Serial bedwetters, and High Roller etiquette. The family find new meaning to Elton Johns’ "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.” And Matt demands a refund for the years of school fees paid.
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Better than the legal, better than welcome to the sorry people. Sorry, We're going to keep that in that that that was just an example of what I put up within his house. It was a full start because as I'm trying to get off to a positive start, get a great first touch, someone just stepped on me. Welcome to the John's Family Podcast. How are you will? We're all doing good.
I'm good. I'm good. Bit of a mixed up in the seating arrangement today for those watching on YouTube, Trish said, Tris sitting in my seat. She's I don't know why Jack sat over there. But then Tris said, I want to sit in your seat because it's my good side.
She goes, I want to switch up today, so oh sweet, I'll take your seat, sweet, And then she goes and sits in your seat.
Yeah, yeah, makes sense.
I just don't think my left side is my best side. You know, maybe next week we'll try.
It before we before we get under way. I'd like to share this story, and I believe it might have got to start n Cole and Jackie Osha. I don't know. I've heard it through the grape vine that it did because I told someone about it and they said, oh, we listened to Cooper's radio show and he got to start there. But I'm going to go with the.
Radio show. I'm a huge and Coateegral part of it.
Sorry, that's what you tell us looking at calling it the Kyle Cooper and Jackie.
Osher, that's the next year.
I think, Uh okay, our favorite artist or one of our favorite artists, one of the greatest artists of all time. Elton John. He was in France recently, went to the city of Nice, and the shop owner of a shoe store said that he walked in, didn't recognize, didn't recognize. Elton John walked in with two security guys and a couple of young kids and said, can I need the toilet? Can I use just the toilet? And he said, oh, we've only got staff toilet. And he said, oh, can I use the staff toilet and they said, no, you can't, it's not policy.
He's not policy.
Cover well, he said, then, Elton John. He turned to one of his security carts and said, can you get me a water bottle? Security guard went and got him a water bottle, and he pissed in the bottle in front of everyone in the store and went all over the floor. The security had to head it down, get down and clean it up.
Elton's out in the store.
When you got to go, you got to go in someone's store, as you know.
Copper with your cowboy boot last year boots.
Right, he's losing his marbles.
Well, I think so he did that story did come on the show and the store owner came on the radio. They got him. Yeah, yeah, he came on and he was talking about it. They were trying to get the intricacies of what his penis looked like. But I don't think you've got to look. I think he kind of turned his back on everyone, did it in front of everyone. It's good to know your subtle yeah yeah, and just pulled the pants around the ankles and did it facing away from everyone.
He should have been arrested for that.
It makes him like John John.
I think he can change the weather.
Just go to a cafe down the road. They're everywhere in Italy and by drink and.
It's in front obviously. I think if a toilet was that accessible, I don't think he would have pissed in a bottle in the middle of this shoe store.
Okay, piss out side somewhere.
I think it sounds like he was in a mall.
It wouldn't be more because it was more, there would be.
There's rumors that Goodbye Yellow Brick Road was written because he just pisces on everything.
The same thing Piers Standing ever been a good tone of always copper.
Yeah, he does have it. He does jack that he does, yeh, Dad does.
Daddy does fix coops. Yeah, so you I don't know. I've pissed myself numerous times. You blokes have pissed your pants.
I pissed the bed. I always have this dress, and I know when I'm doing it. You haven't a child not here. Let me get to the point when I'm about to say, like, when I'm drunk, I will have a dream about me getting up and pissing in the toilet. But then when I awake from the dreams, just me in my bed covered in piss. One of my one of my good shout out to one of my good friends as well, played down at the store with me. I will not name him. I don't want to discredit him, but I remember we used to when we go our nights out, he'd have like he used to hate waking up on his own, so he'd just come to sleep me and Harry's joint and he jumped into bed with me all the time and no funny business. And but he was a serial bedwater, so he pissed my bed like four times.
What about Cooper, by the way, shout out to Trent. He's playing wonderful this year at lot too. What about Cooper? We won't say his name and ex NRL superstar that and he was retired at this point from the NURL, maybe been playing elsewhere. That came and joined a Byron trip with us the very last minute, and then on the final night of our Byron trip he on he was It was on a double mattress, so it was like it was like an old house that had a mattress that was older and then had like a newer mattress stacked on top.
Hence turned double mattress.
Double double mattress story.
I slept on that. The next morning we looked under the double and he pissed the mattress so badly that it went straight through both mattresses. Wow, yeah, it was a pool underneath.
And superstars a loose term. And Corey Norman won't mind me saying, what.
Are you trush? I think we're not used after once when you had the boys, you'd snooze and have a little bit.
Of no, no you let's pull now if I laugh a little bit too hard, which is a little bits never.
