105: Cece Crashes

Published Feb 21, 2022, 11:00 AM

Welcome back to our show! We're going to our first wedding!! Cece stays the night at 104 and leaves all the guys hot and bothered. We talk about the early stages of Schmidt and Cece and dive into some of the show's other famous romances. As always, we're playing a new version of True American. If you'd like to ask us a question, please email us at welcometoourshowpodcast@gmail.com. Follow us on Instagram @welcometoourshowpod.

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Ring, ring, ring ring. May I please speak with Zoe. Oh, hello, Lamarne, Let's patch in Hannah. God, I forgot what it was like working with you guys. Hi everyone, and welcome to our show with Zoe, Lamarne and Anna. Today we're talking about an episode one oh five CC Crashes written by Rachel Axler, directed by John Hamburg. John Hamburg. Had you had worked with John Hamburg before, Zoe before, I had auditioned for him. And he's just a lovely guy, such a great director, great writer, all around hilarious guy, so nice. He's the nicest guy. And uh, you guys don't are forbid with John Hamburg. I mean, tons of great great movies. Why him along came Polly. Yeah, just a bunch of just a bunch of really really really dope stuff. I love you man, um and I a really interesting I love you man, and I love you Man. I love you man, an interesting story about I love you too, the Marvel Edition. I love you man. I'm gonna love you man. I don't love you like I used to love you man. I no longer love man. Let's get into that love man um. So you know you had said he's a wonderful guy. And let me let me tell you how nice of a guy he is. When we were shooting this episode, I I bit an almond, A bit an almond, and I correct, this is the tooth episode. I don't remember this because I don't. I didn't work with you that much in this this episode. I don't think so. But I remember. I remember cracking my tooth. And I want to tell you I was in the most pain in my life. I had broken my collar bone before you know what I mean, I've broken fingers, torn things in my knee. Stuff is the worst pain. And so and I and I. At this point, I'm admitting this to all these folks out here in listener Land. I hadn't had a dentist it's so long, and had been to the dentist it's so long. I thought my teeth were fine, and they were. But when I went to the dentist, they were like, okay, so here's the problem you got. You got a few issues. It had been, but I didn't have a dentist. So John texted his dentist, um and and and got me in immediately. And she has been my dentist ever ever since. I don't know anybody that has like their dentist's personal cell phone number that they can just tech emergency. Yeah not well, yeah, I mean obviously John does, and I think John, but that's a credit to John because she must really like him. And I think also she's also Liz Meryweather's dentist as well, dentist to all the funny people that time drinks together. And Liz did not make the call John did. Yeah, listen, listen come through on the dentist. She comes through on so many other levels. So but I think we can give her a past. But enough about how nice John Hamburg is a John Hamburg fan podcast. If you're just tuning in our show, Um, kind of, I'm not sure if we if we discussed this on the last episode, but you found the bear in the last couple of episodes there was one that we have that sort of in. Yeah, the wedding one is the and that's up in question. And then we get to hopefully get to ask Liz about, first of all, the truth if there is an intentional bear in every episode, and where is it in the wedding episode? If so? Um, in this episode of I call it like now it's become like my bear hunt. Like I'm I would try to watch and remember all the things, but I'm so distracted by hyper focusing. Now when I watch rewatch these episodes on Where's the Bear, that the moment I find it that I can actually like focus and pay attention to the rest of the episode. Um, and the bear was found and the bear was uttered by none other than so We. I don't remember it, yeah, you, like I said, I will not. I'm purposefully not looking up for the bear. Um. You talk about how people say things in Chicago. Oh, the bears and milk, Yeah, bears, some milk? Yeah, okay yeah so um um, I will say I went to school in Chicago, and I freaking love of Chicago accent so much. It's there. I'm from Chicago and I don't have an accent. You don't like it will come out, it can come out, like um, So shall we start from the top. Previously a New Girl episode one on five, CC crashes after breaking up with her cheating face tattoo dumbass euro DJ boyfriend. CC asks Jess if she can stay with her until the DJ moves out of her place. Meanwhile, back at the loft, the guys are just trying to relax after a long week. You know, guys being guys, there's so much stress on us. Sometimes we have to just chill. But of course, when Ceci shows up, no one can just chill. A very drunk Cec starts dancing with the guys. Let me tell you something. She is a horrible dancer, and also Wednesday, but La More in real life is a really good dancer. Anyway, Cec doing all this craziness is leaving just feeling a little bit left out. Meanwhile, Winston vet Schmidt he can't close with CC. The following morning, Schmidt