FULL SHOW: A big announcement and a theme song for Moo Deng? 🦛 

Published Nov 20, 2024, 5:13 AM
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Laura, come on, Hello, Hello everybody.

Hi guys, Happy hump day. Mit your back in studio. We missed you.

I'm back and I'm back and I'm here and I'm on here here.

We were really talking in code, I think at the moment, are we?

Oh yeah, I've been off here since since Monday. I haven't been on the shows, and I've missed you guys, and I've missed I've missed the listeners. I've missed being here on the show and listen. We're just like, there's stuff out there. We're going to talk to you next. There are some big changes coming to the pick Up next year, and there are some things that I want to talk to you guys about. You girls, some decisions that have been made without our. You know, I'm going to get upset.

Without our I'll say.

Look, I mean, Mitch has some very big news, and yes, stick around for it.

Next, let's go, let's start the show, pressing the buttons. Let's go to a song, and when we come back, big news for the Pickup.

Or it's pregnant, but you can't.

Is that bad? Can I not say that?

Don't tell everyone yet?

Can I not say that?


All right?

You can't say I'm pregnant, that I.

Know you.

All of a sudden started it's a pick up. Before we start the show today, we and I have some news that I really don't want to have to share, but we have some show news.

Yes, some really big changes to the show.

Yeah. So late last week I was informed by the powers at b at arn, which is the parent company, that they have identified my roles and my position here at the Pickup with you two as roles that won't be returning in twenty twenty five. So I just want to say that it wasn't my decision, wasn't my call. I really wanted to stay on this show with the two of you, and that I love working in radio and I love working here. I have been told that it's, at the end of the day, a financial decision for the company.


We also want to say, oh.

No, don't don't listen. The critics said that a gay man and two girls on radio wouldn't work, and now we're hysterical it's not going to be good.

The thing is, we've done the pick Up together for two years now, but we've co hosted together for three years, and this is not what we want for the show. It's a decision that's been made that's out of our control. And you know, Britta and I we have to continue on doing the show without Midge and without you, And when we are utterly devastated, we love what we love what we create together. We love what this show is and we still see us as a trio. And yeah, when we got the news as well, we couldn't believe it.

Yeah, you are not only our co host, but you're one of our best friends. And Will.

The reason that this show has been such an amazing show is because we were not people that were put together in a room and say do a show. We were three best friends and we still are three best friends. And I want you to know that you are by far the most talented, funniest, hard working person that I have ever come across. And it I am jealous at the people that get to work with you next, and it's going to break my eyes.

I want you, well, I want you to but you know our hand has been caused. Listen. I am so grateful, I genuinely am for what they have given me over the almost decade I've been here, almost a decade. You know, I started on the Kyl and Jackie Oh show when I was nineteen and I was their burista. I made their coffees. And let me tell you, I was a kid who dreamt to have a show like this, and now I've had a show like this, and now I've got way more time to dream of more dreams and head on out and doing this show and connecting to the audience that are listening now and working with you two and having every show at the radio station. I cleaned the toilets in this building when I was twenty, you know I started here. Yeah, actually go back to HATEHR to discuss that.

That, Mitch, you are a brilliant broadcaster and this is this is the biggest loss to this network.

You're not being here. It really is.

I know, I know listen out in the press people are talking about it. I wanted to come out today and just say that I am done. I'm finishing up, and this is not going to be the last you hear of me. You get me, go follow me on Instagram right now. I'm a killer for a shameless plug. You know, I love it.

Wait, we need to get the handle in that at Mitch.

Jury give me a follow. But to you two, to you, Laura Embritt. You girls have such a brilliant skill of connecting to people and to embrace me on this show like you have. We've done this for three years has been a privilege. And being able to come on here and laugh and have fun every day. I'm so lucky. I am. And although I don't get to choose that my next chapter isn't with you. It's not the end for us. It's not.

There's one hundred sequel, I hope.

So I'm about a sequel, and you know, to Grace our executive producer, like one of my best friends in the whole world, I love you more than anything. And now this is a sub session, and I just want to end this and say to the listeners who've listened to this show, because let's be real. When you first heard me, I was a kid, I was in the closet, I didn't know who I was. I was pimply, I was terrified, and I was so happy to be on it, and all those things still really are just the same. It's the matter of the closet now is really good. I have loved every moment of it. So I'm here to the end of the year. So it's all good. This isn't goodbye, this is just let's carry on.

