In episode 1827, Jack and Miles are joined by comedian, Blake Wexler, to discuss… Market Chaos Good Because Trump’s Balls, When Will These People Learn...? Hate Ain’t It, JD Vance Memes Tap Into A “Deeper Truth” and more!
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L.A. Wildfire Relief:
Texas is fucking wild like it is so everything is so heavy, it's so bad for you. It's like I don't know how. I mean, I'm sure it's just like in the fucking area that we're staying. But it's just like you can't get a vegetable without them being like and you want that like floating in a pool of.
Right, you want that creamed?
No? No, I don't want my apple creamed? Man.
Well that's how we have it.
That's the only way we got it. We got it. We got that apple and gravy or nothing.
Do you want me to cream pie the celery like talking about we hallowed out the celery and we filled it with Bavarians.
So yeah, I got a salad, Like I got a salad thinking I was gonna eat healthy and god damn, it was just yeah, that's my salad. I was like felt felt like a casserole.
Yeah, like they were using the lettuce to justify just eating a bunch of dressing.
Yeah, a salad pot pie.
Salad pot pie? Hey can I get the salad pot pie?
Hello the Internet, and welcome to season three, seventy nine, Episode three of Dead Daily.
Hi guys, it's a production of iHeartRadio.
Those We're still in Texas. Hey, yo, hello Texas christy uh. This is a podcast where we take a deep dive into America's shared consciousness. It is Wednesday, March twelfth, twenty twenty five.
Yep, March twelfth, twenty twenty five. Hey, shout out the homies, Mic and Chris. You turn forty years old today, Bro, Welcome to the washed club.
Of friends who are turning forty today.
On the same day. Yeah, marsh Falls nineteen eighty five. Are they like two of your best friends dude? One? Yeah, like you know, Chris, we met nam out here, and then my other homie, Mike is the dude I started working with in politics with like years later. And then I was like, wait, y'all are both the same birthday? And then they became friends. It was beautiful. It was beautiful. That's crazy. Yeah.
I think I've talked about this before on the show, but two of my best friends in the world, Jose and Chris. Also Chris not that Chris popular name in the eighties. It turned out birthdays within two days of each other. And then my wife is like right in between them. It's oh, I'm just like, what the.
It's weird to these like charts. It's funny because they have friends kind of clustered in pisces aries that time of March April time of year. I have a lot of friends in there. Yeah, and then everyone, all my romantic partners have been like almost exclusively June julybrarys.
Sing Yeah, yeah, I don't and I don't. But when I say interesting, I mean I don't actually.
Like no, it's more like I don't have the cluster.
I reflexively make the jack off hand motion whenever anybody brings up star charts and ship like that. But then like that, I have this like piece of evidence of like the three of like my favorite people in the world born within days of one another. And then also when we were starting, cracked like Jason Pargen, Daniel O'Brien, like all these people were born within like five.
Days of each other, like all the people that you are consulting the charts. I also heard you wouldn't hire scorpios. I cracked. Yeah, yeah, I have enough scorpio policy. Yeah, but I do make the jack off hand wild partners. Let me tell you, guys love a scorpio, but it is national working Mom's Day, National Registered Dietitian Attrition to Day, National Baked Scollops Day. I'm gonna say it like I'm from massive. Damn you got some scollops. A National plant to Flower Day, National Girl Scout Day. Also shout out to the fucking legend. Okay, Jamie Loftus's mom, Jill, who we met, I will bro Jack and I looked at each other. We're like, is this the nicest fucking sweetest human being you've ever met in your life? We were the best fucking blown away anyway, Jill, I hope you're listening. I love you.
Big big Jill fans over here, dude. I was like, I was such a pleasure to get to hang out with Jill and Jamie.
It was so It's just so wild when you meet someone's parent like that, you like, admire, you fuck with heavy or like they're a dope person, and then you see their parent and you're like, damn, man, like you really got it. You get I can see why you're so fucking tough.
Yeah, truly, the just giving, like the nicest, like Pep talks to.
You just need to you have wonderful I'll break the walk and blake Blake's here, like she was putting her hand like on our cheek to be like, oh, you're so sweet, but in this way where like I could feel like pure love being transmitted from the palm of her hand to my body. Miles was on LSD at the time. Yeah, yeah, yeah, well I was hippy flipping but yeah, yeah, yeah, she sold.
It to you.
She's like, oh, Miles, I didn't know you liked them.
Pass ye.
Damn Miles, all right, I don't think we even said. It's March twelfth, Wednesday, twenty twenty five. Scallop, Yeah, importantly baked scollop. My name is Jack O'Brien aka stocks dropped, climb, went down, bubble dump popped. Oh no, that's how Trump's tarriffs go.
That's courtesy of Christy.
I'm a Gucci mane on the discord and I'm thrilled to be joined as always by.
My co host, mister Miles Ground. Come on, it's Miles Gray the Shogun with Nogun the Lord of Lancersham The man can currently eat consumer so much salt in the Lone Star State that my rings are breaking off from how it's swelling to the point that gold is now tearing apart. It can no longer withstand how my body is just puffing up from.
Some stretch marks on your wedding ring.
Yeah, yeah, I was just I was just eating. How was that Fredo pie you ate last night? It was all right, but it was still in the in the period where I couldn't really tell eat. Yeah, yeah, yes, you're just eating something. Yeah, stomach in a weird place. Yeah all right.
Sorry, Hey, speaking of stomach in a weird place, his is on his back. We're thrilled to be joined in our third seat by a brilliant comedian, writer actor whose special Daddy Long Legs is a must watch available on YouTube. You must go watch it after this episode or now just just fucking leave. It's one of your favorite guests. On the other hand, he's the coiner of the phrase plumpers, which is disgusting and should be prosecuted as a crime against humanity. To describe his thighs, it's Blake wax Law.
Hi, everybody, this is Blake Jill Loftus westler a Ka. Plump are my thighs. I ride recumbent bikes. Plump are my thighs. Shorts are elastic without so much fabric that is from car Lobo. I believe car Loobobo, car Loobo, the car Wolf, the car Wolf, goddamn car Wolf. That's right. Wow, Hi guys, great to see you, say great to see you. And on the truth set, the truth.
