FULL SHOW (BEST OF): 12/26/24

Published Dec 26, 2024, 7:29 PM
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On one today. I'm excited for the day on one today. I think they're gonna if I ain't gonna stand for it, we're going to I haven't had enough coffee. I'm not feeling like it. What I will say, though, is I did come in today to find that a box had arrived for me that had not yet been opened. So I want to say thank you Rufio for allowing me to open my own mail. I always allow you to open your own mail. I'm talking about even true. What are you talking. We had a calamity last week where it turns out that a gift was received and by one of the thirteen family members, and I didn't even know that it came. So then this person's writing me, going, well did you get the gift I sent? And I'm like, oh no, all these clouds were eating it and I didn't even know where it was from.

I had no idea the Fred Show, we're opening it.

I don't think so, Yeah, it's good, that's how it works. I don't think it worked that way. All of us, right, we collectively are at the frend show. The show. I don't know about that. I think I should be aware, as Fred of the Fred Show. I think I should be. You found out the next day when the boxes in here. I found out that it was here after someone told me where it came from. The giver of the gift. Who thinks I'm a jackass because I didn't thank them? So I need to know if it says Fred of any kind Fred Show, Fred's in the idiots. I don't care what you think about that. Actually, you actually don't get a vote in that. I think it's fair that I know what shows up for this show so I can say thank you. Because I think when people write the Fred Show, sometimes they're thinking about me. I know that's a crazy I know that's a crazy thought for all of you. Ruvio has a really hard time with that. But when people write the frend Show, I think sometimes sometimes believe it or not, I think my head come, my face comes into their mind. I know that's crazy for you to think, but tell.

Them to start putting Christopher on it.

And here's the funny thing. The funny thing is I open it and I always give whatever it is to you guys. I never keep any of it. But I just got to know that it showed up so that I can say thank you to Amanda and Maddie in this case for sending us a gift, because none of you guys get the DM from people going did you get the thing I sent you? I get that, and then I don't know that it showed up because you guys have unilaterally decided to open the mail. So all I care is if you want to open it, open it. Just tell me what the hell it was so I can go, oh, yes, thank you for the rolex. I really appreciate the rolex that Rufio's wearing.

Yeah, man, I got a couple of extra if you need it.

Probably do. He's the frend show Good Morning on the radio, and the iHeart app as well search for the Friend Show on demand. We were talking about this the other day. It's like, as theless leader of this of this pack I have, I've had to learn what each of your like love languages are, and like what each of you like, how each of you are motivated, and you're You're all so incredibly different in like the way that you go about doing things, And the hardest part for me is trying to figure out the custom way that I'm going to get you to do the thing I need you to do. Without being a jackass. But that Rufio is the kid who did his homework right before it was due, or as it was due, or slightly after it was due, but around the same time that it was due. That was you, for sure, Caitlyn. You were You got your homework done on time, right. You didn't have late homework, did you?


I did all my homework, but I was a really.

Bad test taker because of my ADHD and anxiety. So I had like good grades because of my homework, but then when it came to us that was not great.

Jason's a rule follower one hundred Yeah, Jason, you are a rule follower. He loves you things on time or early. And like if it says if it says in the thing that you're supposed to do it this way or that you're not supposed to do it this way, then he's always the first to remind me, Well it says here, you can't say that. Fred I'm like, well, we're gonna pretend we didn't see that.

That's why that's why I'm sitting next to Jason too, because like in school and be like you copy, yeah, he's got he's got all the work done, and be like, hey, Jason, right, let me see you gave.

Me anxiety because I'm like, oh my god, I know what. I'm a people pleaser. So it's okay, It's okay, Paulina. I think you and I mean it's in the best way because I respect it so much, but I feel like you would have figured out a way to get it done without having to do it absolutely. Yeah, like, and you work hard here. I'm not saying this is nothing about your work ethic, but I'm saying, like, if you could figure out a way to delegate but still be involved but like but not actually do it, it's which No, which is smart? I mean that's like, that's I was never smart enough to like tell anyone else to do my stuff for me and then say that I I did it. Yeah, Well it doesn't translate here. I don't. I don't know. I don't think it died. I don't. But I could see that being you, like, yeah, smart, savvy.

So I'm saying, like, like, let someone else handle it the stuff that I don't need to put my time into.

See, look at this, I just like And then Kiki, you you strike me as the as the person growing up who could talk your way into and out of anything.

Oh yes, that was like I used to eat lunch and the teacher's lounge because I would go in there and just like converse like I was supposed to be there.

Yeah, and I think I think many of you share that same quality of being able to like Rufio has it too, of being able to charm your pants out of it. Oh yeah, like when someone when someone's about to yell at you because you because you, I think, Paulina, what you do is like I know that you need the positive affirmation. So I can't get mad at you because I don't want to make because I don't. I want you to have the positive affirmation, like I know the negative affirmation is way worse. So I can't get mad at you. Well that's nice, I can't. I try and get mad at him, yeah, but he then does some kind of puppy eye look at me or yeah right, and then all of a sudden it's like, well, I guess, and then I don't. I don't know. You're emotionless sometimes, so.

I oh my job as well, So I don't really think we absolutely.

Let me be clear. Let me that's one thing about me. Let me be clear. Though. None of this is about none of you. This isn't about you not doing your job. It's about how each of you go about it. In my opinion, I see that. I think some are like, how do we do this intelligently? Yeah? Such that you know that's a great word, intelligently its I prefer that not as much of an impact on my schedule. Is you're not lying?

Where is the lie?

I see none? And then you just put your head down and do it. But but the inner monologue is what I'd love to hear. Klys says that all the time.

But you guys, it's not as crazy as my facial expressions make you.

I hope control. I hope none of you. This wasn't intended to be negative at all. It's just it's just as I sit here in the middle of this room and look at each of you, it's just each time that I each time I have something to say, I have to think about how to say it like a parent. Right, So I cut sort of now, but here what do you think of me? Though? And you can tell the truth because here I am saying, like as the as the quote unquote leader like here's and I don't know if you. I think if you're a parent, if you lead a team at work, you're listening right now and you probably know like what I'm talking about. It's like you can't approach every single person on your team if you know them or take the time and know them, you can't motivate them all the same way. Not everybody's here for the I mean, everyone's here for like a common goal, but the reasons that everybody gets up and comes in here and does this are very different the way that it fulfills people. I think. But what's me going on telling you not to do something you'll do? You'll do it, yes, so that you know, so we have to work around that psychology.

Yeah, so tell you to do the thing I don't want you to do and then you'll do it.


But I don't do it on purpose. Like if if you said don't do this, I don't do it because you said don't do it. But most of what I don't know about that, But most of what I'm told not to do so was dumb. I should I should do it? Hey, lease your hands up, don't talk about the suits today. All these say That's what I'm saying every time, Like that's a dumb thing to say. Don't do like most like sometimes when you're like, don't do this, Like when you're like, I don't know, don't say what time we're going to give away the the you know, the the vacation that you know, Zimbabwe or whatever, don't don't don't tell everybody what time it is because it's going to ruin it. I'm like, are you sure, Okay? Fine? But if you're like, don't talk about the suits who are idiots, then that's dumb. I'm gonna talk about them, you know where. If you're like, don't ask that question because that because the paper says don't ask it, I'm like, but that's the only question I want to ask, So I ask it. What else? Do I think?

It's about timing with you, like I have to if I'm going to hit you with something, like I have.

To wait until the vibe.

Is right, Like I have to the timing is right because I'm the type of person like if I need to say something, I don't want to forget it, so I want to say it right away. But I've learned that I have to, like, let's feel it out and see where we're at on this emotional scale before we.

Like, that's very fair hit you with something that you know. I'm still learning that and you don't like.

Surprises at least in my opinion, Like I got to prep you for stuff. If I tell you something big news or something, I need to like prep you, like, I can't just like.

Show up and say it. That's all fair, that's all fair. But I haven't thrown a CD at you in a very long time, Jason, you don't have Yeah, I haven't thrown it cat some time. You act like you act like if you don't hit me at the right moment that I'm going to have like an actual it's not an explosion. It's more of an implosion, wouldn't you agree? It happens, It happens like internally, I fold into myself and I don't.

Want to put you through that. So that's why it's about finding the right You're like.

A storm, Like I can feel it coming, you know, like a bird.

I've heard that before.

Your bad knee.

Yeah, that's exactly why I come in here and something's rumbling. Yeah, there's a tornado on its way. I'm telling you right, it's going to be a windy day to day friends. No, no, he's not.

Sure this is break down for you and then we hit sometimes Yeah.

