
Gilly the Clown

Published Jul 14, 2022, 10:00 AM

Ron and Carolina are terrorized by Gilly The Clown, who teaches us about death. 

He's a sexy sexy man, sexy sexy plan because he ain't no stuck us looking so funny. You try like a drucker, clean like a plank, you the solid jucker fool wheel, try so we never get a guy right so far to get up a lot of band wins. And he's a god y he ain't no stand and he doesn't have chs on a nighttime stand, which because everybody knows he's the Fergens. He banded The Ron Burgundy Podcast Live from Lago and Holley Rod, California. Put your hat chuck out of a round fag. Thank you, thank you. Wait, oh my god, wow that is ah. That is like rocket fuel for me. I haven't been around people for a long time. Thank you for coming out. It's just amazing to be here and you're all masked up and we really appreciate it. I can still see your beautiful eyes. I mentioned this the other night. I prefer it. I don't need to know what's below here. All I need just give me those peoples. Carolina, you look so lovely tonight. You really do. I notice you really up your game once we're get in front of people. No, no, no, no, no, I don't mean it that. I mean yeah, I'm I just put makeup because we're doing a show. That's okay? Yes, is that a new week? No? This is my hand, that's your real hair. Yeah. We've known each other for how long now? And I always thought you were a wig. You learned something new every day, don't you. I just want to thank everyone for coming out. The ticket sales um are raising money for International Rescue Committee, which is helping families in the Ukraine. So don't worry. I'll get my take somehow. No, it's old Ronnie always needs to dip his beak, and uh it will get dipped. Some of the proceeds are going over to the Gentleman's Club Sin across the street. Um, let's let's not leave that out. How often you got to send? Um? Well, I'll be there right after the show tonight, and I'm only there four days a week, and I take a lot of lunch meetings, so ours probably out of we'll have multiple lunche meetings. Yes, three hour block. Have my table right over in the corner, and uh order the prime rib h horshish, dream spinach. You gotta have dream spinach. Um, Oh, what are what are the puffy potatoes? Um, yes, thank you. That's why she always looks at me so weird. I'm like, give me a puffy potato with chives and sour cream. It's a fake baked potato. And it's called that because they put it in the oven. They bake it right, baked potato. I might do a baked potato at home one of these days. You you should, so you just jam your oven full of potatoes. No, no, it doesn't have to like, don't. Probably should pack as many potatoes as you can get in there, because then you're done for like a month. Or would that be considered a fire ahead Arson? Yeah? Maybe we don't know. That's you know what, that's what's fascinating. I'm I'm I was about to say, I'm really intrigued by people who can study Arson. You know, Arson is is where where it came. No, no, no, I'm not in favor of. But when there is a fire somewhere in the fire department shows up and they have like the friends like Specialist who are like, oh, someone made this fire. Nine times out of ten, it's an oven jammed with baked potatoes. Arsonist signature. That's a signature move they open up oven. But Arson, it was Arson. It is good to be It's really great to be here in a theater in front of people, and I'm just, uh, does it feel all right to be in a group? Yeah? I was thinking maybe we could do some icebreakers, just in case. You know, you're you're feeling strange sitting next to each other. So raise your hand if you've okay, it doesn't really matter. Most of you are shrouded in darkness, so it's not just just have fun. Play a look, okay, okay, raise your hand if you've if you've ever cheated on a test, yeah, great school. Whoa a bunch of dirty cheaters? And raise your hand. If you've ever played hooky? Yeah, of course, little blue flue for some of the cops in here, right, we usually have of our audience are our officers of the LAWE Okay, here's a here's a spicy one. Rais ahead. I have you ever made out in a movie theater? Okay, you're gissing your hand. Oh that's okay. Now raise your hand. If you've ever given uh, some clean urine to your friend for a drug test? Anyone, raise us show of hands. A couple over there. Okay, um, okay, well look, just a suggestion. I'm gonna leave the Scotch classed right here on the end of my table here, And if anyone is full of urine in the next hour, and it happens to be clean and you're feels so inspired, just wander up onto the stage, grab the glass and have at it. Uh if you if you feel like it for no reason, well, I'm so sorry. What I'm gonna do when they pee in your glass, well they'll just leave it with Flann again, the owner of this stag, Flann, Are you good with that? And and and and I'm so say, why do you need clean urine so badly? Aren't you drug tested? I am, but I I'm not doing any illegal drugs. Are you doing any illegal drugs? I'm not. No, I'm not doing. Don't you This feels weird, It feels awkward, but you're making it all because it was. It was so fine. And all I did. We were playing a fun game. It was called Icebreakers, and I just happened to land on my last one. They're all randomly selected randomly, and I just said, here's a fun one off the top of my head. That I wrote down on a card. Uh, does anyone want a peanut glass and call her today and we'll just keep it up by the bar and we'll just you know, we'll market. But the Scotch tape this says clean urine. Please save for someone who was involved in tonight's show initials r B. There's nothing going on. You just don't know when you might need a small supply of clean urine. Case closed. I'm you know what, we don't have to worry about it. By the way, with the new travel regulations, they're they're checking you have to wear a mask to fly a prison vaccination and you have to have a small amount of clean earine. So I'm just I'm going to Bermuda next week and I just want to have enough clean eurine. Nothing wrong with that, I guess. Well. We actually, before we get on the their show, we have some listeners who wrote in these beautiful letters. And actually one of them comes from this young sweet boy named Nathaniel, and he wrote in the cutest letter about how he looked you're joining yourself. Yeah, okay, right, you don't have to, don't have to. Don't put it close to if I get doesn't sound good, okay enough, And I've been so sorry. I'm so sorry. This is beautiful, this is incredible. Who booked the mariachi band? I think you guys are in the wrong place. I'm so sorry because that was amazing. That was amazing. Who booked a mariachi That's so weird because we had a breakdown of the show that was time to the minute, and I said, I know who booked a mariachi band? Who would have done that? I don't know. I don't know either. I didn't, did you know? I didn't. It was so week. Maybe you ran up there grabbed at trump Well, no, I was kind of panicked because I've always heard if you're ever in this same public space with a mariachi band and there is a trumpet or some sort of woodwind instrument close by, grab it and start playing, just to be a part of the group. Contain. Contain who saw that flugel horn over there right beautiful? That centuries horn, antique, Civil War gorgeous? And I tried to I tried. You played your heart out. I played my heart out. Not a lot of sound came out of the horn. A lot of sound came out like right here, and was like air and I've never played it before. Sorry, I don't know. I assumed you would. You guys, we have phrases of the day here and if anything else like that happens, I just hope you guys can join me and just saying we've spent three hours on what did you just say? What? Oh? Cool it, bro? Maybe a little more like confrontational cool bro? You cool it all right? I said to me, Mark, you love a tuss all. I still have long haul. Um very forgetful. I literally forget moments like that. I didn't remember in that split second that you would already instructed the audience to say cool it, bro, And then when you did it again, I thought they were they were coming at me. Well we you said you had some headlines. But you know what's cured long haul clean urine. It's not real quick. I just want to circle. Um. I found this great little gourmet restaurant. You're a big foodie, aren't you. Do you have any foodies here? People love? I mean, l A has become such a food scene, right. I don't know if you've heard of this place called House of Pies. Oh you have, I didn't know. Oh, it's a little hole in the wall place. I just stumbled across it, and they've got all these pies fresh strawberry cream seasonal. It is, yes, sweet ripe strawberry covering a creamy vanilla custard filling, topped with glaze and whipped cream. You said that you were going to read the news headlines key lime, a burst of flavor and every bite in everybody, give me a break. How are you gonna get? That makes me want to get key lime and just have a bite and go. First bite, burst of flavor, second bite, burst of flavor. Third not so much. Yeah, not now. Southern peakcam uh large toasted peacons blended into our signature peacampo filing a lemon leg o, your southern Give me a little sweet tea. Went to house of pies. You know, I started in a community theater. Tennessee, Williams. Is your That was my Stanley Ducci? Is he here tonight? If by any chance Stanley stand Kowalski, Yes, yes, I was Stanley Kowalski's brother Dave. Very experimental version of Tennessee, Williams. What do you do with your your shoulders? Again? Looks because it's sultry. It's a soultial night. The whole play takes place during a sultry night. It's too hot to sleep. So Dave would always come in with a piece of peak campie and I would say, anyone can have a peak CAMPI and they'd say not now, Uncle David. How many lines that you have in the play? I had two lines, the same line, two full first act, second act. Brother kept on coming in. Yeah, people would just say no, they say no, They just say not now, Uncle Dave. Because then I was like, God, let me, let me deliver the peak can't die. Oh my god. Cream pies, banana chocolate, German chocolate, Bavarian chocolate, Bavaria chocolate. But what what's going on? Wait? So you went into the House of Pies and and had