Trump Conquers Colombia, CIA Comes Clean on COVID & Confirmations Accelerate

Published Jan 27, 2025, 9:00 AM

Trump Taking Charge at the Border and Stands up to Colombia, CIA Confirmed that COVID Virus Originated in China Lab plus Confirmation Hearings Move Forward

Welcome in his verdict with Center, Ted Cruz Ben Ferguson with you Center. Nice to be with you on this Monday and Mayo min do we have some fun things to talk about, including a very quick war with the US and Columbia over illegal immigrants.

What a difference a week wit makes. A week ago Joe Biden was still president. Now just seven days later, Marines are on our southern border. Catch and release is over. We are deporting illegal immigrants. We are arresting thousands of criminal illegal immigrants, including murderers, including child molesters, including gang members. And the nation of Columbia tried to stand up and say we will not allow Colombians to come back. Trump immediately retaliated, threatening tariffs, and within hours Columbia back down. It went so far the president of Columbia, a radical socialist, said he would send his presidential plane to America to pick up the Colombian illegal immigrants. It is an incredible victory for President Trump, for the nation for securing the border in just hours. That is a big, big deal. But that's not all that's going on. We also have the CIA has confirmed its own judgment that the COVID virus originated in China. That's something you and I have talked about. We've talked about on Verdict for a long time. Within hours of John Radcliffe being confirmed as the Director of the CIA, he made that public. We're going to talk about that as well. And finally we're going to talk about confirmation the cabinet members that have already been confirmed. Who's on deck. I've told you within thirty days, every single Trump cabinet member will be confirmed. We'll walk you through exactly where that stands.

Yeah, it's going to be a really fun show.


I also want to remind you about something really important, and that is that today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, when we remember the great evil of the Holocaust, when millions of Jews were slaughtered during the Nazis reign of terror. Today, the rise in global anti Semitism and the constant attacks on Israel show us that it's more important than ever to remember the atrocies of the Holocaust and to ensure that it never happens again. That's why I partnered with the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. They provide food, shelter, and safety to Jews in Israel and around the world. Including those remaining Holocaust survivors. Now, your donation today will help provide food, water, medicine, and other basic necessities to the Jewish communities in need. And through your gift, you will stand with the Jewish people and against this growing anti Semitism and hatred that we're witnessing around the world. So give a gift to show your support of the Jewish people today by visiting SUPPORTIFCJ dot org. That's one word, support IFCJ dot org. You can also call to make a donation eight eight eight for eight eight IFCJ. That's eight eight eight for eight eight IFCJ or online it support IFCJ dot org. So Centa. Before we get into the big war with Columbia, I want to start with the incredible news of the deportations that are taking place with violent rapists, murderers, gang members, drug traffickers. That ICE is picking up not just in one city but all over the country, people that could have been picked up that were walking among us by the Biden Heirs administration and they refused to do it.

Yeah, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris did not care that murderers and rapists were allowed to wander free, They would not arrest them, they would not pick them up. In just a week, thousands of illegal immigrants have already been arrested. Here are a few of the examples. The White House has put out that they've arrested. Edgar Dela Cruz Monzo, a convicted child rapist, was arrested by ice in Seattle on January twenty fifth. A Jordanian national with suspected tied ISIS was arrested in Buffalo. On January twenty fourth, an MS thirteen gang member from El Salvador wanted for aggravated homicide was arrested in Los Angeles. Also on January twenty fourth, a Mexican national wanted for murder was arrested in Los Angeles. On January twenty fourth, a Honduran national was found with cocaine, fetanohl and a firearm. He was arrested in Seattle. On January twenty fourth. A Ethiopian national who's a convicted sex offender was arrested in New Orleans. On January twenty fourth, a Honduran national with convictions for driving while impaired and pending charges including assault and firearms offenses was arrested in Atlanta. On January twenty fifth. A Brazilian national convicted of vehicular manslaughter was arrested in Boston on January twenty fifth. A Mexican national convicted of three counts of aggravated dui was arrested in Phoenix on January twenty fourth. Those are just a few of the examples. And let me ask you something, Ben, Why the hell were none of them arrested when Joe Biden and the Democrats were in charge.

Yeah, it's the question that every American should be asking is why were they purposely allowing them to stay and walk among us? And how many people's lives were affected, how many people's lives are lost, how many children were abused because of people like this in this country. They knew that where they were, and they didn't take go get them, They didn't deport them, something that they've done in less than a week.

