šŸ‘Øā€šŸ‘©ā€šŸ‘¦ā€šŸ‘¦ Family Episode - Who, who, Hooters

Published Jul 4, 2024, 3:00 PM

Cooper had some bad tequila! We reveal New South Walesā€™ secret to success and it takes a lot of work to make a dogā€™s breakfast.

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Better than the Lego better than Lego.


Well, people, I hope you I'm really sorry if you just heard that. My youngest son burping into the microphone to start the podcast. Welcome to John's Family Podcast. Before we get underway, family, I would just like to send my deepest condolences to the friends, to the family, and to the former teammates and the Cannoby Banks Town Bulldogs, the whole club on the passing of the great Jeff Robinson, aged sixty six years of age. Robbo was one of the greatest characters in rugby league right through the eighties. He was unbelievable, fantastic guy as well. Some of the things he used to do before the game. The blokes used to say he'd have a smoke just before he ran on, touch his toes three times and say let's go. That was his warm up. And I've times after a game he wouldn't even have a shower. He come off after the game, he grabbed his bag, still in his boots and gear, go straight across the road to the pub with some of his mates and the punters and just and get on the source. But I tell you what, apart from that, he was had an excellent rugby league mind in nineteen ninety one the Canterbury side. They won the under twenty one competition and Robot was the coach. So once again to all friends and family, my deepest condolence is in vallet Jeff Robinson family. It's good to have you. How you all going good?

Math, dear good matth Did you look well? You look good, top top, You look.

Really good in Queensland last year. It's very nice.

I was going to say, like when we're walking in it was a bit overcast, but you were just like a glooming light, were strolling into that.

Glooming glooming light.

Should have said a little better school gloomy.

It is good.

What's been happening in your week mate?

Me and Jack are down in Melbourne Town over the weekend.

Yeah, there was Tom starting his one hundredth games.


Yeah, I know. We had it split well organized a few a few weeks in advance. And then about twenty minutes before I was about to take off for the airport on Friday afternoon, Cooper just goes, you know, what, can I come? And he did.

Actually I didn't ask if I could.


He asked, yeah, well I didn't because I booked all my own stuff.

Harry Grant had rang me.

Like literally as Jack was about to leave and said, oh, I'm not playing this weekend anymore. So I was like, oh, if I came down, will we hang out?

And he was like yeah yeah. So then I was like all right, Oh so I booked.

I booked a different hotel to these guys. I booked booked my own flight. I don't fly the cheap stuff. Wow, I got all that good stuff. So I'm down there and what a weekend. It was still recovering. Yes, Harry mates, he's still licking his wounds after that. She lacking forty thirty four mill a half time.

It feels good to be New South Welshman.

Let me just tell you.

Going chatting to a few Queenslanders down south there, I think.

You are in for a bit of a shock.

Good luck guys over I Yeah. It's it's some of the some of the words coming out of their mouths, and how how they felt after the game.

I'm I'm scared to be in New South.

Welsh What how do they feel? A shame? Unleash two of the primary emotions they're coming out in all the Queensland just calling for real changes, get rid of the six again rule. Guys, just keep your players on side.

Actually, Madge is quite good on your on your show this week as well.

Was very very good.

Is that why you now?

Now you've come back around, Now you're you're for now you're anti Queensland.

After I'm not any Queensland. What I'm doing, I'm just getting behind out side. I really like the side.

It's only taking your ten years to no.

I really like the side match picked. I just think they're very likable team, and I like the way they go about their work.

Jake's captain makes them very likable. Doesn't like it doesn't give like we're talking you know, you know, as as you heard earlier in the earlier in the week, Carl Stephanovick spoke about the American swim team having Jake as captain of New South Wales allows, you know, doesn't allow Queensland to have that extra bit of motivation. I do agree with you, even they would like you imagine as opposite captain, what's he going to say about Jake.

When there were other captains? You're going you was going past Teddy. Teddy's pretty likable goal but everyone loved hat and it seemed like I don't know who else was kept Joey.

Joey was the captain, wasn't he?

Beggie was very likable, isn't.

It, Jack? You might have stumbled upon something here. I think our greatest storage and performance is now. Most success has come on the back of having likable captains, captains who they couldn't hate.

Danny Badia has had a very good track record as captain.

Word Laurie Daily, Are you saying that maybe I should come back?

What you're saying, I don't want to give them more.

What I'm saying is actually completely the oppositest.

Well, also, we'll go back to Melbourne. When we arrived in I didn't get in there Cooper, so obviously he hopped on the good seats. So we went on a different flight and got there a bit earlier. He'd already started drinking, so we got to the hotel. He walked about two kilometers to our hotel because he had no one to hang with. Quit with me and my mate Curtis. And as I walk in, there's a tequila shot and the beer waiting for me and Cooper.


