Welcome back to our show! We're continuing our conversation on the debut of Russell aka Dermot Mulroney! If you'd like to ask us a question, please send a voice memo to welcometoourshowpodcast@gmail.com. Follow us on Instagram @welcometoourshowpod.
Ring Ring Ring ring. May I please speak with Zoe? Oh, hello, Lamar, let's patch in Hannah. God, I forgot what it was like working with you guys. Hey gang, how you doing? Hello? Everybody? Hi? So we are still locked Are you still locked up in a hotel? I was never locked up in a hotel. Um, I in my I'm in my parents house right now, but I'm I'm done with quarantine. So same as a hotel, parents house, same as a hotel. I wasn't I wasn't stuck here the whole time. I was just leaving my house so that other people can go in my house. Do think, um, your parents, Um, they will. So everybody like it's when this episode airs, this will be far over. So I don't want everybody to think that like when this airror's that. Um, we all have COVID, but like we all have COVID while we're making right now and last week obviously we're at the end. It's almost the end. Um, but my mom got it and I got it and so anyway, but we all had mild cases. So there you gods interesting. I went two and a half years without catching COVID, So that's pretty good. That's that's pretty good. That's taking care of yourself right there. It's not bad. Did you ever get it, Hannah or no, I still haven't gotten it? Yeah? Catching it for me more, be catching it for me. You've had it like three times. I got twice. I got it twice. You got it twice. That's right for me and for you. You took one for the team. I appreciate you. Yeah. I thought I thought it was like so um special that I hadn't gotten it, and then it's inevitable home that was it was, Yeah, exactly, she she got it and you know, and I got it. Everybody stronger for it. Yeah, we're all okay. Can we have to dive in andto this episode. It's one of my favorite episodes. Yeah. I like this episode so much. Yeah, I love it. Secrets Secrets directed by David Wayne. David Wayne, David Wayne. But wait, you guys, I just want to say something about last week's episode, sure, which was fancy Man too. We didn't mention our director, which was Matt Shackman, and he's awesome, So I just want to give a shout out to him. He's awesome. He's done like tons of It's always sunny in Philadelphia and um, Game of Thrones and um, he's an excellent director. Uh so we only got to have him one time on New Girl sadly, but um, I just wanted to mention him since you know we've you know, mentioned people directors. Shout out to, Matt shout out to Anyway, back to this week's episode. Um, David Wayne secret great director. Yes, indeed, yes, he makes an appearance in this episode multiple times, multiple times. If you're not familiar with David Wayne's fantastic director. What Hot American summery? That guy? Well, How American Summer is one of my favorite comedies. Such a great movie. He's such a he's he's an actor, director, writer, and you can tell he has his hands on this episode. Um. For me personally, I remember there was a moment, I guess we can get into it later. There was a moment where he was very hands on, slash hands off with this scene that I did. And it was the first, the first time me being on that show where I felt completely free to perform. And then I thought it was the Theodore Kate Mullins monologue that I mean, you went there, you went there was that like an Oprah Winfrey quote like the right that was going to be a little trivia thing that was purple. Yeah, And I said, you told Hart that was just that was just that one line from from the Color Purple. Um. Yeah, I remembered that line from Color Purple, and uh, well, I'll just talk about it, talk about it. Was it like on the page it was in depth. It wasn't as in depth on the page. I remember it being very loose and David saying to me, uh, just give it, just just try a couple of takes at it and play with it, have fun. And I remember doing a take, it might have been the first take, and he'd never called cut, and I just I just kept doing bits. I just kept saying stuff. And then I was so used to, you know sometimes on the show go off the rails completely. We don't have a lot of time for that, uh your cut. And I just remember seeing him laughing behind the monitor, and I just took that as a sign to just keep making stuff up and um and it was it was, again, like I said, one of the first times where I felt completely free to just do whatever, throwing the you told Harper to beat me line in there, that this whole bit is like, uh, the tapele it's a bit. The whole bit is like owed to like old black churches, and like, let's set the scene if you're listening. So this is the scene um in the episode where Nick has been to the end. I will say that right, this is a it's a moment um where he's been caught lying to multiple girls and he doesn't know how to get them out of the house. And so Winston's character steps in and Um pretends to be Nick's lover on the down low to get these women to race out of the house. And then Lamuren is now explaining how he came up with this crazy character. Yeah, the voice, the character theater Kate Millin's obviously it comes from like I've said before, the actor Russell Hornsby. That was just me doing exaggerated version of his vocal pattern