Hour 1 - Caitlin Clark is amazing

Published Apr 2, 2024, 8:40 PM

Colin discusses another dominant performance by Iowa's Caitlin Clark and why it's clear she's entered into a new level of greatness

He believes he has figured out Russell Wilson's biggest flaw during his time with the Broncos 


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All right, here we go on a Tuesday, live in Los Angeles. It's The Herd wherever you may be and however you may be listening. Thanks for making us part of your day. Nick right one hour from now and once again, Jordan Schultz filling in for Jmac surfing in Hawaii with his family and having a great time. You broke a story yesterday. We'll get to that in Herdline News. But last night I can't remember a night as a sportscaster that women. Now, we've seen the United States women's national team or like Serena Williams, I've seen that a lot in my life, but women's basketball took center stage in America last night. Both games were great, completely delivered. You enjoy it.

I loved it, every minute of it. We talked about earlier this morning. All the different Stars. I was really impressed with Juju Watkins and Paige Becker's IOWEA LSU was something. But to see USC against Yukon and Geno Orima mix things up that I want to talk about as well. Both games were awesome, and that was appointment television in the women's game.

Yeah, gigantic ratings. I'm sure so. Kim Molky is the coach of LSU, and you know, she says things, and I you know, she gets the people worked up about the thing she says. And I'm watching last night and I'm thinking, maybe people should get worked up for the way she coaches. Caitlin Clark's the one person you have to stop, and they didn't at all, like at all, forty one points, twelve assists. She scored or assisted on sixty seven of ninety four IOWA points. I'm looking at field goal percentage. I'm looking at three point percentage and then it really hit me. People try to stop MJ two and Messi and Ronaldo and people tried to beat Feeder in his prime and Serena, you don't, that's what you can't do. LSU and they've got really good players, but they had to work for their points. You know, like even stars have to do in the NBA. But I can remember sitting on a couch years and years and years ago and watching the Suns and the Chicago Bulls NBA Final, and I was sitting with a friend and I said, Michael doesn't have the best jumper. Michael's not the strongest player. It's not the best ball handler. Why is he so much better at six six than everybody else? It looks so much easier. And I feel that with Pat mc mahomes. Patrick mahomes isn't the biggest guy, or the strongest guy or the fastest guy. Why does it look so easy for him? That's what superstars look like. Messi's not very big, it's not the straight line fast player. Why is it so easy for him? What does you he humiliate other really good players. Maybe it's not about LSU's Kim Mulkey having an off night coaching. Maybe it's Caitlin Clark. I remember the Ravens losing this past year to Kansas City in the ANFC Championship, and I thought, run the ball. That's bad coaching. That's bad coaching. Run the ball. That wasn't what I saw last night. Caitlin Clark beat LSU off the dribble every single time. But that's what Steph does. In the NBA. People have been trying to stop Steph, and in his seven to eight year prime, it just didn't matter. Steph always got great shots. He had off nights. Caitlyn doesn't have a lot. The game itself was fast, fun and fluid, and women's college basketball doesn't look like this twenty five thirty years ago. In the NBA in the seventies, Doctor j could do stuff that nobody could do today. He was that great, that acrobatic. But women's college basketball in the seventies eighties wasn't this big, fast, physical. The passing wasn't as clever, and it's something to behold. That's why the ratings are moving up. It's just a better product. But it is largely driven by Caitlin Clark. And I'm sitting there watching it last night and I'm like, she is. It's so effortless. It's like, that's what Steph Curry looked like at Davidson. People knew he was good. They had filmed, they had tape. They tried to stop him. All this technology is not brand new. LSU is loaded all sorts of depth and talent and size. I guess you can try trapping, but her head is up. She's a walking highlight. She's constantly in movement. Like Steph Curry. Everybody's got a solution on how to stop Patrick Mahomes, and nobody can ever Kobe scored sixty on his last night. You don't think people for years devised traps and plans to stop Kobe. You can't stop all time greats. They're just going to get theirs. And what Kitlyn Clark does, she not only gets hers, but she gets everybody else involved. Not all superstars are unselfish. Lebron and Magic very unselfish. Sometimes Kobe could be a little selfish. Caitlyn Clark really isn't. But I'm watching last night. I'm thinking, come on, do a better job. Trap get it out of her hands. She reads it before it happened, very Wayne Gretzky. Wayne Gretzky saw things before they transpired. It's like Steve Jobs. He saw that you needed the iPhone before you had the iPhone. And I'm watching Kitlyn Clark. Good luck trapping her. She can see it coming. She reads it quickly like a great quarterback. She can see the zone, she knows where it's going. She can see it before you're doing it. And the reality is I watched it and I thought, boy, I don't know. I mean Geno Oriema, who's had the dominant college women's basketball program for twenty years. He thinks she's the best player he's ever seen. Well, he had Maya Moore, who I thought, next to Cheryl Miller, was the best player I've ever seen. So when I watched her, I felt like, this is like, this is like Steph in the prime. This is like Gretzky in the prime. You can try all the traps, try all the coaching, you know, God, Zacha's got good coaches. They couldn't stop Zach Edie. The great ones, you can't stop. There's nothing you can do. And the bigger the game, the better Caitlin Clark is. And here was Kim Mulky almost exasperated after the loss.

