Tip of the IcebergTip of the Iceberg

This is how AI will affect your job security, says Rex Lawrence of Joe Produce

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What are AI prompt engineers, besides some of the highest-paid people these days? What tech skills do job seekers need to thrive in their search? Addressing these questions and more is the president of Joe Produce, an online job center for produce, agriculture and related companies and produce people across the entire food chain — from seed to store. In this ZAG Tech-partnered episode, Rex Lawrence of Joe Produce talks about how tech influences his company and how it affects job seekers and recruiters in the produce industry.

To learn more: visit zagtech.com, joeproduce.com, joeproducesearch.com, joejproresumes.com

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Tip of the Iceberg

Tip of the Iceberg features conversations between members of the fresh produce industry and the edit 
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