Have you ever wondered what eternity in Heaven with Christ will be like? In this episode, Tiffany Velasquez shares four truths from this chapter about heaven.
Heaven is a real place for real people. Jesus said He was going to prepare a place and would come back for us. Even now, the Lord is doing something new in your life, so don’t get distracted, don’t get discouraged. Our God is in the business of making all things new, and He is making a new way for you.
Heaven is relational. Jesus will be there and we will dwell with Him. We were created to have communion with the Lord forever. Words fall short of what it will be like to be with Jesus, and we will also be reunited with those we love.
Heaven is a place of relief. No more tears, death, sorrow or pain. No more sin. Heaven is a place where all of our needs will be met.
Heaven is restricted. Only believers will inhabit Heaven. This should give us a renewed sense of urgency and passion for sharing the gospel. How are you currently applying this to your life? Who do you know that needs to hear the gospel and how will you share it with them?
Today, we can be filled with confidence and wonder as we look at what Jesus has been preparing for us in Heaven!
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