Biden Impeachment: Dems LYING When They Say "No Direct Evidence"

Published Sep 13, 2023, 10:00 AM
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Welcome it as verdicts with Senator Ted Cruz Ben Ferguson with you, a massive news day with impeachment and Kevin McCarthy announcing that the Republicans in the House are going to move forward. We're going to do a very deep dive into that explain everything that's happening and what's going to happen in the days and weeks and months ahead. But before we get to that center, there was also some other shocking news, and that is at the House was informed. Congress was informed on the anniversary of nine to eleven that there was going to be a prisoner swap with a RAN and oh, by the way, we're going to send them basically allow them to get their hands on six billion dollars that they had in assets. This is a terrible move in my opinion. I want to get your take on this. It's shocking that's happened, especially notifying Congress on the anniversary nine to eleven.

Well, it's outrageous and it's dangerous. On September eleventh, I was in New York City. I was at the fire station that lost the most post firefighters at Ground zero, fifteen firefighters from the station. I was at never returned, and I had the opportunity to speak at a memorial and to thank the families that were grieving those heroes, and I pointed out, you know, the word hero is used cheaply a lot of times to refer to athletes, to refer to musicians' hero doesn't apply to any of them. The men who charged into burning buildings knowing they were headed to certain death, they are heroes. And it was really an extraordinary honor to give tribute to them and to try to try to tell the story for young people of what happened on September eleventh. While we're there, remembering, Joe Biden couldn't bother to show up. But to add insult to injury, Joe Biden announces that he's given six billion dollars to the Ayatola, a radical Islamic theocratic who regularly chance death to America and death to Israel. The six billion dollars is in exchange for five Americans. On top of that, there are another five Iranians that are being released. At this point, they have not publicly said who they are of what they've done. I'm sure it's bad, because if it weren't bad, they would, they would have told us already. There are lots of reasons why this is wrong, one of which is this money, the six billion dollars will go directly to fund terrorism.

This money, Oh no, no, the Biden administration promised us their words, this will only go for humanitarian issues. They were saying that six billion dollars will never be used for anything bad at all. What's even worse than that is the lie is the Iranian president came out and said that we will spend the money from the prisoner swap how we want. In other words, screw you, Biden. You're lying to the American people about it, and we'll do whatever the hell we want with the money.

The exact quote from the Iran's president was that the funds will be used quote wherever we need it, and it is a metaphysical certainty this money will be used to fund terrorism. Why because Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world. That Americans will be murdered, is Raelis will be murdered, and it's not just six billion dollars, because they're also refusing to enforce sanctions, which collectively is tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of dollars to fund terrorism. This is part of a secret nuclear deal. The Biden administration doesn't want to take a nuclear deal to Congress because they know they can't get it through Congress, so as they're doing it in secret. And on top of that, this creates an incentive for every tin pot dictator in the world to seize more Americans. They're setting the going rate at one point two billion per American hostage. More Americans will be taken hostage because of this, and to do it on the anniversary of nine to eleven is disgusting and it's dangerous.

There was something else in here center that really shocked me. In all of the most recent prisoner swaps that we've had, we knew who we were trading and who they were and what they had done, whether it was Britney Grinder and Russia. We knew that we were trading the merchant of death, whether when it was bo Bergdal, We knew the people that we were trading, for example, in Afghanistan, and we knew their resume of terror, what they'd done. I can't find anywhere, and I want to know, as a member of Congress, have you been briefed on who the five Iranians are that they're getting back, and what the hell have they done?

So I have not.

I assumed that at some point we will be and I also assume at some point the names and what they did will be made public. I very much hope so. But this is profoundly dangerous. When you funnel billions of dollars to theocratic, homicidal maniacs, you endanger lives. And it is tragically a certainty that Americans will die because of this decision from the Biden administration, and to do it on the anniversary of nine to eleven shows really a complete lack of awareness of the magnitude of the threat.

To be clear, and I think this goes back to nine to eleven. Iran killed more or help kill more and dismember more Americans with roadside bombs and giving safe haymn to terras after we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan than any other country in the Middle.

East by far, not even close, and.

We just gave them money that they can do, in their words, whatever they.

Want to do with it, six billion dollars.

