
The Story of the 50

Published Apr 18, 2022, 10:00 AM

Welcome back to our show! Today we're discussing the time Schmidt tried to kiss Jess. EW! Also, Lamorne learns Kawhi Leonard is a fan, Zooey explains the difficulty of locking locations in Los Angeles, and Hannah remembers an epic rooftop hotel birthday party. All this, plus another round of True American is available for you today. If you'd like to ask us a question, please email us at Follow us on Instagram @welcometoourshowpod.

Ring ring, ring ring. May I please speak with Zoey. Oh, hello, Lamar, Let's patch and Hannah God, I forgot what it was like working with you. Guys. Hi everyone, and welcome to Welcome to our show, which is Zoe, Janal and Salmone and Lamar and Morris. Um, welcome guys. Today we're talking about a little episode called The Story of the fifty ye episode one ten. It was season one, episode ten, and this episode changed a lot because of some of the circumstances that happened while we were shooting it. And um, we would love to tell you about um laws of things about this episode because I think it's pretty fun. Last time on New Girl, episode one ten, the Story of the fifty Schmidt has done something so douchey, and the entire loft degrees he should put fifty dollars into the jug. We flashback a few days to the planning of Schmidt's twenty nine birthday party. The fear of thirty just a year away leads him to make some weird decisions. He wants a party bus with a boob shaped steering wheel and a stripper bowl, but the bus isn't available, so resourceful Jazz improvises and decks out of school bus with streamers, lights and balloons to keep the party going. Nick is concerned his friends will make a bad impression on his new lady lawyer love Julia, but is pressured into bringing Hard to Schmidt's party to prove that he's not embarrassed of them. The night kicks off a seeress of calamities when Schmidt's bronomy, Benjamin immediately reigns on his parade by forcing Schmidt to sing the humiliating parody song we built this Schmidty on Tutsi rolls parketing back to Schmidt's Sapti college days and the man they call that Schmitt. When the stripper agency sends a male stripper instead of a female, Schmidt wonders if he could have a future as a stripper. Benjamin refuses to help get the gang into Schmidt's favorite club, and then he hits on Jess in a totally creepy way. Schmidt tries to intervene, leading Benjamin to declare that the party sucks. After Nick and Winston tried to calm then down, Julia punches him in the face, and all the commotion causes the driver to crash the bus. Later, Julia reveals to Nick that she has an anger management problem. Undeterred, Nick and Julius sement their couple of status. Way to go, Nick, everyone goes home, but Jess and Schmidt stay behind to wait for the touch truck. While they wait, Schmidt tries to kiss her, which is why he owes money to the douche factor. He got off easy. Now back to the show. We had some great, great guest stars. It was written by Love Rockuet is directed by Troy Miller and U Yeah, we had Lizzie Kaplan. Mm hmmm. I was a huge fan of her. I don't get star struck by any I mean I do, but seeing her on the show was like, holy crap, she is dope. Yeah, she's a fantastic you A fan from like party down. No. I would just see her in random things like I don't remember specifically what it was, but I knew exactly who she was, and I was like, Oh, she's cool. She's very cool. She's very funny, very cool, really good actress. And we were lucky enough to have her for a number of episodes, and she was playing Nick's girlfriend Julia Um And this is the first time you see them together. And then we also had David Near coming back as Benjamin some of my favorite um of his improvisational genius in this episode which never made by the way, a lot of his stuff never made it to air. My favorite thing that he's ever that I one of the Turco know when he goes up to Nick set the party bus and he goes, what's that my n word? He goes, don't, don't call me your own don't? What? Wow? What a joke pitch that was. Yeah. So this episode is about when Schmidt's turning twenty nine, right the final year of his final yes, and his party bus falls through. Yes, exactly, his party bus falls through, and also Nick is ashamed. Nick has been dating Lilie Lizzie Kaplan's character Julia, and he's been hiding her from his roommate. I think it's the reverse. I think he's hiding you guys for her. Yeah, he's embarrassed of his roommates and then get friends with us and and then Schmidt her. I just want no, he's not hiding her, He's not embarrassed with her. She's great of you, Max. All of our characters, not us, our characters. You guys. Um, but um, we have and then Jess decides to step up and throw Schmidt a birthday party. And Jess isn't really who Schmidt wants, let's face it, to throw his party. Um, but I will say I do want to just like add as an aside that and I know I'm being scatter rain, but that David near Um improvised something that never made the cut about He said, you guys are selling turquoise on the side of the road like a couple of doors. Yeah, and I mean I can't do justice to the delivery, but it was is demitely made me laugh very hard and still makes me laugh when I think about it. He was he was improvising a lot