hangs upside down, claiming to do four thousand crunches to impress CC. While Schmidt attempts to woo CC, Jess tries to determine if Nick likes her more than just a friend. I believe it is all in defeat. Real fans know what I'm talking about. On the final night, Schmidt is tired of the chase and asks Cec if he may sleep in his bed. I mean, that's a true gentleman right there, getting permission to sleep in his own damn bed. If it was me, I would make her sleep on the floor. Norman. Anyway, she agrees and they end up holding hands. As far as Schmidt's concerned, he won the bed. As far as Winston is concerned, he did not win the bed. Holding hands don't count. Now back to the show, Yes, but I want to mention something about this episode first, which is so funny to me because probably a lot of people have noticed this, maybe people who like to read scripts or whatever you want to call him teleplays UM for TV episodes. UM know that there's like different storylines and we call them like a storyline, B storyline, C storyline, depending on you know, a storylines like the main one and then then it goes from there. And the B storyline is kind of like the second storyline that's maybe not the center of the story, but it's an important storyline. So in season crashes, the CC crashes is how you pronounce it, um. In CC crashes, there was a big B storyline about a cat on that lives on the roof like a wildcat. Um, not a wild cat, but like a wild outdoor house cat if you was raised by birds, that was raised by birds and lived in a nest, and it was a bird cat, and Schmidt's scared of the bird at and he doesn't want to go on the roof because of the bird cat. And he, you know, is really conflicted because CC ends up going to the roof in her bathing suit and you know, like sun tanning all day and he wants desperately to go up there, but he's scared of this bird cat. Well, in the final cut, that whole part of the story was completely cut out, and there's only one Yeah, there's only like one thing at the very end where they just show a shot of the bird cat, but they never you never hear like in the original script, he like Schmidt says bird cat about a thousand times in the episode. He's like bird cat, bird cat, bird cat, and gone pretty much gone says that to to Winston once and then all of a sudden he's hiding behind the huge But you don't know why he's hiding because he's not. It's not it's not established the way it was in the real down. Yeah, and I'm not sure why that is. I think it ended up being more important, like it worked without it, but then there were still remnants of it, and it doesn't there's like one bit at the end that like doesn't totally make sense because this whole part of the story was cut out, and you're like, wait, why is there a cat there? Think it's a special shot. There's a picture of a bird in the nest and you're like, I know, but there's no There are no other episodes in this show where Schmidt is up there with the bird cat. This is the because I remember seeing that visual and this is that episode. This is the bird cat episode. Yeah, there's only one bird cat. Believe it or not. They only spent one episode talking about a bird cat and show I mean damn bird cat in it. So in fact, I also had a dream once about a bird bird dog freaked me out. It was it was a bird flying around my house with a doghead and it wouldn't leave. So, yeah, that happened. What kind of dog head? I don't it looked like it looked like it was whatever those droopy eared dogs are, Like, Oh my god, that's the cutest thing. I pictured more like a Rottweiler that would be kind of scary, But no, I mean a basket hound dog. I'd be like, yes, please, you really wings? You'd love a dog with wings flying around your house. I love I love dogs, Yeah, I mean even I also I mean, I love cats, so I'd be like, very a cat blow in my house, I'd be like, I just wouldn't want them like flying around and like trying to get out and squawking around. Like once they come inside, they need to put their wings away. But imagine this, when birds poop, it's cute and a little white stain. Do you want that dog flying around just shipping all over your house? No, this conversation is off the rails at the moment. I'm just saying, because you don't have one of those little bags poops in the grass and you pick it up and you're kind neighbor. And yeah, because what happens when that poop is flying in from nazy feet in the air. It's hurting people. It's hurting people. You got to wear a hard it has velocity. Okay, you're right, that's a great point. I don't want about the cause of death. Oh my god. Alright, let's take it back to this cold open because I had the strongest memory come back to me remembering shooting in that nightclub, which I feel like we did it, like remember that probably seven in the morning or something crazy, and it was the middle of the night. It was the night because we went out on the street and we weren't it was night. Yeah, I mean I think we shot that on Yeah, it was. Yeah, it was definitely on Hollywood. I was trying to think what day of the week because like like weird memory, I felt like we shot that it was late. I actually feel like we shot that at the end of the episode, just because it was like, you know, Friday night or so, like I was