Uh, well, you remember the City of Surf when you're running the City of Surf. I remember what we were doing it and there was a woman just the side who was actually running and you'reinating at the same time. The yeah, people do that. They don't stuff for a break when they're trying to break it time.
What about a high roller suite copper at which casino was it? You got told this story.
It might have been crown Is maybe in Melbourne or something might have been a Crown in Melbourne and you went for a look in the manager there of the high rollers suite was telling you that they have to change the carpet once every couple of weeks because when people get on a hot roll, they refuse to leave. They won't let they want to ruin their rhythm.
It's true, so they'll just pissing what else themselves on the spot And what else are you saying? Saying? There's no way you're sitting at the table for that. There's no way a role lasts that long.
You have to pooh, coops't mate, they'll sit at the table for over twenty four hours.
The money they're dealing with, Coop, I think it's probably going to be worth it to be fair. God, yeah, it's terrific.
By the way, there is a one of a very very high profile media identity to cross us from radio into TV and everything. That was one known that when he has a big night out, he wears an happy he gets on the drink says that, yeah, he admits to it is no, I'm not going to say, does he say it?
I sort of have a can I say one thing? Cobber is the first letter of his first name, the same as the first letter of his last Yes, No, yeah.
Okay, Patricia would have beat your week, mate.
Well, I'm a little bit late today. I apologize.
I've been making pizza dough, oh have you. I'm learning new skills pizza dough. So we're giving the pizza ovan a crack tonight. We'll give you information next week. Did I tell everyone I've actually become a little bit of a cook. Remember the black forest cake I cooked the other week, which was amazing.
Last night the pie cooked up. It was delicious, but it was it looked actually it looked better that it tasted better than looked. It actually like diarrhea with.
A piece of open Yeah, I don't. I'm not a fan of pastry, so I try to minimize it. So it was like in a big dish.
So I just put the mixture in and then just put puff paste on the top, which makes it look lovely, and then you don't have the added calories of the.
Short question question. If you don't like pastry, just make soup. Just basically last night was soup with the pastry sitting on top. Just cut out.
The might have been a little running. I also don't like flour. I think I might be a bit gluten intolerant.
Enjoined in the cool gang, Cool on the Gang, not.
Not yeah, just intolerant. I have quite a sensitive boun Cool Cool the Gang.
But what was there? Big here? Get down on it, Get down on it, get down? Do they do cool again? No?
No, no, no, no no no.
How dare you say there are cases?
I mean, I really, does it really shake your booty? Matter? Shake?
What about you? Coops me?
I've had a big I've had a big week. It's my birthday coming up this well, when this comes out, it'll be my birthday on Sunday, it is, And I wanted.
To ask you, Cooper, like what you wanted for your birthday dinner. Matt won't be here, but.
We could probably talk off Mike about that. Yeah, I don't. I don't really know. I don't have a preference right now. I don't really care. But I had a small for my for a lot of my mates going to Europe this week, so I had a little I wouldn't say a party, just turned the boys down at the pub on the weekend.
It's a show. We weren't invited anyway, but like, well it was from a close mate.
Did he did give them a but it was it was a charity.
Invite that and we'd already made plans maybe an hour before the event started. You wouldn't have You wouldn't have liked it. Wouldn't No, you wouldn't have used You don't know, you wouldn't have liked it. It was too much fun for you guys.
Le break good. Fill in the game.
Or is it we've moved so past topic? Yeah, turn off before we get copyrighted.
And then get down on it. It's also this.
What a wonderful song? That is? What's that about?
You think? Let us get down on it about? It's about dogs on the dance floor.
Man, I don't.
Think it is.
I think it is.
I think it refers to cunning lingus. No it does, it's not.
I don't think so dogs in their day beds like come on, get down. I don't think it is.
But last night I went to the premiere of Ned Brockman's documentary as well. Ned, who's a close personal friend of Jack and I's when I watched his doco, which was good, very very inspirational, very he is unbelievable. Did he run four thousand kilometers from per Sydney to BONDI? Yeah.
What he's doing. His next challenge is in October he's going to break the record. He's got to run one hundred and sixty kilometers a day. And what he's going to do, he's not running to a place. He's just going to go around a track, which are going to be triply dangerous because you're getting you're getting no different stimulus.
I disagree. I think in terms of terrain, your terrains, well, that terrain is.
Consistent at least, you know what I mean, Like as much it'd be more to do with your mind obviously going around in a circle. But in terms of the challenge itself, I think it's a lot. It's easier simply because you've got consistency in terrain.
Well, I was thinking, I was looking I understand that from that angle physically, but mentally to look on the map and go I'm going to go through Kunabera Brand tomorrow and then I'm go off to here and you're get in support from all different people in different towns.