of insults at a certain point. So this finds us at the beginning of the episode with Schmidt's very upset because he can't get his party bus. Um, and it's you know, it's kind of you know everything to his dB friends, that's douchebag everybody m that, you know, having the right kind of party bus, um, and just the good friend she is tries to help Um by getting a party bus, which is actually just a school bus. Um. And then we find Nick on a date with Julia, and Julia is like, why haven't I met your friends? Um, And he's kind of evasive about it, and he finally agrees to let her meet his roommates. And that occasion to meet his roommates slash friends is Schmidt's birthday party. Mm hmmm. And it's set up that he puts fifty dollars in the douchebag jar, that he's never put that much in the douchebag jar before, um, and you it kind of it kind of starts in the future and then goes back to finding out why he put fifty dollars. It's a story episodes, but what did he do that was so bad? That fifty bucks amount that has never gone in the douchebag jar had to go in? And then we flashed back to this story, right because if you're a fan of the show, you know he has said some pretty douchy things, but fifty dollars that's a lot. That's a lot of a lot of money. But before we before we dive into that, Hannah, m did you did you find did you find the bear? So the only mention of the bear when I went to hunt the bear, um, was the stripper. Mm hmmm, asks I think if the pole um is weight bearing or a part of the bus wait bearing. This feels like I'm already I really, I'm already off this bear thing. Like I think we can just establish that the people who are on that train or wrong, I think against We love you, but no, it's not a thing. I feel. It's so hard for me to let go of it because I'm that person who likes to look for a little signs and intention and like, yeah, Easter eggs and everything. What we'll do, here's what will do. Because I'm with Zoe on this one. I do think we've been. We've been, We've been sent on a wild chase here and we've found like half of the episodes don't have at all. For the fans out there, you know, Hey, we're gonna keep doing it. We're gonna keep looking. But if we don't find it, if Hannah doesn't find it, and you do find it, that's right, please tell us because we don't. Can my screen though? Can I share my screen with you for a second, because I will say this BuzzFeed article, I don't have to be careful, um, you need to care I would never just coffee. Why are you drinking coffee out of a wine glass? Well, because I had water in it. I was just trying to get to Christmas wine glass. Everybody, if you a Game of Thrones wine glass and I had something like that, I like changed it slightly for copyright purposes. We do not own the rights of Thrones. Only have like four seconds. Um. Okay, So I got this BuzzFeed article that popped up, not that my phone is listening to me at all, but it says, okay, I'm going to read it. The office, New Girl and friends all had amazing subtle details. Here are forty two you've probably never noticed. And then the line underneath is bears are mentioned in every No, I don't think. No, no, that's not proof of anything, because we've now watched these and I don't believe what. Let's get in touch with the writer from BuzzFeed because I I know buster DM Hope. No, I'm going to say this on this podcast now, Hope. I want you to d M me and I want to list because I will not see it for she'll look for you. Don't please because I wanted facts, Hope. I want to see it because I'm out here in these streets fighting for this and I need to back me up and help me do all this. And I don't think. I don't believe that. I believe Like, how would she have like watch all those episodes because she probably got an assignment, you know, from BuzzFeed, like find a bunch of you know, things about shows and then she was like, Okay, cool, I'm going to take these fans word for it, which I get because we also did as well. But we just haven't found that. And we worked on the show for seven years and I don't recall ever noticing that. And look, there's lots of things I don't notice, but I just look, I just feel like maybe some of them are a stretch. The segment is in the fun thing to do? You want to find a new games to survive? Guys, we need some proof. It can't just be Brett Bear's name can't be Brett Bears, and we can't be the bear on the fridge. Yeah, there's there are three different spellings of the word bear that means three different things. Are we talking about bears? The animals are in every episode? Or was it like I can't bear it or the mention of their necessities or bear, Like, what what you know? Be A B A R E B E A R or b A what's the other one? B B E A R. Wait? Okay, I had the COVID booster show yesterday and I'm not feeling well. So there's bear. Okay, there's bear. Isn't the animal? There's bear as in there's bear as in if you're saying Barry for short, what's up? Bear? Like a fever right animal? Get your booster? Shut. I'm not a good there. You're like, just thank you? Bear and Barrett? They're all are There are three different spellings. Maybe there're only two spellings. I think three meanings. Okay. Yeah, I did go to college, but I don't remember it. But it was for theater, you guys. Okay, it