so scared, of course, because it was like my first ever big CC episode, so I was super nervous, and we went to go shoot this scene and again they put me in these like you know, five in chields, and I'm just going like, don't fall, don't fall. And I don't know if you remember this, Zoe, but when we were at the DJ booth on the on the fall, I didn't fall. But we're at the DJ booth and we're yelling at the European DJ DJ Diet beat beat It, Diet beat It. And we then kind of you're like kind of pulling me away from the DJ booth and so like I have to kind of walk backwards and turn before we can walk through the crowd, and I'm wearing these five in stilettos, and they had put you in like slippers because you had come in your pajamas and I stepped on your toe. Oh I do remember that I stepped on your toe, like really stepped on your toe because I couldn't see where I was going. And then we had to like call a medic and it was bad. You really got like, yeah, I do remember that I had I had um a bruise, but like it did break the skin. Yeah yeah. And then we were like, please give CC like um platforms, that's right, stilettos more comfortable for you. I don't have a star. I'm totally fine, but I do remember that. It was like, yeah, I do remember some weird folks out there, Zoe that would pay a lot of money to see this foot scar a lot of money. Crazy Zoe m requests for pure foot. I'm not going to see it, don't DM me. Um. But I just I had forgotten all about it. And then as soon as that open came up, like a chill went through my body and I was like, oh my gosh, this is where I accidentally I don't remember it. I actually looked. It's what's so funny about me is that, like my I have a very good memory, but I usually remember everything positively and so like I'll be like, oh, I'll remember like all the good stuff, and then I'll be like, like that kind of thing. I'm like, oh, I don't remember, um, but um, so you do remember shooting till eight in the morning that day. Oh no, I remember that stuff. I remember. Um, well, we'll get to it our our next episode because that was the craziest but um we we were shooting really long hours, um and um. We were so tired at this point in season one. Um and so I remember that was a funny scene with the DJ diabete it Gavin right, is his name Kevin? Because later that was the name. Do you remember that Jake gave our camera operator whose name was Casey but he called it was a case He's one of the greatest camera operators. He is hilarious as a great personality. Yeah, so funny and grumpy him around this DJ. You know it's interesting about that that that particular cold open. I remember when you rip his shirt open, and I don't know why. This is so funny. It's so funny. Eagles, it's my deep V my favorite deep. You know, it's V I don't know why I like that. That was kind of establishing a part of jazz that I liked, which was like, let's look at it on the bright side. Now, it's just a deeper V. Every time I wear a deep V, which I don't um every time when I come across one, I think of that. That's because because in my life that's the only time. That's the first time I've never heard someone referred to anything as a deep V. Ever, Like I've seen the shirts. I mean, I got friends who deep vs go down in their belly buttons. I gotta say it's not my favorite. My favorite looked on a man. Uh personally, I like, you know, I like a crew neck at this time. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a good that's a good nice fit. Alright, Hannah, calm down if you were, I worked over it, hand of calm down for all the folks out there. I'm wearing a really tight shirt. My boobs, my two boobs, Morris. Um. Okay. So we established that CC. It has nowhere to go because Gavin A K. D J Diabet it was staying at her model apartment and so she needs to crash at our house. She comes back to the house, the guys are just hanging out before we get back to the house. I want to talk about your friendship really quickness. One little moment, how reckless CC is. She goes from being so reckless too later on seasons, you know she's like the most like thoughtful away. Yeah yeah, but in this particular moment, she's already leaving this club because deep V Gavin with the tattoo on his face did her, did her. He's done her dirty, right, And you came in to save the day. As you're still trying to save the day and leave, a group of dudes drive by in a car and they're like hey, and she's like, oh, let's go hang out and party with them. Yeah. So terrible, so terribly and then again you saved time. Show. There's so many moments we're realizing now of how this could have taken a dark turn this show. Cecy was not in the first season. I would say first, that's true, I will say it's my it's so it's the reminds me of the pilot where Cecie comes in and sees like these three guys that Jess has moved in with, and instead of like flirting with a guy, or being like he's cute. She acts like a real best friend would, which is like if you heard her, I'll kill you. And it was I love this moment too, um of like authentic female friendship of when Jess shows up at the DJ booth and he's like being a jerk like and Cecy is kind of a little all over the place that Jess kind of is like you'll get away from her and like kind of tells the guy off, you