Ron speaks to a very special lady (it’s Sia)
Host, Writer, and Executive Producer: Ron Burgundy
Co-host, Writer and Producer: Carolina Barlow
Producer: Nick Stumpf
Talent Producer: Anna Hossnieh
Writers: Andrew Steele and Jake Fogelnest
Engineered, Mixed and Edited by Nick Stumpf
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Who's that man joking in my ear? He's Ron Burgundy. Good morning listeners, this is Tony fingle Sticks and you're listening to the Wait. Sorry, I don't know why I said that. That was a real brain fart. My name is Ron Burgundy. That's my name. I don't know what happened there, And I'm here with a very special episode of the Run Burgundy Podcast. Today we are sitting with the pop sensation that is Saia. Okay, continue, no last name like all the greats share Madonna, John h who is John? I don't know that one. John Popper, lead singer of Blues Traveler. You just say John. People know who you're talking about it? Do people still listen to Blues Traveler? Unfortunately? I'm joined today by my co host Carolina. Carolina, do you even know who Sia is? And before you ask, she didn't play Lilith Fair? Nick? Did you did you hear what I just said? Of course I know who she is. I've been listening to her for years now. Her acoustic version of Elastic Heart really gotten through hard time for me and my boyfriend of ten years. He broke up with me crashing at some I've never heard this before. Oh sorry, that's my Riah app I got another match. I'll turn that off. Yes, for those of you who don't know, I'm on Riah, which is a dating app for only famous people. It's hard for us to day in the real world, so we need a secret online club to protect our privacy. Oh yeah, I mean I'm a podcast personality. So I actually applied to get on Riya. You have to fill out a little application. Really, and um I was waitless. Oh well you were. That's too bad, Carolina. I mean I absolutely had no idea that would happen to you wait list. Okay, so sorry, you know what, Have you met anyone on Ria? Yes? I chadded with this woman, Marissa. We matched immediately. She's an influencer, which is great because it essentially means she does nothing lots of free time, but she also has money and endless time to meet up and try different restaurants with a potential lover such as myself. And did you end up going on a date with Marissa? No, I didn't. Marissa ended up also matching with Derek Huff from Dancing with the Stars. I wasn't upset when she told me. After all, he has symmetrical features and a dancers physique. I just told her, you hit the jackpot, honey, get that guy to put a ring on it, if you know what's good for you. Okay, So no more riot dates. Then, well, some ladies message me, but I swear give them an hour on that thing, And all of a sudden they text me a picture of Derek Huff. You'll think I'm lying, but I was cuckolded for Derek Huff three separate times. They're all dating Derek Huff. They're dancing with the stars. I don't know how he does it. Are there four of them? Just one? Right? Well, he's cleaning up and listen. I don't want some flashy romance. I just I just want someone to get drunk with on a Monday night while we dance to the Cornelius Brothers, and then we could get in a drunken argument and make up the next morning with empty promises. I hear you. Yeah, some days, I just I just want someone to make Baxter breakfast before I take him to music class. Yeah, it's hard being all on your own, like I always say, And another one bites the dust. But why can I not conquer love? Those are Seals lyrics because the hook brings you back. I ain't telling you no, lie, Okay, and I think that Blues Traveler, well, I've got thick skin and an elastic heart. We're don't see you again. Suck it in, Suck it in, Suck it in if you're in Tintin or Anne Blues Traveler. Okay, we're gonna be right back with the Ron Burgundy Podcast after this message, which sire, Oh my god. Okay, keep listening, Carolina. How how excited are you for our guest today? I'm very excited on the podcast. I'm gonna be honest, and you know me very well. I'm not often starstruck. I mean more often than not. I don't think you've ever seen me. I did see you chase Princess Leo once down Hollywood Bull, I did a sweaty six ft tall Princess Leiah. But yes, that was the only time I've seen you really freak out. Yeah, but I mean this next, guys. I have been a tremendous fan of her for a long time, and though many of you know her as a bona fide pop's sensation, her her story is not one of overnight success. It's a It's a story of determination, survival, and undeniable talent. As a songwriter and a solo artist, she creates music that is somehow deeply personal and at the same time universal. She's also a very private person, a star who shines so bright that she shuns the spotlight. Yes, I wrote that. Wow for her, it isn't necessary. She turns