I will say I will say that the DOCCO yesterday showed like the first probably ten or fifteen days from Perth to to Sydney said the hardest part was like truckies, Like every time a big truck would go past him, like he said, it'd shake his bones. And he said he had nightmares for like months after about trucks going past him. And he said the head wind running into a headwind. And there was a thirteen hundred elevation in the first two hundred kilometers there was like one point three k elevation, so he's running up Hillbostro the whole time.
So sorry, is he trying to break a record? What's the record?
The record for this next one is he's got to run. It's like I think it's like a thousand kilometers. It's like the quickest thousand kilometers was.
To eat the thousand kilometer in ten days.
So he wants to do it in the best possible conditions and on a track he can control those like being straight, not elevated and all about.
That's true.
So you always think about that one hundred and sixty k's a day and you go, okay, but what you gonna understand? He said, it'll take He said, it'll take me anything between eighteen and twenty two hours to complete it, which means sometimes two hours sleep. He's got to get up and go.
How does he do that?
Well, he was doing that in the Perth to bond. We get two hours sleep, and he said sometimes he just lay there and couldn't sleep, and then you just get up and run another hundred k next day.
Yeah, And like what was he saying on your show the other night, called when you had morning? Was and that, well, what if you get like, you know, two hours sleep, he just goes, oh, should have ran faster.
I guess.
Yeah, so he's gonna he's You're gonna get a good gauge on how he's going to go early on, like if he's not getting that sleep in early like, especially in those early few days, if he doesn't get his sleep in the back end.
Of it will just tear him to shreds.
Yeah, I get when I don't get my sleep.
There was there was footage of him they took off his sock and he had maggots going through his big toe, and the physio who was talking in the documentary said it was actually the best thing for him because he had a really bad infection his big toe and maggots got in ate the infection and then once they washed the maggots out, like it was completely clean.
Because the maggot's good on the maggots. Three cheers for the mag.
Another thing about maggots that I heard today on the radio, there was a lady overseas who was having an orgasm for seventy two hours and she went into the hospital to get treated for it. Turned out maggots, so they had her and her partner had used mayonnaise.
For lou mayonnaise, yep, trying to stay with me mayonnaise for lubricant, because they obviously didn't have anything else, and they didn't want to use the water based lubricant because that drives up and causes friction.
In case you and Dad, they have tried to true that allegedly. Anyway, they used egg based mayonnaise. Obviously a fly had gotten into it and laid lava into the mayonnaise, so went into the mayonnaise, not into her downstairs region, and maggots had birthed in there and were obviously I don't know what they were doing in there or they found they knew something that obviously we don't dad, because they were making her orgasm for seventy two hours?
What country maybe, Well you're speaking for Dad there, Matthew's do you know that?
Did you know that? What's that that that would do that to you?
Seventy two hours? Oh? That's nothing, is the true?
What country was that?
In watch difference?
Any mayonnaise that's on the shelves absolutely wrong? Was it?
Low fat Man?
I do have a question about the Ned Brockman docco. Did he talk about what went through his mind as he was running?
Yeah? Yeah, are you going to share a little bit, You'll just have.
To wait and watch.
Woh wow talking to I mean, I'm.
Not here selling I suppose, but like, no, he did, and a lot of it's just a psychological plan, like anybody who's done hard training would know, like the head noise you get when you especially on long runs, when you're running for hours and hours on end. And there were sometimes he couldn't run, so he's just walking, like just limping down the highway and it's just truck. He's going a longer limping down the haghway. How many how many caves was he clearing on average a day? Sorry? That one hundred?
Wow? And now he's going to do one sixty a day here.
Yeah, it's pretty like backing that up, like trying to do it day to day.
Did forty seven days straight, Like you know, when you're motivated.
It's easy to say that it's obviously a big challenge when you're motivated, but to do it on days where you wake up and it's just the last thing you feel like doing or your body wants to do.
How he did that and he physically like his feet, you know that I can do a weird connection that we share. Like at the start of the dock, I had a picture of him playing for this private school, King Ross down I think it's sound Orange Way as a team and me and Jack's going to Sandy Gustin's used to play against King Ross in unit and me and Ned at the same age, and I was looking at a picture of him in thing. I go, oh, God, I know that face, Like I've seen that dude before and after the thing, I was like, because we've met him a heap of times. And I was like, you just got to Kin Ross and he's like yeah, And I said, we're gonna play against each other. He's like yeah, He's like, dude, we played against the other heaps And I was like, oh, why did you ever say anything. He's like, oh, I just thought like I don't know, He's like I thought, I just never I thought like, we just knew what position did he play? He played? So funny story I remember of the game we played against each other, and he told me one of his mates had passed away that morning, so he was in a real sorry for Downer, but he was in a really like shit mood, he said. And he said he was sitting at home and he said, whoever, I don't care about this game, Toda, I'm just going to go out there and take whoever's head off is in front of me. Unfortunately it was me, and I remember the game because every time I'd pass it, this little ship would just like hit me across the chain, like basically just like punching me in the head and like just hitting me so late, and I kept being like, what the fuck? What have I done to this bloke? Like I don't know what he's got against me. They ended up he getting up getting red carded and sent off. But that was Ned Brockle. Who would have thought ten years later, I'll.