No, So at least the brunt of the of the pain uh falls within me and not because you know, some people like it's all external, like if some's going on inside of them, they just make everybody else pay. And maybe that maybe that's true with me too, But I feel like I just I like I fold into myself, which I'm sure is uncomfortable for other people too, But at least it's not you know what I mean. You know the people who like yell and scream, and then they are the people who, like I don't know it lives within them. I'm the guy who lives within, deep deep within. I wish it would each I'm sure it's eating away at my organs and in life span or whatever. This this this beer belly I got going, I wish you would eat away of that. But it doesn't. Stress doesn't seem to do that. It seems to make it. It seems to enhance.

The dad body does your cortisol. It makes your tummy bigger when you're stressed.

But I'm an intermitted, intermittent fasting all week, so I'm basically yeah, I basically thank you for Yeah, I am thank you, and thank you for pointing out absolute your shirt. I know, I know they're they're rock hard. I can wash someone of those. I know you could you walk up to any time? Okay, cool? Keep things clean, which you Rufo won't because he doesn't wear clean clothes. But that's something else I know about him, something else that Rufio is not motivated by cleanliness and hijiing. He's the show Good Morning on the radio and the iHeart app as well. Search for the Fred Show on Tomaion texted eight five five one three five. I've text college volleyball and club volleyball for fifteen years and that was a fantastic segment. Yeah, it's true. I don't know, probably my sister a lot of years ago, who was like really big on the love language thing. Yeah, it's important, No, and it's true though, Like and if you don't know what I'm talking about, there five love languages, right, acts of service, time spent, gifts, words of affirmation, and physical touch. And you can take a little test. You can get the same with personality testing too, but you can you take the test and then I don't know, it's interesting when when you know for sure the order in which your partner or teammates or whatever, the order in which they sort of prioritize things, and then when you appeal individually to that, it's amazing the result, Like you get much better results from people that way. That's true, and I never really thought about it before, really. Yeah, But then also I think sometimes you got to be aware of how people are giving love. Yeah, that's different. Honestly, you give your love in one love language and you receive it in another. I agree, But sometimes it's as important to know how someone's giving it love, even if it's not the way that you want to receive it, because that means something to them. Like my mom is a giver, Like she gives and gives and gives and gives and gives, and then the one time she wants something, you better do it because because in her mind, and she's not wrong, but in her mind, she's been giving and giving and giving. And even if he didn't ask for it.

I struggle with that because like people didn't ask for it, you know. So then I sometimes get resentful because I do all this stuff, but it's like I'm putting that on myself to do right.

It's something I don't Sometimes people are ungrateful, but I think for the most part it's probably not the people are un great. They just they didn't necessarily need to receive that from you. So so yeah, I think I I think I'm that way with words of afformation, Like I will give words of afformation and I mean them, but I really want them back to I don't know. But I'm also very bad at taking compliments, so I don't I don't know's it's a complicated thing it is. But like if someone's giving me gifts or something like, that's nice, but that wouldn't be the same. That wouldn't do for me what a genuine word of affirmation would do for me from a partner. So you could be giving me gifts all day.

You know.

The other thing though, is that like, like acts of service is a big one for people I've dated, but like to an extreme, like almost to the point where I become resentful of them because I'm like, I'm not your I'm not your assistant. You know. Like there's a line too, It's like I know you like it when stuff's done for you, but I'm not going to do it. Everything like I'm also not a I don't you know, I'm not your post Mates driver. I don't know. It's I guess it's finding that balance too. But this is all very complicated, you guys. Maybe this is why I'm not in a relationship because I sit around, I think about these things by and I can't put them into action. You know. That's the other thing. I'm a thinker. Oh my god.

Yeah, I destroyed myself many times just by thinking. Overthinking is too stressful and stressful out here. I think there are a lot of thinkers in this room. Yes, actually we all overthink. Yeah, I think not healthy except this guy right here, Rufio.

I just think out loud, you know, and then I can't think. None of us are allowed to. No, No, there's no internal monologue. Everything is external. Yeah. No, it's true. You never really have to know what Rufio's thinking, or he'll pout. He'll either say everything or he'll pout to say nothing, and you're being punished. There's that too. Yes, you look at this stuff that we pay attention to about each other. This is this is another thing, like like Kiki when you came along whatever a year ago or something. I'm like walking into this room is not easy, yes, and you did it masterfully, but but you cannot come in here like a ball in a china shop with a bunch of people who know each other. I know what you're thinking. I can look at you, Pauline, and I already know what you're thinking, right, I don't even have to ask. It's just because we've known each other for so long, and like the fact that we're sitting here for five hours a day and just bs, it's like you cannot not sort of, you know, absorb things about people that like it's just an intangible huh huh. You know. So if you come in here and you're like you try and take over, it's like, nuh uh, that ain't gonna work. Yeah, no, wow, don't want to stress myself out. No no, no no. But then and you sing to us in your beautiful falsetto tones and everything, and it's just it's makes up for all the lost time. It's the charm. Yeah, that's when that went back to the charm. E's the frend Shiel Good Morning on the radio and the iHeart app as well. Search for the freend Shiel on demand. I you know what I wonder if I could run down Columbus from like Roosevelt to Monroe, like the finish area starting whatever. I wonder if I could do that without stopping, Like, I wonder if I could physically run that are laughing or that's all I'm thinking about?

Is that video of you chasing Ashland in the forest?

You doing that down't Columbus like that? Yeah? That wasn't much of an athletic run, wasn't It really did like in the forest. You guys were in a house in the forest, different pictures, backyard for.


It wasn't like a full speed run because he wasn't you know, I chasing a child the last So now that's what well, that would scare me. I mean, I'm not Milwonkee looking runner. I'm not a runner, but I'm not certain that I could run. And it's just terrible. I don't know, without stopping. It's like a full run, like a like a race run without stopping one time. That's probably what a mile and a half? Yeah, yeah, just over my I would say, yeah, something like that. I don't, I don't. I'm not certain I could do it. Yeah, I mean, Kiki, you.

Could do it, baby, you know how I used to dodge the male run in school like every year, a full scheme, faint fallout, protest.

It was. It was bad. Yeah, if you weren't here for that.

I'm triggered when you say something about running a mouth. Yes, yeah, I'm not sure. I'm not sure if I could do it, let's not, let's not. I'm not volunteering to try. Maybe I could, but i'd be really tired. Yeah, could you do it without stopping one time? What do you think the literal disc I think it's right.

Like a mile? Oh yeah, you can run a mile without stopping? Absolutely? Yeah, yeah, I don't know without being I really don't know why people and have never been a runner. But I've really never been a good runner for some reason. I'm not sure. The only way that I can run was I played basketball in high school, and if there's a ball involved, sometimes I get tricked into that understanding or realizing that I'm running. That's the only way though, But yeah, it is. It's amazing with a twenty six point two. It's crazy. And I saw a TikTok video from a cardiologists the other day. He was talking about the five things that he won't do, like as a cardiologist that he'll know, and one is run a marathon. Yeah, it's like it's absolutely awful for you. It's terrible for you to do, bad on your knees, not good for you. But yet I can't do that. So what does that say? I don't know is it good or bad that I can't do it?

I'm not I don't think I'll ever do a marathon.

I don't know. I'm not interested. I just think I could run a mile.

But marathon people train for this too, Like I friend's training and I'm like, so you're just running like twenty miles for fun tonight like.

They're training to do those.

My biggest fears that I'll marry into a family that like likes to run on like Thanksgiving or something.

No, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm terrified of that. I've seen that. I've seen that prompt on on hinge, Like, this is not a joke where somebody will be like, who wants to join our our turkey trot five kro I'm like, nope, I'm not into You're really hot, but X like no, I'm not interested in that. I'm oh, okay, here's a question. And this is for people who have actually run America. Because here's one thing I will say, and I'm not. I'm admitting fully that I cannot do it. Okay, so let's just get that out of the way. How long do you get to call yourself a marathoner? Because I know somebody who the last one that they ran was fifteen years ago, and they still say, oh, oh, I'm a marathon runner. No you're not. Not damn bred, No you're not. That bumpersticker is legit. You know you ran a marathon. That's amazing, Like, oh, I'm a triathlete. Oh oh my god, that's incredible. When's the last end that you did one? Seventeen years ago? A lot can change in seventeen years. Okay, seventeen years ago I was I'm not very good at mathas you know.

I was.

I was twenty three years old. Okay, the things are very different from then to now. Okay. I had a full hawk then, and I was wearing True Religion jeans and Abercrombie layered shirts, several of them of different colors with the color pop tell you yeah no, so so Rufio, he knows what I'm talking about. Yeah, But how long do you get to brag about your marathon. It's you know, it's it's like that when people say still talk about the Chicago Bears winning the Super Bowl. It's like, dude, that was in the eighties.

Eighty five, Yeah, like come on, y'all, yeah.

No, but I'm just like, guys, that was it. That's a whole different time. Like a lot of people are dead from then. I'm serious, like no, I don't mean on the team. I mean like that we're alive. Then they're not even here anymore.

