Two Jersey Js: Cheers to New Beginnings

Published Dec 31, 2024, 8:00 PM

Jackie and Jen reflect on the ups and downs of this year. What has been the most challenging thing they’ve faced? 

And, how do they really feel about still not knowing the fate of RHONJ? 

Hey everyone, it's Jackie Gilitschneider and Jen Fessler and we are two Jersey Jays and happy almost New Years to everyone.

Be almost New Year's. I'm actually quite excited that we are side by to twenty twenty four.

I am too, But why are you?

I mean, I think this very very hopeful for twenty twenty five. It's been a hard year. I think it's been a hard year for everyone. It's been a hard year for our country. It's been not to start out as Debbie Downer, but you know, it's been so divisive. What's happening in Israel has plagued us both, I know, and it's still happening all year. I'm hopeful for some peace and some exciting change in the new year. Yeah, I'm with you, but it hasn't all been bad. But yes, I must say, as a Jewish woman, I have carried a weight on my shoulders every single day. And not not that the anti Semitism that's like destroying the world right now has impacted me so greatly, but I think living in a.

Town that has a hostage, so there's a hostage from my town, and it's I think about that family all the time, and I just I'm really sad. I'm sad I think about you know, when I look at the girls that are being held hostage, but they look like the same as my daughter, you know, And it's really hard to take myself out of that and say this is about other people, because it's not like I'm is Israeli. And it's just been hard. It's been hard to know that's still happening every day. We haven't really spoken about it a lot here, I know, because it's politically divisive, which shouldn't be. I mean, there should be no political divisiveness to the fact that like you support creating these innocent hostages and.

That you're against anti Semitism, yeah, which is running rampant. But anyway, for another time.

Yes, so let's talk New Year's because like it's here, I know, what are you doing? What's your plan?

Well, actually, by the time that you guys are hearing this, I'm going to be on a plane home from Mexico, which I'm so excited about it.

That's nice. Get out of the snow weather a little bit. It's so cold. I feel like it just went from like summer to winter and now with the time change, like it goes from if there's no afternoon, it's like morning and then it's nighttime. You know. So I'm going to nice bro, Yeah it will.

I'm going to celebrate on the day though, so going to a friend's house. We're all going to be in pj's and I'm going to bring over some black eyed peas, which is a very Southern tradition. You have to eat black eyed peas on the New Year. Poor good luck.

Oh. I love that. I went to a pajama party at a friend's house the other day. We did a cookie swop, Like everybody baked cookies and then we put them all out. There was like twenty of us and we put all the cookie platters out on a table and everyone went around and took home like four of everyone else's cookies for themselves. My kids. You loved it and crazy. Yeah. So okay, So New Year's Eve, you're gonna be in Mexico. New Year's Day, you'll be with your friends. That's really nice.

I'll be flying home from Mexico, so I'll probably be a little depressed, but then New Year's Day, I will be with my friends.

Yeah, that's nice. That always feeds yourself. I love being about your friends. I really prioritize my girlfriends. I love I love being around them. It always makes me feel good when I am with them. What about like lately with you? I'm sorry, interpt.

I just I feel like lately, ever since like the show, I just see you with your friends, like very often on have prioritize them. It's since the show has been on pause. It's a very different feel, right, It's like.

Yeah, I'm I'm like, you know, I love the show and I do hope that it keeps going. But in the meantime, I'm like enjoying a little bit of the break, right I am. I'm trying out new projects. I'm prioritizing friendships. I really have extra time for my family. It's been nice. Yeah, it's been good anyway. So you know, for many years, Evan is not the partier than I am. I could go out five nights a week, and he likes going out about once a week, and then he's hit his social max and he's busy. I mean, he works full time. He's always with the kids at basketball, and he likes to sit on the couch and he doesn't care. You know, he's not ashamed of it. But he does like to go out, like once a week, but that's his night out, and that's fine. But New Year's we've got into this routine of not doing anything. And I was okay with that for a while, but now kind of feeling like, you know, now one of my almost seventeen year olds loves going out. So if he's gonna be out and I have to wait up for him anyway, and I probably have to pick him up, then I might as well go out, right. So I don't know, we're trying to decide now because we've, like for a decade, have not done anything.

I don't love New Year's Eve and I don't love going out, so both of those combined, I mean, Jeff is it's always very surprising to people that know us that Jeff is way more interested in going out at night.