such a good time you took two pages from their menu and just left. That's exactly what. Well. I went to House of Pies, uh, looking for a good piece of fried chicken, And I said, what else have you got? And You're like, well, mostly we have pies. Well as much as we There were also a lot of people working on math equations. Do you know what the numeric value of pies? Let's go Malibu, Hi, right, here. I'm I. I stumble off at three point one four three point one four nine seven six eight four three nine to zero zero one for seven asterisk. That was pretty good. That has not left my brain. But what left your brain was me telling the audience blackout. That shook me to my core. We do have a fun gas, We do have a great fun. I can't wait for you guys to be fun. We bring out our fun guess. Okay, don't don't do it. Don't do it, hey, guys, guys please, Yeah, I'm so sorry. That was I don't know why you keep coming out here. No one called you to come here. Thank you so much. Yees again. That will be a mystery as to how they showed up here. We'll never know who called them ever, because the documents were burned. The document there was a document was that what that small trash fire was outside the small That was a small trash fire which was a combination of documents and baked potatoes. Um, heck, let's do it. Let's bring out our guest. I am so excited for this guest. How many of you have ever been to the circus? Who? Yeah? Like three people? Oh that was a double fist pump right there. You're like Circus is in town. Yes, I love the circus. That's my man right there. Well we have and I am a fan of this art form. I I gotta tell you it is. It is pure as it's just. Oh, I get I get giddy what I think about it. You didn't call me yesterday say oh my god and hung up the phone. Yes, and I thought I couldn't even finish my thoughts. It was, oh my god. What I was saying is Carolina, guess what I booked as our first guest. Please welcome Gilly the clown. You can't sorry for those of you listening at home, Gilly just tripped him sound really hard. I thought it had coffee all over that. Now we just threw a Starbucks cup looking fetty all over this lady. And she's not happy. My bad. So I may make you balloon real quick. He's doing balloon animals. Here you go. This is what I do. You know by the ancient Greeks, they're so sorry about that. That stuff will wash off the blue one. Now he's doing a Greek He's combining the two. Guess like a caterpillar floor. I want you to have one too, Okay, here you go. Now it's a sword, but I want you to have some two since you're sitting right next to him. Okay, here you go. This is another sword for you. Okay, had another sword? Yeah? Um, would you come over here, sir, real quick? I know someone else did like a sword. Keep doing your act, Keep doing your acts. Okay, look, would you here you go? This right here? Hold out your hand please, it's an earthworm. Okay for you those listening at home, he didn't blow it up any ended, he called, so without further ado, I would like to hold a race. Is that? Okay? What are you gonna do? Well, I'm just gonna have a race real quick. Okay, did no one moves? Okay, it's like you're on break. Okay, here we go. So here we go. I'm gonna go ahead and roll up this sin and once I roll up this in, I'm gonna roll up to the other end and both ends we rolled up. Oh sorry, what are you manipulating? Right? Sorry about this? Yeah, you can't see. N roll up this in like this so you can see. And then okay, oh I gotta hold it. Kevin rolled this thing like this, and we're roll up the smoll like this. So raise your hand. If you think the big end is gonna win the race, raise your hand. I think the big one. Okay, raise your hand. If you think the little one's gonna Oh, I changed my mind. I think one like the little Raise your hand. If you don't care at all, completely apathetic, that's cool. I like apathetic people fans. Ok, here we go. I'm a cat to have three down to two down in one cat with me? When more time raising for the big end? Raine, you don't give you heay counting down? Here we go, count with me, three two one. It's a tie. It's a time classic play onwards. It always was a tie, always works. I'm gonna steal that from you, my friend. I hope you do. I hope you did. Mr Burgundy, Oh, hold about this whole thing, Sorry about everybody, hopeful. Excuse me, Oh you've suffered so much already. I apologize. That's been the good thing about the mask. And sneeze right into him, you know, no one ever knows. Just sneeze into hank. Sneeze right in here, just kind of make you pay with your books. Torting the handkerchief in a certain way. Do you ever feel like, Oh, the handkerchief is coming to life. The books are attacking him. He's getting emotional. As for those listening at home, you're missing one of the most beautiful things I've seen in my life. Now, I was just gonna kip him. He's owing sweet nothings. Oh it just smacked the bookers. Just smacked you in the face. Yeah, it happens. I would like to do a final sort of thing if that's okay, Well, sure, but you're not leaving us, are you know. I'm gonna juggle two chickens and a club who As far as I know, it has never