If the Lions ever go to the super Bowl, I will be that old lady like remember in twenty thirty.

Like, we don't get to brag about the Cubs World Series anymore. From twenty sixteen, we don't get to brag about that anymore. It's it's we are so far beyond that. No, we won. It was amazing. You get like, I think, you get a good year, maybe maybe eighteen months because of how long it's been, yeah, since they had won one.

Especially when after they imploded the whole team. But right now you don't get to talk about the World Series anymore. And now the Cubs think you do. The Cubs like, hey, we got you one in twenty sixteen. Now we don't have to do anything anymore.

Yeah, eight five five three five. That's my question this morning for now, how long do you get to it? Again, here's it's come from a guy that can't do it. How long do you get to How long are you to brag about your thing? It's not even like I once did one. Yeah, and here's what I thought about it. That's one thing. But like to call yourself an active anything, you gotta do it.


I feel like there's some people that also, like still call themselves an athlete because they were in high school. Now, that to me is very far removed. Like I played volleyball, but I would never be like Ice. I'm an athlete, Like I literally haven't touched volleyball in fifteen years, you know what I mean. But people do, And I hate to be that person, but people do say that still.

Now, what I will tell you is that if I and this is a lot of marathoners don't do this, but if I were to run the Bank of America Marathon on Sunday and they give you that little metal and that little like saran wrap thing that's the tinfoil thing you wrap around yourself I would wear that for a week. Oh you deserve too, the tinfoil and the metal. You deserve to. I mean I would take a shower and stuff the timfoil back on, like everybody would know. Everybody would know that I did it. But for how long? I mean a few weeks? I think a year maybe. If it's been more than five years, you don't get to wear the title anymore. And this this could apply to like high school athlete. To your point, like, well I was a I was a high school football champion. It's like, well that, okay, that's amazing. You're forty, Like that's amazing? Is that? That really is an incredible accomplishment.

Off the jacket in the ring bro We don't need to see it anymore?

Oh okay, Now Alex has a different opinion about this. Good morning, Alex, how are you?

Good morning?

I'm good?

How are you?

Oh, Alex? Are you yourself a marathoner?

I am?

I ran the Chicago Marathon last year and from on running the New York City Marathon this year.

Okay, you will brag about it four.

Forever, Alex, but you are a marathoner, like right now you are doing it actively brag about it, And I'll also say it's a great story if you do like New York, Boston, Chicago, like a lot of people like to do that, and then that's a great story. But in ten years, do you still get to call yourself a marathon or if you're not doing it anymore?

I absolutely will because I've worked so hard.

I'll say it for the rest of my life.

There you go. Hey, hey, more power to you, because you ain't gonna see me on you. I even know if you I'll get out of bed to go stand on this. I have gotten out of bed to go stand on the sideline before I watch people. I'm too lazy to do that most of the time. So anything in my backyard, yeah.

Fair enough.

Everyone's got their things.

Let me ask you a questions. Have you done Chicago before this? It's the first time I did Chicago last year? Lestend boy in New York is this year? That's right, that's right, thank you. Is it true that when you get to certain neighborhoods the smell is off putting, like you don't want to run because it's like it doesn't smell good.

Yes, there are certain areas that smell a little funkier.

Than others, but there are also areas that smell better than others.

Took Alex, here's another question. Did you pee yourself in order to keep your time up? Absolutely, that's a real thing. I mean that's a real thing. There are photographs and stories about people who pee and poop themselves because they and other bodily functions occur, and they don't stop because they you know that however long that takes, whether it's two minutes, five minutes, that could affect their time to qualify for another marathon. So they don't stop. They just pee themselves. Did you see that happen? Did you see it on the on the course?

I actually didn't see it on the course, but I was in the back of the pack, so I was in the group of people who were just there to finish.

I'd be the guy who, like they're they're taking down the marathon at seven o'clock at night and I'm still running. There's a police car behind me to protect me. That would be me. Hey, as long as you finish, who cares? Good for you? Alex? Hey, I wish you well, Thank you so much, have a good day.

Thank you to love you guys.

Yeah, good love. Yeah, good luck. That's amazing. Hey Tasha, Hi, Hey Hi, are you a Are you a marathon.

Or I am not.

I've actually I'm been in too mini marathons, and it's been quite a while now since I've done them. But I do not say that I'm a marathon or half marathon runner. But I do take props in the fact that i did it just because it was a personal feat and it.

Took a lot to do it.

So I, like I said, I don't currently say I'm a marathon runner, but I definitely you know, we'll tell people that I've done it before.

Yeah. Yeah. I don't think you don't get to tell anybody you did it. I just think it's like, oh, yeah, I run marathons. Oh you do, Oh my god, that's amazing. And it turns out that the last one you did was ten years ago. It's like, well, you don't run them, you did run them. It's different. Yeah, it's a different posture. Thank you, Tasha. And by the way, congratulations because you just did two more than i'll ever do. So thank you.

And I have one more thing to say that as a girl prior to me, I was in the Indianapolis Mini Marathon, and if there was a pace you had to keep up. And if you didn't meet that pace, there was a bus at the end picking up all the people and the stragglers that couldn't keep up with that pace.

Really, we pick you up and go to the end. Yes, there was, So you didn't want to get on the bus like that would be embarrassing?

Yeah, and yes, absolutely, And I was scared. I kept on looking behind my back, but I never saw.

The bus that I did not get on the bus, So I was happy about that.

Okay, good, Hey Tasha, that's a great story. So you peed yourself, is what you're saying. Oh no, no, no, yeah that's what That's what she's saying. She didn't want to. Hey, look, Fred, I don't want to get on the bus. You gotta do what you gotta do. And I don't blame you, man. Tasha, have a great day. Thank you for listening.

Thank you, of course, thank you back.

I mean, I probably sound like a big hater right now. I probably do. Armando. I don't mean to be because I can't do it.

Armando high Yeah.

Are you a marathoner? Armando, Yes, I've done.

I actually just got back two weeks ago. From Berlin doing the marathon in Germany.

That's amazing. Congratulations, Yeah, thank you.

I've done for Chicago and in New York, but it's mithed a couple of years and a couple of people were like, are you still a marathon owner because you don't look like one. I'm like, hey, it was a pandemic, but I had to get back into it to be considered a marathon runner because I think you only have about five years to brag about it.

Well, see now, Armando. That's the other thing is I don't understand running sometimes because I'll watch marathon runners and I'm not in the best shape, but people who don't look like they're in as good as shape even as me, are running and completing a marathon. So I don't understand, Like from a body type standpoint, I don't understand how that works because I'll be like, wait a minute, oh I'm I'm I look a little more fit than that guy and he just ran a marathon, but I can't do it. So I don't understand.

It's a mental thing. Half of it, more than half of it is mental because I get to maybe half the marathon and my body's done. My body's like, oh, I can't go on anymore. But just after that, it's all mental.

And see that's why I absolutely respect it if you can do it, because you have more mental fortitude than most. But I just again to your point, like, I mean, the last time I went skydiving was eight years ago. I don't consider myself a skydiver anymore. I'm a licensed skydiver of one hundred jumps. It's not fair for me to say I'm a skydiver because I'm not. I did use to skydive and maybe i'll start again, but I'm not a skydiver because then people were like, oh, that's cool. When did you do it last? Well, long time ago. What about your glider like I'm going, I think I'm within I'm within range of that and I'm an active member of a Glider Clip, so I'm still a glader pilot. Yeah, I think so. Thank you, Harmondo, have a good day. Thank you. Yeah, Eddie, Hi, Eddie, Hey? Doing what's up? Man? You ran a marathon on Saturday, Just a casual marathon. Where was this? So?


First off, marathons are boring. I used to run them and then I didn't really a super boring. Well, then I got into mud runs, and the run that I actually ran this past weekend was a twenty six mile mud run with thirty obstacles where it's like, monkey are some of through mud, underneath farb wire, going through water, getting just filthy. And that's what makes it more fun because there are things to do while running twenty six miles.

Yes, you know, I believe it or not. I can see that. I'm not sure I could do it, but I see what you're talking about. It breaks it up because like every mile, you've got a different sort of challenge to take, and not that that wouldn't make you really tired, but it's like you run a mile, then you do a thing, then you run a mile. I think part of it that would be hard for me is just in my mind to justify why am I doing this? Like after you know, I've done a five k before, and after the adrenaline wears, like I actually thought I was gonna win the five k. Well the last five k, I did, you know, because you're adrenaline is pumping, they go, okay go and then you start running and I was towards the front and I'm like running fast and I'm like this is so easy. I'm going to win this five k right now. And then after like a mile and a half, you're adrenaline wears out and then I start running at a normal pace and the real runners past me and then they win. But I think even in that, after like two miles, I'm like, why am I even doing this? I'm not going anywhere, No one cares. I don't win anything, don't, I don't. I don't even get a T shirt out of this, Like why am I even doing this? And so imagine if you had to do that times ten? But I see what you're saying is if you got like a something you gotta climb up, or a net or like I don't swim through some you know, I don't know, cowpoop or something. I mean like that's you know now that and they got something to think about to distract you.