Notice Ice was able to find them and arrest them within days. Many of those were January twenty fourth, January twenty fifth, which means we had the information, we know how to get them. What was missing was the political leadership. It's not that Joe Biden and Kamala Harrison, the Democrats couldn't find these murderers, couldn't find these rapists, couldn't find these terrorists, couldn't find these gang members, couldn't find these child molesters. They could find them. It was actually pretty easy and straightforward for ICE to do.


The reason they weren't arresting them is that Democrats didn't want to arrest them. And understand, it's not just Biden Harris, it is every Senate Democrat who over and over and overgive when we tried to vote and say let's go after the criminals, they voted no, no, no, straight party line. I want you to listen to Tom Homan. The new border controls are talking about what they're doing on the border and what they intend to keep doing to deport all of those people.

Congress, you know, I think Congress pros has a mandate. There's was number one issue that people voted. I think Congress has a mandate to give us money we need. What price you find national security? What price you put on what you put onto all these young ladies who been raped and murdered and burned alive? What price you put on that? What price are you upon Lincoln Ryan's life? What price you upon national security, Like I just explained, when you have a sergeik is we don't secure that border, that's when national security threats under the country. That's when sex Chaffick grows up. That's when you know, that's when the fatonyl comes in that killed with the Quarterminian Americans. I don't put a price in that.

And on those detention centers. It's amazing on the media keeps arguing that a quarter million Americans die from fetnohl as he described it. He also mentioned Lncoln Riley and the Lake and Riley Act was finally passed because Republicans are in charge now, uh, and it is going to go you know, to the president. This is one of those moments where it should have been completely bipartisan. But these are all the things that the Bidenhirs administration stopped.

Well they blocked it. And by the way, one of their excuses for not deporting people, the real reason they didn't deport people is they want the illegals here. But one of their excuses is they say, well, some countries wouldn't take them back. I got to say, what we saw with Columbia in the last last two days has been stunning, So the Trump administration was flying two different planeloads of Colombian illegal immigrants to Columbia, and the head of Columbia, Gustavo Petro, who is a hardcore socialist, radical anti American, he decided. He announced, We're not going to let the planes land. We're not going to take him back. Now, President Trump sent out the following truth social and I just want to read you what the President says. I was just informed that two repatriation flights from the United States with a large number of illegal criminals were not allowed to land in Colombia. This order was given by Columbia's socialist president, Gustavo Petro, who was already very unpopular amongst his people. Petro's denial of these flights has jeopardized the national security and public safety of the United States. So I have directed my administration to immediately take the following urgent and decisive retaliatory measures emergency twenty five percent tariffs on all goods coming into the United States. In one week, the twenty five percent tariffs will be raised to fifty percent, a travel ban, and immediate revocations on the Colombian government officials and all allies and supporters, visa sanctions on all party members, family members, and supporters of the Colombian government, Enhance customs and Border protection inspections of all Columbia nationals, and cargo on national security grounds, AIPA, treasury, banking and financial sanctions to be fully imposed. These measures are just the beginning. We will not allow the Colombian government to violate its legal obligations with regard to the acceptance and return of the criminals they forced into the United States. Now that truth was posted on January twenty sixth at one twenty eight pm. Within hours, Colombia completely caved. The White House Press Secretary put out a statement that read as follows quote. The government of Columbia has agreed to all of President Trump's terms, including the unrestricted acceptance of all illegal aliens from Columbia returned from the United States, including on US military aircraft, without limitation or delay. Based on this agreement, the fully drafted IEPA tariffs and sanctions will be held in reserve and not signed unless Columbia fails to honor this agreement. The visa sanctions issued by the State Department and enhance inspections from Customs and Border Protection will remain in effect until the first plane loan of Colombian deportees is successfully returned to Day's events make clear to the world that America is respected again. President Trump will continue to fiercely protect our nation's sovereignty, and he expects all other nations of the world to fully cooperate in accepting the deportation of their citizens illegally present in the United States.

It's amazing how fast has happened. And also the backstory. So this tweet that went out went out apparently while Donald Trump was playing golf, and he was clearly focused on this at the same time, He's been all over the country from North Carolina all the way out to La then to Vegas and back to Miami. And you look at the timeline here. It is incredible. This man doesn't stop and he was ready for this fight. His team was ready for this fight. That is I think maybe the biggest blessing of him not getting re elected in twenty twenty is he had time to think about, Hey, if I go back, what would I do differently clearly operating at a different level of efficiency this time compared to twenty sixteen, and it's paying off big.