There's not a whole lot of strategy.

You gotta Garter.

Nobody else seems to be able to guard. We didn't even Garter last year when we beat them. She's just a generational player and she just makes everybody around her better. That's what the great ones do. What did I say to her? I said, I sure, am glad you leaving. I said, girl, you something else. Never seen anything like it.

Everybody's got a solution. Here's how you coach against Caitlyn Clark. Here's how these coaches know what they're doing. I mean, hasn't Kim Mulki won national championships a dow different programs When Gino Oriam is like, yeah, that's the best player I've ever seen. Okay, look he has the best players of the WNBA. If he says it, I believe.

It all right.

Sean Payton one of the reasons I always like Sean Payton. He was a guest on my show a couple of years ago every Monday. And the reason I liked him he wasn't a cliche machine. He was honest. What do you want? What do you want your coach?

To be?

A straight shooter or a bs or? And Sean Payton has been very critical through the years of players, not all the time. He loved Drew Brees, but Russell Wilson wore him out. And he was saying this recently about Russell Wilson. I know, I know he's critical. Heah, you'd let it go. But I thought he said something that we can all kind of learn from about Russell Wilson.

Well, I think this number one, we can't take as many sacks if you looked at any of the data relative to what it does for your drives.

And I think that was a big thing that hurt us a year ago.

Yes, Russell gets sacked a lot. The downsize to small quarterbacks really isn't the injuries. By the way, Trevor Lawrence's sixty six got hurt last year. Justin Herbert sixty five and a half, he got hurt, Carson Wentz, Matt Stafford. Big dudes get hurt. All quarterbacks get hurt. The number one issue is small quarterbacks struggle to see over six six and a half offensive linemen. Tua in Miami has admitted, I can't see everything. Russell Wilson sack data illuminates maybe why he threw the deep ball so much. He threw it over the defense because he couldn't often read the middle of the field. He's on pace is Russell to be the most sacked quarterback in league history. In fact, since he entered the league, he's been sacked one hundred twelve times. More than the next quarterback, and Denver did not have a bad offensive line. It's the first thing Sean Payton fixed. PFF had him at seventh when he was a Seahawk, he was the most sacked quarterback in the league. Last two years in Denver, he's been the most sacked quarterback in the league. And ask any fan. Nothing kills a drive like a holding penalty or a sack. In fact, last season the least sacked quarterback. And by the way, he hasn't had a great old line six foot six Josh Allen over the last five years. Here's three quarterbacks who get sacked as much or more than anybody. Kyler Murray, Russell Wilson and Baker Mayfield. Steeler fans, I think you have upgraded at quarterback, but get ready for some third and thirteens and third and fifteens. That's what drove Sean Payton crazy. It's not the injury. Russell has a been hurt that much. He really hasn't. It's not the injuries average offensive lineman. People are getting bigger six ' seven best tackle in this draft six seven and a half Russell's five to eleven and a half. Two admits it Kinder said it. You got to move around, you got to create lanes. Sean Payton's not a cliche machine, thank god. And Steeler fans, you'll be better at quarterback, but you'll also at various times next year be frustrated with your quarterback. All right, all sorts of stuff going on. A great night of women's college basketball last night, sat down for several hours, watched it and enjoyed all of it. There's a bunch of stuff going on in sports right now, Nick Wright. In forty five minutes from now, Dodger's one again, and are they becoming the Yankees and the Braves of the nineties. We'll talk about that. Plus there is a trend that is freaking people out, fans out the NFL, and I'm here to tell you it's a good thing. We're all gonna be okay.

Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd weekdays and neon eastern nine am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio FS one and the iHeartRadio app.

Little controversy, but the Dodgers through six games are doing They won again last night over the Giants. They won again. And what they're doing offensively, it's through the roof. They lead baseball in home runs and RBIs and hits and total bases. The Dodgers batting average is two ninety five. A majority of baseball will hit in the two fifties and low two sixties. Their average is almost an all star. The Dodgers are interesting. People grumble around Los Angeles about Dave Roberts, the manager, but let me put some context into it. They've won the National League West ten of eleven years, and the year they didn't win, they won one hundred six games. They have some advantages. Our weather is perfect in the summer in Los Angeles and players know it. You don't have that searing humanity Midwest, Northeast humidity, Southern humidity. It's a cash machine. They draw over seven to eight thousand more per game than everybody else. Very innovative thinking. One of the sharpest gms in the sport, who came from Tampa. They've already landed Shohei o Tani. Now they have Yoshi Yosha, Nobu Yamamoto, and they're supposed to land next year's number one Japanese star. So this is an organization that's on a role. They have replaced the Yankees as the revenue machine and the number one go to spot. They turned down opportunities to sign great players like Manny Machado long term Zach Grinkey long term. They'll pass. They get who they want. The only issue, though, is in twelve years of dominating, they have one World Series title. So where they're the Yankees financially they're a bit the Atlanta Braves under Bobby Cox, who had three Hall of Famers in his rotation. They were excellent under the guidance of John Schuerholtz for seemingly ever and got only one ring. But here is where I would defend the Braves and the Dodgers. This is not football. It's not the NBA pitchers regularly blowout an arm. Did Tom Brady ever do that? Shack MJ MESSI not really. You go into prolonged slumps in baseball. I don't remember Michael Jordan or Tim Duncan going into long shooting slumps, or Tom Brady having a seven game stretch or Mahomes where they just couldn't throw the ball effectively. Baseball's got a randomness nobody else does. You're not gonna owe as Atlanta and the Dodgers win when you have the best teams. It's matchups, weird injuries, attrition, it's chemistry, it's imperfect. It's a global sport. They didn't play against each other in college. It's players from everywhere and every kind of conceivable injury and prolonged slump. Barry Bonds doesn't have a World Series title. Barry Bonds when he was taking those things, those shots in the butt, and he got big and everything was amazing. Literally you could not pitch to him. He never won a World Series title. Mike Trout's never won a playoff game. It's okay, it's understood if an NFL quarterback never won a playoff game. I mean, Lamar Jackson has won a couple. He got to an AFC championship. He still gets criticized. Charles Barkley, Dan Marina, where's the ring? Barry Bonds doesn't have one either. Mike Trout doesn't have a playoff win. If you look at what Bobby Cox did, a won a lot of games for over a decade, and if you look at what Dave Roberts does in a sport with unbelievable I mean, Walker Bueller was going to be the next Clayton Kershaw. He's been out for a couple of years, like you just were all kind of waiting for him. Now they go find Billy Miller, and they've got their players and their prospects. But that's the reality of this sport. It's an imperfect sport. Dave Roberts on the Dodgers hot start, there's no letoff.

I think, like I said before, is you know that was sort of one start to the season, the two games in Korea, and then to kind of reset, come back here and you know, find a way to win a three four game series against the Cardinals, and you know, start this series against the Giants with Webb looming tomorrow, We're off.

