RHOA Exclusive: Angela Oakley Talks Wig Mishap, Shamea Drama, & Her Love Story with Charles Oakley!
What's up is way up at Angela. Ye, and we got another Angela in the building. Angela Oakley is here.
Hello, Hello, Angela.
He love, welcome to the show, and welcome to Real Housewives of Atlanta.
How you feeling.
I'm here a little exhausted, but I'm here. I made it. I just want to say congratulations on your own show making an Angela's look, I love this, love to see it.
And I want to say with this new season because it's been you know, I just has Tomia on. It's been over a year since the last season aired. You know, you're a new cast member. I saw a lot of people said that you were the one that they were really looking forward to seeing on the show. We're two episodes in. How do you feel exhausted? I mean, I feel like I'm excited about the season. I'm excited for the people to get to know me. I'm I'm I'm impressed by what I saw.
It was. You know, you know, I had a little you know.
I had some issues, but I know sometimes like look, clearly, you guys are filming for days and days, and what makes it to the TV Sometimes it's not the full story of what happened. Behind the scenes, so I just want to make sure.
I don't know if that's the case. That was my first, you know, time feeling and that was my first time wearing a wig. If that's what we're talking.
About, Oh oh oh when I saying about that, but okay, so let's talk about the wig. So I wasn't even addressing that.
Oh okay, let's talk about this weig. Get it out the way. You know, this was my first time ever wearing a wig, and I'm like, so, okay. I was advised by my hairstyle. I was like, you know, we're a wig. All the girls do it. They want to protect their hair. I was like, okay, cool. I was hot when he put the wig go on, so I'm like, all, cool down. I don't know what made me think I'll cool down once the wig is glued down and I go out in eighty ninety degree temperature. But as soon as I got out the car, I was like, this is not gonna be good. I could just feel the sweat bubbling up, and I was just like, Lord.
Not today, not today, and not for the world to not today.
In front of the world any other time, but today.
Well what an entrance?
Yeah, yes, an interest was an entrance was.
Made for sure, and so on this show your friends with Drew, that's the person who they have you really connected with. And on the second episode and we saw this was like the trailer for the second epis for the second episode on the first one, but then I saw the second one.
You say that Shamiah is Porsha's lap dog?
Right? Do you still feel that way now?
I do? I do? I do? And I felt that way then because Drew took a lot of heat in that first episode and I was just helpless because I was like, I can't take on anybody with my wig, like the camera off me and Drew. I'm sending smoke signals like I'm with you, I'm with you, but I just can't say anything. I just felt like, you know, she was a bit double team.
So you know, it's interesting because I made it a topic when she made it was up here.
I also was like, you know, if I'm.
Friends with somebody, and I had I think the way that it was porchee because like I said, I know there's a lot that goes on that we don't see. It made it seem like Jude did it in a sneakier kind of way, you know where, because I can't tell if she did tell Porsche ahead of time where it didn't like, it's not really clear.
To my understanding. Porscha was aware they were working together. She was Dennis invited her to her birthday party. Porscha was aware, you know when she was aware. I don't know when she became aware. I'm not familiar with that. I don't know when exactly, but she knew, so it wasn't like and then Porscha's she kept kicking the can down. I was like, okay, so what are you mad about? Are you mad about her working with Dennis? Are you mad about this photo shoot? I was just lost. Yah, can we do this another day? Yeah? I checked out at that point.
And how do you feel now?
Because it also seems like you're married to Charles Oakley, who I happened to know.
I've actually had his cooking before an event.
Oh yeah, yeah.
And it was amazing and I love it. And I love to see him in the kitchen cooking while you're there.
You know, I just pick up.
A plate and eat like. I have no problems with that, I know. And you know what I used to take it for granted, and my grandmother was like, oh, you have to do is pick up a plate.
You know what, he's watching the dishes.
I have to hear him nag the whole time. So it's not like he come in lovingly like, hey, let's just cook dinner. I haven't know, he's going to complain about this, complain about that, and that's the price we pay for good dinner.
But the other on the you know, on the other side of that is it feels like even when you're trying to tell him what's going on, he don't want to hear the gossip.