Like, so maybe maybe I'll send Evan to your house and you can hang on the cap at him. You know, I love that, You know I love that Evan Goldschneider. Yeah, he's a cutie. So let's see. So let's let's talk about the year a little bit, so we are ready at the top. You know, talked about some of the ships and there's no denying there was shit, and on both sides of the political aisle there were shits. Right. That was ye, so divisive. I've never seen an election like this in my life.

It's horrible. Process leading up to it was horrible. It's I know that for some people they're they're still in morning. Some people are thrilled penceil you ask, but divisive for sure.

Yeah, I just hopeful. I mean like, it is what it is, So there's no point in being thrilled, upset whatever it is, what it is. Now let's see, right, yes, now let's see. So, Jen, what was the best thing that happened to you this year? Something good?

No, it's like you know you always as a mom, I my first thought is always like I always feel good when good things happen to my kids. Right, So it's that And my therapist would probably say learn to separate, probably very dysfunctional, But I think about my kids just being having good things happened to them. Zach got into law school, which is which is so exciting. Rachel moved into the city, which she absolutely loves, and she's working in pr and she loves that, and so those things occur to me. But probably that's the wrong way of thinking about it, right, Like, no.

Why being a mom is such an amazing part of your life. And also like it's not just your kids accomplishing them Like they're accomplishing this because they have a support system behind them and because they know that you're there. I mean, don't take yourself out of your children's accomplishments.

I absolutely agree with that, But I like everything else, you know, I want to have my own things going on, and I think it's so helpful, especially for an empty nester. So we've had a few really you know, fun things. I mean, this podcast, well that happened last year.

But still but like we got renewed, We're yes, we got nude. That was exciting.

I loved, I am loving having the segment that I'm doing on page six. I don't know you guys, have anyone's listening to it, but on page six I talk about pop culture with Evan and Danny, Like that's been really fun in a way to sort of separate out of the housewives world. We don't discuss housewives, but we discuss what's going on, you know, all around the world, just pop culture, so nothing deep, and it's fun to just sort of be still in front of the camera a little. And but it's different dynamic, right, It's these two fabulous men and we all love each other. It's a big love fest and we laugh and we're a little shady at times. But nothing that's going to get me killed. So yeah, that's been really fun. What about you?

Yeah, the best thing that happened to me this year. I don't know. It was a tough year. I mean I think just that, like this is going to sound silly and cliche, but just that everyone is like healthy and happy, you know, Like I just like nothing, you know, I had a challenging year. So in January, Aiden, my my one of my older twins, we were at the Madonna concert the night that he broke his knee, mean right, and he broke his knee, he broke his leg. He had a horrific surgery. He was home for a month after that. He was in so much pain. It was I was crying, like all day. I slept. I had slept in a bed with him downstairs because he couldn't move and so he was immobile. So it was a really hard month. And then I homeschooled him and then he finally made his way back into sports by May, and in July he broke his shoulder. So it's been you know, like watching your kids suffer through something and I know that you've been through this too. It's really hard, you know, it's hard. Now that all my kids are like healthy and doing well, I'm kind of like savoring that part of it. Like the fact that I'm not like said about it. I'm getting is a thing. I get that.

What they don't tell you about having kids is that you are always, at least for me, I'm even in my happiest moments, I'm a little nervous, like I'm always or you know, I'm thrilled when my kids are happy. If they're not, it affects me. It's a very difficult. You know, you have this part of yourself that you have no control over, right, and you shouldn't. I mean, the kids have to live their own lives. It's how you raise them. But you're always sort of just a.

Little bit on edge. Where are they what are they doing? Are they good? Yeah? Especially now I two that are gonna start driving soon, and I how do I do that? Like I am said, I don't mind driving with them and teaching them to drive and do it all the time. But I'm so nervous for them to get their license. Yeah, nervous, it's not that is not easy. Yeah, there's so much that. I mean, I'm always worried because my daughter is a chronic illness. You just type in my beads and that's always kind of something that's you know, with me, I'm thinking about.

And but then other stuff there. Yeah, when when both my kids got their licenses, I was a nervous wrap. I wouldn't even I couldn't be in the car with them teaching them. So that was all about jeff. Oh, I couldn't bear it. It was I freaked out, which freaked them out. I just I had no.

But we also we haven't really been on many highways. We haven't done anything super challenging. So that's the come But okay, so what was the most challenging thing that happened to you this year and how did you?

