Awake at 2 am? Try this
Wide awake in the middle of the night? Whether you're an insomniac or a night owl, this meditation is here to help you find some calm during those quiet, sleepless hours. LINKS Follow @novapodcastsofficial on Instagram CREDITS Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonovan88 Writer: Amy Molloy @amymolloy …
Let go and drift off to sleep
Feeling weighed down? This meditation will lift your spirits and help you let go of those heavy thoughts. It's inspired by author Jenna Calabro, author of Moon Meditations. LINKS Follow @novapodcastsofficial on Instagram CREDITS Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonovan88 Writer: Amy Molloy @amymollo…
A bedtime pep talk for tomorrow
Want to wake up feeling AMAZING tomorrow? It starts now. This fun visualization exercise will help you drift off dreaming big and feeling excited for what's next. LINKS Follow @novapodcastsofficial on Instagram CREDITS Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonovan88 Writer: Amy Molloy @amymolloy Podcast…
A meditation to go from streaming to snoozing
We hate to tell you something you already know - but yep, bingeing Netflix isn't great for your evening wind down. Instead of heading straight from the couch to sleep, take a moment wind down before you hit the hay. LINKS Follow @novapodcastsofficial on Instagram CREDITS Host: Casey Donovan @…
Say goodbye to groggy mornings
Sick of struggling to get out of bed in the morning? There are a lot of physical factors, obviously, but this meditation will help you mentally prepare to give you the best chance of a great morning! Ready to wake up feeling amazing tomorrow? LINKS Follow @novapodcastsofficial on Instagram CRED…
This meditation > your tik tok scroll
TikTok scrolling can be addictive, but we've got something even better to help you sleep. In this episode, we're putting our tips into practice with a meditation that's way more soothing than a TV show in the background. LINKS Follow @novapodcastsofficial on Instagram CREDITS Host: Casey Donova…
Netflix, and then chill
Just finished a Netflix binge? It's time to unwind and relax. This meditation is designed to help you transition from screen time to serene time, calming your mind and body for bed. LINKS Follow @novapodcastsofficial on Instagram CREDITS Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonovan88 Writer: Amy Molloy @am…
Scroll less, sleep more
Caught in a bed-time scrolling loop? This meditation designed to helpbreak the cycle. You don’t even have to put down your phone. Let’s turn your screen time into serene time and get you the rest you deserve! LINKS Follow @novapodcastsofficial on Instagram CREDITS Host: Casey Donovan @caseydonova…
Help your little ones drift off
Struggling to get the little ones to sleep? Listen to this soothing meditation together and help them drift off into dreamland. Struggling to get the little ones to sleep? Listen to this soothing meditation together and help them drift off into dreamland. LINKS Follow @novapodcastsofficial on Ins…
Do you Netflix and snooze?
Who else is guilty of falling asleep to Netflix? We CERTAINLY do it. A lot of us love streaming ourselves to sleep, but the research is in, and it says what you've probably suspected - It's really bad for health. We want to help you kick the habit! LINKS Follow @novapodcastsofficial on Instagram …