Is there any way that Congress can stop this or is this a straight up executive decision and that's it.

Well, I'm going to fight for Congress to stop it. But let's be clear, Chuck Schumer and the Democrats will stand with Biden and stand with Iran against America and against our Israeli allies.

We're going to keep trying to get answers to these questions, obviously, and we'll keep you updated on. I do want to deal with, obviously, the massive story of the day that is taking the headlines, and that's exactly when we wanted to make sure you knew what was going on with the RAN, and that is with impeachment. We are moving forward with impeachment. The House side, Ken McCarthy has come out announcing that this podcast started with the first impeachment. Did you ever imagine Center that we would be sitting here on this podcast now looking like we're going into a third impeachment when you started this show originally.

It really is hard to believe. It's not impeachment number one, it's not impeachment number two. It's impeachment number three of the president, mind you, not not even impeachment of Aljidro majorcas non impeachment of Merrick Garland. It is the House has formally opened its impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden, and what I want to do in this podcast is really do a deep dive into what that means and where things stand, because it's a big deal. This announcement is a big, big deal. It is consequential, and it's important listeners to verdict. You know already the details of what's happening, but it's worth breaking down the arguments so that you understand it because I guarantee you tomorrow at work, tomorrow at school, people are going to be asking about it. Family members are going to be asking about it, and you're going to want to know.


One of the best ways to assess just the magnitude the mountain of evidence that has come out and listen, I've been calling for the House to open impeachment inquiries for months.

I think the.

Evidence long ago cleared that threshold. But they've finally done it. It's worth reviewing the bidding. In terms of Joe Biden's explanations, Explanation number one that he made on the campaign trail repeatedly that he made his president repeatedly is he said he had never discussed, not even once discussed with unter Biden's overseas business dealings. That was explanation number one. There was a minor problem. It was a flat out, bald face lie, and it was demonstrably disproven, including by Devin Archer saying some twenty times Joe would call in to talk to Hunter's overseas business partners. So then explanation number two was Joe Biden was not in business with his son Hunter in his corrupt overseas deals. Now that's very different from I never discussed it, but they realized they couldn't defend that, so it wasn't in business. So they've run away from not in business anymore. That's no longer defensible because it's clear the entire business was selling favors from Daddy. So talking point number three, which you're seeing multiple Democrats use word for word you're seeing the media use word for word, is there is no direct evidence of Joe Biden's involvement of Joe Biden's corruption. Now at the outset, that throws Hunter overboard. I think the Democrats have realized, all right, Hunter as crooked as the day as long, we can't defend this guy, so Hunter to heck with him. But there's no direct evidence of Joe. I want to break that down because that is false and it's a lie, and it's every bit as false as Biden never discussed it or wasn't in business with it. But let's take the no direct evidence and explain why it's wrong. Let me start by explaining what direct evidence is. So that's the kind of lawyer word that you see people use that.

If you're not a lawyer, you're like, well, what does that even mean?

Right, So, in a court.

Of law, there are two types of evidence that are typically relied on to prove a factual matter. Number one is direct evidence. Number two is circumstantial evidence. Direct evidence is evidence that goes directly to a factual matter in dispute. Circumstantial evidence is based on the circumstances you can draw inference that leads to the factual matter in dispute.

All right, what does that mean?

Let me give an ext If you go to bed tonight and you look out the window and the street is dry and clean, and you wake up in the morning and you look out the window and the street is covered in snow, that is circumstantial evidence that it snowed last night. It's pretty damn good circumstantial evidence. Yeah, there's snow, but you were drawing the inference from seeing the snow on the ground that it snowed last night. Now, if you bring in a witness who stayed up all night, who said, ben, I saw it snow last night, that would be direct evidence. The most common type of direct evidence is eyewitness testimony saying I saw this happen. Now, one of the lies right at the heart of the no direct evidence is so what, it's not true. But before I get to not true, so what? People are literally convicted of crimes every day based on circumstantial evidence. They are sentenced to jail every day based on circumstantial evidence. So the modifier direct is how they're getting around the mountain of evidence we've got. But I want to tell you how the statement there is no direct evidence is a lie. And anytime a Democrat says, at any time the media says that, you know they're lying.