been done before. This is good. Here we go, give me drummer on your legs please, he's juggling. Yes, thank you very much. Thank you. I really appreciate that. You guys are too much. Thank you, Thank you so much. He squeeze my chicken. No, don't you can squeeze it though. There you go. It's mournful gilly there. Yes, sir, there's a lot of law enforcement in the audience, so just let's thank you for joining us. That was fantastic. Oh wait, what's happening? What did you do? I'm just gonna sit on the edge are you comfortable? There we go slide into it. I wish Micey did that. Oh I have something for you, Carolina. Oh, thank you. I'm a little scared. Oh my gosh, thank you so much. Welcome Those aren't real, just gilly. Where do you hail from? Originally? Uh? Texas? Originally like the state. Yeah, it's okay, you'll wake the others. Have you? Let me ask you this question? Have you ever killed a person with laughter? Because you almost killed me? Great question? No, I don't think I have. Thank you. Did you always want to be a clown or did your mother make you do it? Well? It was bad grades. Yeah, and then uh my mother did play a part in it, but she she bore me. Yeah yeah, no, yeah, you would without not really. If my mom hears that, she'd be really upset if I said that my mom is actually very fun. No, I'm sure. I mean, well, do you want to meet my mom? Don't look at me. I don't never met her. I wouldn't know if she's fun or not. But she'd assume she is. I mean, you're you're I think she is. You're a great fun I mean you mean fun fun? Like what do you mean fun? Fun? They went, No, I'm not suggesting anything. I'm just saying, I'm sure like you seem like a lot of fun. I'm sure your mom is is a barrel of laughs. And uh, you know, I'm sure you guys just sit around making a balloon swords with each other now. But that's great. This is a personal opinion of mine and I feel very strongly. But people who do stand up they seem like third rate clouds. It's like the lower echelon of clowning. Have you ever seen a funny stand up comedian. That's a trick question, right, No, no, no, I'm just saying, if you have, I'd love to I'd love to know who they are. Uh. The Encyclopedia Britannic a guy. That guy was pretty good. I'm not familiar, not familiar. I don't follow The guy did the commercials back in the eighties. Is he a stand up comedian? He was fine. So you've answered my question. There's no funny stand up comedians. Do you do you have a big makeup deal with maybe Lene or fenty Beauty by Rihanna? I mean you should. I mean you're out there all the time with makeup and you're doing your thing and has anyone ever approached you. I would be open to that because I think that would be like Rihanna's fenty line of clown makeup or just regular makeup. I'm I'm open to whatever. So you're open to that partnership? Yeah? Absolutely, I'm sad he is great. That's good to know. Let me write that down. Open to the Rihanna partner ship. Carolina has nightmares about clowns. What if you sat peacefully in the corner of her room while she slept? Don't you think that would help? Right? She'd have to pay me, Well, I would pay for it. Sure, I'm game. And how would do you think that would take a week, a month, a year. Well, if you worked really hard at it, we could probably get it done in a couple of weeks. Are you up for that? I couldn't. I couldn't have Gilly just he's just sitting staring at you. He's not blinking the entire night. Yes, okay, thank you, that right there. No, try to sleep right now, Okay, just relax and sleep drifting off all right, okay, I'm almost so I keep a distance, like, yeah, I think I think we'd have to rope off an area where you're not allowed to step into. Make sense. Um, I can play far, I can play far. I think that I think that as a form of therapy would work. Um are rodeo clowns, real clowns. Don't get me started with rodeo clowns, okay, because they're not really they're not doing they don't bring the act the way you do. They're just running around trying to not kill be killed by a bull. Right. Well, that's all clowns, oh, metaphorically speaking, Yeah, you're just avoiding death. You know. It's not a little kid punching in the balls. You know, you're just trying to avoid getting hit. You're running from death every day. That's basically what a clown is. That's what we all are though, if you think about it, keep going, just running along, running from death, just trying not to die, you know. And some of us have our faces painted right, yeah, with sponsorships. If you're listening, I've I've heard of clown schools, right and I'm not talking about Arizona State University. Uh uh, I need that just eventuate my jokes when people don't know that it's a joke. Did you did you go to clown school. Uh, to work on your training or is it? Are you all self taught? It's all been on the job training. Yeah, you say stuff like well I should have said that, or there's a lot of suit or they tell you know, Yeah, yeah, you learned the hard way. You learned the hard way while you're perpetually running from the grim reaper. It's pretty much it. Hospitals can be rough crowds. What do you do if you're bombing? That's