FULL SHOW: Britt went to an event with her NIPS accidentally on display 👀

Published May 16, 2024, 6:00 AM
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Come on, hello, everyone, welcome to Thursday Thursday.

She's been doing over there, Laura. No, it's not my dance moves. I have a real problem, guys, and I don't know what I'm going to.

Do about it. It's terrible.

Yeah, so is my daughter's. Unfortunately, so Molly May. She's almost five, she turns five next month. She has become obsessed with Taylor Swift.

Swift along with everyone else in the world.

No, but like, the obsession runs so deep, and I I mean, I know that she kind of like transcends different age groups. I didn't quite realize how obsessed a five year old could be, but.

Anyway, she was.

She's watched, like, listens to the album, puts it on the car, plays at home, and then on Disney Plas. I found that they have the whole Errors Toll like a concert filmed, and I was like, oh, Molly would love to watch this, So I put it on. I thought, surely I've been to the concert, it's age appropriate.

She'll love it.

Turns out Taylor Swift is not age appropriate because my five year old is now dancing like she thinks she's Taylor Swift.

And I'm talking she's like dropping it to the floor.

She's doing this body roll thing where she like runs her hands up her thigh.

I know the kindness my go to movie and now.

I yeah, okay for you to do it, brit I don't know what to do because I don't want to make her feel embarrassed. I don't want to shame her, but I'm sure as hell don't want her doing it at a birthday party.

Can you just.

Imagine if everyone else is just like doing past the parcel and she's just twirking, she's dropping it like it's hard.

It could be worse, though, I mean, Taylor's lot kind of a bee. It's in terms of sexiness, Like it's not Miley Cyrus.

But but a five year old doing a body roll and like pulling their hands up their body.

She's not nailing it. Doesn't look she does.

She nails it.

She's pretty good, but she like she like starts with the ankles and then like drags her hands up her body up to her waist and that as she's going like it's just true sexual and sexualized for a five year old, Like it's not. It makes me uncomfortable.

I'm sure other mums have that proper.

Yeah, I reckon, there's load to people that are probably gonna write in or help you out with that.

I think that's something everyone goes through, right.

I don't know.

It's so frustrating because you think you're you think you're picking things at an age appropriate and then somehow they managed to.

Make it all right. Well, listen, it's a big show today for your Thursday.

I'll vote. We are doing an ask gun Cut next. We do it every Thursday.

It is where you write in with your deep, darky burning questions and we do our best to help you. And we actually speak to one of our listeners today.

Yeah, we've got a bit of secrecy coming up in this one.

Secret in relationship? What do you do?

And that infiltrates your love life. It's stressful, So we'll help that person out. Coming up here at the pickup Hey Thursday, which means we need to do this Why ask UNCUTA ask gun cut?

We do it every week, don't we?


Everything on Thursday.

Ask Guncut is where somebody calls up gives us your dramas and we do our best to answer that. It's like a free counselor therapy session. This week we have someone who's been lied to in their relationship.

Yeah, drama set. We've all kind of been in that situation, haven't we. Girls, We've all been in a similar vibe.

I've never experienced what this person's experience.

I mean, yeah, my partner had a double life, so yeah, I've been there.

Yeah, we've all had checkered relationship parts. So we can help Molly, who's joining us today on the show. Hey, Molly, what's taken under him?


I'm recently engaged and I've just found out that he's actually been married before me. It's a whole thing, and you know, he didn't hide it from me, It just kind of it just never came up a conversation. So I just wanted to know if you guys thought that it's enough of a red flag for me to leave him.

How long have you been with him, Molly, Like before he got engaged? Are we talking like quick two months or I've been a couple of years.

So we've been together about two years and he engaged like I got to engage sorry about a month ago.

So how did you come up though?

When you say you've just found out and he didn't lie to you, It just never came up before, Like, how did it come up now?

So we went to a family event on the weekend and his brother just casually brought up that he saw this chick on the weekend to my partner and was like, oh, I haven't seen her in ages, And I was like, who is this chick?

Oh, you didn't even know she existed. So not only you didn't know she was engaged, you didn't know she existed.