I would say that, well, actually, I've been looking at these questions a little bit, and I would say that it's challenging and rewarding to be an empty nester. I know that again back to the kids, but there are times where I've sort of walked around my house, and especially with the show being on pause and and it's trying to figure it all out. You know, I'm at the age now fifty six and what does the rest of my life look like. It's it's an interesting thing to consider. And also like being in this house. I mean this, I'm suburban New Jersey in this you know, colonial with we're paying taxes for the schools, and like what's the point?

So what are we? What is our next step?

So that's always on my mind and I think that has been a challenge, but also it's been at times of delight. My house is well not always need the kids to come home a lot, but like you know, just waking up jeff Lee's at six thirty every morning. And there are days I'm really busy, and there are days that I have nothing going on. The days that I have nothing going on, I think I get in a slump. I get a little depressed. And the days that I'm yeah, but.

You had so much going on the other days, you don't just savor those days. It's like I can relax today.

You know, I think it might seem like I have so much going on, Like on social media, if you follow myself for media, although I don't think I posted that much recently, but I'm posting like events I'm going to right and I'm I'm posting stuff that I'm doing, which yeah, I mean that definitely takes time and keeps me busy, but on a daily I'm not necessarily like I do the page six thing. Once a week, you and I record our podcast, you know, that's that's an hour every couple weeks.

It's so I'm always.

Posting about those things or I'm going to an event, or I'm but there's a lot of downtime for me now without having the kids in the house, and you know, I fill it with friends. And I actually knew this year is working out, and but I'm always better when I'm busier, when I've got something like my One of my favorite times was when I was writing the song when I was learning guitar and writing the song for the end for the finale of the Housewives.

Oh yeah, that was a great song.

So that was one of my favorite things that happened this year, was writing that silly song. That was just I love doing that so much. It's so it was so creative and it was I don't know. It was so satisfying for me. And then, of course, in true gen festal form, I didn't pick up the guitar again when it was over.

So, but oh didn't you write Challenge Part two? Yeah? But then yeah, that was pretty soon after. Oh okay, oh, and you haven't written. You know, I play the piano so and I know every time my house is empty, I play. I can't play when people are home because really, yeah, because they don't like the noise from it. But also, like I don't know, they like make fun.

Of me, right, they make fun of me, to think at my house they associate piano with like something I forced them to do when they were little, and I really just went back to it.

But I'm very good. I'd like, I want to get a I want to get like a ten to twenty song rotation that I can play just by heart. And I want to I want to play in a band one day. That's like a bucket list thing for me, just for one day, just one night only, Jackie Goldschnighter, one night only. I love that.

Playing a band, Yeah, I love that. So twenty twenty five, baby, yeah, let's see, let's see.

I have a couple of projects that I want to accomplish in twenty twenty five. But funny thing that happened to you this year? I can't think. I don't know any like I'm sure I have. I'm sure we're going to sign off from this, and I'm that was the funny thing that happened to me this year. I'm trying to remember, Like I did laugh a lot this year, but I don't know. I don't know if there was anything particularly really funny.

Well, I went to Vietnam with Jeff this year, and we laughed our way through that trip. Whether it was we went on this uh these motor scooters what they called, I don't know what they could pads, the mopads or whatever it is, so we circle around them. I'm want to say, was it in it's gone. I don't remember exactly, but uh, we stopped off. The tour had a stopping off. It was like a food tour, and we were so sick to our stomachs by the time it ended. There was so it went on for hours, and I just remember like he and I trying to be so polite to these tour guides and both of us being there's just and you know, and being with him, just him, would that far away. We always have were always able to make fun of each other and laugh, and that whole trip we were it was one of those like moments in time where we were in awe of Vietnam but also just hysterical the entire time. The culture is so different than ours and you know, getting used to that and being I don't know, on fishing boats and we it was fun and we laughed a lot.

Yeah, probably traveling. Yeah, we went to we took the kids to Europe the first time. We went to Italy. We spent a week in Rome with the kids, and it was just amazing. I am like, I was flabbergasted by how many people watch the show that were in Rome. I got stopped constantly, Like Vietnam, you watched the show, especially people from like London, people from Canada. They love these shows. They watch all of them. I don't think I watched any shows from overseas.

It's true though, I remember when I was in in Rams, I got stopped a couple times. Yeah, like in weird places like shopping or whatever.

You're Worldwidefesla, I'm worldwide, baby. Let's fast forward just for one second, since we're on the topic of shows, I have to tell you I just watched a show. I'm not going to ruin it obviously for anyone, and I really liked it all the way through, and then my mind was is freaking blown in the last episode. It's called Disclaimer. Have you watched that? No with what's her name? Oh god, that blonde actress. I'm blinking right now. That was a hold on, let me remember hold on one second. It was Kevin Kleine n Klein, the woman who's married to Sean Penn, who's absolutely Robin Wright. No, no, she was married to him a million years ago.