To a good start.

You know.

I'll watch the preseason predictions in college basketball, college football, women's college basketball, NFL, NBA by people like me, pundits or people that are broadcasters, and we're pretty darn accurate. Go look at predictions for Major League Baseball World Series winners. I can remember working at ESPN and Kirkchin and Buster. Only guys that really know what they're doing. Hey inaccurate, and people come from nowhere. People get hot, great teams fail. Baseball's got down time, a lot of time to think it's just a different sport with a ton of randomness. But this Dodger team, they're built to win it. Whether they will or not, so were the Braves. We'll wait and find out. Here is Jordan with the news.

Turn on the news. This is the herd Line News, all right, Colin, Let's.

Start in the NFL. The defending Super Bowl champs, the Kansas City Chiefs. Last night I reported they signed Carson Wentz, a new backup for Patrick Mahomes a one year deal.


Wentz signed with the Rams midway through last season, ended up starting Week eighteen versus the Niners.

Got the win.

Colin, this is Carson's fifteam and five years, former number two pick, former MVP candidate.

Do you like this move for Casey?

Yeah? Because he's joining Andy Reid. Remember Doug Peterson left Andy Reid to coach Philadelphia and coach Carson Wentz, so he knows the offense. So, by the way, McVeigh like Carson Wentz, Doug Peterson like Carson Wentz, Andy Reid like Carson Wentz. Super Bowl winning coaches, offensive coaches. I don't think I'd build my franchise around him. A bit reckless. Injury prone, but certainly in terms of pure talent in a short list of the most talented backups in the league. So I think the same reason McVeigh went out and got him is the same reason Andy did. He's been in big games, and if Mahomes goes down for a stretch, he's not gonna be wide eyed and in awe. He's bit in these big spots. Also, as a franchise quarterback, you know, he wasn't always loved in the room, but as a backup quarterback, it's a whole You're just a guy, and I think that Carson Wentz may work, but I listen, Andy likes him, McVay likes him, Doug Peterson liked him. I think the offensive guys, I trust they see what I do, which is he's not as good as Matt Stafford. He's got some armstrang ye little reckless gets banged up. So there's some similarities there, but the difference is you can build around Matt Stafford. He's one of the guys, very much a galvanizer. Not sure if that's true with Carson, but he's a great backup.

I've talked to some of this former Commander's teammates Eagles, and they said there is a misconception about him.

He's not a bad guy.

He's a specific type of leader. But if you are on that same page and you're willing to acquiesce to a degree, he'll find common ground. Now he doesn't have to do that now he's the number two. And sometimes with Winz too. I had a scout tell me last year he's not going to get signed necessarily early because when you're watching him in practice, he might look better than the actual starter. That's also not going to happen with Kansas City. There's a hierarchy there. He can go be the number two. I like it.

It's a low risk move.

But yeah, again, both the Rams and the Chiefs have star quarterbrights. If you brought him in with a young quarterback, I don't Yeah, you know that could be a problem. Yeah, yeah, guy gets insecure. Carson six ' five can move. So there are certain places that he would not work as a backup, and there's certain places he fits and behind Stafford in behind Mahomes, he's perfect and.

The guy who's not a backup.

Jordan loved coming off a breakout season in his first full season as the starter in Green Bay. He spent several years as a backup to Aaron Rodgers in Green Bay, and on a recent podcast, he discussed their relationship.

We have a great relationship. Obviously, I was in the in the quarterback room with him, and when you're in that room together, you know, you're there every day from multiple hours a day, so you know, you build a relationship with everybody that's in that room. That we have a good relationship. And like you said, to comparisons, that's always going to happen to me. He is always going, you know, compare everybody in the league, and you don't want to compare all the situations things like that, So I don't focus on that stuff. But me and Aaron definitely got a you know, a good relationship.

I can't wait to hear what you think about this.