and his vocal quality. But it turned into this weird thing, Um, And in this monologue, I just felt the freedom to just pull in, you know, negro spirituals. I don't know why I went there with it, but they didn't cut it, and so uh it turned out to be what it what it was, And from that moment on I felt free to do things on the show. It's like a brink you're on the brink of years, but also like full of rage. Yeah, it's like this, this this marriage of these two things that makes everybody feel like a little uncomfortable because it sounds like you're just about to pop off and you don't know which way it's going to go, which is very effective in clearing a room, which is what you're trying to do. It's a very um, you know, what's love got to do with it? Type of performance? I guess exactly. You told Harper to beat meat. Shout out to all the call It Purple fans out there. Shout out to one of our long term or long time listeners. Oprah Winfrey big fan, is a big fan of our show. She posted about it all the time. She's about all our merch. By the way, we like just launched merch for this podcast and it's sold up and Oprah has purchased all of it. Sorry, just a few if you go to the website, you might grab the few that that Miss Winfrey. Oprah is just sitting in her Montecito mansion. Welcome to our show them shirt with the mug. She's got a hat and definitely she's she's got her Golden retrievers snuggling up. She's reading a good book. Yeah, with her private jet that she shares with Zoe outside in the back. All right, I will support that room. Yeah, that's that. Just share. Let's start from the top of this episode, okay, now that we're halfway through um, because it's one of my favorite openings ever because it's where we first get to meet Nadia and what is now like this infamous mine god, which I'll let lamour and say, what this one jewel in the couch? That's right, let me say it. Well, the writers, a new girl, hopefully a Jewish writer, said do you in the couch? Did you with the couch? And then you kind of check her a little bit. That's right, I said, you're in America, you can't say that. And so in the couch. The thing that I remember is because it was our first time really like working together. In that scene is Mac genuinely having to be buried in that couch a little claustrophobic and then having to pop out and it's right on that line and he goes, She's not wrong, right, and he broke almost every single time I think that's when we all got so caught off guard by how incredibly funny Rebecca is. Just naturally she just makes you laugh. Just she who she is. She has that impact on you. And it was our first experience, and I just remember him breaking and laughing UM, and me just being like, Oh, I hope she sticks around. She's amazing. I hope we're roommates on this show. Was that the first time we saw your apartment as well? I feel like it might be. I feel like it might be because I remember I forget why I saw that apartment when we were filming. I think it was built on another stage. It was on was that on the stage store It was on the next stage they ended up building it. It used to be a flex set, so it would come and go, and then they ended up keeping it in later seasons because we shot a bunch there and shout out our set designers. I remember seeing the set and going, oh, this is cool. But then when you watch it on TV and this happens all the time, but I just remember this one. I don't know why this one in particular, I genuinely felt like it was a real apartment. Something about the design of it and even I think also the fact that you didn't spend as much time on there, you know, on that set. I think it's like how all sets. I feel like if you're watching TV and you you're not, you don't spend a lot of time on it, like the actors, um or the you know, people working on the shows. It looks like you know, it looks like a real apartment. Um. But yeah, um, all our sets were so good, I do. I do have to say and fun fact about that scene as well. Max did a thousand push ups before a bunch of bunch, So I don't want you to think I don't want the fans out there. I think he just looks like that. No, he was getting pumped up in between each scene, so you know there's that so so the um so this first scene, UM, I was gonna say, I love that Jess is listening to Diane Keaton's autobiography that has made me laugh, um, which of course she is. UM. And so Jess comes to CC's apartment and CeCe's acting weird. They're supposed to be training for like a five k or ten k UM, and I also find it funny that they're running that five it's like a five k and it's not it's not that much distance, Like a five k doesn't take that long to run it. And it's like they're running it into the night. Like the end of the episode is like nighttime. It's like, how slow is just she can't be that slow? That would probably be me life, Like everything is a walkathon. There's no way. I don't I don't run. No, not gonna We couldn't tell by your form. I will never forget showing up to shoot that part and I was just like, okay, so how are we gonna like fudge this? And David Wayne was like, you're gonna run. You're gonna just run across at the camera. It's like not a lot of running. I was like, yeah, but how many takes? That's like, that's like that's a real running. I was gonna run. I was not excited