It is indeed. And I got to say, the timing of it, as I mentioned, one twenty eight pm, was when Trump's truth social came out on January twenty sixth. Do you know when the Press secretary set out her statement that Columbia had caved?

What time?

At nine to twenty pm on one twenty six So less than eight hours later. That's how long it took for the Columbian president. He didn't just say, Okay, never mind, you can let everyone in. He said I'll send my damn presidential plane to pick them up. And that capitulation. And this is from a hardcore leftist who hates America. It illustrates the strength and leverage the United States has. Every country in the world wants to trade, wants access to the US market. That gives us leverage. It's one of the things we've talked about a lot concerning tariffs, which is that President Trump uses them as leverage. Now, he likes tariffs generally, so we may see tariff's as a broader policy, but he especially likes them as leverage to change conduct that is hurting America. And Ben, I want to ask you a simple question. Can you imagine any universe in which Joe Biden or Kamala Harris would do this.

No, no chance in hell.

And by the way, number one, you have to imagine a universe in which they're actually willing to deport someone, and then that's a big hypothetical. But let's assume they sent two planes to Columbia and the Columbian president did what he did to Trump. He would have done it to them too, say we won't take them. It is simply unimaginable that Biden or Harris would have had the backbone to do anything other than the meekly back down and say, okay, we'll take the criminals back like this is. It is a simple illustration that America always had the power to enforce our borders if we had a president who gave a damn about it and was willing to do what was necessary, and thank god, finally we do.

It also sends a bigger message to other countries that we're gonna have to deal with because there's a lot of other countries. I think simplistically, a lot of people think, well, okay, the southern border, we have an issue with Mexico. Let's be very clear, there are millions of people that are in America legally from countries all over the world, and these types of flights are gonna need to land in many other countries the present. For what Donald Trump put out and saying, it's not just gonna be a tear for twenty five percent, but a week it's gonna go to fifty percent. It's not just that we're gonna make sure that anybody in your country and your government, family, allies, friends can't come to America.

We're gonna get rid of the by the way, that piece. Listen, if you're the foreign minister and your wife wants to go to New York to go shopping, that's a real problem. If she's not allowed to go to New York to go shopping, you want to talk about that. That's one of the areas of leverage that actually causes foreign leaders to freak out when they're not allowed to ad access America for many, many reasons. People travel from all over the world and want to come to America, and it's using leverage. And we've talked on this pot a lot about about the enormous damage that was done to America under Joe Biden because he was so weak, nobody was afraid of him. Yeah, most of our enemies are terrified of Donald Trump. That is very very good.

Well, and it goes back to this. Now, every country that we're going to need to take these planes. And just so people understand, they had agreed that these plans could land in Columbia. It wasn't like Donald Trump random. We just had two plans headed towards Columbia. This had been pre arranged. The President said yes. Then in the air he said.

Now revoke the authorization mid air, and I gotta say, look, look that that there's an online meme that is fa fo And because this is a family friendly podcast, I'm not going to spell it out, but I'm going to say, to speak euphemistically, screwund and find out. Yeah, and Dunald Trump tweeted that out. But like, okay, that's just pretty damn funny.

So every other country now that we've got to deal with, wasn't this, clearly, I would argue, probably a pre planned Any country that messes with us, here is what we're going to do back to them. And now every country knows you're gonna get the same treatment.

Look, I'll tell you I met a week ago with a senior government official from Canada, who was very concerned about the threatened tariffs on Canada. I was saying, Okay, what do we do? And I basically said, listen, he's not bluffing. What I would advise you do is lean in vigorously and aggressively to do everything humanly possible to help us secure the borders, because if you don't, you're gonna see those tariffs. And no matter how aggressive you were thinking of being to secure the border, triple down on that, because this is not a bluff. It is a real, incredible promise. And I got to say, as we saw in less than eight hours, it can spur incredible change of conduct. By the way, in the first Trump term, we saw the same thing prompt the remain in Mexico agreement with Mexico for the same reasons.

