Democrats Crazed as Trump Breaks Their Toys, Social Security for 150yr Olds & USAID Funding Hamas Week In Review

Published Feb 15, 2025, 9:40 AM
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Welcome. It is Verdict with Ted Cruz Weekend Review, Ben Ferguson with you. And if it sounds like I'm under the weather, h I have the flu right now. But the show, as they say, must go on. So here are the three stories that you may have missed that we talked about this week. First up, Democrats not in charge and don't mind shutting down the government to hurt Donald Trump. So will it work? We'll explain that in a moment. Also, so security checks are going out to people that are one hundred and fifty years old. That's right. Doge is uncovering more waste, fraud and abuse. It's incredible what we found in the first three weeks. And we'll have the list for you as well. And finally, usaid money going directly to terrorist organizations and charities and the government knew it the entire time. It's the week in review and it starts right now. Democrats now trying to figure out their footing. They had Alamo mar who went on TV today saying that Trump has decided he will not abide by the constitution, just throwing it out there, and then she says, by the way, every executive order that's been to now has been shut down by the court. That's a lie, not true. But even face the nation try to softly correct her because they want this to be true. Right, And then there's this new threat of like, all right, we'll just shut down the government. I kind of laugh because for many concerns are like, great, let's shut it down and save some money for a while. I wish it worked that way. I wish it was that simple. It's obviously not. But this is the new temper tantrum of the left. They're saying, if we aren't in charge, then we want to destroy what the government does. Well, we want to hurt people, and we want to shut down the government to hurt people. So you'll blame Donald Trump. That's what this is really all about. Am I wrong?

Well, look, understand, there's a battle going back and forth, and at some level, this battle is inherent in the structure of our government. It's inherent in the Constitution Congress. Under Article one, all legislative power is vested in the Congress of the United States. Congress passes the laws that the president signed under law and that are then binding federal law. The executive All executive power is vested in the president of the United States. That's under Article two of the Constitution, and the president is charged with has given the authority to and also the responsibility to quote take care that the laws be faithfully executed. That's the Constitution's language. And so a lot of you know, it's interesting as I travel around and talk to people back back home in Texas or around the country, they ask, Okay, so is what Elon's doing? Is what Trump is doing cutting off funding at USAID pausing other funding? Is that going to stick? And this is a battle back and forth between the executive and legislature that has occurred since the very first days of the Republic. And one of the things right at the heart of this battle is about something called impoundment. Now, what does impoundment mean. Impoundment is when the President of the United States decides not to spend money that has been appropriated by the US Congress. Now you might ask, okay, is impoundment some crazy theory that Donald Trump cooked up or Elon Musk cooked up? Well, no, No, impoundment has been around for more than two hundred years. The first president to exercise impoundment was Thomas Jefferson, and he did so in eighteen oh one. And if you look at what Thomas Jefferson did, the first use of impoundment involved a refusal to spend fifty thousand dollars, which fifty thousand dollars in twenty twenty three dollars is about one point twenty four million in funds that were appropriated for the acquisition of gunboats for the United States Navy. And Thomas Jefferson said in eighteen oh three that quote, the sum of fifty thousand dollars appropriated by Congress for providing gunboats remains unexpended. The favorable and peaceful of affairs on the Mississippi rendered an immediate execution of that law unnecessary. Now, Jefferson did so, and in the years that went on, presidents did so for two hundred years. Now what happened, well, in the nineteen seventies, Richard Nixon had a battle with Congress, and Congress got angry with Richard Dixon and felt he was using impoundment too aggressively, and Congress passed a law called the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of nineteen seventy four that purported to remove the power of impoundment or at least to severely curtail it, and the Supreme Court heard a decision. It was a decision called Train versus City of New York, where the Supreme Court upheld the Impoundment Control Act and significantly reduced the president its power to exercise impoundment. Now, by the way that there was a subsequent wrinkle in this in that Congress came back afterwards and passed a bill called the Line Item Veto Act of nineteen ninety six. This happened after the Republican takeover of Congress Knu Gingrich came in, and the Line Audam Veto Act gave the president the power of line adam veto, which Bill Clinton used on the federal budget eighty two times. However, that law was struck down in nineteen ninety eight by the Supreme Court. It was a five to four vote. Actually, my former boss and very good friend, Chuck Cooper, the man who taught me how to be a lawyer, argued that case. Unfortunately, he was on the losing side of that case and lost five to four. The point what Elon is doing and what Trump is doing, there's a long history of presidents saying I don't want to spend money that is wasteful and I'm not going to Now. There's also a history of Congress pushing back what's likely to happen. There is already and there will be more a crap ton of litigation challenging these actions. We're seeing Democrat attorneys general bringing lawsuits. We're going to see Democrat interest groups being bringing lawsuits. We're going to see activist judges striking down actions executive orders, and this is going to test the legal boundaries at the end of the day. Part of what is going on is this is designed to go to the Supreme Court and to restore the power of impoundment to the president. I think that would be a very good thing. I think it is consistent. It is an inherent authority of the president to exercise the authority of impoundment. But understand, we're going to see a litigation battle Royale and it'll take in all likelihood.