about it at I know, I thought it was funny. They were like I used to like I mean, I wasn't at that time, but I was like a runner, Like I would run every day like it was my thing. I would run like six days a week. Um, and that They're like, okay, and Hannah. Hannah is amazing and running and you're so awful it takes you like six hours to run a five game. You haven't be like walking slow like this was. We had to do our best acting because it was again to do there, Yeah, very good acting. You had to act like I'm not saying I don't run with terrible stupid form, but I did used to run a lot. If you see arms flailing on the street, probably fromably. The other big memory I had watching this episode was when we're stretching outside of the loft. Yeah, you're you're you're just a stretching was trying to apologize. Um, I don't know if you remember this. I remember really clearly. There were shooting paparazzi taking pictures and I personally as Hannah, had never experienced paparazzi before. It was massive amount of paparazzi too. It was like yes, a press line, like there were a lot. Then I was very like, it was uncomfortable. I was very like, didn't know what to do. We're trying to shoot, We're trying to do a thing, and I'll never forget you walked over to me because I was just like, what is like, what are we supposed to do? That we run and hide in the building, do they leave? Like what do we? And you came and you put your arm around me, and you're like, if we just look and smile and let them take their pictures, it'll go away. And so that's what we did. We sat there, we gave each other a hug, we smiled, we waved, and then the whole thing dissipated and you kind of like walked me through that first moment. Really, I forgot that there were times where they had paparazzi. Remember when we would shoot on the roof, roof of that building and like it Mathur MacArthur Park, that building across from MacArthur Park, and we shoot on the roof and there will be like paparazzi in the building across the way taking pictures of us shooting. And I remember one time they took a picture with like a really unflattering lens or something and I was like, oh my god, I looked I was like wearing shorts or short skirt and I was like, oh my god, I looked so bad in that picture, Like, oh my, how did I end up wearing this unflattering outfit? And then the show came out and I looked totally fine, and I was like, they have like purposefully unflattering, like like opposite of Instagram filter. It's like filter me and my girlfriend. We and my girlfriend. We have a good relationship with paparazzi where they never take photos of us whenever we're out. And so that's why you've never seen photos of me and my girlfriend out in the bout the street. You got a girlfriend, vitz Kravitz. Yeah, you wouldn't believe that were imaginary. Helps the Papa razzi. She's not imaginary, But the relationship is. That's what we want you guys to think. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was making you believe he wasn't real. Okay, so in this relationship, what happens in this episode is you come by, blah blah blah blah blah. Something's going on. It's a little off. Yeah, okay, So is this the first time we realized that Nick's a terrible liar? Yes, swept back. Yeah, this is like this becomes kind of a trope. Is that, Um, you can't hold the secret any longer you tell Nick Nick's a terrible liar, which has also been established because he can't lie to that the girl that that was leaving um the apartment and I come back and quickly identified that there nick is is is lying to me. He's lying by his sweaty back, by his sweaty. It doesn't really put up a fight either. That's the funniest part about the whole thing. He immediately breaks because he just can't handle it. For me to say, fold, fold, fuld fuld it, I was kind of I didn't fully remember this episode, but then I watched it. I was like, why does just feel so entitled to know that they were sleeping together? Well, it's her best friend. To be that angry about it, I was just like, holy smokes, it just seemed like to be angry. I guess it's that how hurt shows itself. It wasn't the anger that they were together. It was the anger that they were keeping it from her. I would be upset about that. I would be wouldn't be as mad, but especially if we're going on for that long. Why did you why did you know? Why did you tell me? Why did you feel the need to keep it from me? I think you know, And it's like my roommate, my best friend, Like I mean I I get it. I get it. And also the fact just is the person always tells everything, so she kind of thinks thinks everybody else is right, right right, always being completely upfront about everything. It also is pretty messy first CCD be hooking up with your best friend's roommate because if things go south, there can be a domino effect on that. That is very, very very messy. I don't have to take to take away from your character so far, messy, sloppy. I kind of agreed to be honest with you. I was just like, any way to get your house in order? What are you doing your d taking of dramatic leap. As far as maturity, I will say, in this show so different how you are in the first season, how you are in the final season when you're you know, you're a mother, and you're you know, you're married and you have