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So, as I mentioned, there at least two significant pieces of direct evidence of Joe Biden's involvement and corruption. Piece number one, the heart of the allegations, again Joe Biden, is bribery that he solicited and received bribes from foreign oligarchs. You'll recall, and we've talked about this before on verdict that the essence of bribery is quid pro quo Latin for this, for that, and for bribery, you need to show the official action that was taken.

That's the quote, the.

Money or thing of value that was given, that's the quid, and that the two were connected, that's the pro Well. One of those elements, the official action, is conclusively proven by Joe Biden in his on camera admission to the Council of Foreign Relations, where he described how he flew to Ukraine, he held a billion dollars of federal tax, federal loan guarantees hostage and demanded that the Ukrainian government fire Victor Schoken, who was the prosecutor who was prosecuting the Ukrainian oligarch and Joe Biden. As we all know, as we played on this show many times, says son of a bitch. They fired it, and.

He was critic by the way because he was like he was so prideful, and it was the arrogance of that moment. It was like, couldn't help himself. It was like, this is how powerful I was. I could go over to Ukraine and tell them who to fire and I could own them while it was happening. And if you watch that video, when I see it, it actually makes me angry because it was a glimpse into the abuse of power that Joe Biden was willing to wield around the world on a litany probably of issues. And now we know why he was doing it. It was for the money and for the Biden crime family.

That's exactly right. But of the elements of bribery, Joe Biden's confession on tape is direct evidence that he committed one of the critical elements of bribery. Now we don't yet have direct evidence of every element of the crime, but we have direct evidence of one of the most critical, critical aspects of the crime, which is the quote that Joe Biden has admitted, and that is unequivocally direct evidence, and it's pretty damn compelling direct evidence. There's a second very clear instance of direct evidence, and that is Hunter Biden's what's app message to the Chinese Communist official, and I want to read it to you again, Hunter Biden texted quote. I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand, and now means tonight and z if I get a call or a text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zang or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows, and my ability to forever hold a grudge, that you will regret not following my direction. I am sitting here waiting for the call with.

My father not to shake down.


That is direct evidence. That is a written text sent by Hunter Biden. That is direct evidence that he and his father are shaking down a Chinese Communist official. It's not circumstantial, it is direct evidence. Now it is possible that direct evidence is false, just as if if Hunter Biden came into court and testified my father and I shook down a Chinese Communist official, he could be lying.

Yeah, he could, yeah, but I doubt it.

You can teach his credibility. You could say he's lying, but it is direct evidence. Direct evidence doesn't necessarily mean that it is true. Sometimes direct evidence is false. But that's not only direct evidence. It's pretty damn compelling direct evidence. So I promise you in the next week you will see multiple Democrats and multiple yabbering puppets in the corporate media say there's no direct evidence. You know, there's no direct evidence. The AP will say the allegations of corruption against Joe Biden, of which there is no direct evidence, and they'll state it as a fact, and it is a lie. Every time they say it. They're lying. Because those two are serious pieces of direct evidence.

Let me ask you about not only that, but let's connect this to suspicious activity reports. Is this the type of stuff that will come out in impeachment when they go through it as saying, Hey, we can connect the quid pro quote, we can connect these these audio recordings, We can connect the present's words to these financial bank records and all of the bank records that James comert on this show. If you missed a podcast we did with them, go back and listen to it, Jim Jordan, the same thing. They have so much evidence with the specious activity reports and the cash going to the Biden crime family members, right, we know direct payments, we're going to multiple Biden family members. Is that where this could be so damning to this president, could put his presidency at risk?

Absolutely? Yes.

And let me underscore if you didn't listen to our two part series with James Comer, you ought to go back and listen to it because we walk through at length. Now everything you just listed is circumstantial evidence. And I want to take a minute because there's a ton of circumstantial evidence and all of the smarmy people on TV who are saying no direct evidence, they're pretending like direct evidence is the only kind of evidence that exists. So, Ben, if there's a dead body and with multiple gunshot wounds, and.

I love how I'm always the bad guy in these scenarios. If you notice this, like everybody, I'm always the bad guy here, I'm ready for it.

Keep going next to the dead body. It appears that the dead with his bloody finger scrawled in the ground.

Ferguson did it? Did it?

Ferguson did it?