Yeah, I mean I asked myself at a very uh in every single race normally, when I get to like mile twelve, mile fifteen, I'm like, why am I doing this? But it's not just because I'm in pain from running, but I'm in pain from doing the obstacles. Because you fall a lot, you'll slip, you'll cut yourself.

On, you know some whatever the obstacles are.

I mean, and to be fair, like some of these races, there are prizes at the end, they have cash prizes, but like the one I did this weekend, first place took a sword. It was a giant sword that they had made. It was like a trophy specifically for that race. So sometimes you just race because you want something cool like that.

That's kind of cool. Yeah did you win? Did you win the sword?

Yeah? How did you do? Eddie?

I did not do very well.

No, you did it though. There's more than I can say. So thank you, Eddie. Have a good day, man. And I got to move on. Thank you Mirror and Greg for calling. I got to move on. I just it was just my thought. Oh yeah, I'm I'm a I'm a triathlete. Oh you are. Oh my god, that's incredible. When like tell me about the last one you did well, I was in two thousand and six. Come on, man, like, now you're just flexing now you just like now you're not even know you're posing. You're not even flexing. Flexing would be if you actually just did it and then you brag.

A beck right right, Yeah, you're posing I don't know if I do it. I'm I've done it, and it's I'm holding on to it forever.

Good for you, and maybe I would too, but we'll never know. We'll never need more fresh show. Next speak, stretch shaky girls. I said that to my cats. Stretch girl. I do the same thing, like when my dogs yawn big yaw, big yawning. I got some day. I hope that I can have a conversation with my dogs when I go to Heaven, if I get there, and I hope that they can say to me whatever they've been thinking for their entire lives, Like, dude, what was up with the voice? Like why did you talk to us like that? You could just talk to us like normal talk or what? Like when I yawned, like why did you go big yawn like I was yawning. I already knew I didn't do that to you. Yeah, I'm gonna say, why did you eat your poop? End zone? We both got issues? Good question, Yeah, good ques. And then he's gonna go, why do you eat your poop? And then why'd you watch me eat my poop?


Yeah, exactly. No, I mean I really did have a big stretch, but I'm also practicing for seeing my niece today because I feel like we're in the stage now where everything she does and we have to announce that she just did it. Like it's very exciting, you know. Yeah, I love it to be one Yeah, I know, And she commands the room, this little girl. Apparently there was a parent teacher conference it took place recently, which I didn't realize they had those for one year olds. But they do she do it well? They think, well, of course, they think she's very, very smart. Have you ever had a have you ever heard, like any of your friends who have kids, or if you know anybody who has kids, or even you, has anyone ever reported back and been like, yeah, they say my kids like a total moron, like really stupid. They really think my kid's an idiot. Like every single time that somebody recounts a parent teacher conference or any kind of thing, it's like, oh, they say, my kids the smartest in the class. I mean they say that he's he or she is at least two great above all the other kids. I mean, think about it, or like you know, with athletics, coach says, my kid's going to be like really really good we'll see what happens. I mean, think about it as anyway. Have you ever heard anyone say teacher thinks my kid is probably midpack average, I mean, not stupid.

But my mom always reported that I was bad in class, and I was I got everybody off track all the time, and that's the truth.

Well, but I think it's more like personal. Yeah, she never said I was stupid, thank god. Yeah, right, it's like, yeah, you know, we had the parent teacher conference for little Billy today and teacher thinks he's probably gonna be a probably going to be a criminal, but I mean, we're not really sure yet. If you don't say anything, then you know, right right. Apparently she's very smart, though apparently she's she's stubborn, and she is already bossing people around, which I don't know. I don't know how she does that because she can't say very many words yet. But this woman, who you know, teaches her at the daycare or you know, it's kind of like a little school thing, also knows my mom and my sisters, So I feel like she's just generalizing. She comes from a line of strong, bossy women, quite frankly, so you know, w yeah, why would it be any different for little Polly. I have no idea, but never been left waiting by the phone. It's the Fredshell. Hey, Leslie, good morning, Hi, good morning, welcome to the program. Here we are doing waiting by the phone with you, miss Leslie. What's going on with this guy? Tim? We got to know the background, how you met, about any dates that you've been on, and then you know kind of what's going on now?

Yeah, I mean I wish I knew what was going on. Well, we met on we met on one of the acts, you know, the usual, that's how you meet people nowadays.

And that's right here he went, right, Yeah, we.

Went to two really nice sinners. I mean, I thought he was very handsome and nice, and I was really excited for our third date because I feel like the third date you really get to know the other person. You know, you're you're still showing off, but it's not like it's a little bit more in depth.

I guess some people the third date is like the boom boom date. You know, for some people they look at it that way.

Well maybe, you know, I guess it depends that the night takes you that way. But right I'm definitely not opposed to it. But anyway that's ever gave through. So never had a third date. Unfortunately, he he just stopped reaching out after our second date. And I have no idea why.

Okay, So you look back on these dates, you thought everything was normal, you had a great time, You liked this guy here, you were certain there would be a third date and then and now nothing. Have you reached out to him or were you like, look, this guy's got to call me, he's got to text me and ask me out.


I did reach out.

I texted.

I didn't call it, but I texted and I was like, hey, haven't heard from you. I was wondering if you want to go on a on another date?

And I never heard anything and nothing. He ghosted you there, Okay, all right, so definitely ghosting. Yeah, I don't know. This possible. Something's going on. Who knows? Things are weird these days. Let's call this guy out, is it big Tim? Let's call it. Well, you don't know, you don't know, you don't know, but we're gonna call We're gonna call Tim. Oh, yeah, let's make this call. Yeah, we're gonna see him. We're gonna see it. His Keeky's boyfriend, Big Tim. I would explain everything, but how unlucky was that?

But not?

He means, well, all Tim, and we'll ask some questions. It was a little spiky with and uh, let's you can figure out which that woul Hopefully get set. You guys have on another day to details to say, Hey, Leslie, Hi, welcome back. Let's call Tim. You guys met on a dating app. You went on two dates. He thought the days went great. Uh, you're right there? Can you make some noises? Man?

I'm just like, I'm nervous. I'm nervous because I don't I genuinely have no idea.

Yeah, yeah, I'm filling the people in here in case they missed it. But like, you went on two days, you thought there'd be a third. You reached out. He's not responding, definitely ghosted. You want to know why? Yeah, all right, let's call him now. Good luck, Leslie, good luck?


Is this Tim is so big? Hey Tim? I'm sorry to bother you. She's like, why is this people call loving to me?


My name is Fred. I'm calling for the Fred Show, and I'm sorry to bother it, but I have to tell you that we are on the radio right now, and I would need your permission to continue with the calls that Okay, if we talk for a little bit. Okay, I know it's a little bit strange, but we're calling on behalf of a woman who meant you on a dating app. I guess you guys went on a couple of dates. Her name is Leslie. Uh yeah, okay, Well, Leslie reached out to us and told us that she enjoyed meeting you and and felt like the dates that you went on, uh went well, and she was hoping to see you again, but says that you haven't responded to her or called her or initiated a third date, and she's kind of wondering why you're ghosting.

Yeah, I just didn't really think it was a match.

Okay, Well, you did go on two dates, so and she felt differently, So why why do you feel that way?

I mean, it's just you know, one of those those things you know, just like you.

Know, I mean, I don't know nothing, I don't So I mean, would you mind like sort of indulging us here with a little bit like why do you think that's the case? Because we're just going to tell her and then she'll understand why, but or maybe she won't, but at least she'll have answers why why wasn't it a match? All right?

I mean if you guys really want to know, we really want to know. Honestly, she was just like like way dressed, like way too sexy on all these dates.

Like I'm personally complaining about that. Yeah, I'm always telling the people, like what is the deal? Why are we not wearing tracksuits on dates? So what I'm always saying this to the people, what what?


What was she wearing that was too sexy? Like please explain?

I mean like the first date or boobs were just like all out and second or ass was like literally in a she.

Through god dress. Yeah, she sounds terrible. Don't don't go out with her at guse she's going out with me. But anyway, okay, so so too much skin. You thought the outfit was a little a little too risque for your taste.

It's like everybody's staring, so it's like it's not you know, but not in like a you know, I don't know, I'm just not into that count.

So you're a little bit more modest, and you felt like she was a little bit more out there, a little flashier.


I'm Sorrylie, Leslie's here. I forgot to mention that I'm sorry about that. Tim I for some reason, it just slips my mind. Leslie, don't. Yeah, please, by all means.

