Bonus: Addressing Gender-Based Violence

Published Nov 10, 2023, 8:30 AM

We live in an undeniably violent world. Gender-based violence poses a particular threat to the intersecting identities of women, people of color, and marginalized communities. But these survivors are the same folks spearheading some of the biggest efforts to end it. In this special episode, Lemonada co-founder Stephanie Wittels Wachs sits down with two leaders who understand the importance of supporting and empowering survivors in order to achieve change. Stephanie speaks with Aleyamma Mathew, executive director of The Collective Future Fund a donor collaborative organization that works to shape a future free of violence, and Mónica Ramirez, founder and president of Justice For Migrant Women, a nonprofit funded by CFF to help address injustices within the migrant community. The three discuss the harsh realities migrant women and their families are facing, and why helping share their truths also means letting them decide what healing and justice looks like for them. 


You can find The Collective Future Fund at, @cofuturefund on Twitter, and @collectivefuturefund on Instagram. Justice For Migrant Women can be found at, @mujerxsrising on Instagram, and at Justice For Migrant Women on Facebook.


Thank you to both of these organizations for making this episode possible.

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