Dems Bailing on Biden...Who Could Replace Him? plus RFK Jr Denied Protection & Ridiculous Trump Gag Order

Published Sep 18, 2023, 8:00 AM
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Center is always nice to be sitting with you in studio, and for people that are listening audio only, you can watch this episode on YouTube as well. Let's start with this idea, and I think it's time to have a real discussion about it, the possibility that Joe Biden may actually not be the nominee for the Democratic Party. They seem to be turning on him. Your initial reaction to this.

Well, I think the odds that Joe Biden is not the Democrats nominee in twenty twenty four have risen significantly, maybe by as much as twenty or thirty percent, And I think they're all sorts of inditia that suggests that Democrats are getting nervous. They're getting nervous about his age. They're looking at polling numbers that show two thirds of Americans think he's too old to be president. They're getting nervous about all of the evidence of Biden corruption. You've got Hunter being indicted, You've got all the connections to Joe. And then what we've seen in recent weeks is the media's turning on them. And remember the role of the media. Sadly, they're no longer journalists, they no longer report news. They are the left wing of the Democrat Party. And when the media turns on the presumed Democrat nominee, I think that is the cutting edge of the Democrat intelligentsia saying we may have to cut bait and find someone new. So, for example, David Ignatius, Yeah, columnists in the Washington Post.

Say that again in the Washington Post, saying this, this is something that doesn't happen.

Well, he wrote, tell us what he wrote.

Then he wrote something interesting and basically was saying it's time to get rid of Joe Biden or maybe Kamala Harris, or maybe both. And one of the things he talked about in here he said he was concerned about Harris that even with Biden, because he says that, well, one way that Biden could help himself is by encouraging quote a more open vice presidential selection process that can produce a stronger running mate. So he's even saying, hey, Joe Biden, you're in deep trouble. Democrats need to pay attention to this. But if you're not going to stop, if you're not gonna say I'm not going to run, you might want to look at replace your vice presidential candidate. Because maybe that will at least make you'll go, all right, well, we like you a little bit more because we know we're going to replace you with someone that we like. Because her poll numbers are worse than Joe Biden's, well, well they are.

And the fact that the Washington Post is throwing that marker out there, and let's come back to that, because I want to talk about the likelihood of Joe not being the nominee. I want to talk about the likelihood of Kamala not being the vice presidentdential nominee. But first, the fact that the Washington Post puts that out there in a very prominent column. It's like the starter's pistol and the media, they all listen to the same things. And so when you have the Washington Post start saying that, when you have the New York Times starts saying that, you start having others. So, for example, here's CNN this past week. Give a listen he has done I don't know if it's similar things, but he's sort of told some stories that don't line up quite like this before.

Yeah, this president has a pattern at this point of either in venting or embellishing stories about his own past, his biography. He did it three times in one speech last month alone. He claimed he had witnessed bridge collapse in Pittsburgh when he actually showed up about six hours later. He claimed that his grandfather had died just days before he was born himself at the same hospital. In fact, his grandpa died more than a year before in a different state, not the same hospital. And he also repeated a favorite fallse story that I and others had debunked over and over again about a supposed conversation with an Amtrak train conductor he was friends with who was actually deceased at the time the conversation would have had to take place. And that's not all. There are some more serious ones, in my view. Previously in his presidency, he claimed at one point he'd been arrested during a civil rights protest, when in other versions of the story he just said an officer had taken him home from a protest. He said he had visited the Pittsburgh synagogue where warshippers were killed in a twenty eighteen match shooting. In fact, he had actually spoken to the rabbi, but but never went. And he's made a whole bunch of others too, he said At one point Republicans like to bring this up. He said that he used to drive a tractor trailer and he used to drive an eighteen wheeler. Never happened. The White House later clarified he used to drive a school bus at one point for as a job briefly school bus, of course, not an eighteen wheeler. So whatever his intentions, whether it's you know, foggy memory about stuff that's going on decades ago, or deliberate embellishment, this is unfortunate pattern that keeps coming up again and again with Joe Biden.

