be like, oh no, I'm not testing something out, I'm not dating to see if this is what I want. I I know what I want. This is my person. And once you've made a you know, decision that is that large, it's like, well, yeah, then why wouldn't I tell people? It was fun to have it be so joyful. I didn't know how freeing it would feel. And it was really fun that everyone else got to celebrate rather than like, I feel like all of you guys like my my most trusted circle. We've been a little bit of a football team. It's like block, don't let anybody in. And now it's like it's like and no one's hanging on or like letting slip a secret that exactly, and you want to make sure that like are we allowed to say this or yeah, yeah, it's really it's very fun, But it was. It was actually very cute because I am there. There is a video from us getting engaged, and we haven't shared that because that's for us. I mean, we shared obviously with all of you. But it's uns special, Like I truly I can't believe the level of perfect planning that he did. You know, I grew up like the daughter of a photographer, like imagery is my love language. And I send it to obviously to our parents, and my mom was like, can I send this to your aunt? Or is that bad? Maybe I should, like it's just so cute. Maybe don't like put that out in the world. So we gets something that's for us. But it's it's very fun, it's gorgeous. It is a commercial. What's going on over there? Um? So we I don't know. We're taking the reins, Okay, I just need the audience, the audience, the listener ship. Our listeners are are whip smarties to understand that I have no idea what we're doing. I just know it's like Part two with with my cistras, Like roommates are back together even now we all live with our significant others. Someday we'll retire to a farm together. We'll be fine. But I don't know what we're doing. What are we doing? We're taking it from Yeah, we're actually from now on, sorry, guys and Jenny, even us are taking it over, but we're reflecting. You've obviously a lot has happened since we did our first interview with you, you know, our first official interview with you. If you think about it, though, it's crazy to see like how much of the podcast has grown, and like how much has come of in what it's like been for you in your life. And it's been so incredible to see all the people that you've impacted through it as well. So it's been so exciting and we're so proud of you. Um. But now we get to ask you questions, which is so fun. UM. So I'm going to jump right in. So obviously, you know, you interact with public figures and celebrities on in your daily basis, like me and Vanessa. Um. But outside of us, have there been any guests on work in Progress that you have been start struck by? Oh my god, I mean yes. I let me tell you what. When I interviewed Hillary Clinton and the zoom opened and she went, Hi, Sophia, I was like, that's it. Take me now. I'm just my heart has exploded. It's over. I was like, who do I think I am? That this incredible like feminist icon who, by the way, has dealt with more abusive bullshit than anyone. It's just like, hey girl, I was like, this is I think it was like as big a deal as if like if you're listening Beyonce, come on the show, if we ever get Beyonce, and she's like, I really like your podcast. I think I would spontaneously can bust and I just hold the mic for her the whole time. I'm shaking now, just like I would actually be unconscious enough at the end of bag Man. I'm sad I missed that though I was on the floor that I while I interviewed. So yeah, like that was a really big deal. Interviewing Dr Kendy, you know Ebra Max Kendy, who wrote How to Be an Anti Racist, Like he is an academic icon. Like yes, look, there's actors who I idolize and admire, and there's you know, musicians who I think are so cool that for me, like my rock stars are academics. And to have him come on this show and actually offer me feedback about it, I was like, oh my god, your publicist like didn't just put you on the show. You came here and you listened to episodes, like you wrote a New York Times bestseller that's changing the landscape of of sort of American you know, identity and empathy and like, Hi, it took me and like a good twenty minutes of talking to him to stop sweating. I really do get very deeply. I think. So cool to see as your friend too, is that you get this excited for every guest you have on you know, like I feel like anytime I'm talking to you and you say what you're doing for thus day and you're like, oh, I get to interview this person, you know, or I can't believe Glora's Stina texted me, you know, like you do like a fan girl, and it's like it's really I love it because there's every person like is exciting to you in a different way and they all bring something different to the table. And I think that's it's so fun about it. You know, I've never gotten over it. No, You're like, I get to do this, like this is my job, you know, any time shows up. I'm like really, And actually, Jenny, it's funny because you I remember, oh, my god, our favorite party of the year. I was going to bring it up, having a moment like freaking out because we saw someone we were obsessed with and you were like, you need to get it together. You are famous, you cannot react like this, and