Tell what you guys run. Very luckly the game did gavarda hour. Imagine him would have warned me down.
Can I give one more shout out as well? Hav any shout outs today? I want to give a shout out to our close personal friend of the podcast, Nico Hines, going into surgery today after an ankle ankle break and sindusmosis.
But I wonder if he's got my surgeon.
I don't know, Hily probable probably what probable probable? Just call.
Yeah, not exclusively yours. He doesn't live in the house every day.
He operated on you, Matt, and he operated on Kailin. He does a lot of the footy players he's done.
He did a good job with you what he did a good job with Calen.
None that she's still living club foot.
He ran down the stairs before.
Back to the shout out a bloke who's had a lot of criticism over the last month, but a couple earlier in the week, he talked down somebody who was about to jump off cliff and commit suicide. He was driving to Yeah, he was driving to Craig Fitzgibbons's house to do a video session and seeing a bloke, seeing traffic banked up and a bloke was hanging over the side. Everyone else was just watching. Nico ran out and talked him down and got him, brought him into his car and drove him down to the police station and looked sat with him, looked after him. So something that probably doesn't get reported a lot in the media from somebody who's been getting hammered a lot, but there's a big support behind him in social media. So from the John's Family podcast and a real good bloke shows. It shows somebody who's going through it, you know, a tough period, but puts others before himself because not many people do that.
You know, think about it is coops. Is that okay, there's been a disappointment with this state of origin. But honestly, when you get to the end of your career, there's two things that really matter. One is the relationships you make in the game, your friends and all the memories from that. And number two is one of the greatest things is to win a competition with your mates in your club team. Yeah, that's like malmon Inger at the end of the eighty nine Grand Final and they run on the field and said Mal how does that feel when he won at Canberra their first ever comp and he said, it's better than playing for Australia, It's better than playing for Queensley And this is what it's all about. And so for Nico, that's like I reckon the next couple of years. I've got Panilla, Blake go on the next year. They're a very good chance of pitching the competition.
But even the best thing about Niko is like he's going to look back in twenty years time. Nico doesn't really Nico's not going to give a shit about you know, when he won the Daily I'm not going to win. Few cares the comment. He's gonna look back on what he did earlier this week and that's probably going to be the highlight of Nico's life being under because he's such a big advocate for that mental health.
So difference you can make two people's life.
Yeah, yeah, so what a great man.
God, he makes me feel like a dead ship. He really damn you, Niko. Heines what we'll do. Can we take a real quick break and we'll be back with some wait for the stuff we've got to come back. Very good, Welcome back to the Family podcast. Just time for perfect partners.
Sounds like.
Jo John's one you in another life would have been like a jazz singer or something.
Game show host Tony Yeah, okay, Jack, I'm going to ask Cooper. I'm gonna ask you, sorry, questions about Cooper and Cooper you yeah, you'll Cooper clear clear as much. Jack, What is Cooper's favorite band, favorite band that's.
Tough like his different stuff style of music of all time? I might go, oh ah, jeez, I.
Think I know.
M hmm.
She's just try to stay out of it. He can't help yourself. I think you was Coldplay. Oh do you know how close you were then Cold Chisel?
Oh wow?
When I heard cold I thought man's Cold Chisel. I would have gone Barnzo, but Barnzo is not a band.
What about remember for Riah carry Face?
Remember Jet when he was a kid, he was he was Jet?
So Jack, you know what? You didn't get it, but you're almost half a point. What is Cooper's.
Favorite movie? A favorite movie? Jesus, this is gonna be hard to I think it's gonna be a rom com. I'm going to go with something with Ryan Gosling. Maybe I can tell you right now it's not a rom com.
It's a comedy. You can have a crack. I'll go, I'll go. Yeah, I was gonna say super Bad close I like I like the other guys, Yeah, will fall, Mark Wolberg, Dirty Mike and the boys who always the group of homeless men always break into his kear and have algis di Yeah.
Hey, Twitter, what's the last night? But halfway through it? This is the end? How how good is that?
That gets better?
With a and all the super bad boys get a mention, they get a.
He's a dirt bag. Yeah, he's in there just doing like Coke and like hitting on all the chickens, just doing, just doing non.
Stop hitting on all the girls. Okay, and mcgloven's a real square.
Cooper's favorite sport outside of rugby league Jack uh.
Cooper's favorite sports rugby league. I'm going to go with I'll go, I'll go.
I'll go a f L who was living in Melbourne for a bit.
Yeah, you're probably right there. I don't really support a lot of sport outside, but I'm a Melbourne demons man in the shadows of the d's.
One for the three you're doing. You're doing well there, Okay. Cooper's favorite color Cooper's favorite color.
I think Cooper's favorite color is I'm gonna go green blue. See the eyes. I was trying to get you to look at my eyes and.
Sarah shout out. And the last one Jack Cooper's celebrity crush.
Cooper's celebrity crush right now, right here, right now. Uh, I tell you what current.
One in the last five years, If you can name one in the list, I've got her in my head.
She's like the last two years. So you think, yeah, well, I am a straight man.
True, So definitely have man crush. It's got man crush.
I'm going to go with Moga Robbie n A definitely, you know her singer. She's a singer. Pummy, right, I love pommies, you do, yeah, pomegranate?
Okay, just go ahead with you and your same s question?
Sure, okay. What is Jack's favorite band? Oh?
That's tough. He's got so many. Yes, he has a broad range of music. I mean I.
M hmm.
Would you accept the Red Hot Chili Peppers Jack?
Nah, there's there's two mans like accept probably Zeppelin or Rolling Stones.
I was going to see these old Souls.
I was going to say the Beatles also souls, okay both.
What is Jack's favorite movie?
Can you give me the genre? Because I gave you one? Would you do that for me? I was trying to think of the genre.
Trying to think the genre?
Drama, comedy. It's a hard one. What do you mean? Have you got the movie in your head? It's actually hard when you know what the movie it is.
It's like that's a crime, crime drama, drama, crime drama, so.
Crime drama and comedy. Everything's like the director got a little mixed up.
I wouldn't know when you know what it is. I wouldn't really know. Human centipede.
Okay, Jack, give us one person in the movie. Doesn't have to be the major.
Star Colin Farrell, Oh, the gentleman. Well one, what would you would Yeah?
Yeah, yeah, I wouldn't say it's a comedy, is it?
I'd say it's a black comedy.
Yeah, like stupidity, bits of dark comedy. Stupid Like there's a couple of characters.
Did you mean dark comedy then cover?
Okay, black comedy, black comedies.
I certainly wouldn't say crime. I don't even think crime is a that was illegal and selling Dungeon and Mary Jane Mary.
Jack's favorite sport out sort of rugby league.
Tennis at the moment.
I've been trying to get Cooper to play tennis with me for like the last month, and he's just refused.
It has to be tennis, and I'm unable to play with you.
I apologize, Angle again, just doesn't watch any other sport really outside of rugby league. I certainly wouldn't. I wouldn't put tennis though in it either. It's like not like I watched tennis. You don't watch anything.
What the sport do you watch?
I don't even know what else I watched.
To be fair, say what you participating? And you participate with tennis? Jennis is your answer?
It's Jack. The hardest person to do this.
Jack actually got a lot.
Jack's favorite doesn't even know himself.
Jack's favorite color? Hang on, he might be color blind. Is it gray?
Actually? That was my nickname there for a bit. Jack's favorite color. I think Jack's off the top of my head. I'm pretty sure Jack's favorite color is red. It's blue?
Oh wow? Blue by you?
And lastly, Jack's celebrity crush.
Oh well, this one's an easy one. Jessica Simpson in the Dukes of Hazard. I remember j Yeah, maybe, like what fifteen years ago?
She's not that good in real life.
Nah, hang on, he's got clause es Simpsons on your flight, you trying to hear the funny story about it?
Then you think it was Britney Spears.
She was on the flight and I looked and I had my ear, but he listen to music and I turned Trish, you know how lad, and I went, hey, Trish Haly, that Britney Spears is on the flight. I turned back and she was just staring at me a filthy give me a stinky eye, and I wasought, okay, Trish goes, it's Jessica Simpson.
What was what was Britney Spears? What was jesse seems doing in an economy?
No, she was an economy. It was an internal flight. I can't remember where we're flying from.
We're flying we flew from Nashville to l A.
Yeah, that's exactly where the flap was.
Yeah. Interesting, Okay, okay, there we go.
So who was your celebrity cush chacking jess.
Get albah, she's aged.
Two, she has we never do that game again, sell my highcas as well, man, it's my celebrity cross high.
I saw a picture with her at Wimbledon with her husband. He looks a hundred. Apparently she's loaded.
Next week, what do we do? Can we go Trisha or me? We go those two in the corner.
We're not doing this, We're not doing this every week.
Come up with it's called okay, then take a break. Let's take a break on that note. After that fun, after that fun, I was gonna say fun fact but fun segment and well next year welco about the John's Fairly podcast. Okay, who wants to pick up Trisha Rotating?
I was thinking the other day about you boys when you were little and your favorite toys. Do you remember what your favorite toys were?
Not the top of my head, no, Transformers.
You love Transformers.