He's married Sean Penn. Now I thought he was just new young Sorry, okay, yeah.

I think I think Leila George is married to Sean Penn. Oh no, she was married to him for two years. She's much much younger than him. She's absolutely stunning. It's called Disclaimer. Okay, really good. The last episode really blew me away. So watch it. If you haven't watched it, watch it, well, absolutely watch it. This was I watched a lot of TV this year. I have to say I did a lot of TV. Did you watch that?

Yeah, Well that's the thing is that like when I am home and I have the day, I'm such a slug. Also, so we talked about this, Jack, But like if I'm home and I've got nothing going on, I'm in my bed period.

Really, Oh I'm cleaning out clothes. People aren't, no way, but I'm crazy. Yeah, well I'm crazy too, But I'm crazy in the bed, and I well crazy in the bed. You know. Well don't let's not be silly.

But I am streaming and eating and talking on the phone and staring at the TV while I'm looking at my other device whatever. But yeah, I stream a lot. I'm very grateful for what.

Do you watch reality shows? Or do you watch because I know people are always looking for like a show to watch.

Yes, I definitely watch reality shows. So it's a lot of that. So you know, we've talked about this. But I don't know if you know this about me, But I'm a Housewives junkie.

So you watch all of them?

I'm just kidding, but no, I do. I watch most of them, not all of them, but I watch most of them. Yeah, and I have watched New York this season. I haven't. I need to watch Salt Lake City. I'm behind on Beverly Hills just by like one episode. But I've watched all the Potomac me too. I watched all of Orange County. That was fantastic. Yep, yeah, I'm but yeah, I gotta watch Salt Lake City.

I heard it's great, so well. Yeah.

So it's a lot of time spent on reality TV for sure. And then Jeff is always suggesting something that I don't know. We're always what do we just watch My God Cross with Alex? The guy's name is Alex Cross.

Oh yeah, that's James Patterson.

Yes, yeah, yeah, which I loved until I didn't read those books.

Yeah. Watch. We watch a lot of House Hunters. We love it. Play it like a game. Yeah, so like we pause after they've seen all the houses. You know how it works, right, like the real estate agent takes. We only watched the international ones so we can like fantasize about living somewhere else and not that New Jersey is not like fabulous. But they they take the person or couple to three different homes and then we pause it and we bet which house they're gonna choose, and it's so much fun. But it's like formulae, like one person always wants to live in the city center, and one person always wants to live in the suburbs, and one person always wants to be by the water, and one person always wants to be walking distance to the town. You know. So it's like, but it's really fun and it's mindless, and it's a half hour and it's easy. It's all about the mindless TV. I mean, listen, and we love Amazing Race. Actually, do you watch that? No, we watch every season. We love it. I don't watch HG TV only because it's on.

It runs on us in the Manic ever has it on?

Yeah, and they have a subtitles? Yeah? Yeah? What about what about movie anything? You know, I haven't seen that many movies in the movie theater. I've watched a few on airplanes that I was like, I watched that one that we talked about a long time ago. We did an episode you and I on what was the topic, but it was we were talking about the Anne Hathaway movie. Maybe it was Our Intimacy one or I don't remember, but we were like, oh, it was about being middle aged women and being sort of like the forgotten years, you know. Yeah, And I watched that Anne Hathaway movie where she falls in love with the lead in the rock band and he's much younger than her. Yeah, and yeah, I remember that. You were like, I loved that movie. Yeah, I love The movie that I'm dying to see is like, no, I'd like to give you. But every movie I'm dying to see is like it's in the theater for like a minute and then it's out, like it's just in the city.

So I haven't discovered. I have rediscovered movie theaters this year.

I like them too, but I'm not going to travel an hour for it. So we saw We went to the premiere of that that Roadhouse one. That was good, fine, you know. Me and my girlfriend went on a girl date to see Beetlejuice and that was fine, you know, But I don't think I've seen anything really mind blowing. But I'm dying to see Honora. You know that movie Anora, And I'm also dying to see I love a biopic, and I'm dying to see the Timothy shallow May one Bob Dylan. I'm not so really, I don't.

I'm not a huge Timothy shallow May fan, and I'm not a huge Bob Dylan fan.

I'll see it. We'll say, well, I'm not either. But my favorite movies of all time A lot of them have been is it biopic or biopic? It's biopic, right, I don't know. I don't know either.