Farv once famously said, my job is not to make Aaron Rodgers better. Now, in fairness, if you read books about that relationship, Aaron likes to needle and poke, so he was probably annoying. Farv. Also he was super talented, so I could see Farv like, this guy's annoying and hockey and it's pretty well documented that Aaron was getting after Farv and kind of in his face and a little more cocky than you think a quarterback would be that dropped in the first round from Cal Jordan Love. That's not his personality, And I mean, I think he came into the league kind of in awe of Aarin, whereas Aaron came into the league not in awe of anybody. And so I think the relationship, I think it's easier for Aaron to embrace Jordan than Aaron was probably to embrace for Farv. That's okay, everybody's got their own personality. But I mean, you know, I don't think all quarterbacks feel like my job is to make you better. But I do think we're all teammates. If I can share something and it makes us better, I like that. I like this Aaron.

Going into last season, I had some people on both sides Love and Rogers tell me that they actually had a better relationship than perhaps the media thought, and that that would potentially help Jordan Love get to the next level. Clearly he's taking that big step, and yeah, it's nice to see finally.

To the NBA. We're deep. Book put up fifty two.

Colin in a win over the Pals. Now has fifty plus in each of his last three games against New Orleans. After the game, he was asked about the hot streak.

I don't really have an answer, you know, I just feel like I'm playing the same way.

I mean, the crea is close.

I have a lot of family and attendance. I grew up coming here. It's the first NBA arena I've been to, so you know there's some history here.

Colin, are you binding buying Phoenix as a legit NBA title contender?

No, And I think Booker's always good, occasionally streaky and insane. He did this in the playoffs last year. He had about a eight nine game stretch that was like Jordan Esquett was crazy. They have been the disappointment in the league for me. They duplicate a lot of things, a lot of mid range stuff, not much of a bench. But I do think they're the They're the kind of team that could beat anybody in a one game situation. But I don't trust him over six or seven. They don't have the depth they have Beal KD can get banged up. I thought they would be much better. I don't know if it's an indictment on KD. I don't necessarily think it is. I just think it's kind of a reality of what they are. Older players. Two of their best players are older. Older players are not available seventy eight eighty games a year, so you cross your fingers. I wouldn't want to play them in the playoffs though, as a lot of guys that have been around taking big shots in big games, so I wouldn't want to face them, but I don't I can't see them beating a Lakers. I can't see them beating a Denver or a Boston in a long series, maybe not even Milwaukee.

And you talked about it yesterday, the West being completely loaded. That's a gotlin even as a really talented Phoenix team.

It is Jordan with the news.

Well that's the news, and thanks for stopping. That's the herd line.

So I was reading this yesterday. So we know there's gonna be five quarterbacks probably taken in the first round, right, and we know a couple are going to be busts. We know one of them is going to be a star, that's the average. Two are going to be bus and last year c J. Stroud star Bryce Young looks like doesn't work there was a draft Josh Allen Starr, Sam Darnold, Josh Rosen didn't work Lamar Star. So that's the way it is. And you don't want to call out anybody as a dud. But I did think this is interesting. So I'm a West Coast guy. I've watched Andrew Luck and John Elway and Aaron Rodgers and Brady went to high school out here, Jared Goff. There's been a lot of great West Coast quarterbacks. We have pretty Mediterranean weather in southern California. It's a you know, passing camps. You know, it's a it's a you watch high school football out here, it looks like college in terms of offensive schemes. Very good high school coaching all up and down the West Coast. Smart people. So I, you know, I do think Caleb Williams, Michael Pennox, and Bo Nicks have a chance to be really good. They've all got a lot of starts, all hyper productive. But I saw this by Chris Simms, and he mentioned this. He said, in fact, let's play this on Chris Simms. He's clearly number six for me. That's not changing.

It's it's it's in the the the Pro Day I would tell you probably confirmed it for like one hundred percent that he's number six. Yes, I did not come away from that progrem pro day going, oh wow, I feel differently. There's still some eye popping throws. You go, Dan, that's a good one, right, don't don't get me wrong. There, I got that, But it's still too many throws where I go, what's number three pick of the draft? Wouldn't throw a ball like that.