You go back to the starter gun analogy that used a moment ago, Senator. It's like everyone was holding back. Then all of a sudden, the op ed comes out in the Washington Post, and it's like, oh, we can now say this, we can now do this well.

And I got to say that clip on CNN I think is funny on like nineteen different levels. Number one, the most important thing is they're finally reporting on the fact that Joe Biden is a pathological serial liar. He has been his entire career. He says things that are false, he says the things that they're false. Again, he does it over and over and over and over again. The reporters all know that. Yeah, us CNN didn't used to talk about it. They didn't used to be willing to say it, because, hey, their job is to protect the Democrat president, not actually to report on what he says and does, even though it's a lie.

That's point number one. On that point number.

Two, the examples they use are deliberately minor examples. They're deliberately not that consequential. They didn't include the lie that Joe Biden just did last week where he said he was at ground zero the day after nine to eleven and he saw it right there. That's a flat out lie.

No, he wasn't.

He was on the floor of the Senate on September twelfth, two thousand and one. He did not go the day after nine to eleven. It's just at an absolute lie. But they didn't include that one because that is well.

I laugh, because they put at the bottom of the screen on the ticker, but they didn't mention it in their comments. They're like, well, it was like the pretext was like, let's not mention that one, because I think that makes too many Americans angry that you would place yourself at the ground zero the day after nine to eleven, So we'll just put at the bottom of the screen, but we won't even talk about it. Where our work words.

And most significantly, they do not include his repeated lies about his corruption with his son, Hunter Biden. They don't include the lie I've never spoken with my son about his overseas business dealings. That's now demonstrably false. Even the White House is backed away from it. But far be it from CNN to admit that that's a lie, because that actually that goes to their conceit no evidence, no evidence, no evidence, there's no evidence, no direct evidence. We obviously had an entire podcast explaining what they mean when they say no no direct evidence and why they're lying. So they don't include the most consequential and significant ones. And I got to say, for those of you that are watching this on YouTube, this is one of our three pods a week that is both on YouTube and on audio. You can see the images they put up, and they have a whole series of clips of Joe Biden, every one of them.

He's smiling.

Yeah, they're all good. He looks like a genial grandfather.

So he's a.

Liar, but he's just like it old he just haven't fine, he's just you.

I mean, who else hasn't claimed they were at ground zero after nine to eleven when they weren't. That's just what really old genial uncle Joe's do. So CNN is starting to criticize them, but they're so bad at it, They're so used to being the praetorian guard protecting him that they can't really bring themselves to do it. That being said, look this the Washington Post flipping on him, CNN flipping on him. This is significant, and I think the Democrat intelligentsia is getting nervous and Ben. I believe there is now a real possibility Joe Biden is not the Democrat nominee in twenty twenty four. And I think there are two ways this potentially plays out. One way is the pressure ratchets up internally within the Democrat Party significantly enough that Biden ends up back out. I think there's some chance of that. He didn't want to, but I got to say. The weird thing about Democrats their command and control.

They are collectivists.

And if enough of the power brokers go to Biden and say enough is enough is enough, I think there is some possibility, says I'm out.

I did what I came to do.

I stopped Donald Trump from getting in office in twenty twenty one.

I'm done.

I'm riding off into the sunset. That's actually what David Igdasias says. Look, you can victory lap. You did what you wanted to do. And by the way, one of the things fueling that is the unease about Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris's numbers, her pole support is terrible, her unfavorables are terrible.

Worse than his, and his poll numbers, to be clear, are at Jimmy Carter.

Levels or thirty nine percent approval ratings, and hers are worse in the twenties. It makes you wonder if she wears mint flavored shoes, because daily she seems to stick her foot in her mouth and Democrats are nervous. Look, Joe Biden is eighty years old. If Biden is elected in twenty twenty four, the actuarial tables are very significant. The odds are high that he does not live out a second term, that he dies sometime in the White House. That's just the realities of the age he's at, which means in this next election, if the Democrat ticket is Biden Harris, A huge part of it is going to be you pull that lever for Joe Biden. You are voting for President Kamala Harris, and that number one scares the heck I think out of a lot of voters. But number two makes Democrat Democrats nervous because they recognize it scares the heck out of a lot of voters. Now you asked, Okay, might they dump Kamala Harris as VP?