So this is that you're saying, this is a fight that we want to go to the Spring Court. And if it does go to the Spring Court and it plays to our advantage the way that you're describing it with the law, how long is it going to take us to.

Get it there probably a couple of years, two to three years.

So and so in the next two or three years, we're going to be just dealing with pure fights with with the media. Democrats coming after and trying to stop everything that they're trying to cut with waste fraud, number.

Use yes, and and understand Elon and Doze that they're embodying right now, the Silicon Valley mantra of move fast and break things. I mean, that's what they're doing. Not everything that they do is going to be upheld. There will be injunctions issued, and I think they understand that, and I think they're trying to They're trying to implement the mandate that came from the voters as rapidly and effectively as possible. Listen, I for what I'm excited about that and and I think if you look at some of the egregious abuses that have been uncovered so far, it gives an illustration of just how important this is.

Before we move on to the federal financial watchdog order to c sectivity, and that's important we're going to do with that. In a second, one final question on this, we could go back. I think whenever the sale was a year and a half whatever it was when Elon Musk took over Twitter and we saw the Twitter files and then we saw the corruption. I actually think you can trace this all the way back to there. When people really start paying attention to saying I don't trust the government. You add COVID in there, and the lies of the vaccine and the two weeks stuff the spread, and then we want into virology, and then the lies over the hunter Byden laptop, and there started to be these moments that were big where people are like, Okay, maybe I shouldn't be so trusting of the news, maybe I shouldn't be trusting of the government, the deep state, the president, and then you have him take over X Twitter now X. Part of the reason why I think Donald Trump's having so much success now is because we're getting the word out about the waste and the fraud and getting the line out of it, and people are seeing it. Because before you go back twenty sixteen, center big tree falls in the forest, no one's around. Does it make a sound right? The answer is no. But now what we're getting in the info that we're getting and it's getting out because big tech can't suppress it. On X. How valuable is that to saving our democracy?

Look, I think it's incredibly valuable. I believe Elon Musks buying Twitter was the most important development for free speech in modern times because it turned around the rampant censorship from big tech. It put positive pressure on the rest of big tech, and it created a vehicle for the truth to get out. So you know, we've gone through in previous podcasts all the examples, not all the examples, but a number of examples of abusive spending two million dollars for sex changes in Guatemala. Now, who the hell can defend that? Why US taxpayers are paying for sex changes in Guatemala? Money to the BBC, the British Broadcasting Corporation, By the way, that why the hell are American taxpayers paying for the BBC? The last I checked, the United Kingdom is a major developed country. They can pay for their own damn television station. What we need? What do we need to pay for that? And what's amazing is the Democrats are just digging in. Give a listen to Senator Chris Coons defending spending twenty million dollars on American taxpayer money for Sesame Street in Iraq.

Give a listen.