know, as opposed to being annoyed her friend or whatever. She just like shows up and has her back, And I love that. That was always something that was part of our show and the friendship. There was no like fighting over guys or putting a guy before our friendship ever. Um and that was like another second, I feel like big establishing moment of the CC Jess friendship dynamic that always felt authentic to me. Yeah, I love that part of our friendship choice by you guys or was that a writer that was written but it was authentic, which was I feel like I do feel like they really would kind of see what was working with us and then lean into that as writers and more and more they kind of tailored everything to us because as of girlfriends that we are, so it was would have felt weird of all of a sudden, it was like, oh, that's your boyfriend. He's cute. I'm gonna take a swing. That I would have been like, not a friend, that's right, let's just act ablage. That's a bad that's not only a bad friend, that's just not a friend. That's just that's like a bad person. Um. So okay. So after this whole moment where Jess comes to pick up c C at the club, we come back to the loft and the guys are being silly, silly you put some paper towels in your nose. Well yeah, but well this is well, remember this is the this is the Is this the intro to the kimono? Is this is the introduction to you? Guys are all staying home on a Friday night or some thing? Yes? And Schmidt comes in wearing his kimono, which is tiny, very tiny kimono. You could see part of his um um if you zoom in. Folks at home the real close attentions uh no but to to uh. Nick and Winston are on the couch in utter disgusted, and I even I believe Nick has a line where he says, what happened to you? You weren't always like this, It's like, what happened? It's my pregame o, no man. And so Winston's character decides, you know, this is uh character Lamuren's character Winston besides that he's had enough of this this crap going on in the loft, and so he decided to take his pants off, and also he wants to wear paper towels. Um. This for me was the first, I want to say, one of the first times I got I got a chance to do uh. It was a quick scene, a quick moment with the guys and really see the banter and the the improv back and forth between Jake and Max and how they perform and being a part of that trio of guys on the show, trying to fit in and see you know what it was that they were doing, you know what I mean, and trying to I'm still season one, still trying to get my footing a little bit. So this is an interesting, um, an interesting moment. And then incomes you know, just and c C. Yeah, I remember this dance sequence really well, the weird dancing that we all that we did, Max, you and I because that was actually the first shot of the day, and it was so it was like at seven am, which is like a little hard to kind of get yourself going because you're up at like whatever, being here and makeup by five, you know, and then all of a sudden, it's like seven am. The sun's barely up, and they're like, now, dance and party, pretend you're drunk. And I was so tired and not really with it yet, and I remember I pulled my neck. You ever had that feeling where you really pull it and now you can't turn it left or right, And I'll never forget being like uh. And they're like, you gotta dance. It's got to be crazier, and I'm like, I'm immobile, I'm injured. This is like I feel like this is like the episode of injuries like your toe, your tooth, and my neck all or just trash during this episode. I just it was so funny watching this episode back because I just remember all of those things. My neck hurt, watching the dance part. Watching the dance was one. It was so cringe e for me because I don't like dancing on cameras. This is something I just don't like doing and this is the second time in this and on this season where the wedding was the first time. I want to say, and then which I which you're a good dancer. I'm just I'm just I just have a little rhythm, that's about it. But I don't like, you know what I mean, I don't like to dances the whole thing. You gotta do it so many times there's no choreographer there, so I'm just kind of doing a freestyle whatever. And I remember they like, you know, dance like you're trying to get with c C. And I was like that, it's at the apartment. So something so funny to me about the back that you came back to the apartment and you were like's put on girl, look at that body and have a dance party with three people. It was so uncomfortable. And then it was like I really not had like met Jake Johnson at zero scenes with him. So we met in passing like Hi, this is cool, and so it was like my first time ever having to do anything on camera with him, and it was like, go and dance up on him, which, by the way, just me as a person have never danced up on anybody. And I was like, this is so uncomfortable, and of course in the scene it's like you're being gross get away for me, Like, can we just do this in one take and have this being over. I've never felt more awkward in my entire life during that scene and during the wedding scene when had they said grind on Zoe, I was like, well, they had both of you guys doing this thing where you were like in the episodes where you guys both like close in on me, and I have to like, yeah, I know you're supposed to stay in character and being the moment, but certain things definitely pull you out. When your neck is pulled and you're feeling real awkward, you're just like, can we just move let's I think we got to grinded on by three of the sexiest men alive men of the year at one point. So watching Max like turn around and do that like like kind of low key twerk did make me really laugh. He crushed it. Oh yeah, yeah, that was very funny. Wiggle little wiggle, it's still his day. When people asked me to dance, I used that Nick Miller line, I don't dance them from the town in Footloose. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that is a very memorable line. It's funny. Um. I didn't say this earlier, but I think it's worth say worth mentioning that Max Greenfield before this show, I mean, he'd done a bunch of guest stars and things and like pilots that hadn't gone but it was like the weirdest thing in the world. He was so like such like a pro by the time we started this show that you're like, how was he not already? He had the vibe of something like the confidence of somebody who had already had a show on CBS for eight years, you know what I mean? Like you were like, wait, what you're You weren't like you weren't the star of some other show. Like he had like so much confidence and conviction in his character, and like like his performance was like so dialed in and like unwavering that that I remember being like, wait, this guy isn't famous already. I felt that way the whole time too. I was like, you obviously are the most season professional ever. Nothing they throw it you seems to face you and I and they would give him like speeches that were a page long, like oh yeah, I was like, how are Yeah? It was incredible like that, and he would memorize them and have to speak so fast because that was kind of the the pace that he'd established for his character. Um and they would just give him these speeches with like lists that would just rattle off in the words did not understand, he didn't understand or no, like like what is this? Who is this? I'm like, that's an author, that's a food, that's but he would just like like how little kids will just like no words but not fully understand their meanings of some things. Because they would give him really weird, specific cultural lists and he'd nail it every time. My favorite, My favorite is when my favorite is when he struggled on a word or a line and he kept he would stop, start himself and try to get the line out. It was Max Max frustrated with himself. It's the funniest thing I've ever seen. Max would talk to himself. He would go, come on, Max, Max, well, because they're asking him to do I mean, they're asking a lot of him. Occasions, both Jake and I are slow talkers and we both and they'd be like, we need to see this faster. I'm like it happened for me and Jake and I both would talk about that, and I definitely I'm kind of like intermittently, I can talk really fast and then I have to talk slow and then talk really fast. And but it's a lot of times when it's a line, I have a certain way of doing things, and you know, I have to It's not natural for me to say something fast. So that was something Jake and I always connected on, was that they would want us to talk unnaturally fast for our own rhythms. Um, but Max had just he naturally had that speed. But then it was you know, they there were definitely some challenging speeches for him, and he always it was hilarious. Okay, we're gonna just pause for a second to take a commercial break and talk about some of the things that we love, and you will too welcome speaking of challenging speeches. Um, I feel like it's time we address the the India the India speech he gives, which I remember, that's right, that's right, that's right, because I remember sitting there and I was so grateful at least they gave lamour and I the moment to have the genuine reaction, because I've absolutely sat in front of somebody before who's like India, let me tell you all the weird stereotypes that don't applide to India that will make you feel like we relate and I know your culture. I think it was also funny. It's such a funny line to give you where you say, what what is my culture? Right, and then he's like doesn't know, He's like, I love your culture. And then you're like, okay, all right, let's go test on this path kids. Let's Oh my god, Jeffrey and I don't know how much of which I'm surprised Schmidt wasn't canceled after different era different But I do like the fact that you have those moments and then you can have the genuine reaction. And then they allowed my character to have the smart moment, yeah, to send him to the roof of the bird cat and just show how easily that she was actually the one in charge. And I love that that they gave the power to see c in the moment um. But it was I just remember sitting there because of course there was a thousand alts, right, So that's a part of the list, so everyone listening. Alts are what we call alternative jokes, you know, and most comedy shows they do this where they'll have the script and then they have all all which um would be other jokes that can kind of be interchanged with the jokes that are in the script