In episode 1823, Jack and Miles are joined by co-host of Stuff They Don't Want You To Know & Ridiculous History, and producer of Missing In Arizona, Ben Bowlin, to discuss… STROID WAAAAAAATCH!!!, RETURN OF THE MUNDANE: Dropping Sh*t on Your Foot Edition, Mark Zuckerberg Benson Boone “Tribute To His Wife” and more!
LISTEN: Bully Ball by Surprise Chef
WATCH: The Daily Zeitgeist on Youtube!
L.A. Wildfire Relief:
Earlier, I was bragging to my girlfriend about how I missed you guys and it would be cool to hang out, And now we're figuring out sock.
Yeah, good, that's why you missed us, bro.
No, but yeah, I mean I remember. I think that was in the the pilot of the Shield where they called it a sock party. No Vic Mackie brings in a fucking phone book to beat the ship out of someone in a police interrogation, to be like, Bro, this shitting even to leave bruises. I'm about to beat the hell.
Out of you with this phone book with a phone book. Yeah, yeah, because not leave Bruce, because the point of impact is it is so it's so wide miles, that's brilliant.
Yeah, but I'm like, I don't know, bro, somebody definitely slapped in the face, that's definitely.
That's like that thing like you you have to tell me if you're a cop, Like, yeah, like a thing that they used in the movie or like the first phone call. It's like a thing a rule they made up for the movies to move things dramatically forward, whereas in reality it's just like doesn't work that way. In reality, the police don't give a funk if you get a bruise.
Oh wow, there's some fucking Instagram video called can phone books leave bruises experiment experiment?
This is what we're talking about to the scientific method.
Oh it's Australians.
Bruises like a phone book, like a like a fine book.
Today we test, alright, get to the being this ship at each other. I'm actually sorry, I mean, oh no, why do you have to have his bare ass out to get hit with.
The It was important to the to the shot composition. Anyway, those guys want to fuck each other so bad, you can tell. Yeah, let me give my butt out for what bro our third scientific experiment that somehow requires me to be faced down with my bare.
What are you doing with lighter? We're making a video r about of an experiment began to at least bruise something.
Today we're going to experiment on weather a watched pot actually boils and h For this first part, I'm gonna go lay down out in the backyard with my bare ass in the ass down as what.
That's the way we like to experiment.
Hello the Internet, and welcome to season three, seventy eight, Episode three of I Got It. That's right, it's a production of iHeart Radio, and it is a podcast where we take a deep dive into American share consciousness. It's fucking true. It's true what they say. We do, take a deep dive into America share consciousness. It is Wednesday, March fifth, twenty twenty five.
Find another a March the fifth Man. Well, it's National wrong Cheese Doodle Day. It's National absynth today. And hey, why don't you pull up to the guy with the funny collar and the big house and let him put some ash on your forehead and a plus sign because it's ash Wednesday. Y'all.
I've been hearing abouday sun. Did you think what what was that? I don't know I was I was trying to do like some Latin type ship.
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, dude, get that ash on, Get your ash on.
Get your ash on.
Is this when lent starts? Is let baby baby?
This is so yesterday, Fat Tuesday, Tuesday, because this is when the Catholics stop. It's like Ramadan, but they can't eat at all.
Forty days, forty nights.
The Catholics aren't allowed to eat it all or give up your so many kids.
I love the logic of the twisted logic I applied to observing lent because for me, I was like, this is how I'm going to rebounce my karmic scale to be like, I've been fucking up God, I won't smoke weed during the week. And that was what I did. Uh.
Those are like my first brushes with sobriety.
Was like, I'm gonna try. I'm going to try and quit drinking for lent.
And I actually did it once in my twenties and I was like, so I can't have a problem.
I'm good here, right.
Uh yeah, And then I tried it again in my thirties. Didn't take more than a couple of days. The four loco, Yeah, yeah, exactly, And now I don't drink at all.
Anyway, they should make three loco to you know, to honor the triune god for Trinity. Trinity, let's take one loco off the fucking table here. I get back to Brad. I mean, it was father something was.
It made illegal like they outlawed it.
There was pre band, there is there's the pre band for loco that killed a couple of kids. And then yes, and then the other stuff that just made gave you terrible stomach problems if you pounded more than.
Yeah, so the problem is big government interfering.
Saying RFK is here.
And ran the famous vampire libertarian author.
Yes he's on her grind. Oh yeah, my name is Jack O'Brien. A ka, good night sweet Skype. Well it's time to go that one courtesy of halcyon Salad on the Discord, R I p to Skype although today service being put out to pasture on CNN.
They were talking to uh, the Canadian politician Jack Meat Singh and they they in the corner. They said via Skype. I was like, y'all, I'm not gonna be able to do that shit for long, Like too little, too late Skype.
Yeah, one last hurrah, the rage against the dying of the SKYPEA.
The Skype marketing person like runs into the office today, like I got an exclusive.
We're on CNN.
They're like, bardie, buddy, buddy, Yeah, your ship is in a box.
No, no, we did not. It's gonna be a mall parking lot.
Does make me wonder though Halsey on Salads, using the death of Skype to in that song context does imply that that good Night, Sweetheart song was about so like someone they were about to murder. Maybe, I don't know, spook spooky if you think about it that way. Anyways, I'm thrilled to be joined as always by my co host.
