Been A Really Dark Weekend

Published Mar 11, 2025, 7:45 PM

Mental Health Check-In for today: Full Transparency - It has been a rough couple of days. Been hard to get out of bed the last 3 days. But I made a promise to Michael Phelps and Andrew Whitworth when I get this dark where I do not want to wake up the next day that I will reach out and tell them. I am never going to pass the point and take my own life. I will always be here…that is my promise to you all. And just remember that when you lean into your teammates the darkest stuff you go through can bring you the most beautiful gifts!!


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Welcome into Unbreakable Mental Wealth Podcast with Jay Lazer. I'm Jay Glazer. Today is my Tuesday mental health check in, and this has been a rough weekend, full transparency, really rough where hard to get out of bed, rough and it was crazy. Like again, folks with mental health, you don't need a trigger if you have depression of anxiety. It just happen. And I don't feel bad for myself or get angry anymore. It's it's just the rules of it. There are no rules. So I was sitting at Nobu Malibu with my wife and her sister the other day and it just came, and man, it was. It's been hard to get out of bed for the last three days. I've forced myself because when it happens, guys, I don't take off of work. I don't let it win. I forced myself to go to the gym, even if I have a shitty half half a workout. It's better than nothing because sometimes it does affect me physically. And you know, the cool, cool thing I guess about this is that when these happen now, they stand out more because there's so much more infrequent than they have been it used to be. Damn, there every two days, sometimes every day. And now I have these rituals, this breath work and this meditation, and a gratitude list, and these walks I take and the cold plunge and have all these different things that I do to make sure we keep it going between the ears. So these don't happen as often. But I just caved in this past week, so probably feels even darker than it normally would be. But again it's my obligation to you all to tell you when it happens. The other thing I do when I am like this, I made a promise to Michael Phelps and Andrew Whitworth. When I get this dark where I don't want to wake up the next day, I reach out and tell them, Now, folks, I'm never going to go past the point, well, I'm gonna take my own life, because that's selfish me. I got a kid, I got a wife, I got a lot of you out there. And then if I do that, then man, I've taught it's for nothing. So I will always be here. That is my promise to you all, every one of you. I will be here. It's honorable for me to handle my own pain. But it was a dark bleak weekend, really dark, really bleak, and you know the shame that comes after because how I negative self talk or how I talked around my wife and that was rough. And you know what Rosie did And I didn't know this until yesterday. She bought a bunch of cards from a CDs over here and she has stocked in the house for whenever I have these really bad grade days. And she writes a letter to me that, hey, babe, I got you. We're walking this walk together, no matter what, We're doing this together. How special is that? So even like the darkest shit I go through, brings the most beautiful, beautiful gifts. So just keep her remembering that. And that's what happens when you lean into your teammates. My teammate is Rosie, my teammate is God, it's Andrew Whitworth, It's Michael Phelps. But I want the full transparency here for you today. Gang. This was a rough, rough couple of days, and I'm still in it. I'm still pulling myself out of it. I want to let you know, so you at home, No, it's not just you. I am in it with you. Love y'all. Let's keep walking this walk. Together,

Unbreakable with Jay Glazer: A Mental Wealth Podcast

In this new podcast, which is an extension of his widely-acclaimed, best-selling book “Unbreakable,” 
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