Now that's not actually direct evidence. And let's say furthermore that you're found at home covered in the man's blood, with gunpowder covering your body and the murder weapon.

At your feet.

Okay, none of that is direct evidence either. And you know what, You're going.

Away for the rest of your life.

I don't need any more evidence that evidence bye bye, yeah. I Circumstantial evidence convicts people every single day. So what is the circumstantial evidence. Look with James Comber, he walked through the suspicious activity reports over and over and over again. The massive number of suspicious activity reports, the more than twenty shell companies. That is circumstantial evidence. As we talked through with James Comber, you don't create shell companies unless it is to hide the source of cash. That is serious circumstance. The allegations in the FD ten twenty three from a confidential human source that the FBI had previously found reliable who says that the Ukrainian oligarch told him that Joe Biden and Hunter Biden demanded five million each in order for Joe to get the prosecutor fired. Now that's not direct evidence because the confidential human source doesn't know it directly. He's repeating what he says that that that the oligarch said, so that that is hearsay, but it is circumstantial evidence and is significant the twenty plus million dollars that the House of Representatives has already documented that flowed into the Biden family to people, by the way, who by all appearances, have no connection to foreign countries.

It's just like, hey, I need your bank count and here's some.

Money, and it's it's it's it.

Must be nice. That's gotta be a fun day. Like we haven't talked about that enough. Center the fact that you could just have the last name Biden and you and randomly you get like a text from Hunter right or from Joe's like handy Jaman account if I'm going to send you over one hundred thousand bucks, Like that's gotta be kind of cool if you're in that situation where it's just like, hey, I'm a Biden. Now every once in a while, this money just randomly shows up in my bank account with a random LLC. Because that's what they've been doing for years, if not decades.

Well, yeah, although it may not be all that cool because remember Hunter Biden in a twenty nineteen text to his daughter complains about how his father, Joe Biden, made him give him quote half.

His salary, yeah, half everything.

Yeah, Loo, Look this is that that likewise, all of this piles to a mountain of evidence, both direct and circumstantial, and that mountain of evidence is serious.

But there's something else, which is the cover up. So let's go back to this hypothetical of the guy you whacked and I don't know why you killed him, you eat.

I'm not sure it was I'm sure it was God.

But we should at the end of the year just come up with all the possible crimes and as examples that I have committed in my and the last year on verdict and just turn it into a best steff, keep going.

So if you're caught on film driving out on.

A bridge now and flinging the gun.

Over the bridge, over the bridge into the water, now, look, that doesn't prove if the gun has never recovered that it's the murder weapon.

But if it's the night of the murder, yeah.

And you're doing it really urgently, it's pretty strong circumstantial evidence that you are hiding evidence that that that demonstrates your guilt, and in fact, you will see in a court of law. If a defendant destroys evidence h a court can instruct the jury to draw a negative inference that that evidence would would have demonstrated would.

Have been bad for them.

In this instance, we know that Joe Biden had multiple burner phones. We know that he had multiple fake emails, up to five thy four hundred of them in the National Archives. We know that he emailed Hunter Biden. We know that he emailed Hunter Biden about Ukraine. And we know also that two senior IRS career employees have come forward as whistleblowers and have said the Biden administration engage number one in line to Congress under oath of felony YEP and number two in multiple instances of obstruction of justice. And in particular it's worth focusing on what was the obstruction of justice. Let's go back to the WhatsApp, to the message that Hunter said. The IRS whistleblowers said they wanted to examine GPS data to determine well, when Hunter sent that text, was Daddy sitting next to him? There's an answer, it's either yes or no. If it's yes, that is not direct evidence that Hunter was telling the truth, but it's pretty strong circumstantial evidence, and according to the IRS whistleblowers, the Biden DOJ said no, no, no, no, no, you cannot examine the GPS locations. They likewise said no, you cannot ask anything about Joe. The fact that the Biden Department of Justice is willing to commit felonies allegedly, according to the whistleblowers, yeah, in order to prevent investigation into Joe's involvement is powerful evidence of Joe's.

Significant involvement.

Because just like throwing the gun off the bridge, you don't do it if you didn't do anything wrong.