So he's talking about Drake May from North Carolina, who looks like Justin Herbert. Herbert was a much better, more consistent college quarterback. More on that in a second, But that's one of the things I have a problem with with Drake May and a little bit JJ McCarthy, Caleb Williams, bo Nix, Michael Pennix. Three hundred yard game, three hundred yard game, highly productive. Now, if if you have rare, rare, unique physical traits Josh Allen six six, two fifty and fast, Patrick mahomes maybe the best pure arm talent in the history of the sport, Tyler Murray like bizarre elusiveness. If you you have other worldly physical traits that I've never seen before, that can't be duplicated, then I'm willing to pull back on the production. Maybe you had a bad coach, Maybe you're a small college Wyoming Josh Allen Drake May's big, but he's not unique Physically. He's six four two twenty. That's pretty standard. Like maybe he's a half inch taller than average, about the same weight, five or ten pounds lighter, But he's not consistent. So if you're just the same size a prototype guy, you gotta be productive. I will look past a lot of things. If you're a singer and you just sound like the late Whitney Houston, I'll figure out a way to refine it. You know, if you could do what Prince could do with many instruments, I'll figure out a way to coach it up. You know, Lamar running around. Let's just roll the dice on this. This doesn't look like anything I've ever seen. But if you're physically kind of in line with the league, well shouldn't you be better in college? So Justin Herbert's comp and Justin didn't have a brilliant offensive coach at Oregon, and you know, Mac Brown runs a pretty pedestrian offensive system at Texas. It was mostly Vince young making plays, and I sort of look at the numbers. Drake May last couple of years against ranked opponents Clemson, Oregon, Miami Okay, was one and two. Okay, fine, they didn't have the personnel, but he completed fifty five percent of his throws. That's terrible. Justin Herbert in his career at Oregon again not with what we think is like you know, Jim Harbaugh, Kirby Smart, Mario Crystal Ball was fine, winning record, complete, sixty six percent of his throws, twenty four total touchdowns, five picks, and that's his prototype. So say what you want to about Justin Herbert. I got consistency, I got completions. I got accuracy. Drake May is not gifted or physically unique. He's big, Herbert's big, but Herbert's not Josh Allen. He didn't throw the ball like that. He doesn't leap over linebackers. I mean, if you have Stafford's arm talent or Mahomes, maybe I'd look past some stuff. But I do think there's something to be said, like Caleb Williams, Bo Nicks, Michael Pennix, I just got massive production. JJ McCarthy at Michigan had a lot of one hundred and sixty yard passing games. How's it with Michigan's talent and Drake May is a bit all over the map, So it does worry. I think I see the Herbert stuff and then you start looking deeper, diving and going to the consistency. Justin Herberts last year at Oregon, he was completing sixty seven percent of his throws. Well, the PAC twelve, what the ACC has been great? The ACC's been great. I mean, let's be honest, in the last ten years, the SEC's all was great. The Big ten's been hit and miss. Nobody else has been great consistently. So that's kind of where I am right now. I think we have one great quarterback, Caleb Williams, one great prospect, and I think we got five guys that will be as good as where they land. I think if any of them end up going to Minnesota with Kevin O'Connell to succeed, I think any of other guys go to New England, they bomb. There's just no players. They're all all these guys I think would whiff in New England. Almost all of them would work with Sean Payton or Kevin O'Connell.

Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd Weekdays and Noone Eastern a em Pacific.

