The Paulie & Tony Fusco Show: Former Giant Jarrod Bunch says why he DITCHED THE TEAM & how the NFL screwed Eagles AGAIN

Published Oct 3, 2024, 3:02 PM

Former Giant Jarrod Bunch tells Paulie & Tony why he WANTED OUT of New York and how the Giants botched everything like they usually do. Plus, find out how the NFL totally screwed the Philadelphia Eagles once again, why Dak Prescott just sent a VERY STRANGE message to the Dallas Cowboys, and why Giants fans are blaming the WRONG PERSON for the fact that Daniel Jones sucks at football.

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All right, are right comment Oio Life from Philly. It's the number one rated poly Toni foursco show. As always, Polly Fools go here with Tony Fools go with Tony Huge out today and let's go. We're gonna tell you why people are unfairly blaming Daniel Jones for the fact that he sucks at football, and to discuss the continued fall of the historically crappy dog vomit New York Giants. We're bringing on a former Giant to just see how embarrassed he is by his terrible format. D Gerard Bunch will be joining us. And also we're gonna do a very touching and frankly unique tribute to two Philly legends who we unfortunately lost this week, the GMBE mcdumbo and Pete Rose.


Grab your tissues, Angel cleanexes. Yeah. But first, some show business we must talk about, as you know with bokners with iHeartRadio and Doyle. We just received the iHeart quarterly financial report, which shows podcast revenue is up eight percent. Tony, have you received the thank you? Nothing? Not even an email or a fruit basket me neither. It's ridiculous, you know, because you're looking our numbers downloads through the roof and our socials. You know, people are Instagram, which you should be following unless you want to be dumb and useless. We got one clip this week had a total watch time of get this people sixty five days, I mean, Tony, sixty five days.

Just to put this in perspective, Gone with the Wind was only four hours.

That's pathetic watch time. Yep.

These movie studios waste so much time making movies with all these different scenes when clearly all they need to do is to show the same twenty seven.

Second clip over and over. People will sit through those for days. We proved it. You know, we're changing the business total exactly. Well, now it's time to get into other business with that top story story first out Mcgate. You know, the Giants just an absolute chaos, hitting a new low, losing to the Cowboys, which is the ultimate low. Now, you know, many people who don't know football, they're blaming Daniel Jones because he hasn't thrown a touchdown at home in over two years, six hundred and forty days. But Giants fans, they're just blaming the wrong person here, Tony, aren't they Yeah, they should be blaming themselves. Yep.

Did anyone consider that these rude giants fans are clearly creating a hostile work environment for Daniel Jones.


Frankly, I think all fans need to be supportive of quarterbacks, no matter how many times they throw interceptions or fumble the ball, unless it's in the Super Bowl.

You know, maybe Dan, you can threaten to kill them. Words of wisdom, Tony, And you know you gotta feel bad for Daniel Jones, don't you, Because you know many people they're calling him, you know, the crappiest, most untalented quarterback whoever lived. And while that is true, it doesn't tell the whole story, does it.


It all depends on how you look at Daniel Jones.

If you see him as a quarterback, then yes, he's a talentless waste of space yep. But if you view him as a general manager, then he's a genius.


He's making all the right moves to secure the highest draft picks possible. When you see it that way, Daniel Jones is one of the great football minds of our time.

Terrific analysis Tony and talked about being unfairly attacked. Let's move to the Eagles or being criticized by idiots saying that their two and two start shows that the team is not a contendo. Please, but these morons, they just don't see the whole picture, do they, Tony. Look at the Eagles schedule so far.

The NFL forced the team to play their first four games against teams that have a combined ten Super Bowls.

Yup, Green Bay four, Tampa's.

Won two, New Orleans has won one in Atlanta, they've hosted three, you know. In fact, come to think of it, New Orleans has also hosted a bunch of Super Bowls, and so is Tampa. So really it's more like thirty or thirty five Super Bowls. That's just a totally unfair way to have to start the season.

Great perspective and insight that, Tony. And you know another thing, you've seen this play on Monday Night that the Lions ran against the Seahawks where Golf caught the touchdown looked oddly, oddly like the Philly special that falls caught in the Super Bowl. Well, Detroit's coming out and saying that play is called Alcatraz and they've been practicing it for years. Tony, what you think about this. What do I think one word copyright infringement? Y'all.