wasn't a conservatory. Okay, I took other classes. Um it was a hard school to get into. Okay, everybody, but when Northwestern, Yeah, Loria Lovelin was not paying my way in that she doesn't care about me. Um. So this whole episode, guys, is it's a flashback episode. It's a flashback episode, which is very Have we ever done that on this show? Was this the only there were other ones? But this was the first one where they played with the timeline like that, right, I'm trying to remember what other ones we did that we're like that. This was the first, which I like. I like the idea of trying to figure out as you're watching the episode, what is he doing because it's Schmidt that's going to flag the fifty penalty? Yeah? Yeah, And you're kind of pinpointing certain things throughout the episode like could that be it? Could that be it? And at the end, I think it's pretty evident what it was and we'll get to that. Um. But there was a mention of Frankie Munez on this episode. I've never met that guy, but I was always such a huge fan of his. Yeah he's great, Frankie, he says, Frankie or something. Yeah, I would love to hang out with him one day. Should we have him on the show. If you've seen the show, I mentioned you on our show, we would love to talk to you. I want to have some random guests just because I want to meet these people. Um, I'm going to think of some ways to like really stretch the definition of appropriate guest. Yes, just people. Just keep all the real housewives. If you watch New Girl, let us know, because you know Hannah and I want, I don't know, are you a fan, Lauren? I know Hannah is a kind of not really, but I've met some of those folks and they're lovely people. Yeah, welco back in this episode, I feel like it. In this episode there was Schmidt. He has this this this big moment in the kitchen where he's asking, He's telling everyone, like, you know, I dropped the ball in the party bus. You know, this is the big moment for me. I am, I'm twenty nine. This is it because once I hit thirty, my life is over. It's all darkness, is what he says. Do you did you guys feel the same way when you were turning thirty. Did you have like this moment, this crisis. No, I was like my life starting, it's been awkward up until this point. Finally, like I can be normal. That was the way I felt, And I was right by the way. I have friends who are like younger than me, and they who freaked out about you know, like recently we're like telling me they were freaking out about turning thirty, and I was like, welcome to the better part of your life. That's true. I remember for like, when I was turning thirty, I really didn't think it was that big of a deal, and so I didn't want to have a party. I was not in just did not throw a party. I also am someone who's just not like a party person. So I was like, no, I'm good. And I remember my best friend at the time, and it's something that's really sweet that's stuck with me where she was like, Okay, that's cool, but um, we love you and we want to celebrate you. And so they threw me a party and it was actually like my thirtieth birthday party was one of the most fun nights ever, um because they what was the party? Where was it? What was it like? Um, it was just really sweet. It was like on a rooftop of some hotel and it was something like I would never do. Like they had like a beautiful dinner laid out and drinks and my parents flew in. Essential for Hannah, if you're throw if you ever throw Hannah a birthday party, the food better be amazing. Yes, the food is good. Like friends flew in from all over the place, and it was all a surprise. I didn't know that anyone's going to be there. Like that. Like it was. It was like and we all stay at the hotel, so it was like, you know, like I got to have breakfast this morning, hang out and it was really great. But I was so surprised and it changed my stance on the parties, y'all. I actually had a really fun thirtieth birthday party too, um, and it was kind of like chill but really fun. And the theme was saw cop and we had like a saw cop and cleared the had socks for everybody and cleared like the rug out of the living room and my friend DJ and it was like it was like, um, you know, kind of like fifties sixties rock and roll and um, everyone just danced and it was so fun dance party. How about you, Lamuren, did you have at years ago? Do you remember it? I was on New Girl when it happened, and I don't. I don't remember, to be quite honest with you, I just don't remember if I I would have parties all the time when I so our birthdays are together together. Yeah, so I don't ever want to be I'll be honest with you, guys, I don't remember because it was a blurry time back then. I were having parties constantly that no parties, Like the entire time I was on that show, I was so tired. I also went to only parties to do with work, So I remember feeling like I in retrospect, I remember like you guys both having birthday parties or definitely you Lamour and having maybe you didn't hand, but Lauren, I remember you having a birthday party like almost every year, and I never could go because I was so freaking tired. It was like right around when we would start shooting, and I feel bad about that. I should have just rallied and gone like a like a big kid. You