This is eleven thirty at night on Friday, on the night and night, and Cooper's Cooper's sort of in that mood, you know when he gets all, you know, very confident, nothing's you know, against him getting He just disappears for about, I don't know, five minutes, right, doesn't allude to anything. Comes back and I swear he's wearing a white shirt. Copper. There is spew all down the bottom of this shirt, brown too, like horrific there there was. It was a nice, fine establishment and Cooper's sitting there. He goes, God, I think we better go. Let's go to the publican. And then instead of taking his shirt off or just throwing in a bin, which you might as well have, he grabbed his puffer jacket and zipped it up just to keep the juices in, and then wok for the rest of the night.

Yeah, yeah, but I love it, nae because yeah, it was the tequila shot. They didn't have the good stuff there, only that that cheap stuff and.

Something like if.

Sometimes I can tell how my night's going to go based on how I react to a tequila shot, So that's.

Always my baseline.

I just wait for a second, so you know how your knight's gonna go based on the tequila. You had that tequila eleven thirty. Yeah, I mean we flew in it.

We flew in at nine at night, so like that was the night starting for us. We didn't get home too late, very or early I suppose time we're talking. I think I got over at five thirty, so.

We were about four thirty.

Yeh, yeah cool.

The only difference between us and Cuba. There was a little stamp on his wrist saying circus on it.


Yeah, it went to circus lay.

And then when it hits my lately, when it's been hitting my stomach, it feels good. When I had this one, it churned and I was like oh, and I knew what was about to happen.

So I started walking to the toilet, but there was security everywhere.

And I actually threw up in my mouth and I had to hold it, you know when that happens here, you know, And I'm holding it in there, and I'm like sort of going part like a puffer fish, like my mouth full, lads, And I'm walking past security and I get into the door of the toilet, but as I opened the door, someone like half bumps into me and it just all came out, not on him, but all over the basically like no one could walk in the door of the toilet without going over my spew now, and then I just immediately just went, oh, turn back, went to the guys like let's get out of here.

In fantasy to kop the I was in there about half an hour before you, and someone had spewed all on the base of the sink.

So there was something wrong with it to kill maybe.

Maybe yeah, yeah, years ago Fanny's I actually spewed it over a guy his shirt. Yeah it was anyway, he asked me to sign the shirt.

Did you's on the weekend?

He was a fan?

Was few they go together like Zi fren Roy.

Did you see the doggies fans on the weekend? Cobber for Reed mahoney. They were calling him over and they got him. Instead of asking him to sign their shirts, they just started signing his jerseys.

Which if people don't understand fans and games to understand this, because they're always going.

To give us your jersey, give us your jersey.

N r L clubs are so anal with giving away jerseys these days.

Because it just costs them all.

The gig guy, the gig.

They charged players now forgive like jerseys now if you give it away or yeah, swap one and that like they charge. And me and Jack played against each other out of mudgy. We swapped because we've never played against each other.

We swapt.

I got his night Jos, he got my manly one. They charged me for it, charging Yeah.

Yeah, manly, hang your heads and shame come on, she said.

I think in the end they didn't. They said it was going to come out of my pay, but I did. I didn't look because it's so many so.

Much money was coming he actually.

It was all zero is sitting over there and your Piet Pine lime shirt jumper there. Love it baby.

What's happening. What's happening in your week for us?

Yeah, I'm just sitting sitting back watching, just watching. So like you're know, Taylor Swift doing the UK tour at the moment.

This is the longest tour ever.

But she sort of took her time.

Yeah, she had a bit of gap between Australia and Asia.

And then Super Bowl.

Oh no, she flipped over for there for that but sorry, so there, so there.

She was in London last week at Wembley Massive Stadium, and I'm just wondering about her relationship with some other artists. Now, this really surprises me. Dave Grohl, at his little concert in a smaller stadium down the road in London the same night, sort of alluded to the fact that she didn't play live, her band didn't play live.

Little bitchy little bit from I know. I was really disappointed in.

I I've heard this before with great rock band so that when they played these mega stadiums, the big ones is there, Where.

Would they be if she's at Wembley, where would they be?

I don't know. But what I'm saying is, and those big it's not unusual for there to be the band out the front playing, but behind the curtain have another band volume of sound to beef the sound up a little bit. Maybe that's it. But you know what, if you're playing it, it's called performing these days.

He's a show.

Yeah, that's right.

It's literally if she was lip sinking, would you be angry, Dad?


I would be. Okay.

What's the difference then, for you guys between a band, what string sinking between someone's lip syncing?

It's a fair call.

That is a fair call.

I think it's the personally for me Coller. For me, it's if you're an artist, she's Taylor Swift if you whereas Dave is the Food Fighters. So you're honestly the Food Fights, not going to see Dave Groll now if he was offended, you know, because of that reasoning, I think.

It's you know what, Jack, You're right if I went and saw I think the difference is if you go and see an artist like Taylor Swift or Beyonce, you don't really go there for the band for the band. You go there for them, Whereas if you went to watch led Zeppelin and you found out that Jimmy Page was miming his guitar playing or slack.