I think the chances of that are zero?

Is it for the same reason that I think it's probably zero, and that is if it was a white male, they'd have a much easier time. I'm getting rid of that person. But this is an African American female. How do you offload an African American female without having to worry that women are going to turn against you? Yeah, and minorities would turn against you, saying how dare you get rid of our woman? Who could be the first female president in the history of the United States of America could be Kamala Harris, not because anyone elects her, just because of age and him having to resign or based on age that he could die in office.

So yes, And especially because the Democrats are such hyper bean counting, they put everyone into categories, so they don't think of you as a human being. They think of you you are a man, you were a white man, you were a black woman, like whatever your race, whatever your category. Ideally you're a transgender, you know, vegetarian, pantheist or whatever. But whatever your category, they put you into it. If it were some poor slub white guy, if the VP were Joe Biden, see ya, they'd put him out on a boat with a guy saying Hail Mary as he puts around in his forehead as they do, and Godfather too. That's what they do. And I mean that figuratively. I can just see the fact checkers now. Cruz says they're going to murder him, though that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying they'd get rid of him, and get rid of him really quickly. I don't think the Democrats would be willing to dump Kamala Harris because they view African American women as such an essential part of their political coalition to victory that I think they'd be terrified of pissing off black women.

And if African American women stayed home.

Democrats lose, so I don't think they can dump Kamala Harris as much as as the Washington Post columnists might want them to. So they're two scenarios in which Joe Biden is not the nominee. I believe number one, the powers that be in the Democrat Party convinced Joe Biden to pull out. If that happens, I think it's a free for all. I think a bunch of people get in. I think the top four Democrats who get in are Kamala Harris, Pete Bootage, Edge, Gavin Newsom, and Elizabeth Warren. And I think all four of them get in. I think Gretchen Whitmer probably gets in as well. I think there are some others that get in. I think you probably get five to ten candidates who jump in the instant Biden is out now, in my view, the top tier of the first four I listed, and I think in that primary, I believe Elizabeth Warren wins that primary. Really, and when I say that that shocks people, I get a lot of gasps.

But I'd be to that group right now because that was not what I thought you were gonna say. Why Elizabeth Warren out of all them. I mean, she has Pokehontas for a reason.

Because I think Elizabeth Warren is the ID of today's Democrat Party. She is the hard left, angry Marxist and that is where the heart is. Look, it's Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and AOC that drive the Democrat policy agenda right now because the entire party is terrified of her. In twenty twenty, Elizabeth Warren was splitting the crazy moon bat Marxist left with Bernie Sanders. Yeah, and the two of them were dividing that vote, which is what let Joe Biden win that primary. I don't think Bernie runs this time. I think he will recognize he's too old to run this time. And so I think Elizabeth has the crazy left winger lane all to herself, and I think that beats the rest of that field. That scenario one, Elizabeth Warren comes out of a wide open, real Democrat primary. Now, the thing about it is you're running out of time, So I'll give you some deadlines. October sixteenth is the filing deadline for major party candidates in Nevada. November tenth is the filing deadline for major major party candidates at Alabama. November fourteenth is the filing deadline for major party candidates in Arkansas. So we're starting to get to filing deadlines where it becomes exceedingly difficult to get on the ballot. And so if this scenario happens, it has to happen fast.

That was my question at the timeline. If Joe Biden's gonna if he's gonna be pushed out, forced out, because it's not gonna be on his own accord.

Next sixty days, next sixty days, Yeah, I mean it's we've got it.

So then here's my question. Do we see the media change the way they're covering the Biden crime family over the next sixty days is part of the final push to get him to realize he can't run.

I think that is entirely possible.