Well, and now it seems like he's willing to double down even more than he was back then. And if anyone was doubting his resolve on securing the southern border, just call Colombia's Petro and say, hey, how'd it work out for you? Because when you have to send the president you're playing to pick up migrants. After Trump announce the sanctions, that is the biggest failure I've ever witnessed in a political gamesmanship like this in modern political history.

Yeah, and look, I'll say, within an hour of Columbia refusing, refusing the planes to land, and Trump announcing the consequences, here's what I tweeted out. I tweeted out, Colombian President Petro is playing with fire. After he took over Columbia the summer of twenty twenty two. I worry this would happen. I introduced the Act which required suspending aid to Columbia unless they cooperated to reduce illegal immigration. That is child's play compared to what will happen now if Petro doesn't reverse course. And about six hours later he did.

I want to move to this other big headline, and that deals with the CIA and releasing new analysis on the COVID origins. Doesn't matter where you read the headline, whether it's Fox News, Politico, AP, BBC, Wall Street Journal, they're all writing the same article now, and I'll go to Politico. CIA now says COVID nineteen is more likely to have originated from a lab leak. Now, the most interesting part about this transparency that we're getting from the CIA Director John Ratcliffe, a friend of both of ours. Is the fact that he made it clear, Hey, I'm releasing information that they had already come to a conclusion on Center when Biden and Harris were in charge. They just didn't want the American people to know it. So if you think I'm the one giving you this intel, it's not me. This is intel from Biden and Harris that they hid from you.

Yeah. So the CIA had already come to this conclusion, and for a number of years, the CIA's public position was it could not conclude with certainty where the pandemic started. And yet two days after John Radcliffe was sworn in as the new director of the CIA, they issued a public statement that said, quote, we have low confidence in this judgment and will continue to evaluate any available, credible, new intelligence reporting or open source information that could change CIA's assessment. And, by the way, low confidence typically when the intelligence community has a conclusion that they will report it with low confidence, with moderate confidence, or with high confidence. So they're saying that they're not convinced it's absolutely right, but they think it's correct, but it's at the lowest confidence level. And they did note CIA continues to assess that both research related in natural origin scenarios of the COVID pandemic remain plausible. It is strik striking however, that as you just said a second ago, the CIA had concluded this some time ago. It's just under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris they didn't bother to tell the American people. Listen to John Radcliffe explaining.

This, part of what we have to do is we have to restore Americans trust in our own institutions like the intelligence community and law enforcement, and that includes the CIA. And you know, one of the things that the President stress, you know that the purpose of the CIA is to protect Americans, to keep us safe from foreign threats and foreign adversaries, but we also need to be truthful with Americans. And he has stressed to me and others that you know, these aren't mutually exclusive missions. We can do both. And so in the case of the CIA, which is the best foreign intelligence service in world, after five years, to not have a public assessment, to be honest with the American people about where the likely source of a pandemic that killed millions around the world, including a million Americans, and really impacted all three hundred and forty five million Americans in some way. People lost jobs, they lost houses, they lost their health, they lost their businesses, all of that. And so I had the opportunity on my first day to make public an assessment that actually took place in the Biden administration, so it can't be accused of being political, and it does assess the CIA has assessed that the most likely cause of this pandemic that has wrought so much devastation around the world was because of elaborated incident in Wuhan, and so we'll continue to investigate that moving forward. But I think it was important for the American people to see an institution like the CIA get off the sidelines and be truthful what our intelligence shows, at the same time of protecting us from adversaries like China, if they caused or contributed to this.

I mean, center, Wow, what else can you say? This is all intel that we already had that they hid and lied to the American people about.

Well, listen, and I know John Ratcliffe, well, he's a good friend of mine. He is someone I sat and spent about an hour talking with him a week ago before his confirmation. And I'll tell you one of the things I urged John to do is bring maximum transparency that's possible. Look, the nature of the CIA, you can't be transparent and everything. Obviously, we don't want the public to know the identity of covert agents or or you know, secret wiretaps or things that would jeopardize national security. But the consequences of the politicization and weaponization of both law enforcement and the intelligence community is that the public's trust in those institutions has been severely diminished. That's what John was talking about in that clip you just played, and so I urged him. By the way, it's the same thing I've urged Pam Bondi, who's been nominated to be Attorney General. It's the same thing I've urged Cashptel, who's been nominated to be FBI director, is have the maximum transparency possible. And in particular I've urged them with respect to COVID and the origins of COVID, and by the way, any US government complicity in terms of funding the Chinese research and the gain of function research that may have created the COVID virus, that we need maximum transparency concerning that in particular, and I think John Ratcliffe is following through with that I've also urged maximum transparency concerning January sixth and any US government informants who may have been involved who may have enticed or entrapped people into conduct on that day to make that public as well. And I'm hopeful and by the way, I'll mention Trump is also releasing the files on JFK and RFK and Martin Luther King's assassinations. I will note Ben when when Trump said he was releasing the JFK files.