know, you didn't miss anything, just just just fun, excitement, insensity, passion when everyone went to Remember when we all went to Miami for the to meet the people, the Syndication people. We went to Miami and there was like a party at the Soho House and they put us up in this crazy like clubby hotel on yeah, right, club where the hotel where lives Fountain Blue Fountain, and like not my scene and every person but me. I mean I think we had dinner Hannah, like with Liz and maybe Katherine. Remember about that dinner. Yes, you're right, it was and a chair broke. Oh yes, I just remember that because it was like, it's my worst nightmare to take of being in public and to sit on the interesting. I don't think that's embarrassing. I think it's hilarious and not embarrassing at all. I don't remember who broke the chair, but I don't know. You don't love about that the chair when we went out. I went out that night. You guys all went out and went crazy Maxwell at the club Maxwell. It was he was geting a friend of mine at the time, and then he the Spurs were there, the San Antonio Spurs, and Kawhi Leonard was a a fan Kawhi Leonard. I remember going. He kept He's a very soft spoken guy and I'm a huge basketball fan. And he leaned over and he goes, I'm a huge fan. And I went what and he goes, I'm a huge fan. I said, oh my god, dude, that's awesome. I'm a fan of yours. And then obviously he's talking about from New Girl. I didn't think that he knew me from like a Pepsi commercial or something. So I was like, hey, look, and I want to say you were there, Hannah and I remember saying this is she's she's on the show. Has had did he go? You would say hi, and he's like no, No, he was nervous and scared. Later and he was I was like, he's very shy and soft spoken, very shy. Yeah, very very very sweet, Such an endearing quality in a person, and I love it. Yeah. I remember about that club is that, um, yes, the show is on the air and the show was doing well, but we didn't get into that club because of the show. We got into the club because of Damon. Yeah, Daven walked up and was just saying hey, and they were like, oh, okay, sure we recognized this family as with Damon from a dynasty. Okay, it's from a comedy dynasty. Yeah. I was not there. I remember going to sleep and then feeling like did I should I have gone? But then the next day, you guys were all so tired and and I was like, I'm I'm glad that I didn't ye know what, I didn't go, But you guys also all knew I wasn't going to go. You guys were like, yeah, not for you. I think I went to bed at like nine ten in the morning or something. I remember that too. We were all up to the sunrise. It's so crazy. It's so crazy. I'm actually shocked you went, Hannah. I was actually like, whoa this went? I want to say, yeah, A bunch of people all went except for me. Everybody kind of did not go. I thought. Know. Jake was like, I'm going to walk on the beach by myself. I remember that, um um. In this episode Back to Him episode three minutes Well. In this episode, Schmidt talks a lot about his relationship with with Ben Haman, David Near and uh, which is one of the funniest like watching I would watch the Ben and Schmidt show every week. Yeah, I mean please, I want to produce that multicam. Yeah, oh my god, I want to watch it. Yeah. Have you ever He mentions their relationship as um. He refers to the relationship as friend of mees, you ever had one of those? You've ever had? Oh my god, all girls have had friend of me? Yeah? Oh definitely, where you're like, yeah, this person hates me, but I for some reason, I want to hang out with them. But for some reason, I'm desperate to hang out with them. Folks out there and make sure you ford this episode to any of one of your friend of mees. Let's see if they get it, see if they understand what you're doing. Um, he also has good No, I'm just trying to find this meme. Hold on it. Come back to me for in a second. That I about friend of me is that I saw yesterday, and I was like, this is very true even at this age. Okay, continue set um so another another and this is something that I don't know guys say I mean bros. Before I was I don't ever remember saying that in my in my in my life bros. Before Hose just sort of weird to like refer to all friends as bros. And went in as like I don't know, like you don't have female friends. That's weird. Yeah, that's before I was like, mom, you have a lot of female friends, Like I have a lot of females. Like yeah, those are your bros you know? Or if expression it is and Schmidt. So there's a um, I forget who I forget who mentions this. Maybe it's Jake's character when he's talking about if he goes what does he goes bros? Before Hose in what Wait on the Moon, Rose on the Moon in yacht attire what what what is that? That feels like very um douche bag like what people would be. It feels like very of that time, right, like yeah, it feels like do she but also of that time, like the in yad at Tire feels very I had both shoes once. Well, you know what y'at rock is Actually a was something that um like basically yacht rock wasn't something that wasn't a moniker that was used like in the time of that music. It was like it was actually I think a buzz It might have been BuzzFeed or it was. It was a publication and then also like maybe