We love you so much. It's all good for us. It doesn't feel real.

I think everyone can hear how upset we all are by this decision. It's just so not what any of us want, and we just think it's it's a It is a huge loss for us. The last thing is we will be your biggest cheerleaders no matter what you're doing forever like that. You are going to absolutely smash it because you are the brilliant broadcaster like Mitch Churi, you will there will be something amazing waiting for you.

I just want to add.

I just want to add that Laura and I were podcasting for years, but we were brand new to radio.

We were babies to radio.

And the person that took our hand was you from day one, and you made us better at our job, and you encouraged us, and you told us that we could do it when we were scared.

And we are who we are.

A big part of our identity here at radio because of who you are.

I love you, guys, and Robert One's going to be great you next year. Have we announced that yet? That's not been announced Robert Tomorrow.

All right, we love you.

All right, you're on the pickup. Love you guys. It's Wednesday's business as usual. Let's go, pick up down.

Let me tell you I had to do this on Monday, and it's not the same coming from me, Mitch, me trying to bring the news.

It wasn't It doesn't hit the same.

Well that's what you got in twenty twenty five. Stop it, listeners, now it's come on, pick up Down's fun.

We'll bring it to us.

Come on, bringing the big news headlines from the week. You decide whether we pick them up we keep talking about them, or we put them down, we never talk about them again. I scale the Internet to get these headlines. So let's go. All right, pick up put down? A Netflix dropping the trailer for the new Bell Gibson biopic, What.

Pick it up? Put it down? I am so excited to watch this. Why do you put it down?

Oh? Okay, I'm excited to I only put it down because I don't like that this is an Australian story that they've used an American actor for.

That's my only thing. I'm like, come on, we have plenty of Australian actors.

That could be brilliant at this and an Aussie accent's really hard to do.

But I'm excited for the story.

Do you want to hear the trailer? If you missed at Bell Gibson obviously the woman that claimed that she cured her cancer with apple side if any gain.

Yeah, she had the was it the Healthy Pantry? So she had an app that she created and she was trying to cure people of cancer.

But she never had cancer in the first place. It is a hideous story.

Yeah, it's gonna be good on Netflix, so I get a load of theirs.

I was diagnosed with a stage four brain shiver.

That was four years ago. Human beings are capable of anything.

I was on a quest to heal myself naturally, I flirt, seek out what's role.

And honest, we built a beautiful community together.

Luss that power sleep.

I'm going to live.

Shut up, Bell, this was I mean, there were little kids whose parents put them on this diet and then they stopped all medical treatment for their cancer and their kids died. It is like she is the worst scammer of our time. It's going to be a fascinating watch, but it is a horrifying story.

Really really pick up, put down moo dang the famous pygmy.

Hippo pick him up again?


Sorry, And she's also heard the wrong pronoun.

Don't she's like sixty kilos.

You're not picking her up to sixty kilos.

You could pick that u huh if you want to?

Sorry? What about her?

Moodang's official theme song.

Pick it up? Play it?

I want to hear it is Mudang. The brand new theme song is available entire English, Chinese and Japanese versions, and the music is pay The video of the baby hippo bouncing while she's wet and playing is that the English version?

It is their singing mood Dang MoU dang dang dang Jason del du dang u dang.

Oh you know how Jason goes just dang.

I like stroke that isn't I'm not going to miss that.

That is a banger of a tune.

I'm here for it all right.

Well, look coming up next, I want to talk about how far you've gone to recover something that you've lost.

Because it's real great timing with that one.

Your virginity. Look, I'm talking about my engagement ring, but do give us a call next pick up.

Look, I have a question how far would you go for something that you've lost that you love, Like, how far would you push it? And I say this because so I don't know if you experienced this. When you have rings on and you're asleep, your fingers swell up, and sometimes you wake up and your rings are too tight, and.

You ever take your rings off.

No water retention over night builds in your body.

I take which takes water attention away and puts it from my skin to my muscle.

So I don't experience that. That was the most niche thing I have ever heard.