I just feel like I can wear whatever I want. So like I'm a little confused, Like we live in a society where that's like, actually, okay, So I'm just confused.

I guess. No, I totally agree with you.

You can absolutely wear everyone is just not going to be with me.

I mean that is true that he has a right as supposed to what he's attracted to or when he thinks is appropriate, and you don't have to align on that. I mean, I don't. Yeah, I don't think what you did was wrong. I don't necessarily think every man would feel the same way. I think some guys would be and he's not.

I guess I totally get that. But like, next time I reached out, it'd be one thing if I just let it go, But I reached out to you. The least you could have done was respond with this, because like you just ghosted.

And we're adults, so you may not like.

The way I dress, but you can just respond and say I'm not interested, or even straight up say I don't like the way you dress.

You would have preferred that. Therefore you would have preferred Leslie. Did he say to you I don't like the way you dress? What would that have resulted in? You're not going out again and you're not changing? But you would have been mad?

No, if he didn't ghost, if he just said, hey, I'm not interested, I would have been Okay. Yeah, I'm not going to fight it. I'm not going to try and convince someone to like me or find me attractive. But ghosting someone there's no closure, Like I don't know how you If I don't know how you feel, why would I not continue to reach out to you.

I mean, I know a lot of people different about this, but like, I don't know, I would have a very difficult time reaching out to you and telling you I wasn't interested because of the way you dressed. Like I think I would probably just.

Reach out to him, though, like I finally was the one.

I'm not saying right to him. I just don't think it's for me to have to tell you. I don't think it's even appropriate for me to even project onto you how you should act if it's not for me, it's just not for me. So I'm not defending him. Yes, in a perfect world war all grown ups and we communicate. But I don't know if the reason that I was uncomfortable going out with you again was because of your attire. I'm not sure if I have the balls to text you and say your attire turns me off, I think I would just fade away, because what's where's the win there? Your feelings are going to be heard, you're not going to change, and you shouldn't change, and we're still not going to go.

He doesn't have to tell me why you're geting someone down.

The first is interesting, that's it.

Yeah, you can generically say like, hey.

I just don't work out. That's it.

I'm not going to ask questions. I'm going to say, Okay, thank you for the response. I appreciate your candor I.

Have a hot take. I don't Yeah, what's the hot takes?

Hot take?

If someone once told me this and it's actually really true, Like no response is a response, So like getting ghosted, Like I've been ghosted.

I hate it, but at least I know like.

Where we stand, Like, Okay, no response is a response like you have no interest in me? Done like that is a form of closure too, not a hot take, maybe just my own take.

Yes, it's not great, I agree that. I would also say, I mean i've been ghosted.

Like yeah, no response is a response if something negative occurred, but like, we had a good time. So I would hope that even if you don't like the way I dress, you have enough respect for me or for women in general, just to say, hey, I'm not interested, because when you don't, you don't have to like the way I dress. My shirts are score, my my skirts are shorts, and my tops are low. But that's the way I dress. You don't have to like it, but you that doesn't mean that I'm not a human being with feelings.

So you can just say understood, I.

Don't see this going anywhere, and I'll move on. I'm now I'm moved on because of this conversation. But we could have avoided this by you just sending a simple text.

There you go.

You didn't even have to get on the phone with me.

All right, Well, there you have it, Tim, I mean, you know, I like, he's I think we got it. No, he's he probably heard it and it's nice, Tim, it's good. So something to think about, and uh yeah, I feel like it's a little after school special kind of kind of vibe going here. But Tim, something to think about and maybe we end this amicably, maybe right.

Yeah, I know I'm fine, Like I don't.

I'm not upset or anything.

I just wish.


No, a good definitely for a woman who doesn't want any mystery. It's definitely no mystery. What she looks like naked?

Damn, you'll never Yeah, I look really good. I show up my Bobby. I'm young and I'm hard. Sure, you know, I don't know.

I feel like talking to you that's for each other, because like I like the way I dress.

Hey, I want to know.

I want to know, Tim, what what what?

What kind of woman you're looking for? Like like a nice mom Jean and a turtle neck? I mean, what are we? What are we talking about? You're like a cheek goes down fit? Like, what are we an Taylor lost? What are we? What are we doing here?

I need to go that far to the other extreme, just fromwhere in the middle of the road.

Okay, all right, Hey, well look to each his or her own. Guys. I'm sorry it's not going to work out, But thank you both for your time and for your transparency. I wish you both the best. You got it. Thank you. I want to know how many parents can relate to this. This has gone viral on TikTok. It's a dad who took his son to a medical appointment for the first time and realize he basically had no clue how to fill out any of the paperwork without his wife, he basically knew nothing about his own kid. He barely knew enough information about his own kid to complete the doctor forms. Here's some of the audio from this clip, though, But I mean, how many parents listening now, Like whether it's husband wife, I'm not going to generalize, but like if if ruvio, if Jess sent you and ash them to the doctor right now, could you capably fill out all the babywork? Do you know all the answers? Yes, you know all the answers. You know his blood type? Okay, yeah, it makes me Between me and Jess, it's a mix. Okay, you know his first, middle, last name, birthday, you know everything. Yeah? How much is he weigh right now?

Thirty four pounds?

There you go see? Okay, maybe you could do this, but.

Let's the parents nightmared these questions my wife to that doctor for the first time.

I said, I'm guessing and I'm no worship no more. But I just don't.

Sorry, child first maybe maybe.

Maybe fourteen months and preference was clearly indicated at what age?

I don't I don't even think people.

Know that, right?

Three K four? Also easy? Does your kid like school? Do you look school.


And I guess it's like, have you ever chatted with your child before? Like have you? I don't know. It sounds bad.

I know these answers about you, guys, and you're not my kids.

Like, I don't understand how a dad wouldn't know that, guys. I'm not a shame the many saying I don't need to make it about a dad, but I will say I think in many cases, you've got dad's going to work and mom's staying at home or both going to work. But you know, I don't know. I feel like moms sometimes wind up with a more intimate relationship with their kids and dads for various reasons, or maybe dads are just I don't know. I don't want to say complacent, but are we just bad at remembering stuff, or we do we remember different things. Is it like we expect our wives or partners to remember these things? Is it a male female thing. I don't know.

I don't think it's a male female thing because I just had this happening yesterday. I took Lux to get a haircut and the man asked me how old the dog was. I'm like two three, I don't I think. Then he's like, where's his Rapi's forms. I'm like, uh, it's not on the sheet that I have.

He's like no.

So like we literally had to walk out and now Big Sim has to take him on Thursday because I am that parent, Like I just I don't know when the dog birthday is.

I can't remember.

It's not gender, he said, whoever's not the default parent, which is like the parent who usually handles that stuff.

Yeah, there you go. That makes sense. It's not a because I supposed to. You know, it could be anything different either number of situations. But I don't know, Like my mom would be able to answer all this, my dad would not. And but it's not because my dad was absent, it just because he just did. He never did any of this stuff, you know, in our family at least, but no, I don't like. But here's the thing I go to the doctor, that'll be like, where are your vaccination records? I'm like, helf, I know right, Like what have you been vaccinated for? I'm like, I don't know. I had a mom, so I guess every day.

I mean I did get a touch with my dad the other day that said L O L is your middle name Marie And I was like, yeah, he doesn't know your name. I was like, yeah, he's like and this is spelled M A R I E. I'm like, yeah, what is what text worry about?

Probably you own a house and Troy mentioned and now it's at and also like how do you not know Ryan? Hi? Ryan? Good morning? Welcome? How are you? I'm doing good? How are you Ryan? Great? Are you a dad?


But I did touch of video on YouTube about this once. I think I saw how like moms typically know more about like the information about their kids as far as like taking care of them and stuff and like how old they are, their their stats and stuff like that with school and things, whereas dads usually like play with their kids and get to know their personality and like their favorite stuff. So dads know like the fun stuff about their kids. Interesting information.

I mean, I guess that makes sense. Yeah, it sounds like Rufiel could do both though, But you know, I don't know what what vaccinations did you kid? Head? He's up to date with everything. Oh, there you go. Tight is whatever the b C percentiles for? Oh his way?

Oh, his head circumference is like ninety six percent. He's in about talking whatever that one is. His height is in the middle of the pack. He's like fifty, and then his weight is in He's in the middle with a big ass head. Yeah, and white feet. Thank you, Ryan, have a good day. He does have white feet.

I'm glad you called. My dad just asked, hey, kiddo, how old are you nowadays? How old are you nowadays? It's the nowadays. This is so good. This happened to my daughter and husband. The doctor asked if my daughter was that? Is that really even your dad? That's pretty good? Hey, Lexi, good morning, Hi Lexi. Is that you worked in a pediatric office and you're saying dads don't know anything.

I know they do not.

