Mentoring Nights Session 1 | What Is A Woman? by Cathe Laurie
Listen in with Cathe as we consider what it means to be a woman and why it matters (according to the Bible).
Episode 4: The True Vine | Leah Case
With each I AM description, the more we know about Jesus, the more we want to know. We are drawn to Jesus because everything about Him is more satisfying than anything this world can offer! Abiding in Jesus is spiritually fruitful but it isn’t something we accomplish through sheer willpower. Listen…
Episode 3: The Resurrection, Way, Truth, Life | Debbie Eaton
This week, we focus on two of the most powerful statements Jesus ever made about Himself. The account of Jesus bringing Lazarus back from death to resurrected life is so familiar, but Debbie encourages us to slow down and take it all in again. There is only one path to salvation and everlasting lif…
Episode 2: The Gate, Good Shepherd, Lamb of God | Sue Mills
In each I AM description, Jesus used ordinary everyday illustrations that are simple, memorable and life-changing for us. Listen in with Sue this week as we explore what it means to know that Jesus is the Gate, our Good Shepherd, and the Lamb of God. To join a Harvest women’s small group, g…
Episode 1: Bread of Life, Light of the World | Christi Robillard
In our first podcast of the I AM series, Christi examines why each description by Jesus Himself is so significant. Each one helps us connect to who Jesus is, how we relate to Him, and what He has done for us. Do you want to know Jesus better than ever before? Join us in discovering why knowing who …
Episode 5: Nehemiah 11-13 | Trish Dietz
Our final week of study opens with dedicating the rebuilt wall and a worship celebration so joyful it could be heard miles away! The community was on fire with renewed devotion to God. But then…their covenant vows made willingly to God were willfully broken. Listen in with Trish as we consider why …
Episode 4: Nehemiah 9:1-10:39 | Melanie Brown
When God’s Word exposes our sin, how do we respond? If we take sin lightly or make excuses, we don’t truly see how dangerous and destructive it is. While conviction of sin stings and grieves, it’s a gift of God’s grace calling us to freedom and forgiveness. Join Melanie in exploring this part of t…
Episode 3: Nehemiah 5:1-8:18 | Shelley Hurley
As Nehemiah continued the work of rebuilding, the opposition was unrelenting. When outward threats didn’t work, the enemy tried to discourage and disrupt the work from within. We can expect this in our walks as well. In this podcast, Shelley traces the steps Nehemiah took to resolve the issues th…
Episode 2: Nehemiah 2:9-4:23 | Cathe Laurie
Nehemiah’s memoir is a testament to the faithfulness of God who (unlike us) doesn’t abandon His projects halfway through. As the story unfolds, it points us toward God’s ultimate restoration project and the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. We have a Savior who restores hearts and rebuilds lives! …
Episode 1: Nehemiah 1:1-2:8 | Tiffany Velasquez
Join us as we dive into the book of Nehemiah. In this first podcast, Tiffany explores how God used broken people and a pagan king to bring about restoration, and how Nehemiah’s heart for his people stirred him to action. Whether you are new to Nehemiah’s story or have studied it before, there is so…