I know where you're going with this.

I did at least tweet just wondering what are the non extradition countries Again, I'm asking for a friend, all.

Right, you can't say that without telling the backstory on this one, right? Can you find people the humor here on this?

Sure? During twenty sixteen, Trump accused my father of killing JFK, which, for the record, no, my dad did not kill JFK. He did kill Jimmy Hoffa. Jimmy Hoffa is buried my bad dad's backyard. But he didn't kill JFK. And so it's it's it's it's it's a thing. And so if he's releasing the the JFK files, I got to tell you I'm buying a plane ticket for my dad to go to Bolivia right now.

Between that and the Zodiac Killer, you're just making headlines, my friend.

And it was amazing. So Ben, there is actually a real poll that I have seen that show, This was a few years ago, that twenty eight percent of Floridians believe I may well be the Zodiac Killer.

That's what I would frame and put on my desk. It really is.

And given that the Zodiac Killer killed a number of people in northern California in the nineteen sixties before I was born, that's an amazing talent to be able to murder in utero, to reach like back in time. That that's just you know, I'm kind of proud of that.

I mean, if liberals a another reason to be afraid of you, just know that Center crews can time travel, per per Internet Report.

So as the meme says, fafo, I love it.

All Right, let's talk about the last thing on our list, and it is one. Were you right in your prediction? When did you get home? If you listen our last show, we were talking about our Democrats gonna hold out through the weekend. Are you gonna have to stay in DC all weekend? Are you gonna get to come home? They were holding up the nomination jet again? So tell us how that went down. When did you get back?

Were you right?


I was right. I said I thought we'd get back Saturday. I thought the Democrats would fight tooth and nail to try to beat Pete Haggseth. I said they'd lose. And I said when they lost, they'd give in and they want to get out of town because they want to get home, just like we do. So that's exactly what happened. So we were there, We were there late Friday night, and then we ended up finishing the vote Saturday morning, and we all flew out Saturday afternoon. So I'm you and I are recording. It is twelve eleven in the morning right now, Sunday night, Monday morning, I'm in Houston, and tomorrow morning I'll fly back to d C to go back to the Senate tomorrow. So we did get out, And where are we on the confirmations? So right now four cabinet members have been confirmed. The first to be confirmed was Marco Rubio, a Secretary of State. He was confirmed on January twentieth. The vote was ninety nine to nothing. The second to be confirmed was the guy that you just played that clip from, John Ratcliffe at a director. The vote was seventy two to twenty six, so big bipartisan vote. And it's striking though that the Democrats delayed that several days even though there was clear bipartisan support for him. Ratcliffe should have been confirmed on January twentieth. Also, in fact, we thought he was going to and the Democrats delayed it several days just because they're engaged in obstruction. They're trying to delay everything, and.

We're way behind schedule compared to other administrations.

So if you understand that way behind is strong, but they're dragging their feet, and that's why that's why we ram through, forced them to stay through the weekend cape that kept them late Friday night, kept them their Saturday. To make clear, listen, if you delay, we'll just motor through. And so you can decide do you want it to be unpleasant or do you want to move forward. We're going to move expeditiously and confirm these nominees. The Democrats, if they want, they can abuse the procedural rules, they can drag things out, but that means they're going to be there on Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays, and they're not going home, and that's the most effective way to get them to cave in, which is what they did. And so Friday night, the third cabinet member was confirmed, that was Pete Hegseth. That vote was fifty one to fifty. More on that in a second, I'll come back to that. And then on Saturday, we confirmed the fourth cabinet member, which is Christy nom for Secretary of Homeland Security. She was confirmed fifty nine thirty four, so a respectable bipartisan vote, not overwhelming, but she got six Democrats. And next week we have teed up Scott Bessent for Secretary of Treasury, Sean Duffy for Secretary of Transportation, Chris Wright for Secretary of Energy, and Doug Berga for Secretary of the Interior. All of them are out of committee, all of them are teed up. I think all four of them will be confirmed next week. We may have some others confirmed next week as well, but we're moving expeditiously, and as I said, my prediction is that we will confirm all of Trump's cabinet nominees within thirty days. We also have next week in Judiciary, we will vote Pam Bondi out of committee and we'll have the hearing on Cash Paateel. And by the way, one of the things I did last week is participated in in a moot preparation with Cash Patel, which was very productive. Cash. I think it's going to do a good job. The Democrats are going to go hard after Cash, Battel, They're going to go hard after Tulci Gabbard. Those are their top two targets. And then Pete Hexseth. So Pete Hegseth. They fired everything they could at him. They really wanted to defeat Pete. And the vote ended up being fifty to fifty on the floor of the Senate. So three Republicans voted no. Susan Collins, which was not a surprise, Lisa Murkowski again not a big surprise, and Mitch McConnell, who I have to admit I was not surprised that Mitch voted no, but that was the more surprising of the three. I will say Friday.