I think it is a gender thing, but I mean I don't know. The majority of the time, it's the men that don't know anything. They do just don't even know the kids' birthdays or sometimes even the full name. They show up on the nicknames. And I work at a school and it's the same thing. I'm like, what in the world, how are you?


How is this kid for you?

Fifteen years old?

And is like how yeah?


After all?

Because we don't.

Yet they get mad at us because we don't know the nickname? Why isn't what are.


I think Rufiel is one of the good dads.

Bank there you go, Thank you, LEXI have a good day. I love you, love you too. No, this is absolutely true, and I hate to make it a male female thing. In my case, it would be in a lot of people's cases, it would be my dad loves me. But I mean, honestly, I don't know that he would remember a lot of things about me if my mom didn't tell him, like, hey, call your kid. It's you know. I think you remembers my birthday mainly because it's on Thanksgiving most of the time, so how it's not hard to remember. But the truth is I have to write a lot of stuff down and put it in my calendar too, because there's a lot of stuff about my family that I don't necessarily remember. I mean, Paully's birthday is is it's Valentine's Day the thirteenth, this day before or after? So here you go. What's what I'm talking about? Like, I don't know how old are you nowadays?


Hey, Emily? Yeah, I'm just gonna add nowadays to everything. It's gonna make it funny. Emily. So do you was this about you? Your dad or your kid? What are we talking about? Well?

I have two stories. One is about my dad, kind of going along with what you just said. I'm thirty one and my sister's twenty seven, and he still doesn't know our birthday. So it's always a fun game to play with him. Whenever we get together. He's like, okay, so when is her birthday? When is my birthday? And he always has to look at my mom for like reassurance, and again we're thirty one and twenty seven. But also I work in a medical setting in pediatrics, and it's great when the when the dads bring the kids because I'll ask them like follow up questions and I'll be like, you'll have to talk to my wife about that, or I'm not sure can you call my wife? I'm really not.

Sure, geez, it's really funny. Wow, I think I feel like my mom always made she always took me to the doctor's appointments. Still, like maybe it was like a comfort thing or like a I don't know. I guess my dad never handled that because he probably would have been like, shut up, stop complaining, you know, like there would have been very little empathy because my dad's a tough guy. But yeah, thank you, Emily, have a good day. Thank you. Suck it up, kid. What they're about to pull on my teeth? Out Dan and suck it out. It won't hurt as a time. Hey, Debbie, Hi there, Hi jan good morning. So this guy on TikTok he posted this about himself, but he took his kid to the doctor and he couldn't answer any of the questions about his own kid. It's gone viral. Can you relate?

Yeah, because my ex husband almost drove my daughter to the wrong school one morning.

Oh how.

I have no idea. She was in.

Middle school and she's like, you're supposed to turn that way, and he's.

Like, well, what school do you go to?

And let me say he's a great dad. He's an amazing dad. But I think it's one of those things he knows I'm gonna handle it like I got it, you know.

And one other story along with that.

She had a doctor appointment and.

He offered to take her.

Okay, cool, and she had to tell him where to go, where the park ex floor it was.

On, So she's you know, I mean again, he's an amazing dad.

But I that's the important thing.

Yeah, clearly, Thank you so much. Have a good day. Yeah you too, Glad you called. Hey Katie? Yes, Hi, Hi, Katie's okay. So this is the opposite, right, we're talking about how maybe it's not gender, but you go to work and he stays at home, and so he knows more.

Real extent.

By the way, I'm from Chicago, I moved away.

Still listen to you, guys.

I love you.

Guys are awesome.

Well, thank you, but.

Wait because we may have to petition to go on there. Now, what city are you in, uh, Columbia, South Carolina? All right, Well fire it up, guys, who's on there. I don't know, fire them, it's sigh for us. No, I don't don't fire them. I hope they I hope they leave on their own. That's Jason's favorite university out there.

Oh yeah, the Carolina Yeah.

Yeah. Anyway, so Katie, enough about expak to us. So, yeah, so you he knows a lot, but he knows more by some things.


So I worked for the Department of Mental Health, so I'm gone pretty much all day and he stays at home. We've got three babies at home, and uh, he knows exactly they had, you know, three poopy diapers, two wet diapers in the morning, and how many out of the bottles they all have? And I, uh, one time I took them to the doctor and they'd asked me that. And I've got a good background in childcare as well, but I was thinking to myself, I'm like, oh my gosh, I have no idea. I was just like, well, yeah about the standard amounts and okay, well how many bottles are they having? I'm like, oh my goodness, I'm such an awful mom.

I was like, yeah, but I mean you're not doing that day to day, so I guess maybe you wouldn't know. But if you didn't know their birthday, that would be that's that's concerned. Do you know they broke Oh god, yeah, because you were present for that in a big way, so I figured that would be a day you might remember.

It's kind of funny. They all looked just like my husband too. And I'm always saying, you know, if I wasn't there, I wouldn't think.

They were mine.

Yeah, that's funny. You, Katie, have a great day.

You two guys.

You called, uh Stacy, good morning, Stacy. How are you good? Are you? I said, this is your own dad, And what does he know about you anything?

Yeah, probably knows my first and middle name and my birthday, but he just generally can't remember anything, like my parents are so firsts now. And someone asked his phone number and he looked up at my mom and he's had this phone scent number of sny tetaphone.

Oh so he doesn't know his own phone number. Oh yeah, that's my dad, Yeah.

Phone to look.

Yeah, he looks up his own name in the context.

The number on this thing. Me. You know, I want to put myself in his He's.

Just a surprise when we're opening the guests.

Oh no, that I'm like, well, your.

Name is on it.

Now that is one hundred percent effect in our house. Oh yeah, my mom does all the shopping and then it's my dad's name on stuff, and he's like, I'm like thanks, Daddy's like, you got it. It's no idea than you. It for you. You did. Thank you. Hold on, Oh this is good, hey, Shannon. Okay, so this is about parents who don't know their kids as well as we think maybe they should. What happened?

Yeah, so you know you used to go get your pictures taken it like the little Ola Mills men go pick up the photos later.

And my mom set my daddy go pick up pictures of my little brother.

And he come call and my mom says, so, what do.

You think he's a good picture. She's like no, no, no, right, She goes, well, it's not our kids. He's like, I don't recognize the outfit, not.

Even the right child. God, have a good day. Oh my god, how are you nowadays? So good? I think part of the reason I can't remember a lot of facts that I want to remember. Like Rufio he can remember everything is because of the amount of just ridiculous things that we all pour through every morning just to get to, you know, the content that people want for the morning show. I mean, I just the amount of just useless crap that I read every single day. But I'm here to save your life. This isn't even about what's trending. This is just among the things I'm pouring through, just pouring through, Guys. This morning, a scientist has exposed that you are not flushing the toilet properly. None of you. None of you are doing it. I'm none of you. I'm the I think I'm the only one. I might be the only one who is flushing the toilet properly. You are supposed to put down the toilet lid before you flush every single time. Hello, how many of you do that? Though I do every time. I don't want to boo particles all around my bathroom. Well I do too, but I don't know him. I very rarely go into somebody's bathroom and the lid is down. Typically the seat is down, but not the lid. I never see that. Yeah, No, I do every time, because that's gross if you don't. Yeah. A scientist put a Petri dish on the tank that holds the water needed to flush the toilet and left the toilet lit up for ten minutes without flushing. The Petrie dish only collected two bacterial colonies. When you repeat it the same experiment but flushed the toilet with feces inside, he found five bacterial colonies. And so this is you got to you gotta put the lid down on the toilet, which I think this would help a lot of people. This would help people because if you put the lid down, then you have to put the seat down, and a lot of men apparently forget to put the seat down, and that's a problem. Yeah.

No, when you keep your toothbrush on the counter, like, think about what's getting on your toothbrush. Like some people keep their toothbrush like out in the open and then they flush with the lid up.

And I'm like, oh, yeah, I'm sympathetic to the gross that's gross to thinking about it. But I'm sympathetic to the seat down thing, you know, because I know that women have to sit and oftentimes men put the seat up to better put the seat up to use the restroom, you know, when we're going number one. But I'll still contend that I don't know why y'all aren't looking where you sit. You know, people be like I fell on the toilet, Like how'd you fall in the toilet? Like look don't you look down before you sit down?

Not in the middle of the night. I try to keep my eyes closed so I don't wake up. Yeah, you know, I fallen in a ton when I lived with guys.

Like Jason in an all male household. You guys even put the seat up or you just pee with the seat down.

No, so we I sit when I pee most of the time, so it's down most of the time in our house.

Yeah, so ladies are or do I use the urinal here? Yeah? Middle one?

You always uses them?

Yeah, just to try to see what goes on. You know, you're the guy. You heard the guy. Yeah, it's like you walk in and someone's using the middle when I'm like, you're trying to get it. You're trying to get it? Who got all that? I'm trying to see more breadshell?