And slashes, no one's going to know who her band is. She just have band members up on the stage.

With You're paying for the you're paying for the group experience.

You don't know Rodney marsharist and Stephen Beckett. You don't know Steve Beckett.

Guitars, Taylor Swift, David Pocock, Yeah plays Donny Wrigley the bass guitar.

Jerry Michael J. Fox played at the Coldplay concert of the Weekend. I want to go to Glassbery one time.

To do.

It looks unreal, that's to do before I dialist?

Yeah, well.

Hurry up. Okay.

But in contrast to Dave, girl being a little bitchy when she arrived in Dublin, Bono edge and you two had a big basket of flowers welcoming it to welcoming her to Doublin.

That's awesome, Dave. You can learn a thing to Dave. You know, I wondered because Dave presents himself as the nicest guy. He's a nice guy, a big notice. Of course, I'm just trying to try to remember I had a night out on the town with him, me fletching hind heat. But anyways, let's not go there. But it's not like him to get there and you know, to sort of put down another artist.

Yeah, I hope it might be.

A little bit passive aggressive, would just say that.

Just get a bit old and over it.

Stop YouTube. I have notes with you two as well. As you get older, you do you do get a bit more bitter.

Oh youto, as opposed to the bad as in YouTube Matthew and Trish, Yeah, bit Cooper, what are your thoughts?

You recking? They' getting a bit more bitter as they get older.

Yeah, yeah, they are getting bitter.

I wonder if what made us turn that way through a couple of dead shot sons.

Oh god, maybe to start to lose your mind a little bit. Did you see that actress were stabbed.

Over the weekend as well? Out what her name is?

Reese Witherspoon. I think it was with a knife.

Yeah, remember when every week those who were just tuting to the podcast this year started too, Yeah, about two years ago we used to try to slip that into everything. So yeah, we got joke for like six months and people would be like, please stop the.

I think I've said this before on the podcast. Maybe I have, Maybe I haven't. But Fletch used to have that joke. He still does occasional. He goes, how did you hear them? This is so bad because Larry m does a friend of the show because keep your time with.

Lar good mates.

He goes, you hear that Larry MDA passed away? People go, no, so how old do you think he was? And they go, oh, to fifty nine lower right. So he's in at Fox Sports once and Lara comes in Laura Pitt anyway, Fletch goes, I'll do that Larry joke. Lara like anyway, So he goes, hey, Lara, did you hear the news Larry MDA passed away? Mate? Lara screams and starts crying because he's a little not Larry and his family friend. Anyway, she turns around and she starts to run out of the studio, obviously going to call friends and what family, and Fletcher's chasing out. It's only a joke. It's just a joke. What is funny about saying that someone's dead? Because of course he didn't get the punchline.

Yeah, but Lower what was Larry's? Did you do the prices right?

And that was the higher that Lower chases?

He done?

Price is right, the chase, he's the king gold LOGI coming his way a will of fortune.

She didn't do that, did he?

He certainly didn't do Burjo's qui the price is right?

And then he's just doing the chase. I don't think he didn't do the suitcase one, did he?

No? No, that was Andrei Koff.


You know what's funny the fact that so I watched a video not long ago fletching heindi' in origin camp like years ago.

It was when and Campbell, Graham our man. He was in there stretch and in Europe at the moment of stretch, you're having a good time. Yeah, good on him. The story he was in there and they did that joke.

On him and he goes, who's Larry m And then they go, you don't know Larry, the price is right, and he goes, is that the guy who's in Happy Gilmour? Bob Bob, you know the guy who beats up Adam Sandler in Happy Gilmore.

Bob Barker, Bob Barker, Barker.

He's partnered with him in the pro am. The partner's one. Yeah, the celebrity.

Oh and I just thought, what a what a hilarious moment stretch.

Okay, here this, oh mate, let's have a look at this. Okay, let's have a good things that Larry's have been. But I'll just keep it at the game shows Larry. In nineteen eighty nine, he was on Family Double there in nine he was host that remember that. The next one in nineteen ninety one was the main event and a friend of ours, John Craig Johnston of Liverpool Faint, invented that game.

What's that again? These are games I've not watched.

Remember ninety three? Larry then moves on to the prices, right, yes, prices two thousand and one, a TV show called cash Bonanza. There we go, and I'm going down back to the prices, right two thousand, two thousand and five, well fortune two thousand, good as gold? Another show, Well that's your opinion, Dancing with the Stars, there we go.

So but he was he didn't host it.

He might have done it for a series, done it.

Can you picture an image of Larry? Because I've only known to be fair. I don't watch too much morning, so I've only seen his face so much, probably more so this year because Cooper has done a bit of stuff with him. And he's got no hair. What what's the what was his hair looking like?

He was made? He was good looking cat back in the day. I think he's a ruber boy. Yeah, and he had it, was he for He's had that sort of surfy bit of a bleach bleach blonde hair, gorgeous. He didn't bleach it himself, but I mean it was sun kissed.