Is funding Sesame Street a judicious use of soft power? Well, Michael, the way you put it is the way I hope folks considering your poll today will think about it. This isn't just funding a kid show for children, millions of children in countries like Iraq. It's a show that helps teach values, helps teach public health, helps prevent kids from dying from dysentery and disease, and helps push values like collaboration, peacefulness, cooperation in a society where the alternative is isis extremism and terrorism. And to your point, it's pennies on the dollar. The US Department of Defense has an annual budget of about eight hundred and fifty billion dollars. USAID was spending about thirty billion dollars. It is a small proportion of our total federal spending. And as Joe and I would often say, it's not just soft power, it's smart power. Let me leave you with one other quote, Michael, if I could, Jim Mattis, who is a four star Marine Corps general and Trump's Secretary of Defense in his first term, in a hearing back then said, if you slash development and aid spending, then I'm going to need more bullets for our troops.

I mean, you want to talk about stretching. He's saying, Sesame's He's going to save us from extremism. Are we kidding ourselves?


Look, the Democrats are dug into defending everything to defending all of the money that was just flowing out with no checks whatsoever. And I think these examples are having a real effect of pissing people off, saying, why is my money going to that? By the way, if Democrats think that's such a good idea, let them give their own money for that. But what right do they have to take your money that you're working hard to provide for your kids and your family, to take it and spend it on every radical agenda item they want to push. That's what's been happening. It happened at egregious levels under the Biden administration, and I think that's what Trump's working very hard to turn around.

Yeah. Great point. Finally, I want to ask you about this because I think it should be on listeners, radar screen. It's an important issue. The New York Times is coming out talking about this. The Federal Financial Watchdog has been or deceive activity known as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Why is this happening and what does this mean?

Well, the CFPB, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, was was created by the Dodd Frank Law. This is a creation of Elizabeth Warren and and and it is it has descended like locusts putting putting all sorts of regulations and costs. It brings abusive litigation. It is it is an avenue for for left wing bureaucrats to try to control community banks, smaller financial institutions, and to drive up costs. And the CFPB. I've introduced repeatedly legislation to eliminate the CFPB.


What happened this week is Russ vote was confirmed leave the Office of Management and Budget. And Russ's is a good friend. He's a good guy. He he ran ob under Trump during the first term. And Russ was just confirmed. We just confirmed him this past week to run o and be again. And on Friday he was also named the acting director of the of the Consumer Financial Protection Beer the CFPB, and as a result, he issued an order for them to halt what they're doing. So one chunk of it, so the way Elizabeth Warren structured it, Congress does not appropriate money to the CFPB, which is weird. By the way, if you look at virtually every federal agency, Congress appropriates money for them. That's that's part of the checks and balances of how the federal government is set up. Well. Dodd Frank instead has the CFPB funded with money from the Federal Reserve that flows automatically, so Congress doesn't get to appropriate and engage in the oversight that comes with that. So as a result, on Saturday, russ Vote wrote that he had notified the Federal Reserve that the CFPB quote will not be taking its next straw of unappropriated funding because it is not reasonably necessary to carry out its duties. The bureau's current balance of seven hundred and eleven point six million dollars is in fact excessive in the current fiscal environment. This spigot, long contributing to CFPB's unaccountability is now being turned off. That is fantastic. And I'll tell you what. I've introduced legislation that will zero out the CFPB, that will shut it down permanently. I believe we will get that done as part of budget reconciliation, and so eliminating the CFP would be a major victory for lowering inflation, for lowering burdensome regulation, for lowering the nanny state control of big government. And if we get that done, that's a huge victory. I'll tell you, Russ vote taking over his acting director in the past few days was a major step forward in that regard.

Now, if you want to hear the rest of this conversation, you can go back and listen to the full podcast from earlier this week. Now onto story number two. Let's move to another aspect of just an incredible three weeks where Elon Musk and Donald Trump are doing exactly what they said they were going to do, and they are i think using the media, the bully pulpit, the microphone that they've been given in the Oval Office to inform the American people, those that voted for him and others that maybe didn't, that hey, we're finding some of the most ridiculous, egregious waste of your tax dollars. And one of the stories they talked about was people that are still getting Social Security checks when they're quote one hundred and fifty years old.