All right, let me ask you this question about this impeachment compared to the Trump impeachment, the first impeachment, and if you were the lawyer for Trump, then it was more about defending yourself. A friend of mine, Jay Seque, as you know, helped with that first impeachment, defended the president. It was more about a vigorous defense of the absurdity of what they were charging Donald Trump with. This is obviously completely different than that. This is a one point eighty from that. We knew that Russian collusion was crap. They knew it was crap, they knew how to defend it. And they defended him. I think pretty well this impeachment, if you were defending Joe Biden from a legal standpoint, what are your biggest concerns if you're having to meet with Joe Biden, and what are your biggest concerns for his presidency if you're meeting with Joe Biden from a legal standpoint that could come out in this impeachment that maybe has never been you know, has come out either a before you haven't had to at least answer questions for.

Your biggest concern is all the evidence against you, uh, the direct evidence, the evidence that you basically admitted to one of the elements of bribery, the evidence the text message that your son has been caught shaking down Chinese communists for millions of dollars and explicitly threatening that you're the one who would engage in retaliation. That has tied you into it. That direct evidence is certainly troubling, but all the circumstantial evidence which would trouble you as well. And look, here's what the Biden White House is going to do. They're going to count on the corporate media to ignore that. They're going to count on the corporate media to echo their talking points.

And not cover it like they did the Trump impeachment.

It's to completely ignore it and refuse to address the facts. And every day you will see a night and day difference, not just between the Joe Biden impeachment and the Trump impeachments, but between the Joe Biden impeachment and the ridiculous Trump indictments. There is a world of difference. And we've discussed at great length on this podcast the Trump indictments, which are political and partisan. In this instance, the evidence of actual bribery by the President of the United States is serious and severe, and there's not a single Democrat who is willing to address the merits. They're counting on the press just to take their blanket dismissals.

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Merrick Garland is expected to testify before the House Judiciary Committee in the coming days, and he will certainly face significant questions about the allegations that he personally lied under oath and committed a felony. Now, I assume he'll dodge all of them and defiantly and arrogantly refuse to engage in the substance. I also assume he will get questions about the allegations of obstruction of justice, and I expect Merrick Garland to not be remotely forthcoming. I think at some point you will see David Weiss called before Congress to testify. David Weiss has been directly implicated in the obstruction of justice, which is I believe why Merrick Garland named him the quote special counsel. Because Garland and the Biden DOJ knew they could count on Weiss to protect the big guy, and that's their most important objective. We've talked about how Schwerin, who was the kind of money guy and fixer for Biden is a very likely witness and could be a very damning witness, and I would anticipate seeing him come. And then we may well assume Hunter Biden, if he's called to testify, will stonewall at this point the legal.

What does that look like when you say stonewall? Is it a tactic or are you saying he just won't answer questions?

My assumption is will plead the fifth.

Okay, So he just come in say I plead the fifth and that's the end of it.

I assume that's the case, given the multiple felonies and the fact that he even Dad's White House seems to be running away from him. I would be shocked if Hunter Biden said anything else other than on the advice of counsel, I plead the fifth. I will say one other thing, which is this Biden impeachment is demonstrating the utter and complete hypocrisy of congressional Democrats. Let me read what Chuck Schumer said this week, right after the House announced it's impeachment. Schumer said, quote, I think the impeachment inquiry is absurd. The American people want us to do something that will make their lives better not go off on these chases witch hunts. So Schumer is literally using Trump's language about witch hunts and just repeating word for word what the defense was. Now, look, I think the Biden impeachments of Trump were witch hunts. Ironically, this is not. This is serious evidence that Congress would be derelict if it didn't investigate. Here, by the way, is a quote from from Democrat Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut.


This is what banana dictatorships do is arrest political opponents without any evidence. Now that's screamingly funny. Yeah, given that the Democrats have arrested their political opponent like a banana republic.


But part of the reasons Democrats can be such total hypocrites is they know the corporate media will never call them out on it. That the corporate media will nod say yes, yes, but at a republic terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, no direct evidence, no direct evidence. And if you take nothing else from this podcast today, remember every time they say the words no direct evidence, they're.