Where did it go? Consumer values stores? But it goes on for example Mac. You know what MAX stands for the makeup brand no makeup Art Cosmetics AOS as seen on screen. I knew that one, you did. Yeah, I mean, I don't know why. I'm a simple man. I guess I'm very impressed by this. H and R. Block Henry and Richard Block what founders. Okay, Henry, their last name was Block. I guess bl Oh. I told you about H and M in the fun Fact this week at DSW. We knew that one designer shoet Warehouse. How about guicoes? You know Geico really means something? Yes?

I did know that one.

What does it mean? Right?

Oh? God?

No government employee insurance company. Yes, that is what it means. Did you know the elf cosmetics means something? What I lips face cosmetics? Oh, that's smart, lame. Well, I think that's why they changed them because ice lips face Cosmetics was not as cool. I guess as I knew what SCUBA stands for self Contained underwater Breathing Apparatus, at M, Automated Telemachine. I knew that NABISCO that means National Biscuit Company, Home Box Office, NASCAR, National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, the AT and T. You know what that really means American Telephone and Telegraph Company. You know, eminem means Murray marsin Murray and laser is actually an acronym light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Wow, same me too, stimulated miss radiation. That's a great weekend if for me, if I'm able to, I don't know that. This is where I was very impressed by this, that these facts. I was stunned. I didn't know what CBS. I guess who cares CBS, CVS right, like it's just I guess. I don't know.

It's a place, right, someone called CIS one time and I was really upset.

Now why, I don't know if I can be friends with that person.

I probably got the cure for service in the CVS.

What they might I've heard they do. I've heard they do just a five day regimentually fine, it would be absolutely fine. Just go to the Consumer Value what is it called again, Customer Valued something and they'll take care of yours. It's the Fresh Show Good Morning on the radio and the iHeart app as well. Search for the frend Show on demand had this clip here like for a week because it was related to another topic that I wanted to get to. But this is, if I remember correctly, this is a guy whose wife is telling him that they're having I want to say, their third child, and he was clearly not thinking that was in the cards at all. And here's the This is from TikTok open up in the mountains. It is an envelope for him. What is it he's opening the envelope. No, yes, you are I'm not. No, I'm not.

I'm not No, no, not.

Me. You is her?

So I was like, Michael's got in the office.

He's that mad.


He's a big man. Now, I was, we can do this other topic another time, because this was there's another TikTok video with a dude who I guess he was a big, burly like firefighter type guy and he uh and there's there's video of him in the delivery room holding his wife's lag while she's getting birthed. Apparently he looks like, I mean, he's completely worthless in this process, like completely worthless, which I think most mass But here's what I wanted to know. When you hear that audio, I mean, can you imagine like someday they'll probably play that for the kid and laugh about it. You know, but did you did you? Have you ever been in a situation where you told your boyfriend, you told your husband, you told your partner like, hey, we're pregnant, and that was the and that was the reaction like put it back, No, we're not doing it. Because I feel like in the moment, maybe maybe a person feels a certain kind of way and then hopefully feels feels differently later.

They better get a therapist now for that kid, because that kid is going to see that and have lifelong issues.

Well it's gonna be fine.

I know, but I would never want to get one of my parents say that.

No, right, I mean, I don't know. I should call my sister, because they when they tried to have Polly, they I think thought they had a lot of time, like and I think I think the doctor said, you have a lot of time for various reasons, and I don't know that it took I think it was the first first round. Yeah, well I don't know, go off heavy metal sex column. Yeah, but so I think I think they were kind of like, I thought this was going to be more fun, Like I thought we were going to have a little bit of time, you know, to do stuff like hang out and do that and hang out whatever else. Five five three five You can text the same number. By the way, I'm just curious. I'm curious if you were witnessed any kind of a reaction like this only now for for for the parent, I assume it was. I mean, it could have been the woman, I guess, but uh, for whoever it was, to now of course be you know, elated, because I feel like even when people are scared in the beginning, when they get news like that, they're obviously and eventually they're related of course, and it's a blessing and they're happy and whatever. But this dude, who knows, you know, maybe maybe I think they had two or three kids already, so he was probably like, Okay, we're good, you know what I mean.

Yeah, Kim Curdy, she famously was thinking about not keeping north, which is gonna be probably hard for her to see you one.

Day, according to Kanye, right, that's what he leaked out about every way.

Well, no, Kim's out it too.

She was scared and didn't know, but like she would have rather him not tell everyone that.

Yeah, that's horrible to hear. But my mom was very vocal about like not wanting me because she was so old. She was like, how did this even happen? Like I don't understand, like and it's it's my family talks about it to this day, like, girl, you are a miracle.

Because she was not happy about you.

How old was she thirty eight. Oh that's something that old no now and today'sthing. So it was like crazy, like thirty almost forty having a baby. Her kids were eighteen and seventeen. Yeah, I start all over.

Yeah she was not happy. But you know, yeah, but if I meet a thirty eight year old, I'm I'm still being extremely careful about how I go by my Isn't you know what I mean? If I met a I don't know, a fifty year old, I might be a little less careful, but maybe not even I don't know, just just just because of statistics, just because of odds.

I don't know.

I'm just being careful. To you tell me not to be careful anymore? Is not you personal.

Fell We didn't talk about it.

You be careful just in general. Just be careful. Kiki and I are trying to start an empire.

Can you imagine we have the same birthday.

I'm trying to creating my own replace. I'm just gonna raise him up and by the time I'm ready to go boom to slide him in here? Who needs a I when you can have a Kiki fred spawn? Yeah, you know, wouldn't that be something text my dad? Well, you gotta do the same. We already got a Rufio spawn for generations. This is a text. My dad admits I was a mistake, but my sister, he says, they tried for two and a half years when his back was better. He thinks, I don't like to hear. Oh damn that. I don't know if I needed to know that about my dad. You know, my dad went and got snipped after my mom told him about me.

Oh man, A man, yeah, well that's another one.

Man, is you gotta I have told a story a bunch of times, but and I've had a urologist tell me that it's nearly impossible. But I know a guy. I know a dude, he's my close friend. He went and got snipped and it never really worked. But luckily he kept going back because I guess you stay snip you and then you go back and you test to make sure that it really is like snipped. You know that everything is that it is no longer, there's no longer you know, packing a punch, and it's not uncommon for it to pack a punch for a little while afterwards because there's still some I guess left and I don't know. I don't. I'm I'm just said him like a moron right now. And in this case, he kept going back and they just kept being some there and somehow it like partially healed itself and I had to go back in and do it again. If he hadn't tested it though, right then, he could you know, he could have been out here thinking, oh, you know, good, good on me, good Hey, my world just hat so much better, no consequences, right, And then you're this guy on TikTok screaming at people, Hey, Claire, good morning. How does that make you feel, claar that this is the woman whose dad said after you know, her mom come Claire's mom comes home and says Claire's dad, we're having Claire. And he was like, and I'm going to the urologists right now.

They both didn't want a third child.

And they tell you this, Yeah, so.

They both only wanted the too. You know, they had the boy to add the girl and.

They were done.

And then they were very careful with me too.

And here I am and my dad would have got shipped after that.

Wow. Well, I know they were doubly careful with me. I know a few people who were. They were only supposed to be two, and then there was a third because it was a good night and everyone was having a great time and a few drinks were served and all kinds of fun to be had, and then here we go, and then they tell them about that ys a parent, I want you? You know, how do you say that to your child? Like we only wanted your brother and sister, But here.

You are, ye, Like I heard it every day.

That's why Kekey is who Kekey is? Cancer.

I'm the big one anyway.

Are you the most successful of them all? Or do you have some one up that you can remind them of, Like I'm the richest, I'm gonna I'm the one who's gonna take care of you, I'm the sweetest. Anything like that.

You can more financially stable and clear headed?

One? See there you go, you're like, well the first thing you made are broken. Look at me over here. I'm financially literate. It's thoughtful. You know, without me, what would you do? All right? Well, you don't feel any less loved though, do you? But my mom my mom loves me. You do feel less loved by your dad? Okay, Well, didn't me to expose that? Yeah, we can really Hey, you're in the right place. Yeah, Claire, have a good day and we love you. Okay, you don't have to call me daddy or anything. I just I love you and it's fine. No, I'm just laughing at you know. My mom loves me.

Yeah, yeah, I like that all these people texting.

Yeah, my dad says I was a mistake. Yeah, Dad, say the darkness things. You're right. Why would you say that to your kid unless it's like a ha ha. But you turned out to be the best of them all. You better follow up with something really good.

My mom still has issues that she was a mistake, like, she still deals with it.