just in case that joke doesn't work when they go to to the edit. Um. And then we would also improvise a lot as well. So um, we would always have a lot of options for jokes, um, whether they were written jokes or improvised jokes that could be kind of interchanged with the jokes in the script. Right. So they had a very dense alt pack. Yeah, we had stereotypes, wrote a ton of alts with and wrote a ton of Indian stereotypes, right. And so I just remember sitting there because I feel like the coverage was on him first, and it was so we have to sit there and you're just listening to every stereotype about your culture being said to you the entire time. Um, But I was. I was really when they turned the camera around and Lamourn and I got to have that knowing look also between each other gave us, I feel like our first CC Winston moment of kind of yeah looking at each other being like yeah, yeah, that was our first rodeo. Okay, that was probably our first that was that was again, that's foreshadowing to the messing around we do later. And for those that we're not talking about messing around in the biblical sense, we're talking about messing around in the New Girls sense, where CC and Winston just do weird stuff, right, they're their only little inside jokes, And that could have been the first one. Um, here's the big question from this episode was Yeah, the first one. I feel like the big question was, because this is the Nick Jest storyline, was can men and women just be friends or at some point in the friendship does one party or the other think about what it would be like to be with them or sleep with them? Right? So this I did think this. I did think the storylines in this episode were very funny. I like them, and I remember this was for me. Um, this was a big Nick Jess episode, um, because there was a It was kind of the first time we established like where it said out loud and Cec I like that. Cecy is the one who says it, like, I think Nick likes you, and then she gets it in Jess's head and of course Jess reacts in a really weird, awkward, uncomfortable way. Um but yeah, I laughed out loud at a lot of the foot, but the feet, because it's kind of how it happened. Somebody puts something in your head and then you're like out of my head, and then it's really difficult because somehow everything in your environment then somehow confirms the thing that you're trying to get out of your head. And I feel like that happens a lot in life. So I thought it was a funny. It was a funny storyline. I feel like, even though it's exaggerated for a comedy, like, there is so much truth though about how body language is analyzed to figure out if someone is into you, right, like if someone sits back and crosses their arms and you're on a date with them the entire time, versus if they like lean forward and and are kind of like engaging. People dissect that stuff. So, but people also do those like postures. I feel like to try to look cool. That's that's what I do. I put if you guys can't see what's always doing, She's putting her arm on the back of the chain back. I do that constantly. One because I have very fresh under arms. Okay, so I'm allowing the room to one feel those and and since those phaeromones, but also that whatever scent that I'm wearing for that day, I'm just given out nothing but love. And so that's how I get the attention. I lean back like this and one that's the bicep, So that's flexing. That's letting her know, Hey, I'm just chilling ing you to read, though, is uninterested if you're like so casually laid back and she's telling like a story, like at some point, I'm sure if you were into the girl, you would. I'm sure that's what Gavin the DJ did, and I'm sure you know what I mean, Like you can. I think there's there's Well, it also depends because there's multiple ways. You if you're if you're two forward, if you're if you show too much interest, the other person may retreat. If two people are yeah, you're like, well that's a that's if I talk to this person, we are for sure going to be in a committed relationship because this person is putting all their cards on the table. I'm so interested in you. If it's the other way around, if everyone's just relaxed and you see where it goes. People who on the first day or like should we talk about kids? Yeah, loved them about we order first? So en, do you think that men and women can be friends? Yes, I have, I have with all you thought across all your friends, lamarens friends like he has like so many friends, and I would say a lot of them are women. Am I correct? Ever crossed your mind early when you first met that girl who's now your friend and all those women that are girl friends. So like, let's be let's tread delicately here, I feel like than us. Yeah, I mean, yeah, yes, it happens. It comes across your mind at some point, you know, in the beginning, usually usually the beginning, because as a as a it's a quick thing. It's more like no, all right, once you established, once you established a boundary and friendship, it just moves in a completely different direction, right, And I think, I um, work is different. I think I think work is different because automatically you're going into a work situation like Nope, that's not that's not what I'm doing. Unless you never know