Clearly they named the play Alcatraz because they knew they should be put in prison for stealing it. My only hope is that Dan Campbell, Jared Goff and the whole Lions offense are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, preferably before this year's NFC Championship game.

Terrific legal analysis that Dony and well. Now moving to the Cowboys. You know, after beating the Giants on Thursday night, Dak Prescott sent a very strange message to his team. He said he doesn't want the team getting carried away with the win and said, quote, hopefully the guys don't listen to anything being written now, good or bad. And this is just very questionable leadership, isn't it, Dony? So weird?

What if a Cowboys player gets a letter from their grandmother saying I'm not feeling well.

Are they not supposed to read it exactly?

What if their wife or girlfriend sends them a text saying I have a flat tire.

I'm on the highway, please help. Yeah, what are they supposed to do? Not coming fine? We're talking about not supposed to do. What do you do when talking?

He clearly meant, don't read things about the team.

Look at that hat he's wearing, Tony, Yeah, what is this? Explains why he's wearing a hat with.

A D on it.

He's a Cowboys fan.

It doesn't stand for Dallas.

What does his stand for domb?

No, it's Dorchester. It's a brewery in Boston.

Oh so you're a Boston fan.

Do oh?

Yeah, that means the D stands for douchebag. Oh no, shut and by the way, stop doing free ads for other companies. Okay, they got to pay to be in this show. Just go ahead and send them an invoice. Send them an invoice for the go ahead anyway, and just now stop talking, because we're about to do something very important and also moving.

You know.

First we want to tell you that on Monday, as you know, we received the news that six is a legend, the Kembe mcdumbo had passed away. So we began planning a very special tribute that we were going to do at this point in the show. But as you know, later that day we received word that Pete Rose died and will rudal. Unfortunately, between all our sponsor obligations. We just don't have extra time in the show to memorialize both of them. But you know that's okay, because what we've decided to do is we're just going to simply combine the memorials into one. Just the best thing to do, just to touching. Go ahead, put on that yes sad touching music and you know, Tony, I'll let you start here, go ahead, thank you.

You know, so much could be said about both of them simultaneously. You're both great athletes, you know, both really great at making contact with a ball. You know, one used a bat and the other use the hand. And well one was named Rose while the other rose high seven feet tall, and well also Pete Rose.

Were the number fourteen. And as we all know, if you put one plus four you get five.

And when you put five and five together, what do you get to Kemba Matumbo's number.

And so there you go. That was very beautiful, but unfortunately we're up against time and we have to get our sponsorship obligation. We do, you know, gotta pay the bills and do this ad from our sponsors at Lionsgate Films. And then the movie Megalopolis now in theaters. Tony, you were paid handsomely to give your review. Tell us what your thought of the film. Oh, I loved Megalopolis.

As many of you know, I'm a huge fan of Superman movies, and while it was just so great to see a movie about the city where he grew up, I loved getting the sea Way.

What are you doing?


That's Metropolis? This is Megalopolis. It's a totally different movie. Did you even bother watching the screener they sent?

I thought that was one of those AOL free trial things, so I threw it out. Yeah. The only thing we should be throwing out is you. Yeah, at his studio, now shut up? Yeah five, pay attention. There's a phone lighting up there anyway. Yeah, I see. I guess he's coming on the line. So let's just go ahead and bring him on the Fusco Satellite network.

Fusco Satellite The.

Work must be very tough for this man right now. He played running back for the New York Giants in the early nineties, you know, back when that was actually something to be proud of. But now his former team is an absolute pile of trash, making everyone forget that this organization was ever even decent and we're going to get into all that more about him. After retiring, this is good. He started a successful acting and producing career with several impressive credits, including appearing in Two for the Money Without Pacino and Matthew mccontaey, which you know should have won Best Picture anyway. All right, let's just bring him in. Gerard Bunch, welcome to the show.

All right. So first off, it's not your fault because it's for years with that.

But it's Jerry No, no, no, it's spelled Jared, and you are not the first person to say that.