that spotlight back on us, the audience, and makes us reflect what is the concept of celebrity? What is art? What is music? I consider it a gift that she's allowed us to go deep with her today and remove the mask and let us now swing from the true chandelier that is Siah. Oh, Hello, Siah, How are you? Hello? Sia? I'm sorry? It is it is me, um Hi, I'm great, good, wonderful. Commonly people call me Sia. Also it works for me. No, You've got to be kidding me. I've worked, I worked so hard on that intro and I'm I'm a huge fan, and it's it's Sia. I'm so embarrassed. I've actually never seen you work, so I'm so embarrassed. I feel like a boob. Oh brother, will you accept my apologies? Sia, certainly will I'm a big fan of yours. Thank you. Wow. But look, I'm not just saying these. These aren't just platitudes that I'm making up. I'm a serious fan. I go back to zero seven, before your first solo album and night Only se Right, that's that's your I'm an O G gosh, it's Cia. All this time, I've been saying Sia. Oh, but you probably used to get that years ago, right. I would prefer it because, um, pretty much everyone everyone thinks they're the first person to make the joke, say so you would actually welcome it if you, you know, stepped into an auditorium of ten thousand screaming fans and they were all going, sih yeah Si, yeah, yeah, that would be lovely. That would be lovely. It would be lovely. Wait, okay, I'm sorry, see you hold on once. Something's going on here. This is a long, practical joke that my friends and the crew here have been playing on me for years. You have all been letting me say Sia on purpose. Carolina, are you in on this? I'm sorry. You just know how much you love to see and we thought it would be a funny prank. How did you never see anyone say her name? How did you never hear anyone say her name as Cia for all these years? But no idea, it's weird. I guess I would just so focused on see his music. Normally i'd be furious at all of you, but this is really funny. I wouldn't worry about it. I had a lot of problems saying words when I was growing up, you and me both. Yeah, I was like, uh, like I didn't know how many nas Banana hadn't it could go on forever? No, no, no, no, no no no, yeah, it could go on. And then I also couldn't say elbow. I couldn't say that el and the elbow. Um My dad would say elbow and I'd say bow and would you would you draw it out like that? Yeah? Yeah, and then you go nearly nearly I could. I couldn't say uh, I couldn't say refrigerator. Well, I still have trouble refrigerator, refrigerator, refrigerator. Yeah, so I just called it a fridge. That's uncomfortable. Comfortable, Oh, uncomfortable imfortable. That's kind of a door. And of course nuclear and for nuclear war, which I was terribly afraid of as a child. Computer I used to switch up put an R in their computer. I'm gonna go on the computer anyway. You guys have a lot in common. I guess we did. That's that's not That's not the worst thing, isn't me and I have a lot in common? Okay, I'll take it. Hey, run are you single? Yes? I am? I certainly am. Did your voice just drop? No? This is my normal. But anyway, see, yes, I am currently single. How could it be? Well, that's what I tell Carolina all the time. She makes fun of me for being single, and I'm like, look, this is strange, strange that I'm single. Yeah, I'm not. I'm not. I wouldn't saying I I do a lot of gallivanting around town. So you're not a virgine. Get out of town you But no, no, no, no, no face sor yeah, I'm starting to sweat. You got me? Never let him see a sweat, that's what they that's what they say in the news game. Never let him. Yes, thank you, Bengo. Wow, this is a real banter. Um. I mean, Carolina, you have to back me up on this and no more jokes and this is the truth. But I am. I can you tell see what a die hard fan I am. Oh my god. I mean Ron always says that the people who were first exposed to see his music from the ending of six ft Under, we're total posers. Thank you, thank you. See, I'm telling you I was there before breathe me not that, not that I didn't cry my eyes out like the rest of the world with that song at the end of six ft under. Okay, no, no, we're not going to go there. I'm gonna start crying just thinking about it right now whenever he thinks about the marriage of your song and the end of six ft under. Okay, Hey, professional atmosphere, Okay, let me put myself together. Got this interview is off to a terrible start. I feel like a total boob. I'm sorry. Eat, that's two times you've said you feel like a boom. Isn't a bad thing. Let me just try to try to correct myself, collect myself. Correct. I gotta come correct like O g that you exactly exactly. I want to go back to your work with Crisp. Oh yeah, I always appreciate because I think we both share a love of jazz fusion. Do you love jazz fusion? Well, I certainly did. Then and I actually I have to say, I still I still do you still enjoy some Yeah? We called ourselves, um what was it? A hip hop jazz fusion explosion. That's what we called ourselves at the time, hip hop pop jazz infusion fusion, yes, confusion, um yeah, and that we yeah yeah. And he and our bass player, he's to say, when things were cool, he would be like that, that is crisp. Okay, that's why. Yeah, that's why we called ourselves crisp, because we wanted to be cool in the eyes of our bass players. Oh. I just assumed you enjoyed what we call over here potato chips. Oh I don't. I don't not. You do not enjoy a crisp It's true. I like those Hawaiian ones. I don't know if I'm familiar with the Hawaiian ones. Hawaiian chips, Hawaiian barbecue chips, like barbecue flavor. They're just Hawaiian chips. They just, oh gosh, they're so yummy. I I'm actually an animal rights activist. Everyone knows this, and it's something you and I have in common. I like that. I just want you to know I use only cruelty free cologne I'm currently wearing is totally cruelty free. I'm really proud of you. It was actually it was tested Tho was tested on Mobi. He tests all my cologes for me. Yes, I have him tests most good food. He's a good dude. That movie he's certainly a good dude, and he's doing everything he can with his celebrity to help them animals. I know animal rights is a big part of your life. Can we just speak on that for a moment, because it's an issue, like I said, close to both of our arts, except for kangaroos, they're just evil. But um, but for for for many reasons, including environmental, Do we do we need to look at more plant based diets? Is that? Yes? For sure? The best one is impossible Possible foods. Impossible burgers are the most delicious thing in the world. I had one didn't almost just like exactly like beef, and you couldn't even tell the difference. I walked into my butcher and I just gave him the middle for anger. So take that. I just impossible, and he had no idea what to make of it. I broke his glass case in his shop and just pummeled him with a bunch of pork chops said, how dare you This impossible burger blows you away? Good? I'm so glad. I mean, not about the violence part, but just then impossible burger part. I felt good about the violence. I don't know, because I don't give it a lot of fist fights. I only I although that I guess you're really you fall under my rules for violence, which is I would only want to punch someone or cook someone who had hurt like a dog. So you guess. I guess they've heard a lot of animals. Sometimes there's those nippy dogs like you know, no, run, okay, you sure you want to make a good impression like a lopso aso or something like that, give a little backhand. No, no, you do? You know you know what I say, run, I say, if your dog does something wrong, roll the newspaper up and hit yourself in the head with it, because it's always your fault. Were the dogs doing wrong? Though? I thought you were gonna say something totally different. I thought you were gonna say, take a piece of newspaper and go to the bathroom on it in the corner. Oh yeah, well, I mean you can do a little pe bad, little human p bad. M hmm. I tried diapers once because I love watching television so much. Yeah, every was that sensation. It was, well, here's exactly what happened, is that I pay every thirty thirty seconds thirty minutes um usually, and so I was really frustrated because I was watching a lot of television, which I'm addicted to. He was terrupting the flow. It was interrupting my television. So I ordered some diapers on Amazon whilst lying down watching television, and then they arrived and I put them on and I and then I watched television until I needed to pee. And then I tried to pee, and I realized my body wouldn't let me pee clothes on, lying down, It just wouldn't let me. And then so then I stood up, and I was like, can I pee? Will? I can be in the shower? Why can't I pee? Now? I couldn't be in the diaper standing up with clothes on. So then I went to the toilet and I had to sit on the toilet wearing the diaper, and then I could pee, And then you finally could. It sounds like you need to sue the manufacture of the diaper company. It's weird, it's certainly. I have no idea what happened, but it was not useful for me and my problem. Ron had a previous girlfriend actually, who wore diapers for a road trip. She's an astronaut. Oh yeah, this was an act. She broke my heart and just letting you know. The one day we met in a silver shop, really the only good silver shop in San Diego. Fork it up, I was. I was looking for an oyster fork for Baxter. Anyway, let's not talk about her. Um, I want to talk about you. See can you, I mean, do you have look? In addition to your brilliant solo career, you've written so many songs for other artists. Can can you indulge us in explain to our audience what a top line songwriter is? Yes? Um, well, you know how when you listen to a song, there's music and instruments, and then on top of that there's singing, melodies and harmonies and words lyrics. Yeah. So, well, a top line writer is the person in charge of the melody and the singing and all of the harmonies parts and the words. Yeah. Well, to me, it's the easy bits and the words but to some people it's the hard bits, like to me that it would be really hard to be a producer, which is what the name of the person who takes care of all the music is. Oh yeah, Plus they're the shady people, aren't they? The producers. Well, I managed to find a pretty good bunch on a whole, I'd say, yeah, okay, so on a whole. It's an industry of sleeves balls. But you found a handful of good ones. I did. I have found the good. Eat so many, so many hits written by you, see a fuller I mean Diamonds by Rihanna. You wrote that it's so weird, shine bright like a diamond, Shine like a diamond sing it. I obviously can't do it as well as Rihanna. Yeah, she's pretty, she's amazing. I thought, well, I actually thought me on that demo when they played me finally her cut of the song, and I thought they were pranking me because she had it was so perfectly exactly the way that I had the demo that I had sent over, and so that's what that was weird. And then so I'm like, my Rihanna or is Rihanna me sure? But I often have that same daydream. Is there anything I can do vocally to make it make my voice sound more like Rihanna? Yeah, you could bring it up a little bit more into your nose, trying to bring like a diamond. That's much better, but else that's also sounds you really like one of the muppets. Well, I don't want to sound not also not a bad thing. I want to sound like Rihanna. He's like same, right, Diamon. I guess it's in the throat and then the nose face j Jame read like a diamond. It was closer to something like sir uh, let's see shame right dying? Yeah, okay it run, just push it out. You know you're hearing footsteps, aren't you. Rihanna's exactly Look see, I don't want to embarrass you, but I'm just gonna list off some of the artists that you've written songs for because it's it's truly amazing. Okay, So here we go, Kelly Clarkson, Shakira, pit Bull, Beyonce, Katie Perry, Brittney Spears, Maroon five, Maroon six, Average White Band, Bo Donaldson, and Haywoods. I mean you wrote their song Billy don't be a hero. Incredible, incredible, It's true. But my best work was The Wind Cries Mary, The Wind crist Mary by Jimmie Hendriks And me, what I mean, what is that like collaborating with an artist as a songwriter. I mean, do you ever do you ever have to say, hey, pit Bull, that lyric you just wrote his crap? Fix it? Because you don't know. I would be intimidated to say that to pit Bull. Well, I'll sometimes challenge somebody, depends on their their temperament, but most of the time I'm just there to work for them, and I um, I managed their stations and their egos, and well, I turn off. I'm not seeing the pop star when I work for somebody, I'm seeing the songwriters. So they are above me. And so I think you're too nice. I think you're being too nice. Thanks. But I I think that's the reason I get to write so many good, fun pop songs with so many people is because I'm not a jerk. I know. I just go in there and I'm like, at your service, sm'am or at your service, sir, yes, And I say how are you feeling? And we talked about the feelings, and then we wrote a song about that. Usually what pull feeling usually people it was I didn't make people until after I'd already written that song, which was definitely not supposed to be me singing on it, because I am certainly not shutting down any clubs once again. I would be intimidated by pit bull. He was a good cuddler. I met him just once afterwards, and they gave me a big dog and it was a little beautiful. It's good to know. It's something we don't know about old pit bulls. He loves a good cuddle. He's a good cuddler, you know. Truth be told. I dabbled around some songwriting myself. I I'm embarrassed to say this, but I'm gonna say it anyway. I co wrote the theme song to the the old TV show Punky Brewster. Do you remember that show? That was one of my favorite? Oh? Really? Yeah? Yeah? Me and a guy named Gary Portnoy wrote that one together. Oh. She was like one of my fashion icons. The other was Whoopie Goldberg um, and then Eddie um uh it's the comedian Eddie Murphy. Yeah, Leddie Murphy. I didn't write a song for him. They were my fashion icons. Well, I askew with I went onto a fashion. The only bomber is I didn't get credit for writing the Punky Brewster theme. It's still in litigation, so I'm sorry. I believe you. Oh okay, you cut it out, but maybe you can help me as a character witness when it does go to court. Well yeah, okay, okay done. I mean, I've got a lot of free time. We'll send contracts over to you. Back to your incredible career. So Shandelier was obviously a huge breakthrough hit. Did you Did you know when you were recording that song that it was just going to be gigantic? I didn't. I recorded it and then I sat down and I was like, oh, I think this one. I like it too much to give away. But then I was like, I was like nah, and so I sent it over to Rihanna and then Rihanna rejected it, and I was like, oh good, And I felt because I had sellers remorse as soon as I pressed send, So um I kept it, and I was really pleased because sometimes I had to get like I gave bird Set free went to a couple of different people before, and I had sellers remorse every time Rihanna an Adele, and then I had sellers remorse both times, but then both times I got it back just because that it didn't end up on their records, and I was relieved. You don't back to chandelier. I think what you really capture something, because people see chandeliers every day, and there's not a day goes by where a person doesn't see a chandelier, and if they're if they're lucky, they own at least three of them, like I do. So, Carolina, how many chandeliers do you own? I don't own a chandelier, and I don't really see them every day. See, people probably send you a free chandelier all the time. You must be sick of having just chandeliers being sent to you, right. Actually, the only person who ever sent me anything even resembling a chandelier with Celine Dion. But it was more of an abstract work of art, and she made it herself and I love her. I love her too. She hasn't sent her I love her three Yeah, I know she has yet to send me anything. Well, whenever you're performing in Vegas, just let her know, because that apparently that's all I mean. I don't know if she makes presents for everybody that comes through Vegas. But I couldn't believe the presents, so that she sent me flowers and roses, and she sent me a beautiful, weird esque sort of lamp like a chandelier, but it had all bits and Bob's like my past record artwork on it. Well, don't you, I mean, don't you think? Chandelier is an aspirational song and it says, Hey, world, one day, I'm I'm going to be so effing rich. I can walk into a chandelier store and go nuts and swing around like a maniac and wreck the place and I'll pay for the damages like it's nothing. Well, I mean, that's something I related to in the song. I actually did that one. You've heard, You've heard, You've heard the song, You've heard completely destroyed a chandelier store? Have you heard the song run? I think he's greatly misinterpreting the song. I just I was just thinking you might have missed the point just a little bit. But it's also open to interpretation. I mean, that's what's absolutely that's what's great. It is once I put it out, it belongs to you. Well, seriously, though, I do feel bad about the thousands of dollars in damages I caused at the Chandelier store Inventura, and I'm still making payments on that every month. But that was the old run. That was like two months ago. I you know, I want to talk about the way you match your music to visuals, whether it's your stage shows or the incredible music videos you've done with Maddie Ziegler. Can we talk about her? What? What a discovery? Wow, she's my little munchkin. She's my friend now still I sort of, she's still like it, but she's not literally a munchkin, is she? She's not. Actually, I just want to make the listeners no, because it's about yes exactly. Of course that was sorry. It was a real was a real misleading statement I made there. But she's very special to you, toll special. She's going to be eighteen in September, and I met her when she was eleven, and I love her very much as a daughter, and um yeah, and sometimes I squeeze her really tight and I say, am I smothering you? And she goes, no, come closer, because I would be like, get off me, lady. Yeah, I know I would be too, but you have a special relationship. I guess that's that's to be snuggled. That's wonderful to hear. Can I ask you this? Do you see music visually? How does the melody? I don't have synesthesia, but I do Um. I get out of the way and then it just comes through. So I believe, like whatever your higher power is or whatever you believe in, I guess just comes like I sort of pop out of the way and then I channel whatever that higher power is. I I do not see music when I close my eyes. No, I don't either, But my friend Labyrinth does. He totally sees it. And that's called synesthesia and is stead of disease. Well, it's not a disease, as it's not treatable, but it's when two or more sensations get together. So he only has a couple wants to live. It's gonna be fine. Oh, he's fine, Okay, it's fine. I sometimes see, well, I'll see little squiggly dots, you know, when I close my eyes, and I'll give them names like Fred