it happens with people. But I'm saying in regular friendships and regular I'm saying, good regular friendships. You know, it's it may happen. But I have friends that I am that I that are women folk and you know, never never crossed my mind some of them, you know what I mean, But not even in the beginning, not a thought. It's hard to say. It's it's hard to say yes because I've been friends with some of these people for so long. Um, I'm sure, I'm sure it's crossed their mind with me. And that's and that's not their fault again, pha Amont, it's because of the posture, because thank you for saying so again, Calm down. Sorry, sorry, sorry, It doesn't remind me that when I was in high school, there was like a guy that all the girls liked, and I walked past him in the hallway one time and he said he like did that like head nod? And he went what's up? And at the time I was like fourteen, and I didn't know what you say to what's up? I was like, what do you say? And I hadn't even thought about it and thought, you know, sometimes people say what's up? Um, what do I say back when somebody says that? So I remember him going, um, what's up? And I was like, Hi, Hi, and forever more. And I was like, that was so stupid. And then like for a couple of weeks, like my friends and I talked about what you say when you get a quick head, what's up? Not much? Or yeah or or or um or you can say what's up? Back right, you go? You know what's up? What's up? You could do that. That's what I decided. I don't know that was did you end up dating this guy? No, you come back tomorrow? Hey? Um? That guy remembers that moment as do you know? There was this one time I said what's up to Zoe Daanel And it didn't seem like she was interested in It's burn in his memory too. I was very I was very shy in high school, you guys. I was not shy on stage because I was like a theater kid and I would be in all the musicals and stuff. But I was very shy, like, um, that was it? What I mean? I wasn't we could call a nerd. I was in a lot of clubs. I started multiple clubs, started the clubs. Yeah yeah, because I was in all these clubs and then there was no Philosophy club and I had to start it and there was no fact, shun't club. So I started the Fashion Club and the Philosophy Club. And so this is actually funny. We had the same faculty advisor for both of them, and the yearbook STAF got confused, and then we took a picture of the Philosophy Club and they put it as the Fashion Philosophers and I was like, no, the Fashion Club was just two of us. It was just me and one of my girlfriends and um, and that was the Fashion Club. And it was basically like us just sitting at lunch in a classroom looking at Vogue and um and like you know Paris fashion magazines. UM. So yeah, the Fashion Club and the and the Philosophy Club accidentally got combined. Speaking of Fashion Club, let's go to a commercial break so we can talk about all the things that Zoe wearsco. I will say this because this is related to New Wrong. We haven't talked about this yet, and I hope we have, UM Deborah McGuire on UM to talk about costumes. I love shopping, I love costumes. I love sewing. That was another nerdy thing I did in high school. I sewed my own clothes. I didn't have a sewing club. Because I actually didn't know anyone else who sewed. I took pattern making, I took sewing. Glasses is going to be hand stitched by sewing. That's not true, but now, um but um um. I loved working with Deborah and I for all, like pretty much the first season, I went with her. We went shopping together for a lot of vintage clothes for Jess and I like the first season, like establishing Jess's you know style. I was with them shopping for all of it. So that was really a fun part of greeting this character. I have to say. The one last thing I would say about this episode, which I I remembered so clearly too, is that there's this moment where Schmitt and CC hold hands, which is really sweet. But I remember for that shot they brought in a crane to get that overhead shot, which I feel like in later years they would have just had Polly or Casey like stand on top of us and like straggle over our hands and been like, we got it, it's fine, we'll make it work. But they brought in a crane, and for me, I had never shot anything that had something that fancy. It felt like for this really sweet moment of just a close up on our hands, um, and that signified to me. I was like, why are they're going to all of these lengths? This is not just like a joke of Schmitt and CC being a little drunk and having like a funny episode moment. I think this is actually going to turn into like a relationship arc at some point. No, I didn't. I was so scared. That's nothing scared me. I was like looking at my nails, being like hands, I did look at a true I'm just gonna say that was a joke posted on your hand, very pretty hands. Thank you. That's why they call you handa pretty hands. And that's out And that was stupid joke. Okay, but I remember that moment. There were so many things that I got established, relationship wise, romantic wise, like they really kind of opened it up on this episode, which I really really like, one of the funniest episodes. But also Nick and Jess and Schmitt and c C and then the first Winston CC mess around all their