This Loft Meeting is centered on gratitude. We love receiving your videos, your art, and your sweet letters. We're sharing some of those special memories with you. We read a letter about Elvis, an awkward love letter to Wicked, and we hear from two young filmmakers inspired by New Girl. Check out more from Jasmine and Lindsey here:
All right, love meeting.
Off meeting.
We're calling the Loft Meeting here meeting.
I got all dressed.
What are you wearing?
Good? All dressed? Uh in our mess Around merch designed by ourselves, you know ourselves looking fly dog. Yeah. I just traveled to uh uh Texas and I was wearing my mess around hoodie and it was so cozy. It was so cozy and multip people multiple people ask me, They're like, where's that hoody from? I was like, go to the mess round pod dot com. Grab yourself some Lincoln Bio. Lincoln Bio.
That's actually good.
That's a good name for a segment, Lincoln Bio. All the stuff we got going on this Loaft Meeting something we love to do. Kind of why we created the Laft Meetings is it's a gratitude in our attitude towards you, the fans and listeners, because so many of you send us videos and art and we want to share your fantastic work and all your questions we want to address them. The Loft Meeting is for you, all you honorary Lofties. So first up, we have a video from Lindsay and Jasmine Joelle. Run that tape.
Hi guys.
I'm Lindsay and I'm Jasmine, and we are best friend slash roommates slash filmmakers, and we were brought together and inspired by your show New Girl.
Yeah, and we always talk about how much we love season three and how the plot really starts to think in with all the characters. We were always really inspired by those dynamics and just how honestly, how Winston just becomes like a weird little guy in that season and just all the romantic drama with the respective couples. It's, yeah, just our favorite.
I always had a theory that Winston was just a collection of random traits that the writers had stuffed in a drawer somewhere, and watching your show has kind of confirmed that that's true. But yeah, we we love New Girls so much. Our friendship started by having like really in depth conversations about like who is everyone's true soulmate and what are our favorite jokes? And watching your show had a direct inspiration on our little web series that we made together, which has so much to do with inner personal relationships, and it's kind of this this group that's stuck in a situation together and have to learn how to love each other. Despite all of their weird idiosyncrasies and differences. And we also really love the pacing of New Girl. It's just joke joke jokes.
Jojo so quick and so wonderful, and yours performances are just so amazing and aspiring and hilarious honestly.
Yeah, so we just wanted to say thank you. We wouldn't be doing what we're doing without you guys, and we're really looking forward to season three of The Mess Around.
They're so sweet.
Oh my gosh. I love when I hear stuff like that. You know, in this business, sometimes you you do stuff and then it goes. You know, I've done plenty of things which no one talks about, which no one seems to care about. So if I die, I could at least tell myself that people loved the thing that we did. People. You know, we affected someone's life in a positive way, which is I feel our responsibility as folks here on this earth is to treat each other with kindness and help each other out. And if that's if that's our role in this world, then I'm very very happy. And people like Lindsay and Jasmine are the reason that I continue to do it.
We am recording this loft meeting on a Sunday, but somebody is preaching today the Lord sexual Chocolate. Okay, all right, Hi, Lamourn and Hannah. I'm toy from Shreveport, Louisiana. Fifty cents new pet project city. Wicked is coming out soon, and I have to shout out Lamourn Slash Winston for making me a Wicked soundtrack fan. Each time I hear popular, I don't see here Kristen Oh, Kirsten Chenowith, I hear Lamar and Morris. Without that episode, I would have never looked up that song Whoa or I never became a fan of the soundtrack. I have two questions for you. First, you have a favorite track from the Wicked soundtrack. If either of you were to audition for Wicked, which part would you want to play? This is a fan. It obviously knows me well because they say, I know this is extra tough for Hannah anything about Wicked? Thank you, Lamren and new Girl. Do you have answers to this? Have you seen Wicked when it was like on Broadway?
Do you know what's funny is that I never I've never seen it. I'm waiting for Cynthia Rivo's get to come out with Ariana Grande.
I'm so good.
Yeah, I mean.
It looks so good.
I'm just more I'm like excited to hear them both like their voices, both their belts. It's like, oh my god, that's you know. I got you to see Cynthia recently at an event and she was performing and I was just like, she is. She is incredible, man, her voice is insane. So I'm excited to see their version of it. But I haven't seen it yet. And if I were to do a song, it would probably it would probably be popular because my daughter loves it. My daughter loves that song and when I start singing it, she gets really excited. So New Girl is what got me, you know, excited about it. I haven't still haven't seen.