It's mister Miles Gray's mister Miles Gray aka Gary Slime aka Salim Yard. That's my name backwards. I was used to say that as a kid, and also the Lord of Lancersham the showgun with no gun back in the San Fernando Valley just for a little bit, as I hope to return to the wonderful altady in the area. Anyway, thank you for having me Backjack the Lean Yard. Yeah, Yard, I had this whole thing when I was a kid where I would say everything backwards in my head. I don't know if that's like a weird thing or light OCD or whatever, but there was like a time where like I could not like I would figure out if I was fucking with a word based on how it sounded backwards to me. Yeah, yeah, anyway, I still do that shit. Don't worry about it.
It's a it's very un't worry about it.
Nearbo Cash, dude, dearbau Cash is kind of dope.
Yeah, yeah, it's like like it's always a good clue in like a book that's ammed at eleven year olds.
It's like that's actually satan backwards.
There's something about this doctor Alu card guy.
Yeah, Miles, we are thrilled to be joined once again by a writer, one of the best podcast hosts and executive producers doing it.
Yep, you know him from.
Stuff they don't want you to know, Ridiculous history Missing in Arizona.
It's Ben Buller boll Oh snap off writing in aka nil wob nebb missed you guys, Uh nilob Yeah, I got the got the got got the gray Miles. Uh so hard there you guys. How how are you doing? It's been fucking forever.
Good, So I'm doing. Everything is great. Twenty twenty five started off with a bang and yeah, no notes, no notes, no notes.
Twenty twenty five.
I love thank you so much for asking love to see an outsider get go to DC and just kind of shake things up, you know what I mean, thing to the point where you've killed it because you shook it so hard.
Uh spelling spelling shake s h E I K surely.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes exactly yeah yeah, but.
Oh boy, yeah, yeah, no, No, it's cool that we have a Russian president.
You know, that's really like.
I feel like the news really isn't doing a good job of like acknowledging the moment and that you.
Know, they I think they're nailing it.
They want to talk about Obama all the time, but then I'm talking about our first Russian president. Damn. I know.
Thank you or that's the real de e I right, that we were looking for as a country.
Yes, exactly exactly.
It does seem like we're going to try and go Trump free on this bitch. But it does seem like we're we might be seeing the beginnings of some sort of the mainstream media waking.
Up, because it's you can do whatever.
That turns out, you can do whatever the fuck you want, as long as you don't as well, just don't.
Fuck up my money.
Yes, yeah, yees yeah, Ben, We're thrilled to have you here. We're gonna get to know you a little bit better in a moment. First, we are going to tell the listeners a couple of the things that we're talking about today on this video episode. You can go watch this on YouTube see what see what it looks like On Friday, First, we're going to check in with our ongoing destroid watch.
It's like, let's go.
Asid Yeah all right, Yeah, it's for some reason the media has been quiet about it. We got a.
Lot of it because it's so scary.
The chances have gone up.
Yeah, we'll check in.
Usually do a really good job about, like, you know, de escalate when they have a problem they're talking about. They usually do a good job of de escalating and being like okay, guys. So it turns out not so. So we're just going to check in see what the percentage is that we are going to My underrated a few weeks ago was like mondanity and just like finding mundane shit to do, reconnecting with the mundane, because everybody's just connected to this big, horrible hive mind where we all feel like we're losing all the time. And so we're gonna do a mundanity check and some of the trends trends of just the stupidest mundane shit people are doing online. And we're also we're also going to connect with our ridiculous history appearances because there's some weird flexes from history that we want to check in with. Some mundane trends from the past that we want to talk to you about. Ben, I am so on board with us. By the way, we will talk about Mark Zuckerberg's Benson Boone tribute to his wife.
It's all about her in a way that was all about him and her. I mean me, yes, all of that plenty more. But first, Ben, we do you like to ask our guests what is something from your search history that is revealing about who you are?
All right?
I know you guys rightly roast me on some of these things. First off, I got super into camels. Camels switching off marlboroughs. I hear that's better for your Turkey silver long distance running.
Yeah, more Turkish royal. Yeuy, you're right.
Uh No, dude, camels look goofy. Everybody is pretending that camels are a normal thing you saw in person. I have seen camels in the past, not to brag. Also to your earlier point about historical flexes. You guys, remember you taught me that Charles Darwin actually ate instance of animal. So I ate some camel recently, and I felt kind of bad because you know, if you look at them, they got the clown shoes, you know, through millions of years of evolution. They're always kind of American at you.
Wait, they have big feet that like go out like like our feet. What do you mean clown shoes? Dude?
They have very wide like why they fat feet. Yeah, they're like Clydesdale's. Yeah, Quintin Terrans Clydesdale's Quentin Tarantino would love it as she learns about camel feet.
Not enough to on that, not enough total for him.
Uh yeah, cammel camel's are. In the previous conversation, we talked about the octopus and the fact that the octopus can dream, right, and uh, how they can exhibit colors via their chrematophorce. Anyway, I got super into camels because we, uh we found out on ridiculous history that back in the eighteen hundreds, the US government tried to start their own camel core that's what they called it.
That's a sub genre of music.
I b yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's it's the new Uzbek drill rap exactly, camel cor.
So learned about that and then thought of you guys when I was looking into another thing about astrology and government, like how the the world powers will often consult low key with astrologers to determine timing of policy. At this point, I have to ask you, guys, what's your sign?
M I mean, first of all, my only complaint with that is that it's low key. I think we should all be respecting the stars openly and proudly. My sign is Leo, and I've never told anyone that I was a Leo without them being like, that makes sense, And then they've never been able to explain why it makes sense to me in a way that is satisfactory.