you own your own business. It's so you would not think you were the exact same person from from season one. Yeah, I mean I feel like also this storyline that Cecy and Schmidt had was something that I really kind of had to figure out for myself. This idea that physical intimacy was like really easy and super casual for them, and the emotional intimacy was really really hard. And that was the scary thing, right because I feel like for me, at least growing up, for so many of my friends it was the opposite, right, Like they were so open and easy with their hearts to like fall in love, fall in love with the next boy, like every single week. It was fine. They were open hearted, but then being physically intimate was a lot scarier. And it was a much long or a game before any of that was going to happen. So in this character, when I've learned that about CC that she's just like, oh no, that's fine, I'll hook up. And that's like, that's not a big deal. Doesn't scare me, doesn't I don't worry about it. Um, But catching feelings it's terrifying and I will dodge that as long as I can. It was very different to kind of see how that world works. Was this the first time we saw this version of Jess? Just like this time, I know we had seen you and injured a little mean towards nick uh doing a circumstance, but in this one, you know, would you say this is one of the first times because that it was directed towards Cecy. Well, no, because they have that little loft fight right that my face is my job loft fight. I remember that. I feel like that happens. Not it's not that one. It was a physical fight. Oh that one I can't I don't remember. But facing my job and you're like jumping on my back. My earring gets caught me there that these are like sisters and how they can you're free to get mad at the other person because you know it doesn't impact your love for them or them leaving your life or something. And it's that showed me in this episode, like how deep the sisterhood ran between the girl. Well, I think it was just really freaking lame that you went to the to the movies with Jessica Pete. I just can't believe you would go to see My Girl with Jessica Pete. So I like that. We do a lot of bits on the show, and we say a lot of ridiculous things on the show. I have to say, as a the circumstance being so ridiculous that you're mad about something that happened that long ago was but you the way you played it was so convincing, even though you had a mask on your face, and I felt like you were tearing up. I was like, damn, she really that would have been a fun thing to have been in later seasons. Is Jessica Peas and her? Yeah if Jessica Jessica comp should have come back, Yeah, she should have come back. I want to know who she is. I want to know what happened that you get so mad that it was her. No, I could just I could just picture and it's like, you know, like some new person comes into your class and their name is also Jessica, and they're cool and they want to be friends with your friend, and you know, I can totally I can relate to this. I can relate to this. I've never had that problem. Another another Lamar has never showed up my class. Never, There's there's been a few Lamars. I will say this be going by the first letter of your last name, though, it is a good way to distinguish beteen people who have the same first name. Because I remember there was two girls called Sarah in my dorm and they and one was I don't know my height, let's say, and the other one she was actually quite short, like super short. Um, so they people called her I did not but people to find them be like big Sarah and little Sarah. But no girl wants to be called like big Hannah, you know what I'm saying. So even though there was nothing big about Big Sarah, it was just comparatively to the other Sarah. It was big Sarah and little Sarah for all of college, and it was just like this weird way of differentiating between these two names. And now I'm like, they should have just been like, that's Sarah f and that's Sarah tea. That would have been a lot easier and more evan accurate description. Uh. On this episode, y'all, we have something else that's interesting. There's another first on this episode where you know, you know, the dynamic beats the guys on the show. We we have the same feeling about Schmidt and his behavior, and we just let him be who he is going to be, and we're not necessarily fans of it, but we love them. Nick actually goes to Schmidt for advice about how to sleep around, which I thought was to be um. I want there's something about the way Jake is playing this that I found to be so refreshing because it was it was it was, it was funny. It's like a guy trying I've never seen that a guy trying to It's like a workshop of how to be a douchebag in the dynamic between them, to the lessons that in the bed or doing the chalkboard thing, the air chalkboard, that's the invisible chalkboard. I don't know. I thought that was I thought that was very, very funny. I also felt like all those girls were so territorial. They're weirdly possessive. Well, when you're doing what Nick is doing, it can't help. But it was amazing to see how you could change your mind about somebody so quickly, and just because they learned that he's sleeping with CC, all of a sudden, he's a voice to be trusted, he's an