I don't know, but I do love the ones, especially when they're about musicians. I mean, yeah, so like John Even was good.

We use my favorite and growing up, my favorite favorite movie growing up was Great Balls of Fire. I loved it so so hot. There's a scene in that movie that still makes my hair stand up. It's like when he's playing a whole lot of shaking going on and the whole bar starts dancing. Oh my god, like scene still think about.

If that movie was out now, okay, because what when when?

What's his name? Who? What's his name? No? Yeah, but who what's his name? That he played Great Balls of Fires? Who? Oh? Jerry Lee Lewis right, Jerry Lewis He married like a thirteen year old or something, And like I don't remember at the time even discussing that, like it wasn't even right or even like in the nineties, like Jerry Seinfeld was dating a seventeen year old Shawna. Yeah, I love oh you could never although you do have Bill Belichick dating like, Oh, I can't even with that, right, I mean, it's just what's the appeal? I don't what, I don't know. Anyway, we're going off on a tangent. But wait, I want to talk about my favorite movie. Did you grow emotionally this year? Wait?

I'm not fun talking about the movies because I want to do it that I loved. I did love Wicked, by the way, but but everybody, Oh, I didn't see it amazing and we saw it at the IPIC, which is like undercovers with the chicken fingers, and it was just incredible.

But anyway, Oh, can I just tell you one thing though that bothers me about Wicked is that Kristin Chenowith used to like me and message. I used to talk to her sometimes on Message and she followed me and she doesn't like Teresa and so she has unfollowed me.

So I kind of that is heartbreaking. Although you do know that Kristin chen well, she is in Wicked, she is in this one, which was I understand that, and I feel badly for you because I there's first of all, Wicked was just unbelievable, but also I love me some Kristin Chenow with I wish you hadn't told me that. Now I'm sure she's lovely. I was Dimonzel, the very minor friendship. Well this so the movie that I loved was called A Real Pain and it was with Kieran Coulkien and Jesse Eisenberg and it's about these cousins. I don't want to give anything away, but they travel. Their grandmother dies and so they travel. I'm going to get this wrong, and it's so ridiculous. I want to say they travel to I think it's Poland, right, Yeah, I was going to say Germany. And it wasn't. Thank you, No, I heard of it. It was really quite incredible, and the acting in it was so superb over the top ridiculous. Narent's the one who's in succession. Yes, correct, is unbelievable, unbelievable, and he plays like this, this kind of a manic young man, and Jesse Eisenberg plays this very uptight person and they But the beautiful thing about it was it was a lot about the Holocaust and finding their grandmother's childhood home and talking about they I don't want to give anything away, but it was so beautifully done. Really haven't seen a movie like that where I walked away just you know, feeling like I had been sort of transported. Yep, it's called a real pain.

Tell me if you have grown emotionally or spiritually this year, certainly hope.

So, since I pay almost two hundred dollars a week for therapy, yeah, tell you.

I had therapy this morning and.

We spoke about about Rachel, about my daughter, and she was going through something over the last couple of days. And I've learned she's twenty two years old. When she goes through something. We started out talking about this, but when she goes through something, not to take it on as my own, and not that I'm always there when she needs me, but she could be going something through something. I attached to it in my mind. I can't let it go. It's on my mind all day. And then she resolves whatever it is, and I'm you know, I spend a whole day it's just a little dysfunctional. So I feel like I've grown in that. In this particular instance, I kind of separated. I said, she's twenty two, and I trust that she could handle this, and I'm going to give her the space to handle it, so that that's I.

Hope one way. And my son who is in law school, who is.

Not doesn't have time now to call mommy every day, and you know, so to also take a step back and know that he's doing his thing and not to be overbearing, which I tend to be. So I feel like I've grown in both of those days. Maybe also I've gotten I've gotten more patient this year. I think that show being on pause has been so strange for us, and I have been doing it like you have, Jack. Obviously, I've only been doing this for I did it for two years and different yeas.

But you know what I say, I think that that that that makes you want it more than me, Like not that I don't want it, but like I've had it for a long time, and I'm okay, if this is the end of the road, I'm totally fine. It's not about it just got started with the excitement. The not knowing. Yeah, that bothers me. I'd like either to know what my job's going to be or to have closure. Yeah, I mean, that's that's what I mean.

My patience though it's like and everyone's always asking us, right and we don't we have no idea and guessing game and all of that.