Of the situation is that carl shorts are elastic when there's not much fabric. So, yeah, that's true where it's never spoken.
No, that's a great thing. Yeah, yeah, it's great to do.
How are you doing.
I'm doing good. I'm jealous of the meals that you've been having. I find that salad pot pie. Yeah, your salad, your New England salad pot pie. Yeah, it's the food in Austin for some like there's a ton of good food cities, but it is heavier in so many different ways, where like a meat at night does sit heavier than like if you go to New York late it had slices of pizza, like you will feel so much worse, like just silk, no soaking from the meat sweats. Yeah, you do have to train your body, but I don't know if that would ever even happen.
No, beef Mayre's delight meat in mourning, I don't I don't have anything and Miles. You know, you know the famous thing, you just ate two sausage patties. Yeah, they're good.
They thought you were getting one. Now elaborate on that. So you thought you were getting one, and you believe the second one came by way of complaints.
Every time I've had they would say, it's like a double sausage patty. This just felt like some ship like this was normal. They're like, yeah, bro, you had a double two sausage patties in there.
We started off double. Anyways, Blake, it's wonderful to have you. We're going to get to know you a little bit better, and I'm all we're going to tell the listeners a couple of things we're talking about. We're gonna talk about the line go down, market chaos, Uh is happening. The mainstream media is paying attention two ways in which the Trump administration baid. But that's because line go down, and so we're going to talk about that and why it's actually because he's good. The reason the economy is going down is because he's good.
Ball. Yeah, mainly it's balls.
And then we'll we'll talk about some mega people who are facing repercussions, such as the woman who tipped her waiter wrote out the word zero you suck, and then some other horrible things and now has a gofund me of being racism for finding out. Yeah, exactly my finding out.
It's a wonderful tale.
And also Elon Musk, I feel like is in the finding out phase in a couple of ways.
So we'll check in with him.
And we'll look at some of these j D bands memes that have taken the world the Internet by storm and ask is there a deeper meaning here? All that plenty more, But first, Blake, we do like to ask our guest, what is something for your search history?
Something for my search history? How to give a dog a massage? I I was thinking recently where I'm like, so you pet dogs, you cuddle dogs, But I'm like, I bet they would want a massage too, especially as they get older and like their joints get, you know, start to hurt. And I googled how to give a dog a massage? And the videos believe or not really fucking weird. So I'm personally taking my foot off because the reason that dogs up for it, Like, what the oh my god, no, but I'm sure that exists.
I want to think about.
That's the natural. Next next they put on like the music, and it was more like rubbing than like kneading, you know, and I'm like, oh, I just want to give my dog like a little bit of a you know, some squeezes in the shoulders and the haunches and you know, pat them on the head is kind of what I was more looking for. But this was a whole, a whole fucking thing. So I think there's different degrees.
Where'd you net out? Like, so, what kind of service did you put? Yeah, reiki? It was.
It was a combination between a reiki and like a light tissue.
I do that to my dog though, because I'm like, yeah, come on, man, you you've had a heart. Like I do the same thing mentally to my dog, thinking like yeah, they'll like this, but I just kind of massage like the neck because I'm like, well, they hold their necks up all the time, so I just kind of like just just work out those neck muscles and not in a way where I'm like is the pressure good? More just to be like here is soothing touch on your neck muscles?
YEA, yeah, I feel like I wanted to do that to my dogs. And they just never fucked with it. They just wanted like little scratches.
Oh they're doing just what this?
Yeah, we all have our preferences as dogs. And speaking of the reiki thing, my now wife and I were like in Lake Arrowhead, which doesn't matter where we were, but it was for Valentine's Day and then we were like kind of hanging out after the dinner. So she like checked her phone real quick to make sure our dog was okay and had like a bunch of messages and her wrote, our hour Rover wanted to give him energy healing like from wow, like and she was like, oh, wait, that won't hurt him, right, And then fifty minutes later she just like, I'm like, you're worse than this lady is, because like she's like, what tell us about his trauma and like insinuating that there was trauma. She's like, he can't be around skateboards. She may have been neutered like two weeks two or or something, and I'm like, what are you doing?
Right? Yeah, it's a real people. Do your dog a scorpio? Actually?
Yea, yeah, he's a scorpio for sure. Introduction of scorpio.
Oh my god, that dog is such a scorpio.
If you like, I don't know what month that is, I'm with you. I can't. I have no tolerance for it. I hate the sky.
Anything, clouds, stars them all the sun, not Drune, not drun, They're cool. Those Angel had a nice conversation with with some people with a drone podcast that we might have to have on this show.
That'd be sick.
Yeah, just how to fly him showing some sick footage that they caught. Damn you shot this in one take, going through a sushi restaurant.
That's sick. What is something flake you think is underrated?
Underrated? Like this is actually a serious like listening to your body and whether or not it needs to massage a talk. No, it's like listening to your body where if it's like, oh, if you're tired, if you're feeling exhausted, or if you feel like you're getting sick, like take a power Oh yeah, no, that's what I used to do. And it's like, oh, it's weird that I've been sick for four years. Maybe I should maybe take some time off. But also like if you want to, like I don't know, if you work out a lot and your like body feels like shit. It's like, hey, like, don't don't do that today. Maybe they can break out today. Yeah, maybe don't work out today. And where did you do this?
Little? Where'd you find this stuff out? Where'd you get this wisdom?
I got this wisdom from a scorpio actually that I ran into on the string?
Yeah, who asked me about my trauma?
The subreddit for cucks who aren't on their grind set?
Is that where you got it?
Frick? Are you?
Where is this coming from?
Why are you talking grinding?
Bro? Are you you're trying to stay You're trying to fuck with my bag by saying shit like this.
Okay, I'm just trying to help people relax and not everybody's like you. Not everybody doesn't have an off switch.
Yo. You ever met my boy Blake, Dude, they call him the pepper mill because you stay grinding.
Oh I told you that in confidence, but that is true. If we're going to stay it on air, they do call me the pepper mill, although.
Pepper mills do take nice long breaks in between when the people bring them out to put the pepper mil on your what's yeah, what's that like for the pepper milk? Where it's like and now what I'm no longer.