a tough one, you know, I mean, you just I just I guess you you just clock out, you know, you try again the next day. Oh so you just leave the hospital. Yeah, it's like, hey see you later, try better tomorrow. You're only human, right, Yeah, No, we're not. We're flawed all over the place, and each day moving closer to death. Squeeze. No, I can't jog that from my memory. I wish I had long haul COVID right now, because all I keep thinking about is every day is a race against death. Thanks to Gilly over here, you're right, the insane clown Posse was insane. The joker was insane. Yeah, you don't seem insane. You're quite funny. I mean, what do you think of media representations of clowns? Thank you? How do you? Well? I mean, if I can be a little serial for a minute, you know, um, I do think that right now. Clowns get a bit of a bad rap, you know, I think, you know, Mime's kind of got it in the eighties and the nineties, I got it bad. I was good friends with I'm the godfather of shields and yardnails to child, so you know, you know I do. Yeah. They were reduced to tears many occasions. What a baby like? Their baby doesn't speak because they never spoke to it. So I had to read bedtime stories to the baby and how would it react? The baby was horrified because that was the only voice that ever heard because the rest of the time that was dinner time at their house. That was what that was like. For those of you listening on the podcast, we just a sandwich. We mind eating a sandwich, and we shared it sharing and sharing is caring. I'm not familiar with it. Long Hal, Long Hal, How do you feel about the movie It? What is it? Well, it's a very it's a it's a but it's called what It's What is it? It is a horrifying clown that lives in a neighborhoo it and lives underneath the street sewer change and chase his children and drags them into the sewer. It's in a new movie. It's relatively new, I would say, in the last fifteen years. It's scarier that you haven't heard of it. But what is it called? It's called it. That's is news to me. I haven't do you worry that you scared too many people. Let's say you were standing alone in the woods at night. What about them? What about them? Is that? Is that something you would do? Just scare the ship out of people in the woods. It's possible. It's possible, but no, but it's But it's possible for our listeners, Gilly just mouth maybe to rock, but no, I wouldn't do it in like, you know, for real, real right for our listeners. That's like it? That was it? Really? That did seem like it? Oh you're talking about Pennywise. Yeah, that's my cousin. He's gone Hollywood. No, that guys are really Oh you guys don't speak huh oh he said, well, man, I speak. He's a big shot now, he's a big shots of tesla. That is the current sign of opulence, and your dodge run and you're at a red light. The person next to you is in a nice blue tesla turns to you. What do you do? Clean urine all down on the front of my pants. I wet myself and then I just throat and reverse because that's the move. Don't speed ahead. They'll follow you anywise, we'll be following. Throw it into reverse and ram your way out. We had a president who was a clown. Um did all the clowns just love that the representation in the White House? He obviously did his own makeup to one shade, I believe it or not. I I was one of the clowns against it, against him. Yeah, in the minity, Yeah yeah, I guess so. I guess so I started my own group clowns against Trump. Didn't go to U right, small but vocal group, very vocal. Laughter is the best medicine. I don't know if you've ever heard that phrase. Do you think you're more qualified to do open heart surgery than say, a surgeon on the doctrine that laughter is no, no, but good question. What about a witch doctor? What about Dr oz Well? I think anybody could do what he does right that it's so funny. I went in for I went in for a small, uh minimally invasive procedure, caffeine plants. And how much were those? By the way, Oh, way too much, way too much? Well less than you would think, but still a lot. So I would say, But guess who my surgeon was, doctor Oz? Really? Yeah, I think so where did you meet him? Huh? Where did you find your surgeon? Doctor Oz? I looked him up in the Yellow Pages. I still get the Yellow Pages delivered to me because I don't trust uh technology, that's not great. Oh what's happening? Gilly skin all thirsty gillies, the biggest straw world and it keeps growing and it keeps growing, and and now he's do you want some? That's okay, it's okay. Do you need this for your urine sample? Uh? Well, it could come in handy. You never know. Um, once you hold onto it, I'll put it right here. I don't I know that. I did not wake up today thinking I would receive a giant straw. There's no way that I could have predicted this. But it's delight delightful. It's hard to be casual. With a giant straw. I'm not gonna lie to Okay, you're doing it? Hey, how you doing? It's a giant straw. Take it with me wherever I go. No, I can't share it. It's good for the environment. I don't want to straw. Can you place that Yeah? Can you place that latte about twenty ft away from things? That's