And because I've actually turned on and there was a Transformers movie on and it was Optimist Prime. Oh my god, Jack, you used to love it and you had the big Optimist Prime also loved.
I was a dumb kid man. It took me.
Took me way too many years to realize Optimist Prime was the good guy and Megatron was the bad guy.
It was the other way around.
Yes, I never saw it. Yeah, that's the good I don't know.
I kind of feel like that's the opposite that.
You remember with the group I met.
He he used to walk around, He walked around forever like we're in England with an elephant. And remember you used to sing the song.
Is that a song?
I think it might have been from Barney we were living in England. What should a bit about it?
Barney's a crewne is. Yeah, I don't I do like elephants, like elephants are I find them just like, yeah, when I was in South Africa or Indian Africa. When I was over in South Africa. The other one, they're not Indian, they're Asian elephants. There's no Indian. I don't think there's do you mind that Indian? Okay, my bad, I'm sorry, but yeah, I would go probably African. We I saw a couple of them when I was over in South Africa earlier in the year. Just very majestic creatures. And I just find they've got excellent memories as well. So I just find them extremely intelligent, extremely beautiful, extremely loyal and protective.
They are the way that they that right in their family right there.
Listens is about as sensitive as you'll ever hear Cooper.
It's a matriarch. So what they do is they cast the mail out, the ball out, and they just wander buy they just wander by themselves, aimlessly. Bull elephants.
Yeah, you've seen that movie with Sasa Baron Cohen Grimsby when he gets he has to hide inside the elephant. Yeah, very very good, very funny. You've seen it. You should watch it. You crack up.
I don't find him that funny. What I liked align.
In my opinion the top three characters in comedy history.
I think so too. Alig is very good too.
But I liked ali G. I really liked him.
The concept of doing it like just with people that weren't in on it is just so good.
I picked the ride it when you go to the Americans, he went. He targeted Americans, and he used to target like high society English. It's really funny.
There's so so many good scenes and I've seen that this is America as well, where he goes into the sort of the heartland of America during and he sort of catches people out, and it's quite funny when he gets them, like gets those Americans very comfortable.
Like that's that's his big tactic.
He does everything he can to get them really comfortable with them and then start then as like he sort of got them, he starts going into those those areas and then if they start going with him, it's.
It's really funny because Americans very polite for very polite part polite, So they're looking at Boor they're probably taking him. Probably they're feeling a bit of sympathy for him, and they're just trying to be really nice even though he's asked these ridiculous.
Questions and they try and explain thing really like, oh no, no, we don't do that here. Y.
I think probably Bruno was his edgiest character. I don't know. That was probably the one where he caught the most backlash.
I think I one in Borat where he's at that dinner party in the high end aristocratic English people and he starts to talk about what what if I need to do it, and she goes, you just get up and excuse yourself to the toilet and where you go. Anyway, he gets up and goes. He looks at her, nods and goes, excuse me, I need to go, and she goes, yeah, okay, So we're all sitting there. He comes back forty minutes later and he's got the ship plastic bag. Yeah, what should I do with this?
Because I've seen I've seen an interview he did where he said when he was bort that was his tactic, he said, to make people feel sorry for him. He would, whenever he would enter a new place, his first thing you do, and sometimes it was off camera. He would always go in and.
Say, well, where do I I need to where do I do a shit?
Because he said very good. He said, like if somebody is coming into your area and their first instinct is to ask you, they need to do a ship. Like psychologically, they would feel sorry for him and they'd be like, oh, yeah, you can.
Go do a shit in here, and we're disgusted by him.
Yeah, but people would most likely feel so second and embarrassment for him that then they'd let him get away. So that's that was like his way of getting people on board.
Remember the NBN rollout, Well, let's tell I didn't feel sorry for the guy. The guy come in into the house with the NB and rollout, went under the thing to have a look at our internet, look at our Wi Fi. We didn't see him for about fifteen minutes. I don't know what he was doing under the stairs with his sleep.
He wasn't fixing it.
And then he walked out and said before I go, can I use the toilet? We said yeah, I went, yeah, good as gold. But he was in there for like fifteen minutes there and then just hear the flush and oh, thank you guys, I'm done, And me and Trush looked at each other and go, okay, okay, who's going to wear this one? Who's going to go in there and spray? Anyway, I went in there. He not only did I have to do a bit of spray, and I had to do a little bit of scrub Oh.
I just don't understand people that would not use a scrubbing brush if it's there.
Yeah, well, jo Joen Matt.
You as a kid, what game or toys do you remember?
I remember, I remember pong Pong was atari pong, you know when you're hit in the tennis. I remember Frogger as a kid, and I remember those little games like Donkey Kong. I remember the frog we used to have to leap from had to get to the very lily pad.
To electronic games. Yeah, back further, go back further.
We're talking about like like Jack said, the transformed, like your physical when you're like five.
