Listen to the full show where we discuss friendship drama on Keke's Court and do you think Keke will remain undefeated
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Bread's show is on the hottest morning show. I haven't heard it with the hottest morning show in a while, so that's good. That's good reminder that we're the hottest morning show. What happened to that woman?
Where is she? She's doing Texas? Now we'll tax season, so it's our season.
It is, she's busy. I mean, we haven't heard it a while. I've heard a lot about Jason. I've heard a lot about Kaylin's grounding sheets. I've heard a lot about adult of Paulinie pronunciations. I just haven't heard it were the hottest morning show. So I'm glad to hear that morning everyone. We are back from vacation. It is Monday in March twenty fourth. The French Show's on. Hi Kaylin, good morning, Hi Jason Brown, Hi, Paulina, Hey, Kiki, Good morning showbiz. Kiki is here. And I have to look because it's been a week. So undefeated. I know that, Oh right, undefeated is correct? Wait?
Six fifty?
I think or seven? We don't know, you know, I got my math team. I mean, yeah, I know.
Are we sure about that?
That's the lab lab.
I'm figured it.
Out right, I'm sending Bella back to school.
So we started at one hundred bucks. So that was win number one. She's won seven. But then there were ties that we're going with it right to me? Yeah right, I'm not even going because there were several ties and each time that goes up fifty and whatever is the prize in the showdown the Entertainment Report this morning will do uh what is today Monday? So we'll do all KANKI scord I feel like we haven't done one in a while. Yeah, he scored today.
Butt up, bum girl, you did not make the cut.
Okay, just didn't make the cut the entertainment What are you working on?
K We are talking Jonas Brothers also Jennifer Aniston's new man. And I will tell you who had to see their wife's ex privates while he was in a play on Broadway And you hated to just sit right there.
Exes, prime wife's exes.
Yeah, a dude who used to do your wife? You have to see their privates?
Oh yeah, that would be that would be traumatic on a lot of level. Yeah, I guess I was married. And then so that was picture. I blocked it out right and then I have to look at the guys priate.
Wow, yeah, you just sit there in a plot. It's crazy. Yeah, well it was he was in a play.
I mean, I be. It happens with exes all the time, you know, whether it's I don't know, you get married, have kids, get divorced. There's still visitation, so you're going back and forth. You're still seeing your ex. Your ex moves on, then that person has to look at you, you look at them. You all know the same thing. I don't know, it just feels weird to me, The whole, the whole a thing feels weird. It's great.
I don't think anyone enjoys it, but I mean.
Having constant contact or like, I don't know, I'm in an event with a girl i'm dating who used to be married to a guy who has kids, and we're all in the same room, and like he and I have to pretend like you know, we we we all know the same stuff. But then we got to pretend like we like it. I don't know, it's kind of strange. I suppose you could take the stance that will you know, I'm there now so lucky me, or there with me now so lucky them. But then it's it's kind of strange. You have like constant contact with the person who's seen the person that you love naked. Yeah, that's a level of growth. I don't know.
I don't know if I could ever accomplish.
I'm very insecure, so it's all I would think about. Yeah, it's yeah, I don't know. Well, anyway, deep thoughts for later on this Right right there we are, there we are again, watching another one of my girlfriend's ex us in a musical. Always I guess what I'm there to begin with is why would you make me go to that? Don't put me in that position, lady. Also a textas morning, you can you can phone? Can you can phone? You can use the phone? Text Belhamina eight five five five three five No, I almost read that. I almost read the phone number of the person who texted, which is I haven't had enough coffee yet, Like a week off, a week of not getting up at this time absolutely throws everything off. This first hour is going to be just I don't know. Does Jesus take the wheel? However? A text him eight one five a picture of a beautiful beach and the sun rising, and it says impatiently waiting for you all to take over Myrtle Beach so I can move there in this beautiful picture of a beach, Myrtle Beach, And I don't know. We don't have to be on the radio there for you to go and move if you if you'd like to live there, you can do that. We have the iHeartRadio app. You know you could. You could listen to us that way. I don't want people to feel like, you know, wherever they're listening to us, they have to be there. Actually, actually do I do want you to feel that, all right? If you listen, If you listen to us in a place, especially if it's a place where no one's listening currently, then you have to stay. Never mind, even in West Palm Beach and you listen and then you have to stay. If you're in Salt Lake City and you're listening, then you have to stay. I'm sorry, Okay, well that's been decided.
And make us a pre set. And while we're at it, make us make us a pre set.
Headlines and trending stories will do him next to the biggest stories of the day. A very sad, A very sad passing for sports and home appliances and otherwise I'll explain. Of course, Jason knows the Sweet sixteen has been sat men's college basketball. A payment plan for a burrito is a thing. I'm going to ruin some people's days this morning to start, and I don't mean to, not with the payment plan necessarily, but with the five worst fast foods for your health. According to the New York Post, a TikTok filter has been removed, and a dude who swallowed a million dollars worth of I'll tell you that the show is on Friend's Biggest Stories of the day. So the Troop time heavyweight champion boxer George Foreman passed away on Friday at the age of seventy six. Now what do Jason, What did George Foreman do? He made a grill. See, I knew you would say that. What did he do before that? Though? Did he bite the ear?
Oh jesus, he was just planning to make a grill before he made a grill.
Oh no, I'm kidding.
No, But but he bit the ear right? No, that was Evander Holyfield. Evander holy oh yeah, yeah, no, no, they are very different, very different men.
Yeah yeah, yeah. George Foreman though, the two time heavyweight champion boxer, didn't I did I say yes to start the story? Yeah, I was gonna say, didn't. I just tell you what he did, and then what you had to do was repeat it.
SURET term memory issue. I'm definitely listening. He passed away. Foreman also won an Olympic gold medal in nineteen sixty eight, as he was inducted into the Boxing Hall of Fame as well. What did George Foreman do? He was a boxer and he did not bite the ear? Yeah, no, no, he did, however, invented George Foreman Grill, which went on to sell more than one hundred million units. I don't know who did the interview with him, but I saw one not that long ago about just sort of how that all happened and whatever else. But he made so much money on the George Foreman Grill, like a gazillion times more than he ever made as an analyst or in boxing or whatever else. He also has twelve children and five sons, and he named all five of his sons George. What's wild fun fact about George. You have twelve kids, five sons, they're all named George. So hey, you know it's hard I feel like man. Oftentimes they'll they'll name their first son after themselves, and then the rest are named something else, and it's like, there's the one that if you're a let me ask you a question eight five, five, five, nine one one oh three five. If you are a junior, or even if you're like a female version of a junior, like you were named after your mom or you were named after your dad, do you have a higher expectation of performance than everybody else or is it just you got the name of the person because you were the firstborn, or do you feel like because you're named after your dad, like I got it. Now, I gotta do more with my life because I have to accomplish more. I can't be a loser. Or do you or do you feel like that that parent favors you, Like for example, my niece, her name is Paulie Paula, and she's named after my brother in law's aunt and my aunt, not my mom my aunt. So I gotta think that Pollie's looking pretty good in the will from my aunt. Not as good as me, but pretty good because well she's the namesake, right, I gotta think that benefits. She's somewhere along the lines, doesn't it should none of you, I guess none of you guys are a junior in any sense.
No, see, I wouldn't.
Like I have a daughter, I personally like, okay, the aunt is cool, Like I like that I can name my kid after my aunt or whoever. But myself, I'm okay with that. Those already one screw up named Paulina. We don't need to gots like, we don't need that.
We just we don't have to be so harsh on ourselves.
Now I feel silly, but you know what I mean.
Everyone knows your name is Pauline, right, yes, don't get me Paulina, Paulina, Pauline, Paula because.
Yeah, Paula here at work.
Yep. Yeah, well or Paula by r HR director who probably if all people should know your name. No, the short version I always get this story messed up. But the short version of the story is, you were born in Chicago. There's a street called Paulina that looks like Paulina. That's what your mom wanted to name you. But the nurses make sure I'm getting this right. The nurses said no because people will confuse it with the name of the street. So they actually, like the nurses convinced your mom, yes, who was not was relatively new to the country. No, don't do it that way. Her name is going to be Pauline insteads so no one confuses it is they get that right?
You're right, yeah, and that's a true story.
I had nurses who told my mother, do not, you know, go with Paulina, because then Paula should be Paulina, right, like that's how you say it. And no, they said he should put a E because of the street Polina, which wasn't far from where I was born, which was eighteenth in California, if you know, you know, there's a hospital there. And they did not come to play. They did not come to play. My mom no epideral know, nothing, no water, no nothing. And they name they named her baby oh my period.
Wow, I know.
Okay, yeah, it's it's not great.
But I personally would like to change my name, but legally I cannot.
To Pauline or to like Steve.
I would like to name myself Paulina because that's all I've ever known.
I don't know who Pauline is.
But then I found I gotta get like a whole new social Security and all that, and you guys know, I'm not doing all that.
I'm not filing papers for one letter.
I don't know. Maybe you get a fresh startup the on your credit score and I don't know.
Wait, hold on, now you got the Kiki's been trying to do this for years.
The toll way people won't find her. I know a guy the Men's NCAA's Sweet sixteen. For some reason, that's a hard thing to say. Matchups have been determined Thursday and Friday. Those games began Alabama versus BYU, Florida versus Maryland, Duke versus Arizona, Texas Tech versus Arkansas, and Friday it's Michigan State. Woo, go Green go Wait, it's Michigan State, Ole, Miss Tennessee, Kentucky, Auburn, Michigan. That's when you say something bad, not Aburn, well Michigan.
Oh, I said, Oh, okay, Auburn versus Michigan, Yes, yuck, yuck.
I don't think is there an Auburn Michigan.
I don't know, man, I don't know.
There's always like weird teams in this thing that I'm like, I've never heard.
Of you, Auburn. I'm sorry, we're pretty determined you're not listening, Jason, I'm not surprised that you're confused. Purdue all in the Sweet sixteen. That's that Thursday and Friday. So there's a partnership that's been announced between door Dash and I believe it's called Klarna. That's the name of the business. I don't know.
