The Fifth Hour: Kansas City Travel Log

Published Nov 16, 2024, 2:00 PM

Ben Maller & Alex Teichert (in for Danny G.) have a fun Saturday podcast for you! They talk about Big Ben’s recent trip to Kansas City for a meet and greet!

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If you thought four hours a day, twelve hundred minutes a week was enough, think again. He's the last remnants of the old Republic, a sol fastion of fairness. He treats crackheads in the ghetto cutter the same as the rich pill poppers in the penthouse.


The clearing House of Hot takes break free for something special. The Fifth Hour with Ben Maller starts right now.

In the air everywhere. The Fifth Hour with me Ben Mahllor normally Danny g Radio, but we've got Alex the Vegan who's hanging out with us here on this Saturday, the sixteenth day of November. It is Guinness World Records Day today, among other things. A bunch of dope holidays and all that as we slide in to a Saturday and Alex the Vegan. Now, a couple of years back in my radio sojourn, I attempted to set a Guinness World Record that had all planned out in my head. I was going to set a record on the radio, and I contacted somebody at that company. This is a long time ago. The Guinness World Records people EWR. They have a book that comes out every year. They have a website and all that stuff. So I reached out. The books published in over one hundred countries, it's in twenty three languages. I was like, all right, I want to set the record, and they said great. It was something to do with the radio show. I forget exactly the specific record at the top of my head right now. So I contacted them. I'm like, all right, here's what I want to do, and they I said, that's great. Here's how much you have to send us and for us to count that as a record. So it's a I understand they're a for profit business and all that, but it is quite the hustle. It's not cheap alex like the perception is this is like nicely wagers with friends. It's then they're in it to make money. And yeah, kind of sullied the whole Guinness Book of Records for me, but it's one of the great great hustles of all time.

Yeah, to be honest, here come pay and we'll make sure that you're the greatest in the world.

Yeah, we'll consider you the greatest all time. And it goes back to a bar Bet right, the legendary story, and then yeah, they've just been making money hand over fist ever since then the quiz man. You got to do something like that. That's the key, you know, that's the if you can find a way to convince people to send you money for something they don't need to send you on. Is there a better hustle in life than that.

Ben, I could argue that's most things getting sent to people's house if you really think about it.

Yeah. Well, the thing is, I was We've talked about this on the podcast before, but the the phone and you know, monthly payments, if you can get people to pay. Actually, the gym is the greatest hustle because most people don't use the gym, and they sign up for it with great intentions and then they're embarrassed to get rid of it because you know, if you get rid of it, you got rid of the gym and maybe you'll start tomorrow and all that. So it's like you, they shame you when really you can just go outside and work out. You know, that's true. Sarely needed.

That's funny because I've been a gym head for almost a decade now, Ben, And the thing that's the funniest to me that you say that is like I call them donators, like they're donating to the glorious House of Gains so that the equipment is updated for myself and other individuals. But it's true though, like when you say canceling, there's so many like things you have to do, Like you have to be in person, talk to a manager at the gym. They don't let you do it over the phone. It's not why you scumbacks. Now I have to literally go to the gym, and I didn't want to, you know, like it's it's actually funny.

And the other two I've noticed is like I've seen it and I do go to the gym, not as much during football season because I'm so this is a busy time of the year and it's not great but still paying even though I'm not using the gym as much. But I've seen people try to cancel. And it's not only do they you have to show up, but then when you show up, they give you the sales pitch. Well, let me let me see if I can cut your monthly feet Yes, yes, and we'll work out a deal. And I don't know about that. Uh hey, I did want to mention though. On this the Saturday Show, we had Eddie on yesterday, and it was great to catch up with my guy Eddie. And it's been a wild ride for the for everyone involved here over the last couple of days last week or so. You were not even in the building, Alex, Alex, you were. You were away when the madness happened. I was. I was technically away too, I was in in Kansas City. We will have the Mallard travelogue coming up, which is always a fan favorite, unless it's not. And don't forget. I didn't want to sully my conversation with Eddie on yesterday's pot so I did not over the top pour myself out to tell you to watch Benny Versus the Penny Man. So I'll do that today. I'll do that today. I didn't want to, you know, it was Eddie's time. It was his opportunities. I didn't want to sit here and say, but by the way, Eddie, watch my TV show. I didn't want to do that. But there is a TV show us on today. It's a bowl of cherries. Now, you eat a bowl of cherries, right, You eat a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Oh, every rising bend, every rising.