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Ucon beat USC and as you saw Iowa beat LSU. Women's basketball last night, Four games, four Stars, Paige Becker's Juju Watkins for USC A freshman Caitlin Clark, Angel Reese. The men's tournament had sixty eight teams, one star Zach Edy. The women four left four stars, so it doesn't matter what it is. Tiger Woods changed Sunday afternoon television viewing, and then at night James Gandolfini did it for the Sopranos. It's the reality Major League Baseball had a no hitter last night. Nobody's talking about it outside of the city it happened. It's the reality of Lebron James and now Steph Curry, and they're praying in the NBA that a Luca or a Yokitch can have that star power. I don't know what defines it. Tim Duncan was great. People thought he was boring. Caitlyn Clark is not boring. She moves the meter. She is a unique shooting range. Her shooting range is basically, hey, somebody calls you, I'm on my way to the arena to watch a basketball game. That's her range. I don't know what it is. It's unlimited. She takes shots that are almost weird. They're so far out. But I watched Mission Impossible. I wouldn't without Tom Cruise, and I watched Jason Boor and my wife loved it. It's because I'm at Damon. I don't know what makes the star. Hollywood's failed multiple times, and that's their business trying to create one. David Stern was a marketing genius after Michael, he couldn't find one until Shaq Kobe. I don't know what it is, but it is, and Caitlin Clark has it, and it just changes everything. I think it's funny people last night trying to kind of break down. I can't believe Kim Mulki's coaching. Do you think people are not trying to stop Luca? He gets his shot every time down the floor. You can't change Luca's pace. Jokic, you can't stop him. Everybody's trying to change change Luca and Yokics. They're like, they're not super athletic, let's do this. They are the pace. They don't set the pace of the game. They are the pace. They just play at their own pace. You can't speed up Luca, you can't speed up Yokic. Caitlin Clark's the same thing all those athletes on the floor. She's just better. And again, I've seen a lot of great athletes. I've seen Hollywood, I've seen leagues try to create it. You can't. Some people have star power. I mean Shania Twain years ago, for a brief time just had it swift. She got a good voice, superstar. I don't even know. She literally came to LA She sold out SOULFI seven straight concert. I don't I think Taylor Swift does.

She have.

Whitney Houston's voice. I once saw Whitney Houston on stage. She had a great voice, wasn't a great performer. Taylor Swift has a really good voice. She's an amazing performer. I don't know what it is. People try to create it. Agents do marketing people. Very few people have what Caitlin Clark does, which is unique, relatable, consistently there for you. Did you really think a guard out of Davidson right now? Steph Curry moves the needle during the playoffs more than any player, A kid from Davidson whose dad could shoot but wasn't a dynamic player. I don't know how to explain it. He's not the biggest, he's not the fastest, he's not the strongest. He's just unique. He's relatable, he's likable. You buy his shoes. My son doesn't like sports, and you knows Steph Curry. He's his favorite player. And I just thought last night was a remarkable moment for women's basketball, and I think it really came down to star power.

I think it's just great for the sport, just being able to be a part of history. Like I said, no matter which way it went tonight, I know this is going to be a night.

For the age?

Is it? Just being able to be a part of history is great. Playing against another great player, of course is always amazing. In our viewership going up, and I'm sure so many different people watched this now.