So patients, Okay, what about you. I have grown emotionally. I've had to well, you know, I'm still you know, in recovery, and i still make like baby steps every day. And it's not it's not super easy for me. It's easier or harder. No, Well, the problem is that, like recovery, getting rid of like the big stuff, like the not eating getting rid of that was great. I was so excited adding new foods to my diet. Great, so excited. But it's like the little things, like the nitty gritty like it's like the not being afraid of specific foods. It's like the not feeling guilty after a meal. It's like the not overthinking before a restaurant. Like the little teeny tiny day to day things. Sometimes they are a little bit hard for me. I've gained some weight over the past few months, and that's been a little bit hard for me. Not because I don't I mean, the trade off is worth it. The trade off of having that freedom is worth it. It's just it doesn't seem fair to me because I'm not like going crazy, I'm not eating everything that I love to eat. I still work out daily and like to gain weight when you're not doing anything that warrants gaining weight is hard, especially when like so many people around me are slimming down, you know. So that's been hard. But also I feel like I feel very empowered that, like I'm in control and how I feel about it, and so I'm proud. I choose to be proud of it instead of being ashamed of it because I'm still like, I'm still me. It doesn't matter, you know, a few pounds up, a few pounds down. I'm enjoying letting myself fluctuate because I've never had that before. You know, for twenty years, I had to keep my weight within a one pound range or else. It like drove me crazy, and I don't weigh myself, but I know I've gained weight. So just being okay with that, I feel like, is something that I've never had before. Even in my first like two years of recovery, the weight was really uncomfortable for me. Like now it's it's just part of me and like it is what it is, right, So I feel like that's a big, big growth for me. I've also calmed down down one thing I'm really proud of this year. It's no surprise the show was not great for me this year, right, And it's fine and it's done, and like the hatred has stopped. But for a month, for like a month, I got horrific social media hates. And that's fine. But I'm really proud of signing off of social media for a month. I went off at the beginning of August and I didn't go back until the beginning of September or the end of August. And that was so great because all the shit really just exists in your phone, right, Like, yeah, I really hates you, Your friends don't really hate you. My friends couldn't give a shit about it, right, Like your family doesn't care. So it really just exists in your phone. So I think that was one of the wisest things that I've ever done, was just the leading it for a month. And I think I would have caused myself a lot of distress had I not. And it makes me want to in the new year kind of change my relationship with social media more. Yeah, I think it's really no. I think that's a great goal. I think for all of us. Did you hear the TikTok is getting abolished in January. I didn't hear January. I thought I'd have to go through your more legal processes.

But I could be wrong. I think I just heard that like this morning. I probably heard it on Titch. Just got on TikTok too. Guys follow me, and so I took Jackie Goldschneider. I'm scared to look at it.

I haven't looked at it at what the page is, but I have to have you come up for me. Like usually if it was that like Jackie Gold one hundred or something like that, I should check what my name is. Because someone took Jackie Goldschneider. I'm fairly confident there's not other Jackie gold Schnyders walking around. I'm at Jackie Gold one hundred and I only share eating disorder content. But I don't know what the other Jackie gold Schnyder.

According to what I saw on TikTok, It's not going to matter much longer anyway, but I guess we'll see you know when.

I gos ANITA Gala this year. I hosted the National Eating Disorder Association Gala this year and so amazing one of the most amazing highlights of my year, Like I can't believe how I try. I want to say full circle, but it's not full circle because I wasn't at that point to begin with. But like half circle? How half circle I've come? Yeah, I love it all right? Favorite song this year? I mean, the thing is that, like I'm always listening to old songs. I'm you know, I'm listening.

I put on It's totally embarrassing, but I'm like listening to eighties music and seventies music and more than huge huge. I don't listen to pop. I'm a huge all rock person. I know that always freaks me out about you. Oh, I love it weird much.

There there were a few songs that I loved this year, but I have to say my favorite is there's a band called Cage the Elephant. Do you listen to them? So they put out a new album a song called Neon Pill that just gets it. I just love it. I love Hosier too. Oh he's so good.

I mean you're talking like we're going jingle ball in tomorrow. Actually, yeah, it's gonna be so much fun. I'm so excited. But if if truth be told, I don't I mean Katie Perry, right, Sizza's Sabrina Shaboozy Shaboozy, I don't think so good, I have to say in terms of pop Sabrina Carpenter song taste is so I have a teenage daughter, and like, so I feel like an idiot sometimes when I like, I'm like running, you know, when I run, I put on music, I like, I don't want to run to the stuff that like she's listening to with her friends and doing tiktoks too, you know, because then I feel like, I don't know, I feel like I'm right, it's her style.

