Is it harder for singles to fit into the church than marrieds?
This is today's single Christian, and I'm Lina Abujamra. Over and over again, I hear singles tell me they don't feel like they fit into the local church. It's an anthem that won't die. Even though church leaders are dying to find out how to change that. A married friend recently challenged a group of singles I was with. Do you think married people feel like they fit into the church? She said. We all stopped talking. She did have a point. What if she said, our problem isn't that we don't fit into the church, but that we don't fit into our expectation of the church? She had a point worth considering. What if instead of waiting for the church to make us feel welcome, we rolled up our sleeves and jumped in, remembering that fitting in has less to do with marital status and much more to do with our servant's heart. I'm still thinking about her challenge. What about you? How well do you fit into your church? Or better yet, how well are you serving in your local church? For more on this, visit today's Single Christian. Com or email me Lina at todesengel