Not the gossip you not want to hear except a bunch of women gossiping about what we had going on. He would rather talk about anything he does not want to hear about it.
Yeah, it seems like he has a good sense of humor though he is.
He does, and a lot people are unfamiliar with his type, like he's he's brashed on the outside and on the inside it's mushie, like, yeah, cooking at his love language. Being in the kitchen, it's his love language. And he's just Charles Oakley, who he's been, you know, for all his life.
Now you guys have an interesting story about how y'all even met. Yeah, because before he got your number and then you didn't even see him or connect with him until ten years after that.
Well, we met at a party in Chicago, and we exchanged numbers. We spoke for a little bit on the phone, but I didn't hear from him again. Okay, It wasn't like I was waiting by the phone like please call me right that was excuse me. That was our initial meeting. And so ten years later when I saw him again, I was just like, hey, how you doing, And he took an interest, a strong interest.
Inn Do he remember like that, y'all?
No, I'm like, go get your phone records from AT and D from ten years ago. You'll see my number. It happened. That was just a mess.
No, So y'all were in neighbors.
Is that awkward dating somebody who's living right there, because sometimes people say that's a no.
No, it was. It was awkward, but you know, I have people assisting me and keeping him in check, you know, like the ballet, the concierge, you know, just people assisting me and making sure that he's you know, dealing with me and me only Oh, Okay, well a minute.
When you first started dating it, people are always dealing with o it. You probably were dealing with other people too, because when.
This is Charles Oakley, they're now fifty years of being single. You're right, yeah, I'm not hiding that at all. Oh no, oh no, Charles. We definitely have our growing paints, had our grown paints. And on top of that, he's a sagittaria.
So oh what does that mean?
That means they're fired? Sign out, I'm sorry, fire moves. Okay, you know they don't like to sit down. They want to go. He's on the go. But I think A just loaded him down a lot.
You know, that's crazy.
One of my exes, his mom told me because he used to cheat on me all the time. She was like, girl, when he gets too old to want to have to move around like that.
She was like, his stepfather cheated on me all the time.
But look he old now that I'm not gonna know about your cheating.
But that's what I couldn't believe that his mother said that to me. I was young.
I was like in my twenties, and I was like, yeah, Na says, I'm not waiting.
They're just sticking out for thirty years of cheating, no.
For that to happen.
Now, you guys also have a blended family, do and so you're showing that on television.
How is it for you?
Because this is a different space for you to be in, and now everybody's got questions like, well, this, you know whatever, how has that been so far?
How are you navigating that?
WHOA? When I took the show, I was just like, you know what, I'm going to be transparent about everything. I don't want anyone to say, oh, we found out this about All you have to do is ask because I am I'm honest and I'm transparent. What you see is what you get. So with our families, I was just it was it's the truth. We have a blended family and I want to tect them as much as I can. We come from living and isolated private life to now being thrust in front of the world. So it's an adjustment for sure.
Yeah, it's so different.
So what are some of the feedback that you've gotten so far just from these first couple of episodes, Because you you.
Haven't it's no drama yet.
Really, I feel like I'm in I feel like i'm in all the drama. For some reason, I feel like the drama it will get worse. But I mean, you gotta keep watching. You gotta keep watching, because again I had never failed a day in my life. I would go from getting my makeup done once a year to now every day. So I don't know if my foundation is right. I don't know anything. I don't know anything about wigs. So to be thrust in the entertainment world, it was just different. And you're gonna see all of me learning and growing in front of the camera, like I'm just being transparent.
All right.
And that's the fact because a lot of women, I will say whenever I watch reality shows from the first season in up until when you get to like see.
The differences and how everybody looks.
So don't over criticize yourself either though, because I think that's what people really were looking forward to you as a new person on the show. But I think people also understand that they have the well maybe they don't.
They don't know, okay, you know, they get you as soon as you come in the door. They own you, like they don't get It's no grace with even the fans, you know. And I would say this. The fans have been amazing. They have been supportive because this is a new you know, platform and a new a new just a new experience for me, and the fans have guided me along the way. Like you can see in the comments, just be transferent and give us your truth. And that's what I'm trying to do.