Yeah, after pay Baby, Yeah.
I try to stay away from that because I feel like this is the kind of stuff that gets people in trouble like me. Yeah, but door Dash in Klarna, you can now buy a burrito or a McDonald's order and pay for it later across four interest free payments. See's what I'm talking about. Like, if I don't have the money for the burrito, I don't need to be the burrito will very quickly because it's already thirty five dollars to have it delivery. If you've noticed, you know that the three dollars crunch wrap or whatever from Taco Bell, it actually costs seventeen dollars. But I certainly don't want to have to walk two blocks to go get it, so sure, bring it to me for seventeen. But if you're telling me that I could then pay for it later. That's a problem because, as I think we've probably all learned at one time or another in our lives, at seventeen dollars burrito, if you don't pay for it in I think it's a week or two or three or whatever it is, it becomes a ninety seven thousand dollars burrito in no time. You have to spend at least thirty five dollars. But customers who defer payment on a fast food delivery are significantly are at a significantly higher risk of missing one of the interest free installment payments Consumer Reports. Warrens, if you don't pay the bill on time and you start getting multiple late fees, it could be a very expensive pad tie. So I don't know about this one. I'm gonna say, uh, don't do it. That's what I'm gonna that's my financial advice of the morning. Yes, you don't, don't make installment payments on a burrito, but like the cheaper burrito.
The upside could be like if you are making payments on something and you make them on time, Like, doesn't that help your credit?
So like could that be good? Like one good thing?
Or no?
I don't know. I feel like if we're making four payments on a Taco Bell order. We don't need to Taco Bell, right, you're out here doing God's work. One doesn't help, Okay, I don't maybe, I mean that could be true, but I feel like, you know, again, there's small payments, so simple, and then you're not. You forget one payment and then all of a sudden, like it kind of defeats the purpose of not having the money at the time because it becomes that much more expensive. Look at me, I'm Dave Ramsey over here. You don't have the money, then you can't have the chelupah. I mean, I think that's probably a wise I don't know me after walking by it someone smoking weed and because of course I don't. But if I were to walk by it and ingest some secondhand smoke and I didn't have any money in my checking account, that's going to become a very expensive payment plan all of a sudden. So I don't. I don't think I need it. I don't need him. Also, this morning, the five worst fast foods for your health have been revealed. These are specific menu items. Now, these are pretty gluttonous menu items, Like I don't know that everybody's just and I'm not judging you if you are, but I'm not sure if everyone's just pulling up an order in this stuff, you know, just like it's it's These are a typical things, but you're not supposed to eat them every day. Okay. Some of the worst defenders on this list the Bacon King from Burger King. Yeah, I don't know what. It sounds like a higher level of commitment to bake and then just average bacon sandwich, you know, like I don't know, you know, I mean, like you they have like the Son of the Baconator at Wendy's, which is like a small bacon cheeseburger kind of thing. They also have like the Grandfather Baconator that's like seven feet tall and it has like eighty eight thousand pieces of bacon on it, and like they have it. It doesn't mean you have to get it every time you go. But maybe the big Bacon Classic triple see, that's what I'm talking about from Wendy's, The honey Barbecue chicken strip basket from Dairy Queen. These are all packed with high levels of fat, sodium, and carbs. Other unhealthy options to avoid. The sausage patty Breakfast crunch wrap from Taco Bell, the crispy Chicken club wrap from Arbi's, and the mac and cheese bread bowl from Panera. Oh, I want to hear both sides of the story on that one, Like surely there's something redeeming about it, Like, I don't know, dairy is that good?
Their mac and cheese is.
So good, but it is a lot of calories.
And how you know what? He's good for the environment because there's no waste for sure. Yeah, you're filling the vest. You can eat the vessel. Yeah, if I can eat the vessel, I'm canceling out whatever bad part for me that's being canceled out by However, I'm helping the environment. Yeah, I'm full of them. I'm full of rose. I'm full of it. And then the sausage patty breakfast crunch trapt that just sounds like I remember when my sister had one of those for the first time, and she called me and she was embarrassed because she was at first very upset because she thought she'd ordered a hash brown and she drove away and there was no hash brown to be found. She was mad. She was about to turn around and go get her hash brown. And read them and tell them where is my hash brown? This is an unacceptable business practice. And then she instead decided just to take a bite of whatever she got, only to find the hash brown was with him. Oh it was stop shopping. It was handheld breakfast. It was all right there. The cheese, the hash brown, the egg, the sausage is all just right there in one hand, just ready to be consumed. And she loved the efficiency. She was so excited she had to call me and tell me there's a hash browned inside the thing. That's right. Yeah. Now, if you eat all that then you probably won't need this, but it doesn't matter because you can't have it anyway. A chubby filter from TikTok has been pulled after complaints of toxic body shammy. Let me tell you, when I'm on TikTok, I am not looking for the filter that makes me look the fattest. I don't need that filter at all. I'm looking for the filter that makes my skin look you know, china, dull, pristine, and that makes me look the skinniest and the best light. Okay, so I'm not looking for this, which is why did even know it existed. However, a TikTok filter has now been banned after experts warn that it created a toxic online culture. The chubby filter used AI to make it ap peer as though users had gained a lot of weight, so you would post it before and after picture, one picture showing your regular appear and the others showing yourself with a greater body weight. However, experts have worn that this could contribute to a toxic diet culture, and as a result, TikTok has stepped in to ban the filter altogether. So there it is, But I didn't know it existed because that's certainly is not what I'm looking for when I'm posting to whatever social platform. Look at me looking fat? No, No, I don't need a filter for that. And finally, a Florida man has been arrested because he swallowed seven hundred and seventy thousand dollars worth of Tiffany and Company jewelry. So the guy was staying in Orlando hospital for multiple If you swallow a million dollars worth of diamonds, I guess they keep you at the hospital until they find the diamonds. Oh no, right, because you got a million dollars worth of stuff in you. So he had to stay at the hospital for multiple weeks until he passed all of the diamond earrings, and they've been able to recover all four of the ear rings, as well as two other unidentified ear rings. I guess, I'm not sure he swallowed a lot of diamonds. What I want to know is, if I go to Tiffany with a million dollars today and I want to buy some ear rings, are the ones that passed through this man?
Yeah, because they recovered them. So what are they doing with them? I they're gonna just put them back in a little blue box and sell them to somebody cleaning them. Oh no, so, I guess. Last month the guy post has representative for an NBA player and was taken to a private room to inspect all the diamonds. He then proceeded to swallow them all and then leave. He was pulled over a few hours later, arrested, and then put into the hospital where he had to pass them all. And he did. I can't imagine. I don't know. I have a lot of questions, but that can't be a pleasurable process. Oh yeah, what'd you do with them? I ate him? Okay? Well, and then whose job is it to go find him? Then? Like, this is terrible. Don't we don't think nurses enough? Because I bet it was some nurse somewhere and somehow hospital that was like, really, I have to do this? Do I get one of the diamonds because then you know, maybe they go pay upon it or something. At that point, don't you have to tell anybody where they were? But somebody had to sort through that guy's stuff for two weeks to find a million dollars worth of diamonds that he swallowed. Disgusting. It's National Cocktail Day and National Cheesecake Day today as well. The entertainer of four Kaln's got that next game sooner minutes after says that will do blogs, our audio journals, waiting by the phone, why did somebody get ghosted? Brand new? And in the next twenty minutes, we'll do it. Kiln's entertainer report is on.
The fread show Brianna chicken Fry.
She's that influencer who turned down twelve million and an NDA from singer Zach Bryan.
She shared a new horrific story that people kind of are assuming is about him and their relationship. So there's a trend on TikTok and I don't know if you guys have seen this right now, but it's like where someone will share a video of themselves and say she doesn't know it yet, but X was about to happen. Well, Breed did the trend, sharing a video of herself dancing and looking really happy, and she wrote she doesn't know Tonight, after her last sold out live show, her boyfriend will stay out until nine am, then go to a random married couple's house and f the husband's wife while the husband is asleep next to him on the couch, then call her to scream at her, force her to pick him up because he's too drunk to drive, and blame her in the morning with a heart in the comment section.
Yeah what.
Yeah, what had happened was yeah.
So she's claiming after her last she was on tour for her podcast. After that show, her boyfriend at the time, who people think was Zach because if you know when the show was happening, you know she was dating him at that time, went to a married couple's house, the husband was asleep and they hooked up and then he had her pick him up from the married couple's house.
That's very traumatic. I would be very traumatized by that. I would certainly probably tell that story. But how long have we been talking about that breakup? Because I'm beginning to think that he just lives rent free in her head, which at what point do we just move on? Like that? Was that? We were talking about that for six months last year, this breakup, So I kind of wonder, like it is she's still talking about it.
She hasn't been this but I think she just wanted to do the trend. I guess, I don't know.
I mean, it was super traumatic, so maybe this is her way of healing. But she she hasn't really talked a lot about it since we talked about the NBA and NDA. Not the NBA and the twelve millions turned.
Out twelve million dollars. I'm talking about you to the end of time. Yeah it turned out twelve I will wake up every day with a new story. Okay, oh yeah, for Gray, I turned out twelve million.
Please. I mean, like, have you ever dated somebody though who or maybe you were friends with them or not friends with them or something where they they're still telling stories about you months and months years later, and it's like Okay, maybe even if that story we're true, and I'm this, this is a pretty good story, But I mean some of the other stuff or in other examples, if I'm talking about my ex after a year, I think that says more about me than them.
Yeah, we had Jenna in jail. Yeah, yeah, we haven't gotten too a year yet. But I mean, I don't know. Maybe she just wanted to do the trend. I can't pretend to know what she went through in that, and it sounds like it was way worse than we even knew.
So there you go.