I was like, but I don't feel that way, and I think I'm never going to get over it, and I don't know, I don't know if I ever will, but it's okay. But it's like I also will say, but you have the space to not get over it for me, And that moment, I was like, get your ship together, because I want to meet this person, and you're my way in because if I went up and was acting a fool, they'd be like, why is this person allowed in here? But like with You're like, hello, I'm a totally normal person that you can trust and have a conversation with. You also always win the night, Like we leave and people are like, your friend is the best. I'm like, honestly, I know, I know, trust I try very hard. Well done, man, You actually don't try hard. You just are yourself. But you are like the fact that you don't run like the Television Academy is so weird to me because you know more about TV than anyone and so you can talk to anyone in the room and like sure they don't overtly go like, oh, I know her, except that they do because you have a weirdly familiar face and everyone thinks they're your best friend. They're like, we went to high school together, and they're like, I promise we didn't you guys. This is a funny thing about Jenny Smart is that everyone who's ever met her isssu or they know her already. It is that like it was like kind of funny at first. I'm like, I don't even know how to have the conversation anymore. Like we definitely have never met. I don't know how to respond to that, but like, no, you don't know me. You're like everyone, I'm sure, I promise I didn't grow up. You've never It's not it's definitely not. It's not me. But it is really fun because like we go to things and by the end of the night, everyone's like, it's so nice to meet you and ship your friend is so cool, like I know my friends at the bost Oh my gosh, I'm blushing. And also we do have a very good time. We know how to go to that event. Yeah, I will say, like we have a really good time in Vanessa. Your spiritual gift is to be so unfazed because I'm freaking out and saying growing and Jenny is yelling at me to get my ship together, because while she's not having a like outward response, she's very excited to ask someone about like, you know, Season two, episode four, what were the writers thinking, Like she has all the details and you are like cool as a cucumber, and you just moved through the room like a slow motion gazelle. And everyone's like, we want to talk to her, and we're both running behind you being like this is great and you managed to pull it all together. I'm realizing in this moment where a bit like a spider web, like we couldn't hold up if we weren't all here, so cute. I love that. Whoever thought I would have an endearing metaphor about a spider honestly? But here we are, Here we are. Um, I'm gonna take this one with us and then you can take the next one, only because I feel like it plays into what we're just talking about and how much I love television and television characters. So I'm gonna ask you, Sophia, of the characters you have gotten to play, who is your favorite of all time? And after that piggybacking, what is the character from stage of screen that you love to take a crack at? Okay, Um, you know it's tricky because I would say there are like episodes, there are moments of things I got to do playing Brooke Davis, and I'm like, oh, that's everything. You know. There were as like a geeky, you know, girl who loves stunts and grew up being like such a rough and tumble tomboy. There were moments playing Aaron Lindsay where I would get to do some badass stunt sequence and I was just like, fuck, yeah, this is the funnest day. I can't believe this is my job. I would say, like one off if it was like, oh, just drop in, drop out, because it's hard to pick when you've played someone for years and years and years. But truly like a a one off moment. I would say playing Alexandria on Easy on Netflix was the most fun because we got to improv, and that for me, I'm so obsessive about language, so I can get really like almost almost almost like my obsessive compulsive stuff can come out, you know, my sort of like little anxious person brain can come out, when I'm really trying to be word perfect in a script. So interestingly, like the freedom I found studying a person and coming up with a character like inside and out, but then having like an outline of a scene, no script, and just being able to throw stuff at the wall. It was so fun. And you know, Jacqueline to Bony is like the most amazing scene partner, and actually it's really funny. We um we got engaged twenty four hours apart, Grant and I and Jacqueline and her fiancee Cass. It was insane. We thought it was the same day, and then we did the calculats. We were like, no, one day apart. But we were all in Italy and the four of us went to dinner recently and we were like, oh my god, Cass and I are the same person, and Jacqueline and Grant are the same person, Like this is so insane. And we were laughing because because we were go out of course, we had such amazing like on screen chemistry. We were basically like role playing our future relationships, and it was it was just the best. And I think, you know, working as an actor, sure people are good at their jobs, but when you're good at your job, and then you're working with someone who's really good at their job. What you can create, it's like you you create like multiples of talent. And I feel like we had that and it was really fun for me to have it not in something I've been doing for a long time, because my brain again like my my sort of anxiety, my like inner critic presentation is like, well, you've been doing this forever, like you know this character better than anyone. Of course you've gotten really good at it. But to like drop into a place and just be like, oh no, we were really good. And it's also a show you were such a fan of going into. Yeah, that's another thing that I think is so special is that you got to go into and be like I'm already obsessed with all of that. Yeah, I get to be a part of this son like I think about I remember reading about Elizabeth Banks like being like I want to be on Modern Family and she played like the drunk college friend in one episode because she was just such a fan. That's exactly what I did with Easy. I was like, this show is the best I have to be on it. Literally, I don't care. It could be one scene. I just want to go play and then we did this full episode and it was so fun and yeah, I think I think to date that might be one of, if not my best kind of moment as an actor. Did not see that coming. Well, here we are, and honestly, I must say, like to the people listening who are part of the community, when like when the memes were just like she gives the gays what we want, I was like, it was my honor. I did I am to be here just a heart attack. But yes, I mean, I love your girlfriend and I'm sorry I didn't better prepare her, but she was unprepared to her friends naked on screen. I will say that, um um. And then the second part is what is a character from stage of screen that you love to take a crack out? That's a great question and I honestly feel like all of us should answer that because how fun. Wait, yeah, no, I want to know first. You go first. I mean, I, oh god, that's so hard because there's like weird there's like interesting small you know, movies or things that I feel like no one seen Where I Go. I want to do that, Like there's multiple roles. Cate Blanchett has played Where I Go Oh my god, I would kill to have done this movie. And then on the on the sort of larger scale, like I just want to play a superhero. What are we doing? I was just like, I was like, literally, I'm like, I would want to play Lena Florence obviously kills it. There's no one better. But when it comes to a character that it's the one be super badass but also be funny and also emotionally like connected, it's like, damn, that's such a good character. Totally agree the whole time. Obviously we were all together the whole time that, like we saw a Black Widow that we were sitting watching Black Widow. I was like, oh, it's like the roll of a lifetime because it's so funny, but then you get to stunt, and I also love that it you know, it flips a sort of traditional story and especially a comic book universe where for so many years women have kind of been objectified and like blah blah, everybody knows. But it's this movie that, interestingly, I'm realizing in this moment kind of does what like Hillary and I got to do on One Tree Hill, like these two best friends that are kind of like sisters, like we were the love story. It wasn't romantic, but we love story really is a love story between these two female characters, these sisters, and I would love it. But it's like, no one could be Black Widow better than Scarlett, no one could be Lena better than Florence. We bowed down. She's perfect. So I'm like, who's the Who's the next woman in that world where I could go and be my ultimate like nerdy tomboy self, do stunts, shootguns, play games and like getting to my face off because it's not easy to have an emotional scene when things are exploding, and like, so I would love that, Vanessa, who do you want to be? I don't know. I honestly don't know. That's too hard for me. I think you can jump into their really somebody anyone, favorite movie, favorite TV show, favorite character that you're like, damn, like that gets you excited. Maybe that's just me being a nerd, but like characters get me excited. I I totally get that, and I feel the same way. But I've never like seen myself in it, I guess in that way fair enough, I don't know. I can't think of one that I feel I'm going to come back to you. We'll come back to You're going to ruminate on that, and then you please take the We're gonna be in the middle of a in like thirty minutes, somebody else is going to go like that's who it is. Um, oh, we kind of I feel like we gott to answer that next question. I'm curious. This isn't on here, but I'm curious the transition from like the role you play on work in progress and like hosting too, then like going on set and playing this role and being in a completely different thing, Like what is that balance like for you? Like jumping back and forth between us. You know what's really interesting I thought about this recently. I really love my job, like I love being a storyteller, and when I really feel connected to a character, like good God, I feel so connected to Sam and everything about her gives me a way to be expressive more fully as a person. And I think the thing that's