or Steve or Cassandra. Are they there for that long? Well, I don't know. I don't know. I just told you that that's weird. I'm being weird, not at all. I'm just a little nervous. It happens. That's like the dumbest thing I've ever said. Okay, it's just an aura. Probably, See how we live in this culture of celebrity that can quite frankly, be very toxic. And you navigated so well, what are your thoughts on celebrity? Yucky? Yes? Right, pretty yucky? Yucky? Yep, so I just got just famous enough to notice it was yucky before I um decided to quickly put wigs on it, taking measures to counteract that. Very very good on you. Yes, I swiftly realized fame wasn't for me, and I realized that the only thing missing in pop was mystery, So why not take up that space? So smart, smart cookie, Let's see you telling your Carolina. I know he see that little sound you admitted you emitted, emitted, Emit shows signs of intelligence. It's true. A dolphin like a dolphin exactly. M m m hm. Did you ever see Day of the Dolphin? Hello, Oh, oh my gosh, you're really good at that. Talk about a movie that will make me cry. Day the Dolphin? That is that really a movie? It really is Okay, I'm going to go see it as soon as look it up, because you know, I woke up ten minutes before this interview, and then I spilled coffee on my pants, and then I realized the dog had showed my shoelace, so I had to find a spare shoelace, and I thread my shoelace on the way here to the studio and got my shoe on just in time, and then walked in just on time to be in conversation with you here, um and um. Now, as soon as we're finished, I'll be going to get back into bed to watch because I have a projector that projects onto my ceiling. And you're going to pop in Day of the Dolphin YEP with George C. Scott. Sure see. I I asked this a lot of guests, But how do you deal with the haters? You know? I just don't go on any social media, so I have my managers they manage my social media, and occasionally I have Twitter on my phone so I can say something if I want to, But then I actually have the self will to not go back on and look at anything that they say back unless I know it's going to be a nice conversation like I just said, hey, I love you. What are you guys watching purs usage? Because you don't need that bull crap. No, it was part of why again another reason I just thought, oh, I don't like being famous at all. Because there was a period where they were like die, goldfish die, and I was like, I look like a goldfish. Well I don't think. It was like thank you, and then I'll like die, horse face die. I was like, do I look like a horse of a horse face? And yeah, horses are beautiful creatures. Well I think so too, But at the time I just felt a little shocking because I thought I had a human face, and so I was made me feel really uncomfortable and sad and insecure. Um yeah, and then so the when I got off it Twitter, Yeah, well I'm still on it. I'm still getting pummeled. Actually asks people what they think about how he works all the time, because eventually someone will say something nice. I like to away, your eyes are so little that my eyes are so little? Yeah, and that's so little. I wish. I wish I hadn't heard that before, but I've heard I heard a lot of little beady eyes like a rat. They call me rat face. That's the animal I get a lot. I love them. They're beautiful. It's because I think the uniqueness is beautiful and they're uniquely little. You don't see it. Gosh, forgive me if this is totally inappropriate. Whatever you're gonna say, this is totally inappropriate, Carolina, Relax. I am not going to do anything inappropriate. I just have to admit that the whole time during this interview, I've been sensing a vibe and I'd be kicking myself if I didn't go for this moment. Just don't see you. I would I would like to ask you out for a romantic dinner. Well, I would love to come because although I am very busy watching television in my diaper um most of the time, which I so far, so good. I actually my adopted son, he's turned eighteen and you know, so he's out there in the world, and I do have time. I have made time. I have my time for love. So you would got totally go on a date with you. Totally, by the way, so you do not have to do this. This is yeah, and thanks no, but truly I am interested in uh yeah, I'm interested in that idea that is wonderful. That's just absolutely what you are. Beautiful. See a fuller and I know a wonderful vegan restaurant. It's intimate, and we'll go and we won't talk about the biz. We'll just get to know each other and I swear I'll be a total gentleman. Okay, I'm sure you will run. I can't believe this is happening. This, this is amazing. Um. So there you have it. Will we will make arrangements for this date Sea, Yeah, I'll probably pick you up. Does eight pm work? Yeah? Okay, that gives me enough time to