You put some lemon.

That's really why it's all gone. That's what happens when you bleached.

Apparently how he didn't bleach it made it was the sun. It was sun kissed naturally, bleach too.

Much fall out as well.

Oh Jesus.

Well, anyway, let's go to a quick break and we've got some good stuff coming up.

Welcome back to the podcast, because just had.

Like some sort of tourette yeah situate.

In the ad break. Yeah, yeah, I was just I was listening to those those ads, those reads, and I got so excited it is.

Let's pull it back with you're you're trying to urge Trish onto the front foot about coming forward with her things, and Trisha's saying, sort of, are all talking, come on.

Step in.

I meant I'm listening to what you're saying.

Trish goes, I throw it an adbreak and Trish goes, I just had.

More to say, Yeah, we know you doys.

And then we said why didn't you bring it up?

And she goes, because you're all talking, well, just bring it up.

My people aren't really unhappy with you, particularly Cooper, like the toxic.

And narcissist comment last week.

They're really, do you want to bring what that the stuff that you missed in the intro?

Why don't you bring it up?

Now for everyone.

Yeah, I will. These are some other things that I found very interesting that.

Everyone else's interesting.

Well, you know, you know the book, not the book, the movie, very famous, beautiful movie, The Notebook. Ryan Gosley seen it, but you love it, Cooper, you love a rom No, it's not a wrong comments like a romance.

That's wrong. Comment it's not funny.

Well, Gina Rowlands, who is the lady who plays the girl as.

An older woman in the nursing home with Altzheimer's.

Is that the morning mad note But that's Jenne Reinhart. Sorry, sorry, I'm off there.

Don't start room.

Sorry, she's actually in real life, just been diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

Life imating art.

And that's so interesting.

I think that's really interesting. A lot of people love the Nobook. You like it, don't you?

That's very dark.

Yeah, I was scared if she did. She said, I've never seen it.

I was going to watch it. Sitting and watching it now.

Wow, it's sad.

Enough as it is.

Little interests you, Cooper.

Hooters closed a lot of its restaurants last week across the world.

Doesn't interest me. I don't go to Hooters anywhere ever since they I spewed in the toilet.

They revoked my number. I haven't spewed in every venue in the wall.

One day we'll do it. We will do an episode dedicated to all the memberships. Cooper's got a different places across Australia.

We went took people all away to take you, you and your mate, and all you just wanted to go do is gether Hooters.

Yeah they did because we get our hotel to get to the main the main road, we had to pass the Hooters.

Yeah, and we said what was the life way for this? And he goes it was weird. It was just like full of happen to these people. I went, yeah, guess what, mate, we're in to Well, I think on.

The movies, we like we just visualized it a lot different than like there actually wasn't because we were a reasonable age whatever reasonable age is supposed to be ever in Japan or nineteen yeah, we were nineteen and we it.

Just we just was not what we pictured like.

We went in and rather I think we thought it'd almost be like a kind of a nightclub vibe where they'd just be like girls coming around like taking your order. But it was just full of old Japanese men in there, and like there was only like one or two girls working, So we were just so sad sad place.

Yeah, it wasn't fun Funzler with people with owls in the front of their shirts.

I would love a Sizzla right now.

Oh what I would do to have a cheese bread old.

Is there is there an option for like John's Family podcast to potentially like openness isla like purchase it is that sort of access.

It's like McDonald's franchise is.

A franch it's still going, it's still going in America.

Yeah, Matt, I think one of the last ones was after the Gold Coast.

I think that's closed.

That was straight was Campbelltown.

Yeah, I think there's none. Now I think we.

Should start our own buffet restaurant.

But is there have they completely closed the door on? Has Sizzla completely closed the door in Australia or is there a potential for us to potentially Why would you.

Just open a buffet place similar?

Because it's not It comes it like what makes McDonald's great is the golden arch and source in that that damn what is that source?

Well? How much did you have to pay back in the day the most recent you can remember to go to Pizza Hut buffet.

Oh, that's been a long time. That was sixteen sixteen, sixteen ninety five.

Remember we first going when it first came out, when we first started dating. I think it was nine dollars just going there.

Still no that would kill There.

Are no Are there any? Can I ask?

Are there any Pizza Hut dining restaurants?

Or they all take away?

I think there are only a couple.

Maddie, I don't think there's any.

Don't pull me sorry, call him daddy.

I'm going to call you daddy, just like I hear mum tolding you late at night.

Hi believe me, that has happened for a long time. That right, mummy.

You know what, don't speak about me like this. I don't like it. Sorry, it's inappropriate. I find it offensive and I don't like it.

Well what else he got?



And there was a Sydney doctor that's had restrictions placed on him for not observing professional boundaries because a patient. One of his patients left him twenty four million dollars. Now it's alleged he was prescribing this patient with diazepam Ventanel along with some other men.

Oh okay, so.