But he has a new girlfriend that he can do that too now, So yes. In happier maybe celebrity relationship news, Jennifer Andison was spotted grabbing dinner with Pedro Pascal on Saturday, so the Friends star and the actor were seen leaving this place called Tower Bar at the Sunset Tower Hotel in West Hollywood, and their dinner was three hours long. Now they walked out to the valet before parting ways. But this comes after speculation that he might be in her in her show The Morning Show, which is amazing on Apple TV Plus. But I think they'd be very cute together, don't we they're both really hot and he's a great guys. She seems like a great person as well, so maybe they're dating and maybe he's just in the show. The Jonahs brothers announced more details for their upcoming twentieth anniversary North American tour, The Jonas twenty Living the Dream Tour is going to fature forty three shows in stadiums and arenas starting in August.
And the openers are great.
They're gonna switch off Marshmallow, the All American rejects and boys like Girls are going to take turns. Opening tickets go and sell this Friday at ten am. By the way, and Fred, this is that story I teased, and it's just like picture yourself in this situation. So Alec Baldwin revealed that he saw one of his wife's exes naked during a performance in a Broadway play. And Jason, you and I know which play this is. We've talked a lot about it.
Yeah. So on their new family reality show, Alex.
Said that he and his wife Hilaria went to see the Broadway play take Me Out After a Few a few years ago rather and it was it's about baseball players. Her ex was in the play and At one point, all the players in the locker room turn around and they are all naked. Alec knew which one was his wife's ex and said he had a clear not hanging from his pants. Wow, but there are a bunch of naked men, and so we don't know State didn't name names. We don't know who it was. But imagine having to see your wife's ex naked. And he's impressive and he gave him props on that damn reality show.
So there's no way I would not be lucky enough. I don't think I would ever be lucky enough to have it be that I was more impressive, like in that situation, I'm going to be. I'm just saying, like, if that would have happened to me, of course I would it would be that, you know, it would be like, oh great, and he's he's got it going on, great, excellent.
I love that at that like he was down to go watch that.
I think that's wild in itself, Like, el come on, bro, what are you doing here?
What are you doing here? By the way, have you missed any part of our show?
Just searched the fred Shoe on demand and set us as a preset on the iHeartRadio app.
I'm looking at just for fun. I guess it's just all time. I don't think you can get a lot of this stuff right now. But the top ten most ridiculous fast food menu items. I'm guessing this is never because I remember some of these, But I don't think you can get some of this stuff anymore. Like, for example, remember the double down sandwich. Of course you do, Kiki, yep, KFC's finest. Can you still get it? I hope not.
It was pretty obnoxious to chicken patties, bacon, cheese all together.
No bread, chicken was the bun. Yeah, I don't know about Kiki was is It's not was. She is a KFC alumnus, a prestigious KFC alumni. Not only did you work there, but you were a manager. Yes, I'll have you know. I mean several several elements of Americana are represented on this show. I mean Jason worked at Pep Boys. Yeah they did, uh huh. And if I were to call right now, you were the number one cars tire salesman in the in the region. Right. Thank you, Thank you Micheline for recognizing me. Yes, a lot of people wouldn't have been expected that a lot of people wouldn't have expected that Jason Brown sold more Michelin tires than anyone else in the Midwest during his tenure it for decades. What just sound like?
Oh he was like, uh, good afternoon, thank you for trusting the boys. This is Jason speaking. Would you like to hear about our Michelle Entire special today?
Yes, apparently I would. Yeah, so I'm gonna tell you, and then you're gonna buy a Girl and then a Blockbuster and then Kiki worked at KFC any other major American institutions or worldly institutions. What am I missing? Jewel Osco? I did push those cars or carboys car boy, that's right. Yeah, grocery story, that's a that's a huge chain, of course, Kaitlin, did you ever contribute to any sort of like like great American business? No chains.
I did retail and I was a nanny, but I didn't work for a chain that you would know. The stores I worked for just were boutiques. But I'm sorry, I'm sorry about it.
I wish I had still there's still time.
Well I'm trying to work at a great American dispensary.
But well, the way things are going, we might all be working at a great America, won't come to McDonald's. My name is Fred Mats. Nothing wrong with it, but you know, at least I have that voice, so I've got that going for me. There's a buffalo latte from Tim Horton's, which I know is in Michigan or Detroit at Eastern Canada. Yeah, but it was essentially a buffalo sauce flavored latte. I don't know why this is the thing. A kit kat chocolate dia from Where was I for? Where was I for this? This is Taco Bell apparently. I don't know when they sold this. I'm trying to describe what this is. It's like a large soft tortilla slather with nutella esque chocolate in interspersed, which I don't think I've ever had that word used to describe fast food with chocolate chips and chunks of kit kat. Okay, I don't know where they I don't remember this. The Meditarian Burger. We had the half meaty, the full meaty, and the chicken bacon meaty. This was from Burger King. Apparently.
If it's not good for you, I think like the more words I'm noticing, the less.
Good it is for you. I mean, who is going to go to a place in order the half meaty. I don't want a half meat any case. I want the full meaty.
So yeah, it was two beef patties, a chicken patties, six bacon strips, two slices of cheese, barbecue, sauce, and onions. Oh, the half meaty far more reasonable. It removed one of the beef patties and the bacon meaty replaced both beef patties an extra layer of chicken.
Meaty half meaty.
I'm sorry, but I am never accepting a half meatia. I want a full I'm coming with the full media on it. I mean, who is he? Hey, honey, I'm gonna start by Burger king, do you want a half meat eat? No, No one's gonna say that. This actually doesn't look terrible. McDonald's had a Greek mac, like a Greek sandwich meets a big mac. I don't hate this. Like it had a tomato, right and like a yeah, yeah, it had like a like a sauce kind of and a and yeah it was in some kind of a pete or something. Yeah, I don't know. I'm the most American thick burger that was from Carl's Junior that of course had Oh it had laced potato chips in it. Oh no, so it was a cheeseburger. Oh no, wait a minute, No, no, it's not okay, is this really? Where was I for this? This is in twenty fifteen they had this. Carls Junior and Hardy launched the most American thick burger. It's a greasy cheeseburger sandwich between a hot dog and a layer of lazed potato chips along with pickles, lettuce, tomato, ketchup, and mustard. I mean, if you just put an egg on that thing and there's nothing, I mean, it's just everything. It's everything possible. See nowhere else in the world they're going to do that. You know, we don't need to combine meats.
There should chicken and beef or beef and something else on one sandwich.
Like, we don't need it.
I have the respect.
Yes, did you ever serve the cheesa at KFC? No, Kiki, what's that? So it's a chicken pizza. So it's fried chicken covered with mozzarella, cheese and tomato sauce, kind of shaped like a pizza. So It's like a chicken palm head is a camci. I don't know what CAFC had this? Like, where was I for a lot of this stuff? It must have been Oh, Singapore and India. Oh no, no, I have never been there. Singapore, Singapore, the mush and cheese berry burger and angry whopper no burger King Japan made two highly suspect decisions. First, it decided that I don't know what. Let me see the mixed berry sauce, five carefully placed blueberries on a burger. No, I don't know. This is weird. Dorito's crunchy crust pizza at Pizza Hut? Where was I for this? Was I alive in twenty fourteen, because apparently all this stuff happened in twenty fourteen, But it's exactly what you would think. At Dorito's Loco's corn chip crust on a pizza. They had the donut fried chicken sandwich, which I've seen this done other places, but essentially two donuts and then chicken in between. So the bun are the donuts. It looks like these were Krispy Kreme. Not sure, I mean I would need to I would need to stample it before I can tell you it's disgusting that one I try like, let me like, just let me try one and I'll get back to you. I don't know. But you can do it with beef too, I guess. But do you think she can be better than I don't really think.
Yeah, chicken better.
Yeah, but I certainly bring me the full meeting. Don't you not bring me any circumstances. Fread Show, This is the Bread Show. It's the Fread Show. One O three five Kiss FM, Chicago's number one h music station. Good morning every one. Lots of stuff on this show today. I've got a JR Tickets, Chicago Stars tickets, J Balvin tickets, Tate McCray, also Taco's and tequila tickets or is that the state? And didn't they get all of it?
And and and.
And all the stuff? Also a free trip from our friend Amy with R I won one hundred truck Craig tell us why you should win at one O three five kiss FM dot com and we could be calling you Friday morning, and hoo can you up? Supposed to be twenty five hundred bucks to go on a vacasion. But that's not how Aunt Amy does it Mama Amy. She gives away however much she wants. So think big and get signed up on the website. And guys, major announcement time. Are you ready for the major announcement?
Yeah, guys, the Thank You thirteen Tour has returned for you another year. Yet year we hit four neighborhoods. We did four consecutive fridays the show live from different spots, and we're doing it again. And the first location, the very first location, We're going to Oak Park. Everyone. It's a place called the Onion Roll. We're going to the Onion Roll. How bad can that be? It's gonna be amazing. Sixty five West North Avenue, West North Avenue West North Oak Park And we're gonna be there on Friday, April fourth. That's the the first stop from six to nine to thirty and anyone that comes gets a free bagel and cream cheese and a free cup of coffee. And we'll also have tickets to Post Malone at Wrigleyfield. So the Thank You thirteen Tour begins are now. Are we gonna publish all all of the different locations right now, every one time so everybody can see. Yeah, we can put them up on Instagram. All right, so you can go see on the IG where we're gonna be. I'm pulling up the graphic now because we've had several iterations of the graphics. I want to make sure the graphic is correct. The graphics people, you know they did. I guess we outsourced that too. So the Onion roll, that's week number one, Week number two. We're going to Valpo. Oh, no way, I don't know what. I got me so excited. Valpo. We're coming Indiana. Don't add us anymore. Okay, we're going to Indianas, Yes, Northwest Indiana. You guys wanted us to come, We're coming. It is Maple and Bacon and Valpo. And then we're going to Palatine on April eighteenth to the Jelly Cafe, and then Full of Beans in Itasca on April twenty fifth. So we're hitting Oak Park, Valpo, Palatine, and it Taska. Don't complain if we're not coming to your neighborhood, damn it, we're coming close right to please. We tried to pick four quadrants. We tried to pick four quadrants last time. We're probably never going to hit every neighborhood doing our we're doing our best, okay, but we'll see you a week from Friday at our first stop in oak Park. It's the frend Show. Fred's show is on good Morning every one, Monday, March twenty fourth, It's the Fred Show. Hi Klin, good morning, Hi, Jason Brown, Hi Paulina, Hey key key, good morning six fifty. In these show Biz Kiki Showdown, you are seven and oh filling in for show Bitchhell. You had a baby couple weeks ago and it's back in a couple of months. And if you go undefeated whatever that whatever that dollar amount is, you can go get yourself a full meeting. Yes, tell you, I'll take you don't know what I'm talking about, then go back to the podcast and listen to what I'm talking about because I probably doesn't mean what you think it means. If you just don't get you a full meeting, I'll tell me twice. Okay, Jason's running right out the door. Get that meaty means here on the phone the text eight five, five, five, nine, one one three five blogs. Our audio journals will do them in about ten seconds. Waiting by the phone. After that, it's brand new. Why did somebody get ghost of the Entertainer Report this hour too. What's in there? K?