watch the Dolphin movie before perfect. We'll have something to talk about. That's great exactly until you won't have to worry and I won't have to worry about what we're going to talk about. I will be pulling up in my beige Catalina and I don't know what that is. I'll good before it's a very very highly sought after muscle car from the from the mid seventies. Sounds great, I see I. I just can't thank you enough for joining us today and it's just been extraordinary. Caroline. Do you mind writing down my my phone number for see you there? Sure? It's one eight hundred. It's an eight hundred number. Yeah, I'll get it to your manager. That's the beginning of the suicide hotline. Um, people, it's it's not it's one number off. Trust me, it's one number off. Alright. Um. He feels a lot of hard calls. So see I I'll I'll see you in a in about six or seven hours. That sound good? Yay, okay, right, and I'm going to shine bright like a diamond for you. Yes, I'm right, like like a naming. That's right. That's um, see a fuller. We can't thank you enough for being on the podcast, and I can't thank you enough for what this adventure may lead to. Um. One more just slightly heartbreaking thing for you, probably is that actually see a furler. Oh my god. But don't worry because I don't care further. I'm sorry. Look, if you don't, if you don't want to have this date, I understand now because I've blown your first name in your last name, and because guess what, I have my friends call me something entirely different, both of those things. So the dates still on. It's still on. She called it a date. It's a date, Carolina, I have a date. It's unambiguously a date, Fler. Okay, so what do we do now? Is anyone known? Do we think we will a commercial? Do we do? Okay? This is Ron Burgundy and I'm going on a date with c So everyone else can suck my fat one. Okay, we'll be right back on the Ron Burgundy podcast. That's okay, And we are back with the Ron Burgundy Podcast. And oh my god, today's episode. Was that not just the greatest episode we've ever done. I mean it's not even an episode. It's transcendent. It is literally the greatest moment in my life and probably in your measly life, Carolina. Right? Am I right? Texting manager? Or am I wrong? And if I'm wrong, I don't care because I know I'm right. I'm just waiting to see what's going on here. I don't know they're little cupids dancing above your head right now, Carolina, what an incredible, credible moment. I mean, I don't know if this was a dare or I'm texting with CIA's manager about what plans for our date. Look reminds Cia that I'm going to pick her up around eight and and ask her to pack enough clothes for a week, also to pack for tropical weather, but also for no I'm texting him to see if CEO was joking. I feel like maybe she was joking or it is a bet or something or what. I'm just wait, what is that text? I'm texting him right now. I'm just trying to see, well, what did he say? Did he right back? I'm I see him at Derek Off. Oh my god, this is real. Her manager just Texted's cio really likes Ron and it's excited to get to know him more. I'm so it just seems so unlikely. Okay, So that means I'm going to delete my Riot account. That means I'm getting serious. Listen as your friends, colleague, but continue as your colleague. I just want you to know that you should just play it cool. This is a really amazing woman. You don't want to blow it. Um, I know, Okay, you don't think I know. Wait do you think I'm going to blow it? What? Why are you trying to get me nervous? Or is this reverse psychology and you're you're trying to make me calm? Oh my god? Wait do I pronounce her name Saia or Sia? Now? I've forgotten. Okay, you'll be great. Oh gosh, Carolina, I pray I don't start as sweating. You know when I get the sweat mark in the down, the crack down, the crack of mine jeansine before the shocking. It's shocking because it's a major imprint out there. It looks like I sat in a puddle. Don't overthink it, but think of what you usually do, um and do something close to the opposite, the exact opposite of your normal behavior. So, okay, I usually go to a steakhouse. Since she's a vegan, exactly, you'll take her to it. To the zoo, not too close, actually far away. Listeners, you're on this romantic roller coaster with me. You're gonna want to strap in for this. It doesn't matter. The Ron Burgundy Podcast is a production of I Heart Radio. I'm Ron Burgundy. The host, writer and executive producer. Carolina Barlow is my co host, writer and producer. Our producer is Nick Stump. Our talent coordinator is annas Day. Writers are Andrew Steele and Jake Fogo mist this episode, Who's engineered, mixed and edited by Nick Stone. Until next time. This is Ron Berg and he got to keep it out, and it don't matter you are if I'm doing my job. It's Gors that wag because the whole brings U