Right, because you go on a room and you just let you just roar and let everybody know, I know, big personality like that sort of stereotypical Leo trade. Yeah, I'm a Virgo like nine percent of the earth.
Uh huh right, right, Like you're on the you're on a date and someone says, oh my god, you're Sagittarius and you say, oh, what's that?
A one and twelve chance?
That's not right?
We should play another stupid version of the lottery.
They what did they? What happens like an astrologers like I don't don't fucking sign no Voting Rights Act? Right now? Wait?
True story, true story. Okay, two examples keep it quick Uh. The nation of Myanmar back in like two thousand and five, they moved their entire fucking capital to a new place that had not been built because an astrologer told them they needed to avoid a disaster. So for true believers, this becomes interesting because three years later, in two thousand and eight, the biggest natural disaster in all of the nation's history of mean mark It hit the location of the old capital. So people were again convinced that there was some sort of discernible, predictable pattern in the stars. For a lot of us in the Zeit Gang gang guying guy, all right.
You're from the South, don't you don't have to cover it.
Up, you guys? Uh?
Ronald Reagan and the Reagan administration gang. Yes, yeah, sorry, guys, I was regang Uh consulted with uh an astrologer named Joan Quickly and.
Yeah, and Nancy and Ryan yeah yeah, some of some of our greatest decision makers of all time. Did you guys hear that Tarantino announced his tenth movie. No, yeah, it's gonna be an adaptation of this Little Piggy. All right, Ben, what is something that you think is underrated?
Underrated? Since we're talking about the South waffle House. Waffle House severely underrated. FEMA needs waffle House to uh to rate natural disasters, which is crazy. The waffle House Index is a real thing. It's like unofficial getting air quotes. But but yeah.
Folks at home, he's doing air quotes people that are just listening. That's why you should check out the YouTube. Check out the YouTube episode on Friday so you can see his fingers go.
Yeah, yeah, I've got a fingies.
We saw.
Going, yeah, can I get the breakfast omelet with some potato fingies.
Roasted potato fingies.
Have you guys been the waffles?
Yeah? Yeah, yeah, hell yeah man, oh yeah about like it capped?
I like it smothered, you know, smothered, covered, covered, Wait, which one's cheese? I forget anyway?
Yes, everything onions, gravy, ge whatever, bro, I want to all asleep at the table.
They'll fuck with you. Yeah it we I think during like our last like when they were like five hurricanes converging on the southeast of the US, we covered a story about the waffle House Index and that like they take it seriously. They're like they have their own situation room. Yeah right, the like of meteorologists. They're tracking these because they were like, well, we need to stay open. We make great money when we're the only thing that's open within one hundred square miles, So we like track everything, know, like what needs to happen in order to stay open. And because the government is apparently cheap, they're just like, yeah, let's just pay attention to their the thing and are you guys open? Yes, that's what they do. Yeah.
And also this, uh, this goes into our idea of prognostication, the idea of measuring, as we said, the uh not on zero likelihood of asteroids showing up just a party.
And uh, I gotta tell you, guys, I was thinking of waffle House specifically because of the disaster index, but also because I recently got in deep with waffle House. I'm trying to extricate myself.
You ow them money.
They're pretty gangster man, Honestly, you know, I just don't want to end up scattered, covered and smothered, you know, So I'm going to recommend.
You saw what happened that last guy who had renegged on that NFT deal with waffle House, like you're trying to do. They put all that American cheese down his throat.
Yeah, what is something, Ben? Do you think is overrated?
Artificial intelligence?
Come off it? What?
You know?
I think it's underrated because everybody keeps talking about it.
Do you know people who actually have that kind of fucking like logic they apply to things like, well, now that everyone's against it, I'm actually for it. You're like, I like a research thing that just tells me what I want to hear. I think that's especially important in our modern world.
Yeah, I just all right, So here's the thing.
Philosophically, Uh, this is gonna sound dumb, but humans can't define intelligence to begin with. So if an intelligent thing exists, why is it inherently artificial? Also, also, the large language models are just kind of trash. And I feel like an old Dodo yelling at the sky.
You know what I mean.
And I know it's I know, like you guys are shouting out already. It's it's very there's a very important social trend to be contrarian or to love a thing or to hate a thing. But I would look at the money at this point, you know what I mean? And I love that NFT comparison. Yeah, remember when everybody was all about at FTSE and there was like board ape or whatever, and that was the future.
Even selling episodes of podcasts I as NFTs I've heard anyway, but that's neither here nor there. But yeah, no, I mean I think that is a huge part of it. Is like you just see how who is invested in making people think it's great, and you're like.
And this one like going back to our point of like the media only wakes up that things are fucked up when the stock market starts to crumble. The stock market is so heavily leveraged on ai shit right now because it's like all these massive tech companies that haven't been able to come up with their next innovation, and so they're like, this is that's where all of this hype and energy comes from. Is like we get to keep like getting people more and more excited about some future like growth. I know it's not good to be making that hand gesture at that angle, but like future guys that way, but it's it's buzzy now. It's like it's a hip thing to do.
See that. There was a guy who owned a construction company. Did you see that clip where the dude did it at a fucking like conservative meetup and then everyone's like what the fuck and he's like, yo, I was just emulating the fun Elon Musk. It was a joke.
It was fun one, not not the Hitler one.