Yeah, it was really powerful. So President Trump and Elon Musk did a press conference from the Oval Office on Thursday. Earlier this week, President Trump signed an executive order instructing DOGE to coordinate with federal agencies and to execute massive cuts in federal government staffing numbers. And the order instructs federal agencies and DOGE to significantly shrink the size of the federal government and to limit the hiring of new employees. And I got to say, Elon Musk laid out several of the egregious examples of abuse. Listen to listen to this first one.

You know that's crazy things like just cussory examination of social Security. And we've got people in there at one hundred and fifty years old. Now do you know anyone one hundred and fifty?

I don't.

Okay, they should be on the Guinness Book of World Records. They're messing out, so you know that's the case, where like I think they're probably dead, that's my guess, or they should be very famous.

The two I mean, I want to meet him, and you want to want to meet him. The President wants to meet him. You want to meet him. Right, if you're one hundred and fifty, you're still check.

Ben Ben, I got to say, you don't look at day over one hundred and forty CA.

I mean, and this is the stuff that you just can't even make it up. Of course, they would be sitting a check to somebody that we assume is just is committing fraud here right like this check's ever stopped and I just keep cashing them and stupid your center fraud.

Of course it's fraud. And the Biden administration had no interest in uncovering that fraud. And take a listen to what President Trump said about the magnitude of the waste fraud and abuse. That they're finding.

Billions and billions of dollars in waste fraud and abuse. And I think it's very important, and that's one of the reasons I got elected. I say, we're going to do that. Nobody had any idea was that bad. That's sick, and that corrupt. And it seems hard to believe that judges want to try and stop us from looking for corruption, especially when we found hundreds of millions of dollars worth much more than that in just a short period of time. We want to weed out the corruption. And it seems hard to believe that a judge could say, we don't want you to do that. Well, so maybe we have to look at the judges because that's very serious. I think it's a very serious violation.

He mentioned the judges there by the way, there's a lot of activist judges that were put in by liberals who are like, all right, we're the last defense here, so let's try to, you know, stop him at all costs to, you know, because he's too successful at giving the American people transparency and their money back.

Look, Barack Obama and Joe Biden put a lot of radicals on the federal bench, and right now you've got Democrat attorneys general going and seeking out these radicals to file lawsuits. You've also got left wings special interest groups seeking out these radical judges. We're going to see a lot of lawsuits. We're going to see a lot of law fair over the next four years. But you know, I got to say, watching Democrats in the media melt down number one, they've always melted down over Trump. They have Trump arrangement syndrome, but they also have Elon derangement syndrome. And they scream, well, Elon Musk was not elected to anything. Well, yeah, that's true, but Donald Trump was elected to something. He was elected to President of the United States, and he was elected on a mandate. And this is actually a point that that Elon made made quite effectively in the Oval. Give a listen.

The people voted for major government reform. There should be no doubt about that. That was on the campaign. The President spoke about that at every rally. The people voted for major government reform. And that's what people are gonna get. They're going to get what they voted for. And a lot of times that you know, people that don't get what they voted for, but in this presidency, they are going to get what they voted for. And that's what democracy is all about.

I got to say, I love listening to Elon. You've spent a lot of time with him. I think this is a perfect example of just how genuine his heart is on this. He truly is a believer in this country and giving the American people what they voted for. And he is an agent to go find the waste brown abuse, and he's and he's and he's incredibly focused on it.

He is he is incredibly focused, and he's right. This is democracy, and yet it is causing the radical left to lose their minds. You know, I got to say, I want to play this, this this segment from CNN, because it really does show how the media that their minds are melting down. You had former New Hampshire governor Chris Snunu who's on, and he's on with Anderson Cooper, and Anderson Cooper loses it. And you've also got Jeffrey Tubin, another left wing CNN contributor. You know your old buddies. These are all the folks you piled around with them, like seven years in hell? Seven years in hell. Do you have CNN tattooed somewhere on your body?

I do not.

I do not. I'm just checking.

So all right, give a listen to Chris Sonunhu and and and and look how he how he causes the CNN folks to lose their minds.

It surreal.

But I got to tell you, I know what you're not showing here. Must gave seven specific examples off the top of his head of where the corruption and fraud were.

I know you don't.