Yeah, it was just an old flame, like they were really young, and it just kind of fizzled out. So they both kind of came to his mutual agreement to end it and never talk about it again.

How are you married for?

I think they were only married for like a year maybe, but I don't know exact details, but it wasn't very long.

Mormly, did you ask him why he kept it from you? Because I think he.

Just didn't think it was important because it was so long ago. I mean, obviously it's important.

When you asked him like, why didn't you tell me this? What was his answer? Did he just say he didn't think it was important information?

Yeah, he just simply was like, it was just so long ago. I didn't think I needed to mention it, But.

Has he been open with you now with your curiosity, because I'm assuming if you're anything like me, I would be like prying for information, what, when, how?


I try to.

Bring it up, but it's kind of just been on my mind for the past month, trying to figure out how to bring it out, more questions to ask.

I'm curious whether I mean it end it? Yeah, why it ended?

Like, because you know, it's one thing to get married and then to say, oh, it fizzled out. Fizzling out after a year seems like a pretty quick fizzle. I would be really curious if if I was you, and I would want to know the why behind it, and maybe if he behaved badly or maybe whatever. Like I mean, we're all projecting now, but if something bad happened, maybe that's the reason why he didn't want to tell you. And I don't necessarily think that the person that he was in a previous relationship means that's how he's going to behave in your relationship. But I would also see it as a pretty big red flag if my partner just didn't want to tell me that they were married before.

It seems like a crazy thing to me. Okay.

I don't think it's a red flag at all. I don't think you need to like change the locks on the house and leave. But I do think it is unusual that he didn't tell you. But I think what you need to do now is sit down and have that conversation and say, look, I'm going to try and understand why you didn't tell me. I get that, but I think he needs to be forthcoming now with any questions that you may have. And if he's still not forthcoming, then there are bigger issues because it's one thing to have withheld the information, but now you know, and you're curious and you're asking questions. As a partner that's about to enter a marriage, you deserve to have those questions answered.

Yeah. I agree. Yes, it's been a rough month. So yeah, thank you, thank you for that.


Yeah, it's crazy to find that out, isn't it?

The only thing? I think?

And this applies to any sort of like omitting of details. There is that fine line between okay, well when does it actually become lying, because like you can say, oh, I didn't lie, I just didn't tell you. At some point it crosses into well you're not telling me.

Is actually you lying. My friend is no.

My friend genuinely female was married, then got divorced, gone to a new relationship years deep, and they were getting married with him thing she never said she was married before.

And I said to her, I was like, you need to tell him. She's like, well, I don't, and I was like, no, you do, and but she was like, but it's a part of my life. Because I was like how why. I was like, why are you not telling him? Because it's when it comes out eventually, he's going to be like, cool, why have you lied to me all this time? And she's like, well, it's not lying. It's a part of my life. I want to forget and pretend didn't happen. So I just want to start living from now. And I said, I get that you want that, but it's still a part of your life that your next husband needs to know.

I could not be in a relationship with someone that lacks that much self awareness. I'm sorry, but that is a major red flag.

I'd run, Oh, I wouldn't run, but I think that it is a red flag. Let's not kind of gloss.

Over that flag, all right, it's a flag. Nonetheless, the color TBC.

Look thirty one oh six ' five.

I want to know if you have had a wardrobe mishap, because I certainly had one that I'm still giggling about. I don't know if I should be giggling. And I've got a photo to show you guys. Not you guys that are listening, but Mitch and Laurie will show you.

All right, that's an ext I on the pick up guys.

Okay, I had a bit of a wardrobe malfunction that I'm laughing about now, but I'm also mortified about when I think back to the moment. So I on the weekend, I went to this like really fancy luncheon at a very fancy place in broad daylight.

It was very outside luncheon. You go to a lot of I don't mind lunch.

She's an ula.

So my house that I live in is like so dark and damp, and there's no natural light, and the lights that I do have in the bathroom are like really dark.

It's not the house sad. It's a wet house.

Well, I used to live in that house.