I was surprised by that one. So explain why you say you weren't surprised. I just I was shocked knowing who he had voted to confirm in the past on the Democrat sides. Was it more of an inside baseball in DC? Everybody thought, yeah, he'd probably do this. I don't explain why.

So several things. One, I think it's fair to say Mitch is not a fan of Donald Trump. To put that mildly, I think both of them can't stand each other. I think secondly, Mitch listen that the odds are overwhelming. Mitch is not going to run for reelection, which means he's got two years and his term is up in twenty twenty six. I think for his final two years, Mitch has decided he wants to be basically John McCain. He wants to fight for a bigger military, he wants to fight for an aggressive, interventionist foreign policy. And I think he views many of Trump's foreign policy nominees, many of his foreign policy positions Mitch passionately disagrees with, and I think in Mitch's mind he put hag Seth into that category. And so just given where Mitch is coming from, I wasn't surprised that he voted no, and I think you could see Mitch vote no. I think those three Collins Berkowski and McConnell could vote no on on a couple of other nominees. On most of them they'll be yeses, but those three. To have a good thing about a fifty three vote majority is we can afford to lose three. We can afford to lose three and win. So it was fifty to fifty on the floor of the Senate, which meant the Vice President J. D. Vance came late Friday night and he cast the tie breaking vote. So Pete hagg Seth is now the Defense Secretary. But that was a battle, and there was some real drama, in particular because Tom Tillis from North Carolina had raised real issues during the day whether he would be a yes or a no. And I can tell you there were a lot of intense conversations with Tom, with Pete hegg Seth, with the White House, back and forth. Look, if one more Republican had voted no, it would have taken hegg Seth down. But at the end of the day I was confident Tillis would vote yes, and he did vote yes. In fact, I offered to several of my colleagues, I said, I'll bet you a hundred bucks he's a yes, and nobody would take my bet. That's a shame because I would have liked to have won one hundred dollars.

Yeah, no doubt about it. All Right. So lastly, this week, seek, what do you think is going to happen? Is it going to be a long week or are you guys going to get a lot of this done and get out of there on Thursday like normal, or are the Democrats going to keep playing the games?

Well, listen, normal Senate schedule as you come in Monday night, your first vote is typically five thirty pm. The reason it's five thirty pm that's called the comeback vote. And you've got senators flying in from all over the country, so even from the West coast, you can fly in and land in DC and get to a five thirty vote. So that's why we start Monday night so everyone could come back to town that day. The normal Senate schedule is you wrap up voting Thursday afternoon, you fly home to your state, and then you're in your state. You're traveling your state on Friday and the weekends. What John Thune has announced is is the schedule right now every week we're going to be there through Fridays. I think part of that is to put pressure on the Democrats not to be obstructionist. I think if the Democrats agree to collapse time and to move a little faster, I think we may go home Thursday afternoons as well, so we can be back in the state on Friday. But if the Democrats delay are an obstructionist, I expect us to be there every Friday.

Incredible, don't forget we do the show Monday, Wednesday Friday. We're gonna give you a blueprint for what's happening, especially during these confirmation hearings, just like we talked about, So hit that subscribe or that auto download button, and on those in between days, grab my podcast, the Ben Ferguson Podcasts. I'll keep you updated on the latest breaking news as well on those days and the Senate and I will see you back here Wednesday morning.