expert in the realm. Just because one woman has lost her mind. There's a flip to this, which is why I also love the tag of this episode two, because it's kind of the first time you see CC in Winston's dynamic and chemistry. I think that's the first thing we ever shot just the two of us. I think so. I think so. And it's just so funny. You're just listing all of these reasons because you're going there's no way, there's no way he's that good. So are you okay? Yea twice whats happening to you? Which I think was she's been human trafficked. That's right, Um, and Schmidt has benefited. Let's see what better advice could we have given to Nick? Yeah, what advice would you give? Nick? I mean, I'm not gonna lie. How he handled it at the marathon was actually very good. It was good he was alive, but it was you know, that's okay. They save the people's feelings get out of the situation because as always said, I think they're they're kind of being unreasonable too. They are, they're being unreasonable, so you got it just kind of like um, moonwalk backwards out of it. They're being unreasonable. But he's also like on a tear like somehow from one week to the next he has like a mass like like half a dozen college age love us. And I also think that's the reason why they they are behaving the way they are. This is a majority level there. If it's easy dated college college girls, and that's they're gonna behave that way. Love at the drop of a hat. The Janine scene where it was Nick and Schmidt lying in bed together. Would you watch Qing by the way, and do you know that moment which is definitely was never written on the pages when Max goes like like that and you hear Jacob, don't make that sound, don't make that and you're like, no, that definitely was not written. That was not part of the script. I thought. I thought that it was funny. You know, it was like a joke on top of on top of a joke where they're together and then it's been established like, oh, this is kind of weird, and then Jess comes in and says, is this happening to Um, Yeah, it's a very farcical I love when the like farcical elements of New Girl come out. Oh another thing I will say that's unique to David Wayne, and students of cinema will notice. Um, this episode had a lot more steadicam than most episodes of New Girl. He had steadicam he used. He just likes to use a lot so like he wanted everything in motion. So there's like a lot of steady kim on this episode. Oh yeah, oh yeah you could. And you feel it a lot too in moments when especially in comedy. It's uh, it's fun to do that. The scene feels and when you improvise you can feel it too, you can. It feels more natural that way. Um. Just like you said, especially, I'm not sure if study Kim was used in that scene when they're on the bed, um, but in that moment, they're, like you said, Hannah, they're improvising a lot. Yeah, you can just tell that Max is trying to make Jake as uncomfortable as possible, and you feel, Jake, we're going like I have to be here because I have to get this advice from you. But stop doing all the extra stuff. That's not what's in this scene. Just do the scene. Don't touch me. Why are you? You could just see the whole thing on fault. It really made me laugh to watch him feel that uncomfortable. And that's a shout out to David Wayne again for letting that, letting that you know, he didn't call it cut. Yeah, of course not. Of course he didn't. Of course he didn't. Um. If you're looking for David Wayne in this episode, by the way, at the end, you see him in the marathon like break through the runners and say heads up, I'm peeing. David Wayne heads up, I'm peeing. Yes, that is David Wayne. And on that note, we will go to break and when we come back, we will show you the deleted scene of David Wayne peeing. Welcome and we're bad. Should we just mention that we have a we have a merch door. You got some T shirts going. I'm sitting here speaking out of the mug right now. The mug is great. I know. I love mug and my mug. The other day we were must sweatshirts. You can see us modeling some of these on our Instagram pages. So check it out. Check it out, um, some really great artwork. I'm very excited for you guys to to check it out. I will say my family is crazy excited about this March launch because they, um, you know, they're Indians and they like to wrap. They like to wrap in the streets hard. And there was never any merch for the show like the show show. And so the fact now that there is merch that has our faces on it um looking cute and our show, our podcast on it um, they're like, we'll take one of everything. And they're just head to toe sporting down the street when they go to New York. When they go to New York, do they wear shirts that say I Love New York and hats that say I love New York. If New York was their daughter or their son, they would. It's only in the family. They like to wrap it very hard. Okay, that makes sense. That makes sense. Yeah. I was wearing a hat out in Nashville and I had to give it away. I had to give someone find you. A lot of people found me, but I kept negotiating not to give the hat up. Selfie, give me your hat, so he posted that he would give you the hat if you found him. I don't. I don't you know. Me and my friends were out and I was spotted a bunch of times, and if they had seen my Instagram