That's like, what's sort of the logic. It was like just just goof around, you know. It's like that that was supposed to be taken like as an actual Just because of doing a literal Nazi salute doesn't mean you should take it literally as some kind of Nazi salute.
Really, it's really it's a moment for you guys to hold yourself.
Uh you know what I mean. I'm just saying, open your eyes, man. Yeah. But yeah they are. They're like, I don't think this one is going to fall apart until it absolutely has to, at which point the stock market is going to take just the hugest ship. Yeah.
Well, I mean that's why Deep seek Ai was such a huge shakeup, because they're like, bro, They're like, hold on, bro, y'all ask this for hundreds of millions of dollars. Yeah, to get this shit going. They just said they did. This ship was seven million and then just cheated off your open source What the look, but we need more, We need the money for more processors to beat them. And it's just that the fucking marry go around goes round and round and round, and it's like, bro, you're not making money, you're spending money, and no one's like this ship is now. I cannot live day to day without it.
No, all the innovation that's happened, like positively from the tech industry, or at least the vast majority of it, has been like driven by open source and like being able to like bring together a lot of minds, and the current iteration of the tech industry is all about siloing things off and protecting like investments essentially. And so yeah, they're gonna be getting the shit kicked out of them by other countries for the next I don't know, however, many decades until they recognize that this is a major problem.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, what point will it be too late? Our favorite humor is gallows humor, and there is no whistle like a graveyard whistle.
Right. I also I got what a graveyard whistle is, man.
Holy ship, So uh, this is this is something also that I think is very interesting for all of us who are fans of language I love the corporate buzzwords that are coming out now, and it's so easy to make your own and just say it confidently with a straight face, and people will be like, like, let's uh, let's smack this with the folk book or whatever. Yeah, see, so it will go yeah, yeah that makes sense.
Look, we're just gonna take this code, just gonna beat it with a sack of oranges. You know what I mean?
Get me?
Yeah, they are.
They frequently are like kind of violent. Yeah. Yeah, Like how we have a spear because we like to you know, we're the part that actually goes into the enemy's mid section and dis disembowls them.
What my division does serted barbs. So when you pull it out for another strike, you then evisceraate them.
Yeah, you guys crushed that.
Yeah, so what we do? We just talked. We just talked about medieval weapons all the time. Off, Uh, let's take a quick break. We're running out of time.
We got to come back and check out storid Wise, I don't see how close this fucking thing is to us. I haven't heard from the New York Times in fucking weeks. We'll be right back.
And we're back.
We're back, and it is time for stroid.
What we got shot? Okay, so last time we checked in, we were around three point one percent. That was three point one let's take it a guarantee, bro, Bro, that's again, like we said last time, don't look at that as a ninety seven percent chance it doesn't hit. Look at that is a three percent chance that we're all gonna die. Just dig into that three luxuriate in theol. Right, I'm guessing were he starts smoking exactly exact somebody called fat Joe, because I'm guessing the percentage now is all the way up. Okay, let me look right now, according to the SUPERU telescopes data, zero point zero zero four percent.
Fuck alright, so it's not that's just like a telescope on someone's super That's just like that telescope's opinion opinion.
Man, fun, So it's down to it presents no risk anymore. Oh but hold on, there's a chance you can hit the moon.
It can hit the mo, but one almost sounds even more fun. Someone take the moon down a peg, you know what I mean. It's kind of an asshole as far as planets and.
Planetary respect of your cycle get out of here, you lunar freak. But apparently that could also go down to zero. So all right, back to work everyone, straight, watch over, no more.
See here bo. That's it. Also my underrated this week was wind. And you know, the moon gets a lot of the credit for the movement of the ocean. It's all wind, it's all It's basically all wind, like the tides, yes are the moon, but waves are all wind.
Okay, is this like a tease for your new hit piece on the moon.
Like, yeah, yeah, I'm not a fan, not a fan many.
Yeah, new moon called okay, lunar it's not great. It's just Jack reading a bunch of moon facts and you believe that. Yeah, but yeah, I don't know. This is funny to see, like how it's we were all reading about the earth sitting, earth destroying or city destroying asteris that might hit and then fucking crickets And then I look and then I'm like, oh right, it's because they didn't. The media is not there to reinforce our feelings. No, no, no, no, it's all just clickbait. Now, yeah, it's all clickbait. They might have written about it, but that's just like not the way, are you attention? Ecosystem works anymore? Well?
Also, fear point, though.
We can't stop anything, right, we like, human civilization doesn't have the technology currently to do anything other than observe and ship moment, we.
Can stop it.
Yeah, yeah, sure, like you two guys Miles.
And yeah, if we just consulted the right star charts, we would have actually been good.
I get so high. I hijack a Blue Origin spaceship at knife point, and I fucking handle it. Okay, that's how That's how I pitched it to NASA, and they were like, no, Nasa.
NASA straight up went up there on the dart mission landed on an asteroid impact.
They didn't land. That's armageddon. I think they landed.
So they landed with Bruce will Miles. Okay, so Miles hasn't done the research that I have, so they put together they put together a team of oil drillers. Okay, landed. I totally was thinking of armageddon. I watched the feed, I watched the fucking feet of the dart mission and still, uh my brain, my memory got overtaken by armageddon. But anyways, they they were able to steer. Was it a com are An asteroid. An asteroid asteroid like like slightly off its course early enough in advance. And the thing that they knocked off its path was bigger than the one. This one. So, by the way, this wasn't even an Earth destroyer. This is a city destroyer. It wasn't ship, Okay, wasn't.