Katie Perry has a really strange reaction to an internet rumor about her, And I'll tell you.
What it is.
They tell them, Yeah, they talk better than they excited. Tell me.
These are the radio blogs on the Fred Show, like writing in our diaries, except we say them a loud.
We call them blogs. Jason, you got one?
I do?
I take it away, Thank you, dear blog. So I think I was the most cringed out I could ever be by my boyfriend recently, Mike. So he's a big Facebook market place person, right, Like, we're always finding hidden gems and going and picking them up, you know, and all this crazy stuff.
Well, anyway, so are they hidden gems? Are they really hidden gems?
You know?
It's hit or miss really with him. Usually the ones that he sends me on ends up being the duds. But then you know, the ones that he finds and goes himself, they're usually you know, the good stuff. But anyway, so he wants to go pick up a tool for something, and so we go and he ends up that he wants to buy it, and he starts out of nowhere trying to lower the price, like now we're haggling, Now we're negotiating, and my skin started crawling, like I'm very much not that person. Like if you tell if if I know, like going that you're asking X amount of dollars for this item, that's what I'm preparing to like like if if your selly's something for fifty dollars, right and I'm showing up to buy you know, your wig fit for fifty dollars because I need a wig. Yeah, I'm not going to be like I got forty in this envelope right here, like I'm here, like I should just take it right, like you should be good with that, Like no, like you've listened it for fifty.
Dollars, Like who am I to tell you what you're good? Are worth?
What you know?
I don't, well, but I don't. It's a negotiation. I don't think anybody on Facebook marketplace puts their best price. And the other thing is unless you said I will pay you fifty dollars when I arrive. Yeah, I feel like you keep it open ended because you got to look at it because pictures don't always do it justice. So you might show up and you might be like, ah, this isn't or there's a scratch on here I didn't see before, or he just doesn't look as good or whatever, and then you I think that I think you can negotiate once you get there, unless you've agreed to a price already. Yeah, the guy was not having it.
He was very much like I got well, you didn't mention anything about the price, like in our messages, right, like mind you. I was messaging this guy, so now he thinks that like I'm up to something funky, right goes. He didn't respond to Mike in the right amount of time, so Mike blocked him. But Mike still wanted the item, So then I had to message this guy and be like, h like your item please. So he very much was like not having it like he was. He was like whatever, and they ended up like he ended up coming down. But I wanted to run out of the building like my fight or flight, Like I was like out the door, like smoke on my heels like out the door.
It was so cringe to me. I just won't do it, and I can't do it.
My dad's the same way, Like if you ever need someone to like barter over a vehicle price, like take Jim Brown, like he will he stands on business. He will come in, he will get you a deal, right or as much as he can. Like I'm just not that person.
Like, okay, that's what his sign, all right, cool?
Like, I don't know.
It's so cringed, man, I hear you because it is kind of a form of confrontation in some ways. But I mean it's that's what negotiation is. I mean, the worst the worst cases, the person tells you know, yeah, and then you can decide whether you want to still buy it or not. But again, I don't think that unless you said when I get there, i'll pay you this, then I don't necessarily think that you can at least try and negotiate. I mean it's I don't know. I don't feel like a garage sales are on Marketplace or eBay. I don't think people put their very best price. I think they put like a price, and they'd settle to you for less if you in some cases.
But don't you like kind of handle that before you get there. I don't want to be negotiating in the parking lot of best Buyer wherever we're standing right yeah, the gas station, Like I want to do this negotiation part, which I hate negotiating too, so I understand, but I'd rather do a via messages like let's let's settle on the price here.
You know, if I had to do it, that would work best for me, Like I want to show up seeing face to face and know what I'm paying, Like we're not doing this standoff.
I guess you could try it, but again, like you got to see the item. Yeah, yeah, you can point stuff out like I guess I would expect someone to do that. I would if I was selling something on Facebook Marketplace, I would expect them to negotiate with me.
Yeah, I would. I would definitely do it in person. Oh yeah, I'm the spot. Oh yeah, and I'm the worst because I'm like, I only brought forty dollars. You know, there's an atm across the hand.
You take the money out and you hold it in your hands. He's like I'm here, Like I'll take it. I'm standing here up your hands. You know, there's other people that are looking at it like you're lying, like just lying. I think there's a way to do it, though, because I don't think you do it that way. I don't know if I would because that just says to the person that I was coming here to screw you. Yes, that makes sense. So I don't know that you necessarily do that, because if I show up and I say, well, I only have forty and I and the price at fifty, well that means that I decided, without even looking at it, that I was going to pay less. I think what you do is you show up and you look at the item and you go, hey, you know what I'm not. I don't know, would you take forty for this because you know whatever, or maybe maybe the price is fair. Maybe the price is actually fair, But I don't know it's worth trying. Because again, if you were selling I don't know whatever. If if you were selling something, would you put just the would you put the actual price up there? Would you go plus ten or plus twenty just to see if you could get it? Yeah? I would. I would probably go higher for sure, because you want to shoot for the stars.
You can always come down. You can't go up, right, I guess I don't know, but that's just not for me. Like he'll be like when he sends me to go get something, he'll be like, oh, it's thirty five, But ask if they'll take thirty and then I'll be like, oh, yeah, they took thirty, but I don't even ask.
I just I just pay five dollars on of my He's like, kid, I just oh yeah, so Jason did. Yeah, it's so mean. See it is you.
He's like tipping the.
Person, like, here's a thank you so much for your gas to get to the gas station. You guys, I did. I did one of the dumbest things I can think of in recent history. And I've done some dumb things, but deer blog. So I was out of town and I was, well, I should just I should say like this. I think I just screwed up the whole story, to be honest with you, one week off and I screwed up the whole story. But I ordered a pizza. Okay, I ordered a pizza. This was last weekend and I ordered a pizza. And I'm waiting and I'm waiting and I'm waiting and a pizza is not showing up. And then finally I get a phone call from the pizza delivery driver and the guy's like, hey, I'm here. They won't let me up, and I'm like, I don't know what you're talking about I live in a high rise. They'll let you up. And I'll be honest, I usually give a good tip up front for delivery drivers, like I'll just because I realized they're gonna have to sort of park in front of the building and then put the item in front of my door. That's the service, right, James, I mean you used to do.
It, yes, uh huh, yeah, so you can select, you know, if you where you want it. You put your little note in there, and there's a part working place right now, there's a place to park right in front. So I'm not asking people to do anything outrageous and then come up the elevator. And I tip well already because I know it's a little bit of extra effort and whatever. So the guy's like, they say, I can't come up. I'm like, no, you you can come up.
So I'm already a little annoyed because this sounds to me like this is a person who just doesn't want to do that, which happens sometimes. So then I get another call. The guy's like, they're not gonna let me up. I'm here, you know, and I'm like, you're and then he starts describing the place like you're not here. I don't know where you are. And he starts rattling off a bunch of numbers, and I'm like, that's not I'm like, dude, not only I'm honestly, I'm starting to get a little attitude here. I'm like, I just want my pizza. Man, where are you? You can't even describe where you are? How am I supposed to find you? Whatever? So finally I'm just like, I'm annoyed. I hang up and I go to look at the tracker of the pizza service. I go to look at it because I'm like, this guy, where is he? You know where he is? He's at the hotel where I ordered the last pizza fri in West Palm Beach, Florida. That's where he is. He's exactly where he was supposed to be, in the hotel lobby holding my pizza, and the of course they won't let him up because he didn't have a room key. And I forgot to change the address in the thing because I'm used to it doing it automatically on one particular pizza website. It didn't do it. So I felt so stupid that I I just I didn't do anything. Did you got him or did you like ghost I ghosted him because I accepted defeat right, Like they got paid for their pizza and he got his tip, and I'm that's I mean, I didn't know where to call to him. I mean I didn't like cuss at the guy. I wasn't rude, I was just frustrated. But I figured in this point, I don't get to ask for a refund, I don't get to ask for the tip. I don't get to do anything. I'm the idiot. I didn't change the address. I'm a moron. Where's my pizza? It's exactly where it was supposed to be. Somebody enjoyed that. Oh my god.
That happens so often though, Like when I used to DoorDash, like people would put their work address right and then you'd end up at their work or they're not paying attention when the little app is saying like like you know, DoorDash would actually say like you're.
Not close to this location, like are you sure right?
So I couldn't even imagine if you're using a service that doesn't remind you, like how many times that happens.