I mean, I will say this a men's college basketball and this has been an ongoing problem. The last TV changer was Zion. He was in the twenty nineteen draft. It's twenty twenty four, Zach eat, he's not changing ratings. The big ten schools always get good ratings. Zach ed, he's not moving him a lot. But he was the biggest name in the tournament, and he's the most unique size, unique player, unique game. But I do think the NIL is now helping. Everybody complains about it, it's actually may save men's college basketball because you can now pay young guys who are going to go to the pros, and you can pay him as much in some instance as a Kentucky, a Duke a Carolina could pay as much. In Ohio State, they could pay as much as a G league, and so I do think that's an advantage. But I will say star power. I can't explain it. I don't know what it is. Caitlin Clark is a comet. I mean, I knew she was good last year. This year's crazy. I don't know what the ratings were. Last night probably got six and a half million. It was on cable, it wasn't on broadcast, so it probably down to about six and a half would be my guess. If I'm wrong, you can tell me, Jordan. But it's just it's a phenomenon and they don't last forever. So when they do set your sport and yourself up for life through Gatorade, Nike contracts, because it's something to behold. So I saw this. Everybody's freaking out about this. Everybody last year freaking out about it when the NFL put a playoff game on Peacock, a streaming service. So I'll just give you a heads up on my viewing habits. During the fall Labor Day to about February twentieth, I watch NFL in college football. That is ninety nine percent of what I watch. Little news. Maybe in an election year I watch some elections, though and then when the season stops until the next Labor day, I go heavy into streaming. I do more traveling, I have more time off. I get in a plane, I download an Amazon Prime, a Hulu, an Apple. I just watched the Steve Martin documentary. I'll watch the Martha Stewart one here and as I fly to Chicago this weekend. So that's so it's six months of streaming and then it's six months of you know, linear television. And so the NFL is now Amazon on Thursday night, is moving into streaming, and people freak out. So here's the thing to remember about that, because an NFL owner, Jeffrey Lourie, came out yesterday and said they're not leaving TV, and he's right. First of all, one of the smartest things the UFC ever did. They grabbed a night, Saturday night UFC, especially outside of the football season, they grabbed a night mostly in Vegas. I've said this before. Winner baseball games on every night, Basketball hockey every night, that powerful ten am Pacific, one am Pacific, four pm Pacific, NFL Sunday number, and Monday night football. It's been going on forever. My entire life, my entire life that's when the games are on. They own Sunday and Monday night in the fall, and that's really, really, really important and they're not gonna give that up. I'll say it again. That to me was one of the smartest moves by the UFC. All our big fights Saturday night, mostly in Vegas, they own a night. But the NFL is gonna seek growth. They're not baseball. So like the media loves Adam Silver, they treat him like the greatest commissioner of all time, but he put all his eggs in one basket on one network. Two networks cable. So the NBA games are all on cable. That's that's not great. It's cable TV's been eroding for eight to ten years. I'm on it, I see it, I know it. The NFL is like a good fund. It's diversified, it's got international funds, it's got currencies, blue chip stocks. They're on cable, they're on Linear, they're on Amazon. They're going to Brazil. The NFL to meet Roger Goodell because he's got so much power and the NFL doesn't need the media. The media doesn't like him as much, whereas baseball and the NBA kind of need the promotion and marketing, and so it's oh, Adam Silver, And I got nothing against Adam Silver, but he is not addressing this load management. It is a problem when you go on a Friday and Saturday night and stars multiple or sitting, it's a problem. Address it. And I also think they put all their games on cable. That is a problem. So I think I think Roger Goodell's the best commissioner. I think he's the smartest. He adapts, he evolves. But I do think the NFL considers itself a TV show and there is just nothing like Fox and CBS and Monday night Football and those big games on television. The audience for sports, especially football, is older than it is that for soccer or the NBA. I'm right in the demo for the NFL, and I don't want to be chasing around streaming. Baseball, by the way, will take a dollar from anywhere. The knock on baseball's always been. There's a saying in sports basketball thinks of it first, Baseball makes the most money on it, and the football gets it right. And the football gets it right. Roger Goodell gets it right. They're not gonna leave, They're gonna have Amazon in the mix, and they'll put a game on Peacock or Hulu. Absolutely, but I mean baseball is ridiculous. In any ten game stretch, the Yankees will be on four or five different channel. That's not good for fans. By the way, most of the Thursday games stink. It's like Carolina Panthers are on it a lot. So it's not like they're putting the greatest games on Thursday Night football. But people freaking out about this. This is what the NFL does. They understand their audience. They're not leaving television. They're not leaving Fox, they're not leaving CBS. But they're gonna adapt. They're not gonna be baseball and take fifty years to figure out replay. They're going to adapt. They're going to be first in again. The saying has always been Basketball thinks of it first. Baseball make the most money on it. They're obsessed with that, and Football gets it right. So all this streaming concern is Jeffrey Lorie of The Eagle said, we're not leaving TV. They're never going to put a super Bowl on streaming. They're never gonna do it, not in my lifetime. They're not gonna do it. They'll put an occasional Saturday playoff game on They're not gonna put a conference championship on streaming. They don't put their best games on Thursday night with Amazon. They're not gonna do that. Take a deep breath. Nick Wright is around the corner. So last night was a night women's college basketball. Next weekend, Yukon will wrap it up for the men. I'm sorry, but that Dan Hurley was on the show yesterday. That team is a powerhouse. We may not have a lot of stars, but we have a program in men's college basketball right now, Yukon that is averaging twenty five point wins. I don't know if they're historically great, but they could have certainly played with those teams back then, upperclassmen, NBA Guy's great coach, rebounding, physicality, culture, It all works, Nick, right next

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