I believe people thought that's so funny.
I know you're hot, though your eyes were like fuck off, that is the first stop lining me were beyond that.
I've never seen.
No. I think you're good.
You didn't embarrass it. Paris wouldn't even say that.
That's my favorite. You off the cliff.
Yeah, so good. I'll put that up in my house.
When I saw me Crime, I was like, as if you'd put your fucking self as number one hot cry like what I didn't, And I didn't realize until i'd seen.
It on TV.
I was like, oh, the facials I pulled, babe, No, they're so intense.
I must say I'm probably a hotter crier than you. Yeah yeah, wah, babe, or I can vouch.
For that, don't you worry.
Okay, hang on, I'm gonna start.
Okay, I'm starting Sky in case you guys didn't get that.
It's so sad.
Sky, Hey, well I am.
You look so beautiful.
I'm here with absolute royalty, the brand new Queen of the Jungle.
I'm a celebrity. Get me out here. Twenty twenty four.
I wanted to say a friend of mine, an amazing camp mate, Sky Weekley, who congratulation.
Oh my gosh, I am in shock, babe, because I one hundred percent thought it would just be cal and Tris left at the end.
No, I am not shocked at all.
I already made my mind up though that I was coming third because on Big Brother.
I did made my mind I did. I made my mind up.
I was like, I'm third because I'm Big Brother. I was left in the same situation where I was the only female standing and it was between.
The two boys. So I'm like, it's gonna be like that again. Last year was a female winner, Like they're going.
To change it up, you know what I mean?
And you never know what the public is thinking.
Yeah, So, how do you feel right now?
Because we are literally if you guys can't hear, we're still in the jungle. We're in a bit of a shed, but there's a line that just walked past. It's hectic. How do you feel being out? Because when I came out, I got these like weird withdrawals and wanted to go back in.
Oh my gosh, I know I'm gonna miss it so much. But I think because there's so much and there's so.
Much excitement and we're being shown, you know our journey throughout the whole experience in the flesh.
Like we're looking at photos, We've seen our highlights.
So I'm just so excited to be at the end and to feel so good that.
I've won the money for my charity.
Like I'm in absolute shock, but I'm still so excited.
What do you feel like looking back?
Was the hardest thing you had to do in there, or the hardest part about being there?
I think the hardest part was always just being on edge, like you could not get comfortable because you're like, oh, there's a trial tomorrow. It could be you, you might be going, and the fear of the unknown.
Was something that I really struggled with.
Yeah, so it's gonna but it's also gonna be weird to not have those feelings and that jittery nervousness every day because it's been the norm for us for four weeks.
So you and I were lucky enough to do an eating trial only last week. I had nipples and steak bugs and you had a vagina.
Sheets of vagina talk.
Us three, give us some details what I mean, I witnessed it, but what was the vagina like?
So the vagina was absolutely revolting as you can imagine, had and everything.
Oh my god, the clip was literally touching my nose.
I put it in my.
Mouth, So I think just the texture for me was revolting enough, but then the mindset of it being what it was really.
Really messed with my head.
So yeah, I'm unsure of how I actually got that down, but I'm so proud of all of us.
You did amazing.
I vomited on my own face. Oh my god, how does that do that?
You came from, you know, having such a weak stomach to being able to put pigs, nipples and stink bugs in your mouth?
Are you kidding?
Who who actually has the skill to vomit standing up on their face?
It went so high in the air.
Was in my eyeland, babe, it was in your eye.
I was like, Okay, that's going to be a part of the eyelash family from now on.
It's fitting right in. And yeah, what do you reckon? Was the hardest part? Sorry? What do you reckon?
Was the best part looking back, because I feel like so many days in there, and I know you'll agree, but so many days in there you're like, this is the hardest thing I've ever done. I'm having a down day, I'm having a low mental health day. But now you look back and I.
Just look at it like it was all the best thing I've ever done.
Oh same. I feel such a massive.
Sense of achievement through through the whole journey and throughout every single day that we experienced in the jungle. And you know what, even though it was the most challenging thing that we've ever done, we would not.
Change it for the world, do you know what I mean.
It's almost like I can kind of compare it to being a parent in the way that it's the most challenging and the hardest thing you've ever done, but it's the most rewarding and the best feeling ever and you wouldn't change it for the world.
That's how I would describe it.
Seeing your family readunion with the kids. I don't think there was a dry eye in Australia.
But what I will say, I've spent the last two days with your kids.
Yeah, I get your stress level, babe. They are manic. They are manic.
They're so high energy to see what I mean.
So it was such nothing I've ever seen.
My partner was looking at me with like horrific eyes, being like, I'm so glad you're home.
I can't wait to get everything back to normal.