And that is for R R O D okay? Was this you change it because as a subway guy, you just didn't want anyone thinking you were the subway guy trying to be Hollywood. You change, you know, different spelling.

No, I'll tell you how it happened. In college, Bo schim Beckler never pronounced my name correctly, and starting from there all the way going into the into the league, he stopped correcting people.

Is that why Bo only had a two letter first name because he just didn't pronounce names and he was just like Bo is all like a Nintendo exactly.

I don't know, but he had a pretty good coaching career.

Well, yeah, that actually brings us to our first question for you. Terrific that way. Yeah, you're clearly a media person. You know, we want to know, with the Giants being so bad, when people ask you which team you played for, do you actually just say University of Michigan and hope that they don't figure out you ever played for the Giants.

No, it's it's funny. It's funny as you say that.

But that's the first thing that comes to my mind is I'm from University of Michigan, but it's always University of Michigan.

And I was a first round draft pick.

That's that's I don't say why just first round draft pick.

Hey, it depends on what year it is.

I mean sometimes the Giants always pop up and go to the you know, and win a Super Bowl every once in a while, and when it works out, I'm a Giant, I'm a former Giant exactly.

Well it doesn't work out, I'm a Raider.

Now, you just don't even say you played in the NFL at all.

I guess Wolverine that was somehow that question always.

All right, But you know, I know this is clearly a so subject for you, But we do have to ask about the so guy. You know, Daniel Jones hasn't thrown a touchdown at home in six hundred and forty days. Do you think this is because New York Giants fans are the rudest, worst fans in all of sports and don't know how to properly support a QB.

I would put that with the Eagles fans. Oh, what do you say, Well, they're rough. It is a different it's a different category. The Giants fans are very rough, but when you're winning, they're right with you. If you're losing, they are not the type.

To sugar peah.

So that's most of the time. By the way, are you upset at Eagles fans because we all called you girard when you came to down that Yeah?

No, because you're the Eagle fans were not the only ones that call me girard. Everybody called me Gerard. That's it.

So Eagle fans, no problem except the you know when we played, when I played, and I played in the old stadium, it was the clearly the word field that.

You could play on the period periods and uh put that with the fans. The fans were the I don't want to say the rudest.

They were the most rugged fans that were for their teams.

Well, tell us about an interaction you had with an Eagles fand did they try it? You know what happened?

Imagine it? Imagine it and it happened.

I mean they threw human that happened.

I said, imagine it was that was real?

That what you like, I imagine like what I throw a unicorn at you?


What do you mean to imagine?

It was a problem. It was a problem if you were not an Eagle. It was a problem.

And to put on top of that, when I was playing you guys had red red Reggie White.

I'll tell you one somebody asked me, how, who was the hardest hit I received?

Reggie White one time hit me with one hand while being blocked by another guy, and it was like, lord, hey, it was so hard. But the front seven was the absolute best that I ever played against, and we just every time we I don't think we ever beat them.

In fact, do you know what your record was against the Eagles during your career.

I don't think that we ever ever beat them.

You know, maybe that hit by from Reggie white, maybe the rules. But you know, the correct answer, which we'll be happy to tell you, is one in four. You are one, and I don't know why you don't remember that one win. Maybe maybe there's an error in the stack book, because oh and five sounds more realist. That does sound more correct. I know what?

Tell me what game was it that we be cheated?

We're not gonna focus I have them. Actually, we don't have researchers on the show. We just do it all from memory. But I'm pretty sure its advice. I did block a pun against nobody can nobody can? We don't remember that.

Yeah, that's a highlight for my field.

Yeah yeah, but you're a running back, so it doesn't go on the resume.

Sorry, But sticking with those early Giants, we do want to ask you. You know you left the Giants in nineteen ninety three, the same year Lawrence Taylor retired.

Did you choose to leave that year.

Because you thought, oh, with Lawrence Taylor gone, there would be no more you know, drug fueled sex, sorgies?

Great question?

No, no, now, listen, Okay, let's get this through right. I played that year and the year his last year was my last year.


All right, so.

We had very nice orgize parties.

Oh, like they put the cocaine lines in order? Is that what you're saying? Like straight lines?


Never, I have never seen cocaine in my life in real life.

