V Interesting with V SpeharV Interesting with V Spehar

What Is a Conspiracy? with Dr. Orisanmi Burton, No Nuclear Deal, Bullfrog Breakfast

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It’s the six-month mark of the revolution in Iran — what might the future look like? V checks in with Moj Mahdara, co-founder of the Iranian Diaspora Collective, to understand more about what the Iranian people are fighting for. And together, they explain how an Iran Nuclear Deal could actually give more power to the current regime. V also digs into all the hullabaloo that went down after Utah officials encouraged residents to eat invasive frogs. Then, with the help of Dr. Orisanmi Burton, social anthropologist and professor, V explores what it really means to carry out a conspiracy. Dr. Burton breaks down who’s been plotting and scheming over the decades, and how they’ve used this to harness power — for better or worse. This conversation was made possible by The Marguerite Casey Foundation


Follow Dr. Burton at @orisanmi on Twitter, and keep an eye out for his forthcoming book on Black radicalism and prison repression from the University of California Press.


Find the resources on Iran mentioned in this episode at https://www.iraniandiasporacollective.com/ 


Keep up with V on TikTok at @underthedesknews and on Twitter at @VitusSpehar. And stay up to date with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram at @LemonadaMedia. 


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Sometimes TikTok superstar V Spehar needs more than a minute to bring you the news. The Under the De 
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