I'll put me, just put me in fucking ground zero. Brought gobble that ship up up there.
It's got a phone book big enough to hit the asteroid, won't.
They won't even know what happened. Bagg of oranges and phone book. Bro.
We don't do it at night when it's asleep, you know, sneak up on it. Lash point though, true story before we get the emails. The United States during the Cold War did have a plan to attempt to detonate nuclear weapons on the Moon just you know, fuck around, figure out Project A one one nine. They were so horny to detonate nuclear weapons fucking everywhere. Yeah, they're all over, like Greenland, the Arctic.
They were so fun you have as a kid, like when you bring like an empty coke can into a pool and you're like duool water here to pour it out?
Photo Yeah, photos of the like Las Vegas beauty contests that are happening. That's like miss nuclear bomb and there's like a mushroom cloud in the background. Like there's just some incredible stupid.
Atomic architecture and like home goods back then, that whole like interior design style that was built out of our love of the fucking vaporizing weapon, the atomic bomb.
Hey, speaking of historical stupidity that we should be taking r Q from. Uh, let's talk about our pitch for a return to the mundane that we're already starting to see the early signs of. I was talking about this podcast Ben. Have you heard the Blind Boy podcast? I have not. He's this Irish artist. He was in the rap group the Rubber Bandits, and he just has a really cool kind of like it's like half poetry, half him, just like talking sometimes really great interviews with Irish people. But he interviewed this guy who goes around Ireland like lifting rocks for like just the and these rocks, these rocks are like famous. They're like, oh, that's the you know, Blarney Stoner. You know it's not, but like they're famous rocks from an era when this was like a essentially a sporting event. The local strong man comes to town and tries to lift your like famous.
Rock and these are big ass rocks, big ass rocks.
Yes, yes, you were getting ideas there for a second, because I can lift I can. Yeah, No, big ass rocks which are like have weird centers of gravity, so you have to like have like their strategy involved. Anyway, Like, after listening to them talk about lifting rocks for an hour and a half, I was like, this is the future of entertainment. I really feel like we need to get bring back Mundanity.
Yeah, yeah, that's not the failed hybrid band that was. Olivia Munn was the lead singer of Danity Kine, not that Miley.
You wrote that in the dock. I went and googled. I didn't get it because sucks.
The other one.
So I went and googled Olivia Munn's singer and they were like, she's been in like some music videos. I guess.
But guess what. My Wisconsin football fans love this. Remember the celebrity power couple of Olivia Munn and Ron Dane also known as Mundane. Alright, alright again timely reference that man is forty six years old now. But anyway, yeah, finger on the pulse folks, Yeah, the finger on the pulse of a corpse that expired twenty years ago. But yeah, so the latest one. This is the reason why I brought it up because Jack, when you brought that up, I was like, yeah, no, we are due for mundanity again. Is this like trend? Now? That is quote the droppings drop stuff on your foot challenge? Uh now, now I just seemed to basically what people do is they're just out here dropping ship on their feet and going, oh gee, hey.
Ben, real quick fix your face when Miles was talking about the new national pastime.
But say that you're right, You're right, you better like you better like downtown Vegas. Motherfucker.
When I bring this up, I want to see you guys are right, and I I need to just move with the times I need for the time. You know, I need to stop catching ship right before it drops on my feet. That's yeah.
Otherwise, like that's why I look like a cop because I keep catching ship before it.
Or moving your foot out the way like a coward.
Uh, this is you saw.
So this challenge isn't that dumb though, because what happens is a person drops something heavy on their foot. Then after they yell aUI. They then rate the pain on a scale of one to ten. So that's that's how it's different. But yeah, you're right, that isn't that So this one's not that dumb. You're right, No, no, no, this is way better.
It's like the thing before about the lifting the heavyweights, but they've added like a sequel into They've added a second act where you left heavyweight, then drop it on your foot, and then even a third act wherein you rate the pain.
So this is from ITV news because I mean, predictably, I think it seems like TikTok has pretty much censored the hashtag because something about violating community guidelines around like hurting yourself needlessly and promoting that kind of behavior or something. But here's something from ITV news. Or they were showing just kind of like some of the clips of people that were just just drop his ship on the little feat seas.
And have you seen this trend?
What all right?
So that one looks fucking like nothing, That is nothing. That guy's got weak feet.
He I'm trying to I'm trying to gain how heavy of how heavy bottomed of a boiling pot that was, because if it's.
Just just been pot. So he just dropped them a pasta pot on his foot, and.
Then this might he might be happening. Okay, let's go on, Well it might be really bad for you.
The video show.
Okay, now, this dude's about to drop a fucking air fryer. Yes, this I don't like. But watch how low he gets is.
Dropping increasingly heavy objects on their feet like toasters and brook Okay, he's hamming it up a little TV remote.
Yeah that's all it was.
Yeah, that was a TV remote.
Come on.
I've seen people start with like a tennis racket and then like move their way up to like a full on, like forty million artillery show.
Yeah they have a fortyish jacket's Texas, Baby, you can have world building. Yeah okay, you know right, just I'm just seeing what else.
Time of pain and disability and advice users to stay well clear as it could damage the nerves, bones or joints in your face.
Okay, that's just like a pediatrist's opinion, man, opinion, man, Yeah, I like that they had to go to a pediatrist to be like this cool or what right?
Right? We're good here?