possibly before the publication, somebody dubbed it yacht rock like it might have been. There was like a YouTube series about that time, but it was actually called the West Coast Sound. Yeah, they called it the West Coast Sound, and it was like particular, um it was just a particular, really specific type of music. Um. So it was very popular in because people were making jokes about it a lot. You think of the West Coast Sounds doctor, right, that's a different kind of West Coast Yeah, that's that's post West Coast sound hip hop, West Coast hip hop union. Very also great, great love doctor drying what happened? I couldn't find it, but the gist of it basically was with enemies, was like, I don't talk to anyone nicer or kinder than a friend of me because and it makes it harder for them to talk badly about me, Like now what you're gonna say about me? Oh girl? And it made me laugh because it does feel like to be a tactic if you know, somebody doesn't always speak nicely of you, if you just keep feeding them with kindness constantly. If I have a couple of people like that that I'll see around and I don't know why they don't like me, and I want, I want them to like me, and I'm so nice to them and I always give them compliments and they don't like It's I actually think they might not like me because I give them compliments. And I realized, like they just don't like fundamentally don't like who I am. And that's fine. I'm the thing we can do, you know, But I'm always like, why don't they like me? Which hard I do? No have we talked about yeah, you talk about it, or have we talked about I feel like for me, that's like my instinct if I feel like there's some weird pushback against me, because I like a deep dive conversation. So I'll be like, can you just tell me? Did I do something? Did something happen the way they treat you as so subtly rude that you can't like. Then they'd be like no. Usually I'll say that because I'm pretty direct, and I'll be like, did I do something? And then they'll be like no, no, you know, I know. Usually it's the passive aggressive people that do this to me. And I'm not passive aggressive at like, I'm the literal like I don't even know what to do when past someone is past aggressive because I'm very direct, and I'll just kind of say what I'm thinking. That's what they don't like, you know, I do? Do you like I don't he's gonna be all passive aggressive right now. No, I'm fine, I'm good, I'm kind good, I have no problem with anybody, no problems. You're like, it's a lot easier if you just tell us, just say it, just say it. And if you have a problem with me, tell me. It's all love in my life, you guys, This all love. Nobody dislikes. I mean, come on, how could they? I am your lovable, the sweetest man. This is the second time today you're showing us not to be confused with the sexiest man alive? But how do you have all these available? Oh? Oh, I see it's the backside, okay. I saw Trevor Noah do a thing about the sexiest Man Alive which made me laugh, which is like, why does it only last a year? Like and then you're a deep You're not sexy enough? Like He's like, I believe taking the same thing. I belive that you did it for a few years and then it was like, you know what, you lost it, because Star, you gotta keep bringing the sexy and already mentioned that. Paul Rudd was like, so you mean to tell me that Michael B. Jordan's is no longer the sexiest man alive? Right, He's like, I think it's probably still him, Like what did interest do? Yeah? What do you do to get less sexy? And he didn't do anything to get less sexy? Like, yeah, nothing, that man is maintained. I don't understand. That's what people keep saying about me. But I'm just like, nah, I don't want the title turn it, turn it away. Every year. You're like, I'd rather be the sweetest man alive on the back Exactly on the back cover, because sometimes the magazine drops and falls and people look at the back Yeah, and the back cover, the back cover is yellow and yellow as eye catching, So yeah, exactly. All I kept thinking about when I was watching this episode would be like the pressure of throwing a friend a party that has such a polar opposite aesthetic for me, for me, and like it would fill me with panic of thinking I was getting it wrong the entire time. Oh yeah, I have some cee I have for me. I have friends who are kind of gaudy, like like over like outwardly gaudy, overtly gaudy, to the point where I whenever I to keep this in mind whenever I do have a party, though it's really chilled out. It's not like, um crazy, you know. I don't like expensive gifts or anything like that. People just hang out and you know. But I have friends who are like, yo, I'm gonna throw you a party, And in the back of my mind, I'm like, no, please, not you, not you. I don't I don't need that environment in my life. I understand you austentatious. Yeah, I know. I find that a little like I feel intimidated. Yeah. I want very relaxed people just kicking it like normal. All right, when we throw you a birthday party, we're going to keep that in Mindam, That's what we're gonna do for you. We'll get those cookies with the frosting from the grocery store. Yeah, it'll just be on a table. Ye'll separate in a box spring. Do it yourself. Nothing says a little more than on