A Rasin Call and Response

Published Dec 5, 2024, 8:00 AM

Hannah takes a letter recapping a fans favorite quotes, recounts her favorite music discoveries from the New Girl discography, and we hear from a clever teach who's co-opted one of her favorite quotes to make a call back for her classroom.

Woolft meeting.

I'm calling a Laft meeting, y'all. Okay, you know it's my favorite favorite thing to do. My favorite thing to do is these Thursday podcast episodes where you get the floor. You get the floor. You send in your questions, you send in your thoughts, you send in your opinions, you send in anything you want, because I know how cool it is to sit there and contribute to one of your favorite things. And I'm so grateful that this podcast.

It is one of your favorite things.

All right, let's just dive right in. We have a letter. Can I call it? Even if it's an email, I just like calling them letters. A letter from Lauren from Joja. She says, hey, RuMIS Hi, Hi Hannah and la Mourne. I wanted to let you know how much I love New Girl and the pod. This series has single handedly gotten me through life and tough times. Sounds silly, I know, does not sound silly. I got you. I got to a point where my boyfriend told me to stop watching. Why lol. I rescued a sweet five year old kitty. Always a kitty to me, Yes forever. Kitties, by the way, don't need to interrupt you Lauren. But it's so funny.

You know.

I had my cats for so long, and I was like, I have three kittens, and they're like, oh, that's so sweet. Like when did you get him? I was like, eighteen years ago. I can't tell him. My baby's on my baby, Okay. I rescued a sweet five year old kitty, always a kitty to me, and no question when I decided to name him Winston. Oh my gosh, I just want to say this again. I'm interrupting you, Lauren. I would just like to say this. So many people name their cats Winston after Winston because he had Ferguson. I would just like this pod to make it known. Okay. Then Hannah me who played CC is the cat lover who often was in scenes with Lamurn aka Winston, and would take Ferguson because Lauren is highly allergic and also not a cat fan. Okay, So if anybody else there is getting a cat and loves New Girl, I highly encourage you to consider the name Cec or Hannah. I'll take a Hannah, you know, all right. So I decided to name him Winston, based off my favorite character for my show. Oh I say, you just named him because you loved Winston the most, never mind retracted all that. Sometimes I wonder why CEC took Schmidt back, and then I realized it all makes sense. They've meant to be for the whole show. They were meant to be for the whole show, just like Jess and Nick always happy. Winston ended up with Ali and got his happy ending. Oh here are my top three phrases that I quote. I'm a very good secretary, Nick. Of course, when the crew got a home phone, gotna squeeze you tight? So wrong? It's right Winston and Ally's song he made her sing, and Winston's this is also one of my favorite. I am Theodore K. Mullins and I am Nick's lover on the down low, heard this was improv I do feel like Lamurn Yes, put a lot of improv around Theodore K. Mullins and extra for good measure one is Winston's about to do some puzzling' Also sidebar here Lamurn h does not do any puzzles, and I do like a thousand puzzles a week because it's how I like calm myself down. I love to do a puzzle. I sit there and I do puzzles while I watch shows. I love a puzzle, am I Winston. I'm just having this moment right now. I've always thought that if I was any character on the show in real life, I was Nick because I just like to like sit on the couch and lays around and pretty easy going. But so many things now I'm realizing, like the cat thing, the puzzle thing, it's my character Winston, all right. And then she says, Lauren, you say, although it's a show and these people are characters. Every interview I've seen Jake is Nick, Max is definitely a real life Schmidt, Jess is Zoe, and la mourn is absolutely Winston. He discusses more and Hannah, you are Cec. Oh oh, maybe that's why I come across. No one's ever said that to me to him a face, I guess. So I would love to know more. Why you think I'm Cec when you see me as Hannah, because I think, as I've been unpacking during your letter here, Lauren, I thought I was more of a Nick Winston vibe. But I'm cc to you even as Hannah. Interesting. It's an undeniable comfort. Show love both of you. Thanks for giving us a show every week. Much love Lauren from Georgia. Well, thanks, Lauren, you gave me so much food for thought on this. I love that letter all right. Here is something from A Jeremy a another letter. Hey, guys, love the podcast and of course the show. This isn't episode specific, but I'm curious to know if, upon rewatching, you've discovered any new songs or bands that you've liked. I think the soundtrack for the show is amazing and whenever we hear a certain song, it immediately reminds me of New Girl. Also, the original score created by Ludwig is great and we'd love to know your thoughts on that as well. He has composed a lot of wonderful things as he has he is a living legend. You guys, look up Ludwig. He is like amazing. I can't believe that we got him to work on New Girl. It was like one of the biggest slam dunks ever for our show and just elevated so much of our show. He's a genius. New Girl and Community are two of my favorite shows, and he was able to fit the tone for both of them perfectly fully agree. Plus, he's won award away from Egot status. LAMRN is three away not bad, right, same track, which is incredible. I'm four a way just you know. Anyway, you both are great and this podcast is awesome. A Bear references are real, sorry, Lamour and thank you, Jeremy. Yes, they are real. You guys stay tuned because at the end of this season, I'm doing an all Bear episode, All Bear episode, and I really need your help. I will admit that I really need your help, so please send in. I need one for every single episode. You guys, you have to help me out, so please email them in. We're going to condense them. I will shout you out for helping me, so please, please please do that. You had asked the question, Jeremy if I discovered any new songs or bands. Oh, I don't know that I have, but I will say I remember, oh, gosh, what episode. I should know that it's a season finale. It's a season finale, and I remember them going through the songs that they were going to use, and I think they wanted, oh, I'm going to speak out a turn here. Potentially, I think they wanted a Lord or a Beyonce song. I think it might have been a Beyonce song, but it had just been used in a finale of another show literally that had come out like the week before we were shooting it, and so they pivoted and they use a head in the Heart song, which was Rivers and Roads. So the head in the Heart song was from the season four finale, Clean Break, Rivers and Roads. Oh Man, just add that to like any playlist, Rivers and Roads. I feel like I shouldn't sing it. I'll just destroy it. We're still the more here. He's such a genuinely good singer. Oh yeah, that was like a beautiful moment to see it on the show, because I feel like when songs are on a show, they then they kind of live forever in a different way. Like I never watched Gray's Anatomy. I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, you guys, but I've never seen it. But people talk about the like the soundtrack to that show and how like they're forever connected. And I love that Rivers and Roads song so much. It's a cool moment as a fan of the band, and obviously as a fan of the show to know that them like it's kind of like lived together forever, perfect little marriage.