I think Washington Post and CNN are sort of the opening shots. And if we see in the next couple of weeks, if we see the media actually covering all of Biden's enormous problems, that's the pressure mounting. There's a second scenario, and this scenario I think is more likely and a heck of a lot more dangerous, which is fast forward to next year. Fast forward to the Democrat National Convention. It's going to be in Chicago, Illinois, and it is August nineteenth through twenty second. If we get to August of next year and number one, Biden's mental diminishment has gotten even worse and it becomes obvious to anyone that he can't find his shoes, and Democrats decide, okay, all of this downside is really worrying us. Then the convention is the opportunity to parachute someone in. You parachute someone in by having some story that for health reasons, Biden's not able to continue. How the Democrats execute that exactly, I don't know. But the Democrats are very big on smoke filled rooms and forcing through the outcome they want and they obey orders. Now, if you're a Democrat, pubah. And by the way, the Democrats also have what are called super delegates. Republicans don't have super delegates. Super delegates are typically elected officials that have disproportionate power at their convention. They have the ability to really move the votes. If you get to the August convention for Democrats and they've collectively lost their nerve on Biden said, it's time to put Joe out to pasture. What do they do then, Well, the natural thing to say would be, okay, it'll be one of those top four. And here's the problem. Whoever they pick is a problem. They pick Kamala Harris, She's the vice president in some ways the natural choice. All of the downsides of Kamala Harris make that a really dangerous choice. If they pick Gavin Newsom, that makes some California Democrats happy. The problem is you're replacing an African American woman in the Democrat Party with a white guy. That a rich white guy, a very rich white guy. You want to talk about a recipe for discontent. That's a big problem. They could go with Pete Boudhajeedge, another white guy, but Buddha Jedge is gay. That's at least the gay lesbian community is a big chunk of the Democrat coalition. So rich liberals would really like Pete bootaj Edge, and a lot of the Democrat donors are gay and lesbian. That's a major chunk of the funding stream for a Democrat candidate. But you have the same problem if you jettison an African American woman who's vice president for a white guy in the Democrat primary, you're really asking for trouble. An option for is Elizabeth Warren. Well, Elizabeth Warren makes the crazy moon bat leftists happy, but you have the same everyone else who doesn't get it. I think anyone they go with as a coronation. It's different than an open primary where Warren wins, because primary voters vote for that gives an element of legitimacy that the people who don't win can live with. If it's just the king maker saying nope, we pick you, whoever doesn't get picked, everyone else's pissed. So here's the scenario that I think is perhaps most likely and most dangerous. In August of twenty twenty four, the Democrat kingmakers jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama, and I want you to pause and reflect on it.

Oh, I'm pausing, and I'm reflecting, as we said, and so is everybody else listening right now.

I view this as a very serious danger.

I'm smiling right now because it terrifies me. And I also could totally see this happening.

So, Michelle Obama, number one, you don't infuriate African American women, which is a critical part of the constituency that Democrats are relying on to win. But number two, you so avoid the problem if you pick from any of the four. The other three are pissed because they're all, to some extent peers, they're rivals, they're all jabbin knives at each other. Michelle Obama, because she was first lady, has the ability to kind of parachute in above all four and say, hey, we're not picking among any of you. You guys can all fight it out. Next time. You're all going to be on the same level. We're coming. This is the Obamas saving the day. And I think in terms of a solution that unifies Democrats, there ain't nothing like that. I also think Michelle is not all that eager to run for president, but to parachute in in August of twenty four a couple of months before the presidency and suddenly wake up and be president not a bad gig. It's not a bad gig at all. Now would she do it? I don't know. I've met Michelle, but I don't know her personally in any meaningful way. I don't know if she would do it. I do think Barack Obama is already running the Biden administration. I think he is already the puppet master behind this Biden White House. I don't think Joe Biden is the decision maker. And so when I see the media turning on Joe Biden right now, I think the odds of Michelle Obama parachuting in in August of twenty twenty four have risen dramatically, and that ought to scare the hell out anyone who who is unhappy about the direction this country is going and doesn't want us to go even crazier in an even worse direction.

