Thinking outside the box with Gavin RubinsteinThinking outside the box with Gavin Rubinstein

#24 Carli Skurnik

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Thinking outside the box with Gavin Rubinstein

Conversations between Gavin Rubinstein & the people he believes have trailblazed by thinking outside the box in their field, industry or even just in  
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Carli Skurnik is the founder and director of One Buyers Agency. 

With 18 years of experience, she's a successful buyers agent in the eastern suburbs of sydney. In this episode you'll hear about:

  • Her journey into real estate
  • Being a female in a male-dominated industry.
  • The story of One Buyers Agency
  • The key differences between a buyer's agent and a seller's agent.
  • What she does differently compared to others. 

Plus you'll find out what made her give a young Gavin Rubinstein his first job in real estate.

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  1. Thinking outside the box with Gavin Rubinstein

    41 clip(s)

Thinking outside the box with Gavin Rubinstein

Conversations between Gavin Rubinstein & the people he believes have trailblazed by thinking outside 
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