always created like a little bit of dissonance for me. I mean, look at us, look at our friend group. We know each other so deeply, we show up in such like truly connected in to midways, Like think about the number of people over years who are like, how do I create a friend group? Like you're a friend group? And we each get that question. So the cognitive dissonance for me, the thing that always been really hard is that in our inner circles, we we each get to be exactly who we are, and then I'll go out in the world and people treat me as though what I do is who I am, and it makes me feel really reduced. And it's often very critical because people are criticizing a product, but they treat you, they treat me, they treat entertainers like products. It's really hard. It's like very emotionally taxing. And what I realized in stepping into the space with the podcast, which basically was, Oh, I'm going to take every cool activist conversation I'm in in private rooms and and let anyone who cares to look unto them listen, anyone who wants to like, learn, explore, be challenged, feel challenged, like all all of the things. Um, I feel like this is a great way to sort of spend the privilege of the rooms I'm in. And what I realized is it actually enabled me to be more completely myself in public because it's not about me, it's about the guests, but it's also about empathy and curiosity and a willingness to change your mind when you get more information, and and it it's not a commodity. It's like it's like an intimate space. I genuinely feel like I'm inviting people into my living room, and I know what it's done for me, and I know what it's done for them. And I really feel like it has in the way that people meet me now, I feel like they actually see me like a human, not like a product. And so it's like it's crazy because it's it's been so incredible for me, and then people tell me how incredible it's been for them. You know, people will say I didn't know how to talk to my parents about this issue until I heard this, and then I asked them to listen to this episode with me. Like that's the highest compliment of my life. It's so much better than someone saying, oh, I like this character you played, which is fabulous. No, and you can also do that, and that's what's so incredible about what you do is but they just look very different, and I think it's been so awesome to see because you're probably the smartest person I know and truly and the amount of people that I know that go to you or go to your Instagram or go to your Twitter to educate themselves on things because you are actively pursuing people who are actually experiencing these things, and you're asking them the questions and then you're sharing them with your audience. You know, it's like it's so incredible to witness that. But yeah, I really do, Like you said, I feel like people are actually getting to like the curtain has been lifted and they're able to sit down with you, and like what that's meant for your fans too? They have gotten to follow you and learned from you, and like, even for me, you're one of my best friends. But I listened to the podcast and I'm like, oh, I learned something today, and I learned with you, you know, because I get to hear you be like oh, and like that's been so so incredible. But do you feel like have you have you felt like your fan base is like come on that journey with you, and like, really, like I learned a lot through those experiences, Like you said, like you hear from people being like I had this conversation because of that episode, or yeah, I definitely feel like a lot of people have. It's interesting. More recently, I feel like it's a little less I feel like getting back into work and like are we opening? Are we not? What's happening in the world of God to God? Like there's so much stress. I feel like people have a little less time. But what's actually been interesting in the last couple of weeks is I've we've gotten messages from people saying, you know, things got really hectic and I kind of fell off. And then I was feeling really overwhelmed, and I went for a walk and I listened. I picked up where I left off. I listened to an episode and it did this for me. It did that for me, and that to me, I'm like, oh my god. So you know, it's it's not lost on me that anyone choosing to listen is giving me the gift of their time. And I see that this sort of like pathway to um a more gentle curiosity and like a permission for us to just be together. I know what it. I know what it is for me, and I see what it's doing for other people, and so I really do hope that it's the kind of place that people always know they can come home to like that. What a what an ending to that question? You know, I have some space. That's so nice. Um, I guess this is a good question to kind of follow up on that one, because it has to be the fans. What would be like, you know, the reaction to you and what's the most unexpected fan interaction you've ever had? And why? Okay, because one is like such a reality check that you know, we all have a little bit of imposter syndrome, like what is happening? And this is such a rare thing that could happen to a human And I still can't believe what happened to me. First that I I got to be an Incredible too, because I'm the biggest Pixar fan