Often I will get ready in the morning, like my makeup will or get dress or whatever, and I'll go outside and I'll be like, whoa, my makeup's terrible because you can't see light. No lighting. So I got ready for this event and I was wearing this like brown body suit. It was really figure hugging. It was a skim thing and it was hot. It was like sucked me in and I was like, oh, feeling myself like, because that's what bodysuits do, right, they suck in feeling, tight, feeling, And it was so tight and supportive. I didn't need a bra, which great.

So I go to the standard with those kinds of things.

Yeah, pretty standard because that's what they're sort of made for.

I feel like it doesn't matter what the what the attire is. You rarely wear a bra.

Ham you wear one right now. You can see her nipples, right, they're all natural too.

You can see nipples.

Through bras anyway. Anyway, guys, you're sidetracking, So.

Did you his jaws on the floor. She's got married and to the wrong woman, quite clearly.

He No, it's really impressed you're not wearing a bra.

They look really nice.

Can we get this up on the social video of what we're seeing right now?

I tell you my story or my nipples just got hard at Wow.

So because you guys like talking about my boobe.

I went to this event, took all these great photos, and I was walking around with such confidence because I was feeling it.

And then I.

Posted a photo, sent a photo to my partner band and Ben writes back to me and he was like.

Oh, did you did you wear that to the fancy luncheon? And I was like yeah, and he's but you can see your boobs and I was like, oh, yeah, I don't wear a bra, thinking that he just meant that I wasn't wearing bra and he's like, no, babe, like you boob And I was like what And I went back to the photo. My whole the whole shirt is see through, completely see through, but I couldn't see it in the light. Look at this, Look at the confidence.

Look at me the confidence I've got to drink up.

In the air.

I'm like, you mean that is full aero.

I mean it's great, it is full. And now this is this was full of This wasn't an event. This is full of patrons. But they are also photographs, so actually paying patreons. I was just walking around with my boobs and I but the fact people must have looked at me, being like, wow, the confidence that girl has to have her boobs out.

You know what would be worse? It would be me.

Mine just looked like too empty stocks with sand in the bottom of them, flapping around.

You wouldn't be to spot down in the middle of my waist.

And then was it a flash only situation in the broad daylight?

Could you see that is not a flash that this photo right now with my boot This was just a normal photo, no flash on it.

And look how happy I say, your mouth is open. You almost look like hey titties.

Three hours And the fact that no one told me means they all thought I made that conscious decision, so now I have to sit in and roll with it. That I was just like, yeah, I'm just feeling it.

Ten you're I'm thirteen one or six five? If you had a britt moment, did this happen to you wardrobe wise?

So this dates back to my teenage years. I had some friends around and my little sister and I we used to fight like cat and dog. We're best friends now. But she we had just been hanging it on her as we did, and she wandered off and went to the toilet and just casually came back out and she had a strip of I'm not exaggerating, probably ten sheets of toilet paper hanging out the back of her pants.

It was like.

In a movie scene. It was ridiculous. I was so mortified. We laugh about it all the time.

I thought you were going to say, on a shoe, but when it's still connected to the so that's a real problem.

It's still soaking it up.

Stop one last one, Lisa, what happened to you quickly wrap it up for a s wardrobe malfunction?

Okay. In my younger years, I was dancing at the nightclub with my friends, strutting our stuff up on stage. Thought we were awesome. My shoes ding strap broke. I was too busy doing the moves, probably to Banana Rama and Madonna, and out came my boob dancing along with me. I had no idea. Somebody that was down on the ground kept pointing at me and I'm like, yay, yay, and then I realized. I was like, I just want to smile. I was so embarrassed. I wanted to cry and ide, but I just had to pull my top up, hold it in place, and keep dancing like nothing happens again.

The confidence it's just a boob all right, look coming up. Bumble has made a very big apology Bumble the dating app. We're all familiar with it. I think you know, you're probably the most recent time. I think that was actually the face of it for a while. There, you were the face of it.

Bumble for a while. It was a Bumble ambassador. Well anyway, there was the bus stops.

Speaking of bus stops, they've just done a massive rebrand and they've had to make a public apology for how much they missed the mark with this one.

All right, thank god you're not associated with them anymore. Britain.

Oh years and years.

All right, that's next on the pickup.