I look at the fucking pepper mill and I get so angry because that ship doesn't stay grinding?
Just can I so fucking lazy dude.
Does the wood on the pepper mill need to be that nice?
I mean it feels like that, like specific design, Yeah, but like the kind of wood just reminds you of like a like a chair leg at like an Italian restaurant from the eighties.
Maybe that's where it started. Maybe we're chair leg Yeah, they just bash the pepper corns with a chair leg.
Oh yeah, you want some pepper?
This is any Yeah?
You have you seen the.
Pepper mills that are like motor like they have a motor yeah, yeah, with the battery that makes for no reason as well automate that as much as anything else. But it just makes me angry. I'm like, what the fuck?
I don't know why. In my mind, I think it's somehow less than than if I do it with my hands. It's like my idea there. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe maybe because it's like the same way like coffee people use like the handmill versus like the electric one, because it affects the flavor, but I doubt that's for me.
I'm fine with the motorized coffee grinder, but the pepper mill better be giving somebody a repetitive stress injury in their wrist.
Because otherwise I'm not happy. It better be fucking two feet long.
That better be so long, man, better be better be a pot possible murder weapon.
Yeah, a literal.
A shoulder mounted all right, Blake, what is something that you think is overrated? Overrated? I'm gonna go with hardcovered books or hardcover books. They're too big, they're hard to pack, like into a bag, and they are dangerous where the corners are so pointy, where if you aren't paying attention, that could take an eye out, it could penetrate your skin, Like no one knows what do you mean.
I've always been like this, take an eye out? Were you hardcover book?
So yeah, I'm a team team paperback. And that is a hashtag that is not catching on despite the amount of money I've put into that.
But do they still like?
I feel like it's still the standard process to go hardcover into paperback paperback, like and only if you succeed do you get a paperback printed. If it's some shiit nobody wants to read. They're just like, well, we're not gonna we're not gonna follow through on that.
And they're more expensive too.
They're more expensive. They are way more dangerous. This is like a take that a three year old would have, like being like those things are dan, you know what I mean, or like somebody year old, Yeah, yeah, no, do you have a do you have like a child around the house that recently or you're just you just know not recently.
They've thrown into a fifty year old.
Man, you know.
It's it's funny. I was just reading this thing because I was trying to get a book in paperback and it just wasn't available for fucking ever. And like, I don't want a fucking hardcover book. And there's this article that just came out that it said more publishers are actually, for quote, foregoing books second life in favor of sticking to hardcover ebook and audiobook releases. So they're actually releasing less paperbacks.
Now it's fucked.
Yeah, this is fucked.
And the book jack, I don't like the jacket on books either on hardcovers.
What are you fucking cold?
Yeah, that's what I said of the book.
Yeah, then I throw it in the fire.
That's right, that's right. And then I open up a window at a draft in see how it does. Doesn't do good? Yeah.
And also, you know, as we've talked about on the show, the soft you know, paperbacks, if they're of a sufficient size, can be used as a as a great way to you know, hit somebody without bruising.
Yeah, exactly. Nobody works with someone like grown somebody you're interrogating. Yeah, body with their pants off and their ass in the air. Yeah, face down, ass up.
No, no, no, don't read that one. Don't read that's all right, Blake, thank you so much, thank you, thank you so much. We're gonna take a quick break. We'll be right back to talk about some news. And we're back. We're back, dude, We're back, dude.
And you know, I'm always I've always got the stock app up on my smart smartphone device and.
Just Pokemon go dude. All right, So I have Pokemon Go up. But like in many ways, Pokemon.
Go, like can teach you a lot about the stock market, but I just I just live and die with that thing with the stymander. You know, I'm like everyone does, how's that freaking Nasdac doing.
Dude. You know, it's fucking some p five hund Dude, just focus on the p the pepper because it stays grinding in the ess pepper five hundred. Is that what it actually tell me that I'd be like standards and poor. Yeah, it's up five hundred, but yeah, man, this the line goeth downward. And you know, Trump continues to sort of make good on his promise to make the country as fucked up as possible, and he's had to deal with not only outrage from his voters, but also the oligarch homies and the hyper wealthy buddies because they do not like when stonks go down and the Dow continues to move in the wrong direction. And all Trump did on Monday just to try and like fucking help out like kind of steady things. Was he posted like over like a hundred times in six hours on truth social just anything. Did he really? Yeah, dude, it was fucking wild. It was just ship like retweeting articles that were like Trump's doing good, like just this weird thing.
He's like, let me just tweet out all the the first administration, having like a sense memory of like when things start going bad. He just like starts retweeting things compulsively.
Yeah, it's yeah right. It's like basically if a restaurant had like an account and they just started reposting their five star reviews when they're in the middle of like a racism controversy. They're like, but look at this one. Linda from Mission Viejo loved the penne But anyway, so now this is like become a huge thing with everyone talking from Fox News to the Wall Street Journal being like this is actually bad. Like I don't know what the fuck's going on like this because so many of these people are there's money, he's tied up in the stock market. They're like, what the fuck is like now we're getting touched? Now the fuck is going on?
Now is the big you know, you don't see it until it starts fucking touches money. Yeah, And then all of a sudden, the media cli is like, wait a second, this hold on, this seems bad.
Yeah. The way I still stay wealthy is now being is now in jeopardy because of this guy. And now it's time for the media and Trump's lackey's to sort of tell the people why the chaos is good. There's one that I particularly sticks out to me, this guy Rob Schmidt, who's on Newsmax and one of their stupidest like and that's that's an achievement to be one of their dumbest people on Newsmax. But yeah, this is he tweeted this out just to try and tell people to fucking chill the fuck out. Quote. Yeah, the TAO is plunging. This is happening because we have a president with the balls globalist economic agenda that's decimated American wages and quality of life. This is the pain that comes from real change. It's much easier to just pass the buck. So yeah, Trump's balls are giving you pain. Yeah, that's right.
It's good.
They're two big miles. I've been saying that they're so big. His smoke too, He smoked too tough.
His ball's too big.
I look, I don't give too much of a ship when the stock market is doing well, because that money is just getting funneled upward to corporations and like you know, they use it to do stock buybacks. But when the economy takes an absolute shit like, that's when trickle down economics actually becomes a thing.