Oh it must be. Yeah, we already know. Maybe it's within the memory with the other wind that never happened. Yeah, that's right. Reggie White erase that.

Oh okay, yeah, why are you guys talking about real life?

You're talking about any given Sunday, because I then give me Sunday with different than No, okay, okay.

All right, what do you think is worse a P Diddy party or a Lord's dale a party? Which one?

I've never been to a P d party.

No, that's smart by you. This is smart se he knows this is all being recorded. This is basically like an FBI in derogation. You're watching, you know, Reggie White at me, you know what, Actually, let's let's talk about Derek hen because you know we looked this up, right, you and Derrick Henry had basically the same body type, right, six to three two fifty right, But you know, don't you think it's a little unfair that you both got to play running back. Yes, I mean you look, you'll look like an offensive lineman. So don't you think maybe the defense was afraid to tackle. You're confused. They didn't want to get you know, charged with holding.

Yes to all your questions. Yes, but I played full back. He's a running back. He's a tailback.

You know.

He didn't line up the block. Most of the time. He lines up to get the ball and go.

I got the ball sometimes and did well when I had it, but most of the time I had another back behind me.

Yeah, So why didn't they make Rodney Hampton the full back and you the tailback?

Right man? I asked the same question. That's one of the reasons why I was ready. I was ready to get out of there.

Yeah, exactly. Can I ask you a question, have you considered this? You know, maybe your coach said Rod, go stand back there, and they were talking to you thinking you were Jair Rod, but they then Rodney Hampton goes back. Great connective tissue there. That sounds more sounds. I think if you were just gone by Girard, you would have been standing back there. But you were like, no, I'm Jared, and you ruined your career. Giants ruining football careers left and right. Daniel Jones, you should do a class You should do a class action lawsuit. Daniel Jones will put it together for you. You know, you Giant Eagles, we have a shared bond, don't we.

We do.

We both hate Washington YEP, with the fire of a thousand sons. So you know there's a lot of hype right now around the commanders. You know they're getting so excited, right but you know, we know this is gonna just go off the rails. They suck and this Jaden Daniels is going to turn into another RG three Jason Campbell. Yeah he sucks. Yeah. Can you look at the camera and just say, take it from me, someone who's seen a bunch of your commanders all your games, give up hope now because this is going to end boorly, hold on, hold on, Why won't you do that? Excuse me, we're supposed to be brothers. Take take two, go, no, no, no, I want you want to be truthful. To be truthful, you're not a giant. Yeah, you're a giant. You're a giant waisted tie. That's what you are. Because you're a show show. Sounds like a commander saying maybe you should go please for them. Bunch of wasted time. It's the off the line, Jay, hang up, that's why you can't have giants on the show. Just said, poor performance as expected. Yeah, that was a bunch of terrible takes there you go, don't and in a good one and let's not let him ruin, which was a terrific show all around. Because we want to remind you go see the new movie theater. Are you kidding me? Nobody wants to see every produce j want?

What why you guys said Daniel Jones hasn't thrown a touchdown pass at MetLife Stadium in over two years?

Yeah, bro, Yeah he's horrible.

Bro, it's been six hundred and forty days. Two years is seven hundred and thirty days. That's third grade math.

Oh yeah, well you'll remind me of a third grader from the waist down. Yeah, you have a third of an adult penis. Oh great, one, Tony, Yeah what what go? You said?

People have been watching your clip on Instagram for sixty five straight days.

Yeah they love it, bro? Yeah hard data bro?

Yeah, No, sixty five days is the cumulative watch time of all the views. No one would watch one clip for sixty five straight days.

Oh yeah, well the clip you would need to watch is inside my machine gun.

Yeah, and you know what I've been doing for sixty five eight days, your mom.

Oh and that's it. No moready, you we're out of time. You had sponsorship obligations. You'll need to be quiet. Quiet. And by the way, the one thing we do need to mention Tony is cover to the show next week just booked. Eagles legend future Hall of Famer Nick Foles will be joined, so you don't forget rate and review the show on all the podcast, by all the Merchant Tony, great job as always, Same to you, Paullie. Another flowless show.

There you go.

We'll see if people Sunday night for our post game reactions. Yeah. See your