So behind the scenes, when you agreed to do this show, what was that like and what were the conversations that you had, Because we've seen how Shemiah said previously she her husband didn't want to do the show when she was offered a piece, just because he didn't want to be on camera. Sometimes people feel like it really does affect your relationship, and like you said, you want to protec the kids. So tell me what that conversation and what that thought process was like for you to decide let's do it.
Well, this was the third time it was presented to us and a few times, you know, a time before Charles was like, no, I'm not doing that.
He's no, you know, he was like, I do a cooking show, but this is no, this.
Is not going to happen. And we had so much going on in our lives at this moment. You know when when the opportunity came again, I was just like, now's the time, and he agreed. He was willing to, you know, put put our lives and open for the public and deal with all that came with that, especially him being who he is and what he's done. You know, you know what I mean. So all of that, you know, we're ready to face head on.
Oh I cannot wait to see it because I feel like there's some things because I could tell by that, and I know as these episodes are coming along and you are in the world of finance, and one of the headlines is always Angela is a self made millionaire. So aside from the fact that you're married to Charles Oakley, who everybody knows, you yourself have worked in finance and real estate. I admire that. Yeah, you know already because I think that's important and it's a great thing for people to see on television, even you saying you have five homes that you're in the process of renovating, and.
Now no one should take my advice on doing that.
I'm done with that.
I have tips and other aspects of finance, but please don't make that mistake. I'm from Harvey Illinois. I'm a single. I grew up in an impoverished community. You know, I had a lot of love, a lot of encouragement, a lot of motivation. I went to the Paul University. I was a teen mom I have you know, I was on welfare. I'm an entrepreneur. I worked in corporate America. So everywhere I go, I take all those women with me. So I am every woman I feel because I've experienced every way of life. And I a friend of mine and you say, in the first episode, my husband's like, oh you you did a second episode you did business with your ex. A friend of mine was like, hey, you know, uh he started.
You were like, yes I did.
I was like, forgot about that, but he's there to remind me.
What was that business you did with you ex?
Tax preparation? Okay, that's how I you know, I became successful in that. I've opened multiple locations across you know, multiple states, and I became successful. And then I took that money and put it into real estate. And I still, you know, have my business that pays.
You know.
I wonder because I feel like, so this should help business too, being on television, right, I will hope.
So I will hope so, because you know, you don't want people count her money and like, I'm not a lot of my a lot of my clients didn't, even though I was married to Charles. They did it myself on the show. And I'm saying I'm married to Charles ten times. I'm like, I can't believe I even said it that many times because I just, you know, kept that piece of my life Friday.
What was that engagement like? And how did that happen?
What Charlie? Yeah, the marriage or it was like Okay, you want this life or do you want this life? He had to make sure it was a crossroad. It was like okay, look I'm tired of that. Do you want this or that? He was like I want this, which was me and Mary life and all of that, and not that I want to fly every other week and I'm outside and so he was just like I'm ready, Like let's go now. We were I only got to be Bridezilla for one day. It was no long planning, it was nothing, nothing of the sort, and we just flew to Vegas the next day.
Are you kidding me?
That's how it happened. Yes, And we've been together ten years.
So before you did that, how long were you guys dating?
A year and a half.
Oh, that's not that's not crazy at all.
It's not like, oh we met no, no, yeah, we got to know each other and we got married.
Oh and so ten years of marriage and so I'm sure, oh eight years of marriage a year and a half before that together. Okay, I'm interested to see how she's gonna just pray for me, I am You're not always be for another angela.
Yes, we need all the help we can get because we're not followers right like we're independent, but.
We're also angels and bringers of good news, ye are, and about.
Our business absolutely now.
So recently, Candy also said that she doesn't feel like I'm sure you saw this too because it's been on all the blogs, but she thinks that Porscha and Shamia are no longer friends like that anymore. Is that something that you're getting a vibe about too.
I swear I don't see a world with Porscha and Shamia are ever not going to be friends. Like it's just too they got too much history. So I feel like they're friends and the moment, like you a test, like say somethinglet's say something about Portchra to Shamia. I heard that, Like, you know, I'm like, I don't care what you think it is. It's not that insane with Porsche, you know. I just you know, as you learned the people, and you know, you learn the girls, I'm like, Okay, maybe they can bicker amongst each other, but they don't allow I was low forces to join in.