I know. No, I totally get that. I totally get that funny, like it's so funny and this is off topic, but like god, how did how did we get old so fast?

I was just I mean, you're talking. I can't even have that discussion with you. You're a baby.

I'm not a baby, Jet, you're a baby. Comparatively, I mean six, you are, I'm year and a half. Okay, you're forty eight. I don't know, Jackie. The difference is it's huge.

I mean, fifty six and at forty eight, I don't even think I was feeling my age like after fifty my age No, I mean like, I don't think I was even that qu like now fifty six. It's things are different, Like my body feels different. Even sometimes when I would watch myself on camera, the way that I move felt I was watching myself. And of course we're our own worst critics, but I felt like I was moving like an old person, you know. And also that probably is one of the reasons why I started exercising again and lifting weights. But like I remember watching back when Rachel Fuda had this had the pajama party.

Do you remember that?

Yeah, silly stuff, but watching myself walk from her boyer into like where her bar area was or is, and I remember, We're just seeing that back and thinking, you you walk like an old person.

You know. It's like I never saw you walk like an old well you would, I mean you probably wouldn't because you're not looking for that. But it's weird. It's like the aging thing is is, Yeah, maybe working out we'll help with that. You find strength. Okay, So let's see. Let's see what else. The best meal you had this year was your best meal in Vietnam? Vietnam, Oh my god, my best meal if anyone is visiting Rome, was in like by far, hands down, no comparison. In a town called Trustevere, there was a restaurant called Taverna Treloosa that was I mean just Evan and I were just staring at each other the whole meal, like, did you try this? Did you try this? It was unbelievable that it was unbelievable. Yeah, it was so good. Favorite trend, favorite trend? Gosh, what's yours? I am so surprised to hear myself say that I love the barrel jean, do you I that's so funny that you say that. I think you have to.

Find the right one bow legged. So I didn't like it either until I found the right one. I just bought a pair of page and I love them really and yes, yes, And I can't put on skinn jeans anymore.

No, I don't wear my skinny jeans. I'm wearing wide leg right now. But I have not tried barrel jeans yet. Maybe I will try them. I'm shocked that I love them, but I love them all right. I love that. I actually nice. This year, I've been wearing a lot of those New Balance three twenty seven sneakers. Yeah. Oh, I've sorted wearing a lot of sneakers. I like it, like a chunky white sneaker. I've been like really into. So all right, so let's let's get into our hopes for the new year. Do you make resolutions? No?

No. When I was younger, it was always lose weight. Right every year, it was the same thing, and up until the New Year, I would bringe, like literally, I would think it's coming, it's coming on New Year's Day, and then on New Ye's Day, I would say, well, it's New Year's Day. You have to eat and I'm not. You know, we've talked about that that. I've also had suffered with eating disorders at times in my life, but.

That was always the resolution.

It was always to lose weight, which I don't do anymore, like at all, And I don't really do resolutions, but.

Do you know what, It's not that I do likes like hardcore resolutions, but there are things that I'd like to see happen. They're mostly like career goals because obviously I can't resolve to have my children behave in certain ways. You know, when they're good kids, I just want them to be happy, So they're mostly like career goals. I have a lot of career goals and a lot of ideas, And every day I throw shit at the wall and see what sticks, and ninety nine percent of it doesn't stick, but that one percent that does is really exciting. So I think I have like a whole bunch of things that I have to consistently remind myself to stick with because I love immedia gratification. But you know, this year I read this book Atomic Habits. Do you read that? And it was talking about God. They had the best analogy and it was like, you know, you leave an ice cube on a counter in a room, and if you gradually heat the room up from like zero degrees to thirty one degrees, nothing is going to happen to that ice cube. But the minute it hits thirty two degrees, that ice cube is going to start to melt. Right, So it's everything you did up until that point that prepare that ice cube to melt. It wasn't just that one thing of hitting thirty two degrees that made it happen. It was all the steps before that, Right, So I have to consistently remind myself that planting the seeds and the little things that don't actually make anything like go boom. Are what leads up to that you know, gratifying moment where something does happen for you, So planting a lot of seeds, you know, and so I have to stick with it. That's my resume definitely. That's actually something I did learn.

I have to say this year, this past year, is that, like I can, I hate the word manifest and let me not use that word, but but I do have an ability to think, wow, what about this and then put it into play, which I think that I struggled with for so long. I mean, I created a business and I always say this is going back when I was fifty. But the reason that I stuck with it was because I brought people into it, and I people invested emotionally in it and financially and so you know, in f major and so there was no squirming out of it, because MY tendency through the years has been to have a big idea and then you know, squirm and and sort of just like not really you know, dedicated, But.