Do you know what Like I'll be honest with you. We spent all the time outside playing cricket, football, soccer.
Did you ever have trouble? Remember the game trouble you pressed?
I was in trouble quite a bit, Boggle Trouble. Yeah. Yeah, I enjoyed those games, Trivial pursuit.
I enjoyed that oh no, that was a bit later.
Because Andrew was pretty ordinary, it would be surprised that.
Every time we got a quest.
Wrong he would hurl the truvial pursuit table straight across the room.
Because yeah, well, I suppose that's, you know, credit to you and Andrews getting outside. It's a lesson to all kids that you don't need electricity to have fun. You get out there and you get physical, and you don't know what you can.
Achieve today, Chris, Christmas Day, all I wanted. I went and I put a gun and more gun and more cricket bat on on lay by and said it there and I went half with I was putting money on every time, trying to get it. Anyway, Christmas Day, I knew it was coming, got the new gun and more bat. It was like white with any he was just made. It was the Mickey Mouse, it was Jerry Krest. So it's standing there anyway. I was batting for a while and Joey said, can I have a bat? And because our our our wicket used to be at adding gallon drama, I've got yeah, yes, sweet, So I bold got into her for Golden Dark and he's gone. You can't get out first ball, I can't give it here bang bowling second ball? No, no, technically that's still first ball. I said, that's not get back anyway. He blew up and smashed my brand new cricket bat against the aiden gallon drum. It was literally wood chips everywhere.
Did he get into trouble for it?
Oh? Yeah, yeah?
Did I pay you back?
Did you get a new bat?
Maybe he should. I should try to chase him up for it.
Now, bloody wrong.
We need to give him a call, give him an invoice.
Let's not what she what a ship brother, little thing done? And he blows up about me, rap and billy.
Do you know to see?
I grew up where I lived at the bottom of town, next door to the service station. On the other side, I lived next to Missus Jenner, my old widow neighbor.
We don't know who that is, and of course you don't know who it is. That's why I'm telling you. So she was an old lady. So I used to go in there all the time. We'd watch the cricket together, and she used to teach me cards. Missus General light to gamble.
So she had a problem.
She taught me blackjack, so like at five, we were always playing blackjack and stuff with all the other grandkids.
That's cool.
Canasta, Yeah, a good game.
My great grandmother.
I love that.
Yeah, my great grandmother. I've never seen anyone shuffle cards like her. She could shuffle cards, all the tricks everything. Yeah, she was. She was reading all the tricks.
What I mean is red hodd as far you played Bristola in your Italian family. I did.
I did play.
I don't know if there's two games. I don't know it's Briscula or the other one. I've bought the cards upstairs, but I can't remember how to play it. Okay, yeah it was a game, but it wasn't Bristol.
It was the other one. Frank, do you know the name of the other one?
Sco Sculper? Thank you, Frank. That's Frank.
By the way.
In one case, if you transition, Tabby is leaving us and Frank, Frank's quite.
The Lotharia were here, so Frank the sa I'm looking out of the rundown trash as well. You wrote down Yuka, but you spelled it hy u ka. Do you know how to spell you? It's yeah, yeah, you see, not that it's a big issue, but it sounds like you've been a bit analy it is. Someone has to be.
Okay, a little bit of feedback.
People've got lots to remember how we spoke about sizzle last week. Well Court was telling me after listening to our podcast, she noticed on the radio up and Breezee somewhere that there's going to be a scissor pop up stool.
Oh wow, yeah, one of them, and I think it might be and I.
Googled it to just double cheat the facts and apparently kiss up there behind it and they're doing some sort of pop up scissor store up there from July sixteenth.
Out there, I'll it for you.
Guys can work down go on here too.
Ye'll see what I can do.
Ye, Thanks, thank you.
And in regards to the dining pizza Hut, there's quite a well, there's not quite a few.
There's about eight or so. Loads of people got back to me, which I appreciate. Thank you to everyone.
Jasmine in Newcastle, Orange Minto Hawks, Free Twomba Brown's plane just south of Brisbane, Bala Rap there's one and tas It there's one. List there's a bit of discrepancy about price.
No one could give me a consistent price sixteen to twenty six.
Dollars marketwis kids eat for free?
No, they eat at a lesser rate. I think that's about sixteen dollars for kids.
Yeah, I mean that's still value. Sixteen dollars is what you get one pizza. If you go there starving, if you fasted for a couple of days, you could go there.
That's if you're a kid.
Yeah, you could eat a lot.
Remember Homer and Homer went to the all you can eat seafood place and they they threw him out.
Is there a time limit on those things? You you're the sister king?
Was there a time limit? Because you know you got your meal in the salad bar or just a salid base.
I think I think it was till I think it was nine to thirtyeth shut.