That's what it is.
Yeah, that trickles down on all of us. And when the stock market costs down, Yeah, corporations are suddenly like, yeah, we've got we're facing headwinds. We've got to start firing people when it goes up. Yeah, they just keep that money for themselves. So it's a real win win for like five people and lose lose for everyone else. But it's also a little thrilling when this happens, because it does seem to be the only thing that matters to this country in terms of who gets to wheel power is right when the stock fuck the money up, Yeah, don't fuck the money like that, keep the stock on the rails so that the wealthy people and the wealthy corporations that drive everything forward. I wouldn't say progress, but like everything else, like keep the wheels of power emotion, like all that needs the money to go forward. But like the Democratic Party only really exists because they cater to keeping that whole, like the you know, the capital e economy. That's what like they sacrificed, Like that's what Obama sacrificed the hope and change message for when he like bailed out the Wall Street banks. It's you know why Bernie was not allowed to win against Hillary, and then I think like internalized Wall Street journal op eds caused Democratic voters to think Biden was the only real option in twenty twenty. But it also feels like the thing that could be the Jenga block that could cause the second administration to really fall apart, you know, like Trump so Trump like there there definitely seems to be like more pop culture support.
For Trump this time around.
I just found out Tiger Woods like openly endorses Donald Trumps.
Trump said he was the Tiger Woods of presidents during that.
Stupid there's all sorts of rappers who are endorsing him in a way that I find troubling. The real buy in that's important, though, that he had the first time around that he might stop having this time is Wall Street and the massive corporations like and you know, all of his like radical We do things a little different around here. We serve things top us style. We we cut all government programs and policies. If that fucks up the money of Wall Street and like the big E economy. I do feel like that's a thing that might make this second administration like a little bit interesting. Yeah, it might, It might start to the deep state, might start really deep stating on his ass in a way that might make things pretty difficult for him. Otherwise, he's just going to keep you know, he'll be fine.
And these corporations and big money people, they love predictability. They like to be able to predict how much money is going to come in. And when you have a guy making decisions even though his balls are so fucking big, it's.
One thing they didn't take into a camp lake.
As they all backed as they were like, I don't know, man, like, let's just go full Trump.
Let's a ball that is surge the nas sack.
Oh man, Yeah, yes, so one thing we do know about Trump ginormous sacking balls tiny.
Little bit tiny, But who needs one?
We love We love potatoes around here, don't we.
That's right?
But yeah, I feel like it's it might just go in a different direction for him now. Well it's I mean it's clear anytime keeps up, anytime someone comes in and disrupts the economy or like at least the status quo or talks about it, it uses the forces tend to sort of circle around to try and like purge it from the system. But I think in this time, because Trump comes in with such pro business speak, they're just having trouble wrapping their head around the fact that this guy is also absolutely rocking the boat, like in the most fucked up way, and they're like, wait, what wait where all of our capital protecting instincts now or have they gone out the window as they try and because now it's just turning into like begging on Fox News, where people are like, I would tell them, at President, you know, if this is a sales pitch, maybe we need to tweak the sales pitch a little bit and really get people to understand sort of how we look at this long term. And you know, I don't know how people like they're supposed to look at that last tweet and be like, yeah, my entire my whole retire might be in jeopardy because he has elephantiasis day. What is it? The balls and the balls? The thing is, this guy is destroying the economy intentionally, and I know many people are just like, well, he's just dumb. He doesn't He's like he's dumb and doing it on purpose. That's why it looks so fucking ridiculous, because his way of doing it is so absurd. And he talks tough on tariffs and walks it back so then and then threatens them again and again, like you're saying, Blake, it's that unpredictability that sends the markets in the direction that it is. And then while people are fearing like a full blown recession, Trump only worsens the problem when he gives answers like this. A lot of people were sharing this clip of him talking to Maria Bartiromo where she's just like this whole interview was meant to like calm the market and be like I'm gonna throw you soft balls, like saying, you know, do you expect a recession? And then you just say no, You say, this is I'm very confident in what's gonna happen. But this is how this fucking question was handled. When Marie asked the dear leader, because there are rising worries about a slowdown, You've got the Atlanta Federal Reserve say we're going to have a contraction in the first quarter. Look, I know that you inherited a mess and you say, I don't have been here. Are you expecting a reception this year? I hate to predict things like that.
There is a period of transition, because what we're doing is very big.
We're bringing wealth back to America.
Okay, can you answer the recession?
What about?
I hate to use words like recession. I hate to predict anything.
The best it was like and you inherited a mess that been two weeks hours, two weeks. I don't have been here, expect I been here for like, yeah, so this is it's getting bad. And again the like Wall Street Journal has op eds now that essentially, like the distillation of the op eds are like, please stop, motherfucker O. Precious stunks and economy are shiitting the bed. And meanwhile, Gavin Newsom's new bestie Charlie Kirk is telling his years that they need He said, they need to shut up about egg prices just analogies what they do, Like, just shut up about the thing that I was telling you that he's going to make better. And he also told us he's going to make just shut up about it now, okay gas some Newsom? Yeah, yeah, I don't know.
It'll be interesting to see where this goes if he if he's able to.
I don't know.
The one thing that like keeps me from thinking this is going to continue to fall apart is that I feel like a lot of the like stock market and just like market economy in general to this point has been like that they can just kind of will themselves to stay, you know, like they can like during the pandemic, they were just like, I don't know what, We'll be fine, like just pretend like.
Shit is good. We'll raise prices. We'll just yeah, we'll raise crisis and we'll scam peep lands, push push the pain downwards.
Yeah, this was a scary thing about him too, is that I'm trying to find a silver lining in a sack of shit, but like he in a big bald.
Sec of shit.
But he does. He's like the thing that was such a like a scary word in politics which is now probably like fifteen twenty years ago, is he just couldn't care less. Where the guy doesn't say anything that he actually believes in or thinks is true. So he will pause tariffs, he'll take the tariffs away, he'll put the terriffs back, and they'll be like, hey, remember when you tried to pick tariffs and it was destroying the economy, Like I don't we like, let's not talk about egg prices.
Will talk up about it prices it is you just pull this.