Lying one other thing about this. And this is where people say, Okay, we have this thing, it happens. Let's say it is a big deal. Let's say there are some some some you know minds that the Democrats step on, the White House steps on, we still don't have the votes and the Senate to do anything about it. Right, That's what they're gonna That's what people that are cynical and frustrated are gonna say about this. So how should we be looking at this impeachment?

Is this?

Should? Should?


Should? People that are listening to look at it from a standpoint of, Hey, we're getting the truth out there in a very big way about Joe Biden before he's running for reelection and that can be extremely powerful and and in other words, judgment day may be election day. Or should we look at it and be frustrated and cynical because like, well, even if we nail this thing in the House, it ain't going to pass the Senate. So he's not going to be impeached and lose his job over this? What mindset? What hatch to listeners put on?

So a little bit of both, listen, The cynicism is not misplaced. Senate Democrats and House Democrats do not care what evidence there is of Joe Biden being corruptive, is soliciting and receiving bribes from falling foreign oligarchs. They don't care. Partisan politics trumps everything. To use my hypothetical, if the dead guy had scrawled in blood Ferguson did it.

With Joe Biden.

Yeah, and Joe Biden walked out covered in his blood, Democrats would be like nothing to see here.

Remind people what the makeup of the Senate right now.

Makeup of the Senate is fifty one Democrats, forty nine republic All.

Right, we've heard about some of you maybe becoming independent. We've heard, you know, wishy washy things about Joe Manchin for example. Is there any scenario where the evidence could be so damning on the House side that you could you could flip two different people's people in the Senate?

It wouldn't matter if you flip two, because you need two thirds, you need sixty seven.

There you go, and right now we have zero.

Right now we have zero Democrats who, to the best of my knowledge, I'm not aware of a single Democrat who's even asked a skeptical question, who has even said, well, you know, if Biden did, in fact solicit and receive bribes from foreign nationals, that would be a problem. No, Democrat has even said that. And you contrast this to Richard Nixon. Listen, the reason Richard Nixon resigned in disgrace is Republicans turned on him. They turned on him when the evidence got over. And I don't believe Democrats would ever, ever, ever turn on Biden because partisanship matters more than anything. But be that as it may, that does not mean that impeachment is a waste of time, because it is the only way to put these facts before the American people. In a sane and normal world, the Department of Justice would investigate and prosecute him. We'd get a special counsel who was independent, who was consistent with the DOJ rules, was not an employee of DJ, and actually would investigate in conveni grand jury and potentially prosecute these crimes. The Biden DOJ won't do that because it's the most partisan and political DJ we've ever seen. But putting these facts before the American people is valuable, nonetheless. But to be clear, a critical part of that is what we're doing right now on Verdict, which which is the million people who listen to Verdict. All of y'all now have the information when you go and you're talking to your brother in law, you're talking to your coworker, you're talking to your classmate, and they say, well, you know there's no direct evidence because that's the talking point they've heard. You now know how to refute that, and that is powerful. That has a multiplier effect, and it's how I believe, ultimately you force accountability.

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Look that that is conceivable. And there's no doubt that the multiple indictments against Trump have added a lot of points, at least ten points to his numbers in the primary because Republicans have understandably gotten pissed off that it's obviously a political persecution. So that counsels that the Republicans, the Republicans in the House need to proceed carefully. They need to be facts based, they need to be evidence based. They need to not have it appear political. Now in today's world, there will be people who naturally assume it's political. But but that that that is certainly a vulnerability to be aware of. Another vulnerability is at some point the Democrats and or the media might decide that Joe Biden is two wounded and jettison him and try to parachute someone else in I think that remains a very real risk. We're going to talk about that a lot more on the podcast, but not on this one.

Yeah, there was an interesting article this week that mentioned five other names that came out all of a sudden, off Joe Biden, don't run. Who's is gonna be? This is how this podcast started. You want to talk about full circle, but now it's times three. Senator. We're going to keep you updated on this. I can promise you don't forget to hit that follow or subscribe or auto download button, depending on which platform you're listening right now and the days in between, make sure you listen to my podcast, The Ben Ferguson Podcasts. I'll keep you updated on the breaking news. On in between days, and also our Saturday Potter Weekend review of things you may have missed later in each podcast. We put that together for Saturdays, so it makes you start checking that podcast out as well. And we'll see you back here in a couple of days, yes,