Yeah, anytime I see a vegetable product at FSR. I assume it's yours. I assume it's because nobody else really eats vegetables other than you. There is anybody, Yeah, yeah, there's may be one other person that likes the veggies. But and I don't even know if you like them. I think you just eat them. I don't know that you enjoy it.

I think I've learned to love them. Actually you sure about that? Yeah, no, I'm lying to myself.

If you pour sauce on them or something like that, some people pull like barbecue sauce on them.

You know what I've found, Ben is so good with vegetables because I'm really good. Me and my lady, we do a lot of these veggie stir fries and everything. The favorite we do is curry. For some reason, the curry taste with the secret ingredient I called vegeta, which you can get from like a world market. It's from Croatia. Those two together it's like ranch on pizza, hot sauce on a taco. It's just, oh, it's so good and just you can use anything. You can do. Cabbage, you can do, some eggplant, throw and some sauce, had onions, maybe even sprinkle some marugel in there. There's so many fun ideas you can do. I've just found it about spicing it up the way that your palette likes the most. That's been my biggest thing.

All Right, Well, if you love curriy, shouldn't you go to like India?

I do love Indian food. And if I went to India, I might not come back.

You just moved there. You'd be like that hippie guy. Oh yeah, you know. I actually met a couple of months ago a buddy of mine from radio who actually worked at Fox Sports Radio. His brother. It was it was a funeral, unfortunately, his brother flew out to be at the funeral obviously, and he was a He was a listener of mine when I was younger and we were all younger, and he was wearing the traditional Indian garb, I guess in certain part like a religious thing. And he had moved He's from the States, but he moved to India, uh, you know, years ago and was fully immersed in the culture in India. And it was pretty pretty crazy. I mean it was it was wild because he's, you know, just like a regular dude from so Cal or whatever. And yeah, he's like and he's a little older than I am, which means for you, he's probably really really old. Yeah, and uh, you know, it was just kind of hipster, kind of like my guy that calls my show weed Man hippie. Yes, if he moved to India, that's kind of the whole vibe, uh, that that I got. But but anyway, the TV show Benny Versus the Penny, It's on nationally on Peacock. It's on a regional cable TV all over the place, including the Hub NBC Sports Boston made its debut on Friday, also San Francisco, Philadelphia, all over the place. In fact, I spent last weeknd on a whirlwind trip to Cansau City. We opened up shop. We had a Mallard meet and greet of the Mallard travelog. But I learned the TV show is on cable TV in Kansas. I did not know that. They don't even tell me, Alex.

Why you're on the show.

I'm on my name. I think my name is on the show. I believe it is. And I don't even know where the show's on. I have no idea because the guys were coming up to me, He's like, yeah, it's on you local cable TV here in Kansas City, and I had not heard that before. I thought, well, we're not on there, We're just on Peacock, But apparently we are on there, so that was kind of cool. So the Mallard travelogu, which is the travelogue of record Alex, not to be confused with some other travel log this is the one that matters more. Okay, so we'll go back to the hot tup time machine. We're gonna set it to the the week prior. This is hot Off the presses, Hot Off the Presses. So you know this a little bit because you know, I run into you in the hallways ships passing the night at Fox Sports Radio. But during the week, because of everything that the overnight hours and the TV thing, I don't get a lot of sleep at the end of the week. The beginning of the week, I get a decent, honest sleep, but at the end of the week not so much. But I don't let my enthusiasm wain I try not. Maybe it does. So I didn't get much sleep last week Wednesday into Thursday because that's TV day, so I don't get my sleep that day. And then Thursday and Friday we did the overnight show. I then chilled out for a bit. I then had to do the fifth hour podcast, which is fine, I'm not planning. And then it was off to the airport or plane strands and automobiles and headed over to first flight from Sokal to Salt Lake City. Now, I've never even been to the airport at Salt Lake City and stopped over there and nice airport, clean air remind me of the airport. And in Detroit, I'm a big airport guy, Alex. Really, yeah, I don't know, you fly a fair amount.

I don't really fly a lot, But it's more so like, I don't know how you can get over this. How do you get over the fact you're sitting thirty five thousand feet in the air in a metal tube. It kind of just messes with my brain a little bit.

Yeah, was that at all for you?

Or no?




You know, I trips me out.

The safest form of travel is.