Yeah, it is nice to see them going through the exact same thing that Democrats were going through, where it was why doesn't everybody shut the fuck up about all the ways we're doing a bad job? Yeah, that's just the job of the party when they're in hour is like telling their supporters stop protesting guys.
Yeah, yeah, just everybody, wait shop, why are you pointing out all the fucking inconsistencies and what we campaigned on and what we're delivering. This is like hater ration in the nation in this dancery the ration. Yeah, so that's kind of ties directly Blake what you were talking about about. Just the fact that they say whatever is whatever benefits them in the moment is my theory on the jd Vance memes. So our writer Jam was wondering if there's a deeper truth behind these jd vance memes that from Wired, who's the where's that quote from the deeper meaning thing? The deeper meaning or no deeper true? Oh, giz Moto it was the gizmo article.
Yeah, so Gizmoto wrote an article that was arguing that it's these memes are apparently popular across both the left and the right.
The right is also meming him. You've seen those, right, Blake the like toddler face JD Van's me. Yeah, yeah, well they're they're everywhere. Yeah, it's like the new currency of the Internet.
It was after the Ukraine meeting, right that. Yeah, so yeah, like quick background on it. If you're on the internet, you're seeing his bulbous face staring back at you. It took off after the the Linsky meeting, which this one is still my favorite. Like they just took the picture of him saying like you got to say please and thank you missus Winsky and just like gave him the biggest cheeks and he just looks like a big baby and it's really well executed. And then people from there, I mean people have been doing that for a little while, like turning into a cabbage patch doll, but that it really took off, and now it's like all anybody's doing.
I don't know what he actually looks like anymore.
Yeah, there's the overly patriotic Minion is one that I've seen Baron Harkonen from Dune, although yeah.
He looks a little kind of shredded in that one. I feel like he looks like Alex Jones, like in that one where he's kind of emerging emerging from the and head.
Yeah, the his they swapped out his head for the nuclear explosion from the original Akira manga.
Hell yeah, that's.
All great stuff. Although it should be noted that the photoshopping of JD. Vance began on the Republican side when Congressman Mike Collins, as our friend of the show former guest kat Abou put it, Mike Collins yaified Vance's portrait. Do you guys remember this, like where there is a portrait of him and they just like made him look like a chat They.
Just turned him into it. Yeah, it was like it was like it's like ozembic mixed with some botox and filler basically yeah, yeah and human. Yeah, they just made him w yeah.
Just stud instead of around face baby.
And so they they.
Threw the first stone in this battle. But now, like even Fox News is reporting on the liberal trolls sharing the memes and like it's just a great screen cap.
It's wild to have that chiron and like run this image or says liberal trolls share wild memes of JD. Vans and then just show all these brutal memes like yeah, why even I think that's where it's there, is like this weird appeal even to Republicans, where normally like sure, there's always like they'll do the thing, like you know, I remember there was a plenty of outrage reporting on like the shitty memes people would would post of like the Obamas or Biden or whatever. But like in this version, like it feels like they're trying to also be like, look what they're fucking doing to us, but also like they're showing so many that I'm sure people are just like, yeah, that's kind of funny. Though. That looks about right. And when you consider the fact that Republicans are also sharing this too, and again.
Sees like everybody, Yeah, there's a Yahoo article that says but they're equally if not more popular on the right, explicitly pro Trump accounts on x that otherwise spend their time bashing liberals are posting embarrassing memes of their party second in command. I feel it does feel like the catch fucking all over again. I do want to note he tried to get in on the joke. He posted a meme of himself as Leonardo DiCaprio in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, like pointing at the TV. But he of course just combined his face with Leonardo DiCaprio, so he like looked handsomer than he actually is. So he's not not really ready to laugh at himself so much as just once is like, hey, guys, I can so handsome.
I am kind of but yeah.
So Gizmoto's argument is that, like the you know, the popularity of these is evidence that there's something uniquely alien and awful about him, and that the distorted version of his face actually speaks to a deeper truth. And I think there's something true there, Like I think, like i'd say there's something like unacknowledged in his persona, in particular that he went from being like this liberal darling on MSNBC too, like people were like calling him like a hope for like defeating Trump, like on the on the Republican side, to like being business nazi and the vice president in the space of like a few years. And I feel like, you know, it's boring to say, like these guys are empty suits, you don't believe in anything, but there is something existentially terrifying about the fact that the way you get ahead in this current version of our society is to be completely devoid of belief and just like yeah, just be willing to have meaning and belief projected onto you and be completely otherwise empty and not believe in anything. It's just like this like complete nihilism that he represents and the fact that he's just this completely malleable asshole who like succeeds in like going from one extreme to another at a time when you know, people like this is these belief systems are like, you know, liberal versus mega people are like we're about to have a civil war over this, and then you have this guy who just like fits in on both sides. I feel like there's like something existentially terrifying about that. And so to attack that malleability by making up memes about him fucking couches that just seem true immediately, or like bending his face in ways that also seem true like that, it's like kind of attacking him at his using his superpower against him. You know, It's it's true that like I can't picture what he looks like now because I've seen so many and it like I don't know that that would be true of other people necessarily, but because he just there's something he's just a complete fucking cipher.
Yeah, it's because he's liked to your point, because he's so amorphous ye to be able to ascend and to like fit in whatever space he needs to to curry favor or gain power. It's like, yeah, that same amorphousness lends itself to be like, oh, well you now you can actually be anything we say you are. Yeah, like and sort of it like like that's the subtext. Yeah.
Yeah, it's like with spies, like in movies where they're like the perfect spy, someone who's not memorable, you know, and it's like, oh, he is the least memorable person, like from Ohio, you know, like it's if it wasn't for his eyelashes, you know, like, yeah, you would be beautiful.
Like the yeah, and he is. He kind of looks like he kind of looks like one of the dudes who would have who pulled up with Zod in Superman.
He does look like one of the dudes who you know what I mean because.
They also have like kind of the beard with like the smoky eyeliner vibe, and I'm like, yeah, he was creating you were kicking it with odd bro. You were at that one bearded homie?
Yeah, what was your name?
God, what was your name? That wasn't me. I'm sorry, I'm just just here to install your cable. Anyways, let's uh, let's take a quick break and we'll be right.