And I knew that that's what would be a struggle, and I'm so I'm so thankful that he is a super dad that he is, that he could get that across the line and give me the chance to come in here and do my thing, and he could keep the kids safe and like.
He literally toilet trained bear. But that's what I was saying to you.
The whole time is.
Rather the whole experience is the hardest thing. It's so challenging.
You will not sit down, your.
Life will never be the same.
But it's for the best, and it's so beautiful and you wouldn't have it any other way.
What do you feel like the biggest less and you took away from it?
The biggest lesson for me was gratitude.
I think being appreciative of everything that we have, all of the privileges that we have in our everyday life and we take for granted.
Was the number one thing for me.
Like I felt so close to source and so close to my spirit.
Being in the jungle with less than I did.
On the outside world, which meant that I truly need to be grateful for everything that I have because we are so privileged.
Okay, it's confession time. Yeah, did you manage to keep.
Any contraband through the jungle experience?
So I took like empty lip liners, right yeah? And a lip loss, you know, I do.
You know what?
I didn't figure around until probably the third week.
Because I just kept looking at you and like.
You're obviously beautiful, but I was like, how the lips always perfect, suddenly suddenly pink and mind a drawing crossing off, and I was like, something doesn't add up.
And then one day I caught you. I saw you whip it out, and I was like, she's had that the.
Whole So I promised you it's the lip tattooing that got me through because I didn't even use the lip gloss after the full like Contraband episode and them bringing out the bucket and cand Juste being like.
Give up your contraband.
But the thing was, I was like, no, no, no, I'm going to give up my lip liners, but I'm going to see how far I can push this. And I kept my lip gloss, but I didn't use it until the very end weeks.
Because I was like, whatever I am sending this, But it's the lip tattooing.
That kept me in the game. Get your chake of glass.
Okay, we got it a little bit of shine in there, but I promise I only used it towards the end because I was too scared after that whole thing went down. Could you imagine me getting caught with more after all of that drama went down, I would have died.
So you had the last two days where you actually got to eat quite a lot, like you're on.
The show, you guys.
No, they saw the meal, just the meal the last two days. Sorry, we're starting again. This is a pickup. The last few days. You guys got some extra food. You got treats and biscuits.
You had meals.
Have you gotten off the toilet, because the second I got out and started eating, man, I've got like ten seconds to find a toilet. I almost had to take a pool last night on Safari. So there was a line two quotes that like, you cannot get out, babe.
I have not gotten off the toilet. But the thing that sparked it for me was the live show. But I'd already been, you know, more frequently visiting the bathroom.
But that such a polite way to say you've been poopin.
Yeah, but I mean I've been poop and girl. I did not see Tristan go in there once.
I just quizzed him on it. I haven't re sleeved him about it.
I don't know how that man does it. I did not see him.
Going, did you.
I even told him how we all tried to hunt him down. He's like a shitting ninja.
It's nothing I've ever seen.
But he did say that he used to just pretend because I was like, put me out of my misery.
How did you do it? He's just pretend he was getting changed and quickly take it down. Oh my gosh.
So like when someone would be in the Wii one He's like, I'm just getting changed.
Guys, it's the only bathroom available.
He waited that long until someone went in and then he would make his name.
That is dedication to the Pooh Shame, isn't it? It is absolute dedication to the Pooh shame.
But Skuy, Australia fell in love with you. I fell in love with you. Everyone fell in love with you.
You've just you've been so open and vulnerable, and it's gonna be sad that. I mean, it's sad that I'm not in the jungle anymore because I loved it. But I'm sure Australia feels the same. It's sad that they don't get to see on their screens anymore. What do you reckon's next for you?
I have no idea, but the thing that I was looking forward to the most is actually just getting back to my family and being a mom and embracing that chaos at home.
And I feel like that's one lesson that this experience and this.
Journey has taught me, is to embrace every moment that you're alive and that you're breathing, because you know you have so.
Much to live for. And I'm just keen to get back to family life and whatever comes will come.
I mean this, this obviously will open doors of opportunity, but I'm just so excited to be a mum, which which is amazing for me because I've I've always wanted to work, work, work, and trying to balance it has been really really stressful. But now I just feel so content with going home and loving my boys and being with them.
Surely you're going to get a hair deal out of this.
Oh, no one in the history of the Jungle has ever had blow dried worthy curls on TV, so that's you know, you should have won just for that.
They're very frizzy.
I can't wait to put my Malia hair mask in my head and you know, put that frizz to ease.
It is full on.
But yeah, I'm so stoked to be out and I'm so stoked to have met you.
Let's have a drink, babe.
Well, congratulations, I'm going to see you soon for lunch.
We will