Air travel, right right. I have nothing against a safety, It's just I don't know. For some reason, I'm sitting there and I'm like, I'm sitting in a metal tube flying at however fast thousands of miles per hour. Just it's like a brain warp thing. You know, it's like flying without wings just kind of a it's a weird thing for me. I don't not explaining.

Are you like John Madden the old broadcaster where you just don't want to fly at all?

You're like, no, I don't mind flying, like it's I think it's like I can do it because you know, like the end goal is something that you want to experience or travel to. Yeah, but I think it's like I knowingly know if I jumped off a building, I can't fly, so like doing that trips me out. But I can walk right, I can run, so a car doesn't get me as much. Does that make any sense?

Like would you like to wear a parachute when you're in the plane?

That would be awesome. You would like to do a little bit more reassuring. I think, you know, like kind of a diaper in a day that you don't think you can make to the bathroom.

It's akin to a boat, and you probably swim right soon. You know how to swim, But if you're out in the middle of the Atlantic and you fall off a boat, you're probably not gonna be able to swim to shore.

Probably not, you know, what I mean.

Yeah, so you know she bring up like a paddle boat, right.


Anyway, So I was at the airport in Salt Lake and good airport. Now, the way I judge airports, there's three things. Most important is clean bathrooms and a lot of them. Right, That's the most important cause you're changing planes and all that stuff. You want to have clean bathroom. So that's the most important obviously. Then lower down is cleanliness, right just in general. You know, some of these older airports are dirty and all that. And then because my wife likes to explore the different culinary options, it's food at the air really. Yeah. I never before I met her, I never would get food at the airport because I was let's get you know, wait till I get where I want to get and I'll eat or whatever. But she's always like trying different things at airports and things like that. So, uh, this the Salt Lake Airport reminded me of Detroit. Very long terminal clean bathrooms though very clean, very and the airport in general is very clean. And they had a lot of announcements on the PA system Alex like, hey, you know, if you if you lost your keys at Gate three, come see so and so very polite.

I like that.

That's nice, right, yeah, you know, and people leave all kinds of crap at the airport. The amount of things that are left at the airport will blow your mind because everyone's in a hurry. They're usually tired, disheveled, and and all that lay over a yeah, Leo, but changing planes and then but going through security of course, which you know, I don't know about you, but for me, having lived in a pre nine to eleven world, yeah, yeah, every time I go to the airport, I know, Wow, this is a little much.

No, like a lot of this I think is just theater it has. It is for sure thousand percent.

Not needed per se as much.

Full body scan, shoes and socks off, take your belt off, go through this one, have this scanned padded down here. It's like, dude, why was it before pre like you said, nine to eleven, I could bring a knife and a steak on a plane and they just be like high five and you're like, hey, oh you're you're almost laying in that well.

For years it was just have you always had your bags and your possession. That was always that you know, no one else has touched your bag. Yeah, they'd ask you a couple of questions and then that was that. And then obviously the world changed and we're still a generation later, still feeling the after effects of that. So anyway, got to Salt Lake, then changed planes, got to cant the city. Relatively smooth flight. Uh. They were from Kansas City to or from from Salt Lake to Kansas City. A little turbulence, a little bit of a bumpy ride. I had some snacks whatever, but was actually I didn't eat the snacks. I saved them because I was fasting. But I was able to use the plane Wi Fi. We didn't ask ben, which is where I basically just killed time answer questions. I did it on Facebook. People are much nicer on Facebook than they.

Are on older crowd.

Yeah, it's a good, good crowd, very polite. Uh. Got to Kansas City and picked up the old rental and headed right over to the hotel. We had to drop our bags off. Didn't want to leave our bags in the car. You don't want to You don't want to get to a city and the first thing have happened, somebody smash it at the windows and take your bags. I'm going to try to avoid that so I did want to thank Tammy from the west In for the Welcome to Kansas City gift bag. Very very cool.

Oh that's cool.

Yeah, I got to the hotel, got upgraded at the hotel and I didn't have to pay anybody off, just upgraded our hotel room at a view of the skyline. Oh beautiful of Kansas City in the hotel was awesome. And then immediately we just dropped our bags off and headed over to the Casey Joe's, which is my favorite barbecue plays. I love Casey Joe's awesome and of course, how can you go wrong with barbecue? And but you might you don't strike me as a barbecue guy.

I'm really not to be honest with you.

You're not. Wow. Is that because it's meat? And yeah, it's like a vegan and you.

Know, I will say, sometimes Ben, my hair is let down, so there may or may not be some carneis sat over once in a blue moon. But I will say, the whole concept of a grill, it's just like the whole meat aspect to it, which you can get away with some fun stuff like have you ever tried grilling like slices of pineapple?

Ben? Uh? No, not really.

Oh my lady put me onto that ben that is delectable, delectable. Oh then you cut like kalapenos in half, put some cream cheese and some cheese inside of them, or maybe even like some beets you want to get like, you know, kind of crazy and moving the dolls. Yeah, yeah, that's what I mean. It's just like the stigma behind it. Barbecue is a meat thing, right, it is, and probably and this is one thing.

And I don't know if my wife wants me says, but she did not enjoy the Kansas City barbecue because he's well, she's used to barbecue sauce, and the thing about places like Kansas City and Texas and in Carolina. My experience with that barbecue is properly made barbecue. You don't need a lot of sauce, right, because it's the way you cook it and all that. But I've not done a lot of the veggies, like on a vegan So anyway, we went there. This it's called the z Man sandwich. It's a barbecue brisket sandwich with an onion ring on top. And thanks to the malor the thing we did on the plane, the ass bend thing, one of the guys said, hey, when you go there, you know the veteran move savvy, get the jumbo size. I didn't even know they had the jumbo side. Last time I was there. They didn't have it years ago. It was like we're ten years ago. So this place was so popular on Friday night, probably around by the time we got there. We got there around six thirty, had a forty five minute wait online outside of case Joe's Wow to get a brisket sandwich. And it was very chilly at night. Now it's not fully ridiculously cold in Kansas City yet because it's it's only November. That'll be coming in February, but it was cold for somebody that was used to the weather and socoal. So I froze my balls off waiting online. And so then we we stopped by this store called Harley Hustle. My wife looked it up and I needed a sweater, Okay, so I, uh, you know, because it's chili for me. So I went out and got the hoodie that I might have seen the photos some of your follow me on Facebook or whatever and Instagram. There were a bunch of photos and I was wearing this hoodie and that's where I got it from. And then on Saturday morning, as we continued the Mallard travel like very early wake up call, my friend Bob Fesco, he is the morning show Alex on ninety six point five, the fan in canz City City. Yeah, they just moved from AM to FM beautiful and he his lovely wife picked me up at the hotel. My wife was busy and we went on our merry way. I saw all the cool spots around Kansas City. They showed me the old train station where they still still an active train station where they have the chief Super Bowl rallies. Also every February, it's like tradition. The Chiefs win every I know you're not a sports guy, but they went every year.


And there's a massive World War One memorial no kidding, that overlooks the city. And now I'm told by Bob that that is the official for the entire United States. That is the national World War One Memorial.

Wow, no kidding.

Now, I don't know why it's in Kansas City. Yeah, why, I don't know, but it's it's right on top of a hill overlooking the city, the city center of Kansas City. It's pretty cool went over to state Line Road. Now state Line Road we can't really experience that where we are here in California because we're so far away from everything. But state Line Road is where you if you drive in the middle of the road, which we did not supposed to do. You were half of you is in Kansas and half of you is in Missouri. Yeah, it's the same time. And so yeah, that's places like in New England. If you've been around, I know you went back to you were in Pennsylvania, right, yes, yes, what part of Pennsylvania were you?

Leechburg, Pennsylvania?

Is that south north?

That's more I'd say east. And it's a very small town. Like if you think about our studio bend here from here to El Poile Loco, that's their downtown. Like that's it's just one street of like twenty shops. It was incredible.

Is it near Pittsburgh? Yes?

Yes, So now we're from Pittsburgh, I remember.

Okay, all right, so you if you go a little south of there, you'll go down to like West Virginia or High Yes, okay, that kind of thing in that in that area. But you drove about out here nothing and so we drove. I was half half in Kansas and half in Kansas City. And this is one of the cool things for those that haven't been to Kansas City, is you're literally in and out of Kansas and Missouri. Because there's Kansas City, Kansas, and there's Kansas City, Missouri, and their sister cities. They're separated by train tracks and like driving around to be like one minute, welcome to Kansas and then you're right back in Missouri, and then you're back. And it's very oh wow, very odd the way they did that. Also, the fun I saw, Now you don't know who this is, George Brett. He's an old baseball player. When I was a kid, went by his house Len Dawson, who died a couple of years ago, but he had a mansion. We drove by there, just random random things. Len Dawson's famous because he's an NFL legend. But one of the all time amazing photos was Len Dawson during halftime of Super Bowl One against the Green Bay Packers. Len Dawson found himself down fourteen to ten for the Chiefs, and so what did he do? He fired up a six a cigarette and had a bottle of Fresco. That's a that's a soft drink, not an alcoholic beverage. But it was actually discontinued during the pandemic. But you know this photo, he's in uniform smoking a cigarette at halftime of the.

Super Bowl iconic.

It is a great photo. And then we went over to the landing. We had the Mallard meat greet, which was wonderful. I was a little nervous because you never know, I've done a lot of these over the years, and I get no backing from from the company, so it's all me. You know, some of the shows go out, they were sponsored by you know, hotel chain and a lot of promotion. I get none. I get there's no there's no promotion. There's no billboards or anything like that, no commercials. So I never know who's gonna show up. It's just me begging people to show up, and it's always hit and miss.


Now, usually we do pretty well, but there have been times where have been few people to show up. Sometimes it doesn't work out. And it was very important because it would have been the words I'll use is a masculating if I had traveled spent my weekend traveling to Kansas City and like nobody showed up. Gosh right, right, that would have been very, very tough. Now, fortunately that was not the case. We had a relatively I consider packed house. It was one of the bigger ones that we've done, these Mallard meet and greets, and I knew right away, Alex Levegan that it was going to be a good day when I walked in. Okay, the first thing I heard was a voice I didn't recognize saying, go to hell Bill Miller.


Yeah, first thing I heard from the back of the room, right, and it was the the guy named Elk on the air. He's kind of known as Elk Greco. He's contributed on social media, and he yelled out, go to hell, Bill Miller. And so that was great. And met a bunch of people and I'm gonna try to remember as many as I can, and I'm gonna miss most. I admit that I'm gonna miss most. But among those that I did come across, we had Nick and was in in Nebraska.


He came down with his son. Now. The cool thing about this, Alex, his kid was a kid caller, like no, yeah, and now he's in college.

Oh my god.

Yeah, he's going to Nebraska. Wow, happens fast. He goes to the University of Nebraska. It's pretty crazy, right man.

People are growing up on your show, Ben.

It has happened. That's insane. Happened that Nick's a maleman in in Nebraska. No, kiddill me is his story and stuff and pretty cool. He likes when I say the great unwashed, he said. He told me he did not take a shower because he wanted to make sure that that I smelled him. When there's very very nice, good, good situation, there a loss in now. This guy he's from Trenton, Missouri, which is a small town in Missouri, probably ninety miles or so, he said, from from Kansas City. And he dragged his girlfriend and they both worked at a radiator factory in Missouri. They make radiators all night, no kidding, Yeah, And he came down to hang out Christopher in Kansas City. Was there the legendary JD In case we had JT. The wingman who drove in from Knoxville. That was his fourth Mallard meet and greet. He's been born in Minnesota, Minneapolis, Charleston, South Carolina, Vegas, and can City.

Is he the most well traveled fan for these meet and greens.

At this point, he is Wow. Now we've had Salsa, but Salsa is a flight attendant. So when Saul comes in, it's like it's a lot of travel, but he gets like discount right, right, But this guy's just driving around the country to come hang out with Wow. Would you ever do that for anyone? Oh?

For you've been absolutely absolutely for you.

You're lying, But was there anyone in media that you you know? I know you Over the years, You've you've evolved, You've done a lot of different things. Back in the day, yes, you're involved in that as today.

No, No, it got too popular for me. Like whenever things get trendy, I move on to something better and found more kind of wholeness in this whole self help and helping people elevate their perspective on things like when you and I had that whole deep dive about the ocean and everything like that, like the coast to coast that's my forte now I love that.

That's right. Yes, all right, So, but back when you were really big into anime, maybe you would have traveled far to a convention.

Hmmm, that's a fun question. Yeah, So I've actually been hosting a lot of these. I get offered the position to be like the main MC and stuff. So I've always went to different places, whether it be Vegas or again Pittsburgh where we got invited to stay at a fans house to do the show live and stuff. So I've definitely traveled like that. But it's funny you mentioned that I've never went myself out of my way to something for my fandom though, Like I'm actually realizing that I've never done that just for the excitement, Like the most I've done, Ben, and it's just because you know, I'm the hippie that if I moved to India, I become the Dali Lama. I've done trips for like national things, right National Parks reserves or the Grand Canyon. When I went for my birthday over August, i drove out there. That kind of stuff I'll do, but never for like anybody in media or anything like that. I've never been that type.

