Mario Murillo
Mario Murillo joins the program to share some miracle stories that inspired his new film.
Ken Chinn
Ken Chinn's shares his miraculous encounter with the healer on this Miracle Monday.
Mike Thompson (Encore Continued)
Pastor Mike Thompson shares his newest book: "The Lion’s Army: Discover the Ways of the Spirit for the Last Days".
Mike Thompson (Encore)
Pastor Mike Thompson shares his newest book: "The Lion’s Army: Discover the Ways of the Spirit for the Last Days".
Glenn Packiam
Pastor Glenn Packiam explains the guidance the ancient Nicene Creed provides in answering what a Christian is in the modern world.
J.P. Pokluda
J.P. Pokluda.speaks his new book Your Story Has A Villain
Noble Gold
Fernando Matias of Noble Gold Investments jtalks about his new book "Silver Is The New Oil"
Allen Jackson
Pastor Allen Jackson of Allen Jackson Ministries joins the program to discuss his new book "Angels, Demons, and You"
Paul Jacobs (Encore)
Paul Jacobs of Food for the Poor explains the impact your gift can do to provide food for a year for a hungry child.
John Zmirak
John Zmirak on the release of the JFK fIles. More at: