Harriet Johnson - Barrister at Doughty Street Chambers

Published Oct 25, 2022, 2:00 AM

On this month’s episode of The Psychology of Successful Women Podcast I spoke with Harriet Johnson.  Harriet is a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers specialising in human rights and criminal law, and a fierce advocate of women’s rights. 

We had a really powerful and inspirational conversation about…. 

  • Her career journey and non-traditional path to becoming a Barrister
  • Her huge passion for supporting, defending and protecting women  
  • What inspired her to write her brilliant book – “Enough – The Violence against Women and How to End It” 
  • Imposter syndrome, bouncing back from setbacks, what success means to her and so much more… 


The Psychology of Successful Women podcast with Shona Rowan explores the mindset, behaviour and success strategies of high-achieving women. Shona Rowan is a global high-performance coach, inspirational speaker and best-selling author of The Psychology of Successful Women.  Shona is also the founder of The Psychology of Successful Women – Career Acceleration Program.

Shona has 20 years of international experience working with Fortune 500 companies, leading professional service firms, entrepreneurs, business owners and career-minded individuals to maximise their performance and accelerate success.  Shona helps organisations build inclusive, high-performing teams; grow leadership and management capability; and support, develop and retain their female talent. Through her inspirational events and signature programs, Shona has helped thousands of people accelerate their careers, boost their performance, and maximise their success – according to what ‘success’ truly means to them.

To read more about Shona’s work – head to www.shonarowan.com or email us at support@shonarowan.com.

Connect with Shona here:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shonarowan/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shonascouch/


About Harriet Johnson:

Harriet Johnson
Barrister, Doughty Street Chambers 

Harriet Johnson is a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers specialising in human rights and criminal law, and a fierce advocate of women’s rights.

She is a founder member of Women in Criminal Law, Joint Chair of Trustees of the charity Women in Prison and in 2016 she founded #DoughtyStWomen events, an annual series of conferences to consider what more the law can do for women.

Harriet has given keynote legal addresses around the world, as well as speaking in the media about law and justice, particularly through the lens of gender.

Her first book, ENOUGH: The Violence Against Women and How to End It is published by William Collins in April, 2022.  

Connect with Bourby here: 

Twitter: @HarrietEJohnson

Represented by: Diana Beaumont

Titles: ENOUGH: The Violence Against Women and How to End It (William Collins, 2022)

The Psychology of Successful Women Podcast with Shona Rowan

The Psychology of Successful Women podcast explores the mindset, behaviour and success strategies of 
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