And I'm not. When I was growing up, the only thing I did that I recall was Howard Stern. I was in like high school and he had a book signing in Pasadena.

Oh well, that's cool.

But it wasn't. I didn't travel to New York or Boston.

Yeah yeah, in.

SoCal and imp out overnight.

No you didn't.

I did. But the thing about it was that the people that were there didn't really care. They just wanted a party.

Oh yeah, you know.

So there was a lot of debauchery that was going on and people didn't care about. They were in the line to get autographs from Stern, but they didn't really care. But it was an interesting night. It was that there was a Border's books on I don't even think it's still there on Colorado Boulevard in Passow and spent the night there. But JT's great. He's awesome, great guy from the Midwest. Lives in Knoxville, Tennessee now and I'm bonding with him because of that. Now, another great story of this guy, Jase Jace was not able to make it to the Malla meet greet. He was at a state cross country meet in Columbia, Missouri, the home of the University of Missouri. And he's such a big fan of the show that he sent his parents to represent him.

You're kidding me? How awesome is that?

That is? Epic? Is that great? Ah? Now, Jason. He couldn't make it. He had to be at the cross country meet and he was unfortunate scheduling staff. And he did tell me on social media that he was able to get his parents hooked on the show. So it's not like they didn't listen to the show. But still they did it for him.

That's impressive.

And they did. They didn't mention to me. They're like, well, our son could make it, and you know, we wanted to represent and all that stuff, and so his mom, mom had told me. So it was really it was really neat. It was really it made me feel very warm.

You should, Ben, that's like an old distinguished honor. It's like the household of the family. You know, like I couldn't make it, but I sent my father and money to attend you, you know, to represent Shade. You know, like that's so cool.

Actually it was. It was. It was really neat. Yeah, it was. It was great. Ronnie was there. Ronnie works all night making bullets, that's his job making. But he tell he told me, he talked about he said that there there are so many bullets around they just dropped floor. They make no Yeah, I can only imagine what that would look like the bullet factory insane. But Ronnie was really cool. Had a big chief shirt on. I mentioned No Greco, who's, by the way, looks like kind of a hippie guy but a dentist about that. What, Yeah, he looks like, you know, kind of like he's a free spirit but he's ad No, does he have long hair? Yeah? Long hair?

Wow. Maybe that's the secret code, Ben, because do you remember how they always say like dentists are one of the top positions that are the most depressing because nobody's happy to go to the dentist or anything like that. Maybe he found like the secret way of just being like free, easy and unconditional loving, like, oh, your cavity is here, but my hair is here to stay, you know, Like that's kind of a cool mantra.

Yeah, no, he hasn't. Really, he's the guy that yelled out you go to hell, Bill Millers. Yeah. Yeah, it was so cool. Yeah, it was really neat, and so I mean there was just in general. We had Darryl who came down from the Ozarks with his pops and they brought me a as a gift, and you know, several guys brought me gifts at Ozarks high School Laker baseball jersey. Oh, talk about random And now Darryl did this because he knows I loathe the Lakers. I hate the Lakers. And he said, listen, all right, this is a way that you can be a Laker fan without being a fan of the Lakers. You can be a fan of the high school here in the Ozarks, which he said finished number one in the state of Missouri two years ago. And I want you to know, Alex, that's big news.

That's huge.

Number one baseball team entire state of Missouri two years ago.


And I own a jersey. Stop it not you. I have the jersey in my possession. It's here at the Malor mansion. Also, a couple ups drivers stop by. They came down. I don't know if I mentioned JD in Kansas City Jeopardy Al who was at the last Mallor meet we did. He works the day shift. Now. Now, the craziest moment, by far, I would say, was Chris the Chef. Now, Chris the Chef called us up a couple of years back from the hospital and he was going into surgery. He thought he might die. He was scared, he was lonely and he called us up and we talked to him for a little bit on the radio, and then that was it. He went away and we didn't know really what had happened. So I saw Chris and he's had many medical problems. He's on disability now. But he called us up from what he thought was his deathbed and he's still up and kicking. And he told me the reason he believes he's still alive is because of what what do you think it is?

Probably that radio call? Huh?

Well, not necessarily that, No, but a malor meet and greet we did no last one. In Kansas City, he ran into a guy named Doc Mike. Okay, you got the doc. Doc Mike is one of my crazy callers, Okay from Chicago, and he's into alternative medicine.