You busted your ass with that. I remember the first time I met you years ago.

No I know, but that was again, I mean, I I had put myself into busines where I couldn't square them out. So but but I have this past year, I've had like what about this?

What about this?

And actually putting that into motion, you know, like the Housewives thing. I got a call from a casting director and then that I didn't have to do much except to show up, you know what I mean, I didn't.

I wasn't creating a show or creating something for myself.

That was more like I got an opportunity and I happily took it right, but actually coming up with stuff now again, while we're we don't know what the future is, you know, of the show, and I've been able to do some things I don't know that I'm I'm pleased that I've been able to put things in motion this year, and I will I hope, I hope that I'll be able to do that again.

Yeah, it's kind of exciting not knowing what will happen. Like as long as my the people I love are healthy, then I'm kind of like excited to see like what happens. You know.

You know, I have a friend who is just had some just found out that he's having some health issues, some serious ones, and yeah, I mean it just changes.

Everything right in an instant, right, and I'm yeah, And.

I want to say when I think about the coming year, my part of part of it. I'm not trying to say this that I'm so altruistic, but like, I just think about my dear friend and I want to be able to be as strong for her and make this if I can, in any way easier, and like it'll be a good year if I can help. I mean, I had another friend years back who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and for a few years she passed and this friend won't but thank god. But anyway, the point is that it was hard. It was really hard to be a close friend of someone going through that way, harder for her than it was for me. And as I look when I look back at it, I think I did everything that I could to make it easier for her. You know, That's the only thing that was gratifying in any way about it, is that I think I helped make it.

Yeah, you're a really good friend. I'm not trying to be like I think the important thing that I want to carry into the new year is that like there's never there's never a year where everything is great. There's never a year where everything's bad. There's never a time in your life. You know. I used to wait a lot and say I'll do this when things ease up, and I'll do this when I'm not like said about something, And there's never going to be that time. You just got to like do what you do and let life be life, you know.

And no one gets away Jack, That's what I tell my kids. No one gets away, no matter what in it might be a small thing that you think is small or big or not.

But the struggles real period, full stop. That's I guess. Yeah. And we got these drones flying over New Jersey and who knows what the inside of them? Right, I don't talk about those. That's freaks. How we actually make it to the new year, give me God forbid? That is it's in my chai. Wow. Yes, people intend if we find we're taking.

Pictures of them, I don't get it, and no one can figure it out, I know.


Yeah, let's hope you're still here on Earth without the Martians twenty in them.

Okay, So message for listeners next year, God, I would say, follow through on the things that you are dreaming about, because it's really easy to let your dreams die in your head because things take effort, you know, and be okay with rejection. I'm saying that out loud for me also because rejections are part of it and I hate rejection. But yeah, yeah, well.

I said, I don't really make don't really make resolutions, but I would recommend therapy for anyone who's not in his because I do feel like each year I I do grow. I grow, like we talked about a little bit emotion bestationally and.

Yeah, therapy is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

I would agree with that. I would agree with that. Okay, then, well listen, and I also hope in twenty twenty five, you guys keep listening to us, and I hope that we are. I don't know if either we're amusing you, or you can relate, or you don't feel and we talk about certain things, maybe you don't feel so alone. You know, we try. I think with Jersey Jays, we both tried to be honest and open and because that's it, right, It's all about connecting with people. So I hope we get to continue that in twenty twenty five. Yeah, we've had some fantastic guests.

Some we have here. It's your favorite. I just have such a thing from my ambilliti.

Iknew you're going to say that. I knew you were going to say that. I really do like I love her.

I love that she's an unabashed nerd. I love how she stands by love fiction. She's such a talented actress, like everything. I love everything about her. I know you do.

And I loved love her and loved that episode.

And I think one.

That really affected me was Maria Minunos, which we did pretty recently, and I thought.

Oh yeah, we called each other after that. We were just like flabergasted. She is a force, she really is. Yeah. So that was a good one, so good one. Some great guests in twenty twenty five and some fun topics and some some more success And I love you. I wish all of you guys a happy new year and we will be healthy. Bye.

Two Jersey Js with Jackie Goldschneider and Jennifer Fessler

Two Housewives, two BIG personalities, Two Jersey Js!  Jackie Goldschneider and Jennifer Fessler jo 
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