I had a woman one time we were kind of casually dating, and I don't know, And maybe she sent me something from door Dash, or maybe she was at my house and ordered it. I can't remember. But all I know is that maybe like three weeks ago, by had talked to her, and I get this call that I have a delivery, and I don't have a delivery. I didn't order her this time. I didn't order anything to the wrong place. And so I asked you, what is it? And it was like wine and cheese and like chocolate. It seemed kind of like a like a romantic sort of thing. I don't know, like it just seemed like the kind of stuff you'd order like if you were having I guess you could be having anybody over, but I don't know. My head goes to You're you're inviting someone over like that you like or whatever. Anyway, about two minutes later, I get a text from this girl going, hey, I ordered a bunch of stuff over to your house. Is supposed to come to mind. I'm going to come pick it up. I have no idea what it was for, but I contend it was for another date. She was having another man over and she was ordering the shark couterie. And you know, because you got to provide that you got to provide the sharkcoot if you're having people over, you know, a little wine. I mean, at least it wasn't like condoms too, that would have been really embarrassing. But anyway, so that, yeah, she had to I don't know what I would have done that situation. I think I would have just done the same thing I did here and done nothing like. I don't think I would have owned it. I think I would have just been like, oh, I sent it to the wrong place, like enjoy and then ordered something else so I didn't have to explain it, you know, I just take the and keep it moving, right, Because now it's like she had to come to my house. I wasn't there. She had to come to my house pick this stuff up, and I don't know what it was for and anyway, So but that's what I did, and I don't know if it was the right thing to do. I'm not saying that it was. I probably should have apologized, but the guy got his tip and they got their money for the pizza, and I just accepted that I'm the moro on and I think that's all you can do.
That poor man still standing in that lobby, but like.
It just didn't make sense. I'm like, dude, I don't know where you are. Well, I didn't know where he was. I, in fact, did not know where he was. And I'm an idiot and he got a nice tip and I'm sorry. I'm sorry, sir. If you're listening, waiting by the phone is new and next he's ever been left waiting by the phone. It's the Fred Show, Lee's good morning, Welcome to the program. How are you?
Good morning program?
Huh sounds serious the program? Yeah, I saw, I say it sometimes, But what's going on with this guy? Noah? We want to help you out on waiting by the phone. You feel like maybe you're being ghosted? Tell us kind of everything. How did you guys meet? I want to hear about any day you've been on, any details you want to share, and we're going to try and figure this out.
All right, thank you?
Yeah, I met Noah through this indoor volleyball league we both joined this winter. Joe of them, one of the sports like social club companies.
Sure, I just kind of wanted to do.
Something active being that it was colder outside and uh not for nothing, but I heard there were a lot of single.
Men there, so why not.
Yeah, people do that volleyball else they have like softball leagues. You can sign up for soccer stuff.
Yeah, and it's all just guys. Is like being active. But let's face it, people trying to get some Yeah, I mean, yeah, fade right, it's all good. Yeah, I'm a little too lazy for that. But still I got to go kick a ball to meet some I mean like.
No, I'm good, but then you can go you can go to the trivia meet.
Groups, you know, I mean also have to leave the house for that. But I'm just talking. One day, the door desk driver is the hottest person I've ever seen, male or female at this point, just whatever, okay, yeah, and engaging in his door his career.
Okay, so you you joined on a door to a side note, have you been getting male names and then a female shows up or female names and then a male shows up keeps hopping to.
Yes, thank you? Yeah, that actually makes me a little nervous side note because it's like, well, who's whose account is this registered? Like why can't you deliver? Who is the person showing up?
I actually asked the guy the other day and he said. It was his mom's.
Like, why were you? Okay? So you you joined this league to meet a person, and then what happens?
I meete a person.
I met Noah and it was after a few weeks there, and we started talking about getting a drink after volleyball, and we did, and I think it went really well. So I know it went really well because we planned a second date, which was more drinks and dinner and uh again I see dinner and that went really really well. So we went back to his place, we had some fun, and then uh, Noah built the arc and rode away into the sunset.
Okay, so after two days and a hookup, you never heard from him again. He never called her to great I mean okay, and you brushed.
Down and it was more I'm sorry to cut you off. It was kind of more of like a fade away. It wasn't just like a disappear. Messages got shorter and shorter and then eventually stopped. So I don't know what the deal is. This was not like a random thing. We like really got to know each other and then hooked up. It wasn't like one of those things where we just kind of hooked up and he disappeared, so I didn't think this was appropriate time for a fade away.
Huh. All right, well and after two dates and all the rest of it. So here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna call Noah in just a second. He'll be on the phone list. At the same time, we're gonna ask some questions. At some point you're welcome to jump in. And the whole is that we can straighten it all out and set you up one plus another days.
That we say it was so good, awesome, Thank you so much, guys, going.
On in port two of waiting by the phone. We're back in two minutes on the Fred Show. Say search for the Fred Show on demand and make us a pre set please, Hey, Liz, I'm here. All right, let's call Noah. You guys, you went on a couple of dates. You met actually out in the wild at one of those like sort of sports social things. You guys were being active together, which is so exciting and which that makes sense. I see why people you know, meet that way, especially when it's cold, some kind of indoor event makes sense. You meet this guy, you go on two dates. The last date you hooked up, you thought everything was really headed in one direction. But you have not heard from this man since then. You feel like he's ghosting you. You want to know why. That sums it up pretty well. Thank you? All right, Well let's call him now. Good luck, Liz. Thanks? Hi? Is this Noah?
No, hey a, Hi, good morning. My name is Fred. I'm calling for the Fred Show, the morning radio show, and I have to tell you that we are on the radio R now and I would need your permission to continue with the call. Can which have for just a second? You can hang up anytime? Yeah, I guess, yeah, Well, thank you. No, we're calling on behalf of a woman named Liz, who I guess you met. You were playing sports together. I leave the volleyball and you went in a couple of dates, you remember, Liz, I do? Okay? So she called us that, Oh well, hold on, I just wanted to tell you where we're at here. She called us and liked you a lot, told us about the couple of dates that you guys have been on, but says that you haven't reached out since. And so I'm just curious, and maybe maybe you knew what I was going to ask, But you know, why is that are you ghosting her? I think it.
First of all, let's just start here. It's insane that you guys are calling me, first off, and secondly, especially for her. Oh she's we We did meet playing volleyball. It was great, We got along well, we went out a few times, we had some fun. And then, you know, you know, something kind of struck me as wrong the whole time, and I just really couldn't I finger on it. And then finally, you know, the night that she stayed over and we you know, I kind of put two and two together and I realize that, you know, this guy that she's been talking about all the time. She talks about this best friend of hers that she has been best friends with for you know, for a long time, and uh, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, I put it together that this best friend of hers is her ex boyfriend. Now these two spend time together, they go to family things together, they sleep in the same bed at least once a week together. Like that's, uh, that's not cool with me.
Okay. So so Noah, you're getting to know Liz. You guys are going on these dates and she keeps referring to this best friend of hers and all the different activities they do together. And I don't know, like if I guess if it's me and I hear that they're sleeping in the same bed and they're hanging out constantly and family stuff. If I'm being really honest, I just assume it's a gay best friend. If it's a guy, I mean, it sounds like it sounds like, you know, pretty intimate if you have it, If you have a romantic friend or a male female dynamic that's like that, I would assume you would date that person. Well, it turns out they did. They did date, but they still do all these things. Eleven years, eleven years and sons, and it sounds like they're still dating. It kind of sounds that way. But she describes this man as her ex.
Yeah, so she's got this guy in her life that does everything with her. What does she need Noah for?
Oh? What does she need NOA for? In the third person, I would I agree, what does she need Noah for? And here to answer that question is Liz. I forgot to mention that Liz is here. Liz, you left Ali the ex a. That is a very honest reaction. You left out the eleven year relationship dude who still sleeps in bed with you once a week. You left that out.
I mean, I mean, first of all, I can't believe how insecure Noah is. I mean, a girl can't be close friends with a guy.
I mean, first of all, well, we.
Have so much to say.
I cave.
I believe he's freaking out about this. It's so crazy. I mean, me and me and my ex are not meant to be together and it's not physical at all, but we'll always love each other. You know, He's always going to be a staple in my life. He's my best friend for many years, and we just we tried the dating thing and it didn't.
It's not for us.
I mean, I bet a hundred bucks that that he would feel differently if Matt Matt my ex, if he was a woman.
Conversations well, I mean honestly, if it was a woman who you had data for eleven years, I think the concern would be the same. I mean, what we're talking about vegetable standards, I don't think so. What we're talking about here is a is a relationship of eleven years that was at one point romantic, and it sounds like it's everything and you're saying, but the sex, but it sounds like it's every bit as intimate as it was. And so another person comes along and they're like, wait a minute, that would be my job, and that dude's not going anywhere, and you're talking about it so openly. I guess I can see the reservations.
I mean, like, I just I understand and to a degree. But it's just like something you got to get over. Like they'll meet, they'll hang out, and he'll realize this guy is not that and he'll realize run the best run.
Yeah, that that's going to be in your bed by ten pm? Because why why are you sharing bay?
I'm gay and I don't sleep in a back with many of them. Why your bad at girl? I mean, you know struggles for cuddles man, you know what I mean physical? In fact, I would argue that's more intimate than other things that you could do in bed.
I meant live teddy bear, you know, I mean I've heard this before. The guy, Well, I guess you can't have chext about the eggs.
But huh, it's it's exactly. It's the level of intimacy though it's it's it's the lack of boundaries. Like, if I'm a guy trying to date you, and I can see it from a mile away that there's this other guy who's very much fulfilling a lot of that role, then I might ask the same question, like, well what am I here for?
But again, like if it was a female, even if even if we dated, if it was a female and we were laying in bed together and going out and playing volleume, doing all these things together, then nobody would have anything to say about it.
I could honestly tell you that the differentiating factor is the fact that you were romantic. And I know that you'd think I'm bsing you as a guy, as a straight dude. But if I dated a woman or met a woman and found out that she was she spent that much time and had that much level of intimacy and that level of closeness with a woman who she used to date, that would concern me too. I don't care if it's a man or a woman. It's more what are you gonna like? Why is this other person? Why? There are no boundaries? That's that's.
That's my best friend. I mean, if she wants to be my best friend and bought my best friend out of the picture. I just think that just sounds jealous and possessive and insecure, and you'd be missing out on a garden.
You can have the best friends that don't cuddle with you in bed at night once a week, I'm told, I mean.
I want to.