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Oh yeah, yeah, I know that they immediately start carving him on Rushmore figuratively speaking, the rushmore of socialists. Joe Biden would permanently look. He aspires to be the next FDR, and part of how Democrats would get him to step down as saying, by doing this, your FDR. By doing this, you're George Washington stepping down after two terms. You're demonstrating the ultimate statesman principle. Now look, I think Joe Biden loves the trappings of being president. This guy's wanted to be president forevers he was two. And to be clear, I understand that in particular sickness, my hands are not cleaned.

Yeah, in that.

Discussion, but so I get it. But I do think the Democrats appeal to his vanity that you will be legendary and immortal if you do this, and that may be an element of making it happen. And I don't think it is more likely than not. I don't think it's greater than fifty percent that Biden is not the nominee, but I think it's probably twenty five or thirty percent right now.

It's interesting that you said that about Michelle because I was doing my podcast the night after Michelle Obama was talking with Billy Jing King about equal pay, and she did this speech the US open in prime time And I said the next day, not thinking about the connection you're talking about here, I said it like it was almost like a coming out political speech. It was the first time I saw Michelle Obama in a political way. It wasn't a first lady's speech. It was a political ass speech. It was her in her own words, not under my husband. First lady ask and if you think about that now, with what you just said, that's scary as hell.

And by the way, this is not a new thought for Democrats. Had Bill Clinton who served two terms, and then obviously Hillary was presumed to be the heir apparent, and so the dynamic from Barack to Michelle. Listen, the Democrats are dynastic. The Democrats are top down. The Democrats are command and control. And it's because Michelle has a claim to already being at a higher level in the Democrat pecking order than any of the other contenders. It's the only solution for Democrat power brokers that doesn't cause a civil war.

Yeah, and it comes with the best political campaigner in the Democratic Party, her husband.

Plus, look, Michelle spent eight years as first lady. First lady is a position that by design keeps you out of the political fray. And so Michelle Obama has really high positives and relatively low negatives. Now she starts getting into policy, I think she is further left than Barack. I think she is further left than Joe Biden. I think as a president she would be disastrous. But the American people think not only of her because she's first Lady. The role of first lady insulates someone. And if she parachutes in in August with big positives and relatively low negatives, and she can also say, hey, all the things Joe Biden screwed up on that wasn't me. Yeah, that is really potent politically. If I were a Democrat, I'd be excited about that.

There's also something else to happened this week with a Democratic primary that was shocking to me. You've had people that made threats against you, You've run for president of United States of America. I've experienced having people threatened against me as well. It's not a good feeling. You look at the Kennedy family and the fact that they've had assassinations and targeting, and RFK has made it clear he wants protection. There was something shocking that had this week with a man that was dressed liked law enforcement. Thank goodness, they saw him, they figured it out. There were certain things he was wearing in his outfit, the way where his gun was being held on his person that didn't fit law enforcement, and he was arrested. But you were upset about this, I think as you should be, because why have they still not decided to protect RFK and what's taking them so long, especially when see things like this happened.

Yeah, this was a really disturbing security incident. You had someone show up at an event for RFK Junior. He had two firearms and two shoulder holsters that he was wearing. He was dressed as law enforcement, and it was fraudulent. He was dressed with a lanyard that indicated he was a US marshal. He was trying to camouflage. He told people he was part of rfk's security detail. Thankfully, the private security that RFK hired recognized that he wasn't and they detained and arrested him. But someone coming in with two loaded firearms and extra magazines impersonating law enforcement is on its face, exceptionally dangerous. Now, RFK put out the following statement, We're gonna put it up on the screen. Here's what RFK said. I'm very grateful that alert and fast acting protectors from Gavin de Becker and associates his private security firm spotted and detained an armed man who attempted to approach me at my Hispanic Heritage speech at the Wilshire Ebel Theatre in Los Angeles tonight. The man, wearing two shoulder hosters with loaded pistols and spare ammunition magazines, was carrying a US Marshal badge on a lanyard and at belt clip federal ID. He identified himself as a member of my security detail. Armed GDBA team members moved quickly to isolate and detain the man until LAPD arrived to make the arrest. I'm also grateful to LAPD for its rapid response. And then this is in bold in his tweet. I'm still entertaining a hope that President Biden will allow me Secret Service protection, the first presidential candidate history to whom the White House has denied a request for protection.