Uh, could we look at the so I really liked this, this one that I mentioned my last pitch from Mondanity that is making cookies, making chocolate chip cookies with trash grabbers, so you can't use your hands, you can only use ash grabbers. And I just like the challenge of it, the creativity, the messiness, and uh, they really seem to be having fun.
I think they also might be hammered.
But like, are they are they high?
Are they almost?
I don't know why are they on trout? We'll probably won't be able to play the audio because of this damn a team theme song. But anyway, here we go.
You get the idea off of basically they're softening that butter. I like that. It's a team effort. Yeah, totally, so it's a team effort.
Okay, this is totally like this is some drunk I'm bored in my cabin type ship. Yeah, you're like, let's make your game out of the objects that.
Are haunting us in this up like summer camp, absolute crippling boredom. Yeah, let's do anything. Let's event a new sport, which is how we got basketball, by the way, so just you know, couldn't James Nasmith was like, teaching a bunch of children at a school and it was like too cold outside to play any of the sports that existed, and like, in order to get the kids to stop like jacking off, he was like, let's let's create a sport that you guys can play inside. Uh, and that hence we have basketball.
It is just so many and so stuff. Was just like, just stop these people from jacking off. Eat this damn cereal instead of freaking jack over there. Goddamn it.
Someone right now is uh, someone right now is pitching Daily's geist to kids to stop them right, like.
To high schoolers. Yeah, just bad pitch.
People the show they can't keep their hands off themselves.
Yeah, I blame you guys sexual attention. Honestly I do too.
Is my wife? I said, look, it is what it is, babe. We got to eat people like what they like, you know.
Check out also our videos on our YouTube channel where we start doing physical challenges that required me to go into the backyard with my ass up in the air for sciences.
Will leave me alone for.
Once we have an ice cream cone filled with bird seed in your ass.
Maybe that's corns are a menace you're.
Putting in the work though, thank you for your service man.
Yeah. Yeah, you have to throw them at like that. You were getting the bird seat everywhere.
I uh I, So like, historically this has been a thing that is like coming gone. There's flagpole sitting is what I mentioned last time, and also phone booth stuffing are two historical trends that totally died out. They were apparently like huge briefly flagpole sitting in the twenties and thirties, phone booth stuffing in the like fifties and early sixties. And then people discovered having sex with each other in the sixties, and we're like, oh, this is fucking way. That's what they were trying to get out the whole time. Is that right? Wait?
So hell might just be a construct to keep me in line. I got sutt down for some sex me.
The phone booth stuff in Wikipedia page has an interesting like run down there, like this was once referred to as one of the all time great fads by the Bridgeport Post shoot all time great fads, but it was considered passe by nineteen fifty nine, and then they say it was a kin in meteor meteoric rise and fall to the earlier fads of flagpole, sitting goldfish, swallowing, panny raids, what the fuck? And to the later fad of streaking.
Okay, what is a is a penny? Is just somebody stealing someone's underwear and being like.
Isn't it from Yeah, like Revenge of the Nerds where you just go in and steal people's underwear?
Wow? Okay, great cool.
I did not know streaking was in this category though, I assume streaking has been a thing since forever.
But apparently it's like right before clothing.
Right, Yeah, yeah, apparently it's I mean there have been like there were like religious sects called like Neo Adam Adam mean or something like, because they're like, we're like Adam Adam. Yeah, yeah, Neo Adamantium Adamites. They call themselves Neo Adamites, and they were like, we're actually naked right now because God. So that's why. Wow, that's a way to tag base. Yeah, you like for everybody up there.
Actually, that's what I'm hanging bread right now.
That's right. But like the idea of like a solitaire person just like interrupting a public event by running through naked started in Carlton College. Shout out to my uncle John who used to be a dean there in nineteen seventy three. Like the first mention that anybody can find is like the local Carlton newspaper being like, these kids are out of control with their rise of class, spirit, low grades, streaking, destruction, drinking, and the popularity of rock dances.
God wait wait wait rock dances like rock like dancing.
Rocks dance, Yeah, go into a dance but playing rock music.
Instead of like a sock hop forfend.
But I don't know, it's that's the one. Like there may be a hope for one of these if you can like get one of these mundane fads to really take off, and like if it has that classic appeal of streaking, you could be a legend. You could create something that's permanent. There's still streakers to this day.
There's still streakers for sure, Like it just happens, like it's still honored in the UK and like New Zealand Australia, I feel like I still see them going hard on the streaking, and I'm like, yeah.
I wonder if there's like a streaking because there is a competition for everything, right, so I wonder if there's like an international streaker league.
You know, you have to disrupt the the biggest public event with the most glorious streak and like stay uncaught for the longest. Yeah, I guess with the.
I feel like those would be like the criteria.
I'm going to say, there's a real opportunity for the current Catholic pope to just go out like the legend, you know, like if he if he just like pulls a streak and the bishops are chasing, but.
He keeps his hat on. The hat yeah, yeah, yeah, he's still got a hat and the shoes. Yeah, for sure, he finally puts on the old popes Like did you ever see the old pope's shoes like that? This new pope is like the one who's like, I want to be just like the beggars, except with like much nicer. Sure, but uh, you know, I don't want all the fancy stuff. The pope before, the one who was like a Nazi youth, was so fancy, Like some of the shoes that he wore like crazy.
He's red red shoes, Yes, the red shoes, the red bottoms, the red bottoms.
Yeah, okay, Cardi, that's what she's talking about.
Yeah, she's severely Catholic apparently.
Yeah, they thought it was giving it up to Papa.
Yeah, you eat it, Papa. Let's take a quick break and we'll come back and talk about our favorite romantic Mark Socker Nerd and we're back. We're back, And yeah he might. He used to be narcsucker Nerd, I think on this show, but now he's a man a sphere Sokka Nerd is like his new energy. He's different.
He's got you know, he's got his uh he's got his laps.
You know, he's been doing.
Some lifts, so he's got he's got the broccoli hair. He's got an amulet, so you know, he went.
Through an ambulet. You know, he went on that nine.
Thousand dollars watch. But uh so there's this clip that's going viral of Mark commemorating his wife's fortieth birthday by doing something that I feel like I'm the terminator at the end of T two, being lowered into the pit because I'm saying to gen Z, I now know why you use the word cringe.
I now understand, and then give the thumbs up, Yeah, Gi Gi giving the thumbs down as a lowered into the fiery pit.
Yeah, it's it's cringe. It is a cringe to be doing this.
If you're doing oh yeah, big ups.
Wait so wait wait wait, okay, birthday. I see this.
I try you heard about this.
I try not to keep up too much with our buddy Mark.
What yeah, dude, he's gonna like Ben's problem. He's gonna like destroy the world. Dude, you should probably keep your eye on this guy. But anyway, this is his the caption for this video that he posted, Your wife only turns forty one. Shout out to Benson Boone for the jumpsuit and new single. And the way we go to this guy going look at this, look at this shan even before we start this video, this setup is my goodness to be an oligarch. But here we go. This is him performing for a captive audience.
Who nothing underneath.
Whoa wow.
He jumps? Whoa Oh yeah, dude, get it in Mark Wow. Yeah yeah. So that is horrifying to my core, this whole of it. Also, first this thing that I was really clocking his footwear.
Thank you.
I think my man is wearing black Air Force ones he needed.
He is wearing the same shoes. So priests and referees are the only people that wear those shoes size Mark Zuckerberg.
Yeah, or like or the football coach at your junior high who had to retire, but he still needs some more hours before he can go on retirement, so they give him one science class to teach and then he's going to run the clock in those exactly exactly like Benson Boone did it.
So this is just recreating like a viral moment from the Grammys this year where Benzon Boone had a tuxio on and then like had this outfit on it and then did a flip off of a Yeah, did multiple backflips. Yeah, this is this is how I learned who Benson Boone was. By the way, this clip so great marketing for him.
Also also we have to say it you know again twenty twenty five notes. If you want to have a breakaway outfit, though, you get a bigger advantage when you break it away yourself.
Yeah it's but in true oligarch fashion, you're like, I don't even do the labor of tearing off my own fake tuxedo. Come on now, Wade slaves hook it up.
And then this m Boone did it with people with women pulling the two sides off of him. I think Nicki Coyser might have been one of them. And it looked cool when he did it with Mark Zuckerberry, it looked like awkward, like yeah, the first time he had been undressed by somebody else.
Since He's like, look, I'm so sorry that we got rid of our whole moderation team, but I've got a better offer for you. Would you like to peel off half of my tuxedo jacket at my wife's fortieth birthday? I'll do myself the weirday, same pay about it.
That's the thing though, It's like recreating a moment right that existed on its own and then trying to say also.
Me, you know what I mean?
Yeah, well I think then it shows sort of how a billionaire even looks at that kind of thing, where it's like, okay, to do the thing that everyone was so into, I just have to wear a blue jumpsuit and jump off a thing and that's it.
And also he had to sing, which, notably you can't really find a version of this where with the original audio. Yeah, it's like trying to find a fucking wailing into that microphone. And I'm sure the actual audio in the.
Room like a post steroids post steroids shirtless a rod pick. You're not gonna find it. It's not happening. You're not gonna find it. Too many stakeholders to keep that. I love though, too All the fucking comments are either like it's a mixture of like oh my god, I love it, or like fuck you asshole, or other ones being like damn you really got the like the filters on heavy for these comments. One the first one that I'm seeing is Hay's up, why you dick riding Trump and his administration? As well as another one you have no talent and she knows you cheated on her. We all do. Whoa, they were tolerable when you were quiet. Maga and broccoli hair got you tripping?
Also, happy birthday to keep it positive to your wife.
Yeah for a second, we for we lost the reason for the season was his wife, and now we're all talking about his fuckery and his you know, just terrible outfits and lack of talent wife.
Who was shown in the video for a split second. Yeah, for like, no one over embarrassment the amount of time that he was Yeah, yeah, that would be funny if you stayed on it. Longer you realize she's at that part.
Actually, let me bring that part up again, because it does feel like completely out of context. You could be like, it almost feels like someone told her another plane hit the second tower. Yeah, yeah, play it back. She She's like, what happened? I'm wailing? Yeah, no, scream of losing a loved one.
I actually, now I want to see this. This is fucking evil. But you guys, I think we're all we're all pretty punchy right now at the end of history, so I kind of want to see this video with audio of like nine to eleven reports for sure.
Yeah, you know he look, yeah, I mean all anybody needs to do is just like put the actual audio over it, or just like recreate what the actual audio actually sounds like with the audio over her being.
Like, no, oh my gosh, this is another one.
But jump suits are such a vibe. I mean, jumpsits are a vibe like I don't know I did, but I feel like an affable dufe is doing something impressive for their wife that's embarrassing. Is I usually like it when the person is not a fucking oligarch who's in the process of just ruining countless lives right.
Yeah, yeah, like goofy and daring is great and obviously no offense to us, but uh, we've succeeded doing that kind of stuff, right, goofy and endearing.
I think we did that. Well, don't know what you're talking about on the stud, but go ahead.
I'm the coolest motherfucker my mom ever met. She told me last night, and she was pat in my back so I could fall asleep because I was crying so bad. What go on? Because I'll call it right now, bro. If you don't believe me, I believe you. I believe all right, I'm sorry going on. No affable goofy thing, though, too really counts on you having a certain amount of goodwill with people that they go sure, oh great, right when you're starting a negative three trillion on some ship the first get this ship out in my fun. Don't give a fuck how many backflips you tried. The only way this would people would have been cheering. It is like if he didn't like knocked himself out because he biff did a backflip, landed directly on his back, oh my god, landed on the crown of his head.
You guys should start a fad, since clearly he's gonna he's gonna try to follow or emulate stuff that appears to make.
Him seem cool. Sex symbols do.
Right, right, right right, So what's what's like the what's the more dangerous version of dropping ship on your foot? And how could you convince him?
Dude? The hashtag Benson boone TBI backflip challenge Dude, you know what I mean, shout out to traumatic brain injuries. They're so in just just hop on so hot.
TBI is so big right now? Yeah, yeah, well, Ben Bowlin, been such a pleasure having you on the Daily Guys. Where can people find you? Follow you all that good stuff? Oh geez, yeah, the rumors are true. You can find me at Ben Bullen in a burst of creativity wherever people use the little at sign. Uh.
There's probably a website out there. You can call my parole officer directly. The number is be And most importantly, you can find me every so often hanging out with the one and only Jack and Miles here on Daily's I guys, tune into Ridiculous History, where you can you can find those guys classing up the show.
Oh yeah, like once every four years When was the last time we were on three years ago?
Gosh, yeah, yeah, it's been too long, man, too long.
We got some history. I've got to be I'm like, you know, offloading historical flexes on this podcast because so long we've got a surplus over here. Yeah, all right, wonderful having you. Is there a work of media that you've been enjoying though?
Yes, I am super in you guys know. I've been on the road a lot recently.
I got super into Uzbek drill wrap, and I'm not sure why. I know it sounds like I'm just freestyling three different words and.
I didn't know that. I didn't know you were pulling from real life when you reference to drill rap.
Yeah yeah, yeah yeah so uh oh.
No, I'm always sharing the screen, but just for just for a quick spoiler if I may. I don't know if we can get away with this, Can I share this?
Yeah, I'm not a bullet yet.
I guess some.
Have no idea. I have no idea. What somebody.
You damn? I like that, But that wasn't drill.
That wasn't drill.
I mean, technically, if I'm gonna get pedantic about the beat.
No, you're right, you're right, you're right, But let's make it about your opinions on music.
Yeah, I mean no, there's opinions and there's facts, Ben, And I think you would agree with that as someone who likes history.
Right. So oh oh, we got the wounded wounded.
Miles. Where can people find you their work media? Yeah, who's back drill? You can find me everything on ad symbols and Miles of Gray. Uh, find Jack and on the basketball podcast Miles and Jack find me on the podcast Beyonce a work of social media, like just because you know the tariffs they are him today, they are and every day.
And I'm sure we'll talk more about what Trump said at his first session a Joint Address of Congress, which happened, like.
We talked about it yesterday. Yeah, I'm friending.
Exactly, dude. But anyway, Uh, this is a skip from missus Betty Bowers dot be Scotta Socio says, I'm down to my last avocado. Do I make guacamole or do I sell it and use the money to buy a lesser picasso? Wow? Yeah? Yeah. Also, you're not gonna make guacamolea one avocado? Come on now?
Yeah, I mean you can make a tiny bit, you can make a little bit, but guatemalle as I call it.
You can find me on Twitter at Jack Underscore O'Brien and on Blue Sky Jack Obie. The number one uh tweet I've been enjoying is from trash Jones. Turns out that light at the end of the tunnel huge fire. Oh I think that about something out.
Also iced Pea at Stupid trash Well on Twitter tweeted a picture of a tombstone of someone named Sarah Jane Gooch Muse and uh, he wrote, I'm.
Reading that as her profession, Sarah Jane. You can find us on Twitter at Daily zeich Guys, rid the Daily zi Guys on Instagram.
We have a Facebook fan.
Page on a website Daily zeiguys dot com where we post our episode and our footnote to the information that we talked about in today's episode, as well as a song that we think you might enjoy. You can also find the footnotes in the description of the episode wherever you're listening to this, Miles, is there a song that you think people might enjoy that you'd like to link off to in the footb Yeah?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, This is a track from the artist's Surprise Chef. Uh definitely done some Surprise Chef tracks before. They have like really dope instrumental tracks, just kind of like sometimes it's like seventies vibes. That tracks called bullyball, which I like reference to basketball, but it just kind of got like that, like when you hear it, you're like, oh, yeah, ninety some reason it sounds right. So this is Bullyball by Surprise Chef, one of the less popular things to call out in a professional kitchen in the.
Show Bear Surprise Chef behind You know what I'm saying, Yeah, you know, Chef and Chef I do we Chef Surprise Chef Chef's hate surprises.
The Daily Zeitgeist is a production of iHeartRadio. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple podcast or wherever fine podcasts or give it away for free. That is going to do it for us this morning. We are back this afternoon to tell you what is trending, and we'll talk to you all then Bye.