And we're back.
And we started to see I guess the theme of that that well, I guess the theme of this episode besides that is is consequence maybe for some shady people. So we're gonna talk about two people. One is a woman in Ohio who had a very specific message for her server, yes, at a restaurant, and one of them is Elon Musk. Yeah, but let's start with the woman.
Yeah, I mean, this woman used the medium where all very brave racists go to do battle with people, is to write passive, aggressive messages on fucking receipts to servers. And there's just so many of these fucking like maga fuck around find out stories like that I see on the internet and like their entire youth. There's like an entire YouTube genre of this kind of video where it's dedicated to this kind of content because and I'm well aware that this serves mostly as copium in this time of great distress, but there are some stories that involve just some of the dumbest, hateful people. It's kind of hard to ignore it. So this woman in Ohio wrote down on a receipt after an interaction with a server at a Mexican restaurant, tip zero you suck, then the total, and then the signature was I hope Trump deports you. And she leaves that they're you know, and like the crap out her name. She crossed out her name on the merchant on her version. But you know, if you've been there, you usually get two copies for receipts, So she didn't take that. Her name's emblazoned on it. The server posts it. But wait, what did the server do to start off with? He told he informed this woman that the restaurant had a one coupon per table policy, and this lady, I guess fucking lost it because she thought this was extreme couponing or some shit and was trying to like double and triple up on the coupons. He's like, not only one coup per tape, Okay, that's the feeling.
She wasn't trying to use two either, I don't think right.
Yeah, she was trying to do that shit, like when I used to go to bathroom bed Bathroom beyond with that twenty percent off, and like I had a homie who thought you could bring five in and it was one hundred percent off.
All right, So this one says twenty dollars off, this one says twenty dollars off. This one's twenty percent off. So it's actually it ends up at seven dollars that I vie for that.
I don't know if you just even read the fine print. Yeah, only one can be used per transaction. It's not how math works. So but I just do the math. Five times twenty is one hundred. One hundred percent means the one hundred per that I can take off with these seven hundred towels I bought anyway, So the fucking receipt was blake.
You seem like you have a question, sir. I just got really upset. Another thing, I mean, the whole thing's upsetting. But like the way she wrote out the total as if it was a check.
Yah, know what I mean?
Eighty seven dollars in writing and and then eighty four over one hundred because she trust that this person wasn't going to.
Like a, I don't know, yeah, add numbers to the end, so or yeah, or she's one of those people who is perpetually paranoid about something she read on Facebook about how you need to also write in text because the greedy poor people that serve you the food you fucking eat to live cannot will change the numbers.
Yeah, and your bank wouldn't flag in eighty seven.
Forty forty dollars?
Yeah, what it says here that you forty dollars A yeah. Once this receipt, Once this literal receipt was posted online, this woman fucking scrambled to defend herself. This is so fun, her first instinct. So she goes, this is what she posted on her Facebook. My credit card was lost slash stolen and someone attempted to use it. Thanks for the notifications, she said about this receipt. This has been reported.
First of all, I just want to say thank you. I'm grateful to this to this waiter.
Actually exactly, this has been reported through my bank and then on her link that was on Facebook, then on her LinkedIn because everybody was just fucking giving it to her. Thank you for all the recent notifications of scammers and profile hackers. I recently discovered a lost slash, missing credit card and an attempted you slash purchase. I appreciate your patience while I managed the situation. Oh okay, so she's doing that. I was hacked by my own races some defense. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, okay, that's cool, that's cool. And this is the other thing. So she said she she was hacked, right. The problem is, lady, they have you in fucking four K on security cameras in the restaurant, assholes, so you can't even do You're not even get away with that.
Nice to see the surveillance state work against racism for yah first time.
Yeah, got when I'm now this moment where I'm seeing a racist incident happened on security camera footage. It's not something involving the police. It's just some racist cell phone at a restaurant. Predictably, she was fired from her real estate gig, since you know most most I'm gonna say close, that's not that predictable anymore.
I was. I was actually pleasantly surprised to hear that she was. That's saying she was a real estate agent. Yeah yeah, let me let me guess the people. She was not showing homes through ever, But it's made like generally in the old in the days of in the old days, in the olden times. You know, most revenue generating enterprises know that racism can only get you so many customers. But again, so then what happened was people rallied around the server started to go fund me to support him and be like, let's show him how grateful we are.
He got a little bit of money. And then, you know, which makes sense, especially in a climate right now where people are just cravingly using threats of calling ice or deport like deportation as a way to terrorize a person. It's like, yeah, what the fuck, what are you doing with these people? Then this racist woman decided to do a copycat move and start her own gofund me, which was you think he should get a go fund me. I'll show you this is mine. This is quote. Here's is called Stephanie's Path to Accountability, Reformation and second chance. Wow, this is this is what she wrote in the body of her fucking go fundme. Stephanie Lovin's deeply regrets a mistake she made that has had serious consequences on her life in a moment she.
Can talk about it in the third person. Who did who in this writing? Does she expect us to believe his writing? This? I know?
I mean, it feels like she's gonna end it. Signed is sincerely Stephanie Levin's. But it is in a moment of frustration, she wrote something offensive on a restaurant receipt that she now realizes was hurtful and wrong. Since then, she has faced intense backlash, lost her job and real estate license, and had to move herself from social and remove herself from social media due to embarrassment and harassment. The two great ments of art.
He just didn't realize it, Miles. She didn't realize it was hurtful and wrong at the time. Now she has learned, and this is new information for her. I'm sorry this is It's not fair that everybody is ganging up on her when she just didn't know you couldn't do that.
Yeah, the old, the old Chappelle joke of white privilege of saying, oh, I'm sorry, officer right, didn't know I couldn't do that.
Uh, to try and get out and get pulled over with a white friend of the white friends seeding with the cop. I'm sorry, I didn't know. I couldn't do that, and the cops like, all right, I'll let you off with a warning, so good.
