
Christine Melis - Barrister at the NSW Bar

Published Aug 30, 2022, 4:00 AM

On this month’s episode of The Psychology of Successful Women Podcast - I had a really open and engaging conversation with Christine Melis who is a Barrister at the NSW Bar and passionate advocate for gender equality. 

We spoke about: 

  • Her career journey all leading up to her current role as a Barrister at the NSW Bar  
  • Personal advice and suggestions for dealing with challenges and setbacks in your career 
  • How she navigated an interstate move and raising two young children – while still growing her practice and creating a deeply fulfilling and successful career 
  • The importance of knowing yourself, and reconnecting with your core values, passions and goals and so much more …. 


The Psychology of Successful Women podcast with Shona Rowan explores the mindset, behaviour and success strategies of high-achieving women. Shona Rowan is a global high-performance coach, inspirational speaker and best-selling author of The Psychology of Successful Women.  Shona is also the founder of The Psychology of Successful Women – Career Acceleration Program.

Shona has 20 years of international experience working with Fortune 500 companies, leading professional service firms, entrepreneurs, business owners and career-minded individuals to maximise their performance and accelerate success.  Shona helps organisations build inclusive, high-performing teams; grow leadership and management capability; and support, develop and retain their female talent. Through her inspirational events and signature programs, Shona has helped thousands of people accelerate their careers, boost their performance, and maximise their success – according to what ‘success’ truly means to them.

To read more about Shona’s work – head to or email us at

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About Christine Melis:

Christine Melis
Barrister at the NSW Bar

Christine is a Barrister. She practises in public law including, inquiries and inquests. She is presently Counsel Assisting the Special Commission of Inquiry into LGBTIQ hate crimes in New South Wales.  

 She has advised and appeared in a variety of high-profile matters including, the Lindt Cafe siege inquest, the Takata Airbag inquest and the Victorian Bushfire Royal Commission. 

 Chris has an interest in national security. She has considerable experience working in the terrorism space at a State and Federal level.  

She has both worked and taught advocacy in the Pacific Region, appearing on a number of occasions before the Supreme Court of Nauru on behalf of asylum seekers and teaching advocacy to law students and lawyers in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and Vanuatu. 

Chris is passionate about gender equality and diversity. She has served on a number of boards and committees including Australian Women Lawyers (Vice President), Victorian Women Lawyers (President), Victorian Bar Council and Women Barristers Forum (NSW). She spearheaded a mentoring program for female law students in PNG called “Empowering Women in the Law in PNG” to encourage women to enter into and remain in the legal profession.  

Chris wants to see more women in positions of leadership and for working mothers everywhere to be seen for what they are – resilient, efficient, diverse and empathetic powerhouses.  

Prior to coming to the Bar, Chris was the Associate to Justice Cavanough of the Supreme Court of Victoria and a solicitor with Minter Ellison Lawyers. 

Connect with Christine here: 


The Psychology of Successful Women Podcast with Shona Rowan

The Psychology of Successful Women podcast explores the mindset, behaviour and success strategies of 
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