Now, can you explain the politics of that real quick. So people don't understand how this works.

Yeah, let me do that in the way I'm going to do that.

I want to put up I retweeted this, and I retweeted it with my own comment. So let's put up what I tweeted. I retweeted RFK statement, and here's what I said. This isn't a left or right issue. The Biden administration should give Robert Kennedy Junior a security detail now. Given his tragic family history. Both his father and uncle were horrifically assassinated and this latest serious security incident, Biden shouldn't mess around. Under law, quote, major candidates are entitled a secret service protection. Is Mayorcus's deceivision not to grant protection political Surely this administration wouldn't put a man's life at risk Rather than concede that RFK Junior is a major candidate. The Trump DHS gave Biden protection in March of twenty twenty after a security incident. MAJORCA should follow that precedent and expeditiously approve protection for RFK Junior. Now, the way it works under law is that a candidate for president is entitled to secret Service protection if they are a quote major candidate, and being a major candidate, there are a series of criteria that are used to ascertain major candidate, including poll numbers. It is the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security that makes that determination. They do so in consultation with a bipartisan advisory committee that concludes both with Republicans and Democrats at the easy level, the major party nominees both are entitled to coverage, and they both get it, but historically they get it earlier than becoming the nominees. If you look at twenty sixteen, so I've got some real and personal experience with dealing with this. In twenty sixteen, in the Republican presidential primary, Donald Trump was given Secret Service protection relatively early on, and Ben Carson was given Secret Service protection relatively early on. Now, Ben Carson did not win a single state. Ben Carson was given Secret Service protection because the level of death threats that were directed at him was deemed sufficient that it merited Secret Service protection. I don't know exactly how many death threats were talking about, but the Department of Homeland Security made the determination given this threat level, given the risk that some lunatic would try to kill an after Kann American Republican running for president, We're going to provide Secret Service protection now. As the primary went on, I won twelve states. For months, the race was essentially a two man race between me and Donald Trump. No other Republican other than Trump and I won more than a single state. So John Kasik won Ohio, Marco Rubio won Minnesota, and Trump and I won the other forty eight states. And at the time that I dropped out, I had won twelve and he had won something like twenty two to twenty three states, so he'd won about twice as many states.

That's when I dropped out.

So for months earlier, I easily met the standard for a major candidate, and had I requested Secret Service protection, I almost certainly would have received it, because under any objective measure, I met it. In twenty sixteen, I made the decision not to ask for it. We talked about it in our campaign because when Secret Service comes into the campaign, they slow everything down. They come in, they take over all the security, They set up magnetometers, they set up metal detectors in the front of the events. That means people coming to your events often I'll have to wait one two three hours in line.

It slows the operation down.

Once you bring Secret Service in, typically a candidate will do maybe two or three events a day because it just slows the entire operation down. In twenty sixteen, we were running fast and hard. I was doing in days, six seven, eight, nine events a day.

I mean, we were going fast.

And I didn't want pump the brakes to pump the brakes, I didn't want to slow it down. So we took security very seriously. So I hired private security, and we had significant private security. But I would do something at the end of most events. I'd jump off the front of the stage and I'd plow into the crowd and I'd be hugging people, I'd be taking pictures, I'd be talk to kids. I remember, Secret Service would never let you do that.

They would.

You stay on the other side.

And so we made the decision that we wanted to be faster and more nimble, and that bringing Secret Service in would slow that down. And we also made the decision that we had a pretty significant investment in security, and that we thought we could use private security to ensure safety while at the same time maintaining speed. In this instance, you've got RFK Junior Number one, You've got his unique personal story. His father was murdered while running for president of the United States, Bobby Kennedy murdered as a candidate for the Democratic nominee for president, and before that, his uncle John F. Kennedy was murdered while being President of.

The United States. Given that history and.