You didn't play the clips. He was talking about a contractor that had a three month contract, he was paid for twenty years. He was talking about welfare benefits that were being paid to someone that was technically one hundred and fifty years old. He was talking about line item from.

Ridden had no justificationenty act like he doesn't present any actual evidence.

Well, he's standing there in the Oval office. Do you expect him to come in with ten thousand pages? And I have to be clear to complain about this administration about transparency. When this president takes open questions on a daily basis, yet Joe Biden didn't show up a press conferences six months is insane. These guys are being extremely transparent. They don't have to sit there and take the questions, but they do. That's all on the website.

It's all out there.

It's not transparency to say things that have no factual background. I mean to say we're cutting you know, we've found a billion dollars or trillion dollars in waste with no specifics.

That's just talk.

That's not transparent.

It's twenty three days in here, twenty three days you were you were you were talking about two point three billion that was saved last year. These guys are saving two point three billion a day.

But no, well that's what It's incredible, that's what they're saying.

But where's the game.

You're waiting.

You're not going to be satisfied till he shows up at ten thousand pages.

I know.

He's giving very specific thing.

But he's not actually giving any evidence of that.

It's all going to come because what they also said was if we have to go to Congress, we'll go to Congress.


But the show where some of the details that have come out, like the you know, fifty nine million dollars spent on luxury hotels, it's actually not the thing.

About the FEMA money that was used for migrants. That was FEMA money for migrants. That's okay.

Now no I'm not saying it, so I'm not saying it's okay.

Don't put word So would you stop that?

Would you stop that process? Don't be a dick.

The portrayal what I'm saying is the portrayal by him is.

I just got to say, I this is from my my seven years and how it's CNN. When the host start cursing at you, don Lemon lost it on me one night, screaming that that is BS, that is BS, but saying the full thing. When you see Anderson Cooper get rattled like this, this is when you know they're losing America and they feel it, and they're witnessing it because they're part of this cover up center. And now they realize how stupid their argument is that, well, we didn't see a piece of paper with it on there. What you think Eoon Musk is sitting there making this up in the Oval office, like, what's wrong with you guys? And by the way, you guys never question anything that was shady with the Biden administration when you knew it was shady.


Look, number one, you see Jeffrey Tube and jumping in screaming that's not transparency. Trump is literally doing a press conference every day. They're putting all of this out for everyone to see. They're giving chapter and verse and specifics and and and and you see Anderson Cooper at the end where he just curses and and and melts down and insults a governor.

By the way, yeah, I mean yeah, I mean to me, wow.

To be clear that that is the reason Anderson Cooper does that is he realizes he's in a completely indefensible position. He's defending the prior administration diverting funds from FEMA. By the way, funds that FEMA are supposed to use to deal with a natural disaster, whether wildfires in California or a hurricane or tornadoes or other natural disaster. And the prior administration took those disaster funds and instead use them to pay for hotel rooms for illegal aliens. And Anderson Cooper realized, wait a second, I'm defending something that is so absurd that even the four viewers who are watching CNN are going to know it's absurd. And that's why he melts down. And I got to say, the fact that President Trump is standing up and delivering real cuts, that is taking on this waste, fraud and abuse. The fact that the fact that Anderson Cooper is melting down, that shows President Trump is winning. That shows Elon Musk is winning, and that shows the American people are winning.

As before, if you want to hear the rest of this conversation on this topic, you can go back and dow the podcasts from earlier this week to hear the entire thing. I want to get back to the big story number three of the week you may have missed. I want to move to USAID and some of the big issues that are now coming out of that, and it deals also with the issue of terrorism. We got some shocking news that has come out. It's something, by the way, that I think we need to point out very clearly. You had been talking about this now for several years in Congress and on this show. Yeah, and thank goodness, now at least all of it seems to be being exposed because of the digging with Doge and the Trump administration back in office.