on planet Earth and Incredible is my favorite Pixar movie ever. And then I did the movie and well, I guess it's two fold. Like Brad Bird saying I love your voice, will you come be in my movie? I was like, hello, what sir? What? Like I couldn't Yeah, I was like I couldn't get over. I was also like, this was obviously way pre COVID And I was in a restaurant on the West Side when I got the letter and I started screaming, and like people thought something that people like try. I was like, I'm so it's really good news. It's good. As I'm screaming, it's going to So that was crazy. And when the movie you know, was coming out, there were all these exciting things happening and there's this big, like incredible event in New York um and they asked me if I would go and present an award to Brad Bird and I was like, this is so nuts. Yes, like okay, And I was like, was everyone else busy? Like that was obviously the first thought. I was like sure, And I honestly think him and his wife were just like she loves this movie so much and isn't over it, and everyone else is over it because everyone else is like, yes, we do this for a living, and I'm career, Like I can't believe I get to be here. So I, you know, I go out and there's a sometimes at events, you guys know, like they have that backstage zone where they do portraits. There's like a little photographer comes in and sets up a portrait studio because they want to photograph everybody who's coming and presenting and attending and blah blah, and I went they said, you know, can you come to the portrait studio, And so I go back there and I'm like, this is cool, and you know, I got to stand up really straight and like this dress is really time. You know, I'm having all the self conscious bobs, and Barry Jenkins is getting photographed and he's just like one of the directors I most look up to. I just I'm in awe of what he does. And he also is in the suit that is so fly, and I'm like, very fucking Jenkins. This guy is so cool. So I'm just like standing off to the side, probably like why died to a big smile on my face, waiting for him to be done because then I'm supposed to go. And he finishes, and the photographers talking name, Hey, great, thanks, thanks, blah blah, and I started walking and I'm like hello, and I said, you know, um, I'm just gonna high you know, it's so nice to meet you. Um. I was like, you know, my name is Sophia, and I just I'm so thrilled were it bumping into each other in this moment. Barry, I'm such a huge fan of Evers and he goes, I am a huge fan of yours. I really admire not just your career but what you've done with it. Boom, and I literally was like I've burst into particles. I don't exist anymore. It was like I was so unprepared for that. And we just stood there and we were holding because we've been shaking hands, and then you know when I was like, Barry Jenkins, never let me go. It was incredible, and I realized it was weird because I just didn't expect a person who I am a fan of to be a fan of mine. And I think because I've I've lived most of my career on location away from the industry. I don't know a lot of people in the industry. I have not met a lot of people in the industry. It's just like me and the construction guys in the grips and like the transport drivers going out for beer. It's like going to baseball games, like I don't I don't interact with other like Hollywood people, and it it really meant a lot to me that he was kind enough to take that moment um. So that was like a crazy that was a fan interaction with them when I'm a fan of and I will say that, you know, over the years, I've had so many incredible experiences with people and the kindness. Um. There's a young woman named Haley who I've I've now been in touch with for I mean, my god, over a decade. When I first came to know because she would post about being in treatment for really aggressive lime disease. She really went through a hard time, and her mom would make these little paper doll cutouts of our one tree held characters to put on her ivy bag in the hospital, and she would tweet about it. And I'm obviously obsessively checking social media because I'm just like reading news articles, and I would see these things and I was like, God, how cool. And then and then her mom was doing it for Chicago p D. And then I can't explain it. I just felt like this was such a special human and we wound up getting in touch and turn out there was like an industry she was really passionate about that. We had a friend working in Elizabeth Cott, and Elizabeth hired her as a summer intern. Because I was just like, I can't I don't know, it was just weird. I can't explain it, Like there's millions of people who have interacted with and every once in a while you go, oh, I'm I'm supposed to be here with this person right now, And unfortunately I've had the other the flip side of that, which is gross. Like we had a girl in North Carolina. You weren't there, v but Jenny and I like there was a year where there was a girl who was like pretending to have cancer so she could come to the set of our show. And it was like really dark and it really honestly broke my heart and it kind of was like I was like, oh, I don't want to become a person who doesn't trust people. But it like it was like it rocked a lot of our worlds