Given people are just not look at this guy, Coppy Katz and create look, I think it is a no brainer that if RFK Junior wants Secret Service protection given his circumstances, he deserves it. And the reason I believe the Biden administration hasn't granted it is because if they did, under it genmizes him, they would have to say he's a major candidate. And the approach of the Biden White House is RFK who we never heard of him? Nope, Nope, nobody running, nobody in the Democrat primary doesn't exist.

This is a corrodation.

Joe's down in the basement, and I think it is purely political. And I ask everyone listening to this, imagine your reaction if you turned on the TV tomorrow and saw that RFK Junior, like his father, was murdered while being a candidate for the Democrat nomination for president.

Imagine the horror.

How do you justify the Biden administration saying nope, politics matters more to us, So good luck you. Hope nothing happens. This should not be Look, I'm not voting for our FK junior.

Yeah, but you should.

If you're running for president, you should be safe while doing.

This is the right thing to do. And whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, this ought to be an easy choice. And the Biden Whitehouse ought to get their political heads out of their rear ends and do the right thing. Listen, they feel confident they can beat OURFK junior, You're fine. If they're confident, then do the right thing and ensure that he's got Secret Service protection so we don't have a national tragedy on her hands.

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Look, you're exactly right.

We have talked at length on this podcast about how the multiple indictments against Donald Trump are election interference. Democrats have convinced themselves that Donald Trump is Adolf Hitler, and because they believe he's Hitler, anything, anything, anything is justified to stop him. The ends justify the means, and they're willing to corrupt the legal process to turn the Department of Justice into a political weapon. They're willing to do everything they can to stop the voters from daring to make a decision to vote in the way these angry partisan Democrats don't want the voters to vote. We've gone over two hundred years of our nation's history. We've never indicted a president or a former president, or a major candidate for president. In the last six months, Democrats have done so four separate times. The US Department of Justice under Biden is the most partisan and political we've ever seen. And Jack Smith, the special prosecutor, we've talked at length. He is a partisan. He has a history of abusing power, including this is not the first presidential candidate or potential presidential candidate he's gone after he went after Bob McDonald, the governor of Virginia, was considered a credible presidential candidate. Jack Smith indicted him, destroyed his political career, destroyed his life, and then on appeal, the Supreme Court unanimously throughout the conviction as not being consistent with law. But he'd already done its job, which here out he took him out. In this instance, the case in the District of Columbia is profoundly dangerous. It's profoundly dangerous because number one, the jury pool in the District Columbia is over ninety percent about ninety four percent Democrat. So you're going to get a jury that in all likelihood hates Donald Trump and believes he's Adolf Hitler. Now, if you believe someone's ad Off Hitler, he's a victim. That's not a hard guilty for whatever the crime is Yeah, it's just you hate if it's Adolf Hitler. Yes, we also have a district judge who has demonstrated and earned a reputation as being one of the furthest left Democrat district judges on the federal bench in d C. Who is presiding this trial is designed to directly interfere with the election. But Jacksmith said this is not enough, and so he filed a motion, a motion for a gag order. So he's gone to this left wing district judge and he's asked for a gag order. He says, defendant has repeatedly and widely disseminated public statements attacking the citizens of the district Columbia. That's by daring to point out that ninety four percent of DC voters vote Democrat, and that's going to be the jury pool the court. That's by pointing out that the judge has a record of being one of the most left wing Democrats on the entire federal bench.


That's by pointing out that jack Smith is a hard core partisan Democrat, has already abused his power repeatedly and prospective witnesses. The government therefore requests that the court quote enter a narrowly tailored order pursue into local criminal Rule fifty seven C that restricts certain prejudicial extra judicial statements, And in particular, what they ask for the government seeks this is a quote A narrow, well defined restriction that is targeted at extra judicial statements that present a serious and substantial danger of materially prejudicing the case. The government's proposed order specifies that such statements would include A statements regarding the identity, testimony, or credibility of prospective witnesses, and b statements about any party witness, attorney, court personnel, or potential jurors that are disparaging and inflamma territory or intimidating. Now let's be clear who do they mean by potential witnesses. They mean people like Bill Barr yep, and they mean people like Mike Pence. So Mike Pence is literally running against Donald Trump right now for the Republican nomination for president. And you have the Biden Department of Justice asking a federal judge issue an order that Donald Trump cannot say a critical word of Mike Pence about one of his opponents in the primary, Like, holy crap, if this doesn't piss you off, You're not paying attention. I mean, it is truly breathtaking. You want to understand why this is election interference? Jay believes the federal court can order one political candidate you're not allowed to criticize your opponent. Just don't say a word. Don't say a word at all, despite the fact that you're facing a political persecution designed to interfere with the election, You're not.