It, but it's a gateway. Isn't that funny How sometimes like a reference can happen in a show or a movie about another show or yea, and it kind of like, yeah, open your eyes the true story. I remember when we were shooting New Girl, someone told me this was before they had built our bar set and we were still shooting in the original The Princes, you know bar, and someone told me that Chinatown was shot there with Faye Dunaway really yeah, way way way back in the day, and so I went it was a day I wasn't shooting. I was home and I was a day off, and I was like, oh, well, I guess I just heard about this, so I'm gonna watch it. And then I watched the movie. It was really good, and there's this scene where Faye Dunna was sitting in like one of the booths, and it's so weird because you're like, that's our location. This like incredible movie and our silly comedy share this set.
So it's so funny. How arrogant we are to think that we started that. Yeah, always like oh, that's the New Girl bar, and it's like, no, it's that.
And then we built the bar because we know it was like a main set for our show. And then when our show ended, where did it end up? It ended up on another show.
It was on Uh, it was also on h I think it was a Hulu show, was it?
Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yah yeah yeah, it was on another show. And so many people called it out. They're like, this is just classic.
It was like season two of Only Murders in the Building. With Yeah. My named Kara Dellavine. Is that her name?
Yeah she does. She has like an art party and then they use the exterior of the loft.
Oh yeah yeah. Shout out to Karra Delavine. She's awesome. Nice Okay, so uh Hi Hannah and Lamourne. I hope it's not too late for the loft meeting. But I wanted to write in about episode two twenty Chicago. This episode feels like it was written for me, and anytime I'm missing my dad, I put it on and it feels like he is right here with me. My dad passed away in twenty fifteen, and he was the biggest Elvis fan you could ever meet. Growing up, we had a large painted portrait of Elvis in our upstairs hallway and we always called him Uncle Elvis. I was raised on Elvis's music, and when Jess dares to suggest that not everything at the funeral has to be Elvis themed, Nick's mom's reaction doesn't seem the slightest bit irrational to me in my family. I just wanted to thank everyone involved in this episode, from the both of you, to Liz to the writers. This episode is everything to me. When Jess turns to Nick at the funeral and says, you okay, Mama, this always brings tears to my eyes. New Girl has and will always be my favorite show. And I thank you all for everything you've always done to touch the lives of your fans. You do more than you could ever possibly know, Signing off with a what the Heaven? Molly from Orlando, Florida. Wow, man, Mollie, we love you. We love you. Like I said, you know, being a part of something like this, you never know how it's going to affect people and how it's going to touch people. And it's one of the reasons why we do this particular podcast is so we can hear stories like this and we can you know, pass the love right back to you. So, you know, me definitely appreciated. I met someone recently who came to me and said, you know, I went through a lot. They were I was in Virginia and and she just said, I've been going through a lot. And then her the person she was with, the guy was like looking at me, like yeah, and and she was just so happy to meet me because New Girl got her through so much stuff. So to her, to you, Molly, it's all the folks out there who've been dealing with something a New Girl helped you kind of escape for a little bit, we appreciate it.
Yeah, it's so funny. I've had so many of those experiences too, where we've kind of been someone's makeshift like family and support to get through periods of like grief or healing or both. And that's the one wonderful thing about this show I feel like, is that you know, there's this sense of familiarity when they meet us, when fans meet us, and they will just openly share and be so vulnerable about something. And I'm here for it because I have that too. I have shows or movies that I watch that are comforting when you just can't deal with like real humans, because what you're going through is just it's personal, but you also just want to like sit alone in a room. So it's really really sweet to know that New Girl has done that for so many people and that we get to be a part of that, and that y'all feel comfortable enough to share it with us. So thank you, thanks Molly for that.
We love you. I don't wanna take this last one, Hannah sure.
So to wrap up this, Lil Loft meeting that we are doing today. We just want to do a quick shout out to at Emma Space Lynn l y n N on TikTok. So she made this incredible video with Taylor Swift songs, and you know we love some te Swift. We actually did some one of a kind Te Swift Elaine's Big Day merch available on our website at mess around pod dot com. So she did an incredible video with Taylor Swift songs and Winston quotes, and we can't share it right here because copyright is copyright, but we love the video, so go seek it out. Give her some love. Anytime you guys put these videos together, trust me, somebody sends them to us and we all send them to each other as a cast, and we love them just as like you are fans of the show. We are fans of you guys doing all these things to honor some of the funniest moments in our show. So we appreciate that. We see that, We see you. Yeah, yeah, I loved it.
M A spaceland E M m A s p A c E l y n n on TikTok.
You just said that, like you know, remember the Mickey mouse am I c OK pod.
I'm trying to let these kids know how to how to spell you know how to spell am A spaceland you know. We want to make sure.
People that's right, go find it can keep all the stuff coming in, please right keep sharing with us your videos, voicemails, letters, all the stuff. We will share it right here. It means a lot to us, like lamar And said, it's the reason why we do this podcast. So we appreciate it. And you can reach us at the mess Around pod at gmail dot com. All the emails do get read and seen and gone through and any feedback you have. Friends. We are trying to make this the best rewatch podcast we can for you guys, So you let us know, we hear you, we see you, we love you.
Peace ye