Well, there was a lengthy tweet that I sent this week that said the following. The full story of USAID funding HAMAS is vast, and much of it was done in secret. Before and after October seventh, the USAID flowed unaccountable hundreds of millions of dollars towards HAMAS that enabled it to launch the attack and keep backing Israel afterwards. They lied about the nature of that aid in public databases, refused to disclose what groups were getting the money, and gave tens of millions in American cash to be distributed without American supervision. They internally admitted the aid would benefit HAMAS and even exempted themselves from anti terrorism laws, but in public issued denial for all four years of the Biden administration, I prevented them from confirming a Middle East Administrator because they wouldn't acknowledge what they were doing because continuing their secret pro Hamas programs was more important to them. And I'll tell you there was a major article in the Washington Free Beacon that I tweeted out as well, and it's an article my team and I provided a significant amount of the information to the Washington Free Beacon. But it's entitled at USAID funding for terroritied groups, an internal hostility towards Israel goes back years. One former State Department official described a lack of embarrassment among some USAID staffers about being associated with terrorist organization. And I'm going to read from the beginning of this article because it's an important article and the fact Senate are very disturbing. As the Trump administration works to shutter the United States Agency for International Development USAID, Current and former US officials who work closely with the unbattled AID group say they watched for years as it funneled millions of dollars to anti Israel advocacy groups and entities linked to terrorism. That funding caused internal friction across multiple administrations, according to those who spoke with the Washington Free Beacon in some cases, USAID fought to conceal how taxpayer funds were spent, and when it came to Israel, officials recalled battling USAID over funding for groups that worked to undermine the Jewish State or maintain ties to terror organizations.


For those who believe in a strong US Israel relationship, elements of USAID had been problematic for years, said one former State Department official who worked with USAID during the Biden administration.


There was even a lack of embarrassment among some USAID staffers about being associated with terrorist organizations. Some of the terrortied funding initiatives are publicly known. In November twenty twenty two, for instance, USAID awarded one hundred thousand dollars to a Palestinian activist group whose leaders hailed the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine a designated terror group. Just six days before Hamasa's October seventh assault on Israel, USAID handed nine hundred thousand dollars to a terror charitor charity in Gaza involved with the son of Hamas leader Ismail Hanaye. USAID's hostilities towards the Jewish State, however, ran deeper than the agency's grant making under Samantha Power, former President Joe Biden's pick to run USAID, Agency, officials fought pro Israel policy making at the State Department, often urging their colleagues at Foggy Bottom to pare down statements that praised the Jewish state. Former official said in twenty twenty one, during a period of conflict with Hamas, Power herself refused to meet with Israel's ambassador unless Israel reached a cease fire with the Iran backed terror group. The decision put Power at odds with the White House National Security Council, which signed off on the meeting. Emails obtained by the Freebeacon Show.

It is shocking to hear you read that, and yet it's so well documented. It's something that you and sound the alarm on for a while. Now, because of a new administration, we're actually getting some movement on this. But how angry should Americans be that their tax dours have been going to terrorist organizations through these funnel through these charities and other groups. And there were warnings, meaning that the government, Biden, Harris and their team, they knew the money was ending up with these people. This wasn't a one office. Wasn't an accident. This was deliberate.

Well, they knew it and they actively hit it. Let me read a little more from this Freebeacon article. A January memo from the Inspector General Paul Martin noted that the agency quote does not maintain a comprehensive internal database of sub awardees. In other words, the foreign entities that work with a primary grantee on a USAID project often go unreported, impeding the ability of the agency investigators to vet fraud allegations. According to the memo, such allegations often include the diversion of taxpayer funded aid to terrorist organizations. In a November report, for example, Martin quote identified deliberate interference and efforts to divert humanitarian assistance by foreign terrorist organizations, including systemic coercion of aid workers by ftos foreign terrorist organizations, and FTO influence over beneficiary selection. These diversion efforts are particularly pronounced in Hamas controlled Gaza. A February report from the Middle East Forum think tank found that the USAID had awarded millions of dollars to organizations directly in Gaza controlled by Hamas. Let me read that again. A February report from the Middle East Forum think tank found that USAID had awarded millions of federal dollars to organizations directly in Gaza controlled by Hamas, and it continues. In one bideneric case, USAID funded an educational and community center in Gaza controlled by a local group called the Unlimited Friends Association. The association openly collaborated with HAMAS, inviting the terror group's officials to its office and boasting of US funded projects in HAMAS controlled newspapers. In twenty twenty one, its director called for Jerusalem to be cleansed. Quote from the impurity of the Jews. This is who Joe Biden and the Democrats were sending millions of dollars to, and this is who they were covering it up.