Allowed to say it.

And if you do, by the way, look, a gag order is typically enforced by contempt and by jail. So what the Biden doj is proposing is if Donald Trump says a negative word about Mike Pence, that the US Department of Justice will show up and arrest him and put him in jail for saying a negative word about one of his opponents running for president.

And by the way, they would do that. Let's be clear, they would love to arrest him again.

That's what they want, and to keep him in jail. This is election interference. It is wildly unconstitutional. It is a direct violation of the First Amendment. It is also a direct violation of the right to vote of our democratic process in this country. Now, the Democrat talking heads will say, look, sometimes you have gag orders. If you're going against the mafia, bosh, you're going up against al Capone. Courts will enter orders saying, Okay, you can't intimidate witnesses, you can't say things that will prejudice the jury. You're right, in an ordinary criminal trial. Those things can happen. In an ordinary criminal trial. The defendant is not a leading candidate for president of the United States actively running for president of the United States. And my guess, I don't think the district court will grant this. I don't know that. I don't know this judge at all. I've never met her. Her record demonstrates she's left wing. But I think if the district court granted this order, it would be exceptionally foolish. Why because the order would be appealed and it would be overturned on appeal. I do not believe there's any way the Supreme Court of the United States would allow a leading candidate for president to be enjoined. To be ordered from a court, you are not allowed to criticize your political opponents. I mean, if you can envision, imagine debate, let's we have a subsequent Republican debate. Trump shows up and Mike Pence blasts him, and Trump turns and says, I'm sorry, I'm prevented by court order from.

Respond, yeah, from defending myself.

That is not free speech, that is not democracy, that is not how our system operates.

And that's election interference.

Exactly, perfect example of what capsulates. And by the way, that's what they want, actually what they want. Look, they know in that circumstance, Donald Trump could not restrain himself, sure, and then they would arrest him.

And then they would arrest him.

I mean, I mean, you can almost envision the jack booted thugs sitting by the side of the debate and as Trump blasts his opponents, and he'll blast all his opponents because that's what he does. You can almost envision them walking out in the middle of the debate and saying, sir, you're under arrest. If that is not election interference, holy cow, it really shows just how extreme the Democrats have gotten. This is horrific. By the way, let's be clear, I would be every bit as opposed to an order preventing Joe Biden from criticizing his opponents from criticizing RFK Junior from criticizing Donald Trump. Not to be clear, Joe Biden couldn't get up in the morning and speak without criticizing Donald Trump. He says, good morning. Trump is the devil. That's just how he addresses it. And he also demonizes every other Republican because he's in his mental and feeblement, he's also become an even more vicious partisan. But I would be equally and animately opposed to any court trying to prevent Joe Biden from attacking me or Trump or anybody else, because that's what free speech and elections are all about. But today's Democrats, they don't believe in democracy, which is why these indictments are happening. They want to stop the voters from voting in a way they don't like. And they don't believe in free speech, which is why they want to muzzle their leading opponent for president. It is it's a brave new world.

We're living here.

It certainly is. Don't forget. We do the show three days a week Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. Make sure that subscribe follow our auto download button depending on where you're listening to this podcast. And also we have a new podcast on Saturdays. That is some of the segments you may have missed during the week that we put together in a weekend review, so make sure you listen to that, and on the days in between, join me on my podcast, The Ben Ferguson Podcasts, and I'll keep you up to down the biggest breaking news. On those days in between, We'll see you back here again real soon.