Yeah, I'm just I didn't know. And now I have to get rid of my social media because it's so fucking bad. I'm honestly just get fucked. Like. This is the thing that these hateful people really need to understand. They clearly operate in a world where empathy is bad. That's why they're like the whole fuck your feelings type people so hate naturally seems like a normal thing to engage in. The other side of that coin, is Stephanie Lovin's is that you also, with that kind of energy, you create a world in which no one will fucking help your dumbass out either, because fuck caring about other people. Right, So you have to understand ideologically, if that's full steam, if that's like the that's that's the world you want to live in, because if it's not, if it's everybody else, no one is gonna come to your defense. That's why there's clearly this battle right now for over empathy and how the right is trying to kill empathy to try and get away with all this fucked up, inhumane shit they do to people, and this is the thing. We have to maintain that because just a world that's worth living in is one where you, when you need help, people just don't go, oh fuck you, get the fuck out of here.
You know you.
It's and it's not a utopia. It's just the idea that we care about each other. And that's just the most basic shit. But again, you wrote this on your seat. You're a tough guy, and I bet you walked out of Anger Management and I'll be seeing you shortly.
Hate to see that her GoFundMe has since been removed, because I actually honestly believe the worst about America that like this could become a cause celeb among the right and get her funded.
But on the other hand, I don't know. I mean, there's too many of them right now. I mean, yeah, there's so many people, especially since Trump got elected, that are doing just wild shit doing and hitler salutes and then crying about it or fucking screaming shit and like and then getting like when they get in trouble.
They're like, I'm sorry, I thought that was what's going on.
It's like, no, that could he does that because he lives in a world of different consequences. You live down here with the fucking rest of us. So we're already like this shit.
Yeah, we're about just talking about Elon Musk facing consequences, which he has slightly, and that he lost like a hundred million dollars of his like one hundred two billion or one hundred billion dollars of his like five hundred billion fortune. That is, like, you know, historically the most money anyone's ever had in the history of the world. Like when people are talking about him facing consequences and Tesla's stock crumbling, to your point, Miles, like the Nazi salute is a big deal. I feel like it's getting written at like when people, like when the mainstream media is covering it, they keep being like and people who object to his dose policy and like his dough shit, It's like, no, he is the CEO of a major company that relies on people thinking that company is cool, and he did a cartoonish like obvious like like just couldn't control his body. He was doing a Nazi salute so hard on inauguration Day in front of the whole fucking world. Yeah like that, Yeah, that feels like the big thing that people are probably like, I don't want to drive a Tesla anymore? Are you fucking kidding me? What are you talking about? Why would I ever drive a Tesla now? But like that's not being that's not how it's being discussed. People are like, yeah, he's been a controversial figure with he with this doge, with.
His leadership style.
Yeah yeah, Like, and he's synonymous with that company, like everyone like he's Tesla is elon Ewon is Tesla. It's not like one of these like sock companies that Mark Cuban owns or it's like, you know, Mark Cuban owns this fucking sock company. It's like, yeah, I didn't know that. I guess I'll buy these. But it's he is Tesla's, So everything that he does directly impacts that stupid fucking company.
Yeah, and that's like the thing that gets him, Like, you know, so much of his wealth is built on that, and so much of his the fucking mythos around him as a person is built around how as Tesla's Like, you know, the reason why it overperforms as a stock too is because he's also convinced people when he was like this isn't even like a fucking car company, dude, This is like a future AI fully animated world company that you want to get in now when we literally run everything. And that's how he's hoping to like resurrect this stock, because the whole thing is once he fucking takes a few l's, then he has to come out with some new weird thing and promise people the future and say it actually wasn't about any of the things that I promised before. It's about this new thing and get people more invested. But yeah, now it's just at that point where his actions the fucking the amount of like nazis he like posts that he'll like retweet and like it's just not it's just not even fucking like there's really no deniability around it anymore. But yeah, it is true. Like even in one Rolling Stone article, like they at least they mentioned it and they did like the sort of charitable thing is like and also doing a salute which many interpreted to be a Hitler salute. Interesting, but like just say that's what it was. And I get that they want to be like, well he said it wasn't so just.
To be fair people, so especially like big companies like Rolling Stones, so like they probably their legal team of course, that sh it's just getting you know, lawyered, lawyered down as much as possible.
But well, he allegedly did something that he was showing that he's really into the Third Reich. This is what I'll say, That's one way to put it. But this is him now talking on Fox because all the all of the fucking you know, headlines have been about like, holy shit, he lost all this money. All the stocks are going down. This guy is also part of the whole fucking know problem with the unpredictability of the economy. And also, you know, as we talked about in the episode that came out yesterday, was all the shit with people fucking attacking stores, protesting at stores, you know, vandalizing Tesla's just like just overall people are just like, bro, it's toxic to fucking drive one for the amount of thumbs downs and middle fingers I get. So this is him on Larry Kudlow's show, where he's being asked like damn man, you're fucking you're really taking a ton on by by standing.
Looks like he got like a glow up, like he got a haircut, and definitely got a facial or something for this, and like got styled a little bit because he's not wearing his standard T shirt, black blazer. I think he has a little bit more. No, it's going on because they're like, we need to do something you. You are fucking hemorrhaging Q points right now, right exactly. Please don't show up to this interview looking like Captain Ketamine.
Okay, thank you. Let's fucking act like the CEO.
So this meant qanonots and I'm like, I think he's getting a lot of Yeah, he's getting a lot of.
Q points with QAnon, but not well, what's the cure?
Is that what it's called the Q raid? I think it was like Michael Jordan is the you are still the most popular one, like fifty years later. Yeah, all right, here's Elon. Let's see what let's see because maybe this is the interview where like he is sober for the first time in eighty days and it's like, oh fuck, yeah.
He's actually he's not talking completely all over the but but anyway, this is him being asked directly, dude, what's it like everyone hating you dad just for being a good guy? Call the action you're feeling you're hearing a call to action.
Yeah, you're giving up your other stuff. I mean what you how are you running your.
Other businesses with great difficulty? Yeah, I mean but there's no turning back. You're saying, there's no turning back. Don't feel the silence.
I here trying to make government more efficient, eliminate wats and forward, and.
So far we're making good progress.
There's one breath in there that I worry that I talked over, but it sounded like a little shaky, you know, like, oh, yeah, which one the first one where his eyebrow goes up? No, no, No, it was the second one right before he like went into his answer where it felt like a little bit like yeah.