It's literally like sleeping with my dog.
I did not date my dog for eleven years. You know, I caught it with my dog, but it did not.
Yeah, it's also a dog. It's not a human being who you went slept with. And and I mean your family.
Yeah, oncelet with many many many years ago, and he's still friends with my family and they love him. And it's like, yeah, I mean, I just I don't get it.
And I guess I'm just surprisedly is that you can't see even though you clearly understand this and feel comfortable with it. I guess I'm surprised you can't, you know, sort of put the shoe on the other foot and say, would you like it if Noah had this woman in bed with him when he was texting you And it's not an intimate it's not sexual, but but there's a woman who sleeps in bed with him. It's not you yeah.
I mean, I guess I can see your point, but I feel like I don't know. I feel I'm a little more open minded in this field. I guess a lot of people have an issue with it.
So I don't know.
I don't know. All right, So the guys are going, I don't know if.
It would ever work out if Matt knew that you didn't approve anyway.
So no, so Matt, Matt gets the best friend, gets to make the decision. Then, so we ask Matt.
I didn't get to make the decision, but he gets.
A vote in who you dated? Oh boy, your ex boyfriend gets a vote in who you date next? Well, he's in bed with you. Look, I mean, if it works for you, that's fine, but you got to realize it's it's not going to work for a lot of other Yeah. Okay, well anyway, look I'll ask the question, Noah, do you want to try again? Maybe Matt will come. Maybe you could beat Mad. Do the interview prie, go through the interview process. My body be more clear. Wow, that's aggressive. That's okay. So that's a no for Noah. All right, Look, I wish you the best of luck. Sounds like you had a great friendship, and I hope that you can find somebody who's coming through with all of them. Okay, Noah, we got we've heard enough from you. Let's let's just hope, Liz Spike Baby, Yeah, it's going to be weird. Now, it's going to be strange.
How all right, guys find another place to play.
It's cool, all right, Thank you both for your time. Best of luck to.
Both of you.
Thank you, Fred.
The Entertainment Report and show is Kiki six point fifty is the prize? Both next spread Shiel backing too. Caitlin's Entertainer Report is on the Fread Show.
Miss Katy Perry had a pretty strange response to an internet conspiracy theory claiming that she is actually John Beney Ramsey. So an AI video was shared on Instagram and it showed the late six year old who was killed by the way morphing into Katie asking if Katie is just a grown up version of John Benay.
Katie commented on the postwriting, wait, am I the video?
Yes, girl is the correct response.
The video is, of course, referencing this internet conspiracy theory that circulated since twenty fourteen, which Yes alleges that John Bennet's nineteen ninety six murder was a hoax, and Katie is the young beauty queen just all grown up.
I mean, if it's on the Internet, it's true, obviously. Yeah.
And if it's AI it's true too. I'm really worried about us as a society. But okay, Katie, go off girl.
Disney's live action Snow White opened in theaters with just forty three million in ticket sales, which is much lower than the projections and the movie costs like over two hundred and fifty million to make. The run up to the release was of course plagued by controversies over the film's handling of the seven dwarves who are rendered in as CGI, and also backlash over comments made by the star Rachel Zegler that was still in at number one. Black Bag, Captain America, Brave New World, Mickey seventeen, and Novakane rounded out.
The top five. By the way over the weekend.
Baltimore ravens qb Lamar Jackson is going to make his acting debut in the Stars show PowerBook three, Raising Canaan, which I know Paulina loves. He shared some photos of his character etone on Instagram and described him as a deadly dangerous character. This series returned for season four on Friday Night, but not sure when his character shows up in the whole plot of it all?
Did you see the premiere? We oh of Grayce and Kanaan?
Oh, I sure did you did?
Was it good?
It's really like two three episodes in at this.
Point, I am one thing about Curtis, Okay, I call him Curtis. Yeah, yeah, of course he has me locked in when he's got his shows dropping, Like you guys don't see me for a while.
I'm locked in a fifty see you coming.
I've been wondering why I haven't seen you.
Well, she has it in the studio on all the TVs, just on a loop.
You know.
She loves to support her man I do.
And if you missed any part of our show, the Front Show, you can catch up on everything on the free iHeartRadio app.
Let's play these showbiz Kiki showdown. Six hundred and fifty bucks is the prize. We'll do it next. Undefeated is the showbiz Kiky Some ties in there for sure, but seven and oh is your record? Kiki?
Next hour is Kiki Hour because it's the show of his Kiki showdown, and then it's Kiki Kiki's Court? Which Kiki thing? Is it a lot of kikey Hey? Next hour? And in Kiki's Court? Butt ump bump.
Girl, you did not make the cut.
If you want to play the showdown eight five five five nine one O three five six hundred and fifty bucks is the price? Call now? Will play more Fread show next. I just need one Disney producer to be driving somewhere in for one day and go that dude's voice. Yea, he should be the voice of a turtle. Fread's show is on. We've been hearing that for a while, and I'm still waiting. I'm still waiting for that. I'm still waiting for the call. Don't give up. No, I'll never give up. My dream will someday come true. I will get to be the voice of an animated ardvark or something. I'm excited. Morning, everybody. It is Monday, March twenty fourth. The Fred Show is back. Little little vacation a couple of days off.
Hi, Kaitlin, good morning.
How are you doing? Jason Brown?
How are you?
Paul Alina? I'm good. Thanks for asking him. Paulina Hey, ki Ki, good morning, six fifties, the prize, the show Biz Kiki Showdown. We'll play in about ten seconds against Matthew bellaheminez here on the phone of the text eight five five five nine one one o three five ki Key's Court. After that, the entertainment report and headlines fun fact all this hour? What are you working on?
K A couple things so bad news for an impractical joker. Jeff Bezos wedding details and also are we still mooning people?
Apparently we are.
Barly red show? Do you have what it takes to battle UK with the KKNY? No, that's right, I'll be honest man. That intro hypes me up every day. All music hipes me up every day. What did I see a TikTok last week? And it was a woman going she was like in her thirties and she was like, I'm paraphrasing, but it was like, thank God to juvenile. He gave us fifteen seconds to get to get ready for the song, because you know how that song goes. It starts out kind of slow. You know, done done, done done, So you have a minutes to like stretch and and get your act together, you know, before the beat drops or.
Run to the dance floor, you know, after you're getting a drink.
Oh yeah, right right, But a little bit of a warning, you know, you know what's about to happen. The booty shaking is about to happen. And I ride Matthew, the booty shakings about to happen. You got it? Yeah, Well, I don't know how good it's going to be because Kiki is seven and oh in the game. But six fifty is the prize, Matthew, welcome. Tell us about you.
I just headed off to take the kids to school and then back to work.
Right, okay, what are your kids' names, Brandon and Maddy? Well, how did the children and what do you do for a living, sir? Working insurance? Okay, it kind of sounds like you just made up the kids' names and your job, because he seemed a little little hesitant. Are you telling the truth?
So there you go.
He didn't. He did not make up the children and they exist. So five wash uh huh, go ahead and want to be heard. You're yeah, okay, all right, well, hey I like it. Six fifty is the prize. Seven and zero is show biskeiky let's play the game. Good luck guys. Bye, look, thank you, and I know, hey, don't be cheating Matthew. Okay, I mean you know. I don't want any Shenanigans here as far as the undefeated record is concerned, but question number one. Taylor Swift returned to Instagram to praise the new joint album I said I love you first. Whose album is that?
Gomez and two?
Okay, I got full left. We're good. We're good, No worries. Jeff Bezos and his fiance have reportedly sent out their wedding invitations. Who is he engaged to? Three? Former Selling Sunset star Christine Quinn debuted a new man in Cabo amid drama with her estranged husband. On which streaming service would you find selling Sunset? Netflix? Some people think that Cynthia Rivo threw shade at Amanda Seyfried's wicked audition? Who did Cynthia end up playing in the movie Alcaba and Travis Kelsey was spout of golfing with this or His teammate and quarterback for the Chiefs named the quarterback Patrick Mahomes four.
All right, sound really? Hap be about four?
I feel I feel the same way about about that last answer, I don't say it, don't say it, don't say four yikes? Okay, all right, are you ready?
I feel good. I feel good. This may be another tie, but let's let's go. Question number one. Taylor Swift returned to Instagram to praise the new joint album I Said I Love You First. Whose album is that?
Selena Gomez and Bennie Blanco?
That is correct. Jeff Bezos and his fiance have reportedly sent out their wedding invitations. Who is he engaged to somebody with big boobs? Three? Yes, but name Maria Mariah with the big boobs? For uh, we're looking for Laurence Sanchez. Oh Lauren Okay, okay, now you have to get these three to tire. This whole thing's over. No stop, okay. Former selling Sunset star Christine Quinn debuted a new man in Cabo amid drama with her estranged husband. On which streaming service would you find selling Sunset? Netflix? That's right. Some people think that Cynthia Arrivo threw shade at Amanda Seyfried's wicked audition. Who did Cynthia end up playing in the movie Dirty Dog? No way is the witch Shoe, the good She's not the Ela. And finally, Travis Kelsey, the spoted golfing with his teammate and quarterback for the Chiefs. Name the quarterback, I don't care game?
The quarterback of what the chief Oh that little man with the annoying wife prick.
That little man, that little man. Let's congratulate you, Matthew. Nice job, Matthew, Thank you guys. Thanks guys. Six one hundred and fifty dollars is your prize. That is Kiki's first loss in the game. Uh, and hang on one second, Matthew, have a great day, I guess. UH got to say something. What I gotta say?
I can Hey, my name is Matthew, and I can hang with ther could you?
No, Matthew, You're right, you get to do that. Hang on one second, man, have a great day too. I stay right there, Kicky. Now hold on, no, no, this is not We're not. Everything's fine. You are seven and one. I'm very kiky. What it's okay? Seven? Well we needed that money, matt I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. Are you ready? It goes back to one hundred tomorrow and I will start it over again. Okay, Yes, if you go undefeated from tomorrow until Shelley comes back. Yes, we believe in second chances around here.