I think everyone probably does on some level. I was I was not a mistake. I was very much intended. So you think I was supposed to be small and feeble, I said, I am. Look, I'm large and feeble, mentally feeble. He eats the Fred Show Good Morning on the radio and the iHeart app as well. Search for The Fred Show on demand. Oh man, some of the thirteen. You've been here for a minute. You know there's a guy. We're big fans of him. Let's go back to twenty twelve, Diamond Day of Everyone. I don't know. He hasn't put out a reel that I can find in since twenty twelve. I mean, I always hope Diamond davenestly, but it's okay, you know what I mean. I would think that a guy with this it's playing weddings and bar mitzvahs and and you know, state fairs and whatever. I would with the county probably more county level. But anyway, I we think this guy would be constantly pumping out you know, new new sizzle reels. But Standley, Standley, this is the same one. But you're right. When you're this good, I hope he's so much Wait his slips cereal. This guy we tried to get a ver jingle ball one here. He actually didn't write me back. Maybe he is dad. You ever heard this guy kicking? Oh? This guy's he's part of French show history. He's got the Madonna mic here we got right, here's some modest yeah, a little floor rideing coming out. I've got this whole thing memorized. Look get it. And then he puts on costumes. I mean, the guy does it all really. Oh here he is yeah, okay, yeah, this is his real that's what he can do. For us at our weddings exactly. Diamond Davis isn't real. Book this man, and look at the people. The people are loving it. Look at this. This is white people are loving right. Yeah, what can't we trying to book for your wedding?

By the way, I'm trying to look him and he'll go slow.

Diamond Dave will slow it down force if we want to need that for a little slow dancing. Imagine all Zone country album. What oh he does?

Yeah he does on website, but I think he's been updated since twenty twenty.

Ohms concerning I'm sure COVID hurt the business.

You though, he's got his own original DM song.

Stopping he has original Diamond Dame has original EDM song. Yes, okay, yeah it's enough. Diamond Dave second career choice to mean Diamond Dave's manager. No like doing.

Karaoke, like performing other people songs like want me to be flow right? I got you want me to be Beyonce? I got you? Want me to do some old dominion? Tell me less you know?

Yeah, yeah, I would like you to do some old dominion. I would love that. I really would like you to do that. Actually, well, well wait, Wednesday, like right now, would be good kiki karaoke, Okay. I very much appreciate that we were able to confirm by the way, they are not in fact racist, Okay, good, or at least not publicly. Right, So that's good, Okay, not publicly because Can and I are going to a country in Western event this weekend starring Old Dominion. And again you were invited, but you were concerned. Oh, you have to check. Trust me, these days, we got to make sure. We we need a full background check before we give support of anyone.

At this point, speaking of that, that is the perfect transition to my first story.

So so I did it, you know, Yeah, radio Hall of Famer right there, Well, god willing. You know, the Radio Hall of Fame doesn't even exist. They don't even have a place for it anymore. The place where your wedding was. Ruvio had his wedding at the Radio Hall of Fame. Yeah, they lost the lease on the radio holiday. I guess they're they're trying to find another place for it, I guess, but like right now, they're like all these people are like these radio people are trying to get in the Radio Hall of Fame. But it's not a place anymore. Yeah, wow, it's been replaced by a water Burger or something. I don't know. I wish it was actually, that would be a great use of the space. Yeah, each the Fread Show Good Morning on the radio, and the iHeart app as well search for the freadsheew on demand. Anyone else ever feel like, uh, your hair looks better when it's dirty. Yeah, for everyone. I think that's true. That's true. Yeah, I'm not trying to make it like a Christopher Columbus to ask discovery here this morning. Like, I don't think I discovered like the New Land, like when you discovered water. Yeah, like flavored waterhen I discovered that. Yeah, and yoga, and there were some other things I discovered too. Well, I don't I didn't plan I discovered them. I just approached with a youthful enthusiasm, as though I was early, not even early in the trend. I was just excited like people were in a year before that. You know. I loved it. Yeah, I don't know why you gave up. Well, I didn't necessarily drinking water? Yeah, well yeah, well yeah lately Yeah, I know I've been doing really well lately, but I washed my hair this morning, and I like, put some crap in it to make it that, you know, like conditioner kind of stuff, and I don't. It's too bluffy. I don't like it. Do you watch every day? No, okay, every like third day? Oh good? But I wish I could. I wish I had gone further than that. I have to wash every day. I can't stand my hair feeling like greasy. I know. I noticed, like when I had short hair, like really short hair, it didn't really matter. But now that I have longer hair, it matters. Like it's better after it looks like I've like rolled around in the mud. A well, it looks better. Everything looks better when I look I rolled around in the mud for a while. Yeah, I want to look like I came back from burning Man after a week. That's not That's the look I'm going for every single day. I know a guy who win and I know this is a true story because I know who he went with, and he first of all, took him twelve hours to drive out of there. At the end, he was with somebody who flew out on a helicopter so that person didn't have to deal with them. But he said he was so dirty that he stopped at the very first hotel that there was. It was like a fleabag, nasty hotel, like the very first place you could find driving from wherever this is to, like I think it was La or wherever he was going. He says he got in the shower in this nasty hotel and the water ran on him for an hour before it began to not be dirty. Oh he was that dirty. I'm standing in the desert for a couple of days. I don't know why that's fun. I don't know why that's fun. Not my scene, but it looks cool for you guys like dirty boogers. Then no, well, I know, but what you're getting in return is nice. It's a disease, right, It is a respiratory issue, is what you're getting in return.

I mean after you get home, though, I mean the memories last.

Last the lifetime. I don't lungs. Yeah, guys, come on, well, I guess if you're gonna trip out on god knows what, you may as well be in the middle of the desert. Well, you're in the middle of nowhere, like nothing's gonna happen to you, and everybody else is in the same state of mind. So it's like you can't use money. You have to like trade guns. What are you serious? Trade? What are you trading?

You bring like stuff to trade, like jewelry or it's so bizarre swear they.

Do you want like a water bottle? You have to give someone a trinket. Well, I don't know if there's.

Like other vendors, but yeah, the main way that you get stuff is you trade in your camps, like I'll give you foot Like it's so bizarre, but it's amazing.

Oh my god, there's a goat. Can I have like a hammer? No, I wish I could the same with that. Was it an e DC or whatever that is? In Near Vegas? Have no electronic thing. It's similar except it's kind of in civilization. But there I saw on TikTok for not a ton of money, and I'm sure this has changed now those helicopter companies that do like the tours, we're flying people in and out of there, so didn't have to wait in like the eternal lines. And it wasn't like I thought I saw that. I'm like, oh, it's going to be one thousand dollars or something like each. No, it's like one hundred and fifty, but it wasn't like crazy and that way you can actually leave when you want to leave, I guess, and for that I would do it. It's just the lines and like I don't want people touching me. Really, Other than that I would doc wouldn't be I don't. Well, it's not an experience like I mean, I think it's an experience. It's not quite as a cultural movement like Burning Man is.

I think you would love Coachella or Stagecoach just because they keep it really clean. You know, they have rules about where you can drink and put your cant like, it's very organized. You don't need to be in a crowd.

Yeah, there's That's kind of how holstin City Limits was. Yeah, a little bit. It's like the same c three the same folks who do LA, except it's a much lower I think it's a much larger space. I think Zilker Park is way bigger. Is it bigger than Grand Park? All I know is it felt It may not be bigger, but it felt more open. You know, you could actually find space to like like real space, like you could actually sit down with like a blanket or something, you know. Not that I'm doing that that's my kind of party. But you had an escape, right, you could go into like the masses. Then you could also you know whatever, more Fread Show Next. The Fread Show is on Friend's Fun Fact Fred Fund so bad. I think a lot of people listening right now this may apply to them. Okay, did you know that thinking in a second language leads to better decision making? Does your mom does Mama Martin? Because she speaks Polish?


And English? Yes? Does she think in Polish? Do you think or does she think in English?

Absolutely thinks in Polish because when it comes out in English sometimes I have to think about it twice.

So what she just said? Okay, you know what I mean? Like, the languages get mixed up because I often wonder people who like, do you think your dad speaks or do you think in his mind he's thinking in Filipino? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, Well he might be a better decision maker. So you might assume that you would need your native tongue to fully comprehend all aspects of a problem. But one twenty eighteen study published in Psychological Science, which of course I subscribe to and read each week, found that thinking it over in a different language might actually improve your rationality. So in this case, it would be your non native language requires you to deliberate in your word choice and be less reactive to emotionally charged words, giving you more accurate ability to perceive risk. The effect even extended to bets, with people who considered the rationality of a bet in a second language more likely to take the more profitable option. So I guess the fact that you know your parents might have to think about English a little harder makes it such that they would make a better decision.

Look at that Spanish.

Yeah, Spanish, Please don't think in Spanish actually, because you'll never come to an decision of anything more. Fred Show next right here,

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