folks. They're got to look for it, alright, So time for True American. Welcome to True American, where the rules change weekly and you leave more confused than when you showed up. Now this week we are playing an American prince. In this episode, we get a glimpse of Schmidt's romantic side. Today, we're gonna remember other great American princes by guessing what movie they appeared in based on their most romantic line. Are you guys ready to play? Ready? I'm ready? Okay? The first line when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible. Yeah, is that is that correct? Oh? See, I don't see. See I shouldn't have picked this guy because I don't know any of these answers. So we talked about it this episode, so it was front of mine. But I was like, I know that's from something I don't remember what they're years eve party. I'm about this one. So it's not going to be easy. It's gonna be really hard, and we're gonna have to work at this every day. But I want to do that because I won't you. I want all of you forever, you and me every day. I'm so intense. I know, I don't even know if it was delivered that way in the movie. I hope I don't know. I'm not gonna be good at this. I'm this doesn't get you A happy actor is Ryan Gosling? Ok Yeah, we're like there's one romantic movie the rest of them. I have a dark side. We're going with that one. Um. Okay, here we go, next one. Okay, sorry, wait what happened? Are you okay? No? Well I have yes, I am, I'm fine. I just saw on this, like, so we have a print out of what these quotes are and the more's reading them, and I literally just saw the first two words of this one and it's from my favorite movie of all time ever period And just even seeing that this is going to be said on our podcast just gave me that reaction. Okay, so this must be so this must be from Pooty Tang. Okay, first line, No, um, I love you not like they told you. Love is. And I didn't know this either, But love don't make things nice. It ruins everything, It breaks your heart, it makes things amiss. We aren't here to make things perfect. The snow flakes are perfect, the stars are perfect. Not us. Not us. We are here to ruin ourselves and to break our hearts and love the wrong people and die. It's not I know that, Hannah. You want to tell us so excited? No, Nicholas Cage says this to share in moonst oh Moons, and he goes, now, get in my bed. It's very aggressive. Yeah, he says that, I do know what the next quote is from, and it's very on brand. So let's just say it and let me guess because I know what it is. Okay, you want to say it. You say you want to say that, you want to read the Look, all right, what do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. Hey, that's a pretty good idea. I'll give you the moon. That is from It's a wonderful you know about Bible, It's a wonderful life. And that's Jimmy Stewart. I wouldn't have known that. You wouldn't know. I watched it. I watched every Christmas Moon. You say the word and I'll throw it a lasso around it. Didn't pull it down, is how he sounds. Pretty much. Yeah, it's really good. That's a pretty good idea. I'll give you the moon. Okay. This next one is a classic. I haven't even looked at it, well, I knew how to quit you. Oh, that's Broke Back Mountain. That's got to be Broke Back Mountain. I haven't seen the movie, but I know Niccolas Cage takes up a lot of space and like the romcom area in my head because of you just love Nicolas Cage. I just love that movie. So and Nicolas Cage will also be a guest on this show episode where right our butts can't cash. But Nicholas Cage is going to be a guest on the show. He's definitely gonna be and he's gonna talk about valley girl ladies and gentlemen. That was another edition of True American and the score is one to one one. We guess we didn't guess the notebook right. No, no, we didn't miss that one. So we got all the other ones. Folks at home, see how you did play along next time? That would be fantastic, fan fantastic And thank you for listening to our podcast and watching the show. We got more on stuff to come. Like I said, we got Nick Cage, we got Johnny Depp coming up from the show, and Nicholas Cage Cage stock in store up all your fan questions, because towards the end of the season, we're gonna have Liz Merriweather, our show creator. She's gonna answer all of your fantastic questions, yes, all the mysteries, and remember to rate and subscribe and tell your friends, especially your grandma, give us five stars because that's Lauren's favorite number. Thank you for listening to Welcome to Our Show. You've been listening to Welcome to Our Show, a New Girl recap podcast. Welcome to Our Show is a production of I Heart Radio, hosted by Zoey Deschanel, Lamour and Morris and Hannah Simone. Our executive producers Joel Moonique. Our engineer and editor is Daniel Goodman. The Welcome to Our Show theme song was written by Zoey Deschanel, performed and produced by Zoey Deschanel and Pierre de Reader. Follow us on Instagram and Welcome to Our Show pot. If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us at Welcome to Our Show podcast at gmail dot com. Don't forget to rate, subscribe, and share far and wide. Thanks for listening. We'll hear you next week. M

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