good. Yeah, let's get on you. Ryan. You said you wanted to do something from your favorite show. Yes, I did, if you would indulge us. Thinking we could do a little stage reading from an episode of Grey's Anatomy. I love that show. Um, you'll play Derek, of course, I'm gonna play the part of Meredith. Um Interior Grace Sloan Memorial Hospital night, Derek is in the scrub room after surgery, way sushing his hands. Meredith storms in. I lied, I'm not out of of this relationship. I'm in. I'm so in. It's humiliating because here I am begging Meredith. Shut up, you say, Meredith, and I yell. Remember yeah. Derek leans against the sink, listening. Okay, here, it is your choice. It's simple. Meredith starts getting teary and emotional. Her or me, and I'm sure she's really great. But Derek, I love you in a really really big pretend to like your taste in music. Let you eat the last piece of cheesecake. Hold of radio over my head, outside your window. I don't follow that, do you anyway? Classic show, unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you? No, pick me, choose me, love me. Derek looks at her lovingly. He moves in to touch her. I'll be at Joe's tonite. I'll be at Joe's tonite. You got it, So if you do decide to sign the papers, meet me there. Meredith ready to scrub in. I'm a nurse. Meredith walks out. Derek looks distressed in size. Wow, you can't beat that, Gilly. I'm gonna hand you that back. Um. We can't thank you enough for coming on. Thank you so much. You are wonderfully jelly the cloud everyone well, no, no, no, they're not supposed to be here. Mcketh coming back. Thank you. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry to do that again. Weird. I don't know who invited. I don't stop coming out here. Thank you. That was beautiful. Yet again and thank you, thank you so much, thank you, Mr Burg And we appreciate all the work you do in the clowning community. You do a great job. I appreciate it. Thank you, sir. Wonderful Gilly the clown over, thank you. And now it's time we've come to a close. Here, it's time for a little episode. I like to call my take. Let me ask you a simple question. How many of you are dog lovers out there? Um? Can we actually just for I get a bunch of you doing fair enough? Sometimes you do run into a random group of people on a Wednesday night who happened to collectively hate dogs. It's no secret that I love dogs, especially my very own Baxter. Heck, I'm not ashamed to say he's my best friend. The love and respect I have for Baxter is the cornerstone of what is the greatest relationship I have ever known, human or otherwise. And yet I do have to say I think I might have a notion as to what's contributing to people's hatred towards our canine friends. If you happen to visit a dog park in the excoming days, weeks, or months, and I really suggest you do, you'll notice a very strange phenomenon. Dog names are getting out of control. I mean it. I come from an era when there were only about five acceptable dog names Sparky, Skipper, Spot, Pepper, and lady. I mean, and that's all you really needed. People were fine with it, in fact, that we happen to lose your dog, all you had to do was yell spark A, Skipper, Spot, Pepper, lady, and said dog would come running home. But somewhere down the line, I don't know when or where, but this would make a fascinating research paper. People started playing around with different names, pushing the limits with an occasional shadow or bingo or hello, chats such a good boy. Heck, I remember getting a few odd looks the first time I called out Baxter's name. But now something is wrong with the matrix. I don't know if it's the pandemic or the state of the world right now, but trust me, next time you go to a dog park, you will lose your mind. Nacho, come here, Nacho, Cooper Ferrari Jazz. That's a good jazz. Who's the best jazz? Surfer Boy, pork chop, pumpkin sugar sushi, Chase, Adella flapjack, cutting board, Boeing seven four seven. What the hell going on? I often scream at my fellow dog owners. The other day, I kid you not, there was a dog named power Aid and another named Direct TV. And I know what you're thinking. They're dogs. It's just noises to them. But I disagree. Show them some dignity and some grace and they will pay it back tenfold. How I don't know. What I do know is that you don't want to be lying on your deathbed staring up at the big cheeseburger in the sky, thinking to yourself, why did I name my dog? Jacob and ronni attorney at law. Well, I'm Ron Burgundy and that's my take. Thank you everyone, You've been a wonderful audience. We appreciate it. Thank you for coming up, wonderful marrianties, big surprise. I hired him. It was my idea of the whole God. He's a sexy sexy man with a sexy sexy plan because he ain't no sucker looking so flight. You could drive like a trucker, clean like a plant. You can solim younger, fool wheel dry, so we never get a duck. He brace so much tacking up a lot of bandwids and he's a god. Yeah, he ain't no standing, he doesn't have He's on a nighttime Standwich because everybody knows he's the surge he banded Ron Burgundy podcast

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