He's ever been left waiting by the phone. It's the friend shot, Allison. How are you him?
How are you guys?
Very well? Good morning, Thanks for being on the show. It's waiting by the phone. Tell us about this guy, Matthew. How you guys met and where you stand right now?
Okay, So we met through some mutual friends, and you know, it's like a typical setup, and then we were texting and talking before to make sure that, you know, we liked each other and everything, and it was going really well. And so he came by and picked me up and we went out to dinner and then a movie and then drinks after and then we only planned like the first two. So I felt like it was going really really well that we went to drinks afterwards.
Oh I see, like the dinner in the movie were on the table before. But then the fact that you extended the date, that's a good sign.
Oh yeah, I was. I was pretty excited about it. And he didn't reach out to me at all after the date, and I was kind of confused about that because we went from like ten to twenty texts a day to nothing, okay, And I don't really understand what happened because I thought it was going so well.
Okay, so that's where we come in. We'll reach out to Matthew and we'll ask some questions and you'll be on the phone. I don't want you to jump in right at first, but at some point definitely coming on the call and hopefully we can figure out what's going on and fix it, or maybe he has an explanation and get you guys going on another date and we'll pay for that.
Okay, great sounds good.
Can you hang off for a minute, all let's see what happens next After a host year, Part two of waiting by the phone, the most requested of all time. We'll do it in a two minutes on the freend Show. Don't move here. It's the Fred Show on the radio, of course, and the iHeart Appnew it improved anytime search for a frend show on demand, Alison, Yeah, welcome back. Let's you call Matthew. You met there with some friends, you were set up, you had a great date, and you went from that day to communicating a whole bunch to nothing like cold turkey. This guy is not responding to you, right, and you want to know what's going on?
Yeah, I'm really interested to see what he has to say.
We'll call him right now. Good luck, Okay, sounds good. Hello, Hi Matthew, h right, good morning. My name is Fred. I'm calling from the Fred Show. The whole crew is here, and I do have to tell you that we are on the radio right now, the morning radio Show. I would need your permission to continue with the call. Is it okay if we chat for just a second.
Yeah, yeah, I suppose. What is this? What's going on?
Well, thank you very much, we'll get right to it. We're calling on behalf of a woman named Alison who reached out to us and said that you guys were set up and you had a great date and you went from talking a whole bunch to nothing. So she kind of wanted to know what's going on while you're ghosting, and so we're calling to ask.
I mean, it's uh, it's uh, you know what it's I don't all right, I don't know. I mean, it was a it was a good time. You know, we uh every we were getting along. We met up, we went on a date. It was nice. You know, it went better than I thought. You know, it started off better than I thought. You know, it was just supposed to be. You know, we're gonna go out, We're gonna have some dinner, you know, and then a movie. And then after the movie he said, let's go get some drinks. And I, you know, it sounded it wasn't part of the plan. It was all going really well. And on the way to get drinks, she said, let's go to Target. I got to go to Target, and which is a weird thing to do before drinks in the middle of a date. And then she asked me to pull up and she tells me exactly where to park, which is not anywhere near the front of the store. And I'm sorry. I pull up and she's like, park next to that car. And I parked next to this car and then I look over there's somebody in the cars window roll down and I rolled my window down. And then a drug deal happens like through me. No, like, like seriously, I became an accessory to a felony on this date.
Wait, what was the deal? Like what meth?
Oh? No, it was.
Cocaine, okay, Like I I mean, it's it's that's unfor you. I mean, I have a career to worry about. I can't you know I can't. I can't do that. I can't risk my god.
Let me bring Alison and I forgot to mention Allison's here. A coke deal on a first date in a Target parking lot, Now that's that's something that is rich and compelling that we've never heard before.
I have a good time, like, I don't see what the problem is. I thank you for talking about this on the radio.
I mean, yeah, what did you think he was gonna say? Like that your breath was batter? So you did a drug deal on the date.
I mean, I didn't make me do.
A drug deal. You didn't make me do drugs. You made me do the right It would have been one thing if you'd like gone into the target and met him in the bathroom, came out and then you know, I don't know anything's going on. I'm completely innocent. I have absolutely no idea. You gave me money, I handed him money. I handed you cocaine. I became a drugs in that situation. I can't beat. That's not my life. I'm not that guy. You know what, I'd like to have fun too. You know what, I don't like going to prison. You know what, grow up? It was just a are you you're sitting here, you're telling me to grow up? You're doing drug deals and a target parking lot?
Grow up?
Are you kidding me right now? Are you kidding me right now?
Okay, So he's a little he's a little fired up about the drug deal in the target parking line. You know that that's.
The party I like to I love the party. I don't like jail, I don't like anything. I've never murdered a stripper before. What do you mean you don't like the party, You don't like the party, you don't want to block in a stripper putting right? I cannot believe you didn't. You couldn't figure that out. I would like, how many days do you go on?
On first, I mean, come on.
A lot of but we're stupid. There's a lot of I am not one of them. You need to get back and start swiping white right on people. I don't know, maybe I look stupid.
Okay, Okay, Alison, Uh, he was not cool with the date plan, the way that they progressed. Okay, and you got to you have to acknowledge that maybe if he's not into that, that he doesn't want to get nailed for buying it.
Oh please, he wasn't buying it. We were just about to have a good time, and so I was trying to make it better.
Okay, look, so is there anyway would you get passes? Matthew? I think I know the answer, but is there any way that?
I don't think so, because what's the second date? Like I get shot in the face by a Marowin dealer?
Come on, Oh my gosh, it's so overgretty mad.
All right, I'm sorry, so this is not a match. I wish you guys both the best of luck. And Matthew, you're going down in history. You're this is the.
Top attorneys I know attorneys if she needs one, because she definitely will, and so over future dates.
Okay, good luck guys. The Entertainment Report end show bys Shelley at tiebreaker with Savannah for two hundred bucks Spolt Next The French Show is back in two minutes.