Not only were they covering it up, but this has a USAID has a long history that's now well documented of them helping radicals. And one of the things you and I talked about before the show was another just totally insane aspect of this, and that included paying for terrorists college funds.

Well, that is exactly right, and it is a stunning story. So this is something that's been reported in Fox News and The New York Post. Here's what the New York Post said, USAID reportedly bankrolled al Qaeda terrorist college tuition. Unearthed record showed USAID American bord jahattist anwar all Illachi received full funding to attend Colorado State University in nineteen ninety. USAID documents obtained by Fox News showed, now who is on We're all Laki. He is a notorious terrorist, so notorious that President Barack Obama ordered him killed in a US air strike in Yemen twenty years later. The document revealed that al Alaki, who was born in Las Cruces, New Mexico, lied on his application and claimed that he was born in Yemen, apparently so he would be eligible for the federal tuition funding worth more than twenty seven thousand dollars at the time. That was nineteen ninety Tuition and fees for an international student at the university today would be nearly ten times that. Using the education USAID provided him, he earned a bachelor's and civil engineering in nineteen ninety four. Alilachi would go on to teach Islam at mosques across the country, from Denver to San Diego and Virginia, where US officials believe he used his platform to radicalize and recruit terrorists and understand Alilachi is directly implicated in number one. At the San Diego Mosque, he met the nine to eleven hijackers Nawaf al Hazmi and Khalid al Midhar, two of the men who flew Flight seventy seven into the Pentagon on nine to eleven, and he was arrested in two thousand and six for his terrorist ties in Yemen, and three years later anweil Allachi communicated with Nadal Hassan, who murdered fourteen innocent souls at Fort Hood onwile Ololachi was also tied to the underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abda Matullab, who tried to blow up a Detroit bound Northwest Airlines flight on Christmas Day two thousand and nine with bombs hidden in his shorts. This is who USI aid, said, you know what, we're going to pay for you to get a college degree. What in the hell are these people doing?

So the question that I got to ask finally on this to wrap it up, and people that are listening and say, number one, how did this a happen? But even more so How are people not going to jail for knowingly giving American taxpayer dollars to terrorists. I mean, if you are working in our government, even if it's under the direction of the Biden Harris regime at the time, and you're sending out money that you know is going to terrorists around the world, is that not like breaking some law?

Senator, Well, look, that's a question that I think is going to have to be investigated and examined. I will say, US anti terrorism laws prohibit sending money that goes to terrorism, And in fact, the Biden administration made a formal assessment and they concluded that sending the money to Gaza that it was very likely that money would be used by Hamas for terrorism. Now, ordinarily, when you make that determination under American anti terrorism law, you don't send the money. You can't send the money once you determine that it's likely it'll go to terrorism. However, the way the law is written, the president has the authority to waive that provision. And that's exactly what they did because they made a determination that their radical politics were more important than stopping terrorists from murdering American citizens and murdering Israeli citizens, and tragically the entire world saw the consequences of that radicalism on October seventh.

Do you think there will be any accountability for this or is this going to be another one of those where hey, we were in charge, so we get we got away with it.

Look, I certainly hope there will be accountability, but at a minimum, we're seeing accountability in President Trump and Elon Musk shutting down these programs at USAI D. I think that is very good. And my hope and expectations is that Congress will come along and we will pass legislation, presumably as a part of budget reconciliation later this year to codify these cuts and and eliminate the waste, fraud, abuse.

And Senator you mentioned, you know, the corruption and in what the president's starting to clean it up. As always, thank you for listening to Verdict with Center Ted Cruz Ben Ferguson with you don't forget to deal with my podcast, and you can listen to my podcast every other day you're not listening to Verdict or each day when you listen to Verdict afterwards, I'd love to have you as a listener to again the Ben Ferguson podcasts, and we will see you back here on Monday morning.