We do.
We do. Seven to one and one hundred bucks is the price tomorrow. And if Kiki can go undefeated, then I'll let you keep whatever money is left. Oh, which is still gonna be a lot of money because she's got like two months left court. We'll do it next in two minutes. The Entertainment Report and the biggest stories of the day coming up. Order a fresh show. It's Geeky's Court. Hold it eight eight. Oh my god, no, no, let's talk about it. What happened? First of all, there he log he won, and he won six hundred and fifty dollars. He didn't win one hundred and fifty dollars to three and two who texted. So, guys, let's make sure that we know everything before we are outraged. Okay, thank you, that's all I ask. You know, feel free to be outraged. Just have all the information about thirteen, that the kids was cheating and everything else what was going on. I'm not willing to accuse children of cheating yet. I'm just not I'm not I'm not at that level. I'm not that level yet, that level of petty. Nonetheless, it starts over tomorrow one hundred bucks and if you don't lose, then you get all the money. Okay, congrats, Matthew, have no fear, Have no fear. Kiki, Judge, Kiki is here, the honorable judge. Kiki. All rise, judge, if you would.
All right, let's step into the courtroom, it says, Heiki Key. One of my best friends is getting married soon, but I won't be in attendance. When my friend got engaged, I was so happy for her. We celebrated her engagement and she mentioned something to me about being in her bridal party, and we were both so excited. After all, she was the maid of honor in my wedding. But fast forward month months later, I see photos from her bachelorette vacation on social media. That is how I learned that I am not in her wedding. The sad part is that I think the only reason she didn't include me is because her fiance and I had a heated exchange on Facebook over politics.
Well that might be one reason. Yeah, yeah, I could have something to do with it. I've noticed that people are for sneaking about that these days. I don't hate that happens. I have said, it's so surprising that somebody would have a differing political opinion and then eliminate you from their lives. That's crazy.
Yeah, she says, she did send me an invitation to the wedding, and I've decided to decline the invite. What do you think should I still attend?
So she's mad because she's not in the wedding party.
Yes, but.
She was invited to the wedding.
She was invited to the wedding. Now keep in mind, this girl was her maid of honor in her wedding. So you stood beside me as my maid of honor, but you don't even think to include me in your wedding party at all.
I feel like the only way that works is if you have a complete and total falling out. I don't think you can demote a former maide of honor. I don't know that. I don't know that they have to be the maid of honor, right, But if someone is significant enough in your life, Judge Kiki, to be your maid of honor, then wouldn't you think that they would include you in their day as well.
I mean it's nice to think, you know, we all can think and assume, but it's really up to the bride and if you don't make the cut, I think, as my friend, you know, if you're having issues with my fiance, there's a lot that goes into planning a wedding and being a part of the bridal party. There's rehearsals, there's dinners, there's bridal showers, all these things, and if I've decided, you know what, it's best for my mental health that you are not a part of those things because you can't get along with my fiance, I feel like that's my prerogative right, But as my friend, I don't think you shouldn't go to her wedding. You know what I'm saying, Like, you still be there and show up to support your friend. You go, you say, hey, you know you were my maid of honor. I thought we were tighter than this, we were closer than what you know this shows. But I'm still here on your day to support you because at the end of the day, it's not about me, it's about you. So you did what you felt was right, and I mean cause yeah, it feels bad to see your friends on you know, vacation without you, and you're like, oh my god, that was my maid of honor.
She didn't even include me.
You can feel all the things, but at the end of the day, the bride still has the right to make the decision that she made.
In my opinion, yeah, and like unless, I mean, there's people whose wed weddings that I was in that I wouldn't necessarily have in mind if I were to get married today. And I also think, like, you know, if you want the friendship to end, then you can skip out on the wedding. But if you are not okay with the friendship ending, then you need to go to the wedding and you need to swallow it and just keep it moving.
Yeah. By the way, Caleb's still looking for this woman with the Venmo request. You guys, she paid me. Oh nice, nice, you finally got your sixty five dollars.
I had to go to someone else to ask for help, who then made a group chat who then she didn't answer for days, but we finally.
Got our success. So maybe this woman is being done a favor by not having to go to all this. I just I don't know how you. I feel like you gotta find a place. You're you're made of honor caliber, but yet you're not even in a wedding party for the other person. I don't, I don't know. I mean it feels like quite the demotion. Yeah, I don't eight five five five three five. You guys are the jury. I mean, how would you feel about that? How would you feel if you made someone you're made of honor or, you're you're best man, and then that person turns around and gets married however long later, and you're not even included in the wedding party. You don't get to go to the bachelorette party, the bachelor party. This is your group of friends too, you don't even get to be there. Like that's like I got invited to a bachelor party. It's the famous Key West bachelor party. A bunch of great guys in Key West who have no idea, no idea why they chose that place. I have no I mean, I was so disappointed. I'm like, finally we have grown up money and we don't have to go to like South Padre Island. Yeah right, we can go to like Progue or somebody, like someplace insane. Like here's a bunch of doctors and lawyers and then ANITI radio personality. I'm like, we got grown up money, we can go do grown up stuff. Now. Oh no, we went to Key West, but I wasn't in the wedding, but I was included because I think the guy was like, well, you're our buddy too, but like I didn't know. I was kind of the adopted member of the friend group. So I didn't deserve to be in the wedding, and I wasn't upset about that, but I thought it was cool that he invited me to the bachelor party anyway, because I think he wanted to avoid what this woman's going through, which is basically everybody got invited to the bachelor party who was going to be in the wedding because he'd known them since they were kids. And then I wouldn't have gotten to go because I wasn't in the wedding, but it still would have been fun for me to have been included, right, So he did that for me. So I don't know if it different with girls, like would you be would you be upset as a girl? Would you feel slighted if it was, hey, look, you're not going to be in the wedding, but you can't come to the back party.
Oh no, See, now that's where I would be upset, because don't ask me to pay money to come to your trip and come, you know, pay on your bachelorette festivities. And I'm not a part of the writer party that that's an absolute no for me. But when it comes down to the wedding, I feel like we've all had friends who have had partners that we weren't totally head over heels for. We didn't think they were a good person, we didn't like the guy, whatever, But you still stay loyal to your friend because at some point he's going to show his true colors to her, and you know you still want to be there for her when that all hits the fan, because I would go to the wedding. You know, when they say does anybody object? I would cough real loud. You know, anybody object to this union?
I do, you know, but I would still be there for my friend. I just think we can't just assume that people are going to hold us at the same type of standard we hold them in our lives all the time.
I've said this before, Kiki, I at this point in my life I feel like I would need to just elope if I ever got married, like call my parents and call her parents or whatever and be like, okay, because the list of people that I'm going to offend at this point, after having been alive this long, the data I forget to invite, or I don't put in the wedding party, or I I mean, I've stood in multiple I've stood in more than one wedding for the same human being at this point. Really like I've stood in weddings. I mean, one guy's dead. Oh I'm no what I yeah? Or IP shut out to Stuart Man. But I'm just saying like I've been No, he was a great guy. I'm just saying I've been around long enough at this point in my you know, early mid forties or whatever that I there's no way that I could get everybody in my wedding party who is important to me. So I feel like, rather I feel like I, as a guy without a girlfriend, I think about things like like what I'm gonna do at my non wedding, But it's like I feel like I would have to do something quick and dirty because I wouldn't mean to not include anyone. But I think I could really hurt some people's feelings if I didn't include them wedding or in a bridal party, and I wouldn't want to do that.
Yeah, I can't picture you either way, Like having a whole circus wedding.
I really don't with like caterers and this and that.
And the tucks fittings and like having a whole you know, bachelor whatever.
I can't picture that. I picture because you're so.
Low key too that I feel like you would just be like, hey, we're doing this next Saturday. You guys want to come, Like that's how I see it.
And I'm because I'm a Pauline. It would be you guys, it would be my parents, my sister, my brother in law, probably my nieces. And then you know, I've got a couple really close, like super close friends. And then outside of that, I have a lot of friends, a lot of friends, but they're not I don't know, I don't. I mean, I'm either going to have to invite a thousand people or nobody. And I don't mean that as like a humble brag, but it's it. If I think you get to a certain point in your life where I've got a lot of different work people that I value. I've got a lot of different friends I value. I've got friends in like, you know, to Paulina's point, I've got friends for different categories. And I think there'd be a lot of people who would be upset, and not because I'm popular, but because, you know, you get to a certain point in your life where you just you've been exposed to a lot of different people who mean something to you, and this is the kind of messy stuff that happens. Hey, Marissa, good morning, welcome to the show. How are you.
Thank you, I'm good.
I love you.
Guys, thank you, We love you too. So Keiki's Court, basically, it's a woman who was is getting married and and how do I explain this best she's.
Left out of the bridal party by her best friend because she doesn't like her husband.
And this woman was also her maid of honor. So like there's kind of like you would think there would be a reciprocation thing going on here.
So I'm currently in the process of planning my wedding as well, and one of the things that I think is most important is it's your wedding, and you have to do what's best for you. So I agree with what Keiki said, Like, if that's what she decided, that's what she decided. But she needs to have a conversation with this girl, like you just don't go silent and go ghost. If she was her, your maid of honor or whatever that relationship was, like something had to have happened, whether it was the issue on politics or not, but regardless, give her the courtesy to call her and say, hey, here where we're at. I don't want you to be upset xyz and then go from there instead of just not saying anything and just sending out an invite and she finds out through social media that she wasn't invited or a part.
Of the wedding.
Yeah, that's a good point because if we're best friends, that's the least you can do is explain, is tell me why I'm not included exactly.
And then coming down to the girl, if she should or should not go to the wedding. I think she should go regardless, like she might have some tip of feeling on it. But again, that's when she could have that conversation. She attends the wedding, and then after the fact, she could then call that woman and say Hey, I attended your wedding, but I feel some type of way on the fact that I wasn't included in the first place. But I still wanted to be there for you and just resolve it through communication.
And I well, here for you at the divorce.