It was a bit of like you helped me out, to help you out a little bit.

I think that's the insinuation.

And yeah, well I'll scratch your back, you scratch my.

But do you think a boyfriend spider.

For a doctor to be a beneficiary a personal beneficiary of a patient.

If there's no one else, I think I don't know.

I think that does blue lines.

Okay, let's I also think accountants and lawyers should not be.

What if what if the priest, what.

If you're my lawyer and you're also my mum? Well very different, what if what if you're his childhood best friend and you're also.

Personally to gain personal type. But if our relationship is based on profession, your profession and you are my lawyer or my accountant, I don't think you should be entitled. Because we know someone who left the fortune she was left by a family member to her accountant, along with the dog or the cat, who then he proceeded to have put down quick soon after.

So they've got access to information information.

Pretty grim series of events. And by the way, what happened was they were extremely There's are circumstances.


The male of the family just want you know the content you brought in the ad break was Gina Rowlands. It's got Alzheimer's. Who does has closed down? And your friend had her her puppy put down by.

That is.

My friends.

And it was a cat. It was it a cat.

All I'm saying is let's bring some more positive stuff next, mister Whisky. Interesting perspective, very dark, let's go into Just let me move on.

There's a Cooper's quiz that I want to do. Good but however, sorry Jack to you, the quiz only involves father and mother.

This is I can't do anything.

You can do it with me if you want. What I'm going to ask you is, Matthew, these are five questions about Trish. This is to test your compatibility as partners. There's been lots of fighting going around the house. I want to make sure you made the right decision. Hasn't been fighting going to the hound today? There has not been.

You've been outside the house.

I haven't been in viewing missile for the Olympics. No, it hasn't been fighting today.

Okay, what I want to be fighting at all?

That's fine. You don't need to convince me.

It's we've come together.

Well hopefully at least you just come together at one time. That's uh double Okay.

That was a very good double. Do we do not delete that?

We keep that in for sure. The goal that is that.

Is that is that will never happen to give me surprise.

Podcasting, the first question for you, dad, what is Patricia's favorite color?

So my I'm naturally thinking what my favorite colors are, but Tricia, I would say that Tricia's favorite color would be violet, like like a purple.

Patricia, mate, you have to be his freaking loser.

I was going to give you so much leeway on that because I don't have one favorite color.

Like I like green, I like red, I like and you go violet, any one of.

Those violet, purple? I went purple. Purple. Purple is a regal color. That's why kings and queens would wear purple, because it's the most difficult color to make.


He views wear the color white copper on their white down.

The old kings and queens would wear purple. Can that be made at a crustacean?

This man like?

That's why Melbourne Storm have been so dominant purple. Well, okay, and Prince why Prince wear purple to zero? And McDonald's made Grimace purple?

That's true? And and Barney the Dinosaur is Yeah.

Did you know where Grimmace is? The animal Grimmace?

Do you know what he's.

Supposed to be? A taste? Buda? I heard it the other.

Day because you were talking about it.

We were talking about it the other week and I think someone came back.

Now I heard it on the radio. I was listening to Fletch and Joel and someone came on and they were talking McDonald's and they said, you know a creature Grimace is. I don't know, is he a sloth or something? He's a taste.

I wish you knew that. Straight after Keeper admitted to wanting to have sex with the Hamburgler.

Yeah, remember that's right. That's when we spoke about it.

Okay, Zerah from White, What is mum's favorite food?

Do you think? Yep?

I know it Spanish and ricotta, canloney spinach not Spanish.

Yes, you are right, because when you just said that, I was trying to think what my favorite food was and I was going, oh, another broad one, but that literally is my favorite food done.

From? Which was your favorite at Meriweather River?

Dirty on the did he say Spanish or spinach? Spin spinach?

Come out a little.

Okay too, You're going good.


If you get over fifty percent, you're allowed to stay with her favorite? What's her favorite band or artists?

You have to leave?

Oh, this is hard because it shifts all the time. I would say at the moment.

Let's go at the moment at right now, I would.

Say the moment, Taylor Swift, it.

Is well done.

Oh wow, dad, two from three copper, I'm a big boy boy.

What is Patricia's pet hate when it comes to you?

When it comes when it comes to him?

Yeah, when it comes to you? What's her pet hate?

Her pet hate is me saying nutrition. I'm just going to duck down to the down to the club Colierie Beaching Services, And she go, what for? I'm just going to put on a bed or two. How long are you going to be? Thirty minutes? And I came back three hours later?

Does that say?


Is that lying?


I don't know.

I just I just changed tact. Yeah, got to let her know.

How does that make you feel?

Trish Horny, would you say that well, I would say that is lying, Trish.

Is it he's lying or is it?

No, that's probably not. I'm so used to it's lying. I think there's actually.

Is a lie.

So but my pet hate of his is and it happens every day shaving his bed over the basin and just leaving it like little bit.

It's a bloody pit. So I don't like it if you drip on the toilet seat.

Oh, like what's dripping from like a shower?


Oh buddy, Okay, champions, Well let's it's come down to this last question. You're two from four, so if you get this, it ticks you over the fifty percent range. Where did you and mum go for your first ever date?

Okay? Do you need to be very specific?

Yeah? Okay, first time out together?

Yeah, like not like if you took her, like if you rented a movie and you'res at home, like that doesn't count.

The first dated, our first date, I took her to the Knight's Presentation ball, which was on the South Stain ship that never left the dock. It was we had a great time, is that right? She stalked me for six months after that and then our second date, we went to the Hoodoo Gurus. Our third date, we watched a movie at the Tower Cinemas called Sleepers. Sorry, Robert Redford, No, no, that's Kevin Baker. No, it wasn't definitely what it was another one, but it was like a spy thriller. Starrying, Robert Redford, I don't need to go into the fourth.

Only I look like you could see.

Just get real happy then, but reminiscing about the first day.

I'm loving it so much. I'm so happy, I'm crying.

Is it is?


Is any of that right?

It's all correct, Tea, remember more than I was done?

Mate, three from five? Really good man?

Maybe next maybe next week will change the role I think so to Tris, you can have a crack adguessing I thought you were going to do it now.

No, no, no, don't mean that's okay.

Yeah, I actually think that would be you.

Want to do it?

Yeah, screw it, let's do it, Vice, let's do okay because up conversations.

Okay, well, obviously you have to change the last time because we know where that was.

Well, think of something, Jack, that's your role in this. You can think of the last question you wish pretty it, Trish what's Matthew's favorite color?


Yeah? Ding ding, she knows that. Yeah, I share that with the most days. Okay, well that's.

From the moment we met to this day.

Yeah, always been green.

He's being buried in a green coffin.

Always Yeah, buried in a green fire.


And by the way, yeah, I know the fact that you know I like green. My favorite color is green. She's envious.

Yeah, okay, yeah, thank you, you make it. What about what's dad's favorite food?

Oh, his favorite food sausages. He goes out, goes down the road.

No, actually, if okay, I'm going to get a little bit more specific. If he goes down the road to get something, he comes back with sausages to cook himself. But if we're out, he's a chicken snitzele.

Okay, okay, well I'm chicken wings.

Chicken wings.

Okay, Oh yeah, you're probably right.

He's probably right. What do you mean he's the one who's answering. I'm pretty sure he's right.

Okay, one from two.

Yeah. What about dad's favorite band or artist? I mean, this is hard.

He is hard, But I think long term, long standing would have to be Oasis.

Yeah, it is Oasis.

Yeah, I'll give you that.

Yeah, who else were you thinking?


Rollers Sherbet? You love Sherbet.

I doesn't love Sherbet.

A few two from three, Trish, what's Dad's pet hate when it comes to you? Oh me, take your pick?

Just asking him to do anything? No, that's he's never going to admit to that.

But that is his pet hate, very very broad, asking you to do anything.

But that's broad.

That's yeah, that's so I'm sticking with it.


No, there's nothing else he hates about me, now, you know what I think.

The boys we touched on this one last week. My my pet as sometimes is for you a complete nutter lack of timing. Like there, for instance, I could get a phone call and it'll be like, I guess what, Matte, your father's just passed away, And I'd go, oh no, I'd be devastated. Did you did you shut the garage door? That is actually my father is because it's raining out. In fact, every single week we all should put one on. I think of that today, Like you know, like every week we'll do something like a true true thing like what would Trish do? The houses on fire? The her house is burning to the ground, the pets are in the building. What does Trish do? She would go, does anyone see one of my scrunches?

You are You're a little giddy mess to that. It is true, it is. I'm glad you can finally see it.

Yeah, I under my arms?

Where to put my phone?


Okay, you're two from four. This is I'm going to read what Jack wrote down, but I don't think we can do it. You never understand it's Jack. What's dad's favorite pokey?

Oh, Queen of the Nile.

It's not.

That's where I've got you. It's one of the new ones, Geenie.

But I'm going to do it more based on your relationship. Okay, I'm going to do what is dad's no, no, no, what year?

This year? How long has it been since you were married?

This year?

Anniversary anniversion.

That's not that's not a tough question. That's a simple equation opinion.

Okay, let me think of one more then, what a about what is dad's favorite.

TV show?


Yeah, you know Larry At.

The moment, I'm going to go all time. Yeah, And I'm going to say and I don't know because he had a varied amount of them. The travel shows with Anthony Bourdain.

That's a pretty good game.

It's a very very yeah. Yeah, I think you're probably right there. Anthony Bourdain Parts unknown.

I think was the yeah because because he had he.

Had a different, different point in your life. Isn't it like I used to love magnum p I.

You're not ontouris there for a bit copper?

You boys always been?

Luke Warmer last night, I've never heard him laugh so hard. He was in bed watching and I was in the bathroom and he was watching Seinfield Mate Cramer.

Mate, Oh yeah, I can say it here what.

You can't say what it is. It's politically incredible, but it was cheesus.

It was funny.

So what called Eastbounding Down?

I love East Bounded Down. That was one that sort of passed through my consciousness as far as likes it.

Very funny, very good, very good past both three from five, Yeah, both three f five.

So if we do this, if we do this more often, does that mean, if you know we're playing against each other, one has the option to leave and take everything if they the other one doesn't.

Say, people might start ringing the answers.

Next week it's going to be I'll do it for YouTube blokes.

Oh yeah, oh yeah, sure, let's do that beautiful right, Well, let's go to a quick break.

We'll come back with some really entertaining stuff. Welcome back to the podcast. Dad had something interesting he wants to bring out about Bareback.

Yeah right, I was very excited. In the break, I've got to say Bareback. They went what went what? And I was sorry, the bear is back. The television series GET I love that show.

Yeah, that's kind of annoying me.

It's one of my favorites. I've just finished already.

It's all in the season. I finished the first It was annoying me.

It was a bit of a different on the first app it was all flashback stuff, but it comes. Yeah, I love it. It's my favorite show. I love cooking, but like I find it so aesthetically pleasing when they sit there and they're actually like around the prepping.

Food make it look so fun then great, and it's always like it's like those scenes where they're actually in the kitchen and they've got their you know, they got their white sign and that it's just so I don't know, it just like pleases me.


Have you ever thought have we ever thought about it could we do this that we as a family we buy just a small place, like a little small place that basically could be takeaway and half a dozen tables and Jack is head chef made I'm telling.

You, do you know what, it'd almost be like one of those places. There are certain place there's one in Barron the week.

It only seats it's out of Byron a bit, but it only seats maybe.

Eight people or ten people. That's it. Like you've got to book well.

In advance, and it could be a bit like that. But that one's an expensive one of thing. But the other one, you know, like when we're in.

Cuba and.

In Greece, people almost have people into their homes.

Yeah, yes, yeah, there is a big one in Cuba is the Kassa because it's the it's the opportunity for for people to earn money as opposed to the government with conism. Yeah, big thing I've heard.

I think there's certain states where it's actually quite big in the US where I've heard this, and it's it's not like a chat form, but it could be even an app now where people have the moment.

It was and they were like share meals sort of that.

Was a former uber early days in San Francisco. That was one of its It.

Did, but it didn't really take all.

He hasn't here buberly I believe was I've got a spare car in the garage, do you want to borrow it for a week or a day? And there it was a spare suit at the dinner table. So the other thing, if we have a if you have just a small restaurant. One of the big ones of Anthony bull day when he was in Greece. He went to Greece and he went to one of the remote islands and there was a restaurant there that every day people would go to. It was always happened only ever for lunch, but every day they served the same thing. It was like a goat curry and it was like a full course meal. But every day it was the same thing. And I suppose there's something in that. It allows you to master what you do, like you go in there. Sometimes I think a bad sign is you go into a restaurant and there's like a thousand things.

Well, I realistically, I'm a creature who have it. Like if I go if I.

Want Italian for dinner and I'm not eating at home. I go down the road to Alimento's and I ordered the same thing, same thing. I feel like Mexican. I go to the place I go and I get the one dish I want. I suppose if people are going to come to your place, you don't need a whole heap of variation, but you need to hit. You need maybe to hit enough where people might not l like the goko, but they'll get one dish anytime they come to.

You could have You could have a meat dish, maybe two meat dishes and a vegetarian and just master.

If you watch the movie Burnt with Bradley Cooper, have you seen that. It's a good very movie they talk about he meets one of his the girl's trying to recruit as a sous chef. He meets her in a burger king and she's like, oh, what are you doing here? And he's sitting there, he's eating a burger and he goes, oh, what you think you below this? And he talks about it and he actually says, like you think about most French French peasant French dishes are made with the cheapest cuts of meat and only a few ingredients, and they just make it the best they can, like, that's fine. On the difference is with Burger king it's just too consistent.

Yeah, you're right these days and Jackie spot on what you're what you're seeing now is the most popular food is very often like the street food, like you know back in the day, the Mexican food is that you know, and what the burrito is the burrito stands for little donkey or something like that, which was all the leftovers just rolled into a wrap. That's what a breedo.

But you're in that movie, jack Another thing he says in the same scene, he says, every chef, and I suppose it relates to all people who are in creative jobs where they got to be creative. They head, every single creative has should strive for consistency and outcome, but should strive for they need to be creative and variation in.

What they deliver.

It's like us, if we came here every time we told the same story over and over again we do, you wouldn't get the same.

Outcome your dad does. You would not get the same outcome.

All the time.

It is to be consistent in making the people entertained.

I'll leave that with you guys, with television shows. I know our shows on Thursday and Sunday look absolutely dog's breakfast, but sometimes it takes a lot of work to produce that dog's breakfast. We have a templar every week which I will do and I'll say the boys, don't worry about all that. I'll just follow it along and you blakes do whatever. But you've always there is a systems ring master. You can't just get there every time and just turn up and go what are we going to do? What do we do?