Now we've just established we're going to talk about Bumble the dating app. But then we remembered Britney used to be the face of Bumble.

The day Bumble in Britney, many many many years ago. I did a campaign for them because I was on Bumble and I was single for ten years. I was on Bumble and they were like, hey, can we use your profile as an advert? And I was like okay, So they put my actual real life Bumble profile was on bus stops around Australia everywhere. I still didn't hook.

Up, but.

Still didn't find the mania dreams on Bumble.

Well no, look, I mean I think the reason why Bumble has been so it's been like the nice dating app for so long, and I think it's because part of their marketing and their campaigning has been all around it being a women's first dating app, so if you've never used it, Basically the idea is that on there you can be as a female. You have to make the first move, so men have to you can match, but they have to wait in order to get a message from females. So that's kind of changed recently, and Bumble's been making a lot of small changes to the way in which the app functions, and one of the most recent rollouts is that now there's an opt in button, So if you want to allow men to be able to make the first move, that has been changed as well, so you can kind of tick that opt out button.

What if you're old school, like I want the man to message me, or if you.

Just spend your time Paul you can't think of a first line, or you're like, oh, make him get away, But it gives women the choice to do that now. Bumble has been teasing a rebrand and a new marketing strategy for the last couple of weeks and this rolled out only the other day. But there has been so much backlash to this because I think they well and truly miss the mark. So there's been billboards all around the country, and the billboard reads this, you know full well a vow of celibacy is not the answer introducing the new Bumble.

I don't even really get it.

The reason for this is is that some women are so over dating. They're so over like the rigmarole of like going on dates, hooking up, doing the one light stand thing. That celibacy is having a real moment. I mean, we spoke about it on the show the other week. Craig Craig David you know who sang a song ploning on a Wednesday, like he's now celebrate Julia Fox, who's Kanye West X.

She's been celibate for two and a half years.

Celibacy is having a moment.

It's having a real moment. So this seems like a very strange ad for Bumble to come off the back and say, you know what, guys, who whoa whoa whoa, whoa. You don't need to take drastic measures like celibacy instead, just use the Bumble app Now, the reason why people are angry about this is because they're saying that this goes against everyone's like very genuine right to be able to choose celibacy if they're not happy in the dating world.

That was also not the only billboard. There was another one that said thou shalt not give up on dating and become a nun problematic.

It's a little bit on the nose, isn't it.

I think my.

Problem here is right the second that I saw the billboard, I cringed and I was like, rip Bumble, Like, I know that people are going to come for you over this ad What I don't like, and I've said this about so many different topics that have happened in the public eye, and like so many brands or people that have gotten something wrong, I don't like the cancelation or the pylon or the attack immediately when someone makes a mistake. And I thought they did an amazing apology. He's a part of what they said. For years, Bumble has passionately stood up for women and marginalized communities and their rights to fully exercise personal choice. We didn't live up to these values with this campaign, and we apologize for the harm it caused. And I just want to reiterate we so easily forget the ten years of great work that people put in and we jump on the first time they make a mistake and we're like, you're done. But people are human, people make mistakes.

Yes, I agree, But I do think the reason why people have had such an adverse reaction to this is because it goes against everything that Bumble has stood for up until now.

People are mad on.

Social media, but there was this one really and I thought it was interesting. She's a brand consultant. She's come off the back and said, I had so many thoughts on the new marketing from Bumble, but the biggest one is don't tell women what to do regarding their bodies, full stop. This is such a pr misgiven, especially considering the current political climate of everything that's going on.

That's the bigger picture, I think, not the celibration.

God only knows how they didn't nail this one like they've nailed it forever. Whoever did this campaign is going to lose their job. But what I do want to end with is. I just want to say we get it. They made a huge mistake.

They know that now they've apologized, and I think we can jump.

Off the hate train for Bumble.

Spoken by Bumble's x form guys.

I have had no attachment to Bumble for about eight years, so this has no connection. I just I just hate these pylons, especially when someone's owned their mistake. Bumble aren't trying to pretend they didn't do it. Be like, guys, we messed up, so like, give them a break. They're human too.

All Right, we're done, Let's get out of here.

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