or sometimes you would hear from across the street, give me the hat and run another direction. You're not making good on your problem. I ultimately gave it away. I ultimately ended up having to give it away. I'll post that video on my Instagram. Somebody finally caught up with you. Let's sign back into this episode because here's the big thing that another big thing that happens in this episode that got me thinking, right, because there are a lot of roommates, boy girl roommates, especially now because it's so expensive to live anywhere, so people are roommating up again. Do you think it changes the dynamic if you found out that your roommate was thinking about you during an intimate moment with themselves or is that normal stuff that should be shared? Keep it a secret, keep it a secret. Some stuff is because it will change the dynamic. Yeah, don't. That's not stuff to share. It would And in this episode, which is what I find to be so funny, is that the next episode we don't mention it. It doesn't affect us at all. In fact, Schmidt talks about it right in front of CC. I know, I like, is that a normal thing? People? Do you just told me you think about my best friends sitting there, who's by the way, like hardshipping us right now when you are alone? I mean, very progressive dynamic going on, way more mature than Met the Big Love on HBO Sister Sister Wives. It is really sweet though, because you do see at the end just being able to keep a secret unlike all of those weak men in the episode, and to it actually enjoy the relationship, which is then you see that she wasn't mad that they're together. She's just mad that her best friend her best friend to tell her stuff. I guess that, Um, And that concluded that episode of that episode, I really did, and I did. And by the way, the other thing, because you know, I get the stress of where's the bear? Tell us everything? Honestly, it becomes stressful for me because I feel like I have this big thing to prove. This one made it so easy because Jake just like shouts bear like fifty times when he's panic lying. He's like bears, magic bears, Bears when he's talking about his phone. Thank you, thank you Jake Johnson for making it very easy for me this episode slam Dunk found that Bear amazing classic. As a thank you to everybody that is sliding into my d m s and telling me where the bears are in past episodes where I couldn't find them. Um, I'm going to screen grab it and post it because very helpful. Yes, I have a team of bear detectives. Now listen to the podcast and then help me comb through episode. So appreciate. You must have to rival so there's some weird messages to find. You know, everybody everybody. Everybody is actually very sweet in the d M, so I appreciate that. If you have something nasty to say, you take that to my brother La Mourn and he will handle the response. Well. I will filter through them and then d M them to Hannah myself. They will get to you, Hannah. Yes, they'll be redacted. We're learning about secrets. Keep those tears out, get those thoughts to yourself. Nobody wants to hear him. Just have it and shut it down. Any closing remarks on this episode. For me, I love David Wayne. This is my first I love David Wayne too. He will be on our show, folks. We will be doing a personal interview with David Wayne and we will talk about New Girl and some of the other stuff he's got. Cool and we're gonna go to break and we're gonna hear from some sponsors. Welcome, Alright, we'll black from the break. Good. That was a good break, you guys, I had fun me too, me too, Really good break, Such a great break? Should we Are you ready for true American? I am? You know what I am. I want to do this. Let's jump into it. Something we should do True Canadian. Just for Hannah do True Canadian and invite Jonathan and jesse On and we will test about Tim Horton's and stuff like that. Timmy's well, Tim Pitt. All right, welcome to True American, where the rules change weekly and you leave more confused than when you showed up. Today, we're playing two Truths and a Lie President's Edition. Our producer Joel has culminated a list of interesting facts about five well known presidents. We have to decipher fact from fiction. All right, well, let me just study. Let me just start by saying this. It might be unfair because anybody who knows me knows that I'm an expert on all things Presidents. We're gonna see here, art and life have a reflection here going on because the quiz you know, episode that we did with you wasn't your strong suit. So now let's see if Lamourn is better than Winston. All right, Abe, Lincoln. There are three options, and we have to pick which ones are true and which one is a lie. Okay, One was the first president to be photographed at his inauguration. Two was married at the age of twenty three or three was a captain in the Black Hawk War. I'm going to say the lie Is was a captain in the Black Hawk War. I've never heard of the never heard of it. Yeah, I've heard of marriage and of photographs, so I agree with you. He was married at thirty three. He was a young player. He was a war I've never heard of. When your name is Abe Lincoln and it is Abe Lincoln, you're gonna wait to get married. Okay, San Craperham would have got married at twenty three, but Abe's holding out. Come on now, all right, Okay. George