Well, right, maybe is it Marisa or Marissa? Did I say right, Marissa? Marissa? So and let me ask this, because you're planning your wedding now, like I could come up with as many people as you want to stand up there, but don't you want the numbers to be even? And like, let's say that I only wanted to include. Let's say I only had two or three friends that I thought were close enough to stand up there. And so then wouldn't would you then go and have seven if you had seven, or would you then narrow it down to three too, so that it were even on both sides? And that way, I mean, that would make it really difficult. But at least then you could say, well, he picked three, I picked three. So I had to draw the line somewhere, I guess, I.
Mean at the end of the day, like it really just depends on the person.
Like how I was.
I always thought I would be the person where I was like, I need to have even numbers. But then when it came down to it, like I had five really good friends who I was gonna have stand up and I had a falling out with one of them, so it was about to be like four for me and five for my fiance. And I sat there and I was like, I'm not just going to fill a position when they don't hold the same weight of relationship as the other four who I am having stand up is. So I think it just really depends on what your feeling is on it, and I don't think you need a reason besides the fact of here's what it is, here's where our relationship stands. It's not that I don't love you, it's not that I don't care about you, but I felt X y Z, and this is why I'm going to move forward with not having you. But again, that comes down to the communication that the bride should have called her quote unquote best friend to tell her that. Yeah, but the fact you didn't, I think there's something that had to have happened because you don't just randomly not include.
Your best friend, right Yeah, this is friendship ending stuff right here. But thank you Marissa, have a good day. Thanks you too. Yeah, I agree with whoever said that it is. This is the kind of stuffhere. If you don't handle it right, you wind up without a friend forever. But then at the same time, you got to show some grit. It's tricky.
Hey Raquel, yes, Hi, how are you doing?
Hey Rachel welcome. What do you think Kikey's court.
She should not attend the wedding. I think the point is that she was not told by the bride that she was not going to be included in the wedding, and she found out via social mediation of the situation. Yes, that's so, there's no conversation, you find out via photo. So then you expect me to go to the wedding. No, I don't think she should have to go to the wedding at all, and she shouldn't send a gift either, Oh.
Business girl.
Okay, Yeah, I mean I think there could have been a world where you had the conversation. She didn't find out the way she found out. You weren't sneaky about it, and and maybe there would be some understanding and and maybe some hurt feelings. But okay, but this way, it's like you're trying to pull one over on me kinda correct.
So had you had the conversation and said, hey, you know, Brad, my fiance does not want you in the wedding because of whatever the political fight was, I'm sorry, I have to res send the invitation to include you in the wedding, but I still want you to come.
Then you go to the wedding.
But the lack of conversation for someone who's allegedly a best friend, no, I'm sorry, you don't go to the wedding.
I'll tell you what. Brad and his damn tesla driving around, it's always a problem. Have a good time, all right, Thanks you, bye bye. Don't don't at me. I just picked a random thing that people are mad about, So don't don't at me on that. Hi, Sarah, how you doing? Good morning?
Good morning?
Hey Kiki's court. What say you?
I definitely think that that has become a one way friendship.
That girl is not her front no more.
She didn't even have the decency to talk to her about it.
And me personally, if it was me, if that person was that important to me, I'd be telling my fiance, yes, she's gonna be in my wedding and you're just gonna have to deal with if she's that good.
Of a friend. Yeah, that is a wild thing. Is for a fight between them to trump no pun intended, but to sur I don't know who's on what side, but you know, that's pretty wild to say that a fight that you had with this significant other of mine, that that's the reason that you can't be in my wedding and we're going to end a lifelong friendship over that, Like, that's that's crazy a little bit.
Most definitely, I think that the girl should not go because me and Patty I wouldn't be able to hold it in. I'd probably mess up her weddings with my comments.
So yeah, there was a way to handle it away that this wasn't it. Thank you, Sarah, have a great day, guys, you too. And Lee says that she her best friend did the same thing, but she did go to the wedding. Hold on, let's hear the story quickly and then we'll do the entertainment report. Hey, Lee, what happened? Good morning?
Hey, good morning guys. I'm one of the thirteen.
Thank you, love you for that. So, yeah, I.
Actually found out that my friend cut out out my picture and asked everybody else and I wasn't asked because I couldn't afford it.
Oh my god, Wow, that's awful.
Is she thought that I couldn't afford it to be her, you know, in the wedding group, So she decided that financially it would be safe not to ask me to be in her party. And I found out because I did confront her and she did cry. I cried, and you know what, we're so best friends.
That is what it is, man, So you know, you you would think that in that situation, and I've heard of this happening like low key. They just kind of build it into the budget of the wedding like yeah, look, you know, uh, like Lee's got to be there, so we'll make it work. And then you because you know, people go through hard times and whatever and whatever.
Who I was dating, it was who I.
Was dating at the time, to be honest.
Yeah, yeah, he sucked me dry.
So he's gone. I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm glad things. You guys are still friends, right, yes, yes, absolutely? Well good have a good daily.
Yeah you guys as well.
I love you guys, take.
Care, love you too. Yeah, we had a buddy, a college buddy, uh, and he was in dental school and didn't have any money, and so it was like literally had he was scraping by just to get through dental school. And our other buddy got married and so it was like, look, he's not going to be able to go because he didn't have any money. And then it was a destination wedding. I think it was can Coon. It was expensive, and you know, Caitlin spent through this one hundred times. At least it was can Coon and not you know, uh sal Polo, Brazil or wherever they helped you up to. But anyway, so they they worked it in so that they paid for him and he was super grateful and you know, because he wanted to be there and the whole and he really couldn't afford it. So we all show up to this thing and we all meet the lobby, check in and we're all having a nice time. And this guy who who who who my friend paid for was like this place is so nice and we're like, yes, I guess it's pretty nice. He's like, I've never stayed in a hotel room like this before in my life, Like it is it is fantastic. I have my own pool, like you guys have your own pool. And my buddy looks at him and goes, dude, you're in the presidential suite. That's our room. It's available. Get the hell out. That's amazing stuff. Get out of He's like, he has a dining room in it. There's a butler. My buddy's like that, thinks fifteen hundred bucks a night, that's mine. Get out. But if he hadn't said anything, you would have had this palace all week. Get out of the Vay Aaron's Entertainment Report.
He is on the Press show just days after a woman accused Joey Gatto of sexual assault. A former employee has now come forward about her negative experiences with the comedian.
So first, if you missed it.
A TikToker who goes by joo zyb accused the Impractical Joker star of sexually assaulting her when she was nineteen, claims that he has denied now. A second woman who worked for him during his time on the show claims that the comedian was flirty and handsy with her told some really inappropriate jokes. In a statement, he said, I have used poor judgment and as a result, violated the trust of people I love most. But anyone who knows me at all knows full well that I wouldn't assault anyone. Working on myself is an ongoing process, and I am now going to take some time away from the public eye to focus my energies.
Where I need and real quick.
Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez, or Mariah with the big boobs as Kicky would call her, I'm getting said to walk down the aisle after a two year engagement, where it is they're finally sending out their wedding invites. I'm dying to see who's going, and it's going to be a summer wedding in Italy. It looks like as you know, Jeff was married to philanthropist Mackenzie Scott for nearly twenty five years, had four kids together before they divorced in twenty nineteen, which is the same time that he and Lauren popped out in public for the first time. The Amazon founder then proposed in twenty twenty three on his super yacht, and you want to guess what she said.
She said, yeah, yes to the ring in the super yacht.
Listen, I heard Mariah with the big Moves is not invited at the wedding.
That's what Well, she might have spilled some tea on that one, because who is Mariah with the big boves?
Such right answer is now, Jeff.
By the way, if you missed any part of our show, The Fred Show, catch up on every single thing. Just type the Fred Show on demand on the iHeartRadio app.
Can you imagine what that prenup must look like? He's worth? What lord is Jeff Bezo is worth today? Let's just look here, Jeff, Jeff Zos is worth two hundred and ten point eight three billion dollars.
Okay, yeah, light change, and.
I assume that point a three is eight hundred and thirty million, So two hundred and ten billion, eight hundred and thirty million. So like a good deal, an excellent deal for her wouldn't be allowed. I'll tell you what. You can have the point eight three. If we get divorced, you can have the point eight three. I get the two ten.
Yeah, it's got to increase over time. I like when they do that, like you got to earn this money, you know, a man?
But I would I mean, obviously he could. A rounding error would make her a gazillionaire. So, I mean, I can't even imagine what that like. You can have point one percent of my because like what a Mackenzie leave with, she left with billions on her own. But she was there from like the very beginning, like when he was you know, he had the spray painted sign on his wall and he was selling books out of an office and god knows where, and she left him when he got jacked.
She got approximately thirty eight billion in Amazon stock as part of the settlement, most expensive confirm divorce in history.
That's a pretty good deal.
Yeah, she gives a lot of it away too. Props to her right, she.
Gives most of it away. I shouldn't say it's easy to do. It's not because a lot of people would just keep it. But I mean, I don't know it would It would be hard. I would think if you got thirty eight billion dollars in a growing stock, it might even be hard to give it away. Yeah, well, what nation should I save? Or it's crazy? The fun Fast is that more fread show?
What the Fread Show is on? Fread's fun Fact?
Fread's fun.
So much? Learn so much? Shall we know this? I feel like this is going to be a problem for people with anxiety. And you'll see why I mean that in just a second, because I think you're going to start thinking about this now. But did you know that when you breathe, you're actually inhaling most of your oxygen through only one nostril at a time, And then every few hours, the active nostril will take a break and the other one takes over, and then I switched back, switches back again, and it all happens inside your brain. You don't do anything. What weird?
The problem is if you have anxiety and I point out breathing, Yeah, anyone with anxiety goes great. Now I'm thinking about breathing because you don't normally think about breathing.
You just do it.
But now now that I have you thinking about which nostril, now it's.
Like, right, which one of y'all the slacker?
Which are you talking to your nostrils? Which one is not doing any work? Which one of you is slacking? More Fresh show next