My type of guy.

You're kind of guy. Yes, he loves to drink his own piss.

I'd be lying if I said I haven't tried that.

You've tried that I have. Yeah, did it change your life in amazing ways?

I definitely made my stomach feel like it was going to turn over it the first time. It was a lot to process.

What about the getting it into your stomach process, which I think would be the hardest.

Yeah, that's that's probably the mental thing that I've told you about knowing about for example, flying in a metal tube and air. For me, it was like the concept of Okay, I'm gonna drink this, but I need to drink this, So it was more so like I don't know. Again, back to full circle with all this the vegetable thing, it's just once I know the purpose behind it and I've decided I do it, and so I can muster the strength through it, and it's just that initial taste where your brain is like, oh this usually goes out and how it's coming in. So it does throw you off, but I think, like anything like drinking ginger shots or whatever, eventually it does get easier. But I'm telling you, Ben, for anybody who has ever tried it, and maybe he knows too, that first time it sits in your stomach, it's such a wild It's like an Aaron Rodgers darkness retreat cleansing thing. It's incredible how much it cleans you well.

Now that you've told me I don't need to do it, because you've told me I know everything about it, you're very well go well for me, I a lot of foods I will not eat because just getting it into your stomach, Like, yeah, the one I ate the most disgusting thing the Rocky Mountain oysters a couple of years ago, and that the oyster stuff that we had was just thinking about what it was. Yeah, it was very tough for me to get that into the body. Very different. Yeah, I was mental. Uh who I mentioned some ups guys were there. I'm not sure who almost Andy Reid. Now this guy looks exactly like Andy Reid. I mean, yeah, he's it's insane.


The guy is actually an opera singer. He sings at the big opera house that Yeah, and he's a guy that he showed up. I wanted to make sure he was there. I told my friend Bob, I said, listen, Bob, we need to get almost Andy Reid there. And Andy is the almost Andy Reid guy is Actually he looks so much like Andy Reid that he's been in those you know, those state farm commercials. Yes, yes, he's been in them with Andy Reid.

There's no way.

Yeah, yeah, he's got a national commercial because of that. But my friend Bob Fesco, the Morning Guy, found him on a remote he showed up to a remote that they did and Bob said, you look just like Andy Reid. And the guy has embraced it. He dresses like him. You know, where's the outfit and all that stuff has has the same facial hair and yeah, it's like wow, it's like he's his twin.

You know.

There is that that theory that everyone has an identical twin in the world, even if you weren't born with that person. That's somewhere in the world there's someone that is exactly like you. It might be on the other side of the world. That might be down the street right someone that has almost the same look as you have. This it's very odd that this happened, like some kind of time space continuum passing, passing by a time warp or something very bizarre. But that was That was pretty cool. Now. I have more to say, but I think we're gonna save it for the Sunday. I'll have the I'm gonna tease, Alex. I'm gonna tease because tomorrow we'll have the mail bag and I'll talk about my trip to Arrowhead Stadium, which you can see some of that on Benny Versus the Penny. Today's episode on Peacock and all that. Now it is Saturday, the sixteen day of November. Anything you want to promote here before we close the shop for the rest of the day here, Alex, anything you want to promote.

First, I have to say, Ben, congratulations again. I love the fact that you're growing into a plethora of different entertainment spaces. It's about time your glorious mug was on a camera because it's always on a microphone. So shout out to that.


I never miss it, by the way, thank you, never miss it. So just knowing, lie, I never want.

Yes, I know that where I will.

Say we have put it on the studio multiple times for you. I will say that that is.

True, all right, we have I will take that, behare definitely. I will embrace that. That's not bad. It's not too bad that you would do that.

But if anybody wants to listen to anything Ben, just look Shallow Oceans podcast, TikTok anywhere you can listen to the glorious Ben Mallard stuff. You can listen to mine as well. So thank you, Ben.

All right, and that is it. I will be consuming some college football later today and enjoying that and some good food and family and all that. But I have a wonderful rest of your Saturday. Don't forget what what's around with the mail bag, and also my trip to Arrowhead. Mallard travelog continues, and we'll do all that, and we'll talk to you next time, and as Danny would say, later, skater, have you, Ben Maller

The Fifth Hour with Ben Maller

Making the leap from radio to digital is now a reality for Ben Maller as he does it right before you 
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