Washington, Okay, is it a head? Wooden teeth? B he was born in Virginia. See began inheriting enslaved people at eleven years old. I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go B was born in Virginia. I know George Washington had enslaved people, and I know he had wooden teeth. I know he lived in Virginia, but I don't know if he was born I don't think he was born in Virginia. I want to say he was born in Springfield, West Virginia. Um. Okay, so we're saying that he wasn't born in Virginia. His false teeth were made from the teeth of the people he enslaved. What is that true? No, let they're in a museum. You can see them. They're pretty horrifying that they're not. Wouldn't no? I think they That was his publicists put that out there, Zoe, and we've believed it. I believed they wouldn't he whoa this one? Oh my god? He is? That is like I mean, he said, I'm going to free the slaves, but I'm gonna keep their teeth so I can have it. Oh my god. Okay, Actually move on to JFK. I'm over George. I'm over George. It's like really hard with like the people. M M. Don't I feel like we're back in the sad song true American. I know now, I feel like depressed. He's from Kevin. That's what I'm back in there. I'm back in that mindset and that vibe. Alright. JFK, go for it, Lamar. John F. Kennedy, Hey, youngest president ever elected, the second oldest of nine children or c graduated from Yale. I think, is what about you? I thought he was. I can't believe of nine children. My grandma had nine kids. Yeah, he was from a Catholic, like Irish Catholic family. Where do you need it? And she was and he was younger than Obama, correct, right, yeah, all right, all right, so fun. He never went to Gale. He went to Howard, that's right, went to Howard. He went to Harvard and Princeton. She's so weak. Oh wow, that's what I thought. You want to know those Kennedy's alright, I feel like Theodore Mullins should do Theodore Roosevelt do another one. Come on and do it. Theodore Roosevelt, hey, father of the modern army. B wrote thirty five books. And see first US president to win a Nobel Peace Prize. Mm hmmm. I don't think he want a Nobel Peace Prize. I don't think so either. Teddy didn't win a prize. I'm gonna say B wrote thirty five books. Do you think that's a lie? You know, thirty six? No, I'm gonna say it. We'll see. I'm gonna say, we'll see. You're right. I don't think he won that prize. All right, we don't think he won the Nobel Peace Prize. He's the father of the modern navy, not the modern army. That time. I totally believe because Theodore Roosevelt was like the men's man President. I'm actually surprised he won the Nobel Peace Prize. Was like hunting bears, bear bears and lion is like, so I like that. Little kids are like like the dog and up. That's me right now with bears. Um. I want to say something about us, you guys right now, because playing that game, you would think we would each take a different answer and see who want to get it right? But it shows we operate as a team. We are on our answer. We were going to win or lose together. Can I say I'm proud to be on a team with you two feel the same way. I'm so proud you guys. We did it. We did it, did team. But keep appropriate secrets. Nighttime bats to yourself. My nighttime thoughts, I don't I go to sleep. My grandma always said at the nighttime is when the devil comes out? Is that what she said? I don't think Grama had nine kids. She locked the door and said, I'm done, thank you. Yeah, She's like, uh bye, guys. Oh, Theodore Camlins has a request. What what is it? Theodore Camlins? Hey, guys, I just want you to remember something. My ancestors just tapped into my d n A and they said that we're going to be doing more Q and as down the line. Are we Yeah, both both as hosts and with some of our guests. And we also have some follow up to that. If you have a question for us, feel free to send us an email. That's new to me because I'm from the olden days. Also send us a voice memo you had Welcome to our show podcast at gmail dot com. That's welcome to our show, pot asked at gmail dot com. Please list the person or persons the message is for in the subject line. We look forward to hearing from you. Told Harpo to beat me. Okay, thank you, Theodore, thank you. We will play your voice memos on the show. It's not weird. Don't get weird. If they're weird, I will play them. From my friends and fantasy. Okay, guys, um, it was great to see you. Great to see you guys. But we have to go, folks, We love you you next week. Yes, we have a merch line. That right, we have a merch line out right. Yeah, links and all our bios. Yeah, there we go. Okay, yeah, Lincoln bio. Bye bye. You've been listening to Welcome to our show. A New Girl recap podcast. Welcome to Our Show is a production of I Hurt Radio, hosted by Zoey Deschanelle, Lamar and Morris and Hannah Simone. Our executive producer is Joel Monique. Our engineer and editor is Daniel Goodman. The Welcome to Our Show theme song was written by Zoey Deschanel, performed and produced by Zoey Deschanel and Pierre de Reader. Follow us on Instagram and Welcome to Our Show pot. If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at Welcome to Our Show podcast at gmail dot com. Don't forget to rate, subscribe, and share far and wide. Thanks for listening. We'll hear you next week.