So I in the nighttime sometimes so sometimes I wake up and my wedding and engagement ring are too tight, and I'll just absentmindly take it off in my sleep and put it like next to my bed or whatever. But the other night I got up in the middle of the night, I went to the loo and my rings were so tight. I was like, oh, just take them off, and I popped them down next to the basin, which I normally never would do because basins are really terrible height. When you have little kids, things always go missing right like like hand height. So put them down and went back to bed. Got up early in the morning, and I woke up to the sweet sounds of my three year old screaming, mom, what my bomb, which.

Is pretty much what I wake up to every morning. Right, It was like a sweet lullaby.

So I go in there and I'm a bit like half asleep still, and I walk in and sure enough, there was a bum that was there to be wiped. And here I am wiping her backside at the same time she says to me, she goes, mom, I dropped it. I was like, what are you talking about? Lola dropped the poop, and she goes, mom, I dropped it. And then there it was a glimmer at the bottom of the toilet bowl, beneath the floating poo, my engagement ring.

Get Lola had been sitting on the toilet.

She'd been sitting there playing around with the ring, I'm guessing, and had dropped it straight between her legs, straight into the bottom of the toilet bowl. And I just went straight for it like I was bobbing for apples. I didn't even think I you raw dogged it. You didn't put a glove on my raw dogs straight.

Into that toilet bowl.

I had, what do you feeding these kids, Like are they on fiber corn thins? So this was.

A good fiber Yeah, they're all the yeir, they always a floaters.

There's always be like there was corn for me and I haven't eaten corns since I was a kid. Well, that's disturbing.

You need to see someone gasha on corollas. Maybe probably guys. Can we get back to my ring for a second.

Finger, So I'm I'm assuming you went fishing.

I did.

I went fishing, I got my ring out, I dead ald it and it's back on my hand. But I had one of those moments while I was like, wow, that was a real close call. Lucky I saw it could have been flushed right down there with the toilet paper and the poop.

Well, my mom lost her wedding ring in the Sydney Harbor on her on her honeymoon celebration. She was like a group of friends and it was too big. Dad like didn't get the size right around.

So it's like flicked off.

Yeah, and she was dancing sunscreen on, flicked off into Sydney Harbor right. Luckily, one of her good friends is a diver and spent eight hours and on the eighth hour got the ring.

Your mum's story is more impressive than mat and you didn't have the storytop. But anyway, I'm glad that I've been reunited.

We're all good.

Wow. That's what having a radio show is.

Usually we contribute to the conversation. It was a better story.

I also lost my AirPods once, and you know how you can track them. Yeah, when you lose your AirPod, you get fired from AirPods. Yeah. I was like that bastard someone took them because they were at a house. I could see they were at a residential area that I'd not been to. So I opened it and Apple Maps is like, take me to this location. So I'm brilliant. I also like put it onto my car, so it took me straight there. So I drove there with my partner at the time, and I got out the front and it was a scary looking house, so I left.

I would do the same I wouldn't do. You're gonna go knock on the door. What if they have a gun? You can knock on the door. My AirPods are inside. Well, if they thieved your AirPods, who knows what hooligans they are. Maybe they didn't thieve them. Maybe they just found them on the side of the road.

I'll come off it. Nah. It was one of those houses that had like a chain mail fit with like twelve staffies.

And like something looped over the electrical power line out the front. Because that's like a sign of a gang.

Oh, shoes, shoes?

It is it really the drugs? That's where you can get drugs from. I probably should put that right now. It's not true. That's what it's a gang house. Yeah, did you not know that it's real? Did you're not growing gangs like me and Mitch.

No, that's how Britain. I met that. She was a crip and I was a blood and it was a love story.

For now we were a blood crip? How did I get involved in this? Anyway?

Thanks for listening. Listen if you missed the show today. We had a very big announcement as per the future of the show in twenty twenty five. There's some big changes coming to the pickup. So if you love the show or if you're a Mitch Jury fan, listen to that podcast, which should be available pretty soon Instagram.

Yeah, go and follow at Mitch Jury.

Yeah. If you don't follow the pickup on socials. There's a video up there now that we'd love you to, love you to watch if you're just tuning in.

Yeah, we love you, Mitch.

Love you, guys, Love you Mitch. You tomorrow.

Bye, guys,

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