Every week, Britt & Laura take on your deepest, darkest dilemmas and unpack them (and HOPEFULLY come up with an answer for you).
This week, Renee gave us a call - she has two kids and really wants a third, but her husband is adamant that he doesn't want any more.
She is thinking about 'baby-trapping' her husband and just getting pregnant without him knowing. Is there ANY kind of way this would be an okay thing to do?
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Well it's Thursday, and Thursday here means ask gun cut.
Ask gun cut is something we do every single week on our podcast, Life un Cut Podcast.
What it is is.
You guys writing or you call up with the conundrums of the week, your deepest problems. We do our very heartfelt best, uneducated best to give you advice.
I mean we're educated, we're just not qualified. Two slightly different things.
So today we have a caller, Renee. Renee has a bit of a conundrum surrounding pregnancy.
So I think this one's going to be interesting to a lot of people.
Hi, Renee, Hi girlcohol are you hi?
Renee? What's been happening?
So? I really want another baby and my husband doesn't. He's adamant no more. We have two. He's done.
I want to know, is am I the a whole?
If I trap him as in, like try to accidentally fall pregnant without him knowing on purpose?
Yes, yeah, it's an accident.
I think.
I think if you do it purposely, I think you're a bit of an a whole.
Do want to be soft because I've thought the same things about my own husband at times? Because I also I sympathize with this, I also want a third baby, and my husband, Matt, fluctuates between being excited about it and then being like, it's an absolute no and it's off the table. But I think you've got to both get to a place where you mutually agree on it.
I don't think you can baby trap him. I think we've jumped ahead. What's the plan? How would you go about this?
I don't even know if I have a plan. Really. I just there's an easy way to make a baby, and I'm sure I can accomplish that.
But are you on contraception for example, or like your track of eulation like or so you're not? Okay, So he knows you're not on contraception, and he does the deed enough that you could fall pregnant.
Yes, well that's on him, that's his problem.
Yeah, we could take it that way, definitely, but he uses.
Okay, but that means you'd want to put a hole in it?
Can I do that without feeling guilty?
No, No, you can't put a hole in it? No, no, never.
How you've got two kids already?
How old are they at the moment, six and eight? So they're all already in school. You're well out of the diaper phase, well out of the diaper frame. And in terms of like your life and where you guys are at, what are his reasons for not wanting to have another baby.
We just brought a house and I've just in the last years just gone back full time.
Do you feel as though, financially and for all of the reasons that he gives you would be able to have another baby or do you think you would put a lot of strain on your relationship.
That's what I'm scared of wholeheartedly. Right now, I can confidently say I would put a baby in daycare after my maternally runs out. When it comes to the time, Am I comfortable with that? I'm not sure because I've stayed home for the first three years with my kids.
Do you know what the thing is here? Like, my blunt answer is no, you cannot do that. Like you should be in a trusting relationship with two consenting partners for something like this, And at the end of the day, for you to do this is you have to lie and you have to actually literally manipulate the situation. You are putting a hole in a condom. You have to think about what that will mean if you feel pregnant. Is there going to be this huge level of resentment that he's then going to have for the rest of your relationship, because that'll affect you too as a family.
Yeah, that's that is a good way to think about. It's something really selfish.
It's so hard when you can't be on the same page as something like this. And if you say that from a daycare perspective and all that sort of stuff, that they could be some logistical things that the two of you need to compromise on a little bit.
I don't know what that looks like for.
Your family, but maybe it's more conversations before you go down the route of trying to baby trap your husband.
I just think it's going to backfire.
I don't think it's going to end in a way that maybe you'll get a baby, but maybe you won't have a husband at the end of it.
Definitely not the sacrifice.
No, for sure, Renee. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I like it.
I think there's a lot of women out there who've had those same feelings. And yeah, when you don't feel as though your family complete is complete, that's a really hard thing to overcome. So I'm yeah, I'm sorry you're going through it.
Thanks. Girls, It's definitely one of us has to make a sacrifice, and I yeah, it's just gonna be what it is, I guess.
Thanks so much for that, Renee. I really feel for her. That's a really hard decision.
If you guys want us to answer your asker and cut dilemma, you can enter on the Kiss Win page. You get heaps of prizes if you get on and you get the chance to get on air with us and have that kind of a discussion.