Now who surprised you the most once you joined the show? Like, as far as I thought this person was gonna be cool, but.
Oh goodness, uh you know what. Uh all of the ladies were good. But based on the first few episodes, I thought Shmia would be cool. You know, I thought she would be you know, my person. She's a taurust, you know, I thought her and I would immediately hit it off.
Okay, I mean it could also be the because you are close with you, because people do have alliances.
Yeah, but I don't move like that. I don't not like you because that person doesn't like you. I give you a chance for myself because it could be a misunderstander between those people.
So because you also thought like you was being treated unfairly, oh.
Yeah, yeah, that was a bit much. That was a bit much, and you know, for both of them to come at her that way, you know, it was just a bit much.
What do you think about her situation where her husband soon to be ex husband living in the basement and.
You know what I mean, I mean, you're not trying to get up house. Yeah, I know she's stressful. I'm sure because I'm sure he's down there like my husbands, slamming pots and pants, just making his presence known. Uh So, I'm sure it's stressful to be around somebody that you're trying to disconnect from, but you have to be next to them. It's a lot for anybody.
Who else did you know before the before you started filming?
Okay, only do that's it?
Drew now through Charles, Charles knew more of the cast, and I oh really he knew Cynthia. He okay, Cynthia, Yeah true.
Now what do you think about Kenya and that whole situation with her, How they've had her on the show in the beginning, but then her and Brittany had their situation with the you know, the pictures and all of that, and I feel like people are hinting that it's not what we thought it was. Originally, you know, went viral and people were kind of dragging Kenya for what she did.
But it feels like the tides might turn a little.
You know. I can't wait to see that how that plays out, because I feel like I want both of them to be vindicated in their own way. I want Kenya to be vindicated in her reasoning, and I want Britt to be vindicated and you know, her reasoning. I hope that both of them get the vindication that they deserve because it was a lot. It was a lot, and you guys will see it was just a lot for us watching, so I didn't have to, you know, experience the embarrassment.
But you know, are you done filming for the season?
I am okay, based off of this season, would you be willing to come back for another one?
I need to see the episode. What did I know? Oh my goodness, so this was gonna be cool by y'all. You know, as humans, we feel like I did not know. We feel like it might have been bad for them, but I can take it. You know, we always feel like we're stronger than the next person.
Oh my god, I feel like you are so sweet? Is here everything that you're saying, and then you got thrust into this not because people. Some people know what to expect, you know, they've been doing this, like and they're able to the levels.
I feel like Season sixteen is a whole new level. Yeah, it's nothing you've seen before. It's so intense and I feel like it's raw, it's authentic. Nothing is fake, you know, this is these are our first this is our first time on camera as a as a group. So what you see is what you get, and it's real. It's real. I was mad that it was real.
I'm like, no, I.
Pull out a queue card or something like, you want my real life? Yeah, so that's how it went.
I love this though. This was a real conversation.
We talked about what you didn't expect with the wigs, we talked about you with the Yeah, just a whole lot of things that went down. But listen, I'm looking forward and when the drama happens, because I already could tell it is.
I'm gonna need you to at least pop up all In.
I'll let by that time, Okavan, he'll be cooking. I'll let him bring his point of view too, if you'll have him on.
Oh you know, I will that's my guy. He came to the toy drive that yeah, you know, that's nice.
Yes, he's a great person, like as far as in the community and just being like a you know, but I've seen him around for years and.
You have a humble plug. We have the Charles Oakley Foundation when we do give back to the community and uh, you know, provide food to children who have food and securities, and uh, we're real passionate about that. So Charles is definitely one. He and I both have a philanthropic heart and that's what we love to do. Get back.
That's right. I think the couple of the philanthrops together.
Stay together and stays together. I like that.
All right.
Well, guys, make sure you check out and support Angela Oakley on her journey on Real Housewives of Atlanta this season, and I promise you she's gonna be checking back in Oh well, thank you, thank you, guys.
It's way up.