But you would have to you wouldn't be able to literally you just you buy your seat breakfast. Wait three hours, there goes lunch, Wait three hours, five hours, there he goes dinner.
I think I think I think each there's a break like each from lunch to you couldn't sit there from lunch into didn't you have to buy another dinner slot, like there'd be slots at each time in the day.
Well, I don't know about that.
I think that I think they would, otherwise you would have got blokes sitting in there all day.
I've been there. I've been there for a couple of hours, sometimes a couple of hours.
About when Homer gets sent to Hell and he says, you are and then the devil says, oh, you ask for all the donuts in the world, Well, here they are, and he sits there and like the devil's trying to punish him by feeding him all the donuts in the world, but then Homer finishes them more. Do you remember that episode? No, must have just been me. Yeah, it must have just been.
Okay, Tracy says Cooper, are you so inappropriate? You need slapping around the head.
Like that?
Jokes you not on you're not Matt and you need for head.
Oh you're not Matt because that's the one that he gets around his dad allowed to make sexual Indurendo jokes, Well, I don't know, Well that seems a little bit.
That'sard your mother. I think he's the issue. I think that's what the problem.
Like who says you can't love who you love these days.
And Amanda also reminds us that boys brains don't mature until they're twenty five, So Cooper be better. He's twenty five this weekend, so you better hurry up.
So two of the same people said, it feels like both of those messages were sent together two separate.
People, Tracy and Amanda.
Okay, you get a lot of hat they do get a lot of hate.
You know, these are my people, and they neither hated or loved.
Sometimes both.
Well, that's better to be like that than just be beij of a little.
Story for you, guys, I'm telling you right now. Cover it's not Yeah, ask you do you still get hate messages for what? Just for footy? Nah, I'd never really got anyone. I was playing to be fit.
Yeah, it's different. The positions I played very different compared to your position. Your position had a lot of like high pressure moments, whereas my job during football.
Was more like do your job and there's a lot.
More to do right than there is to do wrong, whereas you had those fifty to fifty moments a lot.
Yeah, I still get hate, Yeah, I still get hate, I commented on Harry Grant put up a picture the other day of him advertising something. He plugs just about everything, and I put a little and he had the big scar from origin too and like the stitches, and I said, like the in Batman. I was like, how did you get those scars? And then some bloke it just started going off like all these people Harry follows must have thought I was been serious going add him. People were going, mate, he got it from playing NRL. Maybe you remember that. And then there's people going, mate, you're you're so soft, you would have never gotten scars like that. And then I had some people kind of go to my defense, gone, I think he's joking. People go enough this little ship, and I was like, and then Harry just replied I was going to come back and roast you, but I think everybody else has.
It. Isn't funny how people people on social media must be so literal that doesn't actually get. It's the sign of stupidity, the highest of the highest of stupid when a person does not get when it's human.
But I will say, it's hard to pick up tones. Some Yeah you can't get p ssarcasm, can't be.
Really, but surely you join the dots.
Harry not many people know that. Yeah, you'd be naive to think that everyone thinking that is true. Yeah, we don't think that everybody knows everything about our lives.
There's a few. One of one of the guys I work with, sometimes we'll throw things out just for a bit of entertainment. He would throw things out on Twitter and to be stuff like that. He knew that was wrong and it was just completely killers and say right out, let's go fishing for what people come back with. And people were so stupid that they take it, like take it seriously when it couldn't possibly be.
I've got, I've got I've got a mate that has a few of those burner accounts, and he'll just go fishing on like club pages and that sort of stuff and just try and get like as soon as something comes.
Out, does he work?
This boy?
He works true, and he tries to get the top comment by like just triggering fans. And it is one of the great last one.
Of the ones he did once was like st George or Wara, we're going through a tough stretch and he went and Darius boy did booned back of the Broncos for two or three years and just ready to retire and he goes. He said, this club is complete joke. Darist boys should be back in first grade? Where is he? And people come back down? Oh durm mate, He's actually.
Like, you know, sorry, mate, the joke's on you.
That is that?
Have we wrapped things up?
I gotta go and get my pizza dough deck in the sun.
I hope it's right okay, because I look forward to it making pizza tonight on pump for It. What sort of pizza was going to make? By the skogs are coming over? He's going to bring somebody salami and pepperoni.
Oh we haven't said yeah yet, a mixture?
What about? I'm going to go down to the I d A. I'm going to get some pineapple.
No no, no, no no no yeah I like that.
Someone said today a friend of hers does pizzas and one and the best one is finally chopped potato a bit of olive oil and rosemary and they Reconnec's amazing. I've got some pork and fennel sausages and can get the meat out of and also some chicken fetter.
Rocket True Recipe of the weekday. Hey, leave leave the cooking, leave the cook in the jar.
He's not okay. Let's wrap things up. Trush, go back to your dough Jack, go back to your workout. Cooper, go back to your cage.