because we all kind of went out of our way to yeah, like our cast, our crew are producers, people really like put themselves on the line to do work for someone. And I think interestingly, like you know, sweet Haley was like the universe being like, no, don't give up, and we're still in touch, and I just think the world of her, and and like for a person to say I am in a moment of suffering and you're helping, like it it cuts really deep, like it. It really reminds you of how fortunate you are if you can create, whether by interacting or just by making something for someone, if you can create respite for anyone. And similarly, I had that experience doing USO tours and like going to Air Force spaces around the world and meeting you know, service members and their families and their kids, and and realizing that there's a you know, a network that exists just for these places of TV shows and like how lucky I m that mine was one so I could entertain people who are halfway around the world from everyone they love. UM, And yeah, I don't know, I've I've really had some unbelievable experiences. But I will say, like in the social media age, where it's so deeply uncomfortable again to like, hi, Maggie, in case anyone here's jingling, that's my dog's collar. It can be so deeply uncomfortable to be treated like a thing and not a person. People will stick their cameras in your face, and they'll take videos of you while you're eating and likes. It really affects me being a sensitive person now in this like deeply digital age where everything goes on the internet, when I meet a person, especially like someone who's holding their iPhone in their hands, who just wants to say, hey, I loved this. Can I shake your hand? And then they leave and I'm like, oh, they didn't. They didn't ask for a picture, they didn't ask for like a story. They didn't ask me to like FaceTime their sister by the way, which can all be nice, but when someone says no, I don't want something from you, I just want to tell you something and then leave, it's like it startles me every time it happens, and every time it happens, I'm like, you're so nice. It's refresh, yeah, because it's just like it's an interaction for us, it's not an interaction for anything or anyone else. And it's definitely made me full circle in moments like shaking hands with Barry Jenkins, be like, don't ask him for a selfie. We're not doing that. We're just gonna shake hands and at the moment. Granted, I'm talking about it on the podcast and Barry, if you're listening, you're perfect. But it's even reminded me of like when I meet my idols, to just be in the moment, and so I'm actually really grateful, Like I don't I don't know if the people who have done that for me thought like I'm teaching her a lesson, but they have, and it's been Really it's a thing I'm really grateful for. Yeah, I love that. It's a really long answer to your question, but I haven't. But I think it's a good one. I think I think that's a great response to that kind of a question, because, like I've been with you for a lot of interactions, some good, some not so great, you know, some really funny. I actually just remembered the other day the Kilman's Night, and I started laughing so hard because like that it was so wild in so many ways, and like it would end up being totally fine, but it was like a situation once again where like I had been around Sophia long enough to see a lot of people are well intentioned, but like you said, forget that you're human beings. So a lot of the times it's like you can't see them for some reason, when they're like you're standing right in front and they're like point at you, were like scream about you were like take out their phone. And in this one moment, it was like I snapped for the first time, and we were in line getting ice cream and like maybe like five people ahead or behind us spotted Sophia, which is very exciting, and they got very excited, but instead of just coming over and saying hi, they just started like pointing at her like truly like they were at the zoo and they saw like an endangered like species. And I literally lost it and I just like went crazy and like pointed right back, like very intensely, like she's right here, guys, like you found her. Like just was like it was super but end up being like a very fun good time. But like that was probably my first time that I was like, oh, this isn't this is just like NonStop and wild, and it was kind of also I think a wake up call probably for them to be like, oh, yeah, like she has eyes and also has the ability to hear and see us, and we should probably treat her like a person. Um. I also love that You're like I went crazy. I'm like, you were so funny and polite, but you did you just like kind of like doing the cartoon for what they were doing and being like, oh my god, she's right. It was like it was like the prices right, and everyone wound up laugh It was like a great time. Really diffused it well, but I was very I was very amused and grateful in that moment. And I will say, like, shout out to kill Wins because it's my favorite shop in Wilmington's and the people who worked there, we were all on a first name basis because I went almost every day, and they they were like we looked up and realized all our friends who were like serving ice