The New Girl Shooting Schedule
How good was Jess at volleyball really? Should your bestie end that friendship with their ex? Plus, Hannah breaks down the typical week of a New Girl shoot.
315: Exes
This Exes episode really put Hannah and Lamorne's friendship to the test as they debate once and for all can you be friends with your ex?
Fantasy Football, More New Girl Cats, and PRINCE!
Hannah answers more of your Prince questions, is introduced to three new New Girl cats, and considers a possible couple name for Cece and Schmidt.
314: Prince with Damon Wayans Jr (Part 2)
Damon comes back for a record third episode! Lamorne and Hannah chat about what it was like to meet Prince for the first time. Plus, Hannah details how she went from dodging Prince to one of his life-long pen pals.
Coach (Damon Wayans Jr) Answers Your Prince Questions
Are Winston and Coach cousins? How many songs did Prince perform on set? Hannah and Lamorne sit down with Damon Wayans Jr to answer these questions and more.
314: Prince with Damon Wayans Jr (Part 1)
The iconic, historic, most expensive episode of New Girl was Prince. At one point Cindy Crawford was supposed to be a guest. Fire and Ice was crafted from almost nothing. Damon Wayans Jr joins Hannah and Lamorne to discuss the untold stories of making the Prince episode - including three different …
We Need More Wicked and a Nap
We're still in a Wicked set of mind. A Chicago listener tells us how Jake Johnson's friend's band's posters appearing in New Girl impacted their wedding. Plus, how do you deal with sleep deprivation after 16 hours on set?
313: Birthday
This is the episode where Nick forgets to plan Jess's fake birthday before his elaborate surprise party. Also, Coach and Winston get into a bro bake-off. Hannah explains why she's never thrown Lamorne a surprise party. Lamorne cheated and won Celebrity Cupcake Wars with a chef side-kick.
Hello, Montreal
7 guys and 1 girl in a single apartment?! Damn Montreal. You crazy. Plus, do you get weird when puzzling?
312: Basketsball
This is the one where Jess desperately tries to become Coach's friend by faking a love for the Detroit Pistons. A decision that causes Nick, a Bulls fan, to have a meltdown and initiate a sex standoff. Hannah and Lamorne try to stay on topic but what does the model on Depends think about their life…