it. The thing that the thing that I found you want finding nemo theme? Okay, I thought we use old shower curtains. See your table cloth? Um. The thing that I like about this episode is you mentioned earlier we had some cool guest stars. M Matt Besser. Oh my god, you know what. I love Matt Besser. He's so hilarious. Oh my god, one of the one of these A comedy legend. Yes, he's a legend, the strike stripper and also he plays the stripper. Yeah, and he does it very very well. He's like, oh, we heard a female voice, so they sent me ever had to do. He's one of the founding members of Upright Citizen's Brigade Everybody, which is a very famous it's second in line to Second City, Second City than his UC. And there's ground links. There's like three of those that the cornerstones. Um, have you all ever found yourself having to hire a stripper. I've never seen a stripper. I've never been to a scrip strip club. I've never been anywhere where there's been a stop it. Yeah, I know, I don't really I've seen. I have a slightly traumatic story which I will share quickly. Your time in college. Sometimes I was in college and I remember, Um, girl, the girls that lived in my dorm, We're like, hey, you want to come out. We're gonna go to this bar. It's ladies night. And I just thought that meant like, oh, I'm going with my girlfriends for like a girl's night. I didn't realize that that was a term being used in bars for what this setup was. And I was going to walk into So we go there and um, I didn't notice, but it was all women. We're all there, and it's like dollar highballs and so it's so good. So everybody's dripp for like ten bucks again ten drinks, and everybody's drinking a good time. And then all of a sudden, there were these like very respectable, lovely men at the part, like at the club that we're walking around, Okay, fine, normal to like of course there's gonna be men and women at the place in suits. And they were like walking around and they're chatting to us businessman and only a handful of them, and they're chatting, and this guy's talking to me about like college and he's trying to get himself through what he's doing. And I was like, oh, that's a very nice guy. And then all of a sudden, the like the lights like went really low, and I and these men had since disappeared for a few minutes, and all of a sudden they were standing there fully naked. This is my nightmare? Do you understand? And so I'm going there's a sweet boy that's turning into school, Like that's just the guys trying to supplying for school. And so I'm sitting there and I'm like what and all the them in have gone totally crazy and are screaming like take it off, and they're removing the last piece of clothing and they're chanting take it off. And I have now run to the back of the bar like Blair Witch Project facing the wall, just going keep it on, please keep it on. Oh my goodness, Bradley, keep your books on. Don't get to do this better than run Away. It was the and I was so traumatized. And then they did whatever they did because I could not watch it because I was I had no idea what was happening. I was so horrified. I had no idea what was happening. And then at some point the music stops, they leave, and then this is the other crazy part. Then all of a sudden, hundreds of men flood into the bar, right so what they had done is it's only ladies. And then the male strippers come and they get you drunk, and they get the men naked, and then those men leave after they've done their thing, and then all all like the dudes that have been lined up to get into the park and they think, you guys are like DTF. I guess. I was in a taxi going home. Men came and I was like, I'm out listen. I'm sorry to break it to you. You were at an orgy. That's what it sounds disgusting. It was in Vancouver. I was it's not dirty Okay, that's why we're not the only down here in the States. Okay, that's the only time that I have been in a situation where there was a male stripper. And let me tell you, even though I didn't see anything for more than one second, still traumatizing that memory to this day. Well, you know, Hannah, I love that for you because life is life is about experiences, and I'm glad and I'm glad you've never seen any strippers. More about Yeah, I'm still like hoping, you know, for that day where a friend invites me to what is it called a club of strips of the club, Yeah, the club time, and you know what, respect his choices. He was doing his thing. He was fine. This was more just about me being a situation and he did not expect anything like that. I thought I was haing. He was probably like excited because or he was like happy because he's like, oh, I get to make money and just take my Okay, that's fine. He was probably fine. I'm sure everybody was very happy with the situation, the male strippers and the ladies that were there. I was just surprised. He's like, I get to take off my clothes and not get to arrest. It incredible, this is legal. So so riddle me this, Hannah. After watching the episode and after having gone through this traumatic experience, how how how well of a job didn't Matt best or do embodying? Was proud? Hilarious. I was proud of his profession. He was sharing the wisdom and the wealth. Um uh so, where where where a cc so? For season one? Um, in