cream and making the waffle cones were like dying laughing. And it just turned into a thing where everyone was laughing. And I've certainly had interactions with people that haven't turned into something funny. And you really made everybody laugh well. So at the end it's like everyone got pictures. We all said hello, but it was like I just I don't know what. I don't know why. I just couldn't at that moment, couldn't hand. I like lost my mind a little bit, and I was like, this is wild because you don't you don't. Actually, I will say, like, you don't realize how weird it feels until it happens to you. And I certainly understand there's probably people listening rolling their eyes being like oh yeah, but it's that bad. But when it happens to you, you're like, oh, this is actually really really weird and uncomfortable, uncomfortable. And I didn't understand that this would be uncomfortable until I experienced it, and so it was kind of cool in that moment. If you be like I can't handle it. I was like, cool, it's not just me, it's not And listen, I've been in the other I've been the other person. I mean, I don't know. I thought we understand like I've definitely frozen. I mean, I can't say I have like been quite as like outlandish with like but like we all think we're being coy of being like, oh my god, look over there. It's like it's so and so and then the other person. Like you have those moments you just want to be respectful. I mean, I I was seated next to Beyonce J and Blue at lunch one day and I blacked out, like, I don't know, I haven't ordered I ordered lemonade. I've never ordered lemonade a day in my life. And I ordered lemonade and then they said they didn't have any and I was like, I'll have iced tea, and I was with a few of our friends and they started bringing drinks and I grabbed one and started drinking it. And our friend Cameron goes, Vanessa, what are you doing? And I go, I'm drinking my iced tea. He goes, that's my beer. I honestly couldn't even taste Actually I literally could. That's the only time in my life I've that's happened to me. Wow, I don't think. I mean I I think about the fact that that happened to you at least once a month, So I don't know how you were so cool about it. That's a shocker that one's like that. But when you're in that space, I actually know. I've been in like with you or like in other situations at events where we get to go to these amazing events and it's so awesome. And I've been around beyond san Jay before. I've been fine. But they had to security guards like sitting right next to them, and they kept staring at us every moved, and so it made me feel very nervous. And I think that just like spiked everyone's adrenaline. I was literally drinking a beer and I was like, well, one of the things I thought was the funniest when you came home and told us that story was you were like, obviously, we're all on our phones every single second of the day because we work on them, we like use them as cameras whatever, And you were saying that every time you picked up their phone, the security guards like kind of got out of their seats, and You're like, I'm not trying to give us as death stare. I was like, honestly, it just was needed to look at anything else, Like I'm trying not to look at her, so I'm checking my help. Yeah, I don't know what I would have done in that. No, but those those are like when you know you're not supposed to bring attention, that makes it even worse because you're like, everything I do, I'm just thinking about it. You think I'm thinking about it, you know, I'm thinking. Like when someone's like the one thing I'm going to tell you right now not to think about his cookies, immediately your brain is like a dancing cookie commercial. Yeah, it's like I can't you can't move. Yeah, it's a weird. It wasn't even as I'm town You're much better at being stoic than I am. Could you imagine if at that lunch I've been like, um, in case you're ever interested, I have a podcast so hideous. I'm glad I wasn't bear. Everything would have been ben rough, especially because so many people when they meet me are like, huh, you're pretty liberal for your family. I'm like, I am not. My dad is from Canada, i am not related to the former president of the United States. I do not come from whatever Texas money. That that's not my life, Like, that's not it's a different situation. But it throws people in the industry. They're always like, huh, you know, because, by the way, Jenna who's so lovely, Jenna Bush is a host on Oh God, g m A right, what's wrong with me? In the morning show? I think it's Good Morning America anyway, not the point. She's so nice, but like I think because she's also on TV and like we're around the same age, and she also has brown hair, everyone's just like, wow, you guys really with the black sheet. But you're a family, and I'm like, I'm a family of immigrants, so I have nothing to say about this, But nobody knows what to do with me when they meet me and they don't know, they don't know. Well, this was a lot of fun. Do not forget that this is just part one of my conversation with my cster as my roommates, my best fees Jenny and Vanessa. Look for Part two next month only on one d replus. Before we go, I just want to thank you all for listening and supporting work in progress. U