I think after he goes there's no I think it's when Larry Cudler said so there's no turning back. I think he's like, yeah, made right. Damn, Larry, don't have to say it like that. Yeah, I mean that one. But there's no turning back. You're saying, yeah, I'm just there. There there is.
It's the exhale is is quivering, boy, Yeah, he's fucking quivering.
This is the thing, like I mean, sorry, sorry, just quickly because he's so weird. I could see it also being also like he's quivering from horniness because he like this is what he gets off on, is just people people buying into like the idea that he's fucked and actually he's just I think he's still going to be fine because he's just fucking sabotaged the government specifically in a way to like benefit him financially. But yeah, either he's incredibly horny or he's on the verge of bursting into tears.
I mean, yeah, one way to look at that is like, dude, this guy's about to fucking break down because he's completely fucked over his like financial empire or whatever. But then the other part is too this also feels like fuck boy tears, where you try to cry to try and get people to like forget that you're all the fuck shit that you've.
Done and I'm just I'm just trying to be I'm just trying to do good by the e cunt me, and like they're being all mean to me, like you know, like that it feels kind of like that very sort of elementary level of him of manipulate emotional manipulation.
So I don't know, part of me watches it and is like and the other part is like, I wonder if also in his mind he also seems like the type of person who thinks he can cry his way out of a problem to someone when like the chips are down, some part of me wants to be like, oh, he's scared, But uh, I don't know what's that.
I think it depends on like what is like, which problem are we talking about that he's dealing with? Where I really like that statement, Miles that you say, like the mythos around him, like so much of that is how he sells his companies, and a lot of it is this guy's a gene It's like, this guy's a fucking genius. He's a little weird, but the weirdness helps convey how much of a quote unquote genius that he is. And once you start hopping around on stage like wearing weird outfits, like worshiping Hitler through Nazi salutes and now like kind of fake crying on TV, it's like that's not a person that his supporters or that like people who have money and are investing their money into his company want to invest money with. So it's like, Okay, either he's fucking nuts, he's a he's like you know, Trump's little lap dog, and or he is he cries randomly and he's a he's a racist and Hitler worshiper. These aren't good things to put money in, you know, like even even now today in today's environment.
Yeah, they do like predictability as you as you said earlier, and.
This is that they did not.
I'm sure he did not like pitch that two stake shareholders and he's like, and then I'm going to go out on the on the stage and do the wildest doctor Strange love nazis a lute that you've ever seen. And don't worry, I will do that.
I will do it.
Yeah, get people talking Blake Wexler as always, what a pleasure having you on the data, Like, guys, where can people find you?
Follow you all that good stuff?
People can find me at Blake wexlern all social. I'm starting my little spring thing tour this Thursday. I'm going to be in Colorado, Fort Collins at the Comedy Fort. It's one of the best comedy clubs in the country, So if you're in the area, please stop by there. And then Saturday I'm coming to Los Angeles March fifteenth. I'm going to be a ice house in Pasadena that shows at seven. Tickets are moving for that, so grab those. There's a few left. Kria Sad is a special guest. She's so funny. Max Fox and Tyd Glass will be doing a set on that too. So I'll see you on Saturday. Oh, April fourth through fifth. I'll be in Minneapolis, also beautiful, amazing how long you going to be in town? Twenty four hours? It was not a well arranged crip.
But oh, I felt like I asked you that last time you brought up when we were talking about this show, and I was like, you you were always fucking against me, Dude.
I was, I've always and that was a slight to you directly, Yeah, specifically, specifically exactly.
Is there a workimedia you've been enjoying.
Yeah, there's a Blue Sky post that I liked from Mike Drucker d R U c K E R and it was I can't believe Twitter keeps crashing despite Elon hiring the best nineteen year old interns that racism has to offer.
I just love that.
Oh that's a good one miles where you can people find you as their working media you've been enjoying.
Yeah, you find me everywhere. They got at symbols at Miles of g r a Y Gray. You could also find Jack and Ala basketball podcast Miles and Jack imt Boosty. You can also find me talking ninety day Fiance with Sofia Alexandra on four twenty day Fiance. A little post I like is from Blue Sky. Also from at no Name Shiv nom a shiv dot be skyde on social it says everyone, Wow, being a librarian is so cool. You just you just get to read books all day. Your local librarian. Today, I had to break up a knife fight in the encyclopedia section. Shout out my local Amelia Earhart Library where it was. I think I learned some of my first lessons on like how hard life can be? Was it mean in the public library?
All right?
Couple Blue Sky posts I've been enjoying from at Frovo. Fro Vo tweeted Stranger steps out of time machine. I come from the future, I mean the future, Stranger. Yeah, we call it the future now. And I just thought Chauncey Yonders was like Jack O'Brien must be from the future, and I am and I know that and then fart at. John Hendron tweeted, mister Trump, due to your recent erratic behaviors, I believe you may be suffering from undiagnosed ADHD and or imposter syndrome. Please watch Bo Bundman inside immediately, Bob Bob Budman. But you can find us on Twitter at Daily Zekeeist. Were at the Daily Zeikeeist on Instagram skry. We're also at daily on Blue sky Sky. We have a Facebook fan page that I don't think we've updated many years, on a website dailyzeikeist dot com that I also don't think we've updated many years.
You can go to the episode though.
Wherever you're listening to this, check out the description of the episode, and there you will find the footnotes, which is where we link off to the information that we talked about in today's episode. We also link off to a song that we think you might enjoy. And Miles, is there a song that you think people might enjoy?
Yes, this is a track called Melancholia by the artist Unice or Yonis because the artist it's spelled y O O U n i S. But the guy's real name is Jonas Underhoff. He's a German like producer artist. This track is kind of super laid back vibe, kind of like if you like Mac DeMarco, you'll definitely like this track. Just something nice to have on just to keep things mellow in your sonic environment, So check this one out. Melancholia by yoonis yos.
We will look off to that in the foot note. Zeitgeist is a production of iHeart Radio. For more podcasts from my heart Radio, visit the iHeart Radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you listen to your paper shows. That's gonna do it for us this morning, back to sevenoon to tell you what is trending and we'll talk to you how the bye go Bye