All right.

Here is another Ooh, it's a video from Rebecca and it says, I'm a first grade teacher in San Diego, California, and I recently started a new attention getter with my students. Ooh, I thought y'all in the podcast might enjoy it. Thank you. Let's see what it is.

Do that last one again, you guys, Ready as I live and breathe beautiful Rebecca, You're a genius as a live and breathe the.


Oh my gosh, that's amazing. Well, I feel like that works much better than when I watched parents in parks try to get attention with their children and they're like listening years. That's way better. Oh, I love that. I love I love I love I love the fact when like like when the when the words of our show kind of like lifts off the page and then just starts to embed into everyone's life. Like for me growing up, my favorite shows were Faulty Towers, favorite movie was Coming to America, Moonstruck and I do. I quote it all the time. My brother also grew up with the same stuff, and we were at dinner like last week and we were quoting Faulty Towers. It's so amazing when you have that like second language that automatically makes you smile, like this inside joke track, and that a show can give it to you. And every single time I realized that our show has done that for people, and all these kids being like asked to pay attention with a Winnie the bish line. That's so cool, that's so great. That's all you want. It's all you want to know is that your work lives on with rivers and roads and as I live and breathe, riisin and cats being named after characters.


You guys, please send in more of these letters. I could do this for hours. Please send more of these letters, and you can email us at the mess Around pot at gmail dot com so you can send it in a video. You can send it a voice note. Love to hear your voice. Yes, so it's not me just reading the letters. That'd be great, So send in a voice note. Yeah, you can set you could write it if that's what you prefer, a video, pictures, whatever you want to do, we will play it right here on our Thursday shows. You can follow us on Instagram at the mess Around Pod. You can I'm wearing the merch today the mess Around. It's a classic. This great t shirt, We've got hats, we've got really cozy sweaters. They're all at the mess Around pod dot com because Christmas is coming, y'all. Yeah, that's our show, so join us. On Tuesday, we will recap season three, episode ten, Thanksgiving three. Really appreciate you guys showing up and supporting this show, this podcast, and I will see you suit.


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