Do you the ring master of the circus, the conductor of the orchestra, or the cult leader?

Long the cult leader dictator? A true you got some feedback?

I do Now. I don't know who this person is. She's a girl. She communicates with you, but she doesn't have an actual name in her.

Less she did a little research on the vasectomy. You've got her curious. The doctor cuts and blocks off the two tubes that carry the sperm out of the epid yep. After the surgery, Jack, you are right, the sperm gets reabsorbed into the body.

We can we go well, coming with so this sperm does not come out?

Can we give them? Can we give can we give people context for that.

Oh, last week we spoke about a lady I met who it became pregnant, pregnant, pregnant, pregnant after her husband had a visector and they went back to the surge and he goes, oh, we're only guarantee ninety nine.

Yeah, she was cheating that.

She also but a little bit of the before you move on to your next one, a bit of a shout to the Sydney Swans. We appeared on their socials this week, Cooper.

Yes, correct, they made it after I brought up a story saying that Sidney Swan's turning into dating. It's turning into a full dating app. Everyone's going there to date and it's just lots of singles. They have now listened to the podcast and they and in a couple of weeks they are doing like a singles event at the game where people can go over mingle and maybe mingle afterwards as well.

Well we should if we brought it up with would make an appearance. And I'm just trying to get this damn wedding room.

You can't.

You broke your fingers about a month after we got married. Matt hasn't had that ring off his finger in twenty eight years.

Yeah, I have never heard you're going to get some makeup and just sort of cover it over.

See all those stitches under that finger. Every time he goes out, he chops that finger off.

Yeah, so sucked in you.

Yeah, yep, but that's good. Good on the Swans on board.

We love a free membership, don't worry.

But you know what I'd love to do. I'd love to do an event for singles our.

People okay, sweet?

Like are we okay?

John's Family Singles Party?

There's something there like would we would it be like blind dating?

Would you like.

A rotation to themselves dating?

I would love to.

Do a speed dating thing where it's like a Cooper's Quiz and I'm up there in like a tucks and then it's like a rotate.

This is going, this is working, and every.

Question they get wrong, I take an item of clothing off.

Oh no, not this one little lit a play on words there, but a serious one Friday night dating on speed? How about that? The people at speed speed or it doesn't matter, and they all sit around chewing their faces off the steering. That would be the.

Problem with that is in terms of the speed dating where you probably only get two minutes with them.

We would have to probably drag them onto the next tack. They'd got mid story. They wouldn't be out, they'd be literally chewing each other's ears.

Dear, So we go as the best people we meet. It's been a good one. I'm feeling this has been a good.


The other week too, we were talking about weird names for children. Davy pointed out Nick Cannon. He's got like about twelve kids with so many different women.

He's a thing.

Who who was the host of American Wild and Out. I think it was called Wild and Carries X.

Yeah, he's just got it's to all these different people.

Funny, dude.

I enjoyed it.

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He passed away, didn't he know? Different guy, I'll see you at the host of Family Feud. Steve Harvey, he died, didn't he? I don't think so.

I love Steve Harvey. I hope not.

Yeah, lower, Okay.

Here are some of the names Moroccan Cannon, Monroe, Canon, Golden Sagon, Canon, Powerful Queen, Canon, Zion, Mixelodion, Zillion, air Zen, Legendary Lover, cannon On ex Ice, Coal, Cannon, Rise, Messiah, Canon, Beautiful Zeppelin, Canon, Halo, Marie Cannon.

Would any of those kids dig that their names?

Yeah? I think Zen Cannon would go to school with a kid named.

Zen Moroccan and Monroe is okay?

Is that one name?

Well? I think they're two separate names.

They must be twinned two normals. Monroe, you might feel like the old man out.

Yeah, I don't know about I don't know those Yeah.

And last out.

Twenty sixth birthday. Nick Moore up in Bunderberg. He's a teacher.

He usually doesn't he's usually got school holidays. His wife said, he's devastated because they're back in school. Blessing is teaching the children's have a happy birthday. Mate. He's a Bronco supporter of good luck to.

The pot facing they played it. They played tonight. They're facing five losses in a row. Dig deep for Nick. Come on, guys, they could drop. They could drop from their intenth spot as we speak. If the Panthers beat them tonight, they're down to thirteenth.

It could be.

It's actually quite close, isn't it. I was looking the other day.

Lower on you.

Guys like that today, Trish feedback Done, done, Cooper, ready to go, locked and let it ready, Jack, Good luck that restaurant you're gonna open, mate?

Yeah? Do I need?


Screw it?

I don't those open up restaurants all the time.

Just clean running water, mate, that's all you need. And some rats.

Don't have to wash my hands.

No you don't, mate. Guys, have a good week. Sput you one next Friday.