the first chunk of episodes, I was only nine for thirteen. So I was only hired for nine of the episodes out of thirteen. And so I remember I remember reading this script and I thought it was so funny and I was like searching because I was like, oh, I can't wait to be a part of this. This is so great. And my name never showed up. And it was interesting because they were like, no, you didn't get paid. That was the thing. I remember them kind of talking and they're like, look, they're watching the budget of this show because it's an expensive show. So they can't just put you in for fun, because that's a you expense it. I will say something that I remember that UM, and that I kind of mentioned at the beginning of this episode until we went off the rails. UM Um, so this episode, we went and we're shooting on this mountaintop and if you know l A, you know that we have this thing called a marine layer that sometimes we just get clouds that roll in and make everything foggy so you can't see. So we were shooting, we had this beautiful um it was supposed it was like the Tuscany themed like part. It was Tuscany themed or something like that. And when we got to the location, which was in i want to say, kind of Griffith Park area or something. It's like in the Hollywood Hills, all of a sudden, whereas when they scouted the location, you could see all of Los Angeles twinkling for miles and miles. You could see like not even three ft in front of you. When we got to the location, so it was so foggy and it no longer looked, you know, romantic, and it was just kind of a weird, foggy location and all of our my hair gets really frizzy in the fog, and I just remember my hair was like blowing up and frizzing out and um, and so they kind of had to change the In the original script, there was like the whole thing about a Tuscany theme, and there's that's why there's like sharkuterie and cheese plates and stuff. Is kind of like, I love how Winston couldn't say sharkuterie, and I love the script. I'm not sure if that was in the script or if I actually in that moment couldn't and just made a bit out of it. I don't remember. I don't remember, but I've or never heard the word until then. I want to say I'd never used that word before until that episode, and that was so lost sharquterie. That's the that's the right way to say. I have so much sharcuterie around the house, eating it and saying it. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's part of my My nights are ritual. OC guys, should we play true American? Yeah? Should we drop in before you American? What made him put fifty bucks in the jar? I can't remember to kiss you? Oh that's right. I watched it last week because I thought we were doing this last week and I had the COVID booster, and now I'm just I'm tired. I kind of thought was a cool thing that that was that they were Everybody was like, we have boundaries that, yeah, don't do that just because having a weak moment. You can't just start like trying to make it out with your friends, right. I do remember laughing hysterically that that Max had to like pretend to make a move. I mean, it just like a funny thing, because Jess and Schmidt should never be together, as we know. Um, all right, we're gonna play the wonderful game that is called True American. Welcome to True American, where the rules changed weekly and we leave more confused than we showed up. This week, we're playing Alexander Hamilton's versus Aaron Burr's Jeopardy History's Greatest Frenemies. Guess the frenemies the clue describes. Okay, okay, you guys wanna so clue A. These reviewers decided the fate of movies with a flip of a thumb, but behind the scenes, they often flip a different finger at one another. Cisco and Eber Ebert, but they didn't like each other. I didn't know this. I didn't know that either. That breaks my heart. Roger Ebert came to my defense once a long time ago, and somebody, Yeah, there was someone who kind of wrote like I won't go into it, but somebody wrote like kind of a mean thing about me for no reason, was not like I didn't do anything, and um, and I kind of wrote a response and Roger or this was right around the beginning of New Girl, and Roger Ebert came to my defense, and so I always remembered how kind that was of him. Yeah, yeah, all right, I'm very surprised by that revelation about Sisily, And yeah, I want to know, is it that they disagreed on movies enough times? Because you know, sometimes you get you're so such a so passionate about a topic that you can start to feel angry at somebody for disagreeing with you about something trivial like or maybe they weren't actually friend, it was just their characters they were playing because they had they were going against each other, except that weren't harding to hide it. So yeah, you guys want to know the answer? Yeah, who was it? They're just very different, But they're just very different types of people. Like Cisco is like a party person and like always around people and very like warm and friendly kind of guy, like catching at bars in Chicago a lot and a quiet dude. And they had very different opinions, and there's a lot of behind the scenes footage of them on their show, like back and forth and the way that you can only do with someone you've known forever and like kind of love but I'll be like this guy, Uh, it's sweet and you know overall it's love. But they definitely had like really intense tips with each other. Interesting, so like introvert extrovert, just not did one of them pass away? Was it they both did? They both passed away? And Roger Ebert has now passed. Yes, yes, Cisco, Yeah, because it was Ebert had another head a show with it was Ebert and Roper Right. I always appreciated the very simple um ratings of yeah, I don't need a scale of one to twenty and the whole thing just like that too. I like that too. I think that was what made it so we got we got it right. Yeah, we got it right right. So they were it was only that they were very different people. They were very different people, but that's probably what made the show great. Okay, clue By one wasn't heiress, the other worked for her. Then she began a new reign all her own. I know this one and Kim Kardashian. Ya, oh, I wouldn't know that, but I you know what, I've never met Kim Kardashian, But Paris Hilton is so nice. Have you guys met her? No? But she married a guy from my high school. Wow, she met. I sat next to her at a party and she was so nice, so so nice, so nice. Carter rheam not so nice to me in high school? Oh really, oh dear, well he's probably nice. The soccer ball in my head. All right, we're gonna, we're gonna take this up. I'm sure he would apologize at this point. It was a boy. All right, that's vividly is that true? That's very true. He's on a soccer team and he do you think he meant to do? That's not nice? Because I kicked it back at him and then each and then I ran, oh my god. Well, m okay, well she's lovely. Well maybe she's getting him in line, you know, maybe she's getting him in line. Yeah, I'm sure he's a guy. Now that we were in high school, it's a long time ago. Not everybody's best years ago. Okay, okay, oh Hannah, you want to go sure, Clucy probably the inspiration for the phrase stabbed in the back. Is this Julius Caesar and Brutus? Is that right? Will that be right? Oh? My goodness? You know what's so sad is that my mind went to O J All right, that's my time, y'all. I don't think you're friend of me. I think I think, yeah, that that would be enemies. Yeah, like something had to happen before you, you know, Is that right? Is that correct? Yes? Yes, thank you. I do know some things. I don't know about Kim Kardashian, but I do know about Julius Caesare. Um. Okay, alright, these founding fathers went from friends to enemies and eventually shared a death day. I should know this, um, but I don't know that I do. Is it? Um? Um? Oh? My brain isn't working today. Um. I'm out. I can't do this. Um. Yeah, is it? Um? Okay? Who's the second president of the United States? And like, my brain is not working right now? Um? Adams Adams? Um? Is that right? John Adams? Okay? Jonathan Adams, Jonathan j There's It's not Jonathan. There's no John. Um. Oh, John Adams. Okay, we got one right, John Adams and George Washington. Is that That's what I'm thinking? But I could be wrong. No, it's not Hancock. John Adams was because I watched that movie about or the miniseries about John Adams, and I don't know nothing about American here story. I'm not gonna lie to you. Is it Thomas Jefferson? Is it Thomas Jefferson? Nods and Jefferson, Adams and Jefferson, OK, thank you. It's it's that my my brain doesn't recall names as quickly as it used to look before I had kids. I hope some other people relate to this, some other moms. Um, Hannah, does your brain remember as well? I don't remember what I had for breakfast? Yeah? Thank you, So at least I'm not totally crazy. But yeah, Adams, I knew. I'm like, who's the second president? I know? Umah, Thomas Jefferson got a band together? Well you did it, guys, We barely did it. I feel like we didn't really share a lot of insider information on the story of the fifty, but we shared a lot of personal information about our probably will embarrass us later and come back parties and strippers, and we hope you enjoyed it. We hope enjoy. Please like and subscribe because um just make Lamore un happy. Thank you please and always got to feel her private jet so we Oh my lord, I don't flim slay it down. I fly commercial every fly down below on a FedEx jet inside a box. Okay, I FedEx myself, which is shipping around. This episode was brought to by FedEx yourself. Love you, Thanks for listening. Have a great day, have a great night, have a great year. You've been listening to Welcome to Our Show, a New Girl recap podcast. Welcome to Our Show is a production of I Heart Radio, hosted by Zoey Deschanel, Lamour and Morris and Hannah Simone. Our executive producers Joel Monique. Our engineer and editor is Daniel Goodman. The Welcome to Our Show theme song was written by Zoe Deschanel, performed and produced by Zoe Deschanel and Pierre de Reader. Follow us on Instagram and Welcome to Our Show pot. If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at Welcome to Our Show podcast at gmail dot com. Don't forget to rate, subscribe and share far and wide. Thanks for listening, we'll hear you next week. One

The Mess Around with Hannah and Lamorne

Go behind the scenes of Apartment 4D with the crew who called it home for seven incredible seasons.  
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